Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190453 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Warning: Rape/non-con; Piercing
Chapter 48 – Evil Elves
“I saw you sneaking to meet her, Darius.” Draco had long pondered over speaking to Darius about this, whether he should or not.
Darius stiffened and stopped dressing. “What are you talking about, Draco?”
“You sneaked into her room several times. Do you like her?”
Darius stared at Draco, not able to say anything.
“I won't tell anyone. I just wondered. You never talk much to the other women, but you visit her several times a day.”
“Why are you doing this to yourself. They say she is dying.”
“You don't know what you are talking about, Draco. Stop watching me and don't tell anyone what you think you saw.”
“I know what I—” A knock interrupted him.
“Yes,” Darius snapped.
“We waited but we thought you would want to know that the pup has been awake since around four and is sitting in the library with the Shaman since five thirty.”
“Is Fenrir awake already?”
“No. We were uncertain if we should wake him.”
“If she is with the Shaman there is no problem. He is here to help her.” Darius threw his armor over, and after throwing a last glance at Draco, he commanded the guard at the door to take care of the supersub.
The night had been so good and this morning even better but this little conversation had gone very badly, and now Draco couldn't even clear things up with Darius.
Little did Draco know that his day would become even worse.
Neville nervously swallowed while he followed Severus to a small room beside the medical room. He had never been in there, but he had heard several clan members call this room the Room of Torture. Draco said you were sent there when you had toothache or if you were in labor.
Neville's teeth were fine and he definitely was not in labor, so why was Severus leading him there? When they entered the room, Neville snuggled closer to Severus. Two unknown men and Ages were in the medium sized room. Looking closer at the strangers, Neville gasped and hid completely behind Severus.
“Neville,” Severus said, growling low. He tried to pull the sub out from behind his back, but Neville refused to step any closer to the black skinned and yellow eyed creatures he had first assumed to be men. They were wearing normal clothes, but they definitely weren't human.
“Neville, please stop hiding and come over here so I can explain to you why you are here,” Ages said from the table he was leaning against.
Ages stood too close to the creatures for Neville's taste. The two black -whatever they were- stood only a few feet away from Ages, close to a stool-like thing Neville had seen in a book about women and birth. That was some kind of gynecologic examination chair, if Neville's guess was right. The pads where the women had to put their legs were high in the air and there were straps attached to it. There was also a part they could lean against and it brought a nervous flutter to his stomach. What this was all good for in relation to him, Neville had no idea and didn't want to know.
Using the distraction of his sub, Severus quickly grabbed for Neville and pulled him in front of him. “You will behave now, Neville. Do you understand?” He shook Neville lightly by his shoulders and looked intensely into his eyes.
“My teeth are all right,” Neville said fearfully.
Severus rolled his eyes. “Of course they are. You are here for something else. Those people over there will examine you.”
“Why?” Neville asked, confused. “You and Miller are the Healers here.”
“They can do things I can't and we, the clan, decided you need what they can provide. Draco will be the next.”
“Bring him over before he works himself into even more of a panic. He needs to be conscious during the procedure or it won't work,” the taller of the two strangers said.
Neville's eyes were locked with those of the tall creature while Severus guided him over to them. The yellow eyes seemed to hypnotize Neville because his feet almost moved on their own, even though Neville didn't want to get any closer to them. When he stood in front of the tall one, his chin was grabbed and the 'man' breathed in his face.
It was as if a heavy blanket was falling over Neville's mind, and he had to blink a few times to be able to think straight again. He found himself sitting on the table Ages had leaned against earlier and to his horror he realized that he was naked. Before he could jump from the table, the scary creature was in front of him, placing both of his hands on Neville's thighs.“You will remain sitting, boy.”
Neville gulped and whimpered Severus' name.
“Do what he tells you, Neville. It will be over soon.”
Severus' words didn't calm Neville. No, they even proved to the frightened sub that it would be something horrible the creatures would do with him.
“I'm Logan and that is my assistant Jamal. If necessary he will restrain you should you try to run. I will examine you now.” The voice of the creature was very calm and dangerous and not a bit warm or reassuring.
“He is a Dark Elf, Neville. They know no pity, but they know their... craft. We paid them for what they will do now and they will do it as painlessly as possible, but this can't be done completely without pain. I promise you that as soon as you are out of this room, the pain will be gone and this never has to happen again,” Ages said calmly from behind Neville.
