To Be Normal | By : Anomalylady Category: Harry Potter AU/AR > Slash - Male/Male Views: 21330 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 10 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor it's charaters, nor I do make any money from this work. |
To Be Normal
Chapter 4
Harry swayed dizzily before falling hard on his bottom, the damp grass quickly soaking through his jeans causing him to scramble to his feet with a grimace… It seemed the only magical form of transportation Harry was any good at was riding a broom… At least this time the nauseous feeling wasn’t as bad as the first time around. He looked accusingly at Dumbledore who was standing there in the evening breeze looking completely unaffected… The old wizard only gave Harry a knowing smile as he waited for Harry to set himself to rights.
Brushing the dirt and grass off of his back end, Harry spared the Headmaster another glare before turning to face the Burrow. His discomfort quickly forgotten and Harry grinned widely at the sight of the oddly shaped house. It felt good to be back.
“A few things I’d like to mention before we proceed Harry. As I mentioned earlier, additional wards have been placed around the property, both for your safety and the Weasleys. I ask that you remain within that perimeter unless you are in the company of Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley, or myself, unless otherwise directed.” Dumbledore waited until Harry nodded his head in agreement. “Thank you Harry. And now I believe Molly is anxiously waiting to feed you.”
Harry laughed as followed Dumbledore.
“This is so wicked!” Ron sat with bounce on Harry’s bed. “I mean it would have been great to bunk together again but mum and dad said that since you’d be staying with us for good, you should have your own room.”
Harry stood in the middle of what was now his room. He’d been a bit disappointed about not rooming with Ron as well but he understood the reasoning. In the end he agreed it was for the best. Privacy was something he’d never really had and with the changes barreling towards him it would be easier this way.
The room as it were, had actually been added to the second floor between Ginny’s room and the bathroom. Magic really was marvelous; a whole room build in a single day. It was about the same size as the room he’d occupied at the Dursleys’ but it was so much more welcoming.
The bed looked sturdy and comfortable with a large colourful knitted quilt on top –no doubt another creation of Molly’s, as he’d been instructed to call her- there was one large window facing the orchard, a nicely seized wooden cabinet for his clothes, along with a bookshelf and a small work desk.
Molly had told Harry, he would be able to decorate as he pleased whenever he chose.
Harry joined Ron on the bed with a relaxed sigh. “I still can’t believe they build this for me…”
“I’m happy you’re finally free of those muggle relatives though. We were worried about you, you know. Hermione and me.” Ron gave Harry a nudged.
“It’s hard to believe I’ll never have to go back there.” Harry threw himself back on the mattress and starred at the ceiling.
He hadn’t felt this calm since his brief moment of peace with Sirius when they had talked about Harry living with him once he’d been proven innocent. It had been a short moment of reprieve but one of Harry’s happier moments.
Now here he was; free of the Dursleys, his belly so full of Molly’s wonderful cooking he felt he would likely burst, and he had an actual room of his own. Most important of all though was the new insight he’d gained about himself had given him more hope for the future than anything else.
“Well, I’m knackered,” Ron stretched his gangly arms with a yawn. “See you in the morning, mate.” The red head added with a wide smile before heading out and lightly closing the door behind him.
Harry had been so lost in his own thoughts he never got the chance to say goodnight.
Nearly thirty minutes after Ron had left him, Harry was well into the process of emptying out his trunk. The task was a rather foreign one but he’d decided it was the best way to make this whole thing real. He’d never really unpacked at the Dursleys –counting that most times his trunk had been locked up- and like the other boys in his dorm, his trunk never got truly unpacked, it was more like his things simply spread across the room over the course of the year.
Setting his things away, going through the ritual of finding a spot for each of his belongings, few though they were, would help him see the proof that the Burrow was now his home, for good.
He had just set his broom in the far corner next to the cabinet, ignoring just how empty the thing was since he only had his school uniforms… Harry sighed. He was going to have to talk to Molly about that…
Just then as if called by his woolgathering, there was a light knock at his door. “Harry dear, may I come in?” Molly’s voice was surprisingly soft.
Harry walk to the door and eased it open, “Hi…” He stepped out of the way, showing her in. He felt awkward about someone actually asking him permission for anything, especially for coming into a room in their own home.
