Magical Maturity | By : Jim_Ohki Category: Harry Potter AU/AR > Het - Male/Female Views: 46440 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 16 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any other series referenced within. Expanded disclaimer inside. |
Disclaimer: I make no claims at ownership of any copyrighted characters, places or events used herein. The only thing I make a claim to is this fic, which originated in my head and any original characters created by me herein. The following was made for public consumption at zero profit, and is not for sale except to the owning companies. Yes, I dream big.
Special notes: The strangeness I’ve started to delve into is going to be around for a while as a major plot point. I know that some don’t like the fact I’ve backed off of the “Serious Harry” angle but . . . he’s fourteen for crying out loud and can’t possibly be in control all the time. At least it’s not “Indecisive Harry” where he asks twenty billion times if he should actually do whatever he’s hung up on. If you see something that looks like a discussion from the only other site I post to (hpfanficarchive) then enjoy the warm and fuzzies for being an inspiration. The “Serious Harry” will make a gradual comeback after the Tri-Wizard as general mayhem will abound. Also, for those of you that are unhappy with the Weasley Thumping/adult content I must reiterate that it’s a plot point only. This means that except for the “opening acts” those actions will be more in the background so as to avoid repetitiveness.
Magical Maturity, Arc One Part Five
By: (Driver) Jim Ohki
0900 August 17; Potter Battlements
“You know you never told us all of what happened yesterday,” first thing out of the Floo and Hermione had Harry in interrogation. Her mood wasn’t helped by the fact that she was almost trampled by uncountable Harry Potter clones running about the place continuing whatever tasks he’d sent them on before she could frog-march her friend into a different room.
“Well,” he blushed in response, fidgeting in his chair, “you know . . . that thing with Penny . . . I just lost track of everything I guess.”
His admission to where his mind went after dinner caused her to zone out in remembrance before she shook her head to clear away the images her imagination –and her libido- had started bombarding her with. She’d seen the other half of events last night moving stuff into the Battlements with what appeared to be a permanent goofy look on her face.
“Spill,” she commanded, fully aware that if she pushed too hard she’d be receiving the Pose of Death again which caused her to shudder and add, “please.”
Just as he was figuring out how to get started, a new distraction made itself known as off in the background Dobby could be heard. “Harry Potters Sirs stop that! You’s no be workings like Elf; Dobby do’s that!”
Harry and Hermione looked at each other before his voice drifted in the open door, “No Dobby . . . I said no! Hey, how’d you clone yourself? Whoa!”
From the room that Hermione had wrangled Harry into the pair watched as a couple hundred Dobbys marched by levitating just as many Harrys whom were struggling to get free to go back to whatever they’d been doing that had upset the excitable Elf. One of the Harrys managed to grab the door frame after spotting the original and pulled himself back into view even if he was horizontal to the floor.
“You see this!” the clone grunted in exertion as the Dobby levitating him walked into view with what could only be a shrewd look on his face. “This is what happens when you give the Elves too much leeway! C’mon Dobby, stop that I say!”
“You’s being bad Harry Potter Sirs ninety-seven,” Dobby-clone shook his right index finger at the misbehaving body over his head. “Master Harry Potter Sir no being telling you to cleans house today’s.”
“But I’m tired of the library!” was the immediate rebuttal/complaint as he fought wherever it was the Dobbys had decided to do to rectify the situation.
“Do I really sound like that?” Harry had turned his attention to Hermione on his left while gesturing at his clone with his right hand in an effort to ignore his rebelling self.
“From time to time yes,” she answered nonchalantly with a smirk, taking great satisfaction and not a bit of amusement at seeing her best friend confronted with the truth of the matter.
“Bloody hell,” he breathed, before turning his attention to the clone. “Just go with it, I can always spawn you later to do other things. In fact, find original-Dobby and figure out how he learned the cloning trick.”
“Yes boss,” his mirror image looked relieved to not have to spend another day in the library and let go of the door jamb. “Right, you heard the man: take me to your leader.”
“Now then, about yesterday . . .,” Hermione hinted as her arms crossed while her right foot started lightly tapping on the floor after that distraction was gone.
“Oh for . . . you just won’t let it go will you,” he threw his arms up in exasperation. As he settled back in his chair Luna made her presence known by cart-wheeling into the one-of-many studies/tea rooms.
Harry Potter made an important discovery in regards to the quirky blond this day. While she was in a skirt as was her norm when she collided with him she was upside-down. They tumbled over backwards, chair and all, to which he found himself staring up at her unclothed crotch from what illumination he had as they’d landed with her straddling his head. In his surprise his limbs went wild in every direction for a moment as his head jerked forward effectively shoving his nose and glasses into the junction of her legs.
Hermione wanted to huff and scream in aggravation as yet another distraction made itself known before she settled into a pout at being delayed –read as: ignored- in getting her answers. That pout quickly went away when Harry’s arms and legs flailed about for a moment then Luna wound up on the other side of the room so fast she might just as well have Apparated without a sound.
“No knickers?” his dazed voice barely made it to either of their ears from his position on the floor causing the brunette to turn an evil eye on the blond only to find said girl blushing up a storm. “Nice . . .,” his goofy grin from last night was back adding further fuel to the fire that was Hermione’s temper.
“Hello all!” Penny’s cheerful greeting fell flat as she stepped into the room, taking note of Harry on the floor –somehow still in his tipped over chair- with a glazed look in his eyes; Luna in the corner to the left of the door furiously blushing and continuously tugging her skirt downwards; Hermione standing over Harry, hands clenching and relaxing as if she wanted to hurt somebody. “What’d I miss?”
“I want to know what happened yesterday!” the younger brunette couldn’t contain herself anymore. “Every time I ask some random mayhem occurs and I’m getting rather fed up with it!” A vase on a corner table exploded as her magic responded to her aggravation. “Can we talk now or is the world going to end spontaneously as well?!”
Knowing that getting into a row over something as simple as a conversation that had been interrupted by happenstance was a futile effort, Harry waved his hand and righted his chair while still in it. The three young women gawked for a moment at the casual display of wandless magic before settling into chairs of their own with Hermione on his left, Penny directly across and Luna on his right before giving the brunette what she wanted.
“But he’s Dumbledore!” she huffed in frustration when she found out about not only the Headmaster’s spontaneous transformation into a primate but also that the DMLE had for all intents and purposes thrown every book they had at him.
“Hermione, he’s human,” Harry’s visage had become stern. “Everybody makes errors; you, me, Fudge . . . it doesn’t matter who you are. Dumbledore’s mistakes were on a far greater scale though with far greater consequences. I could’ve, quite easily, turned into another Tom Riddle which nobody wants or needs.”
“But-!” she tried to defend the authority of the Headmaster only to be interrupted.
