A Marriage of Convenience | By : NinaSweets Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Snape Views: 159377 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 45 |
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters and places all belong to JK Rowling this is a not for profit story. |
Ugh, anyone else hate real life?
Sorry I took so, so long I really hadn’t intended to but life just got in the way and all of a sudden it’s Christmas, what is this madness? Nearly a New Year! I had to kick my butt into gear and I got this out for you so enjoy!
Chapter Five
The end of November was fast approaching and with it the first task. Harry was officially exempt from competing as his husband had forbidden it. The papers had a field day with that one. All of them attacking Snape for being some old man set in his ways where women were seen and not heard. How scandalous that he would keep Harry from the tournament, from his duties as the boy who lived. Harry fiercely defended Snape to any reporter trying to get a scoop on the tournament. Although with the first task scheduled for tomorrow and being shrouded in secrecy there wasn’t a lot for them to report on. So they followed Harry and Snape around though all they usually got from Snape was a sneer and from Harry a polite excuse about whichever class he had to get to.
Today was the day before the first task and Harry was not looking forward to tomorrow. He had not really spoken to Snape since the night Sirius dropped round. They basically ignored each other in class and outside of it they talked even less. Snape would stay in his office during the evenings and grade papers; Harry would do his homework in the living room and then head off to bed. Snape would usually come in an hour or so after Harry went to bed either waking him up or if he was still awake reprimanding him to go to sleep. He was gone before Harry woke up.
Harry wasn’t quite sure if this was a problem or not. Snape had been not exactly nice but at the very least tolerant of Harry’s presence in his life and now was not. Perhaps he was realising being married to Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, was not quite a walk in the park. Harry wasn’t quite sure what to do. It was hard to go back to how it had been because they’d been married for a while and made out a little. Before that they had simply been teacher and student and there wasn’t much cross over between them. Harry knew he couldn’t go back to a teacher student relationship with the man but wasn’t sure what he wanted. A friend? No definitely not.
Harry shuffled through his day on auto pilot; Ron was having a hard time saving him from walking into walls and people. Harry always smiled at his friend gratefully when he was jerked backwards or sideways to avoid a nasty collision.
He went back to thinking after Ron jerked him to the side again avoiding walking right into a foul mouthed Slytherin who swore at them both and was promptly ignored.
He had no right to run up to Snape and demand the man talk to him because he wasn’t sure if he wanted to be talked to. He just didn’t want... this...
If Snape was going to ignore him all the time he might as well move back into Gryffindor tower. It hadn’t even been a month yet but he missed his friends terribly. Sure he saw them during the day but he missed socialising at night. Getting help with his homework from Hermione and goofing off with Ron.
He sighed and decided that he would at least try and talk to Snape tonight... maybe. He did have questions about the homework assigned so maybe that could get the ball rolling.
The trio were stopped on their way to lunch by a loud booming voice.
“Harry, Ron, Hermione,”
They turned to find Hagrid, the schools groundskeeper and Care of Magical Creatures Professor.
Harry had a soft spot in his heart for Hagrid. He had come and rescued him from the Dursley’s and told him all about the magical world. He had bought Harry his first ever birthday present and had been Harry’s first ever friend.
“Hey Hagrid,” they chirped together and he beamed at them.
They hurried over to where he was standing near the entrance to the school grounds. He crouched down low to whisper to them but when bent over at the waist he was still heads taller them him. He was a very large man, actually he was half-giant, and had the heart to match. A fan of all creatures big and small, he loved the especially dangerous ones, resulting in a few class mishaps but Harry wouldn’t have him any other way.
“Got a surprise for ya’, follow me quick now,” he said quietly and then took off out into the grounds.
Harry, Ron and Hermione had to jog to keep up with his long strides.
They made their way across the grounds and walked along the edge of the Forbidden Forest.
“Oh you’ll love it,” Hagrid was saying and Hermione shot Harry a worried glance. Usually when Hagrid said something like that they were about to see something either illegal or dangerous, most likely both.
They carried on for a short while before Hagrid turned and led them into the forest. Harry, Ron and Hermione all hesitated before following him. They had never really had many pleasant experiences in the forest. Usually they were chased out of them by giant spiders or an angry werewolf. There was a reason it was forbidden after all, so they avoided it if they could.
Hagrid, however, took many trips into the forest and seemed to have some unspoken pact with all the creatures dwelling within. I’ll leave you alone if you leave me alone and let me get on with my business.
