There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58487 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
See first chapter for disclaimers/warnings/summaries.
NOTE: This chapter focuses on Harry, Theo and Charlie in differing POV's.
DAHLIA, WIKHN and MEIMEI, all belong to the same Gheyo(Military circle). Dahlia is the ACE in that group and as such, she can order the other two beneath her without repercussion. Dahlia can interact with Bharin on a fighter-level as they understand each other on that level and she is used to seeing him take care of Quinn.
RECAP: In Nevarah, Theo takes Charlie and Harry with him a specialty Health Clinic. Healer Quinn is a mute blond with Teal Eyes and a short-tempered, green-haired assistant named Kyle, who speaks for Quinn through a shared mental connection. After performing an in-depth scan on Harry, orders the others to leave the room so he can tend to the new discoveries and promptly removes Harry's Blood Seal and personally tends to him in the aftermath.
They were taking a rather long time, Theo mused. He hadn't really wanted to leave, but he hadn't wanted to start a fight that would put him at a disadvantage either. From the bondmarks shared between his small circle, he could feel that Harry was technically, quite fine—panicking, but fine—while Charlie was a bundled mass of confusion.
He set about sending a few waves of calmness through the bond, until he felt it abruptly dull on Harry's side. It had taken a significant draw of willpower to remain calmly seated, his expression unchanged, as he realized that the Healer had thrown up several wards, including one to block the connection between a sub and alpha. A medical necessity, he was sure, but entirely unneeded as far as he could reason.
His Slytherin mind set to work, puzzling, figuring and sifting through the recent cache of memories to see if there was anything off about Harry. Well, anything a tad more off than usual, Theo amended. His thoughts were interrupted by his worried beta.
"Theo?" Charlie rolled his head to the side, uneasily. There were too many feelings and a faint buzz of magical energy still tingled in the air.
"Yes?" Theo turned to look at him and immediately beckoned the redhead a seat closer. "Come closer. They will not be out straightaway."
Charlie had seated himself two spaces away on the padded bench in the waiting lounge and he immediately scooted closer at Theo's prompt. He was slightly surprised to find that his nerves calmed even more, the closer he slid to the younger man. "I don't-" he started and then stopped. Theo had calmly reached over and laced their hands together, before staring straight ahead again, his golden eyes riveted to the examination room door. Charlie stared down at their hands for a long moment and then finally half-shrugged and let it be.
Everything was so confusing since he'd woken. He'd been at The Burrow, then he'd died—at least, he was pretty sure he had died, because dying could only hurt so much—and then he'd come back to life and then, well, there were a lot more 'thens' to add to it and he was beginning to feel like a puppet on a string.
"You're thinking too much about it." Theo murmured. He gave the large, tanned hand, a gentle squeeze and began to rub his thumb back and forth in soothing motions. "Puzzle through it one at a time. Take your time."
"I don't—it doesn't—this is real." Charlie said, at last. "I mean, this, it all happened so fast." He shrugged, helplessly. "How am I supposed to?" and here, he gestured in the air.
"It did, didn't it?" Theo half-smiled, finally breaking his stare with the closed turn and turning to redirect his attention to the present mate beside him. "Talk to me." He invited, sincerely. "Ask me anything you want to know."
And so Charlie did.
At one point, raised voices caught his ear and Charlie looked up to see the young man from earlier, Wikhn, arguing loudly with Matron Olivia. He couldn't quite make out everything they were saying, but the gestures said plenty. He didn't have to be a genius to know that something was wrong.
"Fine time to be arguing about it." Theo muttered.
"Arguing about what?" Charlie wanted to know.
"You can't understand them." Theo murmured. It was a plain and simple statement.
Charlie looked at him and then shrugged again. "Should I?" He resisted the urge to brush off the worry that registered. Things didn't bother him—much. But talking with Theo and learning of the complicated Dragel culture, he had more than a decent share of worry on both his own behalf and poor Harry's. Knowing Harry as he did, the dragon tamer could not help but feel a little for the teen—they were both in the same boat.
"Depends." Theo allowed. "Does any of it make sense?"
The redhead listened carefully for a second, his brows furrowing together as he watched Dahlia push away from the wall where she'd kept her position beside the examination room door. "No." He admitted. "It feels like I should, but I can't make it out. Can Harry?"
"Harry should." Theo held out his other hand, fingers splayed. "But I haven't checked him for that yet. Sometimes you are born with the ability, other times it must be called forward. I am sorry. I should have seen to this sooner. There has been quite a bit to keep straight at the moment." He sighed. "Here, take it."
