The Mimicker | By : TalisRuadair Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 54128 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 16 |
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter Series (1997-2007) and any characters and original locations within the books belong to JK Rowling. I do not make any form of profit or I'd quit my day job. |
Chapter Five – Blood Adoption
Severus kicked out, rolled, and moved his arms as if her were fighting off an attacker. One standing over him would notice the sweat beading at his forehead and the worry showing in his furrowed brow. He made noises similar to a drowned cat, as he continued to toss and turn in the overly large but empty bed. His pale chest contrasted with the dark comforter, as the early rays of dawn peaked through the window. As the nightmare came to its end, the curtains of black hair parted, and the man sat up in bed with a loud gasp as if drawing in oxygen after coming up from a swim.
The man slowly stood from the bed on shaky legs, as the memories of the dream started to fade away. He really hated waking up alone, as no matter the amount of occluding he managed the night before, his subconscious always wreaked havoc on his slumbering mind. His mind had gone back to Harry’s claiming of him and just what was playing out in his mind while that act occurred. He had quickly blamed it on the after effects of way too much fire whiskey, but he couldn’t help but wonder if there was something more to it. He had promised himself that he would never use alcohol as a crutch like his horrible muggle father had. He slowly walked into the connected bathroom. He allowed the blessedly cold water run over his hands keeping his eyes closed.
His claiming had been absolutely horrible when many of it as such a wonderful event. He was lighter knowing that he had someone for which he could spend the rest of his life. He had many people he could consider family, but part of him couldn’t help but wonder how long his alpha would keep him around. Sure he could change his appearance to something more favorable, but he would never be the most attractive person. His personality had been wanting for many years and no matter how many years he spent around people, he was still socially awkward. He splashed the cold water on his face, which helped drive those memories from his mind.
In his cloudy mind, he had seen Harry as his father. As his perfect mate was moving in and out of him and showing him he was loved, Severus couldn’t help but see his childhood bully getting his final laugh. He could hear the taunts flowing out of that man’s mouth, “Snivellus, I never thought would be so quite while you were impaled by my cock. I really should’ve taken you ages ago. To think that you could have such pleasant expressions on your face, when you’re being fucked like a dog. Why am I even looking at that ugly mug of a face? You really should have your face shoved in a pillow so I can at least pretend to be doing this with someone mildly attractive.”
Part of him knew that he deserved every taunt from that man. He was the one that cost his and his wife’s life. Oh wonderful Lily with her beautiful waterfalls of brilliant auburn hair. Her emotions were always visible in those vibrant green eyes, those same eyes that were staring at him as if they could love him, even though Severus knew that she would never forgive him. She was willing to forgive Potter for being an arrogant toerag for so many years, but she could never forgive him for one slip of the tongue after being so thoroughly humiliated. He had felt so emasculated when his female best friend had stood up for him. Those eyes could never bestow him with the love he was seeing within them. They were only a mockery of what could’ve been.
Severus looked up at the unfamiliar reflection within the bathroom mirror. The image soon faded into his true self. The ugly, greasy-haired, potions professor with a huge hooked nose. One that showed that it had been broken one too many times, and that horrible sallow skin that made him look like an inferi except for the blue veins that stood out. It wasn’t long before the tears were forming and falling from his black soulless eyes. He groaned before splashing some more water on his face from his cupped hands. He could feel his shoulders shake with sobs. He really hated waking up alone. He slowly turned off the water moments later and grabbed the black towel hanging on the hook hear the sink. “Where did Harry go? What was so important that I had to be left in the bed alone? Well, I might as well get dressed and make a cup of tea. I’m not going back to bed anytime soon.”