Harry carefully followed Hagrid deeper into the forest but stopped when he heard an all mighty roar from very close by. Ron jumped and Hermione let out a surprised squeak. There was a glow of orange from up ahead.
“Hagrid what is that?” Hermione asked quietly.
Hagrid didn’t reply. He simply grinned at them and waved them onward. They followed him and stopped in front of a barrier.
“Dragons,” Ron breathed.
“Dragons!” Hagrid said excitedly.
“Whoa!” Harry and Hermione said together. They had both grown up in very non-magical, Muggle, environments. They had only seen a dragon once, a little baby dragon that Hagrid had got as an egg, hatched and attempted to raise in his one-roomed wooden hut on the grounds.
“Back again Hagrid?” a cheery voice called.
“Can’t stay away,” Hagrid replied.
A short stocky man with flaming red hair approached them with a grin on his face it turned into a laugh when he spotted Ron.
“Hey Charlie,” Ron replied.
Charlie Weasley, Ron’s second eldest brother easily hopped over the fence and grabbed Ron in a tight hug.
Harry had met the man earlier this year when he and Hermione had headed to the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasley family who had been lucky enough to get tickets.
“Harry, Hermione,” Charlie greeted nodding to each of them. They both gave small waves unable to tear their eyes away from the creatures before them.
“So what are you doing here?” Ron asked and Charlie waved to the three caged dragons behind him.
“Where there are dragons I’m not very far behind brother dear,” said Charlie, “Hagrid has been stopping by as often as he can to get a look at my lovely ladies,”
“They’re beautiful,” Hagrid said in awe and Charlie smiled.
“Had your dragon all set to go on the trip with us Harry but at the last minute, right as we’re about to set off they tell me you’ve been forbidden from entering,”
Harry nodded unsure what to say and whether or not Charlie had the full story or not. If he did that meant Mrs Weasley did too and she was probably not very happy with him at all. The Weasley’s treated him like family and he didn’t want to imagine how disappointed Mrs Weasley would be when she read in the paper he’d gotten married.
Charlie smirked at him and Harry blushed looking down, yes Charlie knew and was probably going to tease Harry about it like Ron’s twin brothers, Fred and George, had.
“So, what have you got?” Ron asked looking at the dragons and Charlie beamed.
“That there is just a Common Welsh Green, then just behind her is the Swedish Short-Snout and a Chinese Fire-Ball at the end the red one. We were going to bring the Hungarian Horntail with us too but when Harry couldn’t compete we went back to three. Thank goodness for it though, our Horntail very is protective of her young, when we were trying to load her up for travel she was fighting the sleeping draught and burned seven of our crew.”
“I hope they’re all right,” Hermione said and Charlie laughed
“Comes with the job I’m afraid but majority of us wouldn’t change any of it for the world. Even the burns,” he said. Hermione didn’t look very pleased by this news and turned her attention back to the Common Welsh Green just in front of them.
Hagrid had wandered over to look at the Swedish Short-Snout a large ferocious blue-grey dragon that was wailing softly over her eggs spitting short breaths of fire at the dragon tamers nearest to her.
“So this is the first task? They have to fight dragons?” Hermione asked
“Lucky I’m not competing then, remind me to thank Snape,” Harry put in.
“They won’t fight them. You can’t fight a dragon, best you could do with a dragon is get out of there quick smart. The champions will have to get past them but don’t go telling anyone. It’s supposed to be a secret although Hagrid brought the Beauxbatons woman out here last night, pretty unromantic first date if you ask me. I also saw Karkaroff sneaking around a little while later,” Charlie said and Hermione frowned.
“They’re cheating? But that’s going against everything the Tournament stands for” she said sounding scandalised and Charlie laughed.
“It’s like an unwritten rule that you do cheat Hermione. Besides this will make it all the more impressive when our Hogwarts champion wins. By the way is it really Diggory?” Charlie asked and Ron and Harry nodded. “Ah well he’s not so bad I suppose,”
“Now Harry, mums told me I have to ask, did Snape force you?”
“No!” Harry said, shocked by the turn in conversation.
Charlie laughed and shook his head, “Cause if he did-”
“He didn’t,” Harry interrupted.
“If he did, mum said she’ll march right up here and give him a piece of her mind,” Charlie finished, “and if it ever gets too much you’re more than welcome at home”
“Tell her thank you,” Harry said and Charlie smiled.