"The language." Theo wiggled his fingers. "Just touch your hand to mind, fingers like so-" he demonstrated.
When the examination room door popped open, Theo's grip on Charlie's hand tightened to nearly bone-breaking standards.
"Theo?" Charlie looked from his young alpha to the door where Harry suddenly stumbled forward and out into the middle of a rather large argument. "Harry-" Charlie didn't have to say anything more as Theo abruptly released his hand and shot to his feet, his golden eyes fairly smoldering.
Silently, Charlie shifted to stand behind the shorter figure. He was hit by a sudden wave of dizziness that made him wince and reach for the sturdy shoulder before him. Theo made a sound in the back of his throat and a scarce second later, a faint burst of warmth traveled from Theo to Charlie. Charlie was relieved as his head cleared. He could adjust to this Dragel thing if it helped with little moments like that.
He waited for Theo's cue only to catch Harry's eye and see the short brunet shake his head very faintly. Before he could puzzle through that, Charlie caught sight of a newcomer joining in the shouting match.
Harry was pushed through the doorway and into the fray via an invisible hand. Before he could cast a backwards glance into the room, the examination door slammed shut in his face. Harry stumbled to the side, to find himself in the middle of a complicated shouting match between Dahlia, Kyle, Matron Olivia and Wikhn. There were red faces and angry hand gestures to complete the picture.
The shouts made Harry wince and subconsciously shrink away from the noise as a flicker of silver caught his eye. He turned in time to see a figure standing off to the side, watching with sharp, calculating eyes.
Harry blinked. The shock was tempered with the initial impression of the tall, dark figure, standing to the side with his heavily muscled figure on display. With a height reminiscent of Hagrid, Harry stared as the similarities ended there. Clad in silver, this fellow's rich black hair was done up in thick dreadlocks that hung to his waist. In similar fashion to Wikhn, the newcomer also wore thin leggings and a large, sleeveless, overtunic showing off a crested mating mark and on one thick bicep. He wasn't particularly shouting with the rest, but he wasn't stopping them either.
Gheyo. Harry's mind supplied. Brute. It added, belatedly. Bharin. The man was massive and his face seemed set in a Snape-worthy scowl. Quinn's description had been quite accurate. Harry picked up on the thread of conversation that seemed to have something to do with the Matron in regards to something said Matron had announced about overtime and unnecessary things.
Dark eyes drilled into Harry and he met the gaze squarely for a moment, before a glimmer within them made him look away in search of two specific individuals.
A quick glance around the waiting lounge located his two mates and Harry was happy to see that Theo and Charlie stood off to the corner, Theo slightly in front of Charlie, his golden eyes flickering at once to Harry. Two bursts of warmth blossomed in his chest and a steady thrum of calming feelings and magic filtered through the bond, flowing through him from the mating marks.
He'd missed that. Quinn must've thrown up more than just silencing and protective wards, but Harry couldn't find it in him to care. He was just happy to see Theo and Charlie and even happier to see that they seemed in control of their tempers and Dragel instincts. Thankfully, Theo didn't seem inclined to smother him in public, though the promise in his golden gaze assured him it would happen eventually. Harry was fairly certain Charlie would join him in the general smothering.
Before his alpha could move forward, Harry quickly shook his head, Quinn's request echoing in his head. Here, Harry froze, momentarily, when the slight action meant for his Alpha caught the eyes of all three fighters. They turned as one and Kyle's head snapped around to see what the fuss was about and he surged forward, the argument forgotten at once.
"Harry!" He caught Harry by the shoulders and immediately released him at a low growl from Theo, who drew near, and a slap to the head from Dahlia. "Sorry." He scowled at Dahlia. "Quit that. Harry, Quinn? How is he? I felt a burst of energy and then nothing and I couldn't break the wards on the room and he's not supposed to be doing these-" Kyle paled rapidly as he whirled on his heels and rushed to the door with Dahlia hurrying after him.
Harry was jostled out of the way, but relieved to be out from the immediate center of attention. He observed, worriedly as the frantic assistant tried to garner Quinn's attention.
"Quinn!" The green-haired Medic pounded on the closed door. "Quinn, it's Kyle, please let me in!" The door was locked with magic apparently, as Kyle gestured with his wand at the door several times, to no avail. "Quinn!"
Harry swallowed when his vision was blocked by the dark, muscled near-giant. He was well aware of his two mates hovering just a few feet away, tense and coiled as if waiting for his signal to strike. They had approached him anyway, but stood just outside of reach to allow him whatever privacy he had wanted by originally refusing them.
