...After Happily Ever After | By : Lissa & snowblind12 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 25854 -:- Recommendations : 4 -:- Currently Reading : 5 |
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Harry Potter or J.K. Rowling. I make no money off of these stories. This is just fun for me. |
Chapter Forty-Five
After Happily Ever After
Three years later…
“Well, good morning Miss Rosie,” Severus said in his deep rumbling bass as he watched his three-year-old daughter toddle into the kitchen in her pajamas while holding a framed photograph. “What have you got there, young lady?”
“Mummy,” Rosalind Snape replied as she hugged the picture to her chest with one arm and rubbed sleepy eyes with the other hand.
“Ah,” Severus nodded with a tender smile. “Which picture of Mummy this time?” He held his hand out to allow his daughter to place the 8x10 picture in his hand.
It was a beautiful picture of Hermione on their wedding day. Her eyes sparkled as she gave the camera a secretive smile while late evening sunset glowed behind her. Severus hunched down to be at Rosalind’s level and turned the photo, so they could both look. “Mummy was so pretty this day, wasn’t she?”
“Booful,” Rosalind agreed, tipping her small head so her thick, black curls brushed his arm. “I be pretty like mummy someday, too?”
“Child,” he pressed a kiss to her temple while he pulled her onto his knee and settled fully onto the floor, “you’re pretty like mummy every single day. Sassy like her, too.”
“I heard that.” Severus looked up only to flash his devastatingly handsome grin at his wife. Hermione was leaning against the kitchen door jamb, her arms crossed under her breasts and over the top of her slightly protruding abdomen.
“I knew you were coming,” he teased her. “I heard you on the stairs.”
“Of course you did,” she smiled back at him and crossed the kitchen to take Rosalind off his lap. “Shall we go get you dressed for your party, Miss Rosie?”
“Yay! Pawties!” Rosalind threw her hands up in the air before grabbing her mother around the neck and squeezing tight. “Cake? Choc’ate cake? Wiff roses?”
Hermione laughed delightedly while hugging the small girl and pressing kisses to her cheek. “As if I would get you any other kind? Of course, we’ll have chocolate cake with roses, Miss Rosie.” She pulled back just enough to rub the girl’s nose with her own. “You run up to your room, and I’ll be there right quick – yes?”
“Otay, mummy!” Hermione set Rosalind down and just like that, the girl scampered out of the kitchen only to be heard a few seconds later tromping up the staircase.
“Morning, Severus,” Hermione hummed as her husband of three years stood and resettled himself against the counter while taking another deep sip of coffee. She smiled as he opened one arm for her and she snuggled into his side, brushing her face into his chest and inhaling deeply. Woodsmoke and mint assaulted her senses and she relaxed, content with the moment of peace and closeness.
“How are you feeling?” he inquired worriedly, pressing a kiss to her damp-from-the-shower curls.
“Tired, but the sickness has abated the last few days,” she informed him in a low murmur.
Severus set down his coffee and squeezed his eyes closed as he wrapped both arms tightly around her and she turned into him fully, sliding her arms around his waist. He knew his constant concern was driving Hermione batty, but she also knew that he had only agreed to this second pregnancy because she wanted it so very badly. It had taken her months upon months to convince him, stating she had been lonely as an only child, had always wished for a sibling, and wanted more for Rosalind.
Severus had relented finally and sneakily insisted upon frequent doctor visits and cruelly had given her the ultimatum that if he agreed, she would have to stop working when she started her third trimester. He’d thought she would never agree to the stop working part. Chagrined, he had found she was almost too quick to agree. This had only proven to him how desperate she truly was for another child, and he had found himself feeling guilty for fighting her for so long. Especially after it took them almost another six-months before they were able to conceive.
He was excited about having another child – another daughter – but the memory of Rosalind’s birth still plagued his nightmares, both sleeping and awake.