“No; he doesn’t fart roses or shite chocolate cake!” his voice had hardened considerably. “I know you know better than this. You think the Mundane have no tolerance for child abuse; the Magicals are downright insane in regards to the issue. Why else do you think Bones ordered my Uncle tossed through the Veil of Death? It had nothing to do with his origins in the least and everything to do with how he . . .” Harry huffed in frustration before continuing on. “Dumbledore put me in that house. He ignored any and everybody in regards to how I was treated! If I had arrived at Hogwarts in ninety-one with the attitude of Riddle, Magical society probably would’ve torn itself apart! And the blame for the whole thing –regardless of how I act now- rests at Dumbledore’s feet!”
Penny and Luna were staying quiet as the two had it out while at the same time trying to ignore the imagery of a Dark Lord Potter running amok all because Dumbledore wanted to push his ‘Greater Good’ agenda. Whatever that truly meant as nobody but said man knew what the end game was even about.
Harry took a few moments to calm down, feeling upset with himself that he took his own frustrations out on somebody else forget doing it to his best friend/future spouse.
“Listen, all of you,” he spoke after collecting himself. “My childhood in all truth ended Halloween of eighty-one. My previous home life was . . . horrid; yes that’ll work. I don’t like talking about it mostly because there’s much of nothing that can be done about it now. The only reason the MLE had to investigate the Dursley’s was because of the Weasley’s getting caught helping themselves to my gold. Once they looked into that they traced all of the transactions from my vaults. If I’d had any say in the matter I’d just as soon forget they existed, blood relations or not.” Seeing their capitulation on the matter he continued, “Now then; since Dumbledore’s effectively been sacked from the political arena at large here and in the I.C.W., he might actually make for a decent Headmaster since all of his time can now be focused on Hogwarts. Tiberius Ogden got the International appointment –as the Mugwump represents whichever country they’re from- while the new Chief of the Wizengamot is Elphias Doge, who from what I hear has been an attaché to that body for close to fifty years.”
“What about the attempt to remove Fudge?” Penny asked, not quite understanding Harry’s motives.
“Right, Fudge and his staff of Miscreants,” he sighed, shaking his head for a moment before elaborating. “Part of that was me letting my emotions get the better of me; ordering the Dementor’s Kiss for a man that had never even officially been charged with any crime forget conviction smacks of power abuse. Yes, I know,” he raised a hand to stall his audience, “I should have let Amelia Bones deal with it for Fudge made an ass out of himself in the public eye. In fact, looking back on it, I probably would have if the man in question wasn’t my godfather. Hermione can attest to the fact that while I’ll protect all those I can, I get rather fierce in regards to people close to me. From everything I’ve gathered, the death of my parents caused a psychotic episode in Sirius; unless he tells me to my face otherwise, I’m operating under the assumption that if he’d had his head on straight I’d never have any knowledge of Petunia forget living with her.”
He delivered a crushing thousand yard stare at the wall off to his left, trying to restrain his emotions to avoid essentially dumping on people who didn’t deserve it.
“Another chunk of why the Vote failed,” he continued after a few minutes, “was the fact that other than this one ‘visible’ time he’s been squeaky clean as far as anybody knows. Granted, the margin of his survival was much smaller than he wanted and as such will be doing what he can to soothe ruffled feathers for the foreseeable future.”
From there he finished off his recap of the day before; making notes on issues that he hadn’t had the chance to address such as the Twin’s, –and as much as he didn’t want to but had to- Ron and Ginny continuing their education at Hogwarts. He barely knew Arthur Weasley but he had a hunch that the man despised charity of any kind. Nothing to it but to do it, he thought as he spawned another clone.
The three young women watched as a new Harry came into being from nowhere before promptly heading out of the room to do whatever the original wanted him to do.
“This ability to clone myself is just so useful,” he actually gushed in joy, although it was difficult to say if it was because of his ability or the change in topic. “I can get so much more done in a single day . . . well, when I’m not upsetting Dobby apparently that is.” He directed his attention to Penny. “Right, you said something about a conversation –one of many I assume- that I missed due to my Maturity?”
The target of his question blushed crimson as all attention was focused on her person. Ravenclaw she may be, the thought of having to educate another in sexual matters had never entered her mind thus she had no idea where to start before finally deciding on the beginning.
“Once a month during the school year Matron Pomfrey has meetings for those that have turned thirteen,” Penny sounded unsure of herself at first, but the corresponding nods from Hermione and Luna boosted her confidence. “In a nutshell and without much of her medical jargon that quite frankly goes over the heads of just about everybody –yes, even the Ravenclaws for who expects a child to understand the mumbo-jumbo- she covers that as the age of fourteen, the beginning of the Magical Maturity stage, approaches witch’s and wizard’s cores destabilize. How and or why this happens has yet to be discovered; what is known is that as the core begins its first expansion pieces of the old ‘shell’ for lack of a better term can get lodged in the magic pathways which if left untreated can cause . . .,” she paused, shivering at the rather gruesome image, “. . . various parts, or the whole body, to explode in a rather messy manner. There are only two known methods of flushing the pathways out: either by bleeding –hence why blood is such a powerful medium for Runic work- which is impractical due to the fact that the person would be losing blood constantly; the other is sexual release as when orgasm is achieved magic straight from the core . . .,” she paused again, searching for the appropriate terminology.
“For lack of a better word, forces any of the shell fragments to dissolve back into a state of energy,” Hermione finished for her, face nearly consumed in flames for blushing so hard. “Wizard’s cores don’t ‘flake’ nearly as much as a witch’s so the boys can get away with getting release once a day. Us girls, however . . . our cores are shedding pieces fast enough that we have to get gratification at least twice a day while three or four is preferred.”
“To be truthful, self-release is often enough,” Penny took over after a few moments of silence, “since the core is destabilized and losing pieces of itself as the new shell grows underneath it until Final Maturity at seventeen. There are Family Magic rituals that have to take place at sixteen for the witches for once the core finalizes stabilization that’s it, no more chances.”
“I get that,” Harry nodded, shifting around in his chair before standing and conjuring an overstuffed armchair rather than the wingback he’d been in and sitting back down. “My Maturity skipped that, didn’t it?”
“Uh, no,” Luna contributed to the conversation at last. “In fact you’re in fairly high danger because instead of three years worth of steady growth –and the subsequent ‘taking care of yourself’- your core ejected a figurative ton of material into your pathways including the foreign Binding Magic’s. Now that you’re aware of what you need to do and how good the release feels you should be right as rain . . . oh, Sixth Year I do believe.”
