The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
From his place in the Rogues' Gallery, as Severus scathingly―or perhaps affectionately―referred to the portraits of the late Heads of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore sat deliberating.
There was something undoubtedly strange about this bond between Severus and Hermione, but his curiosity had been piqued further when he noticed the orbs that accompanied the couple. Initially, Dumbledore was of the opinion that because of the overtly sexual thoughts that had lead to the realisation of the bond, that there was some kind of dark sex magic afoot. And that, combined with an indebtedness bond, which may have been formed when Hermione saved Severus' life, could have accounted for the vehemence of their passions. But having witnessed the two of them together, the former headmaster was sure that their feelings for each other were actually genuine. And that being the case, then they were dealing with something much greater than he'd originally thought.
The strange thing was, often, when he and Minerva had discussed the enigma of Severus' love life, and who would be his ideal partner, Hermione Granger's name had been mentioned. The Head of Gryffindor had, of course, cautioned against such talk; but Dumbledore, ever the romantic, pointed out that, if it was meant to be, Hermione and Severus would be perfect for each other. She was, after all, intelligent and sharp, fiercely protective, loyal and capable of great love in adversity. She was a delightful conversationalist, a bookworm, courageous, witty, attractive and had a mind capable of expansion in more ways than one.
In reality, she and Severus were somewhat similar, if you were to remove his moroseness, and were able to convince him that he was―if not attractive―handsome in a distinctive and unconventional way. Dumbledore shook his head as he recalled, with a smile, all the times he'd pointed out to his Potions professor that by removing the scowl from his face, he would be rendered much more pleasant to look at. Such comments were always met by a scowl.
The real issue, as Dumbledore saw it, was that Severus had a self-deprecating streak a mile wide. His belief that he was too damaged, both emotionally and physically, to be considered relationship material, coupled with the fact that his life was on the line for more years than were desirable, had left the young man devoid of attachment for far too long. Of course, his regrets over the death of Lily Potter hadn't helped matters, and there was no denying that, for many years―despite a number of dalliances―Severus still held a flame for the dead witch. Yet despite his refusal to admit it, what Severus wanted more than anything, and more so now that he was his own man again, was to love, and be loved. And if Hermione was to be the lucky witch, then Severus would undoubtedly move heaven and earth for her.
And so it was that when Dumbledore witnessed the most passionate display of raw love he had seen for many years, he felt that he should be ecstatic for the couple, but nagging concerns raced through his mind. Severus, by his very nature, was cautious, as was Hermione, and in his musings on the kind of relationship the two might have, the elderly wizard had assumed that they would walk a very long path towards happiness. But from what he had seen today, as much as it filled his painted heart with joy, he realised that they were coming together rather sooner than anticipated.
He believed―if he could remember the Muggle phrase correctly―that the relationship between Severus and Hermione was on 'fast forward.' Their initial attraction, although neither would admit it to themselves or each other, had been brewing for a few years. But rather than it developing through friendship and a courtship, this bond―whatever it was―had caused them to jump straight to a sexual awakening.
And yet Dumbledore could not doubt their feelings for each other. People in love always glowed around each other, and the glow around those two was blinding. No, what he was witnessing was not some kind of dark sex magic or life debt, but something entirely different; something which he never thought he would see in his lifetime―and technically, he still hadn't. This, he concluded after seeing the orbs floating around the couple, was elemental magic―ancient magic.
Hogwarts was built on the largest, and strongest source of elemental magical in the country and the former headmaster suspected that the key to Severus and Hermione's sudden awareness of their feelings lay somewhere in the castle or possibly within the Department of Mysteries.
All the headmasters and headmistresses of Hogwarts were privy to any prophecy relating to the school, and it had been Dumbledore's and Snape's misfortune to see the prophecy relating to its current state of destruction. When Severus had taken the reins―no matter how reluctantly―and even though he was playing the hardest role of his life until Harry Potter's prophecy could be fulfilled, he had been secretly drawing up detailed plans to make the rebuild of the castle quicker and easier. He'd also made a few suggestions which would have stamped his own mark on the school whether he survived or not.
Severus' dedication to Hogwarts had been unwitnessed, but he could not let this beacon of hope in the wizarding world be destroyed by a madman's ideals. He had suffered so much at the hands of a wizard hell bent on destroying all that was good in their world that he was even prepared to die―and almost had―to ensure that hope prevailed.
