Twice in a Blue Moon | By : UnseenLibrarian Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Hermione/Bill Views: 19773 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 5 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters from it. I make no money from this story. |
Saturday evening, December 11, 2000
Moon phase: Full
Barefoot and naked, Bill ran through the orchard and low-lying bushes, leaping over the low stone wall beyond and into the woods, effortlessly carrying Hermione over one shoulder. Her pert behind was at nose level and his arm was wrapped possessively around one of her thighs, holding her firmly. His hand was snugged up tight between her legs and he could feel the heat and dampness emanating from her. He smelled her arousal and growled with lust, simultaneously feeling the moon's insistent pull at his blood.
His wolf was growling in anger. I was right, Red! You heard her - her encounter with that bastard Greyback didaffect her, and he tried to claim her as his!
Bill struggled to regain some of his thinking ability. It was difficult. All he wanted to do was push this luscious female – no, Hermione, her name is Hermione! - down to the ground and take her from behind, filling her with his seed. He shook his head in an attempt to clear it.
He tried, but she's not his. She's mine! he snarled back at the wolf.
The wolf replied, and his voice was less angry, but still excited. That's right, Red, she's yours – if you claim her first.Your female. Not Greyback's, and not your brother's. She smells so good, doesn't she? She wants you. Claim her – you still can, you must, his wolf urged him. By the rising moon – mark her!
The rising moon? But it had already risen – hadn't it? Where ...
He glanced at the moon, now peeking through the trees as he moved through them. The mating compulsion was as strong as ever, the ache to mark his female even more powerful now that he held her against him. Sniffing the air, he smelled a large body of water ahead, fresh and long-familiar.
The wolf caught the scent and yipped. Yes, that's it, the perfect spot, Red. Go!
Bill bared his teeth in a wolfish grin as his feet turned onto a path much-used in his youth. He knew where to take her for their mating. It seemed he wouldn't have to wait much longer to make her his after all.
Hanging upside-down, a nervous Hermione stared at Bill's freckled, muscular back. Where is he taking me? Her eyes skimmed downwards to take in a pair of taut, firm buttocks that flexed enticingly as he ran. He was dirty, bloody in places, covered in sweat, and absolutely feral. His pungent odor surrounded her, assailing her nostrils, making her dizzy. Instead of offending her though, his scent was beginning to drive her mad with desire. Her repeated attempts to ask him where they were going had been met with only grunts and growls; once, he even nipped at her bum in warning, silencing her quite effectively.
Her ponytail was falling apart and her arms were aching from their awkward position. Her beaded bag hung from her wrist and somehow she had miraculously managed to keep hold of her wand. She now shoved it into her bag as quickly as she could, tightening the cord again so as not to lose it. Despite her apprehension, she slid an exploratory hand over one cheek of Bill's muscled arse to feel his rhythmic movement, mentally translating that rhythm into pelvic thrusts between her thighs. A small sigh of pleasure escaped her lips.
Just then a dribble of sweat ran down his spine and, unable to help herself, she reached out with her tongue to sample it. Salty and musky, his masculine flavor coated her taste buds and she felt her knickers dampen further. She licked him again, moaning in enjoyment, then she flushed hot with embarrassment as she heard Bill's response: a deep-throated chuckle.
Of course, he can smell my arousal, she realized.
The wolf was reveling in her scent. Oh yeah. She's ready for you, Red. But her scent is … off. She reeks of your brother. How much further is it, he panted.
Bill curled his lip. Not far now. I don't like his scent on her, either. He shoved his nose against her hip. At least I don't smell him near her rump.
He's lucky for that, remarked the wolf. Make his stink go away.
Yes. Bill breathed deeply and put an extra burst of speed into his stride.
As his pace quickened, she saw they were no longer moving through underbrush but were now on what appeared to be an old path through the woods. She braced her hands against Bill's back and strained to raise her head to look behind them, blowing strands of hair out of her eyes. But for the faint path beneath Bill's feet, she saw nothing but trees and shrubs. She couldn't make out the Burrow from here, either because the moon hadn't yet risen high enough to cast much light, or because Bill had traveled a fair distance in a short time.
She mulled that over. He was fast. From the state of him, he just might have been running all day – could he possibly have run to the Burrow from Shell Cottage? It had to be a sixty mile journey as the crow flies! He did break through the Burrow's door like it was made of matchsticks, though. It seemed he was stronger, and faster, than an ordinary human...
