Hermione's Furry Little Problem | By : Gandalfs-Beard Category: Harry Potter AU/AR > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 243509 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 20 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or its associated properties. They belong to JK Rowling. I make no money from the production of this work. |
When Harry and Hermione entered the Great Hall with Daphne the following morning, they were as astonished as everyone else to see the new table. It was set parallel to the Staff table and at the opposite end of the Hall.
The words Misceo Miscui Mixtum were inscribed in Gold inlay on the marble surface. It wasn’t as large as the other tables by any means, but it was large enough for at least a dozen people
When everyone had settled at their usual places, puzzling over who the table was for, the Headmaster stood to address the Hall with sparkling eyes. Professors Snape, McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sprout stood to attention on either side of him. Dumbledore cleared his throat and began to speak, his resonant voice filling the Hall.
“Good Morning students, guests, and esteemed colleagues. Myself and the Heads of Houses have agreed to institute a new policy encouraging the formation of greater ties of friendship between the Great Houses of Hogwarts, and our friends from the Continent. Please let me introduce to you, the Mingling Table.”
“Those who chose to do so, may take their meals, work on assignments, or simply... mingle with friends there. And it is my sincere hope that many of you will indeed choose to do so. Whoever sits at the Mingling Table is demonstrating their willingness to put aside long-held prejudices and create bonds of fealty across international, blood, gender, breed, class, and House, boundaries.”
“It is only through forging closer ties that we can stand against the darkness which so often threatens to engulf us all. For now, the table is large enough to accommodate those few brave enough souls whose immeasurable kindness compel them to initiate such friendships, but it is designed to magically fit as many who wish to be so joined.”
“And with that, I await your movements with great alacrity. Breakfast begins in 10 minutes--Pip Pip!”
A pregnant silence filled the Hall, but Harry had felt a swell of emotion as the Headmaster spoke. He knew who the table was for now. And as soon as the Headmaster finished his last “Pip,” fighting tears of joy, Harry took Hermione and Daphne arm in arm and they stood up as one.
Harry led the astonished girls to the new table and they took their places on the far side of the table in the centre, facing the Headmaster. Harry grinned, finally feeling at home in the Great Hall.
Dumbledore beamed. McGonagall couldn’t look prouder. And Snape... looked as inscrutable as ever, but Harry could have sworn he saw a tear glint in one eye. Hagrid gave Harry a cheery wave.
The Hall began to fill with a murmur of shock. Many glared at the Unaffiliateds, but a few looked ashamed; some appeared frightened. Luna and Parvati were the first to rise from their seats, and with as much aplomb as they could muster, they traversed the distance to the Mingling Table and took seats next to Hermione.
Fred, George, Neville and Ginny stood up one after the other and found places on the opposite side of the table across from Harry, the Cat-Witches, and Daphne. Fleur swallowed and her crystal blue eyes filled with tears as she made her decision. She squeezed her sister’s hand.
“Se il vous plaît, mon chéri?” Fleur whispered to the little girl. The youngest Delacour nodded, tears brimming in her own eyes.
Then, to the shock and outrage of the rest of the Beauxbatons, excepting a delighted Madame Maxime, Fleur stood straight and tall and strode resolutely to the Mingling Table with her sister in hand. The Delacours took seats next to Daphne as the table lengthened slightly, and Fleur smiled tearfully at Hermione and Harry.
Daphne glanced sadly at the Slytherin table where her sister squirmed indecisively and then hung her head dejectedly while her friends glared and whispered angrily at her. The rest of the Slytherins glowered malignantly, and the Durmstrangs’ features were glacial.
The Ravenclaws appeared either indignant or embarrassed, except for Padma and a few of her friends who were whispering among themselves and giggling and waving at Luna and Parvati. The Hufflepuffs mostly looked frightened and abashed while Professor Sprout shot them dirty looks.
Ron and Seamus scowled. Dean flashed Harry a tentative thumbs up but remained in his seat. The rest of the Gryffindors wore expressions of confusion, but a fair few bore countenances which appeared remarkably Slytherin.
“Get the post Goyle...” snapped Draco as he dipped a piece of toast into his boiled egg. Goyle obeyed his order and opened the door for the owl which dropped the pieces of mail before darting back into the corridor.
Nott grunted when Goyle passed him a letter from his father. Goyle set Draco’s letter and newspaper on the common room dining table, knowing better than to expect even a grunt of gratitude from him.