Of course, being reinstated as headmaster had never been guaranteed, but reinstated he was. And yet, despite the Ministry requesting that he return to the position, Severus was still encountering issues of mistrust from certain high profile ministers. In particular, Kingsley Shacklebolt, fellow Order member, and temporary Minister for Magic had opposed his appointment, and yet he was more than happy to return Voldemort's Minster for Magic, Pius Thicknesse, as Minister for Magical Law Enforcement on the basis that he had only served the Dark Lord whilst under the Imperius curse. Ironically, apart from Arthur Weasley, Thicknesse was Snape's only other ally at the Ministry, and he wasted no time in securing as much favour with him as possible.
Lucius Malfoy, of course, wholeheartedly encouraged Severus in this endeavour. After all, through this connection, he could try and smooth over his own family's reintegration into the wizarding hierarchy.
Sensing the wizarding world's sea change following Voldemort's defeat, Severus knew that now was the time to try and discourage future uprisings, especially from within the school. If a dangerous ideal was allowed to take hold within the school, or a witch or wizard showed signs of dark tendencies which were not addressed, then by the time they left Hogwarts, it would be too late to contain the rise of a future dark wizard or witch.
Constant vigilance was a necessary precaution, but Hogwarts was still a school, and Severus needed to run it as a place of learning. It also had to feel like a home from home, or just a home, as it had been for him. However, in order to protect his students, he needed to know that he had the full weight of the law behind him should a situation like this arise, and that was where Thicknesse's support would prove vital.
Dumbledore had to admit that some of Severus' ideas were brilliant. He'd enjoyed discussing them with him during the many sleepless nights that the headmaster had endured throughout the first year of his tenure, and hoped that Severus would be given the chance to implement them.
But Dumbledore was also acutely aware that there was something rather significant about Severus' situation. At thirty-eight, he was the youngest ever headmaster at Hogwarts, and there were rumours of a prophecy relating to a young headmaster. But unlike all the other Hogwarts prophecies, this one could only be delivered to the person it related to. As nothing had yet presented itself, there was no way of telling if the prophecy actually existed. But if it did exist, then, it was safe to assume, the circumstances required for it to be revealed had not yet been met.
But whilst the prophecy may not have been ready to present itself, Dumbledore's mind went back to an unexpected and curious discovery that Severus had made a few weeks ago. No one could ever deny that the castle was sentient, but the new set of unnamed rooms, which had appeared on the blueprints the headmaster was working on, certainly had the headmaster raising an eyebrow. Initially, he suspected that they were compensating for severe damage in some other parts of the castle, but last week, a name appeared next to them. Severus had spent all morning yelling at the castle for its poor taste.
Dumbledore now suspected that, given recent events, there may be another reason why the rooms had appeared when they did, and decided to hold a midnight conference with all the other incumbents of the Rogues' Gallery, to see if any of them knew more about this rumoured prophecy.
Hermione was sitting on Severus' sofa, knees drawn up to her chin, watching him pace his living room. "Sit down, Sev. You're making me feel tired," she giggled softly.
Severus looked at her enquiringly, trying to hide the fact that one of her comments earlier had actually stung him. "Do you really think I'm emotionally repressed?"
"No! Well, maybe a little bit. Look, I'm sorry. I was angry with you, but perhaps you should learn to relax more, and not be so embarrassed about having feelings."
"That's easier said than done," Severus muttered, carding his fingers through his hair.
Hermione sighed, her eyes taking in the pained expression on Severus' face. "Please come and sit down. We really need to talk about this―about us."
She patted the seat on the sofa next to her, but the dark-haired wizard remained rooted to the spot. Realising that he wasn't going to move, Hermione continued ruefully.
“This―whatever this is―is happening so fast, Severus, but I know it feels right. The trouble is I don't know how to cope with it.”
Severus' eyes darted towards her wondering what she was going to say next.
“The fact that there is some kind of bond between us doesn't make it any easier or any less confusing,” she admitted before laughing nervously and tucking her hair behind her ear. “We've just had a fight that most married couples with thirty years under their belts would have been proud to have, and we've only been together for a matter of hours. I need some reassurances here, Severus. I need to know that we're not going to wake up tomorrow, next week or even next year, and realise that this was some practical joke."
"I don't understand any of this," Severus growled frustratedly, pacing once again.
'That makes two of us," she quipped, "which is why we need to talk."
Stopping in his tracks, Severus told her sincerely, "All I know, is that, for whatever reason, I want to be with you. But I agree that the intensity of the situation is overwhelming.”
He walked over to his favourite armchair and slumped down into it. Dragging his hand down over his face, he huffed, “And after your little revelation, it makes it even more so."