“Right, now for the other side of the Galleon,” Penny joked before becoming serious again. “Harry, you have by far the longest and widest penis in the entire school, Professors included. Pomfrey should have warned you about the dangers of such as it relates –partially, mind you- to your overall fertility. Another part is your overall power; from what I’ve gathered you might actually be the next coming of Merlin. That wand waving I did last night was a triple-layered Contraceptive Charm just in case. When you finished and couldn’t quite make it out of me those two shots overrode two of the three Charms.” She took note that his eyes had gotten rather large and were threatening to fall out of his head. “No worries, wrong time of the month for me anyway. But there are plenty of upper year witches that would either not think about it or would intentionally let you finish completely within them thus my comment about sprogs all over the place.”
Harry gave off of groan of annoyance while rubbing the bridge of his nose. Yes, he was quite aware of the fact that plenty of the female populace of Hogwarts would give their arms for the chance to have his children.
“Holy Buckets,” Hermione blushed, trying to suppress her imagination in regards to how much male essence Harry carried around if his showing last night was anything to go by. “That much sperm would guarantee pregnancy unless the witch thoroughly cleaned herself . . .”
“Yes, so unless you’re trying for children underfoot do not ejaculate inside a girl vaginally,” Penny’s face was surprisingly stern in that regard. “Just so you know, abortion is ranked up there with the Unforgiveables and giving up Magical children for adoption because you feel you’re too young to be a father is almost as frowned upon. The only loophole in that regard is a Squib . . .”
“Just call them Mundane please,” Harry interrupted with his own stern look. “I get it, okay. Unless the witch and I are actually trying to repopulate the world for all intents and purposes don’t have sex . . .”
“No, you misunderstand,” Penny spoke over him, catching him by surprise. “I said don’t finish inside a girl vaginally. There’s a world of difference to that and oral or even, if she’s willing, anal.”
That earned her a trio of blushes as imaginations, libidos and curiosities soared to new, unexplored heights.
“If she wants to feel your trouser cannon vaginally, set up something beforehand such as knowing her cycle or even getting her parents involved to block any attempts by the witch to gain access to the Potter fortunes,” Penny finished her rather long explanation, before standing and walking over to Harry while gesturing for the other two to join her. “I’ll have to hunt around for a copy of this,” she muttered as the Witches Only charm was once again applied to Harry.
He squawked and nearly toppled the chair he was in aborting his attempt to flee when Penny held him down by his shoulders.
“Relax,” she chided, noticing that the previous conversation had indeed affected him. “Now then, since you two are going to be around him a lot more than I will come September I’ll show you two of the three ways, if you and he agree to it, to ‘help’ each other that insures no pregnancies.” She failed to see when Harry subconsciously converted his chair into a couch allowing Luna to sit on his right and Hermione on his left. “Well, you could have straight up sex but the both of you would have to be aware of his end to get him out before flooding the place as it were. For this little educational moment, I’ll be completely nude. You two can be if you want, or even rub one out while watching if you so desire.”
Harry’s libido went into maximum overdrive at that statement, conjuring images left, right and center of the things he was about to be up to which brought a smile to his face. It took her left hand –soft as ever- to bring his attention back to what was going on.
Penny, in the meantime, had Banished her clothes to the tea table before she lost her nerve to do so. Harry was, after all, only the second male she’d had this type of contact with and Percy may have well as been a log for all the effort he put into pleasuring her. Looking left and right at the other two females she mentally nodded seeing as for now they’d elected to simply sit down and observe.
Grasping his tool in her hand after kneeling in front of him, she continued with the impromptu lesson.
“The first method is what the brutish call a hand-job,” Penny had begun stroking the warm piece of man as she spoke. “Granted, this is the most basic of things to do. He can return the favor either at the same time or afterwards, depending on if you are beside him or in front of him like I am. Things to be aware of are that your hands, arms and legs will tire out after a while, especially if you’re not used to doing this.” It’d only been a couple minutes but she was already shifting around a bit, sitting on the floor and changing hands. Her grip tightened a bit which Harry liked as he closed his eyes and leaned back to enjoy the sensations.
Closing his eyes caused him to miss Hermione being bold for her persona, reaching tentatively in to touch him with her right hand.
“How in the world does it produce that much heat?” she whispered to herself as he nearly climaxed then and there to the familiar-to-his-hands feel of her skin.
“Oh, he liked that,” Penny encouraged a bit of exploration on the part of those on the couch, needing a break to get the slight cramping out of her arms.
Luna, not wanting to be left out, added her left hand just above Hermione’s and noted the pulse she could feel as she matched the brunette’s pace.
Voldemort could’ve popped in and killed him for Harry was so far gone into bliss he’d lost track of his surroundings. The pair of hands from either side were divine as their owners experimented with what worked the best. Light to medium squeezing, slow to fast strokes, either going to entire length of the shaft, staying up near the head or down near the base. He wasn’t sure how she did it but Penny got back in without breaking the rhythm established and shooing the other two off for a moment.
“Take in that look on his face ladies,” she felt his tool stiffen further. “That face is the one to watch for; he might be feeling so good that he’ll forget to give warning before finishing.” She gripped him firmly, focusing on fast strokes on the entire length. “Yes Harry, that’s it. Cum for me, let it go!”
Her wish was his command; either that or she’d just gotten the words out before he finished. He’d be hard pressed to say if it was her ministrations or talk that started it but wow did it feel good!
Hermione and Luna, right next to the volcano that was Harry’s beanstalk could feel his magic anchor them, the couch and Penny to the floor before one of the Dobbys started grumbling in the background.
“Master Harry Potter sirs makings big mess . . .”
If it hadn’t been for the actions of the Elf said mess would have gone out into the hallway. Instead the first shot hit the suddenly closed door before the hosepipe was suddenly cutoff by Penny’s mouth as she tried to keep up with him inadvertently displaying another method to the other pair on the couch.
Her idea worked for the second through fifth shots before she found her oxygen supply running low; she couldn’t swallow the vast amount of essence fast enough to catch a breath.
It was almost like a replay of the night before as Harry continued his impersonation of a hose. Hermione and Luna took a moment to look at each other –ignoring the vibrations in the furniture as it strained to stay intact- with a question in their eyes about the amount being more than last time before taking in the sight of Penny getting her face plastered by the six through the ending ninth shots. She was a right mess for her hair, face, shoulders and top of her breasts were painted in that mother-of-pearl sheen.
Harry cracked his eyes open and nearly leapt off of the couch in surprise. The sight in front of him, he knew, wasn’t his entire climax as he’d vaguely registered her mouth latching on at one point. Penny produced her wand from under the front of the couch; a pair of waves later she was as clean as she could be without a shower.
It took a moment for them to realize that her right hand hadn’t stopped with its ministrations on Harry. They had been so lost in the moment that they’d missed any deflation on his part; now his tool pointed out at a forty-five degree angle to his legs ready to go again.
