Pregnant | By : ashmounce Category: Harry Potter AU/AR > Slash - Male/Male Views: 9399 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 6 |
Disclaimer: Sadly, I am not the owner of the Harry Potter series, that honor belongs to J. K. Rowling. If I were, I would not be writing here. I don't make any money from this. I am just borrowing them and will return them to their original owner. |
Chapter 4
At the end of classes, Harry was cornered by Hermione and Ron on his way into the great hall, “You’re pregnant?” Ron asked him shocked.
“Yes.” Harry replied lifting his chin.
“By that snake?” Ron asked again getting angry. Harry just nodded his head. “How could you let that slimy git touch you?”
“Ronald!” Hermione said, “That is none of your business.”
“Sirius will talk sense into you when he gets here. He will see to it that you get rid of that thing!” Ron yelled. Harry gaped at him and covered his stomach with both of his hands.
“NO!” Harry said shocked, “I won’t!”
“You will not get a choice.” Ron sneered at him, grabbing his arm.
“Weasel, leave him alone!” Draco Malfoy said coming to stand behind them.
“Walk away, Malfoy, this isn’t your concern!” Ron said.
“Potter is carrying a snake; he is under the protection of Slytherin.” Malfoy replied. “You are upsetting him and Professor Snape would not be happy with this situation.”
“Thank you, Mr. Malfoy, I will handle it from here.” another voice said. Harry looked to see Sirius and Remus standing there.
“Of course, Professor Lupin. Sirius, it is good to see you again, cousin.” Draco said with a smirk before turning and walking away.
“What is going on here?” Sirius asked.
“Cub, are you alright?” Remus asked. Harry looked ready to burst into tears.
“Sirius, you won’t make me will you? Ron is wrong, right?” Harry asked him.
“Make you do what, pup?” Sirius asked shocked, “I would never make you do anything you didn’t want to do. You know that.”
Harry looked worried still and Ron sneered at him as he shook him by his arm, “He doesn’t know what you are talking about! As soon as you tell him, he will make you get rid of it!”
“That is enough, Mr. Weasley!” Remus growled out at him. It was close to the full moon and Ron was hurting his cub. Mooney was wanting to come out and protect his cub. “I don’t know what has gotten into you, but you will stop this instant!”
“What has gotten into me is he is pregnant!” Ron said pointing at Harry, “By Snape! Tell him he has to get rid of it!”
Remus and Sirius turned and glanced at Harry. Harry whimpered and took a step back. “Harry, are you really pregnant?” Sirius whispered. Harry nodded his head. “Snape is the other father?” Again Harry nodded. Remus snarled and met Sirius’ eyes, they turned as one and entered the great hall. Sirius yelling as he caught sight of him at the head table, “SNAPE!!”
Harry took off running after them, “Please stop!” he was ignored by the pair. He grabbed Sirius’ arm, “Please, Sirius, I’m begging you stop!”
“Let us take care of this cub.” Remus said snarling.
“What is going on here?” Minerva McGonagall asked.
“That man,” Sirius said pointing towards Severus, “Got my godson pregnant!”
“Sirius, please, can we talk about this somewhere else?” Harry asked. Sirius glanced down at Harry and growled at the sight of his tears.
“Fine, lets go Snape!” Remus said grabbing his arm and trying to drag him out of the room.
“Remus, let him go!” Harry said. Remus ignored him and continued dragging him. Sirius took Harry by his arm and pulled him along.
“Be careful with him, mutt!” Severus sneered as he saw Harry stumble.
“I can take care of my godson with out your assistance,” Sirius said though his clenched teeth. Harry looked over his shoulder and was grateful to see Dumbledore, and McGonagall following them. Soon the six of them were standing in Remus’ office. Severus jerked his arm away from him, and turned to Sirius.
“Release him, you are hurting him.” Severus said quietly. Sirius glanced down and noticed more tears in Harry’s eyes. When he let go of his arm Harry reached up and rubbed the spot where Sirius had been holding him. Harry moved to Severus.
“I swear I didn’t tell them! Ron did, he was trying to convince Sirius to make me get rid of the baby! I won’t, they can’t make me, can they?” Harry rushed out. Severus pulled him into his arms. “They can’t make me right?”
“No, they can not make you.” Severus told him.