Harry groaned and rubbed his eyes. He didn’t even want to open his eyes as every part of his body was sore. Just moving a caused his muscles to flare in angry protest. He slowly opened his eyes and groaned even more. It was an overly familiar scene before him. He was seated in his birthday suit on the green grass belonging to the meadow that lay just outside from his home’s wards. The meadow was sprinkled with wild flowers made up of daisies, lavender, and dandelions. Toward the rising sun, the meadow gave way to a half circle of trees. Their green leaves shook in the ocean breeze coming from the opposite direction. Harry could smell the salt on the air before it mixed with a coppery scent of blood. He looked down at his chest and groaned at the five scratch marks that were still bleeding across his chest.
“What the hell happened last night?” He scrubbed his bangs from his sweaty forehead. He concentrated on any forthcoming memory, as his memory lapses just didn’t bode well. It had started with those dreams the night before his birthday. He groaned as he stood and wiped off the grass that was sticking to his nude form, “Didn’t I go to bed last night with pajama pants on? How could I not remember undressing? Am I sleep-walking and fighting with a cougar at night?”
Upon entering the kitchen, he found Severus sitting there waiting for him. The usually soft-spoken man looked up from his cup of tea with haunted eyes, “Why’d you leave me to sleep alone last night? If you remember, you sent Maeve to sleep with Sirius. Why’d I wake up alone?”
Harry whispered, “I don’t know what’s happening Severus. This isn’t the first time I’ve woken up out in that meadow, but this is the first time I’ve woken up with marks. It wasn’t my intention to leave you alone because I had every intention of spending my night with just you. Please come and look at these scratches on my chest. We need to figure out what I’m doing out there. Have I been turning into some other Animagus form? Is another one of my dominate mates around? I mean I turned into a snake when I first met you and then I turned into a stag when I went after Sirius. I knew that he needed to think I was my father at first because he was in such a horrible state. I still don’t understand why I turned into a snake for you though.”
Severus stood for a moment with his lips pressed in a thin line. He shook his head as if shaking off stray through before he walked toward him before transforming into a black snake with black eyes scenting the air with his blood red tongue. Harry gasped, “I transformed into your Animagus form, but why?”
The snake shifted away and once again the silver haired, black eyed, man stood before him, “I am not sure why. I guess since my form doesn’t really have an inherent creature form, you linked with my Animagus form. I’m sure you also have the ability to transform into a Rakshasa Halfling form; however, I assume that yours would be male. From what I can gather, your mimicking abilities are linked with the other person’s magic. Just because my magic was suppressed by a potion didn’t mean that my metamorphic abilities didn’t touch my magical core. You really need to start practicing tapping into that gift that allows you to access others inherent magic and mimic it for yourself.”
“It’s interesting having this magical theory conversation; however, do you think you could look at these scratches before they get infected? I mean I’d rather they not get infected,” Harry quickly stored the information Severus provided for perusal at a later date.
Severus pulled out his wand and started casting healing spells before letting out a gasp, “Those are cursed scars. Have you tried centering your healing on them? There isn’t much I can do with a wand, but perhaps you have the ability to heal faster than a normal wizard. I will have to look into this further, but have you ever thought about the significance of it being a full moon last night?”
Harry shook his head, “No, it’s a full moon tonight. Remember we’re doing Draco’s adoption tonight because it needs to be done during the full moon.”
“Silly child tonight is the apex of the full moon. Tonight is when the moon is 100% visible, however the day before and the day after are also considered full moons. That’s the reason why werewolves transform three days a week. Surely, you understood why Lupin was missing from class for three to four days every month. If a werewolf transformed only on the most visible evening, then Lupin would’ve only missed one day of class a month.”
Harry let out a gasp, “One of my mates is a werewolf. Have I been infected? Will I be cursed to change every full moon? Is that the reason why I’ve gone missing?”
“Honestly, I don’t know, but I think you might be safe from the curse since you were only scratched and not bitten. I think I’d rather sleep with Lucius and Sirius tonight, if you don’t mind. I really hate sleeping alone. It just brings back too many memories and frankly I don’t want to go into what my life was like before you found and claimed me. So, let’s get something to clean that out and hope that if one of your mates is a werewolf that you can tap into the quick healing that goes along with that infliction without succumbing to the fatigue.”