The fellow in silver glided forward, his dark eyes unfathomable. He paused in front of Harry and their gazes locked.
Harry straightened up, standing tall. "Bharin?" He pronounced the name as best as he could, per Quinn's repetition.
"Speak quickly." The rich voice ground out, as dark eyes penetrated Harry's short form.
"Quinn said he needs you." Harry said, simply.
The dark eyes narrowed faintly and without protest, he turned and moved to the examination room door. He caught Kyle by the collar and bodily lifted the young man out of the way. The door was ripped open and Bharin stood there for a split second before he streaked into the room and dropped to his knees beside a pale, white figure sprawled lifelessly on the ground.
Harry caught a glimpse of pure white and Quinn's sleeping face as he heard Bharin's mutterings and the sound of ripping fabric. "You foolish…foolish…child…of all the…stupid…stunts to pull and…" The door abruptly slammed shut on the scene, denying them all further view.
Kyle yelped and danced back a few feet, rubbing his nose where apparently the door had closed too quickly. He glowered at it for a moment and then turned around, an apologetic look on his face.
Harry perked a brow, wearily. Thankfully, most of the aches and pains were fading away and he could move painlessly for now—mostly, anyway. He hoped Theo could 'port them all home. He could feel his wizarding magic returning as if it were an orange squeezed through a juicer. Painful and in very, very slow, small trickles. It made him feel annoyed and irritated.
A yawn snuck past his lips and Harry mentally reminded himself to stand straight and stay awake. Kyle was saying something now and with some effort, Harry made himself focus and listen.
"W-was he alright when you left? Standing and all that? Not on the floor?" The Medic offered a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I tend to get a little…irrational where Quinn is concerned. He's a magnet for trouble, it seems." Here, Kyle scrubbed a hand through his shaggy, forest-green tinted hair.
"So it would seem." Matron Olivia snarled. "We closed hours ago!"
Hours? Harry nearly said aloud. He hadn't realized so much time had passed by. His stomach rumbled, reminding him that he owed it dinner. He sighed, seeking out Theo's golden-eyed gaze once more. He flinched, briefly, when two hands rested on his shoulder, but he relaxed almost at once, placing them as his mates and identifying their scents. Now that he could concentrate, the hands were familiar. Theo's hands.
Charlie's familiar rumble sounded above his head and Harry released a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. He was glad to sense that the redhead didn't seem too agitated and the same for Theo. That was good. He hadn't been looking forward to trying to brave a famous Weasley temper and a Slytherin one at the same time. It would seem that he was lucky today.
A soft oomph, gushed out when Charlie pulled him away from Theo's comforting hands and into a tight hug. Harry didn't fight that. The touch was warm and welcome. He made a soft noise in agreement.
For Charlie, he simply couldn't help himself as he caught the look on Harry's young face. There was simply something so lost about him in that moment that the redhead couldn't help it as he squeezed him tight. He allowed Harry to be pulled away from him by Theo.
Theo circled around to wrap his arms around the small brunet for his own turn of comfort, having seen that Harry didn't mind that particular public display of affection. "Are you alright?" He whispered.
Harry nodded, tiredly, feeling the strength beginning to wane from him as his head tipped forward to rest on Theo's inviting shoulder. "M'tired." He admitted, nestling his head comfortably on Theo's shoulder, breathing in the calming scent that was all Theo. It soothed and relaxed him almost like Quinn's magic hands.
Theo clutched him tight, scenting him as discretely as possible—and perhaps a little more thoroughly than necessary when he realized that Harry smelled of a certain teal-eyed Healer. He tightened his grip when Harry gave a testing wiggle to see whether he could move.
"Too tired?" Charlie prompted, running his long fingers through the messy crop of hair, taking comfort in the fact that he could now see, touch and smell Harry. The sudden separation hadn't sat well with him at all, but having Theo nearby had helped in more ways than one. He leaned down, rubbing his face along Harry's head and neck, adding his own scent to Theo's. He wasn't quite able to fight the urge as well as his Alpha, who'd managed to restrain himself from the urge in public, even though his golden eyes gleamed in promise. But Charlie had begun to resign himself to the fact that there would be quite a bit of changes he needed to accept. This was most likely one of them. Theo had listened to him at length and promised to explain and help whenever and wherever he could. "Did something happen?"
Here, Theo helped with a firm hand on both of them, channeling whatever powers he had around him to push feelings of deliberate calm to both mates.