Remus and Sirius exchanged confused glances. “Pup, I wouldn’t make you do anything you didn’t want to do. But what the hell is going on?”
“It came to my attention today that Mr. Potter is carrying Professor Snape’s child. From what I have been told they were in a relationship, but decided to end the relationship due to Voldemort interfering.” Dumbledore said with a smile, his eyes twinkling at everyone. Sirius glared at him, angry that the man could be happy when he godson was pregnant by a death eater! “After they ended their relationship, Harry discovered he was expecting.”
“What spell did you use?” Sirius snarled. “Or was it a potion?”
“He didn’t use anything!” Harry said with a frown.
“Harry James Potter,” Sirius said quietly, “I asked you if you were in a relationship with anyone, and you told me no. I told you that if you were to let me know and I would make sure that precautions were put into place to assure that this situation did not occur! You are 17 and have a year of school left!”
“I know Sirius, I can handle it!” Harry said.
Sirius glared at him and then turned his glare to Severus, “This is your fault!”
“No it isn’t!” Harry said.
“Harry,” Severus said calmly, “It is my fault, I should not have encouraged a relationship between the two of us. However, Black, you have no input about it.”
“He is my godson, Snape!” Sirius snarled. “I have every right to give input.” At this Sirius and Severus started insulting each other and Harry found himself pushed to the side by Sirius, “Move aside Harry!”
“Do not push him,” Severus snarled.
“Stop it!!!” Harry yelled. They both turned their eyes to him. He was crying, “Please both of you, stop.”
“Harry,” Sirius said stepping towards him. Harry stepped away frowning at him, “Don’t cry.”
“Why can you two not get along?” Harry asked.
“Harry, he is a Death Eater!” Sirius said. Harry saw Remus nod his head from the corner of his eye.
“NO, he was a spy!” Harry said, “He will not be spying anymore, now that it is out about our relationship, he would be murdered on sight!”
“Harry,” Remus said, “Despite that, we can not get along with him! I have no problem with Snape other than the fact that he was in a relationship with my 16 year old godson!”
“I pursued him!” Harry said blushing, “He turned me down so many times that I can not even begin to count!”
“Well, he should have continued to ignore you!” Sirius said glaring at Severus.
“He did! He gave all my detentions that I rightfully earned,” Harry said glaring at Sirius, “To someone else, to stay away from me. Eventually, he had no choice but to take the detention! I will admit, I used some Slytherin and Gryffindor tactics to get him to be in a relationship with me. But in the end the relationship began because I wanted it!”
“You don’t know what you want, your still a child!” Sirius said frowning.
“Did you not decide that you wanted to spend your life with Remus at 15? Did Dad not decide that he wanted to spend his life with my mum at 16? How is that any different?” Harry asked him.
“Actually if I am not mistaken, your father decided he wanted to spend his life with your mother during their first year,” Dumbledore said with a smile.
“Harry,” Remus said sighing, “I would have no problems with this if he wasn’t the same age as us!”
“You can’t try to understand, even for me?” Harry asked him. “Please, this means so much to me.”
“Harry, don’t ask this of me,” Sirius said running his hand though his hair.
“Why? Why is it so hard to believe that I care for him?” Harry said. Severus despite the situation felt hope, he now knew that Harry still cared for him. He would not take much effort on his part to get him back.
“Black,” Severus said, “I will admit that what Harry said is mostly true, but he can not take the blame for our entire relationship. I should not have allowed it, but I won’t say I am sorry. I do care for him, and no matter how you feel, the fact remains that he is carrying my child. I will not be kept away from this baby because you do not like me.”
“You don’t get an choice!” Sirius ground out though his teeth.
“No, but I do.” Harry said frowning at him. “This is my child, Sirius. I get a say in who is around him or her. I will not keep it away from Severus! It wouldn’t be fair or right!”
“Harry,” Remus said, “We wouldn’t ask you to, but that does not mean that you have to be with him.”
“I’m staying in his quarters, but I have my own room. It is for our safety as well as the fact that when the baby is here, Sev can take care of it while I am classes!” Harry yelled. “I am 17, I can make my own decisions!”
“Harry,” Sirius started.
“NO! Either you can accept this or you can’t! There is no in between!” Harry said crossing his arms over his chest.
