Can You Keep a Secret? | By : KusanoSaku Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 28246 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 6 |
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter francise does not belong to me. I own only the plot and I make no money off of this. |
Title: Can you keep a Secret?
Authors: kusanobabe05 [kusanosakura] and socia0307
Pairing: DracoxHarry, TomxSeverus
Fandom: HP
Notes: Compatible up to the bathroom scene between Draco and Harry in Half-blood Prince- minus the Ginny interest. After that is completely AU…
Warning: drarry gets rather aggressive so be warned.
Chapter 44
Alone, Alaric [Lord Voldemort] popped back into Muggle London to fetch those records he ordered as his ‘mix-tapes’. He still disliked Muggle London…
He had picked up a drink from the Leaky Cauldron before heading into Knockturn.
This time he found Myron’s granddaughter at the counter.
“Miss Bulstrode.”
“Millie.” The girl groused out.
“Millie be nice.” The blonde witch from his previous visit chided having appeared from the shelves that contained Ministry appropriate books.
This of course meant that they weren’t Dark enough to be taken by the Ministry or at least the Department of Mysteries.
“My apologies, I just dislike my name.” Myron’s granddaughter sniffed.
“I was nearby and thought I would check in on that list.” Alaric said politely.
“Grandfather would disapprove of selling those books.”
Alaric smirked, “Sell me copies and I will make you a deal.”
Millie’s eyes narrowed. “What sort of ‘deal’?”
“You are the presumed heir with your sire and bearer separated. I know that a misfired curse caused your bearer to be infertile despite his remarriage.”
Millie nodded sharply.
“You want Lady Giselle as your bondmate and the shop seems to think she is already.” Alaric continued.
“The entail insists that only wizards can inherit.” Millie grumbled.
“You’re not exactly a witch, now are you?” Alaric retorted.
“I identify as agender not that my bearer or grandfather have any clue.”
“Also, as long as Rodolphus is bonded to Bellatrix and on the run, there is no heir to your sire’s family either.” Alaric sniffed.
“I was born female, so technically I can’t inherit either. What of it?”
“Lady Giselle, I believe you have a brother.”
The blonde witch beamed, “Greg, he is actually the current head of our Family.” Her face then shuttered with the familiar Slytherin Mask. “Father fell in your service sir.”
“Your father had plans for you…” Alaric said dismissively.
It was Millie who stiffened this time.
“Father hoped to arrange a marriage to the Pucey heir Adrian to bring him to the cause.”
“I want this bookshop to stay in the family as it were. The shop has picked an heir as far as I can see and even accepts Lady Giselle as your consort. I will insist that you two be bonded.”
“What will convince grandfather to allow that?” Millie growled.
“Full access to the books, journals and scrolls that I inherited from the estates of Merlin, Salazar and Peverell.” Alaric said with a hissing laugh.
Millie stiffened, before whispering, “Merlin’s… library?”
“I am sure that Myron and Malcolm could not resist that…” Alaric said dismissively.
“What about Greg, why did you ask about him?”
“The only concern would be a male heir to inherit correct? Millie has no brothers but you do, I’m sure that as disconcerting as the idea might be, that a child sired her brother would give you the male heir you would be looking for. I believe that there is a potion that is used to allow immediately fertilization without actual sex. It is essentially a fertility potion that you add a wizard’s seed and a witch’s egg.”
“You wouldn’t be trying to convince me to carry it.” Millie looked disgusted.
“I would.” Giselle said stubbornly. “I will take the potion, I am his sister as long as he isn’t fertilizing my eggs it should be safe.”
“How do you know about this?”
“I wasn’t interested in sex in school, yet my schoolmates began courting or were betrothed. I was interested in how to continue my line. I just didn’t find the appropriate bearer until now.” Alaric smirked.
Millie blinked, “You’ve taken a consort?”
“Essentially, you could say that finding my soul mate has allowed me to feel emotions I never understood before.”
Millie agreed to this mad plan of the Dark Lord’s to Lady Giselle’s joy.
Alaric promised to discuss this with Millie’s grandfather Myron and Giselle’s brother Greg. While the Bulstrodes had never been Marked, they were essentially his research team.
The Goyles on the other hand were usually good for following orders, although Alaric had vaguely been aware that there was anger and defiance in Greg’s eyes.
