Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190453 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Chapter 49 - Testing
Draco arched his body when Ages let his rough fingers run over his chest and nipples again and again. “Head Alpha, please.”
“Patience, little one.”
Draco groaned.
Ages was sitting, naked between Draco's legs, enjoying the view of the pale skin under him. “You have been very brave, Draco.”
“Then I should get a reward, Head Alpha,” Draco demanded.
Ages chuckled. “Yes, you should.” He let his fingers wander up on Draco's chest until they rested over his hard nipples. Then he whispered an incantation.
Draco moaned and arched his back again when he felt the needle go through both his nipples once more. He liked; no, he loved it -a lot. The pain was adjusted to his tolerance for it, and was exactly measured to make it enjoyable for the sub.
For Neville, the pain was exacted to a much lesser level. During the procedure, the Dark Elf had magically combined the pleasure from pushing down on the prostate with his cock and the pain he applied with the needle to the sensitive nipples. From now on, for both boys, this magical piercing would mean pure pleasure.
Looking down at his body, Draco saw two small, thin silver rings decorating his nipples. Ages pulled lightly at them, and Draco moaned again.
“Will you let them stay?” Draco asked, even though it was hard to talk while pure pleasure was running through his body.
“I prefer you naturally, my little white one.” Seeing Draco's disappointed expression, Ages added, “Still, you need a reward for being so well-behaved even when you were afraid. I will allow you to keep them for two days.”
Draco grinned from one ear to the other and sat up to kiss Ages. “Thank you, Head Alpha.”
Ages smiled fondly at the handsome sub in front of him. It had been torture to let the Dark Elves handle his subs the way they did. Unfortunately, there was no other way as the Dark Elves were the best in that area. “Do you know why we did it?”
Draco shrugged his shoulders. It didn't matter to him. If his Head Alpha thought it was necessary, he believed him. That's how life in the clan was, and Draco trusted his Alpha.
“Several men came to me worried and complaining about your current aversion toward the toy room and restraints. You never had a problem with those things. Even when you were introduced to them for the first time you had been more interested than scared. That had suddenly changed.”
Draco's cheeks turned red. He hated himself for it, but after the accident in the spa with Calan, he was afraid of those things and with each day it had become worse.
Ages leaned down and kissed Draco softly. “That wasn't meant as criticism, sweet one. We were worried. Many men liked your tendency to enjoy a bit of pain and missed those enjoyments with you. You know that we don't like to do things our subs don't like, so we looked for a solution.”
Draco was puzzled. What had the piercings to do with this all?
Ages chuckled at seeing the confused expression. “Let me show you.” He lifted and spread Draco's legs so they were bent and his feet were on the mattress. His fingers danced teasingly over Draco's shaft and balls before he let his fingers wander under Draco's scrotum to rest over the small knob Draco was feeling under his skin.
When Ages whispered the activation charm, Draco gasped and lifted his upper body to look down at himself. A silver glowing band had sneaked itself around the base of his cock and his sac, separating the testicles. If he had been with anyone else other than Ages or Severus, Draco would have panicked. The pressure was very uncomfortable, but bearable.
“Stay calm, Draco,” Ages said and laid his hand over the rapidly moving chest.
Draco hadn't noticed that he was breathing so fast and had paled.
“Those are magical restraints and only dominants can apply and remove them. I have already spoken with the whole clan about it, and they all know that it isn't allowed to use this as punishment or to mock you. Should this happen, you will tell me or the Head Beta immediately and the person will be punished severely.”
Draco slowly started to calm down, his cock now aching for release.
“Something like what happened in the spa with Calan cannot happen again as those magical restraints are reacting to your body's condition. Should you be in too much pain, they will lessen the pressure, and if there is not enough blood flowing to your organs, it will loosen as well. You won't be harmed ever again by a restraint, Draco.”
Fascinated, Draco looked down at the silver glowing band. “But I can't come with it activated.”
“Of course not. It would be useless if you could.”
“But what if they use it all the time now? Okay... I liked it from time to time, but if they use it now any time I...”