He looked at Hermione, trying to work out why she looked so disappointed. Obviously he knew his admission would not have gone down well, but there was more to it than that. Then it hit him:
She needs reassurance. She needs comforting, you idiot. Now, how do I do that again?
He took a deep breath before moving to sit beside his new witch, and was immediately confronted by her curling up against him. Instinctively, he began to wrap his arms around her, and in that instant, Severus realised what he'd been missing all his life.
Of course, he'd held a witch in his arms before, but only as he was removing her clothing or fucking her into whichever surface they were fucking on. But now he was just holding Hermione, protecting and comforting her, and a sense of peace resonated through him.
All of that was shattered, however, when Hermione asked forlornly, "Does it make it more awkward that I'm a virgin still? I'll understand if you want to walk away. I mean, I must have given you completely the wrong idea about me, and I'm really sorry that you're so disappointed."
A cold panic rose within the surly wizard, and he found himself snapping, “What? No!"
His expression softened, and giving a small, exasperated sigh at his brusque response, he inwardly berated himself.
Hermione was determined not to cry. She knew Severus had little patience for that sort of thing, and she'd already done enough crying today. Besides, she was a Gryffindor.
However, an inadvertent sniff escaped her, alerting Severus to the depth of her upset. He swiftly shifted his body so that he was facing her, and placing a finger under her chin, lifted her face so that he could look into her eyes. Perversely, he couldn't help but think how beautiful her eyes looked as they glistened with tears. He desperately wanted to say something comforting to her, but realised that he couldn't find the right words―a recent, debilitating condition that was beginning to annoy him.
And yet, despite not being able to say the words, he did find himself cupping her cheek―still marvelling at the softness against his hardened fingers―and thinking to her, It really doesn't matter to me, my love. It was wrong of me to assume; the fault is entirely mine. What sort of man would I be if that changed how I felt? The only difference is that we will need to take more time over the physical side of our relationship. And I promise you, Hermione Granger, your first time―our first time together―will be so special. I promise, I will not disappoint you.
Hermione looked up him; the tears in her eyes melting another layer of Severus' ice encapsulated heart. "Thank you," she whispered, before Severus pulled her close and kissed her softly.
Gently exploring her mouth, Severus thought to her, I cannot deny that I want you, but maybe this is a blessing in disguise. We can take things slowly; explore each other, and discover what we both enjoy rather than me scaring you off by assuming that you are more experienced. Not that I thought you were whoring it around, but―
Lovely choice of words, Severus, she grumbled in his head.
Apologies, but your thoughts certainly portrayed you as being very...adventurous, as it were, he thought pushing his fingers threw her hair. It was then that Hermione noticed his eyes flash mischievously. And just so you know, I am quite adventurous myself, before leaning down to capture her lips. "Oh God, some of things I've thought about doing to you," he mumbled against her lips; his hand sliding down her back and skimming over her jean-clad buttocks.
I am aware of what you want to do, Severus, she thought to him cheekily. "Look," Hermione continued out loud, "I'm not an innocent. I have an imagination, and some of the things I fantasise about...well, I don't know if I would ever be brave enough to do them."
"Then it is all the more important that we are comfortable with each other, so that it makes experimentation," Severus conceded, unconsciously biting his bottom lip.
Hermione smiled bashfully. "I mean I've had boyfriends, but, if I'm honest, none of them lit a fire in me. I have a good idea of what I like. I'm not saying I want to have a threesome or anything―”
"That was a fivesome I witnessed, you little minx," Severus retorted, quirking an eyebrow at her. The blush that swept across her cheeks had his breath hitching imperceptibly, and he felt himself becoming aroused as the image from earlier flashed across his mind. Not that he would ever share his witch in such a way, even if he had shared another wizard's witch in the past.
Needing to break away before they became too carried away, or rather Hermione noticed how carried away a certain part of him was becoming, Severus asked, "Do you want a drink, by the way? I have a bottle of wine open."
He stood up gingerly, and undid his frock coat before taking it off and laying it over the back of the armchair.
And there's his gorgeous backside again, Hermione thought to herself. She didn't see Severus' smirk as he intercepted her unconscious thoughts.
"That would be lovely," Hermione responded, watching Severus intently as he walked over to his drinks cabinet to retrieve the bottle of wine he'd opened the night before, as well as two glasses. He filled the crystal goblets as she continued, "You know, I think the only reason Ron asked me to marry him was because he thought it was a sure fire way of getting into my knickers."
