The Rise of the Drackens: The Scaled Bits | By : StarLightMassacre Category: Harry Potter AU/AR > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 169799 -:- Recommendations : 8 -:- Currently Reading : 21 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. All rights of Harry Potter belong to J. K. Rowling. I am making absolutely no money from this piece of fictional writing. |
A/N: This chapter starts in January 2019 and moves on to the end of May 2019 and then into June 2019. It contains a scene of self-mutilation for the purpose of childbirth.
Dragon BluesIt had been going on for months now, Harry thought with a frown. He picked up his baby Lyran and held him close, kissing his soft skin.He looked to Nasta, just slumped in the chair in the garden despite the fact that it was bitterly cold outside, being the height of January and he was wearing just a vest. He’d been doing the same thing for the last several months…ever since his most favourite dragon, the one who he had loved from his very first day on the job, had died last June. He was going to get very sick soon if he carried on.
Nasta had been so devastated that he’d been inconsolable, though that hadn’t stopped any of them from trying to comfort him. Things had only really gotten bad when he’d given birth to Lyran, because then Nasta had really let himself go and he’d withdrawn so far into himself that they couldn’t even talk to him. Harry hated Nasta’s way of grieving more than any of his other mates, because he holed himself up inside and wouldn’t let any of them in. There was nothing they could do to help him, they just had to watch him sitting out in the snow by himself and if they tried to go near him, he snapped at them or worse.
“Is he still out there?” Max asked worriedly.Harry nodded miserably. “He hasn’t moved.”“I’ll go and see him. Again.” Max sighed.“Be careful. He punched Draco in the stomach when he tried to coax him inside.”“Yeah, well Draco still isn’t the most patient or tactile person in the world, is he?” Max snorted. “You go and give this little guy his bath and get him into bed and I’ll see what I can do about Sir Gloomy.”Harry let out a shuddering breath. “Maybe I should be the one to talk to him.”Max smiled, but it was strained. “I promise I won’t call him that within his hearing. I like my throat intact.”Harry gave up and left Nasta to Max. He went up to the bathroom on the second floor instead to bathe his miracle baby. After all the pain and the disruption to his body that the sextuplets had given him, he really had worried that they would be his last set of children. After nearly three years with no sign of a heat period, he’d been almost certain of it.Then he had had a dry heat, suddenly, out of the blue because none of them had been looking out for the signs. He had been so happy. Even more so when two months later he’d gone into another heat period, another dry one, but he didn’t care, he was back onto his normal breeding cycle, every two months.
He’d had three dry heats before he’d had his first fertile heat in three years and he’d been so very happy. He’d caught on his very first fertile heat and he’d just been so happy that he didn’t even care that his mates hovered around him from the moment he woke up until the time that he fell asleep at night, and even then they held his body close and tight as if they were afraid that he’d disappear. After what had happened during some of his pregnancies and after some of the stunts he’d pulled whilst pregnant, he didn’t actually blame them anymore. He had been too happy to care as he got all of his children, and their children, around the massive dining room table to tell them all the good news.
He’d carried his miracle Lyran for exactly seven months at which point he’d gone into his nest and his baby had been born ten days later. He’d been absolutely perfect in every way. His pregnancy had been a breeze, his nesting had been textbook, he’d actually gone overdue, one of only a handful of times that he had actually gone overdue instead of birthing premature, but his newborn baby had been just perfect. Everything was perfect and after four years of not having any baby at all, suddenly his arms were cradling a newborn again, they were doing night feeds and nappy changes. They’d dealt with everything as easily as if the four year grace period had never happened, even dealing with Lyran’s very first Dragon Pox vaccine the other week, in which everyone had been covered in tears and snot and even vomit, but in his eyes, his month old Lyran was perfect.
“Mum, are you okay? You don’t look well.”Harry looked up, an automatic smile on his mouth for his recently turned sixteen year old Mace.“I’m alright, Mace.”“You don’t look it.”Harry sighed. “Between your Dad Nasta and Xabiere getting suspended, the whole mess with Saeth and now Evie has mated right away too. Not to mention Braiden’s just had another baby, Georgie is pregnant again and Farren is trying to protect her and look after Sinclair as well. It seems like everything’s a mess.”“It’ll be alright, Mum.” Mace assured him and threw those massive arms around him and hugged him tight.He felt like he was the child in his Father’s arms with the height difference between him and his Mace, who was over a foot and a half taller than he was. That made him chuckled and he pulled back and brought his sixteen year old’s head down to kiss his forehead.“Don’t worry about Evie, we’ve been owling one another and everything’s fine. Judy is awesome, they need another mate though, so they’re going back now in a week or two.” Mace informed him.“You’re a good boy, Mace. Things will get better, I know they will, it’s just your Dad Nas is going through a very bad time.”“He really loved that dragon, didn’t he?”Harry nodded. “Yeah, he did. She was his favourite and she was old when he started at the Dragon reserve forty odd years ago. He knew that she wouldn’t live forever, but on the other hand he never expected her to go so suddenly.”“He never said, but was she sick?” Mace asked.Harry sighed. “Yeah, she was really bad in the end and she stopped eating. The Handlers couldn’t tempt her with anything and Nasta even special ordered her most favourite meat, but she didn’t want to know, she wouldn’t eat anything. There was nothing that the Handlers could do, nothing your Dad could do. They just had to watch her die. I think that’s what upset him worse. Just, try to be kinder to him for a bit.”Mace nodded and Harry patted his side and moved towards the bathroom to bathe the sleepy Lyran. He couldn’t help but feel like their lives were falling apart yet again.It wasn’t just Nasta being all depressed, moody and distant, but that certainly didn’t help, especially not with Mace and Evie having their inheritances a few months ago and having Xabiere at home for two months because he’d been suspended, not that Harry blamed his son for beating that little shit to a pulp (not that he’d ever verbally admit that little tid bit to any of his children), but by far the worst thing to happen was finding out that their fourteen year old Saeth was being abused and harassed while in school.
Harry had felt sick as he held his hysterically crying baby in his arms and listened to McGonagall tell them that Xabiere was being suspended for beating another kid to a pulp and that their Saeth had been sexually assaulted. Their already quiet little boy had been even more so over Christmas and they still hadn’t found out if anything more than touches and forced kisses had occurred. Saeth was being incredibly tight lipped about everything, but they did find out that it had been going back as far as Saeth’s second year, when he’d been just twelve!
After that little piece of information had come out, Lucius had exploded and he’d made sure that the boy who’d dared touched their baby was expelled before any of the Drackens in the family found him, because every single one of them wanted the bastard dead and each of them would have done it personally if it hadn’t been for Lucius stepping in to handle things more level headedly…and legally.
Three months of having to dodge Saeth’s protective, and pissed off, quadruplet brothers Ceri, Ethan and Jason, and the boy didn’t put up much of a fuss when he was told that his, already severe actions, had just become that much more severe with new information and that a line had been firmly crossed. Harry believed that it was the reminder that not only Xabiere would be back in the school in the new term, but Mace would be too, Mace who happened to be in the same house as him and as big as a tank, that had had the eighteen year old accepting his expulsion so readily.
Saeth had stopped creeping around the school according to the last letter from Jason, since the bastard had been expelled. Harry was glad, he could breathe easier now that the threat to Saeth was gone, it was exhausting to try and control his urge to go to the school and obliterate the threat to his baby. He’d been controlling himself excessively since he found out that his Saeth was being abused, it had gotten harder during the Christmas period, seeing Saeth so quiet and miserable and he’d had to force his Dracken into the very depths of himself to prevent him from taking flight and going to kill the kid who’d hurt his baby so badly.
