Midnight\'s Call | By : newyorican Category: Harry Potter Crossovers > Slash - Male/Male Views: 14864 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 7 |
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling and Twilight belongs to Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit is being made from the writing of this story. |
Chapter 4 – Solutions
Paul scowled, his fists clenched. "Very funny," he snarled. "How the hell is this hocus pocus crap going to help Embry?"
Harry Clearwater frowned disapprovingly at the youth. Before he could say anything, there was a knock on the door. Billy easily wheeled over to it and opened it, smiling. Two women stood in the doorway. The older looking woman had straight, jet black hair that reached the middle of her back. Time had been kind to her, the only evidence of her age being the slight crow's feet at the corners of her warm brown eyes.
"Good to see you again, Lucy. It's been a while," Billy said kindly.
Aunt Lucy grinned before she leaned down, enveloping the wheelchair-ridden man in a hug. "Indeed it has. I wish the circumstances were better." Her happy expression dimmed slightly before she brightened and gestured to the younger woman next to her. "This is my niece, Penelope Clearwater. When Harry called me, I figured she would be the best person to help Embry."
Penelope smiled at the group of men, tucking a thick lock of hair behind her ear. She kept her wand hidden carefully in the holster on her arm. The war had taken its toll on her and, though she knew why her mother's Muggle family was privy to magic and the Wizarding world, Penelope could still remember the time before Harry Potter had finally stopped He Who Must Not Be Named. She remembered being snatched, being accused of stealing another witch's magic, being sent to Azkaban by the corrupted Ministry. Penelope was one of the very lucky ones. She was still alive.
She thanked Merlin every day for Harry Potter saving the world; saving her. When she first caught sight of little Harry Potter, she couldn't quite understand how someone so small could be the savior of an entire world. While Penelope didn't know Harry Potter personally, she knew other Weasleys besides Percy who more than once vouched for his awesomeness. (Gred and Forge's words; not hers.)
The brief years she spent with him at school, she'd heard rumors of his little escapades that saved the school twice and gave him a special award. After graduating, Penelope put Harry Potter out of her mind. She had to get a respectable job, and continuously thinking about the enigma that was the boy savior wouldn't get her anywhere.
And still, despite graduating, she continued to hear about the wonderful, powerful Harry Potter whether it was from Molly Weasley, who she occasionally talked to, or the Daily Prophet with horrid, gossiping stories that seemed to be mostly fiction. When the news of You Know Who's supposed return had hit her, Penelope was ashamed to admit that her opinions regarding the situation leaned more towards that of the Daily Prophet's. After all, how could You Know Who return after about thirteen years of blissful silence? No, Harry Potter had to be off his rocker, and poor Molly Weasley was so blinded by her adoration for the boy that she took his word at face value.
But as the years went by, the war escalated. You Know Who was back and the year spent in denial allowed him to gather enough strength that he was able to overtake the Ministry and Hogwarts. Penelope had been so frightened that she finally purchased a plane ticket. Aunt Lucy had convinced her to move to America. It would be different and perhaps she'd have a rough time adjusting, but it was a matter of life and death and the decision wasn't that hard to make.
And that very same night when she packed all of her belongings, including the urn containing her father's ashes, her house was raided by death eaters. Despite being a Half-Blood, Penelope was taken into custody. Her father's name wasn't well known and, with him dead from a raid the month previous, that stupid toad Umbridge had claimed there was no evidence of her blood status and sentenced her to Azkaban.
Of course, there were plenty of ways to prove that she was a Half-Blood, but the trial proceedings weren't exactly geared towards anything but condemning innocent people for something they couldn't control. It didn't matter that her father was a Pureblood from a lesser family. She was still tainted, still had mud in her blood, and still wasn't a supporter of the fascist that wanted to rule the world.
Penelope never stood a chance, really.
Azkaban had been horrible. She was always cold, always hungry, always so very empty. Nights and days bled together in a twisted mockery of a life. There was never any silence; only the yells of horrified people begging for Harry Potter to finally save them, begging for a miracle. Penelope couldn't exactly remember if she'd been one of the people crying for a savior or cursing the lack of one.