“Mummy! You comin’ or what?!” Rosalind’s high-pitched voice could be heard calling down the stairs.
Hermione snorted as Severus muttered, “Sassy,” under his breath, but it wasn’t without humor.
“I’ll talk to her again about her mouth,” Hermione promised as she pressed a kiss to the underside of his jaw. “Make me a cuppa?” she requested. She smiled against his lips when he leaned to kiss her sweetly.
“Yes pet, I’ll make you a cuppa,” he told her before landing a light smack on her bum. “Now, are you going or what?” Severus smiled fully as his wife’s laughter trailed behind her as she headed for the stairs.
He couldn’t help his mind wandering as he prepared her a cup of tea…
…the surgical Healer stepped into the room looking careworn and exhausted.
Potter and Weasley both started talking quickly, asking about their best friend while Severus just stared at the man’s face, trying to gage what he was going to tell them. When the man met his eyes, Severus froze in shock.
He could barely breath and wasn’t sure if he’d be able to speak. He didn’t dare believe the words he could see in the Healer’s eyes.
His throat once again choked with emotion, he opened his mouth and said gruffly, “My wife?”
“Mrs. Snape is resting comfortably at the moment,” the man responded, and it seemed couldn’t help the small grin that crossed his face as the two younger men in the room gave exclamations of relief and joy. “She lost a lot of blood and her heart stopped. While I extracted the infant from her, other staff was able to administer more blood and restart her heart. She is a strong woman, your wife.”
“Hell yes, she is!” Ron crowed as Harry turned to his future brother-in-law and they exchanged an awkward, but needed, hug.
Severus could barely breath as his relief tightened his chest so much he was almost sick with it. “I wish to go to her, immediately.” He was already sitting on the edge of the bed with Rosalind still cuddled contentedly in the crook of his arm.
Relieved to find that the knock to his head had not incapacitated him in anyway, he stood and motioned for the reluctant Healer to lead the way.
“Only you and the child for the moment,” he replied after a short hesitation. “You two will be able to visit in a short while.” Neither Potter nor Weasley brooked any argument before Severus was led back to the maternity ward
A few minutes later, he and Rosalind were standing at the foot of Hermione’s hospital bed. She was propped in a semi-reclined position with stark white bedding making the dark chestnut color of her splayed curls stand out in severe contrast. There were curtains drawn on each side of them, but the other half of the room was occupied, and a soft grunt from a feeding infant could be heard.
Carefully, he moved to the left side of the bed before gently sitting next to her hip and smoothing the blankets covering her thigh. Hermione’s face was very pale, but the gore of his fingerprints had been cleaned away. Slowly, Severus reached out and brushed his thumb over her bottom lip. “Hermione?” he murmured. His thumb slid from her dry lips to the smooth skin of her cheek. “Love?”
She stirred slightly, and her peaceful expression contorted into a furrowed brow of mild discomfort and possible confusion. “Sev’rus?” she questioned as her eye lids fluttered.
“Yes,” he breathed, “it’s me.” He cleared his throat as their eyes met and held, trying to conceal the overwhelming emotions that arose in him at the sight of her. That she was alive – that she was going to be just fine. “I brought someone who would very much like to meet you.”
Hermione’s gaze shifted when he gently moved the small infant from the crook of his arm to the palms of his hands, cradling her head carefully.
She gasped as one hand fluttered up to cover her mouth. “Is that..?” she trailed off, her eyes filling with tears.
“This is our daughter. Rosalind Eileen Snape – meet your mother.”
“Hello Snape family!” Lizzie Williams’ voice could be heard from the front door of their little home and Severus couldn’t help the chuckle when his over-excitable, young wife let out an ear-piercing squeal, stopped smack dab in the middle of pulling food out of the charmed ice box, and bolted from the kitchen towards the entryway.