Harry sighed and undressed his month old Lyran as he filled the bath with water. These last few months had been disastrous, but he had his miracle baby after four years of having no babies at all. It felt like bliss to hold him close to his chest, to dip his little bum into the warm water and watch indulgently as his sleeping face screwed up as he was disturbed. It was adorable.
He washed Lyran lingeringly and thoroughly. He didn’t really want to go back downstairs to Nasta. He understood that his mate was hurting, but the distance between them hurt him. Being ignored by his dominant, being pushed away emotionally and even physically when Nasta was in a mood, it was like a white hot knife to his heart. He couldn’t deal with it, so he would leave Nasta to Max. He wasn’t happy with Nasta anyway, for punching Draco earlier, there was no excuse for it.
“Come on, Lye.” Harry cooed. “Let’s get you dried and warm and get you into bed.”Harry cuddled his son dry before he got him into a clean nappy and dressed him in one of the white night dresses that all of their children had worn, just because they were so much easier than fighting with a bunch of poppers and leg holes at three in the morning.He climbed onto his bed and swaddled his little boy up in his blanket and he rested back and he started humming as he rocked Lyran in his arms, watching those greyish, slightly blue tinted eyes looked up at him, before Lyran yawned and blinked his eyes closed.
Harry grinned as he brushed jet black hair out of Lyran’s eyes. He chuckled to himself. One of Draco’s children, with jet black hair. It wasn’t totally Potter hair, so Draco wasn’t that upset, but it did have a tendency to stay stuck up in odd places, particularly in the mornings when Lyran had just woken up, and after his naps too.
Harry sighed as he put Lyran into his bassinet by their bedside and he really didn’t want to go back downstairs, especially as Blaise had put their twelve youngest to bed already. Their Faerie twins might have been eight years old, but they still needed as much sleep as they could get in order to develop properly.
Lian was their oldest child at home as he’d just turned eleven in December, well, after Mace that was, who was home because of his Dracken inheritance, which was playing havoc with his temper and he was still having trouble controlling the urge to shift. Max was working with him daily, but with Nasta separating himself from them all in his grief, things were not looking good for any of them.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XIt was late May when Harry realised that something wasn’t quite right. He really didn’t feel right, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. His Dracken was rebelling furiously at something, and fearful that it was to do with Saeth, he was burying his Dracken further than he ever had before and he’d had a few dizzy spells and nauseous moments because of it.“You look green, are you sure you’re alright? You’ve been strange since you had Lyran.” Blaise told him.“I’m sure it’s nothing.” Harry insisted as he spooned more pureed pears into a five month old Lyran’s mouth.“Mummy, I want my beaker.” Emerus demanded.“I’m feeding your brother, ask one of your Dads’ to get it, love.”“No, Mummy get it!”“Just give me a moment then, Emmy.” Harry insisted as he spooned the mush from Lyran’s chin and poked it into his mouth.“Now!” Emerus demanded, stamping a tiny foot.“Stand in the corner. Four minutes.” Nasta snapped straight away. “Your Mother told you to wait.”Emerus did not go quietly and Harry’s head pounded as Lyran hit his hands against the highchair tray. Nasta was getting better, slowly, but he was still short and snappish, even with their children, as he’d just shown.His Dracken side screamed inside him and Harry growled lowly and shoved it further back. He couldn’t deal with his damn feral Dracken at the moment. He had enough on his plate at the moment without his Dracken side butting in too.
“Come on, Lyran, just a little more.” He coaxed with a forced grimace.“Ma na.” Lyran cooed with a giggle, bashing his hands against the tray harder.“Right, I give up.” Harry sighed, dropping the spoon into the bowl and standing up.“You never give up feeding the kids every last spoonful.” Max said concernedly.“Yeah, well today I am.” Harry snapped, very bad temperedly.“Are you sure you’re okay?”“I’m fucking fine!” He snapped louder, more violently.Max sighed and dropped his head into his hand before he sat back up and rubbed at his face. “I’ll sort out Lyran, just…just go, Harry.”Growling, Harry stormed out and he felt his hands clenching and his body was aching like he’d run a marathon up a mountain. They hadn’t had sex since shortly after Lyran was born and it was not helping their moods at all. One night of sex while they’d been taken over by the excitement of the coming Christmas festivities was not enough.They’d gone five months now without sex or really any sort of intimacy at all, he couldn’t even remember the last time that he’d kissed one of his mates and it brought tears to his eyes as his Dracken roared inside him. Maybe he should plan a surprise for them, but then with the way that he was feeling himself, he’d more than likely tear their throats out. He just didn’t know what to do to make things better.
He cupped his post-pregnancy pouch and scowled at it. It had been five months since he’d birthed Lyran, he shouldn’t still have his fucking pouch. That pissed him off too.
“Where are you going?” Nasta asked, coming out of the living room, having put Emerus in the corner for his time out.“Max kicked me out of the kitchen.” Harry grumbled.“Are you sure you’re okay? You look flushed.”“Because I’m fucking angry and I’m sick of everyone asking me if I’m alright!” Harry shouted.Nasta snarled at him and Harry was forced to still and duck his head when he wanted to leap up and tear Nasta’s face off.“Go to the bedroom, stay there and calm down.” Nasta ordered him and Harry took a deep breath and followed Nasta’s order as he didn’t have any other choice, but he made sure to glare at his mate as he did so, letting him know exactly what he thought of him for ordering him around like an animal.This stress couldn’t go on, it wasn’t fair on their children. Lyran had been born into this atmosphere and didn’t know anything different. Hell he’d been pregnant with Lyran when all of this had started, though back then Nasta had tried to curb himself for the sake of his pregnancy. Now he didn’t bother. It couldn’t carry on, something had to be done.He climbed onto his bed and lay down, just resting and trying to think of something that he could do to help the situation, but he just didn’t know how to help Nasta get over the loss of his favourite girl, Caronwyn. She’d been so special to him, he’d loved her so much and he’d known her for forty years, he’d cared for her, helped her birth and rear her numerous young, treated her when she was sick or injured. They’d had a special bond and now she was dead, wasted away before his very eyes while he watched on, helpless to do anything for her. It had been almost a full year since she had gone and still Nasta wasn’t over it.
A spiteful, hate filled part of Harry’s mind taunted him that Nasta hadn’t been this upset when their own children had died. That he hadn’t grieved for this long when they’d lost their babies, but he squashed it viciously. Thoughts like that wouldn’t help anyone and would only enflame the situation.
Harry stayed up in the bedroom all afternoon, just lying comfortably on the bed and thinking and trying to find out a way to sort out the hideous situation that they were all trapped in, but without Nasta’s cooperation, he didn’t see any way that anything he tried would actually work.
“Harry! Dinner!” Max yelled up the stairs.“Coming!” He shouted back.“You better not be without me!” Max shouted back and Harry laughed for what felt like the first time in an age.Harry sighed and with a smile he rolled himself up and off of the bed…only to feel a ripping sensation and a white wash of absolute agony.He collapsed to the bedroom floor with a scream and his Dracken side took advantage of his mental distraction and ripped itself out of him for the first time since he’d birthed Lyran, throwing up exceedingly strong wards and screaming as the pain almost rolled his eyes back into his head.
Hammering on the door did nothing but disturb and annoy him and he screeched in anger and pain as he tore the fabric away from his body with his claws.
He pulled the little cradle right to the side of the bed before he climbed back onto it. He sniffed and purred approvingly as he scented his mates. With another wave of agony and an inhuman screech, he made himself comfortable, got onto his knees and spread them, letting his belly fall between his legs for easier access before he cut into himself and screamed louder.