Harry just shook his head and walked toward the bedroom they had shared the night before, “After we get me all fixed up, how about we go back to bed. I’m sure that you’ll sleep better now that I’m here to join you. Perhaps we could partake in some delightful activities when we awaken.”
“We won’t have time as we need to prepare for the evening ritual. I have to get together with both Draco and Hermione to determine everything we need to finish before tonight. He’s my godson after all, and I don’t want to see another damn thing happen to him. Was it not bad enough that he was a product of his father’s rape at the hands of his grandfather? He was born so sickly, so weak, and so quick to bleed that many didn’t believe he’d make it to his first birthday? Not to mention the pain he’s lived with all of his life. His muscles have always been far tenderer than most wizards and on more than one occasion he’s walked around with a hefty bruise for many days. Though, there’s one thing I can say about him and that’s his strength. Even though it must’ve felt like his arm was separated from his body when he was attacked by that hippogriff in your third year, he still managed to make it look like he was faking his grave injury. Then again he knew it was best not to show weakness while he called the Slytherin house his home. ”
Harry couldn’t help but see those experiences in a completely different light. He thought his own life was horrible when it consisted of the darkness of the cupboard under the stairs, but in that moment he wasn’t so sure. Draco may have been spoiled and shown love by his parents, but he had to have a higher threshold of pain. He had to hide his weakness from everyone in his house. His mind flashed back to the way his youngest mate acted after being kicked by Buckbeak. His mind remembered what his hemophilia must’ve done to that injury. If he hadn’t been brought to the Hospital Wing as quickly as he was, he could’ve bleed out. His mind quickly went to later on that same year when Hermione punched him in the face and landed that punch straight for his nose. He shook his head clearing the image of a bleeding nose that just wouldn’t stop. He looked over at Severus hoping to properly change the conversation before the sadness he was feeling overwhelmed him. “Now let’s get these cleaned and then go back to bed. I’m sure that Hermione will send up one of the elves when she wants us awake.”
Severus nodded, “Speaking of elves, have you drafted a contract for the finalized bonding between you as master and Winky and Dobby as house elf?”
Harry’s eyes widened, “I wasn’t aware that one was needed. I’ve just been treating them as friends. Is there more that I really need to do?”
Severus pinched the bridge of his nose, “Yes there’s much we need to discuss, but I think first we should just sleep for a bit longer. It’s too early in the morning for me to have to deal with dunderheads.”
Harry looked over at him, “Hey.”
Severus only smirked as he pulled out the antiseptic potion.
Draco sat in the library nervously reading over the notes on his adoption ritual Hermione had meticulously taken. He could feel the blood drain from his face as he continued to read the more damning parts of the ritual. He didn’t know how he felt about sharing a room with Hermione both completely naked. He understood the magical significance, but he wasn’t ready to show anyone the scars of his youth. He didn’t want anyone to see what his childhood illness had caused his body. He didn’t want any of them to see his deformities. Sure they knew about his hemophilia and his overall sickliness as a child, but no one, except for his father and godfather knew about his deformity. He had managed to keep it hidden well while in school. He never fully undressed when others were present. He wore a swimming speedo in the Quidditch locker rooms.
His hands started to shake when he realized that Harry had to be present for the ceremony as well. Would his mate still want him after he saw his deformity? Sure, it could easily be blamed on the inbreeding. They knew that he was even more inbred than most Purebloods. He didn’t know of another except for maybe Vincent Crabbe who could claim their grandfather as their other father. He blushed as he tried not to think about his deformity. He closed his eyes and tried to calm his mind. He needed to clear it of everything and organize all of his worries. He needed to ground himself before he took the next big step in his life.