Taking all the comfort he could wring out of those words, Neville tried to calm down his racing heart. The Dark Elf had taken some strange instrument and was letting it hover over his entire body while holding Neville's forehead with his free hand. The assistant just stood beside his master, waiting for commands.
Neville squeaked when the Elf took each of his nipples to prod them until they were hard and started to hurt. “Jantula,” the Elf said and held his hand, palm up, to his assistant. Neville was sure this was a special language as the Elf had made some clicking sounds while saying this single word.
The assistant stepped around Neville and stopped directly behind him. Neville could feel the heat of the other man's body against his naked back. Only when the tall one grabbed for his ankles and lifted them on the table did Neville forget the danger behind him.
“You will keep your feet up here. Should you move, you could hurt yourself severely. I'll have no trouble healing it but you will be in much more pain than necessary. Your choice, I don't care.” That solidified the truth of Ages' words quite perfectly.
Neville looked in horror at the instrument in the Elf's hand. It was a long, thick and blunt needle. Neville's heart almost jumped out of his chest, especially when the man behind him grabbed his chest and arms to make it impossible for him to stop the Elf with his hands. He started to whimper for Severus again.
“Kick me and you will regret it,” the Elf said dangerously.
“He will have a heart attack before they even get started,” Severus hissed.
“Get yourself under control, Severus. We agreed to this. He will survive.”
“The bastards—”
“One more word and you will wait outside, Head Beta,” Ages growled warningly.
Neville had hoped Severus would be able to get him out of this, but hearing no following argument after Ages' warning, he knew he was lost. He whimpered when the elf took his limp cock and squeezed the head to open his slit. Then he pushed the needle in steadily. The thing was lubed, but it burned like hell and Neville tried to pull away. That was prevented by the Elf behind him. The Elf handling his cock knew his craft and didn't let the movements stop him from continuing or allowing Neville to harm himself.
Neville gasped when the needle was fully in and pressed against that special spot in him. Immediately his cock hardened, even though it was more pain than pleasure he felt. Tears were running down his face and he started to sob.
“I haven't even started, human,” the Elf said in a bored tone.
“I... I'm a werewolf,” Neville said, hurt.
The Elf snorted. “Right now you are acting like a sissy human.”
“Shut your mouth and do your work,” Severus hissed angrily.
“Oh, so touchy, wolf. Did the big bad alpha force you to agree to this?” the Elf mocked Severus.
Neville heard a thump behind him, and he was sure Ages had pushed Severus against the wall. “Calm down.” Ages' voice was filled with power.
The Elf smirked triumphantly, and then he concentrated on Neville again. The yellow eyes bored into the big frightened ones in front of him. Then he grabbed for the small tray beside him and took hold of a small needle. It was thinner and just as long as Neville's pinky, but still as blunt as the one that was currently stuck in Neville's cock. “These are magical needles. They make it possible to feel how much magic you have in certain areas of your body. It will be important for me to know later.”
Without warning, the Elf grabbed for Neville's right nipple and pushed the needle into the hole.
“Ow!” Neville screamed, unable to move. The pain brought new tears to his eyes while the Elf was already pushing another needle into his left nipple.
“Now stop making noises and let me do my work.” Neville's hips were forcefully pulled over the edge of the table and then his legs were grabbed by the Elf behind him to be pulled forcefully to his shoulders. His body scooped down further and his back arched.
Rustling sounds made him look down, and he saw the Elf in front of him pulling out an enormous erection. It wasn't formed like a human member. It was thick, but not as thick as Ages'. The length was surely matching Severus'. The scariest difference to a human cock was the head. It was shaped like a cube with one pointy corner at the tip and four what seemed to be sharp edges.
The Elf lubed his cock and at least it looked to be soft and not really sharp or he would have not been able to let his hand roam over it so easily. Before Neville could think about it anymore the Elf pressed his cock against his entrance.
“I would advise you to relax.” Again no sympathies were evident in his words, and the Elf behind Neville grabbed his legs even more forcefully to keep him immobilized.
Neville screwed his face when the big edgy head of the Elf's cock breached his tight muscles sharply. He was sure he was torn. The elf slammed his cock fully into Neville in one sharp thrust. He didn't react to Neville's cries and started to touch the needle and hum some crazy melody. After a few minutes, the humming stopped. Neville's whole body burned and he just wanted this to be over. “He has enough magic to make it work. Do you want me to go on?”
“Enough magic to allow the incantation to work, even for the clan members with no magical background?” Ages asked.