When more loud shrieks emitted from the foyer, Severus decided that warranted an investigation. He flicked his wand at the food they had been setting up for their soon-to-be-arriving guests and sent it out to the serving tables that were on the back patio. Satisfied that everything was situated just as he knew Hermione would want it to be, he turned to join the new arrivals. (Much to his chagrin, they had become the central home of their group of friends and often hosted get-togethers.)
“What is all the commotion?” he questioned, but his question was answered when he found Hermione examining a massively large emerald and diamond ring on Lizzie’s left hand.
“Dwaco and Lizzie are gettin’ mawwied, Daddy!” Rosalind shrieked over the top of Lizzie and Hermione’s excited gushing.
“I see congratulations are in order,” he told Draco, extending his hand to his godson and Potions Apprentice.
“Thanks, sir,” Draco responded with a grin. He continued to talk to Severus while bending down to scoop Rosalind up in his arms. “Now that I’m in my last year as your Apprentice, I figured the time was right. Lizzie and mum will have a year to plan the ceremony.”
“Yous have a baby, Dwaco?” Rosalind asked. The question made all the adult freeze in surprise.
“Not yet, Rosie,” Draco answered carefully. “Why would you think that?”
“I was in mummy’s tummy when mummy and daddy gots mawwied.”
“That’s right, you were!” Hermione interjected before anyone could say anything. She reached for Rosalind, who dove into her mother’s arms. “You were a special circumstance!” She tickled the little girl under the chin as Severus gestured for Lizzie and Draco to head out back in the garden just as an obscenely large unicorn plushie entered the house followed by Luna Lovegood and Rolf Scamander.
“Good afternoon, everyone,” Luna said dreamily, and Rosalind started squawking enthusiastically about the stuffed animal.
“Hello Luna, Rolf,” Hermione and Severus greeted together with equal amounts of amusement in their tones.
“Are we still on for Sunday, Professor Snape?” Luna asked jovially while she watched Rosalind crawl all over the “Oonicown!”
“Yes, Mrs. Scamander,” he laughed lightly as Rosalind went arse over teakettle and then burst into giggles. “I know we’ve been working on this for almost three years, but I’m still determined to figure out all the properties with sopophorous bean juice and the increase in magical ability. When I saw Nott wandlessly make fiendfyre dance in his palm two weeks after your little stunt in the classroom – I knew you were on to something.”
“Yes, sir,” she smiled. “But I’m telling you, it has to do with the wrackspurts.”
“Which you have still not proven to me are real…Mrs. Scamander.”
Twenty minutes later, and after another heated debate between himself, Rolf, and Luna, Severus found the crowd of party goers gathered in the back garden. Among them were Harry and Ginny. Ron and his newest girlfriend, Amelia. Susan and Terry Boot and their newborn son, Griffin. Newlyweds Neville and Hannah Longbottom. Professors McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sprout. It seemed that neither Lizzie nor Ginny could help their giggles when gorgeous-as-ever Narcissa Malfoy made a grand entrance followed by a puppy-love-sick Marcus Flint, who was near twenty years her junior – much to Draco’s annoyance.
The food and friendship and celebration of a young life made for a glorious day.
“Did you have fun today, birthday girl?” Hermione asked sweetly as she settled Rosalind onto her toddler bed in her new big girl room that was her birthday present from her parents.
“I did, mummy! I has so much fun wiff Teddy and Vic’orie. An’ Hawwy and Won gots me a bwoom! Do you fink daddy will teach me to fwy?” Rosalind was chattering a mile a minute as Hermione slipped her nightgown over her head before pulling the blankets up to the little girl’s chin.
“I’m sure he will, love,” Hermione smiled indulgently.
“Daddy will teach you ‘fwy,’” Severus assured her with a low chuckle as he entered the room with two new children’s books in hand. “Is mummy or daddy reading to you tonight?”
Rosalind tilted her head with a serious look on her face before answering. “Boff. Mummy wead wun, daddy wead wun.”