Charlie was glad for it.
Harry barely registered it.
"Yeah." Harry yawned as Theo gently nudged him back to Charlie, who wrapped his thick arms around him once more. "He took off a seal." Harry yawned again, this time into Charlie's available chest. "I'll explain…later?" He felt his eyelids droop of their own accord. "I'm really tired right now."
"You could sleep." Theo's hand slipped around Harry's neck, beneath his shirt and robe collars, rubbing gently and squeezing. "Charlie?"
It happened without further prompting.
Harry didn't protest when the sturdy redhead easily scooped him up, holding him close. He felt all of his energy drain away as if it had never been his in the first place. He quickly destroyed the thought of an impending realignment, he had time before that. It was most likely the Blood Seal removal and the return of his wizarding magic. Quinn had said something about it and now Harry could fully understand it.
The exhaustion was truly beginning to settle in. "Thanks, Char." He mumbled, grateful instead of embarrassed. Charlie's arms were strong and safe. The perfect haven for a quick nap. Harry drifted away without another care.
"He's exhausted." Theo frowned, eyeing the already sleeping face of his submissive. "I have never seen him sleep this…easily. Even during the partial realignment I was present for."
Charlie leaned back, twisting to see the peaceful face. He frowned. "Is there anything else that needs to be done? He needs to be home."
"Nothing else. We are through. I will settle the accounts later. Home, for now." Theo murmured, his golden-eyed gaze flickering quickly over the remaining occupants in the waiting lounge. The door was still shut, though now Kyle had taken up pacing a few lengths before it, since Bharin had made his appearance. Dahlia stood off to the side, her sharp eyes fixed solidly on the closed door.
A well-loved Healer, Theo mused. That was good to know.
They had waited until the entire clinic had shut down and still, the door to Quinn's examination room had remained magically locked and eerily silent during Harry's turn. There hadn't even been the faintest of magical pulses to hint as to what was happening behind that closed door. Theo had kept watch, in between of his shared discussions with Charlie. There were still some things he'd have to address, but they could wait. They would wait. He had to remain as calm and rational as possible.
Mostly calm and rational, anyway.
As a pair, they had managed to keep relatively calm and quiet.
Theo wasn't entirely sure about the rational part of it.
Once she had escorted them out of the examination room, Dahlia had taken up her defensive stance by the closed door, having removed her gown and left it in a pile on the floor. It was a silent message to all present that she acted in her full capacity and would react should something happen. Her armor had gleamed and glistened as her scars stood out plainly on her tanned body. She, had, after the first hour, relaxed considerably and taken to trimming her claws with a rather sharp knife.
Theo had taken that moment to check Charlie's claws with a mental note to do the same for Harry as well. As time had continued on, Charlie had grown silent and Theo had opted to keep the light atmosphere. He'd engaged the reluctant Dahlia in conversation, thanks to Medic Kyle, and they had managed fine until Wikhn had run up, panting and saying something about Matron Olivia.
From then on, everything had become rather confusing as the strict woman had made her appearance and immediately started in on both Kyle and Dahlia, with a dark, disgruntled fellow in silver, trailing behind her. Theo had singled him out at once, careful to withdraw to the corners as the argument had started up. He was well aware of the fellow's notice of him and Charlie and it hadn't rested well within him at all.
In his opinion, there were too many fighters and that alone was more than enough warning for his Dragel side. It had screamed at him to retrieve his mates and 'port them as far away as possible.
Then Harry had appeared.
The dark fellow had immediately turned towards him and before Theo could react, Harry had said something and chaos had quickly followed. There was more yelling, more shouting and then of course, the dark fellow kicked in the examination room door to show the Healer lying, pale and unconscious on the floor.
At that display, Theo had found himself strangely calmed as his rational self pieced together the fact that the dark fellow, Bharin, as he'd heard Harry call him, belonged to Quinn's family circle. That was good. Whatever was wrong with Quinn would then be sorted.
With that minor burden lifted from his hidden conscience, Theo had turned his attention to his stressed and exhausted mates. He calmed them both and coaxed Harry to relax enough so Charlie could carry him. The redhead was masking his unease, but it was still tangible. Theo knew none of them would really relax, not until they were once more in a familiar environment.
Here, Theo was torn from his musings three distinctly different things happened.
Wikhn drew his sword on Matron Olivia.
Dahlia yelped at him to stand down.
Medic Kyle gave a horrified cry of "Quinn!"
It silenced them all.
