Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47196 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
Shiloe smiled at the group. “So, welcome to the first official meeting of my Pack. All of you are free to speak to each other about me, but only to those assembled here, and a few select others, once I have spoken with them myself first. So, we all know each other already, but we are going to become something of a family, and I need to be sure that this can work out. Does anyone object to anyone else here?”
Ron raised his hand.Shiloe sighed. “Anyone BESIDES Ron? I’ll talk to you in a bit, put your hand down.” He told Ron.He saw Lucius watching Hermione, who was studiously not noticing his stare, focusing on talking to Neville instead.Luna sighed. “I have an objection. Harry is not here.” She said.Everyone stared at her.Shiloe chuckled. “He will be, I just need to be able to get everyone to relax and let him know what’s going on. He needs to meet the Pack, and tonight is the night for that.”Hermione smiled. “Oh, I’m glad.” She said in obvious relief. “I was so worried that he’d be left out of the Pack, since he’s not you, and I just felt that it would be so AWFUL for him!”Shiloe shook his head. “No, we aren’t like that. I needed to get the foundations of the Pack laid, but now that I’ve gotten so many…”He looked around. Aside from his anchors, he had gathered Poppy, Luna, Ron, Hermione and Ginny. That made fourteen people, or thirteen if Shiloe and Harry were counted as one.“Well, I figure that this is enough people to start with.” He decided.“Well, it seems that no one has any objection to anyone here.” Hermione said, pushing Ron toward Shiloe a bit. “So you two go talk, and I’m going to go see if Blaise needs help.” She said, glancing over at where the teen was shouting in broken English at Sirius, who looked like he was enjoying riling him up far too much.Shiloe snorted and pulled Ron away. “Alright, now what is it? I want Harry to spend some time with you all.”“It’s Malfoy!”“Which one?”“BOTH!” Ron cried, flinging his hands in the air. “Malfoy, Shi! Harry HATES them, and I-““He’s managed to talk to both of them civilly at least twice each, now. As well as Severus. He’s getting to know them, he’s putting the past aside. You need to learn to do the same.” Shiloe told the redhead.“I can’t. It’s not that easy. He hates my Dad. Tries to get him fired all the time.” Ron muttered angrily.Shiloe narrowed his eyes. “Have you ever asked your father why?”Ron snorted at him. “Of course I have! He says the feud’s been going so long, we can’t be sure exactly what started it, but we know that they were the ones to start the whole thing!”“Oh, really?” Shiloe leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. “Did he tell you that Lucius is under a generational curse? One that Arthur COULD lift, if he only stayed in the room with him long enough to speak the countercurse? Do you think you’ll be able to watch Draco wither away at a young age because of that same curse, knowing you hold the power to ease his pain?” He asked. “Just think about it.”Ron thought for a second, then sighed, shoulders slumping. He nodded. “Right, fine, I get it. Both them and my family did some things we aren’t proud of, I guess.” He admitted.Shiloe smiled. “Do you think you can put it behind you, and learn who they are without all the fighting? I’ll back you if Draco or Lucius start something.” He promised.Ron nodded. “I can try, I suppose.”“That’s all I ask.” Shiloe replied. “Now, come on. Let’s go talk to the Pack. Get to know them, because they will be in your life for as long as I am.”Shiloe led Ron back to the group, then grabbed Poppy and pulled her away from the others. “It’s not common knowledge yet, but Lucius is carrying my child. He’s going to need prenatal care, but not even Dumbledore is aware that he is here. Can I trust you to treat him under strictest confidence?” He asked softly.Poppy nodded. “Yes, I can do that. If we keep his chart here, that should be easy. Is he on any potions yet that I’ll need to take into consideration when I do so?” She asked.Shiloe smirked. ”That, I don’t know. But feel free to ask him, He knows that I mean for you to be his Mediwitch, so he’ll be expecting it.” He informed her.“Good. Then I’ll just go over there and get his medical history started, then.” She beamed at Shiloe and bustled over to Lucius, sitting down and pulling an ever-present scroll of parchment and a worn, self-inking quill from her robes as she began firing off rapid-fire questions at the collected man.Luna laid a hand on Shiloe’s forearm, startling him.