"Don't make me think about your knickers," Severus growled, pouring the second glass of wine. He tried to banish all thoughts of the underwear she'd been wearing when they had been connected earlier.
Hermione noticed how his white cotton shirt was clinging slightly to his lean frame. He wasn't muscle bound, but she could tell there was definition. Fuck, it's just as well he kept that body hidden. He's so sexy, she thought to herself as he walked behind the sofa, and handed her a glass of wine
Likewise, 'Mione, he thought back playfully. As that thought arrived in her head, she blushed; a rush of desire washing over her, especially as he'd called her by her pet name.
"It's OK,” she continued, mumbling as she took a sip of wine, “the ones I've got on today aren't very sexy."
"It matters not. I'm more interested in what lies underneath,” Severus purred, leaning forward and placing a kiss against her neck. “I generally do not consider the aesthetics when I'm ripping them off."
He kissed up towards her ear before capturing the delicate shell between his lips.
"Are you deliberately trying to make me do wicked things with you?" Hermione admonished, trying―and failing―to hide the effect that simple act was having on her.
She shivered as Severus' voice glided over her like warm honey. "You are far too tempting, but I will try to resist you for a little longer. I do not wish our first time to be some quick fumble. I will wait as long as it takes until you are entirely ready," he told her reassuringly.
"I've already waited years for you, a little longer won't hurt," Hermione confessed, slightly unsure why those exact words had just popped into her head. She leant forward, placing her glass on the coffee table before turning and kneeling up on the sofa to face him.
Severus smiled softly as he pushed his fingers into her curls so that he could cradle the back of her head. For years, her hair―or rather her attempts at taming her hair―had been a source of amusement to him, but as his fingers became tangled; as he caught the scent of her shampoo, it was a joy to behold.
He looked at her intently for a moment; his black eyes memorising the details of her face before he spoke again. "There is something you should know about me before we say anything else, Hermione. I am a possessive man. When I claim a witch, she is mine and mine alone." The solemnity in his voice and the intensity of his gaze left her in no doubt of the veracity of his words. “But I will warn you now, if any man―wizard or Muggle―touches you inappropriately, has designs on you, or upsets you, they will suffer at my hand, and no one will be left in any doubt as to whom you belong to.”
"I am not a possession, Severus," Hermione warned, her voice forceful but sweet.
"I am aware, and it would be remiss of me to make you feel that you were. I would never try to possess your mind or your will, but your body and your love will be mine alone," Severus told her, before her captured her lips gently.
"That goes without saying, Sev."
Wrapping her arms around his neck, Hermione returned his kiss, but with a fire that had erupted within her. And as that fire turned into a blaze, and their kiss deepened, Severus stood up, pulling her against his body. He lifted Hermione up over the back of the sofa, and intuitively she wrapped her legs around his slim hips.
All of a sudden, Severus broke the kiss, and stepped back; a sudden wave of self-loathing crashing over him. Bowing his head, he pressed his mouth into a thin line as he tried to compose himself, before taking her hands and bringing them up to his lips.
"I do not want you to regret anything, Hermione. I've been with enough women to know what I'm doing, but I've only ever claimed one witch, and I lost her through my own stupidity. Since then, I have not felt the inclination to claim another until you. My only fear regarding whatever is happening between us is that you are so young, and I'm...well, I am me. You've not had enough experience of men to be able to make this kind of commitment. I don't think you would ever be unfaithful, but I may not be enough for you, and―"
"Severus, look at me,” Hermione commanded softly. “I want you to claim me. I don't need to be have been with anyone else to know that. Whatever is happening between us, yes, it's scary, but I don't want to be with anyone else,” she told him emphatically, changing the position of their hands so that she was now holding his and brushing her lips over his knuckles. “I'm yours,” she whispered breathlessly.
Looking up, she found Severus' eyes sparkling back at her; something that she'd only ever dreamt of witnessing. Without a word, he reclaimed her lips; his tongue immediately seeking entrance so that he could explore her mouth thoroughly. Pulling her tight to his body, their soft moans were being swallowed as his hands ran up underneath her top and explored the smooth plains of her back. Hermione shivered as his fingertips brushed against her skin, and whilst she desperately entangled her fingers in his hair, she wrapped her legs around him once again, eager to hold him as close as possible.