Carefully, using the claw of his index finger, he cut into his belly and the sac underneath and plunged one of his hands into his body, using the other hand as a guide to push down on his pouch to make it easier for him to grab the baby’s neck. He moved his hand inside himself slowly, feeling around carefully and gently, slipping his fingers over the umbilical cord, past a skinny, stick like arm and he wrapped them around a tiny, brittle neck and he pulled out a baby.
He put the baby on the bed and he put his hand back inside himself and felt around. Not finding another baby, he tore out the placenta and used a strip of ripped fabric from the cover he was sat on and he tied off the cord. He screeched and screamed in pain every time he moved so much as a fraction, but he was thankful to hear the baby crying underneath his own screams.
He pulled the tiny baby up and onto his chest as he screamed anew with the pain that it caused him to lift even the slight weight of his newborn. He was screaming long into the night, long after the baby had gone to sleep and when he finally stopped screaming, it was because he’d fallen unconscious due to sheer exhaustion.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X“Nasta, what’s happening?” Draco asked fearfully.“I don’t know.” Nasta answered just as worriedly as he tried to break into the bedroom, where Harry was screaming without stopping.All he could think about was Harry being on the other side of this flimsy wooden door, in absolute agony, screaming himself hoarse. All sorts of scenarios were running through his head, from Harry falling and breaking a leg, to poachers being in his house and torturing his submissive.“We can’t break these wards.” Blaise said worriedly. “They’re too strong.”“No luck with the window.” Max said as he jogged back to them. “The entire room has been warded, I could get through the en suite window, but the bathroom door is warded too.”“Harry!” Nasta yelled out, hammering on the door. “Please answer us!”Their only answer was another screech of agony. They paced the corridor and called in their family members to help, but no one knew what was wrong or what had happened. Alexander rounded up the terrified kids and took them back to his house with Kimberly while Richard and Aneirin tried everything they could think of to get into the room.Nasta wished that Myron were there, he would have known what to do. Instead he had to scrub a hand through his greying hair and figure out what was happening himself.
Harry didn’t stop screaming until eleven at night, about six hours after he’d started, and when he did, it was a sudden, immediate silencing that made Nasta’s spine stiffen, his wings flexing behind him as all the hairs on his body stood up on end. That sudden silence wasn’t natural.
“Harry!” He yelled, banging on the door as hard as he could. “Harry!”All night they waited, banging on the door, listening and worrying about what the screaming and the eerie silence meant. Was their submissive, their amazing Harry, dead on the other side of their bedroom door? His heart clenched. He didn’t want the last thing Harry remembered of him to be himself ordering Harry up to the room he was in now, shouting at him, angry with him.“Please Harry. I’ll be better, I swear!” He promised to the door and the silent room beyond. “Please, I’m sorry I’ve been a bastard for the last several months, I’m sorry. Just please be okay. Please.”They heard nothing from the room, nothing for hours and hours and hours. It was mid-morning, almost twenty-four hours after Harry had started screaming, when they finally heard a loud grunt from the room and the rustling of fabric.“Harry!” Max yelled, banging on the door. “Harry, can you hear me?”“Yes.” Harry grunted back, sounding as exhausted as they’d ever heard him before in their lives. “Someone get me a painkiller….and a Healer.”“You need a Healer?” Draco asked, terrified.Harry grunted the affirmative and Nasta took charge.“Max, pain potion. Draco, call the Counsel Halls and get them to send over a Healer immediately.”The two of them were gone and Nasta tried the door to find it still warded.“Harry, love, can you take down the wards on the room?”“Can’t move.” Harry groaned.“What happened?” Blaise asked.“Awful.” Harry grunted. “I didn’t even know. I can’t see how it happened. What happened?”Nasta’s heart clenched as Harry sounded so lost and afraid with those final two words. He sounded close to tears. He just wanted to be in the room with his submissive so that he could hold him and comfort him.“Please take down the wards, Harry.” His Father, Aneirin, coaxed. “Push through the pain for a moment to pull down the wards and then we can help you. You can’t take a pain potion if we can’t get it to you, can you?”Harry chuckled painfully and Nasta actually felt the wards fall they’d been that strong. He all but ripped the door from its hinges and the first thing that hit him was the heavy, pungent smell of blood with the tang of stale sweat and urine underneath it. The sight that met him was of blood and destruction. The bed sheets were ripped and tangled and there was blood everywhere. It was congealed in the carpet, splashed on their bedside table and even the wall and it was congealed more thickly on the bed where Harry was lying naked and painted the dual bright and dark red of fresh blood and the rust brown of old, dried blood. There was a gash in his belly that was still bleeding sluggishly.Nasta rushed to him and pulled his fangs out, tearing into his own wrist before offering it to Harry, who turned his head away.
“Please drink.” Nasta urged, his voice breaking.“Can’t. I need to wait for the Healer. It’s been open all night, I think it’s infected, if it’s closed now, you’ll be closing in all the bacteria.” Harry explained, panting hard, his forehead sweating profusely.Nasta swallowed painfully and he nodded, running to the bathroom to grab a clean towel and rushing back to put pressure on the open wound.“What happened, why did you do this?” Blaise asked as he tried to pull a bit of hair, stuck to Harry’s forehead with a smear of blood and fresh sweat, out of his eyes.“I believe this might have something to do with it.” Aneirin said as he reached into Lyran’s bassinet, which had been pulled over to the side of the bed, and pulled out a bloodied newborn with a stub of umbilical cord.Nasta’s heart stopped beating for a moment before his head snapped to Harry.“You were pregnant! You didn’t even tell us!” He said in a shocked, hurt whisper.“Didn’t know.” Harry burbled. “Thought the bump was just the pregnancy pouch left over from Lyran, but it wasn’t. I didn’t have a heat period, no morn…morning sickness, I didn’t have cravings or nesting ins…my Dracken was trying to tell me. That’s why I’ve been so…so agitated. I was pushing my Dracken aside because I thought it was….was just angry at you, but it was trying to get me to realise I was…that I was pregnant, trying to get me to nest…I’m so stupid.”“You’re not the only one at fault.” Ashleigh told him, laying a hand on his head and gently caressing his face. “None of your mates realised that you were pregnant either. I didn’t even realise and I was here just the other week. No one realised, Harry.”Draco rushed back into the room with a massive man following urgently behind him who would have put Max to shame. He was wearing the lime green over robes worn by Healers and he had a calm, reassuring air around him.“I’m Georgio Alessandri.” He introduce in a deep, bass voice. “What’s happened here?”“He gave birth, but we didn’t know that he was pregnant.” Nasta explained. “He didn’t have any of our blood to drink.”Georgio nodded and immediately understood the implications. “How long has this wound been open?” He asked as he knelt by the side of the bed and peeled the towel from the wound.“About twenty hours.” Max replied as he looked on worriedly.Georgio just nodded calmly as he opened the bag he’d brought with him, pulling out a case of potion vials.“I know you!” Harry burst out suddenly. “You’re Henley’s brother-in-law! You mated to his sister.”Georgio blinked and looked at Harry from where he’d been carefully inspecting the wound.“Yes, you know Henley?”Harry nodded. “He was at my mate meeting. His first ever meeting. We’re friends now.”“Harry Potter?” Georgio asked.Harry nodded.“Right then, I suppose I better take very good care of you, because Henley will scalp me if I do anything to harm his good friend.”“He’s scared of you, you know.” Harry babbled.Georgio smiled sadly. “I know. It’s his Father’s fault. I’m just glad I got my Clara away from his vile influence. He should never have become a Father. Now, let’s concentrate on you, Harry. I need you to drink these down for me, but it’ll be painful and they are some of the vilest tasting potions in existence.”Max took the potions from Georgio and efficiently unstoppered them and got Harry to swallow them down, even though he didn’t want to and tried to dribble the potions back out of his mouth with a strong grimace.Georgio patiently applied another potion to both sides of his wound and did a complicated wave of his wand, watching the gash very closely for any reaction. He nodded.