“You lot will tell me if Hagrid is trying to raise a suspicious egg in his hut again won’t you? I’ve counted all the eggs but just in case he slips one by me,”
Harry, Ron and Hermione all nodded in agreement before the subject changed to Ron’s grades. Ron’s head drooped when he had to admit he probably wasn’t studying as hard as he could. Charlie’s response was that he should probably expect a less than impressed response from their mother when he told her.
Soon after that Charlie shooed them away, forcing them to take a very reluctant Hagrid with them.
They made it to the Great Hall just in time to grab a quick snack before heading off to their last class for the day, Potions.
“I hate having brothers,” Ron complained as they walked and ate, “they’re all tattle-tales!”
Hermione and Harry were both only children, although Harry had grown up with his cousin who was the biggest tattle-tale he’d ever met.
They reached the potions classroom, Ron still grumbling about his brothers. Hermione rolled her eyes and turned to Harry.
“Do you think Charlie was right?” she asked him. Harry raised his eyebrows.
“About what?” Harry asked and she stared at him in exasperation.
“About the other schools. That they’ll cheat?” she explained in that tone of voice that told Harry he was stupid for not following her thought patterns.
“Course they will,” Ron put in, “it’s practically tradition. They all say that it’s to bring unity between different Wizarding schools but really this whole tournament is about one upping each other.”
Hermione looked very put out by this information.
“Should we tell Cedric then?” Hermione asked quietly and Harry frowned.
“He wouldn’t want us to, he’d find it immoral and probably get angry that we did tell him,” Harry said.
“But dragons are so dangerous, what if he gets hurt?”
“Then he gets hurt, everyone who put their name in that cup knew what they were getting into,” Ron said with a shrug
“Or what they were getting me into,” Harry added and Ron nodded in agreement.
“Would you feel any differently if you were competing?” Hermione asked pointedly.
“We’ll never know will we?” Harry reminded her wriggling his ring finger in her face and Hermione sighed huffily.
“Well at least I know it won’t be just Cedric suffering tomorrow. While he’s risking his life in some stupid barbaric tournament you’ll be sitting in the stands with Snape having to snuggle up to him and act like you actually adore him like some love sick-idiot,”
“Miss Granger,” a silky voice interrupted, “I hope you are not implying that my own spouse doesn’t wish to spend time with me.”
The classroom door had opened and Snape stood blocking the entrance inside so everyone could watch the show. The Slytherin’s were all grinning hoping Hermione would be getting in trouble.
Hermione simply shook her head no, and the Slytherin’s all turned to Snape seeing what he’d do next. The man simply stood aside and let them all file into the classroom.
Draco Malfoy looked very sour as he was denied his favourite pastime of Snape berating Gryffindors and sat at the front with his fellow Slytherin’s in a sulky silence. The Gryffindors all shuffled toward the back trying to sit as far from Snape as possible. The man stood in the door was until the class was settled, he’d stood there as the class filed in and it had been amusing to watch Neville try and shuffle past side ways to stay as far away from the man as he physically could.
The door slammed shut with a bang and Snape stalked to the front of the room turning perfectly on his heel without getting tangled in his robes.
The first half of the lesson was a theory lesson and the next part was the practical. No one dared to talk while Snape was talking but once he ordered them to start working on their potions hushed whispers could be hidden beneath the sounds of bubbling cauldrons.
Harry and Ron partnered up and Hermione partnered with Neville who gave her a beautiful grateful smile. Hermione was easily one of the best students in the year and Neville was very easily not. He was terrible at Potions and Snape terrified him so much it made him all the more worse at the subject. Hermione however was patient and kind with Neville and their potions together, while not the best were still good enough to pass.
Harry and Hermione went to collect their ingredients from the student cupboard while Neville and Ron set up their cauldrons.
“I think I’ll tell Cedric what the first task is,” Hermione said quietly.
“What? But Hermione that’s cheating,” Harry said pompously and Hermione smiled.
“It’s not cheating its... levelling the playing field,”
“Why is this bothering you so much?”
“Because not everyone has wonderful friends like you do Harry. You know if you were competing I’d do anything to help you. Cedric doesn’t have that. Do you think anyone in Hufflepuff is helping him?” Hermione asked and headed back over to Neville.
Harry followed behind her and stopped by Ron placing all their ingredients down. Ron took charge of chopping and grinding up the ingredients passing them to Harry to put into the potions and stir through correctly. As he did this he thought about his past few years at Hogwarts and the unfortunate adventures he found himself on with his friends. The first year when he decided to save the Philosophers Stone and Ron and Hermione came along not taking no for an answer. Second year when a Basilisk was going around petrifying students including Hermione, Harry had rushed off to defeat it, Ron following him without hesitation. Then third year saving Sirius from a swarm of Dementors and Hermione helping him go back in time so they could help the man escape.