But then, he is more than human, isn't he? she thought to herself. And, it seems I may be too, at least a little.Hermione scowled. Oh, that Lavender Brown-Weasley! Grinning at me from the window as Bill carried me off like some caveman's trophy. She wasn't concerned at all. But then, Bill did call me his mate, didn't he? His mate! A flutter of excitement rushed through Hermione, speeding up her heart, pooling in her stomach and making her womb ache. Oh, Merlin, he really wants me forever, doesn't he? And Godric's rod, he can tell that I want him, too! He can smell how aroused I am for him, I'm sure. How… embarrassing!
She spoke once more, hoping to elicit an actual response.
"Bill, please, where are we going?"
Instead of answering, Bill stopped so abruptly that she almost slipped off his shoulder, dizzy from the sudden change in inertia. A quick glance around told her he'd brought her to the Weasleys' swimming hole. The secluded pond, situated as it was deep in the woods and surrounded by trees, was ideal for cooling off on hot summer days. He was standing ankle-deep in the water by the small sandy beach, next to the diving tree: a huge, slanting beech that leaned out over the pond, angled perfectly for climbing up and jumping off into the water. She couldn't see the moon, as it had not yet risen above the trees.
He slid her down and around into his arms, bridal-style, and caught her gaze with his piercing eyes. Leaning forward, he nuzzled her nose with his, their lips touching. "Hermione. You're … my female." He seemed to be fighting to speak, the words coming with obvious effort. Then he snarled. "Not Greyback's. Not Charlie's! MINE!"
Hermione shook her head vigorously, agreeing with him. "No, not Greyback's or Charlie's. Never!" She clung to him with one arm wrapped tightly around his shoulders, her other hand resting on his chest. She could feel the fierce beating of his heart. He was breathing heavily, his nostrils flared. His cheeks and chin were covered with a generous growth of ginger beard, hiding his scars yet at the same time making him appear even wilder. His long, red hair was tangled and hanging down his back, half in his face, feral and unrestrained. She reached up with one hand, slowly so as not to startle him, and smoothed his fringe away from his brow. His lupine eyes came into full view then: yellow, fierce, and full of a dark hunger that made anticipatory butterflies swoop in her belly. His scarred chest heaved with each breath, and she could feel the burning fever of his skin and the rippling tension in his muscles.
Bill suddenly dropped her legs and wrapped his arms around her. She gasped as her feet landed in the freezing cold water. Pulling her against his chest as he nuzzled to find the skin of her throat, one of his hands kneaded her bare back beneath her jumper and shirt, while the other grabbed a buttock through her jeans and squeezed, massaging it. She moaned, quivering at his touch, her knees threatening to buckle. Her feet felt like blocks of ice, but the rest of her was rapidly overheating in Bill's erotic embrace.
He's so hot, like Fiendfyre ...
"Yes, you're mine," he muttered, and licked her from collarbone to earlobe, pausing to suck at the skin over her pulse point, leaving a bruise, before moving up to nibble on her ear. He inhaled her aroma, growled, and bent her over one of his arms, taking her mouth in a savage kiss as he did so. He rubbed against her, pulling at her clothes. She whimpered anxiously into his mouth, willing her body to submit completely to his whim, and returned his kiss, clutching at his naked shoulders.
He seemed carnally untamable, his hands and mouth everywhere, never letting up for a moment in their bid to touch and mold her to his frame. As he nibbled her throat, she inhaled into the bend of his neck, and was intoxicated by the scent she found there. He smelled of a darkly masculine, earthen musk that conjured images of being pushed into the ground on all fours and mounted from behind.
Oh, gods, this was Bill's inner wolf, and it was finally dominating him!
This would be easier if you'd let me freely speak to her, Bill groused at the wolf within.
Pfft. His wolf scoffed. Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words, and you are acting very well. Keep it up. But get Charlie's funk off of her!
Bill bent over her again.
Hermione's mind was racing. Keep calm. Rough and wild as he is, this is your Bill, and he wants to mate you. He won't hurt you. Remember what Lavender told you of her mating with Ron.
A fresh gush of desire shot through her core at the memory. She began to relax, trusting him – trusting this between them. Bill leaned in to lick at her throat and his hot, moist breath on her skin made her eyelids flutter. Hermione remembered her earlier thought of being a caveman's trophy, and amusedly thought that, in a way, that estimation hadn't been that far off.