“They could have used cock rings and bands before if they wanted, Draco. They can just as easily be carried around. Now that you have magical knots to activate directly on your body, it won't change their habits for using them. Maybe they will be more interested in them in the beginning, but they still will want you to enjoy everything and will listen to your wishes.”
Draco nodded. He knew Ages was right. Nobody had forced him to play their games since he had been afraid. They had tried to convince him, but when it was clear Draco was really scared, they stopped.
Ages took Draco's member in his hand and stroked it.
“Please, let me come,” Draco begged.
Ages touched the small knob under Draco's scrotum and spoke the counter spell.
Draco moaned happily, but before he could come, Ages held his shaft between his forefinger and thumb, while pressing with his thumb against the knob at the end of his shaft where the skin of his scrotum began.
After Ages had whispered something, a cold , thick metal ring was around Draco's cock. When the sub looked down, he saw it was solid but also had this silver, shimmering look like the band had a few minutes ago. “Head Alpha,” Draco protested. He wanted to come.
“I know, sweet one. I just wanted to show you the rest of your new toys. They have the same ability to react to your body's reactions as the band. So you never have fear them harming you.”
Them? What else could there possibly be after the full band restraint and the cock ring? Draco remembered the head piercing, but before he could think about it anymore, Ages was placing him on all fours and started to prepare his pucker. Yes, Yes, Yes, Draco was chanting in his head. He hadn't thought it would end like this, as Ages had seemed to want to try the piercings when he woke him from his nap after the piercing session.
Ages chuckled. “You know I can hear your thoughts, my eager little sub.”
“Please, Head Alpha. I need you.” Draco pressed back against the three fingers that were fucking him. He needed more, and he wanted this damn cock ring off of his cock to be able to explode all over Ages' hand that still stroked him. Draco knew that if he had a real cock ring on him now, his erection would have burned from Ages' stimulation. Right now it was just the same uncomfortable pressure it had been from the beginning. Only, Draco's mind was suffering more and more as he wanted to come. He moved his hips to impale himself on the thick fingers and push his cock into the skillful hand. Ages didn't stop him, most likely wanting Draco to realize that the magical restraints were different from the normal ones.
“Let me come, please, let me come,” Draco begged while Ages pushed his monster cock slowly into Draco's eager hole. When he was fully sated, Ages took Draco's cock head between his fingers and whispered again.
Draco bugged when the cold, thick metallic rod moved down his slit until it rested against his sweet spot. “No,” he whimpered.
Ages started to pump his cock into the pleading sub under him. It was heaven. Draco's smell of pleasure, arousal, eagerness and lust was intoxicating and his pleas for release were like a catalyst to the fire that burned in Ages' body. He twisted the metal rod, and Draco's eyes bugged in pleasure again.
The rod had moved into Draco's slit without pain, just a small burning and the normal pressure. Nothing like the real rod. Draco never liked it and always had been afraid the dominants would move his cock and hurt him with it.
Ages leaned over the back of his sweating and shivering sub. Soon Draco's legs would give out, so Ages held him tightly with one arm around the waist. “I want to show you one last thing before you can come hard. You know you can trust me, right?”
At first, Draco had thought it was a rhetorical question, but when he realized Ages was waiting for an answer he whimpered, “Yes.”
“Good,” Ages said and pumped the younger man's cock a few times before he slowly pushed the cock down.
“Head Alpha,” Draco cried out, afraid. The rod would damage him permanently if Ages moved it any further.
“Trust me, Draco.”
Draco took strong, short gasps. When he thought he would feel excruciating pain, the rod moved up his slit or part of it and just vanished, as Draco wasn't certain. Ages had pushed Draco's cock down to his balls now and kept it there. “No harm can be down with those restraints, my little one. You are much too precious to harm. I'm sorry for not having seen that Calan wasn't right for the task I gave him back in the spa. That will never happen again.”
Draco nodded and sobbed. It felt good to hear Ages apologize for it. It took the guilt Draco had felt lately for not being able to satisfy the wishes for more rough and unrestrained sex of some dominants. Ages was pumping Draco's cock again, back in his normal position.