“I think that sound like a good plan, Miss Rosie.” Hermione smiled at Severus as they both settled on the floor on opposite sides of the girl’s bed. She chose one of the books from her father’s hands and handed it to Hermione.
“Hinkle Tickle and the Talking Pickle.” Hermione took the new book with raised eyebrows. “Well, doesn’t that sound interesting…”
Thirty minutes later, Hermione’s eyes were fluttering as she tried to stay awake while the dulcet sounds of Severus voice lulled their daughter to sleep with the last few pages of the new children’s book by Hannah Longbottom. Harry Potter: The-Boy-Who-Lived.”
When he finished the last sentence, he set the books on Rosalind’s nightstand and rounded the bed to help Hermione to her feet. Arms around each other, they made their way to the master bedroom.
“Tired?” he asked quietly as he urged her arms over her head, so he could pull her shirt up and off.
“I am,” she replied with a small yawn, “but it’s a good tired. How’re you holding up?”
“Well enough,” he responded. “I’m looking forward to the start of term. Our school year routine is much more agreeable to that little monster.”
Hermione chuckled as she finished unbuttoning Severus’ shirt before reaching to push it off his shoulders. “Agreed. Though I can’t imagine what she’s going to be like during my maternity leave. A disaster waiting to happen.”
“She’s is a combination of your precociousness and my sneakiness,” he concurred while unlatching her bra. “Mm,” he cupped one breast, which caused an involuntary sigh to leave her lips as she arched into his touch. “I will be taking the last few months at school off as well, however. I just finished arranging that with Minerva this afternoon.”
“You are much, much too anxious about this pregnancy, Severus,” she scolded, but not unkindly. She made quick work of his trousers, pulling the belt free and unfastening his placket. Too impatient to feel him, she slid her hand down his boxers and encircled his growing erection with her small, warm hand. “Everything is going to be just fine.”
“Everything was just fine – until it wasn’t – last time, as well,” he reminded her with a growl of need.
Severus knew that he had stalled their argument for now when Hermione pushed her leggings and knickers off together and stretched up on her toes to plant a hungry kiss on his lips. “Need you,” she whispered before she pulled away to climb up on their bed. She settled on her hands and knees and looked over her shoulder at him, beckoning him with a come-hither look.
It was all the invitation he needed. He coated himself in her own desire before firmly sliding into her with one, slow thrust. Reveling in her mewl of delight he started a rhythm to suit both their needs while placing one hand on the bed and sliding the other to manipulate the pearl at the top of her slit. Severus gently bit her shoulder blade at the same time she let out a puff of pleasure as he circled her clit with quickly dampening fingers.
Her pregnant body was so needy and responsive, that she came in under a minute while gasping his name euphorically.
Severus gave the nape of her neck another loving nip before straightening to grasp both her hips in his hands and upping the pace to seek his own pleasure, tipping himself over the edge a few minutes later.
Afterwards, the cleaned up manually while filling the bath and crawled into their oversized tub full of lavender scented bubbles.
“It was a good day,” Hermione sighed as she leaned back against Severus’ chest. She made a humming noise in her throat when one arm wrapped around her just under her breasts, and his other hand splayed flat across the rounded skin of her abdomen.
“It was a noisy, tolerable day,” he corrected, but not without humor. “Rosie enjoyed herself. That’s what matters, I suppose.”
“You suppose,” Hermione sniffed. “Of course, that’s what matters.” She paused. “Isn’t it wonderful about Lizzie and Draco?”
“It is nice; I’m pleased for them,” Severus agreed in a low, relaxed tone as he gently slid his fingertips over the swell that was their second daughter. “I knew three years ago that she was a good match for him. I’m glad they were able to stick it out.” There was a moment of silence where they just basked in their closeness and the heat of the water. “How do you feel about them being this one’s godparents.”