“Already settling in I see.” Molly beamed at him happily. “I hope you don’t mind but I felt we should have a chat before you went to bed. With all the excitement earlier we didn’t really get a chance.”
“Oh ya, of course… umm… Sit down?” Harry awkwardly gestured to the chair at the desk while he sat on the bed.
“First I want to say that Dumbledore told us about your situation and that you have Arthur’s and I’s full support.” Molly paused and smiled warmly, her eyes watering a bit. “It’s horrible that you’ve felt the need to hide it, it’s nothing to be ashamed of you know.
“From that first letter from Ron; telling us what great friends you’d become and that time you spend with us the summer before your second year, we’ve always felt you were a part of this family Harry.” The Weasley matron puffed up. “We want you here, we want you to be a part of our family and we will do our very best to show you that every day!”
It was Harry’s turn to get misty eyed, overwhelmed by the obvious love and conviction in Molly’s voice. “T-thank you.”
“Now dearie, it’s nothing you need to thank us about but your most welcomed,” Molly leaned forward and patted his hand gently.
Harry starred at himself in the bathroom mirror, naked…
He’d had a long talk with Molly, some of it had been mortifyingly similar to his talk with Madam Pomfrey but maybe because it was the second time around he felt he’d coped with it a tad better, at least in the beginning. Half way through their talk, Harry had remembered the note from the nurse.
It turned out the letter contained a basic medical account of Harry’s condition, how far he had developed, what his current needs were and what to expect in the near future.
The following half hour had been spent with Molly giving Harry all the gory details of what would come with his oncoming puberty… They had covered every aspect the woman could think of… Every detail… From body hair in new places, wet dreams, sore nipples and to Harry’s absolute horror; the pros versus cons of pads and tampons…
If that hadn’t been embarrassing enough Molly had then dragged him to the bathroom to show him just where any and all bathroom supplies he could possibly need were situated.
He’d then been instructed to carry all his laundry to the hamper downstairs, which led Harry to admit he’d only brought his school uniforms. In turn, this led to a small tirade from Mrs. Weasley where she threatened all sorts of unpleasant things should she ever run into the Dursleys in the future. Much to Harry’s amusement. This of course was followed by a promise to take him shopping for some clothes as soon as possible. That had not been amusing…
Armed with a borrowed pair of pyjamas from Ron, Harry had been summarily sent off for a shower before bed.
Harry studied himself intensely in the mirror – thankfully, this one didn’t talk- something he had actually always avoided in the past. But now he was willing to at least try and face just what it was he’d always feared.
His hair had grown out some, just covering his ears; apparently the longer length giving it a more tousled looked instead the messy bird’s nest it used to be. He’d lost some baby fat too, Harry was rather grateful that despite his feminine genes he still had what he considered a masculine jawline.
With a deep breath, he let his gaze drift lower. He wasn’t very tall and he was understandably on the skinny side but he had at least started to gain some muscle as well, though his shoulders hadn’t really filled out like his male friends’ had. He now knew they likely never would…
Gulping he studied the small breasts he’d been hiding under his baggy shirts… Though Molly hadn’t asked how big they were, she had said he would likely need a small bra to help support them…
It’s wasn’t like he knew anything about sizes anyway, sure he knew it had something to do with a combination of letters and numbers but how it all worked he was simply clueless.
He turned to the side to see how far they stuck out and was happy to see it wasn’t very much; they seemed so much bigger when he looked down on them. But like this, looking the bouncy mounds face on, it wasn’t so bad. Even with the tiny nipples sticking out -because it was a wee bit cold standing starkers in the bathroom- Harry could see the appeal. Well, he didn’t think he liked other girl’s breasts but his own weren’t half bad.
In a moment of daring he reached his hands up and easily cupped them. The feeling of his cold hands lightly brushing over the sensitive flesh caused a course of goose flesh to spread. His nipples tightened even more, ghosting his palms.
Harry drew in a small moan at the pleasurable feeling it caused. He’d never explored his female anatomy before but now that he was feeling just how wonderful it was, he was almost regretting not doing this sooner.
He let his hand brush downwards and back up a few times, the feeling causing his stomach to flutter. He refused to look away and made himself look at his body.
How the breasts bounced lightly with each passage of his hands, the way his flat lightly defined stomach twitched along with it. His hips were still narrow, if jutting a bit due to his slighter frame. He could see the tip of his now erect cock, the mirror not going any lower.