At one point, Penelope had been so furious that she joined in the screaming, letting her rage ring along the over-crowded cells until her throat was raw and scratchy. "Harry Potter's not coming," she had whispered hopelessly. "We're better off dead."
And even if he did come, how was a seventeen-year-old boy supposed to take on the most powerful wizard in the world?
Day after day, the despair-infested prison had escalated in its loss of faith until, finally, the lone door at the end of the hallway had opened and several prominent witches and wizards had rushed into Azkaban, unlocking the cells and letting people free. Never before had she been so happy to eat her words.
Penelope hadn't believed it at first; nobody really had. Death Eaters used to do that. They would walk dramatically into the prison, glamored as regular-looking witches and wizards pretending that Harry Potter won the war and they had all been set free. The poor, gullible, and desperate witches and wizards had been severely beaten, spit on, and eventually killed.
"The Dark Lord will crush Potter," an unknown Death Eater had sneered, "and you vermin will rot in here like the magic-sucking pigs you are."
There's only so much the human soul and body can go through before all hope is lost.
"It's nice to meet you all," Penelope said, snapping out of her morbid reverie and smiling.
Harry Clearwater stood and engulfed both women in a hug. "Aunt Lucy, cousin," he greeted. "I was just trying to explain to them about magic."
Paul growled. "Embry's not getting any better by us talking about something that doesn't exist!" he snapped.
Penelope shared a look with Aunt Lucy. She looked back at Paul, who stared challenging at her. "And how exactly can you phase into a wolf if there isn't any magic involved?" she asked curiously.
Paul stiffened slightly. "Not that it's any of your business," he sneered, "but we phase because of Q'wati; not some hocus pocus bullshit."
Penelope's smile stretched wider, not at all offended. She'd suffered worse attitudes in prison. Sparing a glance at Aunt Lucy, she flicked her hand and her wand quickly flew into it. The wolves, startled, immediately growled, their hackles raised. "It's just my wand," she said, showing them the smooth wood. "I'm a witch."
Sam blinked. "You're a witch?" he asked in disbelief. "Like, you can make potions in cauldrons and fly on broomsticks?"
Penelope nodded. "It was a gift passed down to me by my parents. My mother was a witch born into a non-magic family, making her a Muggleborn. Muggles are what we call non-magic folk. My father, on the other hand, came from an all-magic family, making him a Pureblood. I'm a Half-Blood as a result."
Jared scratched his head, obviously confused. "No offense, but what does this have to do with helping Embry?" he asked. "I don't want to be rude, but he's getting worse."
It was true; Embry's temperature remained unchanged, but he shivered as if he were cold and he began to sweat.
Penelope grimaced and nodded again. "I'll explain everything better later, but right now I'll perform some diagnostic charms on him," she said firmly, easily slipping into lecture mode. "I'm not sure how this imprinting business goes, but if you can't remember anything, that suggests you've all been Obliviated. There is a way to reverse it, however that also means that there is a witch or wizard in the area."
Old Quil nodded his head calmly. "Do whatever you must to give them back their memories, please. The sooner we find out who did this and why, the sooner Embry can find his imprint."
Penelope performed a few subtle movements with her wand, muttering the spell lowly. She hummed in acknowledgement when her spell confirmed that they'd all been Obliviated. As she set to work, her brows furrowed in confusion. Why would anyone want to obliviate a group of boys? Sure, the boys were larger than average, but that didn't quite seem right.
Carefully reversing the spell, Penelope gasped in shock and her eyes widened. She watched as Embry stumbled across two wolves, one turning out to be very small and colorful. His memories went black, signifying that Embry had passed out. If she had to guess, Penelope would bet that the shock of imprinting on a male wolf was too much for him. When he finally came to, Penelope felt weak in the knees as she realized that the male wolf was, in fact, Harry Potter.