"Bharin!" Kyle exclaimed, starting forward, his hands shaking, almost, as his hands fell back to his sides and horror showed plainly on his face. "Is he-?"
"He will be fine," Bharin said, curtly. In his arms he cradled a shirtless and barefoot Quinn in his Dragel form, his lower half clad in a pair of trousers ripped at the thighs into a crude pair of shorts.
Theo's initial reaction was a hiss that he tamped down, when Harry stirred faintly in Charlie's arms and turned to see. He heard his submissive's sleepy whimper and he saw Charlie's grip on Harry, tighten just a bit.
Quinn's Halfling Dragel form was lovely, Theo supposed, except, in its present state.
The Healer's scales were now a pure snow white and nearly transparent, instead of the pale-yellow-blue-green he'd seen earlier. It was as if there was nothing left within the seemingly bloodless body. There was no indication of life, not even a thread of magical energy curling around the body. Intricate tattoos decorated his entire upper half, the ink a stark black contrast to the pale, lifeless skin.
"W-what did he do?" Kyle started forward again, his expression pleading as he looked to the older Gheyo. "Bharin, please. What happened? I didn't feel anything-!"
"Blood Seal residue." Bharin said, stiffly. "I thought you swore to serve as his catalyst?"
"I didn't know!" Kyle protested, paling rapidly. "I swear, Bharin. I had no idea…he…he sent us all out." He turned and gestured, awkwardly, towards Theo and company. "I didn't think that he would—he was exhausted! I offered to take the basic exams for them. He wouldn't let me. He was all worked up and—he knew better!"
"And since when has that ever stopped him before?" The man retorted, darkly. His glower shifted from Kyle, however and settled meaningfully on the red-faced Matron Olivia. "I have warned you once before woman," he growled. "Quinn may not be my son by blood, but he is very much my own. You take advantage of his selflessness and his rare gifts. I saw his patient list this morning. He always shows it to me on his way out. He should have been home hours ago! Especially after the week you have put him through!" Here, Bharin's dark eyes blazed with fury. "This is your final warning. I will not stand idle while you-"
"He has sworn a Healer's Oath to us!" The woman blustered, lifting her chin defiantly in the face of trouble. "You have no right to barge in here like this and start acting as if you're the-"
"I do." Bharin glowered at her, a faint stirring of magic rippling through the room. "Quinn is one of many, but his disability is singular. He may have sworn oaths by the Healer's creed, but he answers to me. He is my responsibility and I take it very seriously. You are pushing your luck!"
"Why, I never-!" Matron Olivia began, in pure outrage. "He's more trouble than he's worth with all of his-"
"Silence!" Bharin's voice was dark and deadly. "He is no more trouble than any of your other healers and yet you treat him as if he were a leper! If I were ask him—merely to ask—that he seek employment elsewhere, know that he would. Merely because I asked. I might take care to remind you that he chose this clinic of his own accord. I am sure he could find a suitable residence elsewhere!"
"You would limit him?" Matron Olivia snarled. "His talents are not that rare! He could make himself more useful and repay the-" She was silenced when Wikhn drew his sword and held it level at arm's length, just beneath her chin. His eyes glowed the faintest eerie shade of red-pink. The woman paled, even as she shook with anger. "Get that out of my face, you wretched boy-!"
"Kindly do not insult my circle mate." Dahlia snapped, her own temper finally frayed enough to show around the edges. It appeared in the way her dark eyes gleamed and her claws twitched towards the worn hilts of her twin swords. "He won't take lightly to it and I may be just so predisposed that I will be unable to restrain myself from leaping to his defense in an attempt to reclaim his honor." Her dark glare held the same burning intensity as the older Gheyo. "Do not tempt him or me, dear lady." The title was said with obvious mockery. "You can report all you like to my circle head. I do not care." She gave a jerk of her head to the side. "Leave. Now. I shall see to locking the doors and setting the wards if you manage to bumble your way safely to the 'porting room."
"Now listen here, girl, just because you're on her majesty's military-"
"Wikhn." Dahlia murmured. Her head swiveled away, as if bored.
The pale, almost-red-eyed boy flipped his wrist—and sword—over, a movement showing his preparation to strike. It was fluid and flawless. He'd done it before.
The Matron heaved herself up, lifting her chin to be higher than his blade, unintentionally presenting him with a clearer access point to her neck. "Goodnight." She said, icily. "Beware your actions will cost you both."