“He was beginning to get the start of an infection, but it wasn’t too bad so the potions that I’ve given to him will take care of it. I’ll leave two additional potions, one to be taken in six hours and the other tomorrow morning, but if one of you could give him some blood, it’ll be safe to close up this wound now.”Nasta did so immediately as Georgio cleaned off his hands and then took the blooded newborn from Aneirin, checking over the baby carefully and replacing Harry’s makeshift cord clamp with a proper one from his bag before he declared her completely healthy, but in need of a bottle because she was dehydrated and a blanket because she was a little chilly.“The kids are going to do their nut.” Richard cackled.“Alexander is going to do his nut.” Harry chuckled hoarsely.“I’m doing my nut!” Max said. “I can’t believe you were pregnant. Healer, do you know what gestation the baby is?”Georgio smiled and he checked the baby over again. “I would say that Harry carried to five months.”“I must have fallen pregnant just after we had Lyran, it was the only time that we were…you know.” Harry said.“I told you having sex in front of the fire after he’d only just given birth would come back to bite us.” Draco huffed.Harry laughed tiredly and accepted the baby, now wrapped in a blanket, from Aneirin as Ashleigh went to get a bottle. He cuddled with her and sniffed deeply, making sure that he had her scent locked in his mind, that he had taken in her scent properly yesterday. He did and he had.“I think I already have a name for her.”“You do?” Max asked in surprise. “That’s unusual. Normally it takes several days before you get a name.”Harry nodded with a smile as he looked down at his newborn daughter. She had a tuft of black hair and a soft, pale pink mouth, her lips slightly cracked because she hadn’t eaten anything since she’d been born.She hadn’t cried either, she’d just slept with him and wriggled a bit in the crook of his arm before he’d woken up and rolled her gently into the bassinet next to him and he’d fallen back asleep. Ashleigh came back with the bottle and Harry took it and fed his baby girl, watching as she suckled it quickly.
“She’s yours, Nas.” Harry said as he watched her feeding.“She is?” Nasta asked thinly, his voice wavering.He could have lost this child, the thought had been hounding him since he’d realised that Harry had been pregnant, that all this was because he’d given birth. Anything, anything at all could have happened to Harry, to their baby and he couldn’t get that thought out of his head. Knowing that this sweet baby girl was his, it made his arms ache to hold her tight and close. He wanted to hold Harry tight and close. He’d been terrified standing outside the door, listening to Harry screaming for a reason he didn’t know or understand. When he hadn’t known what was going on or why.“I was thinking…she wasn’t planned, we didn’t know we were getting her, she took us completely by surprise. It’s almost like fate.”“What are you babbling about?” Draco asked. “How strong was that pain potion?” He directed at Max.“It was a strong one, strongest one that I had to hand. He had a gash in his belly.” Max insisted.“I’m being serious.” Harry scowled.“I’m just saying that your track record with naming our children while under the influence of a pain potion is questionable.”“Well the name’s stuck, so deal with it.” Harry huffed.“What have you named her?” Nasta asked with a smile, trying to ignore the bed that was soaked with Harry’s blood and urine as he sat close to his mate and offered him his body to rest against.Harry took the offer and flumped on Nasta’s chest and handed over their newest daughter before he dropped her. The pain potion was making him feel drowsy and floppy.“Caronwyn.” Harry said softly. “It’s almost the year anniversary of her death and we all know how badly it’s been affecting you, Nas. We didn’t plan her, we didn’t know about her, what are the chances that we’d have a baby daughter, who happened to be yours, on almost the year anniversary since you lost your Caronwyn? I think she is trying to get back to you, Nasta. You shared an incredibly strong bond and she wants to come back to you, so she is back with you. Caronwyn Angharad Potter-Delericey. She’s as feisty as a fucking dragon too.” Harry burst out before he yawned and slipped lower on Nasta’s body, placing his head in his lap and closing his eyes. “Baby dragon.” He murmured softly again before he drifted off, the very strong pain potion knocking him out for the count.“He really is hopped up on pain killers.” Max laughed nervously. “He might change his mind when he wakes up.”“How many times has that actually happened?” Draco interjected. “None!”“I was trying to be helpful.” Max hissed.“Lying is not being helpful!”“Stop it.” Nasta ordered them calmly. “We have Harry and a newborn baby to think of now. I made the mistake of sinking into my thoughts and depression after our Lyran was born, I won’t make the same mistake this time. Things can’t carry on as they were before. We almost destroyed our own family…I almost destroyed our family. None of us noticed that Harry was pregnant, none of us clicked, even though the signs were there if we’d just bothered to look, if we’d cared for him more and looked harder! They could have both died last night because we’ve been biting and snapping at one another, because the stress and anger has been clouding our minds.”“So, you’re okay?” Blaise asked carefully.Nasta brushed a dark tuft of hair from a tiny, pale face. He looked up and smiled. “I’m going to be alright. After all…I have my Caronwyn back now. What do I have to be unhappy about?”“You…you don’t mind?” Max couldn’t help but ask.“No. I think it’s a wonderful idea. I loved my Caronwyn. I loved her so much and seeing her, so lifeless and tired, wasting away before me. It hurt me so much, but…” Nasta looked back down at his tiny newborn daughter and he smiled. “I can think of no better way to honour her than to name my newborn daughter after her and my beautiful sister. The dragon I loved so fiercely and passionately and the woman I have always looked up to as my role model, as my everything. I can think of no better name for this amazing, yet terrifying, surprise.”“So, everything’s going to be fine now? No more moping about, no more sitting out on the porch in the snow, no more fighting and biting at one another and we can actually cuddle in bed again? No more lying poker straight like a board with several inches between us all?” Max asked.“No, no more of that.” Nasta said as he rested a hand in Harry’s hair and stroked it softly as he slept on his lap. “On a very subconscious level I think that Harry knew that he was pregnant. He already said that his Dracken side knew and was trying to tell him. That would not have helped his mood and that would have hiked up his stress and his aggravation as he continued to ignore the signs and the warnings from his Dracken, who was trying its best to get out and the stress of holding that back would have pushed Harry to the edge. It’s not surprising that he was snappy and short tempered with everyone. I’ve been the same because of Caronwyn’s death and we’ve all been feeding off of one another. Between the grief and the depression I’ve been feeling and the Dracken raging and railing inside of Harry over this Caronwyn being formed inside him, I’m surprised that we’re all still alive.”That made them all smile and Nasta sighed, kissing the baby in his arms and tucking her blanket more securely around her tiny body.“I think today and yesterday has proved exactly why this cannot happen again.” He breathed softly. “We can move on from this and we need to pay more attention to our beautiful, wonderful submissive and our children. Our family is what matters and I know I’ve been terrible and distant and looking back, after last night, I feel awful about that. I hate myself for letting it get so bad, for letting myself get so bad and for hurting you all so badly. I just want us to move on now.”“Well then, moving on. I can’t fucking wait to introduce Caronwyn to the kids! Wait until those buggers in Hogwarts come home in three weeks to find a new baby! Let’s invite Braiden and our other older kids to dinner and show them their new sister!”“You are having far too much fun with this, Max.” Draco told him.“I agree with Max!” Richard declared. “This is hilarious. I can’t wait to tell Alexander. In fact, I’m going to do that right now.”“Richard.” Ashleigh warned and then when her mate just upped and left she huffed and followed him.“I’ll leave you boys to settle then.” Aneirin laughed and he and the softly smiling Georgio left, after being asked yet again if Harry and the baby would be alright.“They’ll be just fine. Remember to give him those two potions and I’ll be back to see him soon. He didn’t tear any internal organs, the placenta came out whole and I could detect no problems other than the slight infection. The baby is doing wonderful despite none of you knowing about her. She’ll be just fine. Just keep her warm and fed.”The five of them were left alone with their newborn daughter and they took a moment to breathe and take in a moment of silence for it to sink in that Harry had been pregnant for the last five months, that he had given birth last night in their bed, that they now had a newborn daughter named after Nasta’s dead dragon and Nasta’s dead sister.“We’re going to be fine.” Nasta said, finally breaking the silence that had fallen.He carefully manoeuvred Harry off of his lap and got him onto the bed and he stood up, kissing Caronwyn and putting her into Lyran’s bassinet.He went to their wardrobe and got down a clean set of sheets.