Embry gasped as his imprint's handsome face reappeared in his head. His heart swelled slightly and he smiled weakly. He was sure his imprint's name was Harry. Embry made to get off the sofa, but Sam easily pushed him back down.
"Don't get up just yet," Sam warned, staring at his packmate with concern.
"I need to find him," Embry insisted, trying once more to get up.
Jared blinked. "Him? Your imprint's a dude?" He gaped slightly. "I didn't think that was possible…"
"Penelope, are you alright?" Aunt Lucy asked, rushing over to her niece where she'd collapsed onto her knees. "I didn't think you'd be weakened so considerably."
Penelope shook her head. "I'm fine," she said softly. "Just in shock, I suppose."
"Why? What did you see?" Paul asked gruffly. He felt mildly uncomfortable with the thought of Embry's imprint being a male.
Penelope shook her head and moved to reverse the spell on the other three packmates. She accepted the bottle of water Billy retrieved for her and drank. The cool liquid trickled down her throat and Penelope felt slightly calmer. Regaining her composure, Penelope noticed she was the center of attention.
"I…I know who Embry's imprint is," Penelope said softly. "I used to go to school with him."
Embry leaned towards her eagerly. "His name is Harry, right?"
Penelope nodded her head. "Harry Potter. How much do you currently know about the Wizarding world?" she asked suddenly.
Harry Clearwater coughed slightly. "I told them what I knew, which isn't really much," he admitted.
"We understand there was a war over blood status," Sam clarified.
Penelope hummed thoughtfully. "The Wizarding world has always deemed blood status important," she began. "Just as a lot of Muggles consider wealth important. The very old, Pureblood families detested anybody outside of their circles of power and influence. There was one particular wizard that took it to the next level. Few were ever able to speak his name. Most refer to the wizard as You-Know-Who and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Long story short, he attempted to eradicate everyone with "tainted" blood in the Wizarding world until he was stopped on October 31, 1981 by a baby."
Paul rolled his eyes. "Right. A baby. You're wasting our time."
Sam nudged him harshly, glaring. He turned towards Penelope again. "What does this have to do with Embry's imprint?" An odd feeling settled in the pit of his stomach.
Penelope sighed. "That baby is the only known survivor of the Killing Curse. He was referred to as the Boy Who Lived. Eventually, he grew up and had to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I was already halfway through my schooling when he began. I didn't know him personally, but my ex-boyfriend's family was practically his family, so I heard a lot about him.
"His name was Harry Potter. He was deemed the Savior of the Wizarding world because of what had happened that night. It's not completely clear, but there were rumors that there was a prophecy regarding Harry Potter and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named." Penelope took a drink of water. "The Dark Lord returned to power in 1995. Nobody wanted to believe that. I mean, we'd had fourteen years of blissful peace. Who would want that ruined?"
Sam frowned slightly. "Go on," he urged.
"I was one of the people that didn't believe him," Penelope confessed, her head bowed slightly in shame. "But, he was right. The Dark Lord returned and the world went to shit. Albus Dumbledore, my former Headmaster and one of the most powerful wizards at the time, was killed. Hogwarts and the Ministry was taken over. Laws were passed regarding anybody whose blood wasn't pure. They were to be snatched, forced into a farce of a trial, and were either killed or sent to Azkaban prison."
They noticed her shudder of horror. "You said you were Half-Blood," Jared murmured. "You were sent to jail? For something as stupid as your blood?"
Penelope suppressed the wicked memories that threatened to resurface. "I was going to come here and avoid the war, but I was too late. They snatched me out of my home as I was about to leave and I was tossed in Azkaban. The thing about Azkaban prison is that it's worse than any other prison you will ever go to. It's guarded by dark creatures, Dementors, that suck the happy feelings out of you until all you know is depression and sadness. If you're unlucky enough to be Kissed, they suck out your soul."
Jared gaped. "No offense, but your world seems kind of twisted."