Alaric had been furious at Lucius had marked Draco but agreed to Greg being Marked as well despite neither being of age. He had refused to mark underage before…
With the copies of the books that Millie had made for him, he left both witches with missives for the Head of their Families before he returned to Merrivale.
He actually liked the heir to Alexandria’s owing him a favour, Alaric wouldn’t consider himself a romantic at all. But perhaps, allowing the Goyle witch who had been polite to him to bond to her beloved would make up for forcibly marking her brother.
Molly had been burying herself in preparing for her grandbabies and setting up that makeshift orphanage for Muggleborns.
She was still upset that Percy was too ashamed to come home while Bill, Charlie and George seemed to be hiding their relationships until circumstance intervened. Ron had been so worried about shaming Arthur that he had contacted her father-in-law Septimus who was his grandfather to keep his accidental fatherhood from being well-known and blowing into a scandal like her own pregnancy as a student.
When an unfamiliar owl, not their Errol, who had been her father’s owl, delivered her a letter.
Signora Bianchesshi informed me that you attempted to visit while I was indisposed. News from Britain seems to imply that there was an attack on Diagon Alley outside Fred and George’s shop. I hope they are well.
Vitya says it is time, come for dinner. Grandfather is invited as well.
A tempus charm implied that it was just past two.
Molly swallowed, Septimus didn’t approve of her that was true but unlike his bonded, he didn’t freeze her out. He would at least speak to her while Lady Cedrella glowered daggers at her. It wasn’t that Cedrella wasn’t a decent woman but Molly know that the imperious Black witch blamed her for the scandal that her underage pregnancy had caused. Cedrella, unlike her distant cousin Lucida and Molly’s grandmother, had been cast out of the Ancient House of Black because of the scandal.
Some blamed her Arthur because of his age, while others had blamed her because it was believed that Arthur was betrothed to Gideon. It was her father Drystan and Arthur’s father Septimus’ wish to unite their families and as a second son, being consort was a good thing for Gideon. Not that anyone asked him…
Just because her Arthur ‘tested’ flexible didn’t mean he truly was, Molly had never really seen any sign that he was attracted to wizards. After seven children, they weren’t as active in their lovemaking as perhaps, one of their children.
At least their parents had ‘tested’ them before considering potential matches…
Septimus had been set up by his best friend Arfang Longbottom and Cedrella’s elder sister Callidora. It had been half arranged, unlike Arfang and Callidora…
Being a proper relationship with two members of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, it was accepted by the Heads of both of their families.
Having broken tradition and essentially married for love, as well as having broken with Septimus and Cedrella, she and Arthur had been determined to let their children chose for themselves. That made them seen as having a lack of proper wizarding pride as Lucius had put it.
It was still odd that the stuck-up prick was rotting in Azkaban while his heir was being bonded by contract to her adopted son. Molly would have laughed at the very idea that she would be hashing out a contract for one of her children with Narcissa. Especially, after Lucius gave a dangerous Dark Artefact to Ginny that possessed her and made her attack her fellow students and Gryffindor’s House ghost.
Despite Andromeda and her bonded’s care, the witch sometimes disappeared into herself; her pale skin turning bone-white, her eyes turning distant and began trembling. Her wand falling away from her…
Molly had spent much of her time during the war at home raising her children, she had heard stories about how some people never recovered. She had begun having nightmares about her children in pools of blood soon after seeing Harry return a bloodied injured mess after the Third Task. It was her first real exposure to how one didn’t just walk away from being tortured and betrayed.
The descriptions of her brothers’ bodies after being caught and tortured by Death Eaters to death had always festered in her mind making her overly protective and likely pushing her children away. She let her children think that her squib uncle was a cousin because deep down he embarrassed her. She chose to avoid most of her relations and they, her.
Draco’s great-grandmother Muriel was a Prewett before becoming consort to a Malfoy heir and she had a younger brother named Jason. Neither of which bothered to stay in contact after she was bonded to Arthur…
Her younger brother had taken her scandal more to heart than their elder twin brothers who were Arthur’s best friends.
He was supposedly married to Gwenog Jones but Molly still hadn’t spoken to her baby brother in years. She missed Jason, she was ten-years-old when her brother was born and her mother died from complications…
Her maudlin thoughts were because one of the children earmarked to be sent here after Hogwarts let out for the summer was her cousin, Uncle Bryan’s daughter. The eldest was in Slytherin and second in her and Ginny’s year named Matilda Maia. Her brother was also surprisingly magical and expected to start at Hogwarts come September.