“Alright, I think it is time for us to separate and calm down. Why don’t we meet in my office in an hour?” Dumbledore said catching everyone’s attention.
Sirius sighed before turning and leaving the room without another word. Remus frowned and said, “We will be there. Harry, despite all of this you know we love you, right?”
Harry gave him a watery smile. Soon Harry was left alone with Severus. Severus pulled him into his arms. “This did not go the way I thought it would.” Harry muttered.
Severus snorted, “Oh, you thought they would be thrilled, did you?”
“No, but I was not planning to tell them who the father was.” Harry said sighing pulling away from him and sitting down.
Severus glared at him, “Where you not going to let me know?”
“You would have been the only one who knew.” Harry said frowning, “I was trying to keep you safe!”
“What about you?” Severus asked him with a frown. “Who would have kept you safe?”
“I can take care of myself.” Harry said.
“As can I!” Severus ground out, “It is my responsibility to take care of you.”
“I am not a responsibility!” Harry said frowning, “I don’t need someone to take care of me, nor do I need them to think that they should because they have too!”
“That is not what I meant.” Severus said, he sighed before kneeling in front of Harry’s seat. “What I meant was that it is my child you are carrying. I want take care of you when you are sick, hold you when you scared, protect you and the baby. I want to be there for you, not because I think I have to, or because I think you need it, but because I want to, and because I love you, you silly boy.”
“Oh,” Harry said. Severus rolled his eyes.
“So eloquent.” he said. “Harry, I know I ruined our relationship, but I beg you for another chance to prove how much I love you.”
Harry stared at him for a moment before he took his hand and laid it over his slightly swollen stomach, “I will give you another chance. We need to take it slow this time, we would not be the only ones hurt if we screw up.”
Severus stared in awe at Harry’s stomach. All he could think of was it was his son or daughter Harry was carrying. He nodded at Harry’s reasoning, but could not take his eyes away from his stomach. He could feel the swelling that was hidden by Harry’s clothes. “I knew something was different about your body you were starting to show. I could have known about this a long time ago if I had just used my head.”
“How did you notice I wasn’t showing this much then? In the last week I have doubled in size.” Harry muttered.
“You are perfect, can I see?” Severus whispered making a motion towards Harry’s stomach. Harry blushed but nodded his head. He stood in front of Severus kneeling form and untucked his shirt. Severus stared at his stomach in awe. His hand trailing over the swelling. “Perfect.”
Harry smiled down at him. Harry ran his fingers though Severus hair, Severus leaned forward and kissed his stomach. “Did you go see Poppy already?”
“No, I was going after dinner.” Harry said with a sigh, “I guess that went out the window. I didn’t even get to eat dinner.”
“I’ll take care of that.” Severus said calling for a house elf for some food. After the two had eaten, Severus said, “Did Poppy tell you what you are having yet?”
“No, I am far enough along to do the spell to find out though.” Harry said with a grin. “Do you have a preference?”
“No, you?”
“No, just as long as the baby is healthy I will be happy.” Harry said with a grin, “Although, I have the nursery for both planned in my mind.”
Severus chuckled, “Well, when we know we will have to go shopping. Tell me what you want for each.”
“For a boy, I was thinking of having the walls painted to look like a quiditch field with each wall different for each house. A dark wood crib with green bedding, and a quiditch mobile.” Harry said shyly, “What do you think?”
“You would make a wall for all four houses?” Severus asked shocked, “Even Slytherin?”
“Well, yeah, the babies daddy is a Slytherin after all.” Harry said smiling.
“Well, what did you have planned for a little girl,” Severus asked.
“I was thinking of having one wall painted as a mural of Hogwarts and the other walls painted to look like outside with animals and fairies all over, kind of like a fairy tale land. With a white circle crib with a very pale pink bedding. I want a pink netting to come down around the crib.”
“Basically every girls princess room.” Severus said chuckling.
“Well, yeah, I have the money for it, so why shouldn’t my baby have the best room money can buy, or a room that every child dreams of.” Harry said frowning.
“Are you wanting the rooms done so well because of your childhood?”
“Partially.” Harry said with a sheepish smile, “The other part is I just want the best for this baby.”
“I do as well,” Severus looked to the clock and sighed, “Well, it is time to meet with the executioners.”
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