One thought tickled the back of his mind. Would the adoption repair what magical surgeries couldn’t? Would the hole at the base of his penis from his underdeveloped urethra be visible after his adoption? He felt horribly inadequate knowing that no other male had the same problem from which he suffered. Harry already had so many mates. Wouldn’t it be easy for him to throw away a defective one? One look at his horribly disfigured sex should be enough for Harry to decide that he wasn’t wanted. One of his hands dropped from the death grip he had on the parchment to tap his thigh as if he were playing the piano. He sighed. He really missed the piano and the outlet he had with playing and composing music. Part of him really wished that there was a music room within Potter Manor, but so far he hadn’t found hide not hair of one.
His thoughts stopped as he felt something warm encircle him and a low velvet voice whispered in his ear, “You are my mate Draco. Nothing about you would ever make me want to abandon you. You are just as precious to me. Now what was this about a deformity?”
Draco couldn’t handle his mate knowing. He was far too ashamed and he could feel the deceitful tears welling up within his eyes. This wasn’t going to break him. He’d lived with much more pain than the emotions twisting within his gut, “I was born with an exposed urethra at the base of my penis. No matter how many spells cast, healing balms, and magical procedures performed, evidence of it still remains.”
Harry didn’t speak but his actions were far different than what the young Veela expected. He was pulled back into the well-defined chest of his Alpha mate. A hand with calloused fingers ran through his hair in a way that none but Pansy Parkinson was known to do for him. All the worries and shame began to melt from his body as he was filled with Harry’s acceptance, warmth, and surprisingly love. Soon the quiet gave way to a soothing lullaby that seemed like a balm on his very heart. Something deep within him seemed to break free and his bitterness began to fade away. Draco knew in that moment that he was loved and that the wonderful being behind him had promised to protect and care for him for the rest of their lives. He relaxed further and allowed himself to fall asleep like he was unable to just hours before.
Harry shook his head as he carried his now sleeping mate in his arms toward the room where he had left a sleeping Severus. He knew that he couldn’t be away for much longer because for some reason that man had yet to tell him, he hated sleeping alone. Harry sighed when he noticed the already struggling Metamorphmagi in their large bed. Was Severus that needy of human contact that as soon as he was left alone, he is plagued by nightmares? Harry had his own fair share of those kinds of dreams. He did have to admit that they had lessoned since he started sharing a bed with at least one of his mates. He gently laid Draco down next to Severus, who quickly wrapped his arms around the blonde and fell back into a restful slumber. Harry climbed back into the bed and hoped that he wouldn’t awaken again to another one of his mate’s distress. There was still so little he knew about what it means to be a Mimicker. Where was that ancient voice when he needed him?
As if invoked by the simple thought a voice boomed within his almost slumbering mind. We have been waiting for you to figure out how to pass through the waterfalls of consciousness. We have been awaiting your visit for almost a month now. What took you so long?
Harry looked out into the scene before him. He was in a majestic valley between two waterfalls. The sun reflected off of two crystal clear pools of water. The land was a luscious green that looked like something belonging to the Emerald Isle. He knew he couldn’t have been magically transported without any jerk or tug to Ireland. The mountains were littered with deciduous trees in their Autumn Brights, as if October had already come to the valley. However, the sun was still warm enough to belong to summer. Something with him filled with perfect tranquility as he walked toward the glittering white marble buildings. The obsidian interlaid path meandered through the small village, but he was somehow drawn to the largest building in the valley. He didn’t know if it was a library, the head of an ancient council, but he just felt a pull to that specific building. “Where are you?”
I await you in the halls of your ancestors. There is much we have to share with you. So much knowledge that has been lost in the sands of time, but I must warn you that you will be stuck here for a while. Time passes here differently than where you’ve left your body. I do hope that you’re mates are smart enough to know you’re merely in a deep sleep. It wouldn’t be the first time a youngling awoke in the catacombs. We will get started as soon as you walk through the doors into this hall. The voice answered in his head and Harry continued to walk toward the white monument that only seemed to grow in height the closer he got. Part of him wondered what the elder meant about young mimickers waking back up in their family’s tomb. Surely, they wouldn’t just burry an unresponsive wizard or would they?