Harry did have wonderful friends, he was lucky he did, with his knack for getting into trouble. Those situations he hadn’t really intended to put his friends in danger it had really all just sort of happened and they had stood by him through all of it.
Harry shuffled over to Hermione and Neville’s half of the table.
“Fine. We’ll go find him and tell him,” Harry said and Hermione smiled brightly at him.
“This tournament is just so dangerous. I don’t know what I’d do if you were forced into competing,” Hermione said and looked like she might cry.
“Hermione, its okay,” Harry said and Hermione nodded.
“I just couldn’t bear the thought of someone getting hurt when we could do something about it,” she said, “that reminds me, do you think when you tell him you could ask him about wearing a SPEW badge in the arena?”
“Yeah, Hermione, Diggory sure seems like a guy who’d care about House Elf Rights,” Ron muttered and Hermione glared at him.
“Spew?” Neville asked
“It’s not spew, its S-P-E-W it stands for the Society and Promotion of Elfish Welfare. Have you been down the kitchens Neville? The way those House Elves are treated is awful,” Hermione said and then began to lecture Neville on exactly why it was awful.
Harry and Ron, having heard this all many times before went back to their potion.
“Do you reckon Hermione’s right?” Harry asked Ron.
“No, House-Elves love working in the kitchens. I mean if every one of them was like Dobby then sure I’d be right there with her helping set them free. But truthfully they like it. It gives them a purpose in life. Most go crazy when they’re given clothes,” Ron said. The only way to free a house elf from service was by giving it clothes. Hermione had been tricking a few elves free by hiding hats and socks she’d knitted under rubbish.
“Not the elves. About Cedric,” Harry said.
“Ah you know Hermione, if she thinks something’s wrong damn sure everyone will know about it,” Ron said with a shrug, “just go with it and she’ll be happy. We can’t afford for her to be mad at us if my Potions grade drops any lower I’ll be lucky if I get Filch’s job.”
Harry followed Hermione across the grounds to the Quidditch pitch Ron grumbling beside him about missing dinner.
“I still don’t see why I had to come,” Ron muttered sourly.
When they arrived at the Quidditch pitch they could just make out the shape of Cedric against the dark autumn night. Winter was definitely on its way, the sun having long set even though it was only seven.
“Should we call him down?” Hermione asked
“No need,” Harry said and nodded toward the sky. Hermione turned and saw Cedric flying toward them.
He landed in front of them gracefully and offered a charming smile.
“It sucks there’s no Quidditch this year,” Harry said looking across the pitch wistfully and Cedric smiled.
“I know, though I’m not sure how I’d concentrate on Quidditch my NEWTs and the Tournament so it’s a blessing in a way,” he said with an easy laugh.
There was a silence, Harry shuffled awkwardly and Ron looked bored. Hermione was staring at Harry urging him forward to talk and Harry glared at her. Why did he have to do it?
“Something you wanted to say...?” Cedric asked Hermione, trailing off leaving her to supply her name.
“Hermione Granger,” she said and offered her hand. He smiled and shook it.
“Now was there anything you want to say? If not I really need to get to bed, big day tomorrow,”
“Actually that’s why we came,” Hermione said and looked at Harry expectantly.
“The first task is Dragons,” Harry said. Hermione glared at him for just blurting it out and Cedric took a few moments to collect his thoughts, his face turning down in a frown.
“What?” he asked.
“We saw them today, Hagrid showed us. Karkaroff and Maxime know already,” Harry explained and Cedrics face smoothed out again he looked uncomfortable now.
“So they cheated and you thought that I should too?” Cedric asked.
“Well someone decided that it wouldn’t be very fair if they knew and you didn’t,” Harry replied.
“Besides you didn’t cheat, this information is coming from a non bias third party,” Hermione said
“Except you’re Hogwarts students and so am I,” Cedric pointed out.
“But if I was going for a Hogwarts champion I’d pick Harry” Ron said.
“He’s not competing,”
“Exactly,” Ron said and Cedric frowned at him before turning to Harry.
“Do you know what we have to do with the Dragons?” he asked and Harry shook his head.
“Sorry, no,”
“All right, well thanks for telling me but no more help. I mean it,” Cedric said and headed off to the castle.