“Ready?” She asked, steering him toward Salazar’s bedroom.Shiloe sighed. “As I’ll ever be, I suppose.” He answered, walking with her. “I really hope this goes well.”Luna smiled. “It will, you’ll see. Harry will fit in fine.” She assured him. “I’ll be there for him. You don’t need to worry.”Shiloe opened the door, ushering her into the room and closing the door behind them. “I plan to worry anyway.” He told the blond girl with a wry smile. “But knowing you’re there will at least help a bit.”Luna smiled and stood on tiptoe to press a quick kiss to Shiloe’s cheek. “Good. Now, I’ve waited long enough. Where’s Harry?”Shiloe chuckled and sat on the bed, letting Harry’s consciousness rise to the surface, pulling Shiloe into the confines of his mental landscape once more.Harry blinked a few times, looking around. “You know, this whole not knowing what’s going on when I come to thing is getting kind of old.” He muttered, his eyes settling on Luna. “Oh! Hi!”Luna smiled and sat on his lap. “Hi, yourself.” She agreed, wrapping her arms around his neck.Harry flushed. “Hey, are we, maybe, together?” He asked.Luna cocked her head. “In which way?” She asked curiously.“Er, romantically?” Harry ventured, sotto voce.Luna pursed her lips and furrowed her brow, and Harry had to suppress a grin. She looked altogether too cute when she did that.“I don’t think so. I’d like to be, of course, but you haven’t asked me. Because if you had, I’d remember it.” She added.Harry grinned. “Luna Lovegood, would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend? And also of accompanying me to the Ball this year?” He asked.Luna smiled, standing and offering Harry a hand. “I would love to do both, yes. Now, your Pack awaits. Let’s go and get used to life a la Shiloe, shall we?” She asked.*****“And then he said he’s AFRAID of beetles!” Harry choked on his Butterbeer as Neville giggled, leaning drunkenly on Cedric.“Even ladybugs?” Harry asked in shock.Neville nodded, still giggling, and barely even paused when he suddenly got saddled with a lap-full of red-faced and thoroughly pissed Slytherin. “Yeah, even them!” He tried to laugh again, but got cut off when Draco decided it was kissing time.“I want to fuck. You. I want to fuck you. Now.” The blond decided, then turned to glance at Cedric. “Let’s bring him, too.” He said to Neville.Neville looked at Draco, then up to Cedric, who looked back at them both with a raised eyebrow.Within seconds, all three were saying their good-byes to Harry and Luna and heading into Godric’s bedroom.Harry chuckled as Luna slid into his lap again.“Wow, this night has really been something. I think I actually made FRIENDS with a Slytherin. Did I?” He asked Luna in mock awe.Luna giggled. “A few of them, actually. Some of them adults, even.” She added teasingly.Harry chuckled. “I have to say, I underestimated Shiloe. He’s picked out a pretty decent group of people to surround himself with.”Luna hummed and picked at her robes. “He did it for you, you know.” She muttered, so softly Harry almost didn’t hear her.“What?” He asked.“All this. The Pack, the get-together, everything Shiloe did past finding and Bonding with his anchors, it was all for you, more than him. This Pack is a group of people he trusts to keep you safe and happy. Shiloe are more solitary creatures than us, but he knows that you need social interaction, so he found the people he believes you are safe with and brought them all here so that you know he’s doing his best to make things better for you.” She told Harry.Harry frowned. “Oh. I never really thought of it that way.”Luna nodded. “He really just wants the hurting to stop. Deep down, that’s all any Shiloe wants. They surround themselves with those that won’t hurt them in order to avoid pain. But without at least a little pain, we can’t ever truly be alive, can we?” She asked, then got up, heading over to the drinks, leaving a startled and shaken Harry behind.“How does she know this stuff?” He asked himself.“The stones.” A soft voice told him.He turned to smile at Helga, who was smiling at him serenely. “Oh, hi.”“Harry.” Helga said warmly, laying a hand on his arm. “Dear, sweet Harry. I feel a kindred spirit in this one. She hears the whispers on the wind and in the Earth.”“Yeah, she says the stones speak to her.” He told Helga conversationally.Helga’s face lit up in rapture. “And so they do! Ohh, look at her aura! It’s pulsating so beautifully!”Luna was leaning against the wall with her eyes closed and a smile of contentment on her lips.