Draco finished his egg before opening the letter. He smugly expected it was from Mother, begging his forgiveness, but to his surprise, it was from his new German friend, Gustav Gehlen. Draco tore it open and read it quickly, his mouth curling up slightly at the corners for the first time in days.
“Oi Draco, look at this...” Nott said eagerly, thrusting a parchment in front of Malfoy’s face. “My father sent it to me from St Mungo’s after hearing that I'd been confined to the common room. He had Mum post it for him.”
Draco’s eyes widened and the slight curl of his lips turned into an cruel smirk.
“Excellent, Nott! Looks like we may have a way out of the castle after all.”
Hermione turned slightly pink and tried hard not to purr in front of the Gryffindors who had joined them at the Mingling Table.
Harry smiled brightly at Fleur. Not only had she obviously made a bold statement by joining them at the table, but Hermione seemed to find her pleasing as well. Which was good, because Harry felt rather warmly towards Fleur for not treating him as badly as Krum and Diggory had.
“Nice to meet you too Fleur. You can call me Harry...”
“...and please... call me Hermione,” Hermione squeaked. She cringed at the sound of her own voice and blushed when she caught Fred and George grinning at her.
Hermione was saved by the arrival of the Post Owls. Or so she thought. Glaring at her from the front page of the Daily Prophet was her own bushy head next to Harry’s stony features. But her face went livid and her tail turned into a bottlebrush when she read the headline.
Harry’s Halfbreed! Pet or Monster?
One can only imagine how much money must have passed hands to convince the previous Minister to have allowed such a travesty to take place. The question which comes to mind is, who is really the keeper? Is Harry the proud owner of a cuddly playmate sure to tickle his utmost fancy? Or does this Seductive Creaturess have our tragic hero’s Massive Estate ensnared in her wily clutches?
What must poor Harry’s parents think as they look down from their etheric perch, having given their lives in the service of the Ministry, only to see their business empire fall into the hands of a Shrewd Succubus? Enquiring minds want to know!
Hermione’s face was nothing compared to Harry’s. For the first time in his life, Harry wished someone dead. He imagined using sectumsempra on the Evil Witch, but found it wasn’t helping very much. Harry thought perhaps dropping Skeeter in a pit brimming with full-sized Skrewts might be very nearly justice. Maybe if he chucked Draco Malfoy in with her too.That seemed to do the trick. At least he could talk now.
“I’m very sorry everyone,” Harry said extremely calmly, “I don’t feel so hungry anymore. Hermione?”
Hermione couldn’t speak. But Harry was glad to see that she was more angry than sad. he glanced around the Hall; fortunately it appeared that most students didn’t take the daily paper. He knew it wouldn’t be long though, before the few who did finished their breakfasts and started spreading Rita’s lies.
Harry glanced up at the staff-table and saw Snape, McGonagall, and the Headmaster all turning violent shades of purple as they read their own copies. Jaw clenched, Harry passed the newspaper around the Mingling Table so that they all knew a Storm was about to break.
“Lies... every bloody last word of it--except for me and Hermione being married of course,” Harry uttered through gritted teeth.
Daphne fought a losing battle with tears. She couldn’t believe anybody would print such horrible untruths about her new best friends. And she knew how miserable the rest of the school would make their lives over this trash. Fleur appeared to be straining to hold back tears too.
“I’m so sorry ‘arry and ‘ermione. Don’ worry though. I know how ze press operates. Eet ees vairy much ze same in France. I believe you.”
Fred and George did their best not to laugh at the insanity printed on the page. It was just too ludicrous to be believed. Surely nobody would swallow this rubbish. But then their faces fell.
“Oh No...”
Ginny put her face in her hands and Neville slumped in his chair.
“Gran...” he muttered.
Parvati’s tail whipped angrily.
“There has to be something we can do... There has to be....”
“I think anyone with guardians who read the Prophet should write a letter home immediately.” Luna said quietly.
“Tell them the truth about Harry and Hermione.” Luna continued, “I’ll send a letter to Daddy and ask him to come and interview Fleur, Daphne, Neville, and the Weasleys straightaway... except for Ron of course. You’re all purebloods. People will believe you.”
Fleur winced slightly, but she knew that most people believed that to be true of the Delacours because her pureblood father was quite powerful in France. Most people scoffed at the rumours that she was part Veela, even though it was true.
“That’s a brilliant idea Luna.” Hermione’s eyes glittered, but she felt much better and her tail softened. “You’re absolutely right...”
“She is indeed Mrs Potter...” Everyone stared at Professor Dumbledore. They had been so wrapped up in Rita’s article, that they hadn’t noticed the Headmaster’s approach.
