Both Sides | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10447 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Lou and the plot. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
Both Sides.
Not beta’d. ALL mistakes and grammatical errors are mine. ccino
CH 47 Mi spiace
The two wizards decided to have a snoop before letting Lou know they’d arrived. When Severus saw the transformation from bedroom to living room, and her taste in décor, he was stunned. ‘She has good taste for such a young person.’ He thought.
“This is certainly easy on the eye Severus don’t you think?”
“Indeed headmaster, certainly not what I expected from a teenage girl.”
“I must admit, I too had reservations. But it seems Louhi is a more mature young woman than we first realised. Oh that smells heavenly, how is she managing to cook?”
“That is what I would like to know Headmaster, these aroma’s have been filling my study all afternoon and it has been distracting to say the least.”
They noticed the small table next to the wall. Lou had added the chair from her desk and used her wand to enlarge the table as much as she dare without taking up too much space. The room was not so big that there was a great deal of room to spare. The sofa and chairs appeared to be slightly cramped together to accommodate the table, which was laid simply but elegantly, a single stem vase in the centre containing one stem with two blooms on top. One a pale coffee colour, the other a rich chocolate brown.
Place mats and napkins were dark, while the crockery contrasted in pale coffee.
“I won’t be long, it’s almost ready.” Lou called from the kitchen when she heard voices.
Too curious to wait, the two wizards hurried in the direction of Lou’s voice and stuck their heads through the partly open door. Both were astonished when they saw the kitchen.
“ Louhi, this is marvellous.” Albus told her, stepping into the kitchen proper.
“Is this my bathroom?” Severus asked.
“It was, but I’ll have it changed back when I’ve finished here, I won’t leave you stuck with this I promise. And I paid for all this myself, I didn’t expect the school to pay. Please say you don’t you mind. I’ve missed cooking so much and when you said I could have these rooms to myself I thought, well …your not angry are you?” She finally asked, looking nervously at Severus more than Albus.
“Had you asked me in advance, I would have refused. However, you have clearly used your Slytherin traits and allowed us, nay forced us …me, to endure these delicious aromas all afternoon before asking; ‘Do we mind? How can we say anything other than no, we do not. Headmaster, I take it you are in agreement?”
“Oh indeed I am Severus. Very Slytherin, and very ingenious. No, I do not mind at all. Providing that is that this is not the only invitation I will have to taste your cooking my dear.” Albus told her with a chuckle.
Lou let out a sigh of relief and smiled. “Then if you would care to go and sit down gentlemen, I shall serve.” She told them with a small curtsy.
They needed no more persuading and moved directly to the table.
Lou brought through individual cheese soufflés, noisette potatoes, baby new potatoes, dripping in butter and finely chopped mint, broccoli, asparagus spears in clarified butter and julienne carrots.
She then brought through three small bowls of French onion soup with homemade crusty rolls for starters.
“I’m afraid it’s pumpkin juice or water to drink, if you want wine, you’ll have to provide it yourselves.” She told them as she sat down.
“Water will serve nicely.” Severus told her as he feasted his eyes over the fare before him. You baked the bread yourself, no magic?”
“Yeah, I haven’t made any for ages though, so I don’t know if it will be okay. It didn‘t seem right using magic to make anything. I wanted to do this myself, besides, it would have taken all the enjoyment out of it.”
“My dear, if any of this tastes as delectable as it looks and smells, it will be more than okay. As wonderful as the elves are at preparing food, they cannot compare to anything of yours I have so far tasted.”
She blushed at the complements and broke open her bread roll.
Hardly anything was said during the next three quarters of an hour, as the two hungry wizards and Lou, demolished what she’d provided.
Once their plates were clean and the serving dishes empty, both men sat back in their seats and simultaneously rubbed their now rather swollen stomachs.
Lou smothered a giggle at the sight and kept her head lowered, afraid that if she made eye contact with either of them, she would erupt into all out laughter.
“Well I must admit.” Albus told her with a gleam in his eyes, that I have never eaten so heartily or felt so full in a long time, that was delicious. I truly couldn‘t eat another thing. What about you Severus?”
