Society of Two | By : UmbraSuccubae Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Harry/Hermione Views: 175530 -:- Recommendations : 12 -:- Currently Reading : 29 |
Disclaimer: I own neither Harry Potter nor any elements thereof and do not get any money for this. |
Author's note: Tentacles, DP, gender bending and hermaphrodites from this point forward. Reader, you have been warned, beware of finding more than straight sex here.
You might want to read the previous chapters again when this is posted, since I rewrote much of the previous chapters, as I mentioned at the end of the previous chapter.
Also, a big part of this chapter was inspired by the story “Ensnared” by Reader458 on this site. Thank you for writing a good story, and I wish you'd follow up on it in some way.
Society of Two, Chapter 5: Changing Things Up
Despite the end of year exams – which both Harry and Hermione aced, although Hermione was still worried about her results – the two children spent most evenings cuddled together on the grass under the big tree in their common room. They had sex a few more times, too, and were always quick to tease each other by playing with themselves when the other one was looking, but those evenings were just for cuddling, enjoying each other's warmth, and generally being comfortable. Even without the knowledge that wiggentrees kept away evil creatures, this spot seemed more sacred for the purpose of getting closer than any bed could. Even the one time that they had sex beneath the tree, it had been a slow, gentle joining that had lasted for hours and had been more about feeling close and loved than about lust and release.
Months before their first time they had sex, they had learned that a branch of bowtruckles and a large group of fairies lived in the upper branches of the tree. Hermione had been ecstatic when the bowtruckles had shown them an ability that other wizards probably didn't even know about, since it wasn't described in any textbook. She had found a baby mandrake – apparently one of several dozen that were intended for next year's lessons – crawling around on the school grounds, and taken it to their common room. As soon as the tree guardians had seen the little plant, they had taken it from her and calmed it down. Then, after performing what seemed like a ritual dance of some kind, they had lifted it and put it against the wiggentree's bark, where it was absorbed into the tree. The ancient tree had, since then, gained the vague shape of a human face on its bark, at the height where an adult's face would be when sitting down. It looked to be sleeping, though.
Apparently, bowtruckles could join magical plants into one, keeping some aspects of both. In this case, the old tree had stayed the same except for gaining a little of the humanoid shape of a mandrake.
Shortly afterward, though, Harry had made the mistake of bringing the flute Hagrid had given him as a birthday present. Apparently offended for some reason, the little creatures had cut the flute apart, buried the pieces at the edge of the grass circle, then made him a perfect copy from the old tree's wood. They had more than enough to choose from, since, as tree guardians, pruning the tree was part of their tasks. Harry had spent several hours each week practicing with the new flute, trying not to offend the little creatures by ignoring their present. He wasn't really good yet, not by a long shot, but he could play a simple tune without mistakes most of the time.
Where the flute Hagrid had given him had sounded just like an owl, this one sounded similar, but the rich sound of the wood also made you think of something ancient singing inaudibly, or maybe humming just out of hearing range. For some reason, Fawkes liked to come to their room whenever Harry was practicing. Neither child was concerned about their nudity in front of the phoenix – not because of the fidelius, because that only worked against several species of humanoid creatures (like wizards, goblins, dwarves, giants and even the half-humanoid centaurs), but because it was hard not to trust a creature as noble as the phoenix.
After their last exam was done, Harry remembered how Hagrid got his dragon egg and they took off to confront him about it. Hearing about the mysterious stranger and what Hagrid had told him, they told professor McGonagall, who didn't believe them. Therefore, they decided to stop the thief from getting the philosopher's stone on their own. Harry had brought his flute, which got them past Fluffy to where they were at that moment: held in the vines of what, at first glance, was Devils Snare. Looking more closely, though, Hermione recognized it for what it actually was.
“Relax, Harry. Professor Sprout must have only seen this plant when it was young, this one won't kill us. It grows quickly, but you can't see the difference from a Devils Snare until they're fully grown. She probably took the wrong seedling after showing the girls of our class both to show us how easy it is to get them mixed up.”
Now, Harry was confused.
“Why did she only show this plant to the girls, then?”
Hermione blushed, which Harry had not expected.
“Well, you see… this plant doesn't kill. In fact, it won't ever catch a single guy – only girls and couples. It doesn't even catch virgins at all. This plant is called Nymphs Grasp, Harry, and if you're really jealous about the pleasure my pussy can give me, well, this is your chance.”
Harry just continued to watch her, confusion visible on her face.
“See the round, slitted tips of the vines? Do they remind you of anything?”
Harry looked at the closest one. It did, in fact, remind him of something. The tip of something very personal, in fact – something that hung between his legs. He gulped and looked back at Hermione.