“You’re welcome!” Ron called after him snottily and Hermione glared at him.
“What? The guy’s a prat,” Ron said and Hermione shook her head.
“Come on we should get back to the castle, even though he’s not there Snape knows if I miss curfew,” Harry said
“Reckon we missed dinner?” Ron asked,
“Probably,” Hermione said and Ron looked so put out, “I’ve got some pastries in my room” she added to make him feel better. It worked he grinned at her and raced off ahead of them both.
“I’ll see you both tomorrow then,” Harry said and parted with them in the Entrance Hall.
He made his way downstairs to the dungeons and into Snape’s quarters. He was startled when he found the man standing there arms folded across his chest and glaring at where Harry had just entered. He couldn’t work out if the man had been standing there since dinner, scowl in place, or if he’d heard Harry coming and put it on.
“Er... hello,” Harry said awkwardly.
“Sit,” Snape ordered.
“Look whatever it is you think I did I can tell you I didn’t,” Harry said but sat down none the less.
“You’re not in trouble,” Snape said
“Well who knows when you use the same tone of voice for everything,” Harry muttered and Snape sat beside him.
“About tomorrow,” Snape began but stopped and his face went blank. Harry knew this meant he was thinking so he waited till the frown returned and Snape continued. “For the Ministry to believe I have not bewitched you,” he paused again.
“Act natural?” Harry supplied
“But not too natural,” Harry said
“No. If you act unusually they may suspect I have given you something,”
“Is the idea of us getting married so unbelievable that you would have to have drugged me?”
“I’m not quite sure which one of us should be insulted.”
“Definitely me,” Snape said easily, and then turned serious, “You are the darling of the Wizarding World. You can use it to your advantage and you should but you have to wade very carefully. You are in a very precarious position.”
“Well what do you think I should do?”
“You really want me to tell you what to do? That doesn’t really seem your style Potter.”
“Do you have a magic cure for this horrible mess of my life?”
“Then there’s really nothing we can do. I’ll walk the road I was given.”
“Wise words from a fourteen year old,”
“Yeah occasionally I’ll say something smart,” Harry shrugged.
They settled into a silence, Snape going into what Harry liked to call off mode where his face would blank and he’d hunch down almost like going to sleep but his eyes were alert flickering between nothingness. Harry had learned this was usually when he was sorting through his thoughts and organising things from the day. Occlumency, Snape had called it once when Harry had asked what he was doing in his off mode. The man’s mind was probably as organised as his potions classroom.
Harry studied the man’s face. When he was in off mode he didn’t notice if Harry stared at him so Harry usually did.
He wasn’t what you’d consider beautiful. Well certainly not to Harry. He couldn’t even be really classified as handsome. Not in the classical sense of the word at least. He was distinguished and Harry hadn’t seen anyone with such a unique face. That long hooked nose and sallow skin, dirty teeth and those dark eyes, blacker then the robes he favoured. His hair, long and lank wasn’t as greasy as Harry had thought. It was actually very nice and soft when it had been freshly washed. How Harry knew that... well that wasn’t important...
After a day of standing around a hundred or so students bubbling cauldrons with various different things inside it his hair suffered from the fumes.
Harry leaned in a little closer thinking about the face in front of him. No, certainly not a handsome face but Snape had had partners before. Harry was trying to work out what they’d been attracted to. Probably his darkness, if Harry had been older and seen Snape in a pub just the mysteriousness oozing off him would have caught Harry’s attention. Harry was curious to a fault; it was usually what landed him on his stupid adventures. Curiously following some innocent trail and then all of a sudden he was knee deep in Basilisks and Mountain Trolls.
Harry tried to think about girls he liked and why he liked them. Cho Chang, the Ravenclaw teams Seeker was very pretty. She had big dark eyes and a wonderful smile; also she liked Quidditch which was definitely a plus in Harry’s book. She was very pretty. Hermione was pretty too in her own way; Harry supposed she was a bit like Snape. She wasn’t what people would consider beautiful but when she found a great book, the way her eyes lit up and her lips curled into a smile changed her face completely from how it normally looked. Maybe Snape just needed to smile more, and then he’d probably have a girlfriend.
Ginny Weasley was another pretty girl with her long red hair and that sprinkle of freckles across her nose that you only really noticed when you were standing right in front of her. She had a really nice laugh too, it was loud, electric, and sometimes squeaky which made you laugh more at her laugh which set her off too.
Perhaps if Snape laughed more...
Girls were supposed to laugh and be pretty though, Snape wasn’t a girl.