Severus awoke feeling content. He hadn’t felt that good in a while upon waking. He looked down at who he was wrapped around and was a bit shocked to see the familiar slender body of his godson. How could cuddling up to his godson make him feel so tranquil? He looked to the other side of the bed and noticed a still sleeping Harry. His eyes widened as he registered the stillness of his mate’s chest. He couldn’t help but jump from the bed in fear. He scrambled to grab his wand from the bedside table to his left and quickly started casting diagnostic spells he had learned as part of his Potion’s Mastery. His quick movements had awoken the young Veela who was busy rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Severus didn’t have to look at Draco to know that his movements resembled the way the blond had woke up since he was very little.
Upon reading the results of his diagnostic spells, Severus let out a breath of relief. Harry wasn’t dead, but he was barely breathing because he was sleeping so deeply. It almost resembled the magical sleep of the Draught of Living Death, except Harry’s complexion remained a bit too rosy for that to be the cause. He quickly ran his hands through his color cycling hair. His emotions were so erratic that his hair color couldn’t remain on one particular shade. He shook his head as he realized that he still needed to work on his abilities. Perhaps it was time to call Nymphadora over to see if she could instruct him on his abilities. The young Auror had her whole life to master her gifts whereas Severus only had access to his over the past month.
The girlish scream that came from right beside him announced Draco’s brain catching up to the situation. Draco looked over at him with huge overly innocent eyes, “What’s happened to Harry? Why is it that the moment I feel that I’ve found a protector in him that he goes off and dies on me?”
Severus shook his now grass green covered head no, “It’s not what you think Draco. He’s just sleeping so deeply that he appears not to be breathing. He is though. I have already checked. I can only assume this has something to do with the Mimicker thing. I’ll just have to sic our inherent know-it-all on it while we make the final preparations for your adoption.”
The blond uncomfortably crossed his arms as he looked back and forth between the motionless Harry and his godfather, “What are they going to do to me? You know when they discover the fate of their friend? Surely, I’ll be blamed for this.” He gulped, “You don’t think that Hermione would refuse to go through with the ritual, do you?”
“I am sure everything will be fine, Draco. I really think you should go take a shower. I’ll go check on the elves and make sure they’ve started breakfast. I’m sure that Hermione can get her mate’s to assist her with the research. If those two are such geniuses with the pranks they are capable of creating, I am sure they they’ve done plenty of research in the past. You know enough to have become proficient at it. They would’ve excelled at Hogwarts if they hadn’t been so distracted with becoming the next bloody Maurders.”
Draco smirked, “Sure, you’d automatically go straight to blaming the Maurders for the way the Weasley twins have acted.”
Severus laughed at his godson’s antics before kissing him on the temple, “Don’t worry. Everything will work out perfectly, my little dragon. You will be feeling much better once you have recovered. Speaking of which, I should probably have you sleep in here with me and Harry. I’m sure that as soon as he comes out of his catatonic state, he will leave us to take another frolic through the woods under the light of the full moon. I really hope whoever his werewolf mate is will just get pregnant already. The more I think about it, the more apparent it seems that Harry is being called away by a Werewolf mate in heat. You’d think they’d have something like that less often than every lunar cycle. Also, I think it would be best if I could keep an eye on you while you recover from your changes. It will likely take a few days shy of week for you to recover fully. Hopefully, just in time for the beginning of your sixth year.”
Hermione had spent the whole rest of the day in the library with the twins. They had everything figured out regarding the ritual that was about to start in a couple of hours. They had eaten every meal at the library table surrounded by books. She found plenty of information about plenty of different creatures known to appear in magical families. She could find plenty on the differences between female and male pregnancies for each creature. She even discovered that Lucius, as a Rakshasa, would not conceive unless in heat and that heat wasn’t created until a certain number of orgasms occurred. Unfortunately the exact number of orgasms required differed for each individual and it required basically an all-night fuck fest before the number could be determined. They could carry anywhere between two and six cubs and their pregnancies had a shorter gestational cycle of approximantly four months to the traditional wizard pregnancy of six months.