Draco gasped when Ages snapped his hips forcefully and at the same time spoke the counter spell and pressed against the base of Draco's cock. The cock ring vanished. Draco's hips jerked forward, his body and mind hoping for release, but the rod was still preventing it. The moment Ages had let Draco's cock move in a comfortable position again, the rod had slipped down again.
Ages was groaning over Draco's back, applying little bite marks all over Draco's shoulder, a sign for Draco that his Head Alpha was lost in his lust and would soon come. With trembling legs, Draco waited for it eagerly as he knew it would mean release for him as well. Ages' finger wandered to the rod and he twisted it a few times until Draco couldn't think straight anymore, than felt it suddenly vanish as Draco had the feeling his balls were being pulled through his cock while coming harder than he had ever come before. The stream of come seemed to never end. His legs had given out and he was just held up by Ages, who still was pumping into him. Then Ages' balls slapped hard against Draco's and remained there as if kissing. Hot semen flowed into Draco's body and he relaxed completely. He was in heaven.
“So you think my cock is the cutest thing on earth?” Janto teased Hermione while he pressed her against the wall directly beside Lance's office door.
Hermione blushed and swatted Janto's chest. “Hey, it's against the rules to use anything I said in there against me. Lance is a bastard for making me say things like this.”
Janto chuckled. “Hmm, but I really like to use things against you.” He pressed his erection against her pelvis.
Hermione felt her arousal becoming overbearing. Lance had made her tell Janto what she liked about him and she had become really horny while doing so. Now with Janto teasing her outside in the hall it had become even worse.
“I must say I first was a bit shocked that you think my cock is cute. Enormous, manly or huge would have schmoozed me more, but the way you said it and the pheromones you were sending out made up for it.”
“I think many things about you are cute.” Hermione replied, smiling coyly at Janto.
“Really? What exactly?”
“Well, your cock of course, but also your mouth.” She first rubbed herself against his hard member and then tiptoed to kiss him. They both drew out the kiss, and Janto let her take the lead. “Then I like that you are bulgy in all the right places.” She let her hand wander over his big shoulders and his pectoral muscles and his hard stomach. Janto didn't have a six pack, his belly was a bit round but still hard. “And finally here.” She grabbed around Janto to squeeze his full hard globes.
Janto groaned and leaned down to ravish Hermione's shoulder. “You make me crazy, pup.”
“Good God, get a room, you two,” Lance said when he stepped out of his office. “Or use my office. I will be off for at least an hour.”
“I love that Shaman,” Janto said as he lifted Hermione in his arms and carried her into the room she had just a few minutes ago confessed how cute she found him.
“Janto,” Hermione breathed, dazed when he placed her on the back of the couch.
“No time to talk, pup. I need to be inside you now,” Janto grunted and pushed her skirt up and her knickers aside. After a quick check that she was already wet as hell from their talk, he pushed inside her in one go. “Yes, damn it.”
Hermione kept her balance by hugging Janto's big neck, her forehead resting on his right shoulder.
Janto's hands were resting on Hermione's globes and pressed her hard against him while he hammered into her. Sneaking a finger in, he quickly penetrated her with it.
Hermione screamed her release and clawed her fingernails into Janto's back, certainly leaving marks.
Janto closed his eyes to not let the pup get him over the edge as well by her clamping down on him. When she stopped spasming, he lifted her while still being buried deep inside her. He moved around the couch and placed her on it. Then he climbed on it as well and started to pound in her again. When he was certain Hermione was lost in pleasure again, he turned her around quickly and positioned his hard member at her back entrance.
Hermione protested weakly when she felt the head of Janto's member against her pucker. Her mate didn't give her time to protest anymore as he already was pushing inside her steadily. It was very uncomfortable, but he distracted her by playing with her clit. His fingers were as meaty as his cock, but he could use them, without a doubt. Hermione moaned.
Janto was encouraged by her moans. He knew she didn't like it that he took her this way, but he already knew her well enough to know how to make it good for her. Soon the discomfort would be gone completely. The never ending tightness of the subs never failed to amaze Janto. You could use them for years and still they never got loose.