“Awesome turnaround time,” Penny mumbled, her eyes crossing a bit as her libido went crazy with ideas. Her experimental side, never satisfied by that lump Percy, began bombarding her with the things she’d always wanted to try. Her rational side didn’t offer much resistance for how can a person ever know if they don’t like something without ever trying?
“Wow,” Hermione hadn’t felt this aroused in her life. While her parents were far from prudes that didn’t mean an open-door policy at home. Momentarily she frowned at the passing thought, her father was becoming more aggressive as the years passed and she had no idea why. Being the observant individual she was she’d caught onto his behavior long before she’d entered Hogwarts so she assumed she wasn’t the cause.
Luna, in a similar state to the young woman sitting on the other side of Harry in regards to her arousal, had even less to go on as her mother had died long before she entered puberty and her father took a dive off the deep end. Since meeting Harry in the Alley on his birthday she’d been exposed to many new things that the rest of the world took for granted such as friendship let alone intimacy of any type.
“Right then, here we go,” the graduated Ravenclaw found her inner Gryffindor, climbing onto Harry’s lap backwards after more waves of her wand. The first thought to zip through her mind at contact was ‘weird’ followed by ‘ooh’ as she fought the instinct to clamp down at the intruder poking at her bum.
“The hard part of this,” she spoke through clenched teeth to the room at large, not realizing the pun, “is getting your body to relax. I’ve heard that if patience isn’t exercised pain and damage is all that will happen.”
“You’ve never?” Harry started then stopped, not quite believing his luck. Maybe, he thought, just maybe I’m finally catching a break in life. He was glad that he didn’t verbalize it as even he could detect the ego-stroking within the words.
“No~,” Penny trailed off, slowly dropping her weight onto Harry’s tool. Her rational mind apparently had an off switch as all thought fled the further in he went.
She stopped three-quarters of the way down, whimpering about there being just too much to handle. Harry, proving he had a brain in his skull, caught on at once that this was the limit and conjured what looked like a pair of foam-covered bricks with ties on the ends. Before the other two on the couch –whom had fallen silent, eyes popping at the fact that yes this style of sex was possible- could figure out what they were for he lifted Penny by her waist, set them on his legs and tied them together so they wouldn’t fall off.
“So sweet,” said young woman groaned out as her mind was still processing the goings on. Not having to concentrate on holding herself up helped immensely in getting sorted out to continue her impromptu lecture.
“Now Harry,” she addressed him directly, “don’t be afraid of wandering hands. Between last night and today there’s no reason to think that I would get mad for exploring my body. Whomever your with at the time will tell you the same thing, so don’t hesitate. What to keep in mind is what each individual witch likes; some prefer gentleness over roughness, some gain their pleasure from pain, so on and so forth. The only way to figure it out is to let your hands roam.”
He’d yet to remove said appendages from her waist; instead he started his exploration there to see what really set her furnace on fire. Concentrating on that helped in regards to not quite paying attention to the sensations his ‘mini-me’ was sending to his brain as she –once she got her legs on the couch to either side of his- starting rising and falling.
The action going on beside her was completely new to Hermione. She’d not even read up on the subject of anal sex, feeling far too embarrassed by the topic to learn about it. If anybody had noticed and asked her why, her low self-esteem in regards to her looks would surface followed closely by the attempt to be casual that no boy would want her that way. Now she was getting a crash-course on the issue as the former Head Girl starting moaning in delight at what she was feeling. Being fourteen –almost fifteen- she was extremely curious as to what sex would feel like. If the noise Penny was making was any indication, as Harry lightly pinched her nipples –when did his hands get up there?-, she couldn’t wait to feel it for herself. Her own mind made a note that self-gratification held nothing anymore which might prove to be a problem before his cloning ability surfaced from her memory igniting the afterburners of her imagination.
For all of her random thoughts, she’d failed to notice that she was rubbing her jean-clad thighs together in rhythm to Penny’s bouncing.
Luna felt that her eyes were trying to leave her head, which when one considers that they were naturally wide was saying something. Unabashedly, her skirt was already hiked above her waist revealing that Harry’s observation had been accurate. Her previously unoccupied right hand was busy working herself into a frenzy, teasing her center and seemingly on autopilot sending her index finger questing forth trying to reach that particular itch. Her left hand was on a quest of its own; Penny was so absorbed by the pleasure that she’d failed to notice the third hand exploring her skin. Harry noticed, if his sudden questioning look in her direction was anything to go by, but kept silent. A large part of his silence was in shifting his eyes from Penny’s bouncing bum to Luna going for the gold. Another part was that she had shifted closer to the pair so that she wouldn’t have to strain to reach and he was wondering if she wanted any help.
Penny had descended into the realm of absolute verbal filth flowing from her mouth. She still hadn’t noticed the third hand which was occupied in caressing her bum as Harry’s left hand had gone walkabout southward from her chest. That hand spent some time lightly teasing the skin of her flat belly before moving even further south after she didn’t raise any objects to what he was doing.
Harry wasn’t paying much attention to where his hand was heading as he heard a whimper followed by a growl of frustration from his left. In the excitement of the goings on Hermione had slipped completely from his notice which was quickly corrected. How she got into that position he’d never know but the view it presented drove the question out of his mind.
Said young woman had, at some point, gotten fed up with being highly aroused and not doing anything about it. Now she was perched on the armrest of the couch, jeans and knickers down around her ankles allowing her legs to be open. This by itself was nice, however what made it spectacular to Harry was that he could see the middle and ring fingers of her right hand pumping her center.
This direct look triggered a thought in his mind about baldness as his wandering hand reported in that while trimmed Penny had some there. Wondering if he was missing something –while at the same time making the grand discovery every male that cares about women getting theirs that distractions were delaying his end- he turned his head to scope Luna. Her blond hair was hard to see from the angle he was looking at, but from what he could tell she appeared to be ‘all natural’. His glance also showed that she was using the same method as the brunette on his left as a pair of fingers appeared and disappeared in rapid movement. Taking notice of Penny’s arms propping her up via his chest –he hadn’t realized when he had slouched- he directed his lower hand to finish its trek.
It took a bit of experimentation on his part to find his way around her but the rewards were well worth it. She had apparently been in a battle to hold off her orgasm for as long as she could but promptly lost when without realizing it he had rubbed the wonderful little nub just above her core. The verbal filth vanished into the most sensual moan he’d ever heard while her bum clenched down hard.
Furthering his grand discovery he focused on Hermione and Luna as a tingle he’d vaguely felt before began to appear. Having a better understanding of what was happening he knew that his end wouldn’t be much longer, even as Penny climaxed again from his plunging fingers. From the way the pair were panting they were either close or were on their way down from their own release; whichever it was he wasn’t certain. His higher brain functions went offline at that moment, rebelling from his lack of attention to what was going on in his lap. He may be new to the realm of relations such as this but this was natural; not even the most proficient could hold out forever.