They were becoming lost in each other. Hermione's soft sighs and moans were crescendoing, and her fingers were clawing at his back as his lips slipped from hers and trailed down her creamy neck, nibbling and lapping at her pulse point as he cupped and squeezed her backside. Severus realised that any worries he'd had about Hermione not being able to cope with him were quashed by the way she was responding to his touch. But when she grabbed the back of his shirt, pulled it out from his trousers, and touched his skin, he realised they were in danger of losing control completely. He became aware of the fact that he was burning for her now, as he pressed his imprisoned arousal into the apex of her thighs. He knew that if they carried on, he would claim her there and then and that simply wouldn't do.
Summoning his legendary self-control, Severus began to slow his attentions, honouring his promise to her earlier. They would take their time to explore each other, and build their experiences until Hermione was ready―which he didn't think would be very long, given their latest passionate display, but that was besides the point. Gently breaking their kiss, he pressed his forehead to hers panting lightly before he chuckled deeply. "I think it's safe to say, we're going to rather enjoy ourselves.”
Hermione responded with a beaming smile, which did nothing for his resolve, so he attempted to cool his ardour by asking, “Now, are you hungry, or would you like to go and visit your rooms before we have dinner?"
"I think I'd like to see my rooms, if that's OK? I'm a bit too worked up to eat right now," Hermione admitted coyly as Severus pulled down the back of her jumper, and moved away to tuck his shirt back into his trousers.
"Your wish is very much my command, my lady," Severus drawled and, holding out his arm to her, they walked the short distance to her rooms.
Standing at the door to Hermione's new chambers, Severus advised that the ward password was “Amortentia.” She couldn't hide her amusement, and asked if he'd chosen that particular word because she had ensnared him. He didn't answer, but simply stood aside so that she could enter the rooms.
His witch gasped as she crossed the threshold and saw the beautiful dark purple walls combined with the sumptuous dark grey velvet covered sofa and chairs. Combined with dark wood flooring and a dark wood and tiled fireplace, the room felt warm and inviting. Hermione immediately fell in love with it.
"The castle is responsible for the décor, but you may change it to suit your taste," Severus advised, but he could tell by Hermione's reaction that it was unlikely that any changes would occur. He couldn't help the smirk that graced his lips, as small yelps of excitement kept escaping the curly-haired witch as she came across something new.
Upon discovering her own personal library, Severus found himself caught in the tightest embrace of his life, and whilst her bathroom's decoration elicited another excited response, Hermione's comment about what they could do in the large, sunken, marble bath, didn't go unnoticed by her wizard.
Her bedroom, however, whilst meeting with Hermione's approval also brought about an air of awkwardness. The huge four-poster bed itself was beautiful. It was draped in sumptuous crimson velvet with intricate gold embroidery and matching bedspread. The cotton bedlinen looked just as luxurious, and with the matching cushions piled high against the headboard, it would have almost been a shame to have spoilt the scene by sleeping in it.
The atmosphere was heavy as the couple stood in the room together, both knowing what the other was thinking, but desperate to push such thoughts to the back of their mind.
Hermione turned and looked up at Severus bashfully. “It's lovely.”
Severus put his hand on her shoulder before pulling her to him. “Is all well?”
With a watery smile, Hermione nodded against his chest, hugging him tighter.
Severus' fingers found their way back into her curls, and he kissed the top of her head reassuringly. “Hermione, I do not wish you to feel under any pressure, so I believe it would be prudent that, until we sort out our feelings for each other, you make full use of this room.”
She found herself nuzzling into his chest, inhaling deeply. Hermione had first noticed his scent in the Shrieking Shack, and found it strangely comforting. Of course, without the smell of blood permeating the air, it was even more alluring.
She snorted softly. “And how long do you think that will last?”
“I have no idea,” Severus admitted, hoping selfishly that it wouldn't be too long, but hoping it would be long enough so that Hermione would be as comfortable as possible when they first shared a bed.
Hermione sighed, gathering her resolve. “Severus, these rooms are absolutely amazing. I can't thank you enough. I feel like royalty,” she enthused.
Severus shook his head, unwilling to accept any credit. "Technically, your gratitude should be directed at the castle, and as for feeling like royalty...well, I am a Prince," he shrugged before capturing her lips rather hastily for fear of uttering something equally asinine. He was sure his thirteen year old self could have come up with a better line than that.
But Hermione took him by surprise when she began to laugh. “That's funny. You know, I don't think I've ever heard you say something funny before. I mean, sometimes when you're being sarcastic, I think you're really witty, but you never crack a joke.”