Harry tried thinking about boys who were pretty, or handsome, boys that he had heard the girls talking about.
Victor Krum, the international Quidditch stay and Triwizard Champion. He had a fair amount of girls following him around. Harry knew it was because he was famous but he’d heard a few girls saying it was because he was so foreign and mysterious. He was always scowling at them when they giggled and interrupted his studies.
Snape was mysterious, he wasn’t foreign but if he travelled he would be. Harry couldn’t see him travelling much. Or hanging out in a club trying to pick up girls. It pulled up a disturbing image and Harry shook his head to clear the thought.
“Is there a reason you are staring at me?”
“Finished Occlumency-ing?”
“Occluding,” Snape corrected and waited till Harry repeated it correctly.
“Yes I have finished. Is there a reason you stare at me?” Snape asked.
“I’m Occluding I just like having you to look at,” Harry said awkwardly.
“Potter don’t use words you don’t understand,”
“Fine I was thinking.”
“Always a dangerous occurrence,”
“You’ve had girlfriends before right?”
“Two!?” Harry repeated in shock
“Only two how old are you?”
“I have had two girlfriends and several boyfriends,”
“Oh... oh... OH! So you’re...”
“Oh... do you mind if I ask something?”
“Whether or not I mind hasn’t stopped you before now has it?”
“About your girlfriends... did they mention why they liked you?”
“Contrary to popular belief I am an attractive and desirable person Potter,” Snape said,
“I was just curious how you know whether girls like you or not,”
“Oh curse teenage hormones. Don’t you have friends to ask these things?”
“Well Ron’s never had a girlfriend and neither has Hermione,”
“Girls, young ones anyway will usually, in a very immature fashion, let you know they like you. Love letters and poems all the horrible stuff that only preteen girls seem to like. Women depending on who they are will either walk right up to you and ask you out or make subtle hints that you should ask them out.”
“What was it like for your girlfriends?”
“I got love letters and poems. Both my relationships were here at Hogwarts and lasted about two months each. They did not like me for my face, they liked me for the intellectual challenge it was trying to get me to talk to them. I didn’t talk to anyone and especially not girls. Your father made sure of that,”
“Oh... sorry,” Harry said awkwardly. He knew his father had picked on Snape all through their schooling because Snape liked to throw it in his face when he was being reprimanded.
“There was one girl who didn’t give a toss what James Potter said about me,”
“Your girlfriend?” Harry asked
“No a lovely young witch named Lily Evans,” Snape said and Harry perked up at that.
“You knew my mum?” he asked. Snape turned away, his face blank once more, which meant he was done talking but Harry couldn’t let it go.
“What was she like? Professor Lupin and Sirius only ever talk about my dad. I don’t know anything about mum except we have the same eyes and she had red hair”
“She was... exceptionally kind. Disarmingly funny... she liked Charms. It was her best class,” Snape said his voice soft, quiet, the bad quiet. Harry was in trouble for pushing, but those three things... they were worth it.
My mother was Lily Evans, she was funny, kind and she liked charms.
“She liked charms,” Harry repeated quietly and Snape looked at him sharply. “She liked charms,” he said again and then leant forward to hug Snape. The man, to his credit, did not shove him away, which was likely his first instinct. He did not hug him back either but Harry didn’t need him too.
His father was James Potter, who liked Transfiguration, pulled a lot of pranks, was an illegal Animagus in the form of a stag named Prongs, who picked on people throughout his schooling, who was arrogant, charming, funny, Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team and trusted his friends till the day he died. First. Telling his wife to grab their son and run for it, to save Harry and run.
And his mother, who was Lily Evans, she was funny and kind and liked charms. She had stood in between Voldemort and her child and stared him in the eyes and pleaded for her son’s life. Her dying act had protected Harry, saved him from the killing curse which rebounded and hit Voldemort vanquishing him. For a time at least.
Dementors were awful creatures who made a person relive their worst memories over and over taking away all the happy ones. They had come to guard the school when Sirius escaped from prison and Harry had hated every second they were there. Because he didn’t just get a sense of hopelessness like the other children did. He heard his father yelling in his ears, telling Lily to go, to take Harry and run. He heard his mother scream over and over, pleading and begging.
His mother... who liked charms.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter; I’m leaving for Japan on Friday and will be gone on a well earned holiday. I’m going to try and pop another chapter up before I go but we’ll see how I do.
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and I wish you all the best with the New Year (with hopefully more updates haha), Nina
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