"Indeed." Dahlia retorted. "But it is not so great a price that I cannot afford to pay it. For both of us." She added, beneath her breath. She turned away as the older woman fled. "Bharin?"
"I shall carry him home. Kyle, you will 'port in ahead. Have them clear the runic grounds and carve out a hollow for the lad." Here, Bharin tested the weight of Quinn in his arms. "He will have to sleep in stasis for his required hours and then some. A charmed bath is probably best as well, so have them prepare incense and oils."
"Bharin, please-" Kyle began. "Surely-" he broke off, abruptly.
Bharin nudged him, gently, with one crooked elbow. "Quinn will be fine, child. There was naught you could do."
"I sensed his lapse and I came. That was the only outcome this situation could've had." He frowned, faintly. "Then again, if you could have held your temper rather than provoking the dear lady, I daresay I would not have to mention the possibility of a lecture to a certain someone?"
Here, Kyle winced. "If it's all the same to you, I'd rather Mum's lecture over Quinn's." He shuddered, briefly. "He'll ream me out for everything south of the-"
Quinn's pale body twitched, feebly.
Bharin's grip on the limp figure, tightened.
"It is far too late for all of us right now. Just get him home." Dahlia cast a look over at Wikhn, who now sheathed his sword and began tugging on the fingerless gloves he'd removed at some point. "Wik, you alright with me?"
The pale boy gave a single, jerky nod.
"Good boy." She patted his shoulder. "Good form too. Stand down." The words were delivered in a clipped, precise tone.
The red-tinge faded from Wikhn's eyes, showing a more reliable pink hue as he bowed his head in acceptance of the given order and masked compliment as he trotted off after her.
"Kyle?" Bharin prompted, when the green-haired Medic seemed frozen in thought.
"Wha-huh? Oh!" Kyle blushed and ducked his head. "Right. Ah. Follow Dahlia, she'll let the doors open. I'll uh-" He blinked, comically. "Quinn, what? You're—stop that!"
Bharin froze in mid-movement, his brow perked in a silent question.
"Yes, yes, I'll check that." Kyle's worry faded into a deep scowl. "And no I won't!" He glared at the limp figure. "He's fine. They're all fine. You're the one that's not fine. Now stop stressing before I end up in trouble for something that you're—then again, I wouldn't put it past you." He snorted. "No, I will not—Bharin!" The exclamation ended with a grimace.
And here, Bharin's eyebrows danced in further upwards, apparently being admitted to the mental conversation taking place between the young man in his arms and the Medic standing a few feet away. "I see." There was the faintest hint of amusement in his tone. "Quinten Auwren, you are in no condition to be arguing." With that, he walked off after Dahlia, bearing his precious armful.
"Theo, Charlie and Harry right?" Kyle turned to them, wearily. "Quinn's fine. Sorry for the chaos and the confusion." He gave a faint jerk of his head. "The idiot's going to be fine. If he isn't, I'll revive him and kill him myself." Kyle huffed. "He also just had the nerve and hindsight to remind me that he didn't remember authorizing your appointment cards for a time slot tomorrow. May I remedy that?"
Theo produced his own card, digging out Charlie's from the redhead's back pocket and then Harry's from the brunet's trouser pocket. He handed them over and watched as Kyle produced his wand and waved it seriously, over each green card in turn.
"There you go." Kyle breathed a sigh of relief. "All done. This way. I'll see you out, unless you're 'porting in to somewhere?"
"Porting." Theo murmured, quietly.
"Good. Less headache all around." Kyle blinked and promptly blushed. "Erm, and I didn't mean it like that." He started off at a trot. "The 'porting room is over here, unless you don't particularly fancy using one?"
Harry woke when they 'ported directly into Terius' living room instead of the complex's transportation room.
It was with a jolt that he found himself awake—wide awake—and too comfortable to move. The too-comfortable to move was explained when Harry finally processed that he was being carried quite easily through familiar walls and to an unfamiliar room. He was vaguely aware that Charlie was the one carrying him and that Theo was somewhere nearby.
Theo came into his line of sight a few seconds later when Charlie eased him down onto the bed. "Harry?" There was a flicker of worry in his voice. "What happened?" There was a long moment. "Are you still asleep?"
Harry blinked, owlishly up at him for a moment. His stomach rumbled and here, Theo managed a small smile.
"Ah. Hungry then?"
The emerald eyes blinked once. Harry himself, wasn't particularly inclined to speak just yet. His mouth was mildly dry and the rest of him was still rather sleepy.
"Just a moment." Theo sighed. "Charlie? How about you?"