“Yes, the small amount of magic they have due to the werewolf virus is enough to activate his magic to make the incantation work.” Little did Neville know that most of Goran's little inventions that made life in the clan so comfortable were based on this system.
“Then go on,” Ages said and destroyed all of Neville's hopes to escape.
“Control your lapdog. If he attacks me during my work, he could damage the sub permanently. I won't take any responsibility for it nor for what I will do with your Head Beta if he dares so."
“We pay you a small fortune for your work. So stop provoking my beta and go on.”
The Elf snorted. “If this is a fortune for you, I pity you and your clan.”
The big cock was pulled harshly out of Neville. Then all the needles were pulled out, and Neville sighed with relief, even though he was still in pain. Too late Neville realized the Elf was leaning over him, and he couldn't stop breathing in the air the Elf was breathing in his face.
When Neville's sight cleared again, he was on the odd chair. His legs were spread and bound to the pads that were high in the air. His legs weren't the only things bound. His waist was painfully fastened to the seat he was lying in and his hands were bound underneath it.
Neville gulped a few times to get the dry feeling out of his mouth and then realized that the Elf was balls-deep into him again and now was playing with his right nipple. The assistant had given the other Elf something, but Neville was still too dazed to see what it was.
“Aww,” Neville whimpered when the cock in him seemed to swell. The Elf made jerky movements. Neville crying out in pain and pleasure when one sharp edge of the cock was rubbing over his prostate. Immediately the Elf stopped and remained in this position. Neville felt come drop out of his cock and the pressure was unbearable, but he couldn't move.
The Elf started to hum again and then a sharp pain went though Neville's nipple as if a hot needle was being pushed through it, this time a sharp one and horizontally. To Neville's surprise the pain ebbed away rather quickly. The other nipple didn't even hurt as much when it was pierced the same way. Neville even moaned as the pleasure took over.
“Surprise, surprise. Who would have thought,” the Elf said, amused. Without warning the Elf started to hammer into Neville. Pure pleasure overtook the supersub. The burning was part of it, and he didn't understand why he liked it so much. Soon he was spilling his seed all over his stomach. Even his nipples got some of the white liquid on them.
The needles were pulled out of Neville's oversensitive nipple now and he tried to get his brain to work correctly again. Before he was able to, the Elf breathed in his face again. This time Neville's world didn't turn black completely, but he only came to completely when a hot needle was jammed though the sensitive skin directly behind his sac. If he wouldn't have been bound to the chair, he would have jump off immediately.
Neville had the feeling the Elf was pressing his finger through the newly produced hole and it burned like hell. The Elf hummed something and suddenly Neville's whole private area went painfully tense and then almost numb.
The Elf let Neville's sac fall down over the last piercing after pulling the needle out and feeling if the small magic knob was positioned correctly. Then he grabbed Neville's penis and pumped him a few times to make it get hard again.
Neville thought he would black out when another needle pierced him though the base of his cock, close to his balls. The pressure the thick needle was applying was even worse than the burning. His member was feeling numb now, and Neville wondered if the Elf was keeping it hard by magic.
He was wet. Neville's cock was leaking come constantly as the big head of the Elf's cock was pressing down on his prostrate continually, as well. Due to the sexual stimulation his channel was leaking profusely. He must have caused a mess at the rate he was excreting bodily fluids.
When Neville thought it couldn't get worse, it became so. The next thick, hot needle –at least Neville believed it to be a needle as he hadn't been able to see anything due to the permanent haze he had over his eyes by whatever the Elf was breathing at him— was going directly through his slit and another one was being pierced from one side through the other directly under the head of his cock. Both needles must have been touching each other, but Neville had never felt anything like this. Maybe the Elf wasn't even using needles at all. Neville didn't care; he just wanted out of this room.
“All done,” the Elf said and placed his hand over Neville's genitals. The burning ebbed away, and a cool feeling made Neville sigh with extreme relief.
When the Elf lifted his hand and moved his face close to the area, Neville tensed in fear. To his surprise the pain ebbed away even more via the breath the Elf was applying.
Tears of relief rolled over Neville's face when his private area was painless again and he was released from the chair.
“Bring the next one,” the Elf commanded while Severus scooped Neville up in his arms to carry him to their room.
I know that a lot of you'll be shocked now and think “What the hell did they do to poor Neville?”. Please wait before you get mad at them or me. The next chapter will explain there reasons.
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