She even found out that Incubus and Succubus gestational cycles were twenty-four months, which was four times longer than normal wizard pregnancy and two-thirds longer than a witch pregnancy. Hermione shook her head at that information. She couldn’t contemplate what it would be like to be pregnant for that long. She found something quite interesting, which caused her to share it with the twins, “Hey, did you guys know that dragon-like species are not only pulled toward working with their own kind, but they also have children by laying eggs? The eggs are fertilized within them for twelve months. Half of that time frame is done in their full dragon forms before they lay the eggs and remain near them until they hatch. That can take anywhere from an additional two to six months. You did say that Charlie was something else and that you were sure he wasn’t a siren didn’t you?”
George looked up from the book that he was reading, “What are you saying that Charlie is one of those dragon-like species?”
Hermione just shrugged before going back to her reading. She mumbled, “I don’t know. It just seemed to fit you know. You know his love of dragons and everything. But you’re probably right. He’s probably something completely different that we’ve never heard of before.”
Fred looked at her for a moment like he wished to say something but he remained quiet. She raised an eyebrow before going back to her reading. She found a very interesting section on the different types of elves and how other ancestral creatures could cause new species to occur. For instance if a Veela bred with a dark elf, it was possible that one of their child might be a light elf instead of a dark elf or Veela like his or her parents. She still couldn’t figure out what the heck Sirius was besides some sort of shadow wielding hound, but that didn’t make sense. Trying to find the proper creature category for Sirius seemed as elusive as finding anything on Mimickers. It just seemed more and more apparent that any knowledge of that species had been wiped from the face of the wizarding world. What could’ve happened to completely decimate any knowledge of certain beings?
Her brow furrowed for a bit longer before she just stood up and walked out of the library. Something told her she needed to speak with the Potter ancestors. Surely, if a Mimicker had ever been born to their family in the past, they would have information on them. Harry had to have gotten the inheritance from his father, right? His mother was a muggleborn so there wasn’t a chance that she had creature ancestry. It just didn’t seem logical as the magic would’ve remained in the family. She tapped her lips as she walked and it was only a moment longer before she recognized the flaw in her logic. If muggles didn’t have an ancestry of magic, then how did muggleborns come about? If her theory that every muggleborn had some magical ancestry is correct, then what was stopping that same ancestry from having a creature tied to it? Sure many pureblood families did what they could to suppress creature inheritances in their desire to fit the pureblood model. Surely, werewolves and vampires were looked down upon as half-breeds. They couldn’t possibly look positively at family members who brought forth evidence of their not so pureblooded pasts.
She stopped before a door to a room she had never been in before. The dark wooden door was carved with the Potter family crest, which was that of a flaming phoenix with grasping a large stone in its talons. Upon the stone, was an unfamiliar symbol. It was of an equilateral triangle with a circle in the center so that the lines of the circle and triangle barely touched. In the center of the circle and triangle was a vertical line that split the symbol in half. Below the crest was a gold banner that simply stated “Novissima autem inimica destruetur mors.” Hermione gasped, “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death, how fitting?”
She pushed open the door and found herself standing in a black marble circular room with a dark blue tinted glass roof. She could only assume the roof was one of the castle’s many turrets. Upon the black stone walls, hung several portraits and Hermione knew she had found the center of the castle. She had found the room where all of the family knowledge was kept in the essence still remaining in the portraits. On the center of the polished black floor was the same crest placed upon a compass showing the cardinal points where she decided to stand. It didn’t take long before all of the portraits started talking at once. Hermione lifted their arms and threatened to spell them all quiet if they didn’t shut up and listen to her.
The oldest looking portrait spoke first. She didn’t mean the portrait was of the most ancient looking subject but only that it seemed to belong to the oldest ancestor. That wasn’t reflected in the age of the individual within the portrait, as it appeared he was quite young when it was commissioned. “What is an impertinent Granger doing in the hallowed halls of Peverell Castle the ancestral home of the Potters?”