Hermione let out of puff of surprise before laughing quietly. “I’d say ‘you read my mind,’” she answered. “That’s perfect. I know we have both Ron and Harry as Rosie’s godfathers because you insisted there wouldn’t be another and knew I’d never be able to pick just one of them. I wasn’t sure if you’d want to move them around or pick someone new. Draco and Lizzie are perfect, though.”
“I think so as well.” Gently, Severus pushed Hermione forward, so he could soap a flannel and gently massage her aching back. She let out some low moans that did nothing but aid his returning erection. He put the notion to the side for the moment. This was the only time of day they could speak without being interrupted by curious little ears. He pressed a kiss just below one ear and whispered, “How do you feel about Minerva’s job offer?”
“Very tempted…but it would mean that Rosie and princess number two would have to go to daycare. I don’t know how I feel about that…”
“Pet, you’ve been putting off furthering your education for too long now,” he encouraged carefully. “It’ll only be weekdays that you’re apprenticing. No holidays, no weekends, and you’ll be home in the summer…and I’m positive that Molly Weasley would never let you put these girls in childcare. Perhaps we could adopt a house elf from Hogwarts and have the elf help Molly. I truly think you should do it.”
Hermione heaved another sigh and leaned back against his chest. She had been working part-time as Hogwarts’ librarian since right after Rosalind was born because Madam Pince had dropped her hours, wanting to slow down a little before retiring completely. The old librarian would be done for good after this school year, and Minerva had warned Hermione that they would be hiring a full-time librarian and that her part-time position would no longer be available. She had promised the job was Hermione’s, if she wanted it, but had also offered her the Transfiguration apprentice position with the assurance of taking over as the Transfiguration Professor once Hermione completed her apprenticeship.
“I know you’re right,” she answered finally. “I will let her know I accept her offer to apprentice. It’s good work, I enjoy the students. I love the subject…it makes perfect sense.”
“Good,” he agreed. “Now, love,” he purposefully pressed his renewed erection into her lower back, causing her to wiggle her bum invitingly. “I have another offer for you…”
Later, when they were both spent and laying comfortably in each other’s arms, she gently took his face in hand and kissed his lips tenderly. “Everything is going to be fine,” she told him again and he sighed, knowing she was talking about their little tiff just before their first round of intimacies. “Do you know how I know?”
“No,” he answered. “Tell me, how do you know?”
“Because we have been through our fair share of heartache and grief.” She gave him a small smile. “And I’m young and healthy and we’re being careful.”
He sighed and wrapped his arms more snuggly around her. “I suppose you’re right. It’s only fair that I let us live our happily-ever-after without too much fretting, hm?”
“We aren’t living our happily-ever-after,” she said seriously. “Happily-ever-after started at the end of the war, and I hadn’t found you yet.
“Hm, I see,” he paused. “What would you call it then?”
“Our after happily-ever-after.”
~*Finite Incantatem*~
This has been a long journey and just over 18-months in the making. If you’ve made it this far, you just finished reading my first ever Harry Potter fanfiction. It weighs in at 387 pages and 181,190 words! Thanks for sticking with us!
First and foremost, I wish to thank Snowblind12 – who BETA’d, encouraged, helped me when I was stuck, and, finally, became my co-author and best friend in the entire world. I have no idea what I would do without you in my life. God knows I’d laugh less and be bored more often. Love you so, so much.
Snow and I can’t express our love and thanks to all those who favorited, followed, kudo’ed, voted, bookmarked, and – most importantly – reviewed. YOU are who kept us motivated and going and we’re so thrilled to say, “THE END.” We hope you enjoyed it. SS/HG, HEA. Always.
What’s next on the docket? Snow and I will be returning to A World Not Fit to Live In. This is a dark “Voldemort Wins” story. If you are on AFF, you can find it under out joint page: SnowblindLissaDream (link in our profile or on my favorite authors list). If you’re on WP, AO3 or AFF – just check out mine or Snow’s story page.
Love and peace,
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