“I almost agree Headmaster, however, my nose has already detected dessert, and if it is what I believe it to be, then I shall find room for it.”
Lou didn’t try to hide her smile this time. She stood and removed the empty dishes to the kitchen, then retrieved something she knew would please the Professor. Returning moments later with a large chocolate soufflé and fresh whipped cream, she placed it on the table in front of them.
Severus eyes lit up when he saw it and wasted no time helping himself to a large portion and smothering it with the thick cream.
Albus too managed to find room for a healthy share of the dessert.
Lou was happy just seeing her efforts be appreciated. She’d had a wonderful afternoon and cooking in her own kitchen was the icing on the cake for her.
“It was very generous of you to invite us Louhi, thank you.” Albus told her when they’d finished.
“No Sir, this is my way of saying thank you to you both for everything you’ve done for me. I know I keep saying it, but this is the only way I know of showing you. Both of you.”
“Your thanks are duly noted and appreciated Lou. We gratefully accept.” Severus told her. “There is one minor point however.”
Lou turned her face to him, worried that he would say there was something wrong with what she’d done.
“Do we have to do the washing up?” He asked with a slight twitch to his mouth.
Lou laughed. “No. I’ve been studying a brilliant little a book Mrs Weasley gave me, everything is cleaning and clearing as we speak.
“Thank Merlin for that.” Severus said with a look of mock relief as Lou waved her wand and a pot of coffee made it’s way into the room.
“Now I am impressed, it is only recently you were doing your utmost to pretend that food did not float to the table independently of ones hands.”
“I know, but I’m slowly getting used to it.”
Albus laughed openly and for the next hour, over coffee, they talked about Lou’s introduction to magic, her lessons and integration into school life, the two men fed her some of Hogwarts’ history and Severus offered to lend her his copy of Hogwarts a History, providing she take good care of it.
Lou felt they treat her like an adult, instead of an ignorant child and she rose to the occasion, putting across her own point of view only on subjects she felt qualified to comment on, and listening when it came to things she knew nothing of.
Severus had to admit to himself, she’d put herself in a whole different light this evening, and as far as he was concerned, he had a very enjoyable evening.
This made it all the harder when Albus, just as he was leaving behind the Professor, was forced to ask her to come up to his office in half an hour.
Lou didn’t have time to ask him why and busied herself reducing the table and rearranging the furniture.
Severus went back to his rooms to change back into his more severe teaching robes. He was a bit disgruntled when he had to struggle with the fastenings on his trousers. He’d eaten so much he needed to pop open two of the buttons on his good trousers while sitting at the table, hoping it would not be noticeable when he stood. Fortunately his frock coat hid the fact, but even that was straining slightly around the middle.
’Bloody hell, 37 years old and I have middle age spread.’ He thought. ’At least I would have if I dined like that every evening.’ It had taken him a good while to lose the protruding stomach he’d obtained when eating Lou’s cooking at number 12. ’The woman will have to marry a stick if he is to survive her food. It is too good to not pig out on.’
Then his mind came back to why he was taking her to Albus’ office and he forgot all about his stomach. Severus Snape did not do guilty conscience, so why did he have one now?
Lou was sitting reading a book when the Professor called her to accompany him to the headmasters office.
“Sir, why am I going?” She asked.
“Because the Headmaster has instructed that you do so.”
“But why? Couldn’t he have just told me whatever it is when we were eating?” She asked quietly.
“No he could not.” “Pop Tarts.” He said to the gargoyle, which moved aside for them. “This is an apology that is long overdue, but I fear you will not be too happy about it.”
Lou swallowed hard, wondering who she was supposed to apologise to and why. She couldn’t think of anyone she’d offended lately. “Sir?”
“What is it now?” he asked as the stood on the moving staircase.
“Who am I saying sorry to, what did I do?”
Severus turned to look at her fully. “Lou, you are not here to apologise, the headmaster should have told you, or at least allowed me to. You are here to receive one.”
“Oh.” She said. It was not the answer she was expecting. Lou didn’t
Get chance to ask who from as he opened the door and ushered her inside.
The first thing Lou saw was Fawkes and she smiled at him, making her way over to pet him.
But the phoenix gave a sad trill and turned his head towards the Headmasters desk.