“She’s listening to the tale of how Lo manifested. The stones were not laid then, but they have heard Lo tell the story. There were many Shiloe back in those days, such dark days.” She was silent for a moment, her face grave in remembrance of the past. “She would tutor them each, privately, and at the end of their lessons, each one would be told the story. You’ll hear it one day, I’m sure. She’ll want you to know. I’m surprised she’s accepting Luna knowing about her, but she seems happy about the development. Your young woman has quite the unusual effect on Shiloe.” Helga finished, her voice wistful.“She really does.” Harry returned dazedly, watching Luna stroke the wall once with gentle fingers as her lips moved in words of thanks. She turned and caught his eye, then beamed at him and Helga and rushed over.“Miss Hufflepuff, please, teach me how to use my gift fully!” Luna pleaded with Helga, eyes wide.“I don’t know if I can, my darling girl.” Helga said with a frown.Luna nodded. “You can. The stones told me the wind can guide you, and you can show me how to hear even more.”Helga shook her head, eyes wide in fear. “Oh, no, my child! You don’t want to listen that closely. Not for some time yet. You are young and innocent. Stay that way awhile. Some knowledge is best saved for another day.”Luna sighed, then glanced at Harry and back to Helga. “Exactly HOW innocent should I stay? And for how long?” She asked bluntly.Harry flushed. “Luna! You’re not really thinking of… Doing THAT, are you?” He asked in shock.Luna turned to him in confusion. “And why shouldn’t I? You already have, haven’t you? And I AM your girlfriend now.” She added with a smile.Helga giggled.“Well, I didn’t really have a choice about it! And we just started going out, I’m not with you for anything sexual, I swear!” He protested.Luna shook her head with a smile. “Of course you aren’t, silly! You aren’t that kind of guy. If you were, I wouldn’t be with you.”“When you feel ready, you can lie with Harry. I didn’t mean physically innocent, just mentally, my dears. Now, I believe my Love is looking for me.” She said, heading over to where Salazar had finally emerged from his portrait and was gazing around the room.Harry wrapped his arms around Luna as she draped herself across his lap, laying her head on his shoulder. “Are you really thinking about sex?” He asked in a whisper.Luna giggled softly. “Don’t sound so surprised, silly. Just because I’m a bit naïve people think I don’t know about sex or get aroused. I do. I really do, and I’m CURIOUS. I want to know why some people are so obsessed with it. People talk freely when I’m around, because they don’t think I listen. Sex is most everybody’s favorite topic.” She finished.Harry was mortified, and he couldn’t believe his own ears. “Luna, I don’t want you to think that I don’t think of you like that, because I do. I find you REALLY hot. Shaggable, even. But I don’t want to go that far with you yet.”“Not yet, no. But in the future? Maybe in a year or two, at most?” Luna asked, grinning up at him.Harry felt Shiloe’s phantom touch as a slap on the back, in congratulations for finding a girl that seemed to suit him perfectly.“I think we’ll both know when it’s time.” He answered, swallowing when he felt Luna’s lips brush his neck.“Mm, you smell good.” Luna murmured.“Mr. Potter.” A silken voice drawled.Harry looked up and nodded to Malfoy Sr. “Sir, you look well.” He said amicably.Lucius smiled, holding a glass of what looked like champagne. “I feel well.” He returned.“What the fuck are you drinking?!”Harry flushed as Luna giggled. “Shiloe, don’t do that to poor Harry. It’s rude.” She said chidingly.“Sorry.” Harry found himself saying before he regained control over his mouth and vocal cords again.Lucius laughed. Harry found that the sound was pleasant, and strangely soothing. “It’s sparkling white grape juice, Shiloe. Nothing more than that. I will not squander the gift I have been given. And, Harry, I must thank you, yet again. This means so very much to me. Shiloe will be happy to know that Poppy has said I am in perfect health to carry, and she has given me a month of prenatal potions, which, of course, taste vile. I should have no complications, provided I can keep them down.” He finished with a wry grin.Luna smiled. “Oh, a baby! I’m going to be an auntie?” She asked happily.Harry flushed. “Um, yeah. It’s Shiloe’s.” He explained.Luna laughed happily and clapped in joy. “This is so exciting!”“I wanted to ask you, Harry, if you would consent to Shiloe attending the birth.” Lucius asked softly. “It is a Malfoy tradition that the father be there for the birth of their child.”Harry smiled. “Yeah, sure. When are you due?”“Late August.” Lucius answered, smiling wistfully.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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