Hermione’s eyebrow shot up, “How do you know my surname? I’m a muggleborn.”
The same man shook his head, “What are muggleborns but the descendants of squib lines? You, my young witch, are quite powerful. I have to assume that you are the melding of several squib lines. It is the only way that such a powerful witch could be created from muggles.” His blue eyes twinkled as he looked at her more. “You my dear should have an inheritance ritual done. It would give you a list of ancestors and the gifts associated with their lines. From looking at your magic, I cannot help but see the earth elemental magic within you of the Shafiq line. Not to mention the endemic memory of the Grangers and the magical strength associated with the Black line. Again I strongly suggest you have your ancestry charted.”
“I will take your advice and will do that as soon as possible, but I am here for another reason. Your descendant Harry James Potter has recently come into a very interesting creature inheritance. I was hoping you could tell me more about it.”
One of the many portraits with messy black hair puffed out his chest in pride, “I’m happy that one of my line has finally come into the family inheritance. What type of phoenix is the boy? I was a wind phoenix back in my day.”
Hermione’s whiskey colored eyes widened, “Wait, are you telling me that the Potters are known for a humanoid phoenix creature?” All of the portraits nodded and she looked down and mumbled, “Then how the hell did he become a Mimicker?”
The first portrait that spoke with her answered, “The last Mimicker that appeared was back in my day. He was of the Ravenclaw line, but many don’t know that Rowena had a son. He had many mates but none of them were of the Peverell or Potter line. One of them was from the Black line, so Harry could’ve gotten it from his grandmother, but that is unlikely. The only one who can pass along the Mimicker genes is a child who was carried by a Mimicker. Since they are inherently alpha dominant, it is unlikely that one will ever submit oneself to carrying a child when one is able to impregnate one’s subordinate mates. I can’t help but think that a carrier may have matted with a muggle, which allowed it to be passed down but never come into fruition. Do tell me about Harry’s mother.”
Hermione let out a gasp, “She was muggleborn, and there is not much known about her. Her maiden name was Evans, but I would have to do an inheritance ritual on Harry as well to see what information we can find about her side of the family.”
The same wizard who didn’t have the messy hair associated with the Potters nodded, “I think that would be your best bet. I believe you have an adoption ritual to complete. I really do feel sorry for that young Malfoy. He’ll have to accept some of the insanity involved with having Black ancestry, but at least you do not seem to exhibit too many of those symptoms. Perhaps he will also find immunity to it as well. Maybe it has something to do with the combination of the grounding energy of earth and the endemic memory. We will talk to you later, Hermione. We understand that you’ll have more questions before the month dies. Until we meet again. I proudly introduce myself as Ignotus Peverell. It was my granddaughter to married a Potter.”
Hermione just shook her head before walking out of the room. Still she left with far more questions with answers, but at least the questions she had held promise. Perhaps whatever put Harry in the deep slumber he was currently experience will bestow upon him the knowledge that continued to slip through her fingers. She quickly checked the time and rushed down to the ritual room. She didn’t want to be late as she played an important part in the ritual.
Sirius stood outside of the circle where the ritual was taking place with the twins on his left. Severus was inside the circle overseeing the ritual, Hermione was in there to give her blood and magic in the adoption, Draco was sitting back on his haunches nude with his open palms resting on his thighs, and Lucius was there to give his permission for the adoption as the only living parent. Sirius was worried about what was going on with Harry, but he couldn’t leave as he was just as worried about his youngest submissive mate. It was his job as a dominant to protect the submissives, and there was something about Draco that pulled at him to show him love. The boy was good at hiding his pain and emotions, but there was something in his magic that called for love, as if it was absent from this childhood. He just felt like the blond could understand how he had felt growing up.