“Your sense of humour leaves much to be desired, Miss Granger,” Severus stated, but the twitch in his lips had Hermione narrowing her eyes at him playfully. "However, before you accuse me of being a comedian, allow me to show you another rather interesting feature of your rooms."
Still chuckling, Hermione watched Severus stand by the left hand wall of her bedroom, before walking straight through it. Hermione's mouth fell open. "Severus, where did you go?"
A feeling of panic washed over her, but as quickly as he disappeared, he reappeared.
Severus held out his hands to her. “Come here.”
As she took his hands, he walked backwards through the wall and led her into his bedroom. "Handy, don't you think?"
Hermione shook her head in disbelief. "It's amazing, but how's this possible? We walked for at least five minutes from your rooms to get here."
"The castle has the ability to adapt itself, as you know. Prior to, and during the continuing restoration, I've become very familiar with its layout, and then a few weeks ago a set of rooms appeared. Come and have a look," he said enthusiastically, leading her into his study.
Never had Hermione imagined that Severus Snape could be so animated about anything as he pulled out the plans he had been pouring over for months and pointed to his new discovery. It simply read, “The private chambers of the Headmaster's Wife.”
Hermione looked intrigued. "And you didn't know these were here?"
"That's the peculiar thing. When I became headmaster, I was told of a prophecy regarding the destruction of Hogwarts. I started going over the plans so that the rebuild could begin as soon as possible. These rooms were not on the plans.
"When I was reinstated the first thing I did was revisit the plans again. I had been concentrating on all the major parts of the school―the Great Hall, the house towers, classrooms, dungeons, kitchens, stair cases―all the parts that needed to be made safe for the school to function. A few new rooms have appeared in some of the more public areas, but I assumed that this was the castle opening hidden rooms to compensate for the damage. I hadn't paid much attention to the staff living quarters except for an initial perusal. Then two weeks ago I noticed these rooms had appeared. I just thought I'd missed them originally, but I've been over all my notes―"
"―Once a Potions Master always a Potions Master. You can't help making extensive notes can you?" Hermione interrupted teasingly.
A small smirk graced Severus' lips. "Indeed."
Frowning, Hermione considered what Severus had said. "So they appeared recently?"
"Yes. Two weeks ago. I admit I am at a loss, but it's quite fortuitous don't you think?" He slipped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him.
"It is, but don't you think it's a little strange. I mean you're not married," Hermione stated, chewing the inside of her cheek.
Severus felt his cheeks burn slightly. "Well, not yet. Perhaps it is assumed that, at thirty-eight, I would have a wife. But Dumbledore never had “The private chambers of the Headmaster's Husband.”
Hermione's eyes widened. "Dumbledore's gay?"
"Oh yes. In fact, I'm the first straight headmaster for years," Severus informed her distractedly, looking at the clock. He was feeling hungry, all of a sudden.
"Maybe they've appeared because the castle thought it was about time you got yourself a wife," Hermione offered playfully.
"Well, maybe it is," Severus muttered, but knowing Hermione had heard him, he changed the subject. "So what would you like for dinner?"
Hermione shrugged, looking at the castle's plans again. "I don't know. Why don't you surprise me?" Smiling sweetly, she asked, "Can I look over your notes?"
Severus smiled, realising that he was unconsciously twisting one of Hermione's curls around his finger. "Of course, you can. I didn't know you were so interested in architecture."
"Well, this is history in the making, and you're going to influence this school for future generations. That's such an honour," Hermione exclaimed, her voice filled with pride,"
"True, but I'm not doing this for my own glorification," Severus cautioned. "I'm doing it because it's the right thing to door the greater good as well as keeping the board off my back. Anyway, I'm starving, so I'm going to call down to the kitchens. This is your last chance to make a request.”
"I don't mind, honestly. You choose. I eat anything," Hermione insisted, her attention drawn to Severus' notes once again.
He walked to the door and turned as his witch sat down and started cross referencing his notes with the plans.
"Don't get too into this now. You can carry on after dinner," Severus advised, but smiled at Hermione's quiet, "Hmm," as she became engrossed in what she was doing.
As they talked over a dinner of shepherd's pie and chocolate cake, Hermione announced, "I've been thinking."
"Really, you do surprise me," Severus mumbled sardonically. Feeling the weight of Hermione's glare, he continued, "I'm sorry, my love. What was it that you were thinking?"
"Well, this is like our first date," she mused, placing her hand on the table within easy reaching distance from him. Her boldness was rewarded when Severus immediately covered her hand with his.
