Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47211 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
No reviews. *sniff* Is nobody reading this anymore? Did you all give up on me?
“So I told her it was going to kill her and her babies…” Harry paused in his recitation to take another bite of his custard before finishing, “And she let me take it. But not without trying to pin me to the ground with her tail.” He finished dryly, as a windswept Lucius peered out of his room, then came through with a loud sigh.
“Thank the Gods you brought friendly company. I’m more tired from all the excitement than I thought I would be.” He said, collapsing into an armchair.Hermione bit her lip. “Do you need Madame Pomfrey? I can go get her.” She offered. “No, my dear, that’s fine. It’s normal to be fatigued, I hear. If you could get me some grape juice, however, that would be the sweetest of nectars to my parched throat right now.” Hermione smiled as it appeared at her request in the center of the table, and she brought it over to the tired blonde. “Thank you, Miss Granger.” He told her with a smile, and sipped it, then sighed happily. “Harry, you truly DO have too much courage. Draco wouldn’t have been able to pull off that feat, and I confess, I likely would have quailed at it, myself.” Harry laughed. “Oh, Merlin, I’m still not sure how I managed to survive it, but I wouldn’t like to repeat the experience!” He decided.Cedric chuckled. “I agree. I wonder what they’ll have us doing next?” “Let’s find out what the clue is.” Harry decided, picking up his egg from beside him and opening it. An inhuman screeching filled the air. Harry closed it again, his ears ringing. Cedric winced. “I don’t want to fight whatever made that sound.” He said dryly.Harry groaned. “What WAS that?” He asked no one in particular. He was met with shrugs and blank stares. Turning to Lucius, he raised a brow. “I don’t know the second task, I’m sorry to say. But that sounded familiar.” He mused. “Perhaps you’ll be dueling one of Narcissa’s relatives? That DID sound a bit like Bellatrix.” Sirius howled with laughter, coming out of Godric’s old room. “It DID! Merlin, she only screeches like that when she’s really angry!” Harry snorted. “There’s got to be SOMETHING else that sounds like that.” He muttered to himself. “No help here, I’m totally lost.” Cedric sighed.*****Shiloe smiled as he saw Krum enter the library. He discreetly cocked his head towards a darkened alcove and headed for it, sure Krum would follow. After a few moments, the older teen sat beside him, pulling out a book as a pretense. “So, you are a Shiloe?” He asked under his breath. Shiloe nodded. “It’s a long story, and I don’t want to lay it all out HERE, you understand?” He explained just as quietly. “Yes, I know vhy. How did I come to be an anchor? You don’t know me.” Krum asked in true confusion.“I’m not entirely sure.” Shiloe answered truthfully. “But you are; there’s no mistaking it.” He added. “I see. You called me by my last name in the tent. Vhy?” Krum asked.Shiloe shrugged. “I didn’t want to seem presumptuous. I’ll only use your first name if you ask me to.” He said simply. Krum smirked at that. “I am asking, then.” “Very well, Viktor.” Shiloe replied easily. “I can do that. Do you mind being with another Wizard?” He asked. Viktor hadn’t had many romantic entanglements, so no one was sure where his preferences lay. “I only mind those that cannot be discreet. I am a private person.” He murmured. Shiloe nodded in approval. “As am I. We should suit well, I think, so far.” Viktor nodded. “You have private rooms, I assume?” He asked.“I do.” Shiloe said, standing as Viktor gathered his bag and his book, snapping it closed again. “Ve shall go there to continue our talk.” The older teen said decisively. Shiloe led the way. *****“We didn’t do anything more than talk, seal the bond with ONE KISS, and I took a bit of blood! Calm down!” Shiloe snapped.“You took him into your bedroom.” Lucius accused softly. “I haven’t been allowed in there yet. Will I ever be?” Shiloe’s mouth dropped open. “THAT’S why you’re upset? Bloody hell, why didn’t you say something? You’re welcome in there, obviously. You’re carrying my child, I’m hardly going to deny you anything else relating to me.” Lucius sniffed. “I don’t want to go in there. But I don’t want you shutting me out of things either.”