“Though I do believe it best for the Weasleys, Mr Longbottom, and Miss Greengrass to use my office floo to get a message to your parents and guardians more quickly. And then, Miss Lovegood, perhaps you can have your father floo straight to my office to conduct the interviews before this day draws much longer.”
“Might I suggest that Harry and Mrs Potter take the rest of the day off in the meantime? Perhaps spend some time away from the other pupils. Your mood seems remarkably resilient at the moment, but I dare say that could change as the rest of the student body becomes aware of this insipid piece of propaganda and begins to act out.”
“In fact, I think it might by wise for Misses Patil, Lovegood, and Greengrass to do the same until the next issue of the Quibbler can be made available to the school tomorrow morning.”
Everyone decided to take the Headmaster’s advice. The others followed Dumbledore to his office while the Potters went back to their quarters to finish breakfast there. It was nearly lunchtime when Luna and Parvati knocked to be let in.“How did it go?” Harry asked with raised eyebrows. Luna grinned. Parvati shut the door behind them.
“Oh, it went very well," Luna replied, "You’ll see when the Quibbler comes out tomorrow.”
“Where’s Daphne?” Hermione looked concerned.
“Oh, she’ll be alright.” Luna responded as her smile softened into her usual dreamy expression. “She and her parents were still chatting with the Headmaster and Professor Snape and McGonagall when Parvati and I left. I think he likes you Harry--Daphne’s father I mean.”
Everyone settled in the Potter’s sitting room, and Dobby brought them all a light lunch. After happily munching on crisps, pork pies, and cucumber sandwiches, they washed it down with butterbeers. Only Parvati still looked a bit anxious. Her ears and tail had no spring in them.
“What’s the matter Parvati?” Hermione thought she knew, but she had to ask.
“I...I still feel grotty from the other day. I can’t get it out of my mind.” Parvati’s lashes fluttered downwards and she flushed. “I thought maybe... maybe if I was with you and Harry it would make it go away. It always feels nice when Harry and you touch me there.”
Hermione purred lightly and patted the settee between her and Harry. She pulled one of the extra vials of calming draught which Harry had got from the Twins out of her robes and gave it to Parvati while Harry gently stroked Parvati’s sleek black tail.
“Here Parvati, drink the lot.” Hermione said, “It’ll help if being touched again triggers a nasty reaction.”
Parvati nodded meekly and did as she was told. But she was already beginning to feel a few tingles of happiness as her furry tail came back to life in Harry’s hands. Luna purred from the armchair as Hermione began to take Parvati’s robes off and give her little kisses. Luna put a hand under her own skirt to fondle herself as she watched.
Harry began to give Parvati kisses too, and he stroked her furry ears as Hermione put her hand under Parvati’s skirt to draw down her panties. Parvati parted her thighs for Hermione’s fingers, and she finally began purring when Hermione put her bushy head down between her legs and rasped her cat tongue along her bare slit.
Harry undid the buttons of Parvati’s blouse and slipped a hand inside to gently cup her breasts and tease her nipples. The kiss deepened and Parvati’s purring grew louder. Hermione’s tongue swirled her clitoris and Parvati moaned. Her blouse was completely open now, and Harry’s lips encircled Parvati’s long dark nipples and suckled them.
The tingles of excitement surged. Hermione’s tongue entered Parvati’s moistness. Her satiny black tail whipped around ecstatically as Harry’s hand slid across the smooth velvety skin of her tummy and he licked her belly button. Parvati meowed and shuddered with pleasure when Hermione’s tongue buried itself deeper inside her.
She was too inflamed. Parvati couldn’t hold back any longer. Her juices squirted into Hermione’s mouth as she burst into a fiery bliss and writhed in ecstasy with a long meow.
Her father had even been so kind as to offer a few generous words about Mr and Mrs Potter to Mr Lovegood, even though he’d never met Harry or Hermione. Daphne was certain that would go a long way to calm the likely outraged response of the Wizard World to Rita’s vindictive article.
She couldn’t wait to tell Harry and Hermione the good news and she knocked on their door. It wasn’t latched properly and swung slightly ajar. Daphne gasped in shock. She knew she ought to shut the door and walk away, but she couldn’t. Butterflies fluttered in her tummy and her heart thumped rapidly.
Daphne’s hand instinctively reached down to press the fabric of her skirt into her own dampening recess. When Parvati spasmed and meowed, Daphne knew it was over, and she quietly latched the door before anyone noticed her.
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