Molly had never considered that her Squib uncle would have allowed his children to be mistreated. It just seemed so foreign a concept for her…
She was grateful that Arthur had seen to this and even talked his disapproving father into temporarily housing the mistreated children until a more suitable place was prepared for them. It would at least give her time to get to know her cousins Mal and Mark.
Despite having seven children and scrimping to make ends meet, Molly had learned to live in a way that would have shamed her mother if Danbrain Burke had lived. Molly had never enjoyed the pomp of pureblood society and had been a little grateful for her scandal having barred her from those circles.
Unlike Andromeda, Molly didn’t have the fortitude to still mingle in them if she wished but she still was able to pick out proper dressrobes. Perhaps, she had unduly influenced Ginny into an unhealthy obsession with Harry. She had bought those dressrobes hoping that Harry would invite Ginny and was pleased when her daughter had a date despite being young for it.
To find out that Ginny had practically raped that date was embarrassing, at least she and Arthur had been mutually irresponsible. Molly was both grateful and ashamed that her victims hadn’t or had chosen not to come forward. Grateful, because her entire family didn’t have to exposed to shame once more. It was horrible that she had to admit to her mother-in-law that not only had Ron impregnated his first girlfriend, a pureblood heiress but also that their youngest was a rapist. Ginny really deserved serious punishment, turning her in would shame the boys as well and they didn’t deserve that.
Molly regretted that they couldn’t afford a mind healer and that she had listened when Dumbledore insisted that Ginny’s giving up the diary as well as its destruction should have helped her. While she was familiar with Grimoires, Molly knew very little about Dark Artefacts, especially those that had the ability to possess people.
While a part of her was grateful for what Septimus had done for Bill, Charlie and Percy;
it shamed her. They should have been able to provide for their children’s future instead of just barely making ends meet.
They had to do better… if only for their grandchildren’s sake.
Ron was the Browns’ problem now, as Septimus put it…
Molly had to stop being so embarrassingly controlling or judgmental, she had to respect her children’s choices even if she didn’t always agree with them. Unlike, perhaps, her mother-in-law; Molly was capable of admitted when she made mistakes. She might take them too much to heart but she was a Gryffindor.
She loved her children and had taught them to use their minds and their hearts; she just had to learn when to let them go and treat them like adults.
She worried what it meant when Charlie’s letter said that ‘Vitya claimed it was time’…
Time for what? Had she alienated all of her children? Was Charlie ashamed to admit to being in love or worse, a relationship because of how she treated Fleur?
She would likely drive herself mad wondering…
Hopefully, her questions would be answered tonight…
Hermione was slowly getting stronger…
But her body’s reaction to a large dose of potions that she was already mostly detoxed from had a dangerous reaction. Andromeda was taking no chances…
Unlike Draco’s mother who was an adult and a bonded woman, while in school Hermione was considered a dependant adult despite being legally of age.
Most of the work she was allowed to do was revision but not spell casting, Andromeda claimed that if a witch of her skill ‘didn’t have it down now then there was no point in casting practice.
Her exams would have to be postponed due to her health which upset her, Hermione still anguished over what her scores might have been if there had been exams their second year.
She did wonder what Luna meant about finding her soulmate over the Summer.
Perhaps, her first crush on Ron was ridiculous…
He was a selfish bully after all who refused to accept Harry’s relationship and Hermione couldn’t be with someone who would throw a friendship away like that. She still berated herself for liking Ron at all after how he treated her over the whole Scabbers’ incident. Then there was the abandoning Harry after his name came out of the Goblet of Fire…
Those three weeks of trying to play peacemaker were stressful…
Hermione was pleased that Andromeda had allowed her to knit but under orders to
‘do it the Muggle way’.
At least Mrs Weasley had agreed to get wool for her…
It passed the time anyway.
Ivy Hall was still very much Harry and Draco’s home.
It felt homier with Remus, Hermione, Fred, George and even Gracie. There was the addition of Theo and Ned since they both finished their exams but Mrs and Mr Weasley had moved to Wellsley Hall.
How long George and Gracie would stay was up to Theo, the eldest Slytherin wizard in their year was rather insistent on knocking down his ancestral home and rebuilding.