Taking a chance, she reached up and licked him back, making sure to pause over his sensitive pulse. When she lifted her head, their eyes met, and he grinned.
"My mate," he rumbled. He tugged roughly at her ponytail, releasing her hair and letting it fall loose around her face. "Sweet, little 'Mione," he murmured, his rough hands catching in her curls. "I want you." He buried his face in her hair and deeply inhaled. As he reared back, his upper lip curled. "Except you stink of him!" he snarled. "You are not Charlie's! You're mine!"
With that, his hands gripped the neck of her jumper and, with a grunt, he ripped it asunder, pulling it from her body and tossing it onto the sand. Hermione cried out in surprise, but her consternation fell on seemingly deaf ears as Bill stripped her shirt from her in the same way, leaving her standing in the water before him in bra, jeans and shoes. Insistent, he stepped into her, his hands closing on her bra straps, snapping them apart as easily as twigs as she was pressed against his taller form.
"B-Bill, d-don't," she stammered, huddling against him for warmth as the cold December air hit her, fear rising in her voice. She stroked his hair and neck in an attempt to soothe. "Charlie has a female, in Hogsmeade! He didn't do anything to me except give me a brotherly hug. I don't want him!"
He glared, fingers flexing against her ribs.
She stopped, realizing simple words were futile. She had to show him. Her hands dropped to his chest and pushed him away. He snarled again, but she met his gaze and snarled back, startling him into silence. He glowered, watching her intently, ready to pounce if she ran. Unblinking, keeping eye contact, she pulled the ruined bra up over her head and threw it to join her other clothes on the beach. His eyes blazed, moving hungrily over her nude torso. She pulled the cord of the beaded bag off her wrist and carefully threw it so it landed onto the pile. Lifting first one leg and then the other, she removed the sodden shoe and sock from each foot in turn, tossing those aside as well. Popping the fasten on her jeans, she wriggled out of them and her knickers at the same time, doing her best to hold them out of the water. Throwing them onto the sand as well, she stood stark naked before Bill, chilled and nervous. Trembling with anticipatory desire, she held out her arms and waited.
"I want you, Bill. Human, wolf, scars – everything."
By the moon, look at her! She's glorious.
Yes, she is, Bill swallowed.
But she still reeks, even naked. I mean, we can still smell her, and she's shaggable and you can mate with her and get her with pups, but with his scent on her it won't …
Damn it, wolf, shut up! The night of the moon is yours, but give me my voice, Bill barked internally. She's getting scared and I need to reassure her. I need her to trust me!
Fine. His wolf whined. I was doing pretty well guiding you along there, Red. Don't muck this up, big boy. She's perfect.
I know she is. I need her. I don't know why I tried to deny last night.
Because you're a long-haired pillock?
Bill growled.
From his slight distance away, Bill still towered over her. He looked steadily into Hermione's eyes as he started to speak, his voice calm, rich and velvety.
"I will mate you tonight, sweetness."
"Bill," she breathed, relieved to hear the sanity in his voice, searching for any further sign of Bill's humanity behind the feral exterior. His eyes and teeth glinted in the light of the moon that was just beginning to filter more easily through the denuded trees. Dirt and grime still coated him and he seemed poised for action. As he stood there, his erect penis was gloriously thick and hard, jutting out as if seeking her. He smelled of sweat, blood, and virility. His scent contained elements of both the desert and the ocean, of the trees and the grass. She marveled at him, feeling her own blood stirring as she took him in. His entire body exuded strength and courage, heat and lust, craving and possessiveness. He was breathtaking.
He held out a hand and stepped forward, taking her by the waist and leaning his forehead against hers, his breath gusting across her face. His nose nuzzled hers. "Please, trust me, 'Mione. I don't mean to frighten you." Both of his hands ghosted up her body, cupping her breasts and gently tweaking her nipples with his fingers, eliciting a sigh of pleasure from her. He kissed her tenderly before speaking again. "But you still smell of him. I can't stand it. We've got to wash him off you. Now."
"What? No, Bill, wait! Let me use Scourgify!"
Ignoring her panicked protests, he picked her up, loped onto the sand and right up the leaning trunk of the diving tree, and then jumped into the frigid water below.
With a roiling surge, Bill leapt out of the pond carrying a coughing and spluttering Hermione, whom he set on her feet on the sand next to the tree. He then proceeded to shake his limbs dry, hair whipping back and forth and water streaming down his body.