“Someone pick Harry up carefully please. We need to change those sheets.”“I’ve got him.” Draco said as he stepped forward and picked Harry up. “I’ll give him a quick wash too, he’s covered in blood and he’s wet himself too.”“Don’t get that wound wet.” Max warned seriously. “It won’t fully close for another few hours and the potion can’t be washed off.”“I’ll help you to make sure that it stays dry.” Blaise said as he tore his eyes away from the baby and followed after Draco. Max stayed to help Nasta remake the bed.“Are you sure everything is fixed?” He couldn’t prevent himself from asking.Nasta smiled softly and pulled him into his arms, kissing his forehead before kissing his lips, slipping in his tongue. Max responded immediately, happily and passionately as he gripped at Nasta and caressed the back of his body, touching as much of him as he could. He couldn’t remember the last time any of them had kissed like this, or even just held one another like this. It felt good. Really, really good.“We’re going to be just fine. As we always are.” Nasta told him with a smile. “We’ve survived almost twenty-two years of mateship. It’s a bit ridiculous of us to throw it all away now, isn’t it?”“Very ridiculous.” Max agreed. “Now let’s clean this bed up, sort out this carpet and sort out our new little Princess. She’s going to need excessive love and care to make up for the five months she was alive and we didn’t know about her.”“I thought I was going to have a heart attack.” Nasta admitted.“Me too.” Max sighed as they worked together to sort out the bed, taking off the bloodied, urine stained, torn up sheets.“Take Caronwyn downstairs and see if she wants another bottle and I’ll burn this bed set and clean this carpet and see if I can clean the mattress or if we need to buy a new one.”Max did as suggested and he smiled as his new daughter wriggled in his arms and let out a soft noise.“It’s alright, Princess. You’re going to like this family. You might not think much of us from your time in the womb, but that’s all behind us now. We’re going to love you so much and your big brothers and sisters will love you too. You have a never ending supply of love and protection, though from what your Mummy is babbling you won’t need that protection, will you baby dragon? Just wait until you meet the family, they’re just going to love you…and how you came into the world.”Max chuckled as he made up a bottle and offered it to Caronwyn. She suckled for a bit and took in another ounce of milk before she fell asleep on the bottle. Max tried to wind her, but she just dribbled in her sleep, so he gave up and left her in the kitchen bassinet as he made up tea for the three of them, and one coffee for Blaise because he was going to need it.His other dominants wandered down and Max handed out the mugs with a smile, all of them just soaking in the peace and quiet of their house.
“So…what the fuck just happened?” He said with a laugh.“I know how you feel.” Blaise said as he gulped down another mouthful of hot coffee. “This time yesterday, we had absolutely no clue Harry was pregnant or that we’d be getting a new daughter today. This is insanity.”“What are we going to tell the kids?” Draco groaned.“We’ll have to tell the older ones the truth. That we weren’t taking proper care of their Mother and as a result we missed a five month pregnancy and their Mother had to birth their new sister in our bed with no supplies. The younger ones, we’ll just tell them that they have a new sister, they should go for that.” Nasta said sadly.They all nodded and it was the strangest thing as they couldn’t keep their eyes off of their newborn daughter. To think that they hadn’t known that she was even there, let alone that she was ready to meet them. They hadn’t been prepared at all for Caronwyn to arrive and now that she was here, right here in front of them, it was a little hard to digest.“We need to set up a second bassinet for her and find some old bodysuits for her to wear until we buy new ones.”“Some of Lyran’s newborn bodysuits might fit her, though she’s much smaller than him, hell I’ll eat my fist if she’s three pounds and he was eight and a half pounds born.” Blaise said.“She’ll have to swim in them for a few days until we get out to buy her some new ones.” Max said with a smile as he sipped at his mug of tea.“Emerus was about the same size. What did we do with his bodysuits?”“Didn’t we donate them?” Nasta asked with a frown. “Or did Harry pack them away up in the attic?”“We’ll ask him when he wakes up, until then, Caronwyn will have to make do with Lyran’s newborn suits. He’s only been out of them for four months, they’re as good as new, really.” Draco replied, sighing at his white tea. “This needs Firewhiskey.”“No, no Firewhiskey. Its early afternoon. Later, when we have the kids back and they’re in bed, then we can have Firewhiskey.” Nasta told them.“You really have had a shock, haven’t you?” Max chuckled.Nasta nodded. “We all have.”“I’m going to invite our kids’ home for dinner. I’ll tell them that we have something to share with them.” Max said with a grin.Max left the kitchen for the living room and Nasta sighed and shook his head. “I can’t believe that this has happened. Poor Harry.”“He’ll be fine once he rests up a little.” Blaise insisted. “He’s a lot stronger than we ever give him credit for, this only proves it. He was pregnant for these last five months and he just carried on and dealt with it. He gave birth alone, with no supplies and he’s fine and he’s alive and he’s going to recover. I swear he’s unkillable. If that scum bucket, Voldemort, couldn’t even do it when he was just a kid, a little baby, then nothing is going to be able to.”They all took a moment to just rest and think as the house was silent around them. It was rare enough that they got a moment to themselves, especially with such strange circumstances as this one.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XIt was early evening and they were all settled around the table, Braiden was there with his two mates and their two children. Farren was wrestling his two year old son away from Regan’s hair while his pregnant mate, Georgie chatted to the equally pregnant Ave.Calix was teasing his younger siblings and everything was all out mayhem.