“If it cums in your mouth, ass or, if you're a girl, pussy, it will temporarily change you into a hermaphrodite. If it cums in all three within a certain amount of time – like, within an hour – the change becomes permanent. Choose quickly, Harry – we can still chase it away with fire, but once we relax completely, it will start. I'm happy whichever way you choose, but if you go through with it, I will, too.”
“Hermaphrodite as in...”
Hermione nodded. “You'll grow breasts, your balls will be relocated inside your body, and you'll have a pussy under your cock – clit and all. Oh, and both will be fully functional, so you'll want to take a contraceptive potion within two weeks.”
Harry thought about it for a few seconds, then blushed. “As long as you're the one that takes my virginity, I'd like to do it. Well, and as long as we can do another fidelius once we're out of the plant's hold.”
Hermione smiled at him, obviously excited. She nodded, then visibly relaxed so the plant would start doing its thing. Harry followed suit.
A rather thin vine wrapped around Harry's penis, making stroking movements. It was also pressed against his hairless ball sack, separating the two nuts gently.
A vine about as thick as Harry's cock started stroking Hermione's pussy, gently separating her lips and resting against her opening, teasingly wriggling against her. As wet as this situation made her, it would have been easy for the plant to slide inside her, but it seemed to have different plans. Once a good amount of the vine was covered in her freely flowing juices, it pulled away and was instantly replaced by another, similar vine, which repeated the first one's actions. Meanwhile, the first one moved so its tip was now pointing at Harry's mouth.
'Clever,' she thought, 'covering itself in something he loves the taste of so he accepts the situation more easily.'
The thought of what was happening made her so horny, she unconsciously spread her legs further apart. Instead of using the situation to bury itself in her pussy, though, the second vine was once more replaced while it made its way over to Harry, slipping between his legs while he was distracted. It slid between his ass cheeks, then slid in more deeply. Harry let out a slight scream, but the vine was lubricated well enough that he was soon moaning.
In fact, just a minute after the vine had penetrated his ass, Harry was cumming, another vine hovering nearby to catch his cum. Hermione eagerly watched him finish, then watched the vine draw closer. She didn't hesitate at all to take it into her mouth, and when she felt the vine at her pussy move to her ass and penetrate her there instead, her only thought was that she wished something would finally fill her pussy.
She got her wish as, unseen by her, the plant moved Harry so his cock could slide into her pussy, the thin vine still wrapped around it. She wasn't worried about being stretched too far. The Nymphs Grasp took its nourishment from magic saturated with lust and sexual pleasure – pleasure that could be more easily obtained from a tighter pussy. When it was done cumming in her, she'd be tighter than before, yet able to stretch so she could accommodate any cock. Or, more accurately, Harry's cock and any vine.
The vine slid in deeper, and while more of it slid inside her to wrap around Harry, the tip left his cock and penetrated her cervix. She moaned loudly – apparently, the plant wanted to fill her womb while Harry got to spoil her pussy. She liked the thought of all of her being filled with cum. As if hearing her thoughts, the vine started wanking Harry off inside her, fucking her womb at the same time. The feeling was divine.
Apparently deciding that the foreplay was done, the other vines started moving again, too. She eagerly sucked the one in her mouth, and enjoyed the one fucking her ass nearly as much as Harry and the other vine fucking her pussy. Another vine, this one very slim, started playing with her clit. She started cumming, and just didn't stop until, some time later, both Harry and all the vines inside her came at the same time. Another peak hit her so strongly, she blacked out for a few minutes.
Apparently, the vines inside Harry had finished at the same time and made him black out, too. When she opened her eyes again a few minutes later, their transformations were done. The vines in their mouths had pulled out, but all the others were still in place, and there, between her and Harry, pointing at Harry's newly grown breasts – which were just a tiny bit smaller than her own, she noticed – was her own newly grown cock, half erect from the pleasure stil coursing through her.
Half erect wasn't enough, though. Harry's cock and the vine wrapped around it slipped out of her pussy, and the vine quickly repositioned itself to wrap around the base of her new appendage. Apparently, it was going to honor Harry's wish for her to be his first, if only just.
She was quickly stroked to a full erection – about six inches, she absently estimated – and positioned at the slit that was now between Harry's legs. She looked into his eyes, and he nodded, just as eager as she was.
“I am yours, in heart, soul, magic, mind and body,” they chorussed as the plant pushed Hermione's cock into Harry's pussy. There was no magical effect, this time – they simply reaffirmed their vow that, whatever happened, they went through it together. Gladly even, in cases like this.