He raised himself on the tip of toes, cursing his shortness. Well, he knew what his cock looked like; he didn’t really have to see it but he was curious to see if he could see his other lower… parts… from that angle.
Finally after a few more strokes, Harry stopped and took a few steadying breaths. His hands shook lightly from the rush of feeling and emotions. He fixed the mirror with a final determined look. He could to do this; he would face it head on like he had with everything else.
He wasn’t a freak, he wasn’t strange! He was Harry, and damn it, he was beautiful.
Repeating those words over and over, Harry set to start the shower. He still remembered how all the nobs worked from the last time he’d stayed at the Burrow. You had to turn the left nob first for the cold water, jiggle the right one a few times for the hot, wait a few minutes to push the button in the middle and after a few wheezes and splutters the water would come shooting out from the shower head. Only then would it be safe to step in.
Used to having to take very rapid showers, Harry didn’t waste time to get to task. It hadn’t been until he’d actually been under the water that he’d realised just how desperately he needed to feel clean. Thoughts of Dudley’s attempted… groping, he supposed, flashed through his mind and Harry scrubbed faster and with more vigour in anger.
He scrubbed the days sweat off, baking in the sun for all those hours had left him rather sweaty. Harry wrinkled his nose, how could no one have noticed or said anything… He must have reeked… An embarrassed flush spread over him at the thought. He’d been sitting right next to one of twins during dinner…
He groaned. If it hadn’t been bad enough that he’d recently discovered his crush on Fred and George, having to sit calmly with them when he’d had a rather vivid dream about them just the previous night had been very difficult and awkward. The idea that he’d been stinking up the place though made his stomach turn.
He knew he would ever get a chance with either of them… Of course having both would be best but even he knew it just wasn’t done. They saw him as a friend, brother if he was lucky… but certainly not that way, not the way he saw them.
He reached for the nobs, his troubled thoughts causing him to forget the shut off sequence. The water suddenly turned ice cold and Harry let loose a shamefully girly squeal. He was so shocked by the sudden cold that he didn’t hear the bathroom door open.
“Oi! Ginny, was that you?”
Harry froze, the ice water quickly turning his skin blue. That was definitely one of the twins…
“F-f-fred, G-g-george?” Harry stuttered as violent shivers racked his body. He was greeted by a great peel of laughter.
“Forgot the how shower worked did you? Here, lemme fix it. And it’s George by the way.” George answered cheerfully, chuckling at Harry’s misfortune.
Now, had it in fact been his little sister Ginny, Harry was sure George would have simply turned back once he’d been assured all was well. But living in dorms made one unfazed at the idea of seeing another male naked –unlike Harry who always avoided those situations- so it was without a second thought that the Weasley twin pulled the stall door widely aside.
Harry, shocked still by the cold never even tried to cover himself. Instead he stood there, skin pebbled and bluish, arms across his stomach, leaving all his other bits completely visible…
George for his part had been ready to mock his little brother’s best friend; first because of the ridiculously girly shout which had drawn his attention and then for falling victim to the Burrow’s infamous trick shower. What he had not been ready for however was the revelation of Harry’s definitely not male attributes… More precisely, the pair of small, perky breasts with nipples so hard from the extremely cold water it looked painful. He couldn’t help his gaze from falling lower, catching what he knew was a set of lips below the shaft that was fruitlessly trying to hide from the cold.
They both stood there, for how long neither of them could say. The water kept raining down on Harry’s shivering body, still completely unguarded while George’s eyes took in the sight before him.
George was the first to snap out of it. “Merlin Harry!”
The slightly chocked words brought Harry back to what was truly happening, “What?!” Harry looked down to where the twin was staring; he let out a shocked gasp of realisation. “George!” Harry screamed in horror, first he tried to use his arms to shield himself from view but there was too much to hide so he quickly turned to face the wall. Leaving his bum exposed while he turned his head, his wide green eyes looking at George’s blurry form.
“I…” For once, George Weasley was speechless while his face bloomed into a fiercer red than his hair. “I’m so sorry Harry.” He blurted out quickly as he deftly turned the shower off and all but ran out of the bathroom.
Harry for his part was left completely gobsmacked; the shivering going unnoticed as he stood, still hugged tightly up against the cold tiles, wondering what the hell had just happened.
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