"I suppose it is,” Severus agreed, “but I promise that we shall go on a proper date very soon. Actually, I was wondering―and as much I loathe going to such tedious events―would you do me the honour of accompanying me to the Ministry Ball?"
"I would love to," Hermione shrieked excitedly; her head in a spin. She'd turned Lucius down earlier because she'd hoped she might persuade Severus to agree to go with her, but she'd only dreamt that he would actually ask her. "But I do think I need to buy a new dress. Lucius has seen the one I was going to wear, and although I like it, after his escapade today, I would rather get something new for you."
"Well, I don't care what you wear," Severus told her, sweeping a strand of hair behind her ear. "I just know that your presence at the ball will make it a much more tolerable experience. But I do need to go to Muggle London on Saturday morning, so if you are available I suppose I could take you shopping for another dress. Perhaps then we could spend the remainder of the weekend at Snape Manor. However, I am concerned that by taking you to the manor I will lose you."
Hermione looked perplexed by his statement, and hoped he wasn't having a self-deprecating moment. She'd noticed that he seemed to have those far too frequently for her liking. "Why the hell would you lose me?"
Severus chuckled deeply, guiding her onto his lap. "Well, I'd forgotten how extensive the library was, so Merlin knows how you'll feel about it. I can see me losing you to it."
"Introduce me to a library and there's always that danger," Hermione giggled before whispering seductively, "You better make it worth my while to pay you some attention."
"I could always eat you out whilst you're reading. Would that make you pay me some attention?" Severus deadpanned, but had a wicked glint in his eyes as Hermione gasped; her cheeks burning vividly at his suggestion.
"I've always wondered that feels like," the young witch confessed, burying her face in his hair to hide her embarrassment.
You won't have to wonder for much longer, and I promise you'll never be allowed to forget how it feels, Severus purred inside her head.
Hermione pulled back to look at her wizard, but couldn't help laughing when he tried to play innocent.
"Well, as it happens, I'm not doing anything this weekend," she informed him, shrugging slightly.
Severus noted the air of sadness in her voice.
"Harry is with Ginny this weekend and Draco is with...well, he's not around. No-one's heard from Luna and Neville and George never seems to be around these days. And, as Ron is getting an owl in the morning, I doubt he'll want to hang around with his ex girlfriend."
"Their loss is my gain then," Severus assured her, running his fingers up her arms, secretly pleased that she mentioned she would be finalising her split with Weasley. But then he groaned, "I suppose I will have to get used to your friends won't I?"
Hermione laughed. "You'll get used them. I think we've all changed a lot since the war. I just don't want to end up having to choose between you and them."
"I would never ask you to choose. I can't promise to be their best friends, but I promise to be civil. I, too, believe I may have changed a little since the war.”
"That's all I ask, and you never know, you might actually enjoy having them around sometimes," she teased kissing his nose.
Severus rolled his eyes, but what he said next surprised even him. "Hermione, I may have made your life a living hell in the past, but now...I only want you to be happy."
His lips were attacked by what seemed to be a happy witch, and deepening the kiss, he whispered, "I want to make you very, very happy...repeatedly."
Hearing the desire in his voice, Hermione nearly melted. "You will, and all I want is to make you happy too.”
"You do already," he muttered, kissing her chastely.
Pulling back, Hermione ran her fingers through his hair; her eyes scanning his features.
You're looking younger, she thought to him.
Well that's because you're only as old as the woman you feel, he thought back, quite touched that she'd noticed.
I said I thought you looked younger, not that you looked twenty years old, she giggled, her eyes sparkling.
"You are such a cheeky minx," Severus teased, capturing her mouth again quickly and deepening the kiss.
An emboldened Hermione gently brushed her lips along Severus jaw and down his neck, surprised when he turned his head to expose his scar to her. She gently flicked her tongue over it before blowing lightly over the wet trail left behind. She felt him shudder, which gave her an immense feeling of power, knowing that she'd caused that reaction in him.
Severus moaned as Hermione moved to straddle him, and continued to plant soft, lingering kisses to his sensitive skin, and tentatively cupped her left breast in his hand. Encouraged by her soft sigh and suddenly becoming aware of the heat from her core against his lap, he claimed her mouth again.
This kiss was full of need and hunger, and Hermione found herself grinding her hips against Severus' growing erection. She knew her knickers had grown damp, and had to break away before they got more carried away.
Still panting, she blatantly moved the conversation along. "So where is Snape Manor? And where are your other estates?"