The redhead was quiet for a moment. "Dinner would be appreciated." He admitted.
"I believe either Draco or Calida would have left something for us in the kitchen." Theo said, thoughtfully.
"I'll be right back." Charlie straightened and left. His footsteps were soft and nearly non-existent on the carpeted floor as the door clicked shut behind him.
Theo sighed, looking down at Harry with a faint fondness. "How are you feeling?"
Harry merely groaned.
Theo chuckled as he rolled up his shirt-cuffs and bared his wrist. He brought it to his mouth, his fangs showing briefly, before he bit down sharply. A moment later, he pressed the bloodied wrist to Harry's parting lips.
The scent of blood stirred the brunet's fangs and within a minute, Harry sank his newly emerged fangs into the delicious offering. Shifting to sit closer to him on the bed, Theo ran his free hand lightly over Harry's clothed body. He cast a handful of diagnostic spells, glad to see the results were mostly normal and that Harry's wizarding magic now figured into the equation.
"I see the magic is back." He murmured.
The emerald eyes merely sparkled in understanding.
Theo bent to press a soft kiss to the unwrinkled brow. He busied himself playing with Harry's wayward hair, occasionally stroking one pale cheek and pressing his thigh closer to Harry's shoulder. Harry drank greedily until Charlie returned with three full dinner plates floating in front of him.
Blue eyes flared bright with a mixture of envy and desire as Charlie directed the plates to settle themselves on the bed.
With quiet rumble, Theo prompted Harry to release his wrist and waited while his little mate reluctantly did so, cleaning the healing wound. "Did you find everything?" Theo asked, eying the plates. They were generously filled in their portions and neatly charmed to remain preserved and warm.
Charlie nodded, stiffly.
Theo gave another smile and beckoned the redhead over. He gestured to the ground, prompting the taller man to kneel and then he leaned forward, baring his neck in a wordless invitation. He'd seen the glimmer in his Beta's eyes and would never deny his mates what they needed whenever it was within his power to grant it.
Blue eyes widened in shock and surprise, before a look of longing and uncertainty replaced it.
This would be Charlie's first feeding.
Theo had mentioned it to him, noting the redhead's reluctance with something that seemed so vampiric. He'd tucked that tidbit away for later, knowing that instinct would take control whether Charlie's wizard side cared for it or not. With his smile in place, Theo lengthened one hand into claws and drew them down, lightly over his neck. He did not flinch at the customary stripe of pain, knowing that the incentive was all that was needed before Charlie's instincts could take over.
Sure enough, the blue eyes burned bright and Charlie lurched forward. His hands came up to grab Theo's arms, holding him in place as he licked at the line of crimson. Inexperienced fangs sank into the supple skin as Charlie hummed in approval and contentment. Theo rumbled back in assurance, freeing one hand to tug off the silken ribbon holding Charlie's fiery hair in a neat ponytail. He slid one hand through the reddened tresses and stroked gently, alternating with light scratches and firmer pats.
A happy purr came from Harry contentedly watching them both with a faint fire in his emerald eyes.
Another purr came from Charlie, whose grip on Theo's left arm loosened to nothing as he drank hungrily.
"Theo?" Harry's worried voice was the first one to break the strange silence that had lingered after Charlie's feeding had ended. "Aren't you…?" He swallowed, gesturing to himself.
Golden eyes gleamed in amusement. "I'm quite fine, Harry. One of the Alpha perks, I suppose." He smiled thinly, settling into the cleared space on the bed. "Sleep and food will be fine for me. It was you two I was worried about." He frowned. "How are you feeling? Both of you!"
They were sitting together, all three of them, in a skewed triangle of sorts, each with a plate balanced on one knee or held carefully in the crook of one arm. The late dinner had been kept ready for them with stasis and warming charms. Generous portions filled each large plate and Charlie happily dug in, while Harry cautiously poked at his own. Theo simply set about eating in his usual methodical way.
"M'fine." Harry swallowed before he spoke.
Charlie gave a quick nod, chewing carefully before he spoke. "Much better now." He flashed a brief grin. "Thanks for the, ah-"
"If you feel the urge again, then ask." Theo nodded in understanding. "It takes a touch of practice. Your fangs are inexperienced and new. I will ask of you not to bite Harry just yet." He frowned. "If I am correct, Harry will shortly have quite a number of potions inside of him, as such, my blood will be the best for you." The golden eyes settled meaningfully on Harry. "The same to you, Harry. Please leave Charlie alone, until he bears a clean bill of health. The Healer mentioned something about residue from the Blood Purification ritual. I do not know how it will react to you."