“So what did you need to tell us?” Braiden asked with a smile.“Where’s Mum?” Taren asked looking around.“That’s…that’s sort of what we needed to tell you.” Nasta said softly. That shut all of them up and they looked at them with wide eyes.“Is…is Mum okay?” Leolin asked quietly, his one arm clenching reflexively around the almost four year old sleeping in his arms.“I’m fine.”Nasta spun around and hurried to his submissive. He caught Harry around the waist, supporting him as he hobbled into the kitchen with an arm wrapped around his very sore belly.“You look terrible, Mum!” Tegan gasped. “What happened?”“Nan-nan.” Sinclair burbled with a grin and a drooly mouth.“Farren, you wipe his chin.” Harry ordered as Nasta got him sat down.Farren chuckled and pulled out a cloth and wiped Sinclair’s chin of dribble.“What happened, Mum?” Braiden asked concernedly.Harry sighed and accepted the cup of tea from Max.“I don’t want any of you kids to worry.” He insisted. “We’ve just had a bit of a shock, that’s all.”“You do look bad, Mum.” Eva said worriedly, biting a plump lip.“As it turns out, my hormones after Lyran were…well they were a little more messed up than we first thought.”“What your Mother is trying and failing to tell you is that we were intimate just after Lyran was born and because his hormones were still exceedingly high because of Lyran, your Mum conceived another baby right after.”“But…that would mean that Mum is five months pregnant. Why didn’t you tell us before?” Tegan asked, brushing her shoulder length hair from her hazel-gold eyes.“Because we didn’t know, sweetheart.” Harry sighed. “I look so bad because I gave birth last night. To your baby sister, Caronwyn.”“No way!” Calix burst out. “Really?”Harry smiled, more of a pained grimace really, but he was trying and he really was very sore.“Yeah, really.”“But, wouldn’t your Dracken have known?” Georgie asked worriedly.“It did know, honey, but I’ve been ignoring it, pushing it away, mostly because I was afraid that it was trying to come out to kill the kid who hurt Saeth, but it was trying to tell me something different. I just wasn’t listening. I gave birth without ever knowing that I was pregnant in the first place. I gave birth with no preparation, no supplies, not even any blood.”“How did you heal your caesarean incision?” Braiden asked in concern.“I didn’t. It was open from when I cut myself open until earlier this afternoon, when I pulled down the wards and let your Dads in with a Healer.” “It was open all night?” Regan gasped.Harry nodded. “I had a small infection, but nothing serious. I have potions to take that’ll clear it up and your sister is fine too. She’s a little small, but she’s perfectly fine and she’s doing well.”“I can’t believe this…I mean, you thought you were infertile after the sextuplets, now you’ve not only had Lyran, but just five months after he was born, you’ve had another baby.” Eva chuckled. “Whose is she, anyway?”“Your Dad, Nasta’s.” Harry said with a smile.“Hold on, let me go and get her so that you can meet her properly.” Max said with a grin as he left the kitchen to pick up the newborn, who was drowning in a blue bodysuit that had been tight on Lyran before he’d been a week old.“Lyran’s too small clothes?” Farren guessed.Harry nodded. “As I said, we weren’t prepared at all. We’ll have to go out and buy a few things. Thankfully Lyran was planned and we have a good stock of nappies and wipes.”That got him a laugh as Caronwyn was passed around and cuddled by her big brothers and sisters.“Why Caronwyn?” Tegan asked.“Your Dad Nasta lost a very precious, much loved friend whom he had known and cared for, for forty years.” Harry explained. “I thought that it would be nice to honour her and to give your Dad Nas someone to remember her by.”Nasta kissed his cheek and held him around the shoulders, murmuring to him in Welsh. Regan started laughing, as their very language affluent child, he understood more than Harry did about what Nasta was saying. Harry had never had an ear, or the tongue, for languages.“What did the little ones think?” Calix asked.“They’re so excited you’d think it was Christmas.” Blaise laughed.Harry smiled. He hadn’t been there when his mates had told their younger children, he’d still been sleeping upstairs, but hearing that his younger ones were excited brought a smile to his face, even if it was a small, tired one.“She’s beautiful.” Boden grinned. “She looks like our missus over there.”Braiden chuckled as he looked at their oldest daughter, her jet black hair tied and clipped up as she played on the kitchen floor with the two year old Sinclair, the almost two year old Tess and the almost two year old Jen.“She really does.” Braiden said with a grin.“So, we have a new sister and you’re going to be okay?” Leolin asked, his dark gold eyes narrowed as he scrutinised every inch of Harry, an absolutely tiny three, almost four, year old being clutched tightly to his chest.“I’m going to be fine. Your Dads’ however might not be, get back to me at the end of the week and we’ll see how many of them are missing limbs.” Harry smiled tiredly.“This has been a massive shock for us.” Draco tried.“Oh? You think you had the massive shock.” Harry huffed. “One minute I’m lying in bed, the next I’m going to get up to go down the stairs for dinner and I go into labour!”“That’s why we want to take extra special care of you.” Nasta said softly with a loving smile, kissing the side of Harry’s head. “You had a massive shock and we want to pamper you a bit, especially after giving birth to our little girl.”Harry sighed exasperatedly, but he smiled. How could he argue with that?“Okay, fine. But if you get too overbearing, my claws are coming out.”“Duly noted, love.” Max said happily. “Now, who’s hungry?”Harry couldn’t help but smile as he looked at all his older children around the table, some with their own families now as he watched Braiden canoodle with his mate, Rowan, their new baby Byron clutched safely and securely in his arms.“Do you want to pass him here, love, so you can eat properly?” Boden asked softly.“It’s alright, Bo.” Braiden said with a laugh. “I’m the oldest of thirty-nine now, how many brothers and sisters do you think I’ve had on my lap or in my arms while eating before? Mum taught me how to do it properly.”Harry grinned as he looked down to Caronwyn, tucked into his left arm as he used his right to eat slowly. He liked knowing that just by doing something like this, he had taught his children to be better parents. He winked at Braiden and kept an eye on Leolin purely out of habit. His little Unseelie had flourished in a fully grown man, and a tall one at that. Or at least he was tall to him at his meagre height of five, five. Leolin had grown to be five foot nine and even as he watched, one wing (wrapped around Leolin’s torso under his shirt) fluttered ever so slightly as he talked excitedly to Taren, his arm still wrapped protectively around the child sleeping in the crook of his arm.“Have you told the kids at school?” Farren asked as he wrestled with Sinclair, yet again, over him throwing his chicken at his Granddad Max, who was not retaliating or taking any notice at all because Georgie wanted Sinclair to stop such behaviour and had asked them to please not encourage him. They respected her wishes, so when Sina had a terrible two’s moment, they ignored him and left him to their Farren and Georgie.“No, we didn’t think it was something we could say in an owl and they’re home in a few weeks, so we’ve actually decided to wait.”“I need to be here when you tell them.” Calix laughed. “I want to see their faces.”“Especially Mace.” Regan joined in. “Nothing ever fazes him. He’s like Superman…or James Bond!” Harry laughed with everyone else, but looked back at Caronwyn as she shifted in his arms. He tucked her blanket more securely around her shoulders and neck and he kissed her rosy cheek.“Oh god, Farren. Take Sinclair and change him, please.” Ave begged. “My sense of smell is heightened at the moment because of this new little one.” She added as she patted her swollen belly.Farren grinned at his little sister and put his knife and fork down, picking up his son.“Come on, Stinky, let’s get you freshened up before you choke the table.”“Did I just hear you call our son names?” Georgie asked sternly.“No, of course not, my love!” Farren said with a wide smile.“You better not have.” Georgie teased.“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Farren laughed as he took Sinclair to the downstairs bathroom to change him.Harry smiled as he watched them. He was very proud of his children and he was very pleased with the mates that his children had chosen for themselves. Boden especially was a wonderful person and he worked so hard for both of his mates. Harry strongly approved, which made his Braiden very happy. He was a very happy man, because his children were very happy. It was all he could ask for for them really, as a parent, as their Mother. That they were happy, settled and well cared for and they were for the most part. It made him feel accomplished, it made him feel like a successful parent. He couldn’t ask for any more than that.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XThree weeks later, in the last week of June, Harry was snuggled on the settee while his almost five year old sextuplets ran riot. It had been impossible to get them into bed to sleep because they knew that their big brothers and sisters were coming home tonight. And because the sextuplets were running riot, all their other children were up and running riot too. Rosalia was the only one sitting quiet, even Cyneric and Kallan, the usually calm and watchful twins, were screeching excitedly.The front door opened and Max ushered in ten chatting teenagers who’d just had a several hour train journey home.