Swallowing hard to calm himself and a certain part of his anatomy, Severus entwined his fingers with hers. "Snape Manor is in Cheshire, but I have estates in Derbyshire, Northumberland, Hampshire, Surrey, France and four in Italy. In all, there are ten estates, and I still haven't visited most of them. They are all working estates and each has a manager, but I really couldn't care less about all that. However, I decided to open up Snape Manor. After I inherited, Spinner's End became a cover because the last thing I wanted for everyone to know was that I was actually Lord fucking Snape and far wealthier than Voldemort's main benefactors, the Malfoys."
"Wise decision, although I expect Lucius was scared that if he didn't provide the funds, something would happen to his family," Hermione mused, surprised at her defence of the man who had been trying to seduce her earlier.
Severus laughed, but he was still angry at his friend's behaviour towards Hermione earlier that day. "Not providing the funds was the least of Lucius' worries. And don't feel sorry for him. Given half a chance, he'd have had you on your back today."
"It wasn't like that, really. He's lonely, but I promise I'll be careful not to give him the wrong impression again," she conceded, kissing Severus on the forehead.
"Make sure you don't. Lucius may be like a brother to me, but no matter how many new leaves he has paid someone else to turn on his behalf, I still wouldn't trust him around a beautiful witch," Severus groused with a deep, dark chuckle.
Hermione smiled, realising that Severus had inferred that he thought she was beautiful, but that smiled soon disappeared. "Now, as much as I could talk to you all night, I believe it would be wise for you to go to your rooms. I have a lot to prepare for tomorrow, and you need to get some rest. It's been a stressful day."
"Can't I stay here with you?" Hermione was shocked at herself for asking him so brazenly.
Severus shook his head regretfully. "No, because if you do I will...I cannot guarantee that I will be able to control myself. I cannot afford to let one slip ruin what should be one of the most memorable moments of your life."
Pulling her tight to his chest, he nuzzled her hair, and whispered, "I respect you too much for that."
Hermione sighed deeply. "I know you're right."
"When am I ever wrong?" Severus smirked, resting his chin atop her head.
"Try earlier," Hermione quipped.
"A moment of weakness," Severus retorted, pressing his lips to hers.
Hermione realised that she loved his kisses. They were surprisingly soft and yet when he decided to turn up the heat it was immediate. She was kissing a real man―not a boy―and was completely unfazed by the fact that the source of these toe-curling kisses was a man with such a fearsome reputation.
Hermione smiled wickedly. "You seem to have had a few of them around me today."
"Hmm," was his only response as he raised a disapproving eyebrow.
Hermione found his snarky attitude quite endearing now, and gave into the urge to kiss him again.
Severus relished the feel of her lips against his, but exercised his self-control before the kiss deepened too much. But as he pulled back slowly, Hermione captured his bottom lip causing a low, grumbling groan to escape him. He wanted nothing more than to go back on everything he'd said and introduce her to his bed, but he reluctantly ushered her from his lap.
"Can I take the plans of the castle and your notes with me? It will help keep me out of trouble," she requested coquettishly, slipping a finger in between the buttons of his shirt. She noticed him flinch slightly as her finger brushed against one of his many scars.
"Of course."
He gathered all the parchments and plans in his study, grateful to leave her presence for a moment so that he could rearrange the contents of his trousers before calling his House Elf to take them to Hermione's rooms.
"So, my Insufferable-Know-It-All,” he teased as he came back into the living room, “I suppose you will be looking for something else that I have missed."
Hermione laughed as she stood up. "You're good, Severus Snape, but no one is perfect.”
"You are," Severus mumbled, averting his eyes. He felt rather exposed by his inadvertent admission.
An awkward silence fell upon them. Hermione was touched that Severus thought she was perfect, but knew that she was far from it.
"I wish," Hermione giggled, standing on tip-toes to kiss him gently, causing the uncomfortable silence to dissipate.
Battling their inward desires to forget all promises of waiting, Severus walked with Hermione into his bedroom, brushing his lips across her knuckles in a gesture of goodbye, as they stood by the connecting wall into Hermione's rooms.
Reluctantly, Hermione was about to pass through the wall into her chambers when Severus thought to her, I'm only next door if you need me.
Likewise, she thought back before turning and rewarding him with a smile.
"Goodnight, Miss Granger," Severus said nodding courteously.
Hermione sighed softly before whispering, "Good night, Headmaster."
She walked through into her chambers, stopping on the other side of the wall, and thought to him, I love you.
Still in his bedroom, Severus smiled and thought back, I love you, too.
This chapter was updated on May 5th 2014.
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