Penelope grimaced. "For a while, it was. It truly is an amazing place to live, but history has its ugly moments. It would have continued to be such an awful place if it weren't for Harry Potter. I was in Azkaban, so I don't know everything that happened and most people are rather tight-lipped about it. All I know is that Harry Potter won the war. He battled the Dark Lord and won. That's not a feat other wizards can accomplish, and he was only seventeen at the time."
She paused to take another sip of water. "The reason why I'm telling you this is because after the war, Harry Potter randomly up and left Britain. He'd vanished without a trace, sending the world into an uproar. The Daily Prophet, our newspaper, would write several nasty, horrid articles about him and speculate his whereabouts. They only stopped when he wrote an equally harsh and nasty letter telling everyone to butt out and leave him alone. Nobody's seen him in eight years, though he's still helped the government change for the better."
Paul stared at her hard. "What does this have to do with Embry?" he asked, although he had a feeling he already knew why she had told them all of this information.
"Harry Potter is Embry's imprint," Penelope said. Nobody in the room was surprised to hear it. "I guess he's been living in America all these years."
Embry attempted to get up again. "I need to see him," he told Sam, who held him down. "Please, I need to explain why I acted that way around him."
Sam shook his head. "You're still weak, and I'm not sure we can trust him. He messed with all of our memories."
"He wouldn't have known the kind of effect erasing your memories would have had," Penelope argued. "I might not know him personally, but I do know that Harry Potter is not the kind of person to hurt other people. He's brave, loyal, smart, and selflessly kind."
"Sounds like you want him," Embry snarled, glaring at her fiercely.
"Or blindly worship him," Jared commented breezily.
Penelope stood and glared at the pack. "Harry Potter saved my life!" she hissed angrily. "With all the shit that's been done to him, he could have walked out on the world and not bothered to face the Dark Lord! Instead, he chose to face one of the most evil creatures to have ever existed and he came out on top. Without him, I would still be rotting in that prison. Do I worship him? Hell no. But I damn well respect him and everything he's done. And as for wanting him, I'm very much involved with someone and quite happy about it, thank you very much!"
Sam held his hand up to stop any further arguments from his pack, forcing them to calm down through the mind link. "This is a bit of a shock," he said, trying to calm down the enraged witch. Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned, after all. "It's a lot to take in, and with the imprint bond being strained and then having that negative influence being reversed, Embry isn't quite himself."
Penelope took a sip of water and breathed deeply. When she felt her anger drain away, she asked, "I know imprinting means you find your soul mate, but what exactly does that entail? I mean, in the Wizarding world, soul mates are more myth than fiction. There've been a few cases of it happening, but people can live happily without their other halves."
Old Quil smiled kindly at the witch. "It is very different for those with the shape shifter gene," he began. "The bond between imprint and imprintee are very strong. It is involuntary and instantaneous. All other connections are essentially severed, and only the imprintee matters. The bond cannot be severed or messed with in any way, or the results, as you've seen, are not pretty. It's also unheard of for the imprintee to refuse their other half. Because of this, we're not entirely sure what will happen should this unlikely situation to come into play."
"But obviously, this Harry Potter isn't like other humans and didn't feel any particular strain after he messed with the bond," Paul pointed out angrily. "We more-than-likely will find out what happens when a wolf is refused." He looked like he wanted to hit something.
"No, you won't," Penelope said sharply. "I'm sure if you explain the situation to him, everything will work out. Like I said before, he's an honorable person. And no, that's not hero worship talk or anything of the sort. My ex-boyfriend's mother is like Harry Potter's adopted mother. She talks about him all the time when we have lunch."
There was a brief moment of silence before Billy cleared his throat. "Embry needs his imprint," he said, "even if that bond doesn't go beyond simple companionship." He looked at Sam. "Perhaps we could go and explain things to him."
Sam still looked hesitant, but nodded. He understood the importance of the imprint bond and, even more, saw exactly how bad Embry had become without Potter. His heart ached at the thought of someone keeping Emily away from him. Though still extremely wary, Sam agreed. At least with Billy tagging along, he would feel more assured concerning Embry and his imprint.
"Alright," he said. "Let's find Potter."
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