The three young women had little warning to what was going on as Harry’s hands returned to their starting point on Penny’s waist. If it weren’t for the magical anchoring they felt they’d have no idea how close to his end he was. All he could do was grunt as his arms slammed her down and held her motionless.
The duo not impaled latched onto his arms to prevent themselves from being blown away as the anchoring proved to be insufficient. Apparently this climax was a monster as the window blew out and the rest of the furniture in the room –except their protected couch and the wand under it- atomized. If that wasn’t enough random objects were conjured, transfigured, animated then vanished for no particular reason. Things like a statue of Ron that became a slug before trying to slink away; a strange statue of Ginny as a Hermaphrodite looking indecisive as to what to do with a male tool; a lawn mower turned into a bowling ball turned projectile out the shattered window; Dumbledore banging his head against the wall; a flock of birds that looked like Fawkes and Hedwig; Snape dressed as Robin shouting “Look Batman, it’s the Riddler!”; Voldemort in a tutu doing Swan Lake; the Dumbledore statue turning into the Amazing Bouncing Primate; another of Malfoy turned into the Amazing Bouncing Ferret; a strange blond haired boy with whiskers on his face changing into a naked girl and back. Random mayhem indeed.
Penny noticed none of this as her entire world was focused on the hose in her bum. Her eyes widened as she felt each pulse coating her insides which, if she had to admit it, felt extremely weird. She counted five before she was shot off of him from the pressure alone. She wouldn’t be able to answer if it was the pressure from being filled to capacity, her magic protecting herself from damage or his doing the same.
“He’s not done!” she forced out around the groans of what to her were the Apocalypse of orgasms. Her head had turned to the right, looking over the corresponding shoulder and was glad for her warning. Luna looked like she was going to climb on and enjoy the ride.
Harry noticed much of nothing; his entire focus on the fact that indeed, his end was still ongoing. He fought a strange urge to take the matter in hand as he was certain he could take no more. Then came the surprise from either side as he felt his arms pulled away from their former position before his hands were introduced to the junction of Hermione’s and Luna’s legs. Being uncertain as to what they wanted he remained motionless as a precaution for he didn’t want to incur either of their wrath due to being fresh.
It turned out to be a good idea as he looked into their glazed eyes and concluded that neither were aware of what their bodies were doing. He was focused on Hermione when he heard Penny which redirected his attention to Luna whom he’d missed shifting around. Deciding to distract the pair from making what could be taken as a mistake he wiggled his fingers.
The pair must have been loitering somewhere close to the edge themselves as his simple ministrations sent them tumbling over. As his own climax finally abated, leaving a trail from his spot all the way over the door –and once again repainting Penny, who was motionless as her own super-orgasm finally ended- he was able to free his hands.
Hermione recovered first; for all intents and purposes her face caught fire she was blushing so hard. She was mortified at herself for losing control but one look into Harry’s eyes stopped her from fleeing in shame. She didn’t know what the specific emotion was, but she’d seen that particular glint before whenever something absolutely awesome happened to him. That boosted her rather low self-esteem for there was no look of revulsion or disgust. Rather, he almost looked like he wanted to do that again which was confirmed when he did the one thing that had been missing in the last twelve hours.
He kissed her.
For a first kiss, it was brilliant. The romantics would groan and complain at the closed mouth approach but, as this was another area he needed to learn, it was still special.
Luna recovered while the pair were preoccupied. She couldn’t decide if she should wait her turn or excuse herself from the room. Taking a look at the damage around her proved amusing; she noted that Penny was now in that stage of “Boiling Over” which she couldn’t decide was erotic or gross. Her musings were interrupted by Harry introducing her to the world of lip-lock, much the same as he had Hermione.
The three ignored the fact that his hands were still touching their exposed crotches as he switched kissing partners again.
Penny, in the meantime, had managed to get her extremities to work. She retrieved her wand and cleaned what she could with simple Scourgify’s that at least made the room appear clean without a good scrubbing. The shattered window was also a plus allowing fresh air in; otherwise the scent of three female and one male climax would be close to overpowering. Taking a look around, much as Luna had done, revealed that her clothes were included in the vaporization of everything not on/near the couch.
“Damn it, I liked that dress,” she groused to nobody before heading off to her room to find another outfit for the day.
1000, Same Day; The Burrow
“You stupid cow!” thundered Arthur Weasley as he paced near the stove. “Couldn’t bloody well keep your hands to yourself could you! This is a right disaster and it’s all your doing!”
“But Arthur-” Molly tried to defend her position without much success.
“But nothing!” he roared, scaring his in-house children.
The argument between the parents of seven had been going on for almost a solid day now. The fiery temper that was the Prewett blood held nothing on the true Weasley beast. Once one of them got started whomever their target was felt their wrath for days on end. Not a one of the said children could ever remember seeing their father this angry which when one has a pair of twin jokesters for sons is saying something.
Bill and Charlie had arrived not an hour beforehand, letters of termination in their hands from their employers as the fallout of the Wizengamot Session began. Neither were aware of a single detail as to what was going on at home; one moment they were called into their respective Boss’ office the next they had their final pay and were shown the door.
They were surprised that Percy had vamoosed straight out of Hogwarts; the third youngest had yet to drop by to explain himself and it was the consensus of their younger siblings that they doubted he’d ever bother.
It was shocking to hear what, exactly, their mother –and by extension three of five siblings- had done that required their immediate sacking. Stealing from a House as old as the Potter’s was just asking for trouble; trying to steal the Line was overkill to the extreme. Doing it all on the ‘advice’ of Albus Dumbledore whom was also in a vat with the other lobsters was just dumb in their opinion.
The elder of the brothers, in quiet conference as the shouting match between their parents carried on, had no idea what to feel about the situation. The only thing they could rightfully be mad about with Harry, after talking to the Twins, was the overpowered Howler that damaged the house. From what Fred and George said the last Potter was actually a laid back guy that would help those that asked. Ron tried to paint a different picture but was shot down for his own set of sticky fingers, that he tried to justify as “they did it, I just followed their example” which didn’t sit well.
“Mum fumbled the Quaffle,” Fred grunted, rather miffed with her at the moment. “Instead of treating us –and Harry for that matter- as invalids who can’t possibly think for themselves she should have asked us what kind of character he has. We,” he gestured at his twin –George was so angry he was silent, never a good sign-, “could’ve put the kibosh to the whole purse padding from the start. Couldn’t do much for that rather dumb idea of a Marriage Contract, but . . .”