Neither Harry nor Draco would throw them out.
Out of their current guests, only Remus had the secret. It wasn’t that their friends couldn’t be trusted, it was more that they didn’t have the need to.
As long as they were delivered by Potter, Black or Malfoy house elves or even someone with the Secret like Andromeda, Severus or Bill then it was safe.
His first summer without the Dursleys and his family, his real family was growing around him and not just inside him.
Molly nervously waited for Arthur, they were flooing to Fleur’s chalet before apparating to the village where Charlie had a house. Her dragon-mad son had managed to speed through training and was handpicked to attend the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament.
He had had a house of his own, small but comfortable for a while now. Unlike Bill who had been a year ahead of him in his training, due to the dangerous nature of their jobs they were paid well. Not that Molly liked to consider this…
They arrived to find Charlie’s little house full of light, unlike her previous visit it looked lived in.
They were greeted at door by a slightly unexpected person…
Vitya was Viktor Krum? The same Viktor who cursed Fleur? What did this mean?
Arthur’s arm was around her shoulders as he held out his hand to Viktor, “Arthur Weasley.”
“Viktor Brankov Krum.” Krum said as he greeted Arthur with a bone-crushing handshake but only after they had entered the house, pausing to shake Molly’s hand gently and kiss her cheek, “Come in.”
Molly shyly held out a box of Charlie’s favorite biscuits, despite her refusal to allow Ron any biscuits something had convinced her to bring Charlie biscuits.
Viktor gestured at the neat row of shoes, Molly and Arthur immediate removed theirs and accepted slippers.
“Where is Charlie?” Molly asked nervously as they followed the Bulgarian Seeker deeper into the house.
“Karlik is cooking.” Viktor said with a smile.
Molly remembered spending much of the winter holiday teaching Charlie to cook properly, there was a kitchen in the barracks and he was one of the few dragonkeeper trainees who showed an interest in her ‘lessons’. Ginny was her reluctant assistant that winter…
Bill had learned to cook when he was younger, simple things that he could make without supervision or with her house elf’s assistance. Charlie had helped with prep while Bill minded the children.
She had been exhausted after her pregnancies with Ron and Ginny, leaving her elf and Bill to pick up the slack with Charlie, Percy, Fred and George.
Unlike the twins and Charlie who were forever exploring, Percy preferred to read a book. Ron just liked to get into things if she let him and Ginny who spent much of her time clinging to Molly’s skirt. For a while, she barely had the energy to look after Ron and Ginny.
Viktor escorted them likely in the direction of the dining room only for them to find themselves separated from the kitchen by a breakfast nook.
Charlie was humming a Weird Sisters’ song as he darted around the kitchen, weaving his wand in a familiar pattern.
Unlike Ginny, Charlie had picked up cooking with relative ease.
Despite Percy’s silence, Molly had sent care packages to him via house elf so he had food even if he was too busy to prepare food or obvious and might forget to eat. Bill had learned some over the years and had accepted a refresher when they visited after winning The Daily Prophet’s Galleon Draw.
Despite the Wizarding World having a greater interest in equality at least on paper, there were far less witches in the Cursebreaker program. Bill wouldn’t allow most of the cookinhg duties to fall on the few witches, she had raised him to do his part. The witches in the Cursebreaker program were there to the same work as Bill and did not deserve to be expected to look after their wizard peers.
Charlie didn’t seem to notice their arrival, he seemed happy in a way that Molly had never observed in her child.
Had Viktor put that sort of a light in her Charlie?
“Karlik…” Viktor called out.
Charlie froze, eyes darting about in confusion before finally noticing them. “I didn’t realise you’d left Vitya…”
“You were engrossed in cooking, you didn’t seem to notice the charm alerting us to guests.” Viktor’s voice held a jovial tone, that seemed to imply laughter.
Charlie blushed, messing with his hair that had escaped the tie holding it back.
“A doorbell charm?” Arthur gasped.
Molly pinched him.
Arthur stiffened only slightly.
Her second eldest gave them a nervous smile, “Hi mum, hi dad.”
Molly smiled weakly at him, “You look well. I was worried for a while…”
Charlie looked away, “We’ll discuss that later… I have to finish dinner.”
“I’ll pour us all a drink.” Viktor said with seemingly forced enthusiasm.