“He’s a very private man, Lucius. I wanted to make sure he was comfortable being candid with me, that’s all.” Lucius sniffed haughtily, but didn’t say anything. He turned his face away from Shiloe pointedly. His Occlumency barriers slammed into place, and Shiloe flinched from the slight pain of being cut off from his anchor’s emotions. Shiloe frowned. “Luc?”No response. “Luuuciuuus.” He called to the man in a sing-song voice. No response.Shiloe sighed and got out of his chair, kneeling in front of the man. “Sir? Please don’t do this. Don’t shut me out.” He pleaded sadly. Lucius remained silent, barriers still in place. “Sir, please? I didn’t mean any disrespect. I’ll talk to him, and he’ll come around, you’ll see. I just need time.” He explained. Lucius sighed, and the barriers fell again as he reached down to card his fingers through Shiloe’s hair gently. “I understand.” He said softly, before twisting his fingers in Shiloe’s hair and using it to pull the teen in for a heated kiss. “I apologize. My hormones are getting the better of me lately.” He whispered, nuzzling Shiloe’s neck and breathing in his scent. “And I want you.” Shiloe’s eyes darkened. “You have me. Always.” He answered seriously. “Let me take you here. For anyone to see.” The blonde demanded. “Yes, Sir.” Shiloe answered with a smirk as he stepped back, unsheathing Ducen and undressing himself with a smooth motion of the wand.Lucius watched in satisfaction, smirking as the lithe body was bared to his gaze. He leaned back in the chair. “Undress me.” He said simply.Shiloe dropped to all fours and crawled over to Lucius, kneeling before the man to remove his boots and socks, caressing his slender feet and laying a kiss on each arch as the man sighed in pleasure at the attention. Shiloe removed his belt next, then carefully undid his trousers, smiling as the man lifted his hips to help him pull them off and he saw that Lucius was bare beneath them. He took the tip of Lucius’ cock into his mouth and sucked briefly, then released it with a wet ‘pop.’ He moved on to the shirt, undoing each button and kissing the skin beneath as it was revealed to him, milky white and marred only by a few small scars and the mark on his left forearm. Shiloe ignored it, paying attention instead to each dusky nipple in turn as he kissed and sucked on them, listening to Lucius’ rapid breaths and every hitch in between them. Lucius stopped Shiloe sooner than the teen would have liked, making him look up in surprise as the hand landed on the back of his neck heavily. “Sir?” He asked. Lucius simply smirked and guided Shiloe’s head back downward. “I have no lube with me, and no intention of using my wand.” He explained warningly. Shiloe sucked in a breath, his eyes widening in anticipation. “Yes, Sir.” He murmured, leaning down to slick his erection as much as he could with saliva alone. For a few moments, the only sounds in the room were low groans and wet slurping noises until a door opened. “Oooooh, a free show!” Sirius exclaimed, throwing himself onto the couch to watch. Shiloe’s eyes met Lucius’ and both were full of mirth at the man’s childish reaction to the erotic tableau before him. Lucius pulled Shiloe off of his cock and turned him around to face Sirius before he bent the teen and inserted two spit-covered fingers into his twitching hole. “This will have to suffice, pet, because you’ll get no more preparation than this from me tonight.” He hissed, twisting them sharply. Shiloe cried out as they brushed his prostate over and over again, his knees almost buckling from the pleasure. Lucius pulled his fingers free and sat Shiloe onto his cock, both of them moaning lowly; Shiloe at the stinging burn of the slow, careful entry, and Lucius at the warm, wet clasp of tight flesh around his cock. Lucius stopped when he was fully seated and leaned back, spreading his legs to give Shiloe a steadier perch. “Ride me, pet.” He commanded.Shiloe obediently lifted and lowered himself again, gasping when Lucius smacked the inside of one thigh. “Faster.” The man warned him. “Ohhh, yeah! Touch yourself, Shiloe!” Sirius encouraged, rubbing himself through his trousers. “Do not.” Lucius countered. “Cease your interference and just watch, Black, or you may leave.” He told the other man. Sirius pouted, but nodded, undoing his trousers and taking his cock out. “I think I’ll stay, thanks.” He said, starting to fist himself as he watched. Shiloe moaned at the sight, then threw his head back and started riding Lucius for all he was worth, moaning and crying out when the cock inside him rammed into his prostate with each downward motion. He felt himself nearing his climax and tried to hold back, but was only able to last a few extra minutes, to his dismay. “Sir! Oh, Sir, I’m going to come!” He wailed.Lucius grunted. “Wait for me, pet!” He managed, grabbing Shiloe’s hips and slamming himself upwards in time with the teen’s downward thrusts. “Almost there…” He hissed, watching the boy bounce through his slitted eyes. Suddenly, they snapped open wide and he shouted: “Come now, pet!” Shiloe screamed as he came, feeling Lucius’ come spill inside him, warming him and fuelling him. He sighed, leaning back against the man, sated and replete. “Mm, thank you, Sir.” He mumbled, eyes heavy-lidded with satisfaction. Sirius