“This whole mess started over Harry changing his Access List,” George growled, wanting something to hex. “Mum blew he top at him, he retaliated, the DMLE got involved ‘cause he crashed the Wards here, now we get the shaft ‘cause she wanted her precious money!” By the end, he was standing before throwing the trinket in his hands at the target of his ire.
Everything within the house went still.
“Dad, just toss her out and be done,” he pointed at the front door as he spoke. “Missus Proper Pureblood here just wants cash. It’s rather obvious to me that she could give two shits about family.”
“I took the job at Gringott’s to escape her controlling,” Bill offered, seeing where the battle lines were drawn.
“Same for me in regards to Romania,” Charlie refused to look at the woman, finding the wall fascinating.
Ron and Ginny could see that their mother was crushed by the actions of her five oldest. Two just confessed to leaving to get away from her, the third was probably gone for good, fourth and fifth were so aggravated with her they couldn’t perform their Twin-speak.
“Now what?” Arthur demanded at the window he glanced out of during the silence from his sons lining up behind him. He visibly deflated at what he was looking at which earned the interest of the rest of the family as Hedwig made her presence known.
Except for Bill and Charlie the rest of the occupants of the house looked at the owl like one would a bomb that hadn’t exploded after hitting the ground. Seeing that the envelope was the standard off-yellow of parchment and not the wonderful red of a Howler eased some of the tension in the kitchen. Noting that it was addressed to Arthur earned a few raised eyebrows as he untied the letter from Hedwig’s right leg. He took note of there being more than one piece of parchment within the envelope signifying multiple letters.
Arthur Weasley-
It has come to my attention as Head of House Black that your mother was disowned from said House for marrying your father. This unacceptable practice of marrying for Blood and not Love has been stricken from the House. Yes, that was supposed to be sarcasm.
After careful consideration I have reinstated your mother, proving House Weasley with the Dowry it was denied. Included within that Dowry are the interest and fines such a delay in payment –rounded to the nearest decade, forty (40) years- accumulates coming to a total of ten million (10,000,000) Galleons. Payment has been arranged via Gringott’s Bank as a direct transfer.
You and your children –unless disowned/disavowed either by you or themselves once they reach Majority- are now part of House Black including, such as they are, all rights, privileges and protections therein. I would extend the House to include your wife, however with the current standing of Molly Weasley née Prewett within many social circles I cannot.
Harry J. Potter
Head of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black.
‘It’s not charity,’ Arthur reminded himself, having to reread the letter a few times to drive the point home. He may be obsessed with all things Muggle however he had a rather sharp mind. It didn’t escape his notice that the amount was exactly the same as the fine his wife was going to have to pay, meaning as a whole House Weasley would break even. He folded that letter and returned it to its envelope before reading the second.
Mister Weasley-
I do apologize if the previous letter sounded stiff and insulting. It had to be written in the “Proper Vernacular” which if you ask me is a load of tosh.
Now then, to business. Madam Bones did not consult me in regards to whatever punishments the DMLE and by extension the Ministry had in mind. Then again, as I get caught up on the things I should’ve been taught from at least age eleven, I’m finding that the laws in regards to the older Houses are rubbish in fairness.
It’s a good thing that this boon of a late Dowry was just laying around, waiting for the right excuse to use it. Well, there you go for I –after various conversations with your children over my time at Hogwarts- know that ‘charity’ is not a word in your dictionary.
Now, I know you’ve been stiffed for many a year as the Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. Between you and . . . ah, yes Perkins, the two of you have done the work of twenty and not even gotten the proper by your leave forget a thank you or pay. Basically switching roles with him is not going to help in the least, so I have a proposition for you.
Fred and George have been like awesome elder brothers to me, always finding a way to make me laugh –even at myself when I do something stupid. What I propose is to pay BASIC TUITION for them, meaning that anything extra beyond getting in the gate at Hogwarts is up to you.
I would leave Ron and Ginny out of this, however as your youngest son has been vocal in one way or another about your finances since the day I met him I cannot. I will gladly, in recognition of our previous –even if finished- friendship extend the same offer to your two youngest.
Don’t mistake this as ‘charity’. I would, after finding out about their sticky fingers, leave them to their fates. Being blacklisted before even having the chance is not fair to them, even if they knew they were doing wrong. Between Ron’s moaning about not having anything new ever and Ginny deciding it’d be a great idea to use a diary that responded . . .
Sorry, a bit of a tangent there.
I ask for nothing in return; I no longer give two whit’s about either of your youngest. I know the Twins will put what I’m offering to good use (their pranks may take a lot of time to plan however you should see some of the magic those two pull off!).
As for Bill and Charlie; by now their employers will have probably shown them the door for something out of their control. As I have the privilege of talking to Ragnok I can, perhaps, persuade him to revoke the termination of both. Turns out that the Goblins own the Romania Dragon Preserve as “no wizard would lower themselves to actually saving the dragons”. This I leave up to them as they are grown men and maybe they want a change in careers.
Right, lots to do; people to yell at; girls to ogle.
H. Potter
Arthur couldn’t help but laugh at the rambling letter, written as only a teenager could. He wanted to feel insulted at the fact that somebody else was paying for his children’s education however he couldn’t. If nothing else the fact that Harry was Head of a house they were deeply related to put the issue to bed. On top of that it was basic tuition; that meant the book list –and any other expense that may crop up- was not covered.
“Well . . .,” he trailed off before simply handing the informal letter over to his two eldest. Fred and George took up posts behind them, reading over Bill’s right and Charlie’s left shoulder.
“See now-”
“that’s the-”
“kinda guy-”
“he is,” the Twins reverted to their normal speech pattern after sharing a look. Their secret wasn’t so secret anymore as most of their pranks were intensive with the magic involved. They were more than aware that was the reason why they hadn’t been tossed out of Hogwarts on their ears.
Well, that and McGonagall did have a sense of humor; even if she kept it hidden.
Molly had snuck a glance at the first letter and let out a sigh of relief. Not so much for the fact that with the money that was owed from House Black to House Weasley but for being able to pay off her horrendous fine and not have to work a corner in Knockturn Alley. She knew Arthur was far too nice –much like Harry, as much as it burned her to admit it- to simply toss her out without any support as her birth House was for all intents and purposes no more.
Maybe now the random mayhem will stop, she thought as she drifted over to the stove on which a pot of stew was simmering. Nature decided that her optimistic thoughts were too soon; for after checking on dinner –nothing beats slow cooked stew- she turned to face Arthur and let one rip into open flame.
Magic, to function properly as a chef, has to be contained within an area at all times. This prevented bleed-off from items like spoons and pots that weren’t Rune-enchanted to work unsupervised. The problem with such containment, however, was that any new variable introduced would be trapped within as the self-sustaining magic took over and made the new effect as close to permanent as it could.