"Oh … Merlin ..." Hermione gasped, quaking with cold. She'd been so shocked; even though under the water Bill had held her to his fever-hot body, it had still been mind-numbingly cold. Bill had brought her back the surface within moments, but she was chilled to the bone. She thought of Harry and Ron and their retrieval of the Sword of Gryffindor from the small frozen pond during their hunt for Horcruxes and she shuddered.
"I could have just used a cleaning charm, Bill!" she spluttered, teeth chattering. Ducking away from him as he tried to hold her, she stumbled to her clothing to search franticly for her bag. She found it and extracted her wand, then attempted to cast a warming charm on herself.
Stop her, the wolf growled. To mate, the moon must be your magic; with blood, saliva, seed, and sweat. Anything else will interfere.
She felt Bill's damp hand close on her shoulder and he turned her around, grasping her wand and taking it from her still-numb fingers. Sweeping it over Hermione, he intoned, "Finite," then dropped it to the ground.
"What are you-? Why won't you let me use spells, Bill?" she gasped as the warming charm was negated and the cold night air whooshed back over her, hardening her nipples and goose pimpling her skin.
He wrapped his arms around her, warming her with his body heat. "I'm sorry, sweetness. Our mating … any outside magic will impede the pair-bonding."
Her complaint died in her throat. She hated not understanding things, hated not being prepared, but she could tell he had meant no harm. His eyes had been full of concern for her, even as his nostrils quivered, taking in her aroma. His long arms cradled her to him, rubbing warmth back into her, as he buried his face against her neck, breathing hard. She knew he was even now seeking Charlie's scent, to find out if it lingered. He couldn't help it; his wolfish side compelled him to remove all traces of prior males. Fleur's face flashed through her mind, and Hermione refused to react like she would have. Instead, she took a deep breath, gathered her courage, and curled against him, nuzzling his throat, letting him have control. Relief evident in his face, he smiled down at her with a flash of teeth and crinkling of eyes.
"Good news: you smell like just you again."
She managed to smile back, a bit shakily. "That's a relief. I really didn't relish the idea of another dunking." She sniffed. "You smell better now, too."
Bill chuckled, then looked at the tree line, assessing the height of the moon behind the trees. When he looked back at her, his eyes were full of need. Against her belly, she could feel his erection growing once more.
"It's time," he said, cradling her face in his palms. He kissed her hard, his tongue seeking hers.
Oh yeah, Red. Finally, you get to shag her! The wolf was panting with excitement.
Enjoy this all you want, wolf, but keep quiet.
Hermione moaned and tangled her tongue with Bill's. With every kiss she wanted more. She felt as though she were nearly drowning again, though this time in his taste. He picked her up as they kissed, walking towards the tree. Bill pressed her back against the trunk, his hands slowly running down the length of her body, his lips and teeth nibbling at her neck. She shivered, knowing what was going to happen soon, and her heart pounded out a mad beat in her chest. Sliding her hands up his arms to his shoulders, she held her breath as Bill pulled back, cocking his head to listen to her heartbeat. He stared intensely at her, his hands on her hips.
Amber eyes snapped to blue for a moment. "Hermione, sweetness. I need... the instincts are … powerful."
She placed one hand on his bearded cheek. "Don't worry, Bill. I trust you." She gave him a slow smile. "Show me who's boss."
With a low, chuckling growl, Bill's hot mouth engulfed her left breast and she lost all ability to think. She cried out as he nibbled the nipple with his teeth, rolling it to the point of pleasure-pain, then ran his tongue expertly around the swollen nub to soothe it. She moaned in rapture, threading her hands through his hair, holding him to her. His left hand slid up from her hip to tweak and knead her other breast, sending glorious spasms through her womb.
Bill's large right hand caught her leg and lifted it to wrap around his waist, opening her to him. The scent of her arousal permeated the air around them and she could feel her moisture trickling down her thigh. Bill thrust his cock between her slick folds to rub against her, hitting her clitoris with delicious friction. Hermione threw her head back, sighing with pleasure, using the tree for support. "Bill, yes!" He thrust harder through her wetness in response, grunting.