gasped and came, spilling himself over his hand with a loud groan. “Man, that was hot. You two should sell tickets.” Shiloe snorted. “I’d rather not, if it’s all the same to you. That is something only anchors are allowed to see.” “Indeed. Could you clean us, Black?” He asked as his softening cock slipped out of Shiloe and his own essence dribbled out onto his lap. Sirius picked up his wand and cleaned them all, tucking himself back into his trousers with a happy grin. “Thanks for the show, but I was actually headed over here,” He stated, getting up and walking over to the liquor cabinet and pulling out a large bottle of brandy.Shiloe stood and groaned. “I need to get to bed now. Harry’s given me the evening, but I need to be in his bed come the morning, when he’ll be back.” He leaned down and kissed Lucius. “I’ll see you later, Sir. Good night, Sirius!” He called, waving as he headed into Harry’s room and pulled on Harry’s cotton pajama bottoms and healed himself of the evidence of his encounter with a horny, pregnant blonde, then laid down in bed to sleep.*****“And you’re SURE this is safe?” Harry asked for a third time, as Hermione painted the bindrune on his brow. Hermione groaned. “If it wasn’t, don’t you think I’d be more hesitant to send two people into a MIND?!” She snapped. “Mind magic is tricky work, and we haven’t covered it, and probably won’t, here at Hogwarts. I’m POSITIVE. I’ve read up on it. It’ll be fine.” She finished, stepping back and nodding. “Alright. Join hands, and I’ll activate the rune circle.” Harry and Draco clasped their hands between them, Draco’s bindrune showing up stark black against his pale chest. They closed their eyes and Harry felt a sucking sensation as he was pulled into his own mind, bringing Draco with him. When they opened their eyes, Harry frowned. “Weird.” His mind was the same room he had seen in his dream with Shiloe, and there was a couch, upon which lay the sleeping form of Shiloe, who was pulsing softly, giving off a greenish-gold glow. “Why’s he shining?” Harry asked aloud, and Draco snorted. “Honestly, Potter. Shiloe is the representation of your magical core. He’s showing the colors of it, of course.” He drawled. “Green for Dark magic, which the Potters favored, and Gold for light, which it looks like both your parents favored, although the talent for Dark is certainly not lost to your family quite YET. You could Declare either way easily.” Harry nodded. “I see.” Draco rolled his eyes. “Yeah, sure you do. Anyway…” He looked around carefully, and his eyes lit up as they landed on Harry again. “So, do I have your permission to take a peek around? I think I found out where some memories are kept.” He smirked, pointing to a patch of what looked like bare wall.Harry looked closer and his mouth fell open in an ‘o’ shape. “Sure.” There was a small outline of a door in the middle of the wall, not big enough to admit a person, but big enough to allow both of them to see what was inside. Draco led Harry to it and opened it. Harry groaned. “Whoops!” Draco closed it again, blushing at the memories they had seen: Harry’s first time. “Sorry. Didn’t know THAT was in there. How about this one?” He opened another small door and was greeted with memories of Harry flying during Quidditch practice. “Oh, NICE. An insider view of Gryffindor’s tactics. That’s handy.” Draco mused. Harry closed the door and stood between Draco and the wall. “I think that’s enough prying into my mind, thanks. This is getting a little more than uncomfortable.” He told the blond. “You know you like it.” Was all Draco said. Suddenly, there was a pulling sensation and they were back in the rune circle, Hermione kneeling in front of them, apparently having opened the circle. “There. Sorry. It worked better than I thought, and there wasn’t another way to release you two. It may be because Draco is an anchor to Shiloe.” Hermione explained, straightening and writing on the parchment the results of their first experiment. “We should try it again with Shiloe, just in case there’s a different result.” “We have the same mind, Hermione.” Harry reminded her.“Shiloe’s mind actually may look different. Don’t forget, we saw him in there, too.” Draco pointed out calmly. Hermione grinned. “Ooooh, did you REALLY?! What does he look like?” Harry blinked in confusion. “Um, like me. Well, a bit taller and older, I think. With long hair, red highlights and no glasses. But mostly the same as me.” “Oh.” Hermione bit her lip. “Um, I’ll leave him out of the report, but I want to try this again with him another time, just between the three of us. Nothing official, but I AM curious to see if the result will be any different.” “Whatever. Just talk to him next time he’s active and leave me out of it.” Harry said with a shrug.
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