The five gallon pot lifted off like a rocket, punching through the corresponding floors before finally installing a new skylight for the ghoul in the roof. The occupants of the house watched as the now-flaming stew reached an impressive height, nearly two hundred feet, for being methane powered before the containment field failed from being too far from its source. Just like the Mundane equivalent of a catastrophic failure in the booster the pot detonated, raining beef stew on the house that was once a pig-pen.
“Oh damn it!” Arthur engaged in battle with the shrapnel of the pot, picking off the pieces as they returned to the ground at the speed of sound.
Ron, devastated at the loss of such good food, went to sulk in his room. To get from the kitchen to the stairs though he had to pass through the living room and the Floo contained within. As it was summer unless said travel device was needed the flames were in their Eternal Ember state, existing just enough for the powder to work. Much like the magic’s in the kitchen, there were containment charms in said room for the Floo Network was known to do odd things from time to time, especially if somebody tossed their cookies in there.
Changing rooms turned out to be a good thing as he let loose a “Five Minute Fart”; one of those bouts of gas that once started seem to go on forever and can majorly stink up a room. He had even stopped walking for every thud of his feet on the floor forced more out while changing the pitch creating the oddest sounds he ever heard.
The bad thing in all of this was when Ginny opened the kitchen door that he’d shut behind him changing the air mixture into something from Backdraft.
Bill, Charlie and the Twins were treated to a FWUMP and a flash of flame before the youngest child ran out the back door with her hair on fire. Where she was going was apparent as she reached the rain barrel and promptly stuck her head in, creating a steam cloud that was blown away by the gentle breeze. Before anybody could act Ron came wandering back into the kitchen, looking like he’d been left in an oven for far too long.
His normally alabaster skin looked like a burnt roast. There wasn’t a hair left on his face as the flash-fire had vaporized it all. Apparently he’d been in shock as the pain hit, sending him face first into the floor. The impact of his keeling over on his stomach forced out another power-fart, right in Molly’s face as she’d hustled over to tend to her injured son.
“What have you been feeding him?” Bill spoke through his Bubble-head Charm while applying it to the Twins. It was a bad sign indeed when green vapors signaled the location of the death zone.
Ginny came back inside, right as the gas cloud was making its way out the door. Charlie tried to save her the horrors of her brother’s bad digestive tract but was too late. Her head, doing its impression of the setting sun –her blush of embarrassment from being bald as a cue-ball just as apparent as her burns- turned sickly green. Which, when combined with the red it already was, turned her skin into an interesting shade of brown.
“Doesn’t this chaos ever end?” Arthur groaned to the room at large before trying to clean up the mess.
1100, Saturday, August 20, 1994; Potter Battlements
“What’s this then?” Penny asked as she toured the ball room. There were two oval shaped tables present that hadn’t been there yesterday.
“You may not be completely caught up on the situation,” Harry mused as he set nine chairs around the left table and eight around the right. “I tried a formal get-together with the families that are in one way or another Allied to mine. Needless to say, it was a complete flop; this time I’m trying something informal. Notice that the surfaces of these tables are recessed under the edges? These are poker tables, and I’ve passed an invite to the daughters of those families.”
“Ooh, poker!” Luna gushed, before looking confused. “Which variation of the game are we talking here?”
“Texas Hold’em,” he answered as he set out cheat-sheets for those not in the know of the game. Granted, it was a given that a bunch of teenagers that hadn’t spent a lot of time in the Mundane world wouldn’t know the nuances of the game.
“Really?” Hermione was skeptical at the least. “And this is a good idea why?”
“Simple bonding time,” he replied, “especially for the five in Slytherin. It’s going to take some work on all our parts to get over the House Prejudice.”
“Why Hold’em, though?” Penny had heard of the game in passing as popularity was on the rise.
“It’s more skill than chance,” was the prompt response as he set out three thousand worth of various chips per chair. “Draw and stud is all chance. With Hold’em you have to know how to read the other players, quickly calculate odds, find outs and know when to call, raise or fold respectively. Ah, here they come!”
The other occupants of the room were surprised by the statement before remembering that Harry could be in multiple places at the same time without screwing with time. That by itself was a novel experience for Hermione, who had spent the previous year operating close to thirty-hour days when all was said and done.
Into the ballroom trooped fourteen young women. Each had eyes popping as they took in their surroundings, some for the first time. The rest were caught unawares by the clones running about, taking care of menial tasks.
“Right, no prior seating arrangements here ladies!” the original Harry called over the din of voices, causing all other conversations to stop. “As you can see, nine of you sit over here,” he gestured to the left hand table, “while the other eight sit here. I’m glad you all could make it, even if it was on short notice.” He noticed that they all were dressed conservatively in variations of the Hogwarts robes, which was off-putting.
Susan Bones, Hannah Abbot, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, Hermione, Luna, Penelope and Su Li took the left hand table; each greeting the three that had already been present.
The right hand table was an island of silence. Blaise Zabini, the Greengrass sisters Daphne and Astoria, Padma and Parvati Patil, Tracey Davis, Pansy Parkinson and Nymphadora (HEY!) Tonks were acting like they had no idea how to handle being around each other. That was without a female Gryffindor at the table.
“Attention please!” Harry’s chipper voice sounded across the room from between the tables, causing all eyes to fall on his person. “Right then, to the heart of the matter. As a method of getting all of us into a room unsupervised by various adults that have probably forgotten what it’s like to be young I had this stroke of brilliance. Some of you are no doubt still confused as to why you’re here when there were other . . . commitments that you were aware of. Well, business later to tell you the truth. First and foremost this is about as informal as it gets around here. While we will have private conversations at some point, right now is to get to know your future . . . ah, siblings. Yes, that works.
“Name of the game is Texas Hold’em, I’ll be your dealer for this little venture into the realm of gambling,” he transfigured his polo shirt and khaki slacks into a suit. “I know not many of you are familiar with how the game works so each of you is provided a nifty helpers guide.” He cloned himself again, this one dressed the same as the original.
Clone-Harry moved over to the table of nine, continuing the monologue.
“First order of business. Each of you has three thousand in chips. White is worth one, blue five, red ten, tan a hundred, black a thousand.” He started shuffling a fresh-out-of-the-box deck before slipping nine cards around while original-Harry did the same for the eight at his table. “A basic rundown of the rules: to determine who gets the Dealer Button on the opening Deal each of you have been given a card, High Card wins. Once the order is established it’ll be a reshuffle then the Deal. Each of you will get two Hole Cards also known as Pocket Cards. These are to be known by you alone.”
“We’ll cover betting in a bit,” original-Harry spoke up before moving on. “You’ll see me take the top card off of the deck after the first round of betting. This is the Burn Card. Once I’ve done that I’ll set three cards face up in the center of the table for the Flop. Before the Turn is another round of betting, same with the River. These two are single card placements, both face up. After the River is one last round of betting or if necessary a chance to fold if you’ve got nothing. Best hand wins, determined by five of seven cards. Your sheets, all the same mind you to prevent cheating/accusations of favoritism, have the order of winning hands from a Pair to a Royal Flush.”