The plant let them rest for a bit so Harry could recover from the pain of having his virginity taken. When the pain ebbed away, he said “thank you for enduring that when we had our first time.”
“Thank you for enduring it now. Thank you for the gift you are giving me.”
“I wouldn't give it to anybody else.”
They smiled at one another, and the plant decided to stop the mushy part. The slim vine slid deeper into Harry, repeating what it had previously done inside Hermione. Another such vine slid around Harry's cock, which was resting between their bodies, stroking it back to full erection and starting to wank him off, just as two of the very thin vines started playing with both of their clits. It was sensory overload, which was only made worse when a much thicker vine than before pushed its way into Hermione's freshly fucked pussy. Hermione decided to add to Harry's pleasure some more by leaning down and sucking the head of his cock.
Both of them came quickly, and both blacked out again long before they were done. When they returned to consciousness, both lay on the ground, resting in big puddles of thick, gooey cum, their bellies swollen quite a bit. The plant must have continued fucking them even while they were unconscious.
"We are such perverts..."
Harry turned his head towards Hermione, a content smile visible on his face... Just as it was on Hermione's.
"Because we let a plant fuck us or because we enjoyed it?"
"Both, and so much more - at least for me. I don't know about you, but feeling all that cum, both inside me and smeared all over my body... My womb being swollen with cum..."
"Me letting a plant fuck me just to get a pussy..."
Hermione let out a laugh.
"Don't think I wasn't eager to get a cock, Harry. I'm hoping for lots of opportunities to use it... to cum inside you, and all over you..."
"All that cum does feel quite nice, doesn't it? The slimy feeling doesn't bother me at all, though I still prefer you gushing all over me... and now I can return that favour, too! Well, I hope so, at least. I'll have to find out if I'm able to squirt. Still, if all of that makes me a pervert, then I like being one."
"Yeah, me too..."
Retrieving their wands after a few more minutes of rest, Harry and Hermione stood up, and Hermione once more cast several cleaning charms. From the look on his face, Harry appeared just as disappointed to have all the cum disappear as she was, but they had to move on. They quickly cast another circular fidelius to hide their changed genders – (Harry James Potter / Hermione Jean, born Granger,) has changed their gender since their birth – choosing to go with the gender neutral pronoun so magic wouldn't interpret it as a lie.
Neither noticed one of the penis-sized vines detach itself from the plant until, just as they reached the door to the next room, it wrapped around Hermione's ankle, slid up her leg, then wriggled its way through her pussy into her womb until just the end could be seen peeking out from between her nether lips. Happy that the plant had decided to come with them, they carried on.
The keys were annoying, but Harry soon caught the correct key. The chess set frustrated them, until Harry decided to just turn back and get the broom from they key room. They flew over the chess board, and although the figures wanted to stop them, they couldn't leave the board without forfeiting – at which point they were unable to move any further until the board was reset. The troll was, thankfully, still quite unconscious, despite them having wasted two pleasurable hours with the plant.
Hermione soon had Snape's logic puzzle solved.
After she had almost convinced Harry to go on alone, she went and told him that there were more important things than books and cleverness - “Friendship and bravery and love – oh Harry, be careful!” - so he decided to be sneaky, took the bottle of potion into his mouth and shared it with Hermione in a kiss.
“I agree – which is why we'll do this together, or not at all.”
They managed to get through the flames unharmed – not because half a dose of the potion was still enough, as both thought, but because their close contact fueled the magic of their shared protection.
In the final chamber, Quirrel's spells just bounced off the two of them. They were told to look into the mirror, and when they did so, they saw mirror Hermione push a smooth red stone deep into mirror Harry's pussy. At the same time, Harry actually felt the stone slide into her, where, thanks to the fidelius they had cast just a short while ago, it couldn't be found.
When Voldemort ordered Quirrel to “seize them”, the possessed teacher was burned to a crisp before even touching either of them.
Returning to Hufflepuff tower after the headmaster had assured himself that they were both fine, the single vine of Nymphs Grasp slid out of Hermione's pussy – the bowtruckles immediately did their little ritual dance and merged the vine into the tree, with no visible effect right away. Harry also asked Hermione to retrieve the stone from within his pussy, and they asked the bowtruckles to bury it between the tree's roots below its face, where evil would not be able to find it. The little creatures actually put it right against the tree's trunk, half a foot below ground, then filled the hole back up and carefully put the grass back into place. The stone's power showed itself by healing the disturbed grass.
Exhausted, the two children curled up together right there in front of the ancient wiggentree and went to sleep, not noticing the face in the tree moving slightly.
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