“British size Vitya.” Charlie interjected.
The Bulgarian scowled, “If you insist Karlik.”
“You aren’t getting my parents drunk before dinner Vitya.”
“Da moye serdtse.” Viktor said with a sigh and then escorted them into the dining room.
Molly let the famous Seeker pull out her chair and adjust herself comfortably while her host went to the sideboard to pour them refreshments.
“Mat’s family recipe, the Ionescues are quite fond and known for their rose rakia.” Viktor said as he handed them their drinks. “My aunt Diamante Genevin Bianchessi’s family, are vinters and she seems to have quite a gift at making rakia.”
“What is it that you call Charlie?”
“Karlik? It is a how you say… a way to show affection. In Russian, his name is Karl so I call him Karlik.”
“What about the mo…” Arthur stumbled over the unfamiliar word.
“Moye serdtse? He is… my heart.” Viktor said stiffly.
Molly thought he seemed a bit cold at times, then she nearly choked when she sipped the drink. It was far stronger than she expected… no wonder Charlie insisted on small glasses.
Viktor inquired after their family and Arthur’s health, apparently the Bulgarian had heard that Arthur had been injured two Decembers ago.
Molly was surprised that Viktor knew so much about their family, how long had they been together? There was little change that with pet names like ‘Karlik’ and ‘Vitya’ that they weren’t a couple…
It didn’t take long for Charlie to enter the dining room with floating platters overflowing with food.
Molly was surprised at how much her son had made, it seemed quite a lot for four people.
Both she and Arthur were served first, with Arthur’s plate being filled nearly enough to crack under the weight before her own plate was served.
Despite being older than Viktor, Charlie served himself last.
Molly was curious about their relationship dynamic, but after the mess she made early in Bill and Fleur’s relationship, she was willing to hold her piece and let them tell her on their time.
Aside from the smaller number at the table and a few unfamiliar dishes, it didn’t feel all that different from a Sunday dinner at The Burrow.
Molly found herself filling Charlie in on the family news, she was not that surprised to find that Charlie not only knew about Bill’s marriage but had served as a witness. The two had been rather close growing up and had both looked after Percy and the twins in their own way.
Charlie was surprised about Ron’s impending bonding this summer as well as Harry’s engagement to Draco Malfoy but skirted over Ginny and Percy. Despite the distance, it seemed that Charlie kept a lively correspondence with Fred and George. Out of the rest of the family, Charlie knew the most about George’s relationship with Theo Nott and seemed to approve of him.
George had introduced them during the Triwizard, just before the First Task to Fred’s bemusement apparently.
Arthur just had to tell the tale of the case of the regurgitating toilets and how he had captured the prankster who had bewildered the Aurors that had been more annoyed than interested. Viktor was soon laughing loudly at Arthur’s tales to Charlie’s quiet amusement.
Once they were all suitably stuffed and Charlie had tried and failed to insist they eat more, Molly rose and insisted on helping with the dishes.
Charlie, of course, protested that she was a guest but being his mum, he gave in.
Viktor led Arthur to a parlour with larger glasses of rakia while Molly set about to help Charlie tackle the dishes. It was far easier with magic of course and so while their charms handled the dishes after they put the leftovers in the ice box, the two of them leant against the counter sipping tea.
“It’s been a long time since we’ve done this…” Molly said thoughtfully.
Charlie blushed, “I’ve been so busy…”
“Yes, pursuing your career. I know I’ve been rude in regards to that. I probably wouldn’t have been any happier if you had pursued Quidditch. You are happy and clearly have done well for yourself. I am proud of you.” Molly admitted nervously.
Charlie gaped at her. “Mum?”
“Harry gave me a talking to a while back, you are a grown wizard not a child. I need to be proud of the son I have and not try to change you. I would rather you did something that you enjoyed instead of languishing in a job you hated.” Molly sighed.
“I’m… glad you have decided that.” Charlie began nervously.
“So…” Molly asked conspiratorially, “what is it that you meant by ‘Vitya says it’s time’?”
“You see… I’m a…”
“You’re bent, I’ve thought that for a while now. Your Uncle Gideon was, not that he was interested in your father despite our parents’ intentions.”
“Yes, I am but I am also… a Chuvash… submissive.” Charlie finally blurted out.