The maelstrom of sensations sent her head spinning. She was no longer cold; the heat of his maleness between her legs, his soft lips and his coarse beard against her sensitive skin were all equally, exquisitely teasing. She pulsed her hips in rhythm with his, slicking his erection with her juices. Groaning, he stilled a moment later and dropped her leg to the sand, giving her a final kiss before turning her around and pushing her, gently but insistently, forward and down.
She knew what he wanted. She braced her hands against the tree, leaning forward with her bottom bared to Bill's gaze. She heard his excited panting, felt his hands caressing the twin globes of her bum. His fingers slipped between her cheeks to capture her moisture and he growled. To her pleasant astonishment, she felt his mouth and tongue teasing her lips and circling her clitoris. She hung her head, taking short excited breaths, her legs trembling.
Both of his hands found their way to her hips, though he continued to lick and suck at her swollen labia and clit. "Bill," she quavered, "please!" She was grinding against his face as he licked his way up her cleft to the small of her back, gripping her hips tightly. When he started to nip and bite his way along her spine, she mewled, arching her back
And then his cock was suddenly there, entering her, hot and thick and long, plunging deep into her slick core.
"Yes!" they cried out together.
He sank into her to the hilt, stretching her open, as she whimpered in delight. It was so good. How was it possible that something could feel this amazing? It was destructive and binding all at once.
Bill pulled her tight against him and leaned over her, covering her with his longer, bigger body. He was panting, hot against her bare neck, and his hands came up beneath her to grasp her breasts firmly, pinching her nipples between the knuckles of his fingers. With his erection throbbing inside her depths, he stilled.
"Hermione ... sweetness ..."
Caught up in the heady feelings of the moment she almost missed his whisper. She turned her head, every limb shaking, her belly quivering for completion and met his gaze – cerulean blue again as the citrine-amber of the wolf retreated, allowing the man to take temporary control.
"I love you," he earnestly stated.
Hermione gasped, her heart clenching with a matching hope.
The moment passed as quickly as the moon behind the trees, and the animal within returned with a rush of need that thickened his cock. The blue bled out of his irises, to be replaced by a golden honey, and in a flash, the eyes of the beast blinked down at her. Without pause, Bill reared back, pulling out almost to the very tip, and then thrust his cock back into her as hard as he could. Hermione yelped at the unexpected ferocity. Hunching over her, his hips took up a fierce rhythm, pistoning in and out of her snug pussy at a pace she'd never before experienced. Sweat dripped from him onto her as he growled and grunted, his teeth bared, and he bit at her shoulders and neck, finding the right spot to pin her in place and force her compliance – asserting his dominance.
Hermione braced her palms against the tree, pushing back into his heat and thickness. His ferocity had lit a fire within her and passion boiled in her veins, releasing the animal within her as well. She whined with each withdrawal, and groaned with every surge forward. His cock was so large it filled her perfectly and seemed to hit every hot spot inside her just right. A clawing need stormed through her womb, and her climax raged to the surface. When she moved one of her hands down to her clit to rub it, it was so swollen and sensitive that she shuddered, clenching around Bill in reflex. He growled, pushed her hand aside and replaced it with his own, circling her nub with his long fingers as he fucked faster.
The touch of his fingers on her clit snapped the last hold on her sanity and Hermione tipped over the edge. Tossing her head back as her orgasm swept over her, she howled at the moon, which was rising above the trees at last, its twin silvery disc shining in the pond beside them. She felt Bill's teeth sink deep into the cradle of her neck, marking her as his mate for life, as he rammed home one last time, his hot seed filling her core. Spurt after spurt spewed from him as he came, and he let go of her throat to howl along with her, their auras pulsing together as their magical energies merged and blended, forming a permanent bond.
Long minutes later, the waves of euphoria ebbed and they sank to the sand, holding each other close, their mating complete and successful. The air was still crackling with their residual mating magic when Bill suddenly became alert, sniffing the air and listening with his whole body.
Someone is coming. Get away. Now.
He got to his feet and pulled Hermione up as well. "Come on, sweetness. Let's go home. The night is yet young and I have more naughty things I want to teach you," he quipped, as he led her to her discarded clothes. He grabbed the pile and pushed it into her arms, and scooped up her wand and her beaded bag.
She laid a hand on his arm, stopping him before he could Side-Along Apparate them away. "What is it, Bill?"
Looking around, he indicated with a finger to his lips that she was to be quiet. Whispering in her ear, "Shell Cottage first, then I'll explain," he wrapped an arm around her, raised her wand and together the newly mated couple Disapparated.
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