“No using magic to stack the deck,” the clone wagged his right index finger at his players, even as the original did the same. “In the event of two or more players having the same hand the winner will be determined by either High Card in the Hole or the pot will be split amongst them. Right, now for betting. At the Deal, whomever is to the left of the Dealer Button has the Small Blind. On their left is the Big Blind. The person to the left of the Big Blind has the opening bet. You can either bet or check, which is passing your turn onto the next person. If there’s a bet/raise that’s higher than yours you either call, raise or fold. After the Flop it’s the first person remaining to the left of the Button. Blinds start at twenty/ten respectively before becoming larger every ten hands. Bets themselves start at the size of the Big Blind and increase by the size of the Small. Twenty/ten, thirty/fifteen, fifty/twenty-five, hundred/fifty so on and so forth. Betting is No Limit, meaning you can go All In at any point if you think your hand is the best.”
“This get-together is a chance for all of us to be in the same room and let our hair down so to speak,” the original carried on. It was strange to see two Harry’s having the same conversation to two different groups of people seamlessly. “If you need a break let me know. Right, show me what you have.”
Susan had the Ace of Hearts at the clone’s table while Tonks had the Ace of Diamonds at the originals. Once the cards were collected both Harry’s reshuffled before dealing out the Hole Cards.
“This is something completely different,” Hannah ventured into the silence as she hid her cards under her left hand while barely lifting the upper edges with her right. Bah! Two of Hearts-King of Clubs? Crap, fold!
“What a way to spend your Saturday, eh?” Padma joked, hiding a grimace at her hand. Three of Diamonds-Queen of Hearts? Garbage!
“He does have a point though,” Parvati mumbled, not quite knowing if what she had was decent. Nine-Jack of Spades? Hmmm . . .
Angelina grunted in agreement, waiting her turn to fold as being dealt Two of Diamonds and Ten of Hearts was just horrible in her opinion.
So it went, even with a break at noon that the eventual family got to know each other over a game of poker. Tonks was oddly silent on the matter, not offering any explanation as to why she was present, though she did check out Harry more often than her cards.
Many questioned the reasons as to why Pansy was there but figured answers could wait until she was ready to give them. Instead of the Malfoy-hanger on most of them were used to she was quiet, eyeing her host from under her bangs when she thought he wasn’t looking.
The game came to an end with Parvati and Blaise owning their tables right at three. The easy rapport that had built up carried over to the patio where Harry had Dobby provide tea and biscuits before settling into his conjured overstuffed armchair. The display of magic earned more than a few raised eyebrows that he promptly ignored.
“As a general overview before we get to the private conversations,” he said after taking a drink, “all of you for all intents and purposes are betrothed to either myself directly, House Potter in exchange for Alliance protections or fall under Line Continuation clauses of said Alliances. A fair few of you,” his gaze drifted from Hermione to Penny to Angelina then Katie, “being born in the Real World –as I call it- are here for different reasons.”
He paused, taking another drink before sighing. “I shake my head at some of the rather strange traditions I find myself mired in with no warning. Relations between Magicals as a whole would be so much better if those of us from the Mundane side were properly educated in how Society works. No, none of that rubbish Malfoy likes to spew; I mean true education. What are the traditions; how do they affect trends; why are they so important to keep? Those of you born to a Line would know the answer having been immersed in said traditions since birth.”
“Luna was gracious enough,” he continued after a moment, “to explain to me why Line Continuation exists. It’s a simple matter of keeping a family name alive. I find myself with several families that have had no members in centuries and am now obligated to repopulate them. It’s too much of a burden to thrust onto a single woman for she’d have to have at minimum a dozen children. Two for each name or the old ‘Heir and a Spare’ concept that has strangely fallen out of use.”
His guests shifted around, trying to picture having that many kids underfoot. The only one that they could think of that came close was Molly Weasley and it was well known that she’d only stopped after getting the daughter she’d wanted/needed for her now defunct House.
“To add to all of that,” Harry continued after getting a refill of tea, “is the requests from other families to assist with their own Line Continuation and/or be the Opener for the witch’s respective Family Magic to take hold. I know that the two oldest amongst you have missed their chance as Society wouldn’t hear of a First Generation or an Exile going through the rites.”
Penny and Tonks began to fidget as attention was brought upon them for losing out on something that was taken for granted by the Purebloods.
“I find that to be pure bollocks!” he suddenly thundered, earning more than a few small leaps of fright. “Everybody should have the chance; denying somebody because of their parentage or internal family dispute is just wrong on so many levels. That brings me to the other First Generations here. Hermione already knows this, so she can answer your questions better than I can.”
He stopped long enough to take a savage bite out of his fresh biscuit before continuing. “There are, rather obscure, books in circulation that go into detail about the Ritual for the Birth of Family Magic. Angelina and Alicia are nearing the end of the window to go through the ritual which would be their sixteenth birthday. Katie has just under a year to do so if she so chooses. From what I’ve been able to gather from my library here the rites have to be done within a window of an hour either way from the time of your birth or you can forget about it. Once that window closes the core begins its solidification process which signals full Maturity. It is dangerous in the extreme to attempt to force the core to make any more changes once the process has begun.”
“I also came upon a dilemma of sorts,” Harry shifted around a bit in his chair. “It ties into my need to repopulate several Houses. While it’s possible –highly improbable and dangerous to try- for a single witch to . . . eh, assist me in that endeavor, it creates confusion and conflicts within the Heirs and a near infinite loop in which my sons would go through the same thing I am. I have to separate the Houses now, rather than foist the responsibility off on my children. To do this, however, I have to find witches that will either willingly give up their own Family Name or not have one as recognized by the Wizengamot. As an example, Hermione here,” he gestured to the brunette on his left, “agreed earlier this month to, somewhere done the road as we do the research, become Lady Potter. Just this morning Penelope agreed to taking the Peverell name. I still have six more Houses to go on that front. The rest of you are here under one of two circumstances as mentioned; Line Continuation or Family Magic rites. Now we get into private conversation territory. Don’t freak out at what I’m about to do, okay?”
Seeing the nods he created fourteen more clones, one for each except Hermione, Luna and Penny. As each were led to individual rooms he released a sigh of relief.
“Well, that went better than I expected.”
Poker night at the Potter’s! That was a random event that popped into my mind for no good reason. Right then, here’s a good place to stop for now. Not quite a cliffhanger and if needed something that can be fit in anywhere for convenience’s sake.
A large shout out/thank you to my readers and reviewers!
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