“Well, you might have quite a bit of strength but you were closer to Percy in size rather than Bill. You likely received your creature inheritance from your father’s family. How long have you been mates?” Molly was saddened that Charlie hadn’t chosen to tell her before.
“His uncle Dragomir Radovitch Ionescue introduced us, I had tried to keep my status as a submissive to myself but he sussed me out and decided that I ought to be family.”
“Ionescue?” Molly frowned.
“The Director of the Preserve, you met his mate a while back.”
“Your neighbour?”
“Yes, Diamante. She is a Veela, not quite alike to Fleur in looks though.” Charlie chuckled, “She has been helpful, teaching me some recipes that Viktor likes.”
“She seemed afraid…” Molly said thoughtfully, Charlie must mean in colouring not looks. Molly maybe a straight witch but she could still admit that this Diamante and Fleur were beautiful.
“Her mate Dragos is very protective, they have four children between them; Alessandro, Ambra, Esmeralda and Antonio.”
“Those are unique names…” Molly murmured.
“Signora Bianchessi is named for a diamond, so their daughters are Amber and Emerald but in Italian. Eastern European wizarding culture is very big on names, a name is a sort of blessing on a child. Allesandro means ‘defender of mankind’, it is the Italian form of Alexandre which is a common name while Antonio means ‘worthy of praise’. Sanya is top of his year in Defence and is aiming for the Romanian Ministry’s Auror Department. Toxa plans to follow Vitya and their Aunt Klara into Quidditch.”
“What about Ambra and Esmeralda?” Molly asked stumbling a bit on the unfamiliar names.
“Amya and Esme? Amya is expected to inherit the Bianchessi vineyard in Turino and Esme seems to be an artist. Esme is to start at Beauxbatons in September but Toxa won’t start Durmstrang until next year.”
“Those are unique nicknames, are they like ‘Vitya’ and ‘Karlik’?”
Charlie nodded, “They are used within the family mostly but sometimes by close friends, Amya and Esme take after their madre and are Veela while Sanya and Toxa are Chuvash like us.”
“So what was it Viktor meant by its time…” Molly gently prodded again
Charlie blushed, “He finally managed to get me to conceive. I guess I was still waiting for things to settle down. Dragomir has agreed to transfer me from practical dragon keeping to lecture duties. Our baby is the first since Signora Diamante was pregnant with Toxa.”
“So we nearly,” Molly’s face turned nearly as red as their hair.
“It seems so…” Charlie coughed. “I’m only a week or so. We would have invited you sooner but we were rearranging our schedules and relaxing. I never imagined beng mated and informally engaged to Viktor Krum. When we’re together, he’s just Vitya and I’m Karlik…”
Charlie’s lips curved into a slight smile.
“Unofficial?” Molly teased.
“Vitya wants to ask dad first and then negotiate with grandfather of course. But we’re committed to each other, a contract is merely a formality for us. There will be fans who will be disappointed but Viktor is satisfied with me, I’m just a dragon keeper…”
“You’re my son,” Molly said wagging her finger, “a brilliant, handsome wizard, I am proud of you. Viktor is the lucky one.”
Her family was growing. Perhaps, faster than Molly had expected or was comfortable with but she was going to be a grandmother…
To be honest, George would far prefer to be in Theo’s arms right now but he and Ned were at Gringotts seeing to Theo’s inheritance now that they were finished with school and their father was arrested.
Like Draco, it shouldn’t be too difficult for Theo to be emancipated and assume the headship of the Nott family on paper so that they could be officially betrothed.
Theo was also threatening to knock down Mansfield and have a new home built in its place to spite his sire. George didn’t really it , Fred could have the apartment above the shop and he could move in with Theo, Ned and Gracie to turn any place into a home. He’d always craved a family of his own, someone who saw and appreciated him as just George.
He found what he wanted and more with Theo who had pushed past his defences to prove that he saw George in Fred’s shadow.
He was determined that Gracie would start far more prepared that he had himself, sure he and Fred had poured over Bill and Charlie’s old textbooks just as Percy had but they hadn’t been privately tutored like their parents nor had they been able to attend magical primary school. They needed to get her a proper wand soon, her practice wand wouldn’t last much longer.
It could be a family outing, Theo and Ned had wands from the Paris Ollivander shop so it was probable that they would prefer to have Gracie’s first proper wand from the same shop.
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