When Lou turned to see what the bird was looking at she rooted to the spot and paled.
“No.” She breathed. “Nonono.”
The sight of Malfoy and Zabini in the same room totally freaked her out and she couldn’t breath.
She turned to Severus wild eyed, unable to believe this was happening. Her mouth opened but no sound came out and she closed it, then opened it again as she struggled to draw breath. Even the calming cuff wasn’t enough to help her through this, though it did prevent her from venting her terror and anger in a more magical way.
Lou was oblivious of Fawkes sailing over and landing softly on her shoulder, the phoenix sang softly into her ear, soothing her fraught nerves and enabling her to breath again.
When Zabini saw her reaction to them, he was more sorry than he’d ever been. Yes he’d felt sorry for what he’d done to her, and even more sorry when he’d discovered first hand how she must have felt the day he and Draco took things too far. But seeing her now like this, weeks after the event, it was enough to break the boy and he was unable to prevent his own tears from spilling over.
Malfoy gave his friend a look of disdain, why he was crying over the reaction of a stupid slut was beyond Draco. But they were here on the dark Lords orders so Draco pretended to look concerned.
Lou was calm now, Fawkes’ song making her feel at peace with herself, but she still could not bring herself to look at the two boys. Instead she kept her eyes trained on the potions Master, losing herself in his gaze, trusting that he wouldn’t let them harm her, believing that she was safe as long as he was with her.
Severus was surprised and a bit disconcerted at the way she was looking at him, as though he was her lifeline and her whole existence now depended on him.
Fawkes raised his gaze to the Professor and sang softly for a while longer before returning to his perch.
Severus blinked and moved to Lou’s side, his arm barely brushing against hers. But with that small action, he gave her the strength she needed to somehow face Blaize and Zabini.
Lou tore her eyes from his and turned her attention to the two boys now watching her intently.
Blaize spoke first. “Louhi per piace re, mi spiace, mi spiace.
Louhi please, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.
He told her, instinctively using his native tongue.
Lou looked at him puzzled, clearly he was telling her something, but she didn’t know what and leant slightly against the Potions Master, just in case Zabini was threatening her.
Albus and Severus remained quiet, though Severus scowled at Zabini for confusing her with Italian.
“Louhi.” Zabini said in English. “Louhi I am sorry, so very, very sorry for what I have done to you. I do not ask for forgiveness, for I do not deserve it. I ask only that you know I am sincere with my words, that they come from the heart, and that if there is any way I can in some small measure make it up to you, I shall do so.” He bowed to her, and stepped back, keeping his head lowered in shame.
Lou didn’t know what to say, she was choked at the sincerity in his voice, but she would never trust him again no matter what he said. She had no inkling of their punishment from Voldemort, if she had, she would have been horrified, even after what they’d done to her.
When she found herself looking into a pair of cold, steely grey eyes that held no warmth whatsoever, she backed slightly behind Severus, trying to shield herself from the obvious hatred being directed at her.
Draco turned on the charm of course, he was his fathers son after all, but Lou felt no sincerity in his words when he spoke to her.
“I too am deeply sorry Miss Black, it was not my intention to cause you harm. Clearly I misread the signals you were sending out to me and acted on them in impulse. I am certain that in time, we can of course become friends. After all, we are both Slytherins are we not, distant cousins too I believe, we should put this behind us and unite for the good of our house.” He gave her a curt bow, a slight sneer and stepped back to stand smugly beside a disbelieving Zabini.
Draco was immensely proud of himself for that little presentation and was certain he’d given the most convincing performance of his life.
Everyone in the room started when Professor Snape clapped his hands slowly. “A most impressive presentation Mr Malfoy.” He said. “You know, it might even have been believable, had you at least shown some small amount of sincerity. But alas you did not.”
“Mr Zabini, I personally believe you at least, were showing your true feelings, though in the end, it is down to Miss Black to decide whether or not to accept your apologies.”
Zabini now held his gaze steady with Lou’s, awaiting her verdict. He knew she didn’t know that her reaction would dictate their fates with the Dark Lord, but whatever she said now, he would not hold it against her.
Severus felt a tug on his sleeve and looked down.