Harry set his plate down on the bed, pushing it away from him, his brow knotted in a deep furrow.
"Harry?" Charlie looked to him in concern. "What's the matter?"
"I-I," Harry's hands clenched at his sides and he slid off the bed, standing in front of them. He took a deep breath. "I need to…to talk to you." He licked his lips. "Both of you." He added, quickly, when it looked like Charlie was about to set his plate down.
"You can talk." Charlie said, confusedly. He looked from Harry's serious face to Theo's own expressionless one. "Can't he?"
"Of course." Theo murmured. "We are listening."
Harry shook his head quickly, sneaking another quick breath. "N-no. Not quite like that." He looked away. "I need to talk. To tell you about…things." He swallowed hard. "Do you know what a seal is?" He ventured, at last, deciding to take the easy way around this.
Theo gave a short nod. "Ilsa sealed me several times before I came of age." He admitted. "My magic was wild and unpredictable because I was too young at the time it manifested. She sealed me with different seals of varied strengths. They wore off on their own and vanished for good when I turned sixteen."
Charlie paled rather spectacularly, his head bowed, dinner forgotten.
"Charlie?" Theo prompted. He leaned forward to nudge the redhead's knee with the handle of his fork. "Here." He extended his hand, fingers splayed.
Woodenly, Charlie accepted the transfer of knowledge. It did not erase the sudden look of betrayal on his face. Theo poked him in the knee again, this time, with a warning glance. He could read what was flickering through his beta's mind. Molly Weasley had sealed her children—but not with the intent that Ilsa had. She'd meant for the seals to be permanent. The silent warning was received however, as Charlie gave the faintest of nods, before lifting his pained gaze back to Harry's worried face.
"I have…" Harry heaved a sigh, choosing to ignore the little byplay between the duo. "I have thirteen of them."
The following reaction was infinitely amusing.
Charlie stared at him, mouth open.
Theo choked and upended his dinner plate on the pristine guest bed.
A/N: Whew. It looks like Harry's about to start sharing just a little bit, huh? Three cheers for his courage, the adorable lil' darling! ^_^ To all the lovely, kind folks who reviewed and PM'd to ask if I was alright, Thank you! That was very sweet of you! I am quite fine, at present (and I'll reply to the messages when I can). My apologies for the late chapter. Summer is usually a busy time for me and all sorts of crazy things have happened lately, not to mention my summer classes, as well. This week, I've been saddled with a few unexpected house guests, who are in town for a family event. Apparently I shall be playing tour guide and hostess for the entire week, so my free time has presently evaporated.
If you have questions, ask away. I'll answer what I can and read the replies below. Would y'all rather a thread in the forums for my replies? I'm trying to keep them short, but I obviously have a habit of rambling...
unneeded--yes, there's a way to get the horcrux out. There's a Shadow Seal and remember Harry had that encounter with the dementor? I plan to make full use of that little moment. Death's Master? Yes and no. Yes, they could gain an audience with Death by holding all three, but Death answers to no one, so they would not be able to order Death around. Not to mention Death's playing her own game, so no one person will hold all three hallows at the same time. Even in cannon, Harry didn't hold all 3 at the precise same instant. He was in possession of them at one time or another, but not in the same moment. Dumbles has had a hand in some things, but not all. There are other forces, including Voldy and such, that are waiting for things to reach a war peak.
HeartStar--yep, Bharin's got a heart of gold. He's sweet and defensive of Quinn, having literally taken over raising him after the fight that cost Quinn his voice.
skifflebunch--Yay! I'm glad you're enjoying the read. Yes, we'll learn about the fight and also more about Kyle and Quinn. The pendant Quinn uses at present is his version of a 'wand', as Dragels are not picky about what object they use to channel their magic, so as long as they can function properly with it. This is why Kyle has an actual wand and Quinn doesn't.
Green--thanks! Quinn's been officially approved. He will be in Harry's circle, eventually. Harry will have to work for his heart. :) (and yes, he would be the most reasonable amongst the present mates.)
Jan--aw, thanks! :P Yep, Harry needs someone who can patch him up and look after him when that Gryffindor Bravery returns in full force.
Rose--Quinn's in. He'll be there in the future. There's going to be a mini-story arc when Harry tries to court him. :)
To everyone who reviewed, thank you! If I missed you in the replies, 'tis purely by accident. Thanks for reviewing/faving/alerting this little fic. ^_^
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