Severus started chanting in an ancient language that wasn’t Latin, which made Sirius wonder where they had found the ritual they were performing. At the same time he was fighting back the hard on he was experiencing at hearing that velvet voice chant the musical words. It just oozed sex and he wanted to have that man under him as he ploughed into his tight heat. Something about his matting with Severus had endured him to his childhood nemesis. The man was filled with such exquisite sexual energy and he didn’t even seem to know his attractiveness. A light was building up in the circle surrounding everyone within the space. The full moon mixed with the energy being raised from the skylight that made up the ceiling. Severus turned toward Lucius first, “Your son, the flesh of your flesh and magic of your magic, is before you asking your permission of his adoption. He wishes to find acceptance as a Granger in all but name. Do you give your permission Lucius Abraxas Malfoy?”
The blond nodded in his sliver ritual robes, “I do give my permission freely as both Lucius Abraxas Malfoy and Maeve Arielle Delacour. May my son find hope in this adoption where sadness once existed.”
Severus turned toward Hermione next, “Do you Hermione Jean Granger accept Draco Lucius Malfoy as you brother?”
Her golden robes shimmered in the moonlight as she nodded her head, “Yes I do.”
“Do you offer your blood and magical gifts as you would a younger sibling?”
“Yes I do.”
“Do you promise to protect him as if he were bore by the mother you were bore?”
Hermione placed her head upon Draco’s bowed head, “I welcome you Draco as my younger brother to the house of Granger. I bestow upon you the magical gifts associated with my blood. I share with you the endemic memory passed down through the Granger line that was once magical and has become magical once more. I gift you the earthly energy associated with the Shafiq and the magical strength I have gained from the Black line. I am descended from these three and I bless you brother with my blood and magic so that you may have the strength you deserve.”
Upon speaking her vow a golden light surrounded her before pulsing and pushing into the palms resting in Draco’s lap. Hermione then walked over to an awaiting goblet that was likely filled with a specific potion. She lifted her wand and cast a cutting hex across her palm. She allowed quite a bit of her blood to fall into the cup before healing the cut. She walked back over to the submissive positioned Draco and lifted his chin with one hand and brought the cup to his lips with the other. “Drink of this chalice my blood. Take the life force within to seal this ritual and become my brother in all but name.”
Draco looked up and drank all that was in the cup. Once it was empty and the cup was removed from his mouth he sealed the ritual. “I, Draco Lucius Malfoy, thank Hermione Jean Granger for taking me as her brother in all but name. I am grateful to be welcomed into her loving family and her protection. May we only give back to magic everything that she has blessed us with.” Gold light twirled around him before moving into Hermione’s outstretched palms and he slumped into sleep.
Severus scooped up the unconscious boy before closing the circle and walking out of the room with billowing robes following him. He spoke just as he walked through the door, “I will keep an eye on both Draco and Harry. Though the later will have quite a bit of explanations when he awakes, and I fear he will be unable to do so until after we wakes up in the meadow tomorrow.”
Sirius shook his head as it went over the ritual he just witnessed. What did Severus mean by his parting words and would his alpha really answer their questions? Hermione made her way over to them and he couldn’t help but burst out with one of the many questions dancing around in his mind. “Have you found anything about the Mimickers? Also, what did you mean when you invoked the Black family?”
She shrugged, “I guess I’m descended through one of their squib lines. I’m sure that it’s far enough removed that you need not worry about mating with Draco.”
He nodded, “Good. I was really worried for a moment there.”
A/N: I know I coped out when it came to the ritual. Don’t worry we will see what Harry is going through over the next chapter and perhaps the one that follows. It depends on how much I can write while he’s among the Mimickers. I have to really figure out more about their history, so it might be a bit before I update. I’m trying to slow things down, but give hints about other mate. To address some concerns regarding favoritism, Alin is not one of Harry’s favorites. He is mentioned in the last chapter simply because he is Reggie’s younger brother. Narcissa was making a joke about his younger brother and doesn’t suspect that Alin really is one of his mates. Also, Harry is unlikely to meet the Vampire-Elf over the winter holidays because they simply will not be there. I have other plans for that meeting.
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