Hermione squeaked when Janto pressed one of his thick fingers into her center while he still managed to teased her clit with another. The discomfort in her bum had turned into pleasure by now, and she was lost in it.
When Janto felt that she was close, he removed his hand from her center and grabbed her shoulders with both his hands to pull her backwards to him. That made his cock penetrate her even deeper and she screamed. Knowing they weren't screams of pain, Janto hammered into her until she came hard. Only when her spasms slowly died down, did he allow himself to come deep inside her.
Hermione woke shortly after, laying on top of Janto. Feeling cold air on her private parts she felt for them. “You ripped my knickers.”
“Yes, I did. You shouldn't wear them at all. Why hide those lovely parts from us?”
Hermione rolled her eyes. She had really liked those knickers. She wriggled so she was lying beside him now. The couch wasn't big, but Janto seemed to have enlarged it magically. Looking over the body she liked so much, she saw that he had cleaned himself and his cock was lying limp on his belly. Oh, how she liked it. So thick and short when it was limp. It's a wonder how it could change into a medium erection when needed. She couldn't stop playing with it.
Janto just wore track pants, which now were resting just under his balls. His shirt must have landed somewhere in the room. Hermione let her fingers dance over the big round testicles and quickly Janto hardened. His cock became over twice as big as it was in its limp form. He was the shortest of her mates but the thickest.
Not saying anything, Janto watched Hermione, playing lazily with her locks.
Hermione leaned down and licked at the thick balls. The skin was soft and she felt the testicles move inside the sac easily. Not able to resist the temptation, she took one after another in her mouth and let them roll around. Encouraged by Janto's moan and the twitching of his cock, Hermione grabbed for the thick organ to squeeze it lightly.
Janto groaned. “You will be the death of me, pup.”
Hermione grinned. She liked when the dominants showed how much influence she had on them. She let the balls slip out of her mouth and let her lips wander to Janto's cock. First she licked from the base to the head and then teased the slit with the tip of her tongue. She noticed his balls draw up further and she enclosed her mouth over his cock. Taking him as deeply into her mouth as possible, she sucked on it like a lollypop.
“Damn, pup,” Janto said and came into her mouth.
She knew he felt embarrassed for coming so soon, but she also knew how much he liked blow jobs. Kissing his stomach, right on the thin line of hair that led to his belly button, she started her trail of kisses up his body. She stopped when she reached his mouth. Before she closed her mouth over his she looked into his green eyes. They were so full of affection. She knew that she was special to him. Each of her mates looked at her differently, especially in vulnerable situations like this. Janto's eyes always showed deep admiration for her, as well as love. She knew he never would look at someone else like this.
Janto let his hands wander under Hermione's shirt and over the skin of her back. When she leaned down to kiss him, he happily kissed her back.
Hermione squeaked with surprise when Janto placed her over his already hard cock. These werewolves sure had some stamina! The dominants couldn't hold up with the ability to harden and come with the subs but still they could perform much more often than humans.
“Ride me, pup,” Janto commanded.
Not often did Hermione like to take the lead, but today she loved that Janto wanted her to do the work. She moved up and down at her pace, circled her hips and rubbed herself close to his lovely belly to get more friction on her clit.
Janto groaned and rested his hands on her bum. He still let her decide the pace but from time to time he had to knead her firm globes in pleasure. “I'm close, pup.”
Hermione moaned and leaned down to kiss her mate. “Me too. Take over.”
Janto needed no further encouragement. He grabbed her hips and pumped her hard until they both cried out their orgasms.
Hermione sank down on Janto and enjoyed the feeling of their hearts beating against each other at the same pace. His scent was filling her nose when she inhaled deeply. It was a mix of sex, sweat and the aftershave Janto was using. “I love you so much,” Hermione heard herself saying, surprised at her confession. Relieved, she felt his arms tightening around her.
“I love you too, my sweaty pup. Just don't tell anyone you think of me as cute.”
Hermione chuckled and then closed her eyes, exhausted.
I'm sorry about the late update but I had big problems with aff and wasn't able to open the editing pages for my story.
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