“Professor, what do I do?” She whispered, her face pleading with him to give her an answer.
He pulled her to one side. “What do you wish to do?”
“I want to run away, I want to be anywhere but here right now, I want to feel safe. I want my life back.” She told him in a trembling voice.
“And what will it take to make you feel safe? How do you intend to take your life back Lou? By living in fear, constantly looking over your shoulder, or by being the person I met all those weeks ago, the young woman who would fight tooth and nail for what she thought was right? For what is hers, and would let no one take from her, at any cost?”
“Will they leave me alone if I say I forgive them?”
“Do you believe them to be sincere?”
“I think Zabini was, but not Malfoy.”
“Then tell them so. Show them you are not afraid of them, do not let them win.” He told her quietly.
“But I am afraid.”
“You were afraid that night in …well you know where, but it did not stop you from doing what you did, you were afraid every time your leg needed re-healing, but you took what I offered you without question. Lou, I have seen you deal with fear so much since I met you, I have seen the past you hide from everyone else, but you came through it all. You are the bravest person I know, do not give in now. Say what you think is right, be honest, and take it from there.”
She turned and faced Zabini, but her hand still clutched the Potion Masters sleeve.
“Blaize, I think you meant what you said to me, I really do, but you …and him.” She said, her eyes flicking momentarily to Draco. “You took something precious from me, something I can only give once. You hurt me in ways you can’t begin to imagine. I don’t know if I can ever forgive you for that, but I wont run away from you any more. I will put up with you because I have to, no more and no less. But if you ever try to hurt me again, I will hurt you first.”
She turned to Draco. “Draco, I really tried hard to believe what you said, but I can’t. You didn’t mean a word of it, I know that, it was in your eyes. They are cold Draco, just like your heart and I almost pity you for it. But I will tell you this, if you so much as breathe too close to me from now on, I shall kill you, slowly Draco, very slowly.”
“tu hostis. tu asinis.” (you enemy. you jackass.)
Lou almost spat those final words at Draco.
She didn’t see the blonde haired boys eyes narrow, or the look of sheer hatred he shot her way as she turned and left the room.
As soon as she closed the door behind her she leant against it trembling, taking deep breaths as she tried to comprehend what she’d just said. Then she realised she’d left the room without being dismissed and wondered if the Professor would come storming after her. Lou found she didn’t care one way or another. Lou asked his advice and he gave it, in a round about fashion, that was his way. But once she’d said what she had to say, it was impossible to stay in that office, she would have suffocated if she hadn’t left when she did.
‘I’ve got two weeks detention to do anyway, what’s a couple more?’ She thought, stepping onto the spiral staircase and letting it carry her down.
When she stepped off the last step and into the large hall, Lou felt she’d left behind a broken life and walked into a fresh new one.
Maybe she was wrong to think so foolishly, perhaps it was just wishful thinking, but she liked what she thought. It made her feel at ease, like she really could take her life and live it.
Why shouldn’t she? She was young, she’d been given a chance to start again and she intended to take it, despite the scum upstairs who tried to ruin it for her. She was Louhi Melaina Nilsen-Black, she had a right to be what she wanted, and right now she wanted to be herself.
Lifting her chin high, Lou walked back to the dungeons and straight to the Slytherin common room to see her friends.
When Blaize and Draco entered a half hour later, she looked them both squarely in the face, not a hint of fear or trepidation about her.
Blaize lowered his gaze in respect as he passed on his way to the dormitory corridor, but Draco, he stood and held her gaze for a short while before he started to feel edgy.
There was something different about her that made him feel ill at ease and that was not a feeling he was accustomed to. He averted his gaze and followed Zabini.
He cringed when he heard the cheers and applause that followed him up the staircase.
All of Slytherin were applauding Lou for standing up to the two biggest bullies in the school and seemingly showing no fear whatsoever.
Lou didn’t want their cheers, none of them knew what happened to her and they never would. She had her life back now, that was all Lou wanted.
No one in the room saw the tall dark figure standing in the shadows, smiling to himself, nor did they see their head of house as he slipped from the common room, confident that Lou now had some semblance of control over her life. He felt a strange kind of contentment as he entered his rooms.
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