“Acie!” Eiren rushed out the living room door and went to barrel into his big brother Mace, who dropped his trunk and swept the excited four year old into his arms. “We have spise!”“You have a surprise? Let’s see it then.” Mace answered as he carried Eiren back into the living room and he was immediately swarmed by the younger siblings he hadn’t seen in months.Harry smiled tiredly as he watched all of them get attacked by younger siblings.“Calix!” Mollie cried out and when she saw him and she went to hug him tight.“What are you doing here?” Xabiere asked him.“Can’t I come to see my brothers and sisters? You’re graduated now, Xabe. You’re officially a man and out of Hogwarts.”Xabiere smiled. “It feels good to be starting on this new adventure, but I will be sad to see the back of the castle. It was like a home away from home and I’ll miss it.”“I missed it a lot when I graduated.” Calix said with a reminiscent smile. “But you move onto new things and you replace school with work and the castle with your own home. It’s not so bad.”“There’s no rush.” Harry told his Xabie. “I’d love for you to stay here for as long as you want.”“If you had it your way, you’d have them all still here.” Max said as he threw an arm around Xabiere’s shoulders and kissed his temple.“Dad!” Xabe complained furiously.“What? Can’t I show love to my son? I’m very proud of you!”“Be proud of me without slobbering all over me!” Xabiere scowled.“Oh, I see how it is. Your Mum can kiss you, but I can’t!” Max pouted.“Mum’s, Mum!” Xabiere reasoned. “Only he can kiss me like that.”Harry chuckled and shifted under his blanket.“Are you alright, Mum?” Senna asked with a frown. “You don’t look well.”“We have spise!” Emerus repeated with a bounce.“This is your surprise? Mum being sick?” Mace demanded. “I thought you meant Calix being home! This isn’t a surprise, it’s horrible!”Mollie crawled up next to him and laid her head on his shoulder, placing a tiny, pale hand on his forehead.“You feel really warm, Mum.” She said worriedly.“Because your Dads’ have me wrapped up in my winter pyjamas, under a blanket, in the middle of June. I’m roasting under here, love.”“Don’t you move.” Max warned seriously.“I’m not moving. See, this is me sat here, slowly cooking, because you idiots are being overprotective again.”“Can you blame us?” Max asked darkly.“Have I moved?” Harry demanded. “There is such a thing as killing someone slowly under tender love and care, you know and that’s exactly what you’re doing.”“What’s wrong, Mum?” Mace asked, hauling his sixteen year old sister up and throwing her to the side and taking her seat next to him.“Mace!” Mollie huffed as she slapped his thigh. Mace didn’t even grunt at the slap.He placed his own hand over his forehead and Harry smiled.“I’m fine, your Dads’ are just over reacting, as per usual.”“But what happened?” Saeth asked worriedly, looking pale, drawn and sick himself.“Are you alright, Sae?” Harry asked, equally as worried.“He’s being sick in the mornings.” Ceri tattled immediately. “He wouldn’t go to Madam Pomfrey.”“Why are you being sick?” Harry asked, narrowing his eyes.His mind immediately jumped to pregnancy after his own surprise birth and he looked critically at Saeth’s belly under his tee-shirt. He didn’t know if he was being paranoid and seeing things, but he was looking a little more rounded than usual and Harry’s heart missed a beat. If his baby was pregnant by that filth then it needed to be sorted, because it meant his little Saeth was a submissive like they suspected, but it would also mean that the filth who’d been harassing him had been a dominant. It would cause all sorts of complications with Saeth’s Dracken side and with the baby and the Counsel too. It needed to be sorted.“I just…I have nightmares about him, Mum and they…I feel sick when I wake up.” Saeth admitted quietly. “Maybe this isn’t the best place for this.” He added with a pointed look to the several curious, upturned faces of the younger children.“Once they’ve gone to bed, then.” Harry said seriously.“What’s making you ill, Mum?” Serra asked with a frown.“Nothing, love, honestly. But you know I had Lyran a little while back?” Harry asked and Calix cackled from his seat. Harry gave him the look that he deserved.“Yeah, is he okay?” Ethan asked concernedly.“He’s absolutely fine, he’s fine.” Harry assured quickly. “He’s upstairs asleep. But you know that it takes a while for the hormones to settle down after giving birth?”“Yeah.” Xabe said slowly with incomprehension.“Well, your Dads’ and I, we were intimate just after Lyran was born.”There was a chorus of ‘ahs’ and ‘ews’ at that as all his children pulled faces and covered their ears in disgust. Harry rolled his eyes and waited for them to settle down.“I fell pregnant again without a heat period because my hormones were still very high after just giving birth.” He told them once he had their attention again.“Really?” Jason asked excitedly.“Did…is the baby okay?” Xabiere asked, jumping to the worst conclusion because Harry looked so bad.Harry smiled. “She’s absolutely fine. You have a new sister.”“When will you have her?” Serra asked with a grin.Harry laughed. “I already have, had her. She was born on the twenty-ninth of May. Her name is Caronwyn.”“Like Dad Nasta’s dragon?” Mollie asked.Harry nodded.“Why didn’t you tell us that you were having a new baby?” Xabiere asked. “We were all here until we went back to Hogwarts in January and Mace didn’t come back until it was almost February.”“Mummy didn’t know about the baby.” Rosalia told them, pushing her blonde hair out of her blue eyes. “The baby was a surprise.”“That’s what you meant!” Mace exclaimed to Eiren, who nodded with a grin.“I had no clue that I was pregnant and I didn’t know about Caronwyn until I went into labour on the twenty-ninth. It was a massive shock to me and your Dads’, but Caronwyn is doing very well now.”“And you’re going to be okay?”“I’m going to be fine.” Harry insisted. “I’ve been very well looked after and the Healer has come to see me several times now since I gave birth, just to make sure. I’m going to be just fine, so I don’t want any of you to worry. Me and Caronwyn are going to be fine.”“That’s good to know. So, where is Caronwyn?”“Right here.” Nasta said as he brought the kids attention to him with the tiny little girl in his arms in a pale pink and white sleepsuit.“Ooo, I want to see.” Mollie said as she rushed to see her new sister.“She’s gorgeous.” Mace said as he had the advantage of being taller than Nasta and thus being able to look down into his arms over everyone else’s heads.“Pick me up so I can see!” Serra demanded of Mace and with a chuckle he did as he was asked, hefting the thirteen year old up to see their new baby sister.“Me too, Mace!” Senna complained.Mace sighed, but he shifted Serra to his other arm and then used his free arm to pick up Senna.“Be careful, Mace.” Harry fretted. “Don’t lift them both together.”“It’s okay, Mum. Honestly, these two weigh the same as a blade of grass.” Mace said as he proved how very easy he found lifting them by using the twins as he usually used his dumbbells.Harry rolled his eyes, but he let out a breath and relaxed back into the settee. He shifted his legs and Max and Nasta’s heads both snapped over to him.“I’m not getting up.” He told them exasperatedly.He hoped that this behaviour didn’t last much longer. It had been three weeks and he was still confined to the settee and he still wasn’t allowed to go up or down the stairs. Though of course there were perks, like Nasta hand feeding him little chunks of chocolate and having them all at his continuous beck and call.If he called out for one of them, they dropped what they were doing and immediately came to attend him, because they knew that if they didn’t, he’d just say fuck it and he’d get up and get what he wanted himself.
It was annoying, but after the last several months where they hadn’t been intimate or loving towards one another at all, forcing them to carry him everywhere, demanding kisses and being hand fed his favourite treats more than made up for being confined to the settee, though the novelty was fast wearing off.
He winked at his kids who giggled as he slipped a foot out of the blanket and Ellette giggled and clapped her tiny hands together.
“What are you doing?” Nasta asked with narrowed eyes.“Nothing.” Harry said innocently.“I know that tone.” Max said. “That’s the, I’m doing something naughty that my amazing, loving mates wouldn’t like, tone.”Harry couldn’t help laughing.“Mummy being naughty.” Errai cooed.“Shhh.” Harry said with a chuckle.Nasta handed the baby over and came to tuck him back in, pulling the blanket out and re-tucking his foot back under.“You know the price for tucking me in!” Harry sniffed.Nasta smiled and bent down, kissing his mouth softly.“So, you’re all okay now?” Xabiere asked. “I know things were…difficult, over Christmas.”“We’re fine.” Nasta said with a smile. “Everything is fine and we’ll prove it in the coming months. We had a bit of a rough patch, but that’s all over and it’s behind us now.”“It better stay behind us too.” Max grumbled. “Who wants tea?”“I need a refill.” Harry told him.“I’m going to get these little ones to bed. Some of them look ready to drop.” Nasta said.“I’ll help.” Calix said as he stood up and cracked his back.“You’re getting old.” Ethan laughed.“Brat.” Calix teased good naturedly.Harry had Caronwyn back in his arms and he cuddled with her as his family moved around him, laughing, joking and teasing. All the stress and tension had evaporated, but it was still there, lingering like a heavy cloud at the back of their minds. They couldn’t just forget the last year of their lives. It was much better than it had been, but as Harry watched the kids being herded up the stairs to bed while his older kids shucked their robes and shoes and rushed around helping their Dad Max with the tea and drinks, he couldn’t help but remember the pain of the last several months of their lives.He smiled when Mollie handed him a cup of honey tea though and he got Saeth sitting next to him so that he could keep an eye on his poor boy. They needed to have that conversation soon, that was going to be painful too, but it needed to be done as his boy sat morosely on the settee and quietly stared at the same spot for several minutes.
“How are things going with your counsellor, Sae?” He asked lightly.Saeth startled and looked at him, before biting a lip and nodding. “Good. She’s really nice and I like talking to her.”“Do you feel better for having talked to her?” Harry asked.Saeth nodded. “Yes, I do, but I’m still having these nightmares. I can’t stop having them.”Harry nodded. “When I was seeing a Mind Healer several years ago, it actually triggered my nightmares, but you know, once I sorted through them all and talked it all out I felt much better. Eventually the nightmares got less and less until I woke up one morning and realised that I hadn’t had a nightmare in months. Things will get better, love. I promise that they will.”Saeth stayed quiet and cuddled into his side. Harry wrapped an arm around him and played with his hair, kissing his temple before resting his cheek on top of Saeth’s head.“I’m sorry that this happened to you, baby. I’m sorry that we couldn’t protect you or help you when you needed us to, but I swear it will never happen again and we’ll do whatever it takes to help you. We love you, Saeth and we always will, no matter what happens.”“Even…even if things get worse?” Saeth whispered.“Even if they get worse. We’re your parents, Saeth and we’ll always have your back and we’ll always stand by you. If things get worse, then they get worse, but we’ll all help you through it. You have brothers and sisters who would do anything for you too. We want to help you and get you through this, but you need to talk to us, sweetheart. We’re not mind readers…well, I have long since suspected your Dad Draco of being able to read minds, but he just gives me that look of his when I ask him.”That got him a small chuckle and he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply as he held Sae to him.“Things will get better, love. I promise. You have your family, Saeth. A family who love you very, very much and only want what is best for you. Trust us and we’ll help you through this.”Saeth remained quiet and Harry didn’t push or press him. He trusted Saeth and he knew that when he felt ready, he’d come to him, but until then, Harry would make absolutely sure that he remained open and accessible to his son, so that he could come to him at any time when he was good and ready.His hurting son went to bed soon after that without saying another word and Harry sighed, checking on Caronwyn in the crook of his arm. The beast responsible for Sae’s situation might have been punished and removed from Saeth’s environment, but his son was still affected and far from fine.
Harry hoped that the counselling eventually helped Saeth as it had done for him when he’d been going through it because of the Dursleys.
His kids didn’t know about that part of his life, or if they did, they didn’t let on. He suspected that his older kids knew, they had laptops and knew how to Google and his name was linked to the Dursleys thanks to the court case and the Muggle media. All they’d have to do was Google him and they’d find the old newspaper reports and they all knew that he’d been raised in the Muggle world and hadn’t known that he was a wizard until he was eleven and about to go off to Hogwarts.
“You look lost, are you okay? Has the pain potion worn off?” Max asked curiously.“No, I’m pain free.” Harry sighed. “I’m worried about our Saeth.”“Did you notice that he seems a little more…pregnant, too?”Harry groaned. “Yes, I noticed. We’re going to have to speak to him about that. If he is pregnant then he needs help and our support, as well as the help of a medical professional.”Max nodded. “We’ll see now. They’re home for the summer, you never know, he might come to us himself.”“Or he might not be pregnant.” Nasta butted in.“You don’t think so?” Harry asked.“Xabiere has just told me that Saeth has been layering up. Sae seems to think that the more clothes he has on, the less chance anyone has of touching him.”“Or he’s layering up to try and disguise a baby bump.” Draco added with a sigh.Harry bit his lip. “We need to talk to his counsellor and to Saeth. Whether he’s pregnant and trying to hide it, or layering up so no one can touch him skin to skin, I don’t like it.”“We’ll get it sorted.” Nasta told him seriously. “We’ll look after him, but for now. Let him sleep under his own roof and let’s get you two to bed too.”Harry looked down at Caronwyn and he smiled. He was worried about Saeth, but he also trusted in his ability as a Mother and his mates as Fathers’ to work this out and sort it for their son. Now that they had him home, they could assess and sort it more easily than when he was at school, relying on his brothers and sisters to send owls about how he was doing and begging the teachers to keep an eye on him.Harry was carried to bed by Blaise after saying goodnight to his teenagers as they ate a late dinner and promising to see them in the morning. He and Blaise put Caronwyn to bed and then Blaise tucked him up, slipping under the covers with him.
“Don’t you want to stay up for longer?” Harry asked with a yawn. “You know I’ll be asleep within minutes, the pain potions still make me drowsy.”“No, I could do with an early night. I’m on the graveyard shift tonight. I’ll be up with Lyran and Caronwyn, so an early night will do me good. Plus I get to hold your luscious body without anyone muscling me out of the way.” Blaise purred as he slipped both arms around him and nuzzled at his neck.Harry chuckled and turned around in Blaise’s arms and curled up against his chest.“Watch your scar.” Blaise cautioned him.“It’s alright. It doesn’t hurt. The pain potion will be effective for another several hours at least. I’ll be fast asleep by then.” Harry replied as he snuggled in happily.“Get some sleep then. You need to recover.”Harry hummed. “I still can’t believe I had her.”“I still can’t believe you named her after a dead dragon.”“Nasta loved that dragon and I love Nasta. Besides the Dragon handlers named Caronwyn and it really is a beautiful name. It means beautiful, loved one and really, isn’t our daughter beautiful and loved?”“She is. It’s a lovely name.”They fell silent and Harry yawned against Blaise’s chest. He struggled to keep his eyes open and finally just gave in and kept them closed as Blaise touched and rubbed at his back. He didn’t remember when exactly he fell asleep, but one moment he was awake and the next he was fast asleep.He’d sort out his family problems tomorrow, but until then he really needed some sleep and with him going to sleep so early and with Blaise being on the baby night shift, he was guaranteed to get it. His mates really were being incredibly overprotective of him, and overbearing about it too, but it was a damn sight better than the previous several months and he would take anything, even this frustrating mollycoddling, over the stress and tension of before any day. At least no one was biting someone else’s head off, or throwing a punch at them, anymore. They could all be thankful for that.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XA/N: This was planted into my head by someone on my Facebook page who asked after Caronwyn in my baby list. I started it and then I couldn’t stop, so that’s why we have this chapter so soon after I started it.A lot of you lovelies have been asking after the list of Grandbabies, that is on the Rise of the Drackens Wikia page, found here: is a LOT of information on this page lovelies, including stuff that I haven’t even written into the story yet and behind the scenes history that has no place in the story, but is interesting all the same.
Anyway, I think that’s all of it, thank you for reading lovelies, I’ll see you soon as I’m almost done with chapter 98, but until then enjoy this chapter and the information on the Wikia,
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