Illusions Of Reality | By : Alexa_Sterling Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Draco/Hermione Views: 11124 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: For Fan fiction. I do not own Harry Potter or the characters. I don't make any money/profit by writing this story. |
Author Notes:
Well hello there.! I am really really sorry. I haven't been able to upload the new chapter any sooner. It's been a month and I have been too busy. I was down with health issues and was hospitalized. I have thought more and more about this story and I would really like to know what you people think about it. I can't think of anything other than this story and how disappointing I have been with no updates. I promise I will be quicker and try to put more depth into this story. Have fun.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Harry Potter is all the property of J.K. Rowling. I'm just playing with her characters. I do not make any profit with this fan fiction.
Chapter 5: Dreams
8th September 1998, Tuesday, 10:35 A.M, Great Hall, Hogwarts.
I was sitting in the great hall clutching my head in my hands trying to listen to Neville rant about the Herbology class. But all I could do was stare at my food wearily. I had lost all appetite this morning. Thanks to the blond haired git across the table sitting with the Slytherins. He was eating peacefully. I couldn't help but feel a jab of jealousy at him. Ever since last Wednesday, I was suddenly able to sleep. No more nightmares. Not the terrifying ones. The relief was immediate. But he was still visiting my dreams. This time for a different purpose. The kiss that didn't actually happen plagued my sleep. I kept dreaming of it every single night since then. I keep tossing and turning at night. I hated, no loathed to admit this, But the kiss never failed to arouse me to a point where I couldn't even remember my name. Last night it was particularly worse. I was assaulted with a wave of tingles just by thinking about it.
Two days straight I dreamt of the kiss and helped myself with a cold shower to no avail. I couldn't concentrate on my studies. It clouded my senses day and night. I managed to avoid him at all costs. Cause one look at him and I was turning into jelly. I was suspecting I was cursed anyway. That was the only logical reason I could come up with, because every time I see him, I was using up all my self-control not to jump him. Right in the middle of Great Hall at this moment, I wanted to jump him. I peeped at him again and watched his platinum blond hair fall onto his eyes as he was talking to Theo. My heart beat skipped. No. Not again. I barely managed last DADA class with him even if he seemed more frigid and withdrawn from me than ever.
Theo must have felt my piercing stare and looked up. He scanned the hall finding my eyes directed towards them. To my surprise, he awarded me a sexy smirk and a saucy wink. I actually felt flustered and managed a weak smile at his weird behaviour. But it was nothing compared to the shivers that went down my spine when I saw Malfoy's piercing grey eyes trained on me peeking from the veil of his hair. I was doing all I could, to stop the blush and keep myself from fanning my over heated skin. That bastard actually smirked before looking back at his place and everything south of me went berserk. It didn't help that he knew about this.
I groaned in frustration grinding my teeth to leash myself. Rubbing my thighs together, I cursed. I was definitely jinxed. If.. if only I found who did it .. I will kill them! Can't they find anyone else? Someone who looks revolting? Malfoy with his aristocratic looks was driving me crazy. Also, blame his nasty attitude. I was going crazy. Why him? Why him of all people?
"Is everything okay Mione?" Ginny whispered quietly in my ear.
"I ... Let's go to my room" I mumbled massaging my temples.
"Yep. I want to know why Theodore Nott is looking at you like you're candy" She whispered urgently.
"So do I" I replied not daring to look at him again because my little problem was sitting right beside him and I can't afford to ruin another pair of knickers.
"Hey Neville, Meet you later!" I muttered shoving my plate away. My hunger pangs for something else entirely. I wanted to devour the devilishly handsome Draco Malfoy sitting right over there.
"But why does no one Listen to me? I got the worst partner ever for Herbology!" He cried in despair. I felt guilty. So much for zoning out. I had to solve this bloody issue.
"I'm sorry Neville. Maybe later?" I called out as Ginny dragged me away.
I kept looking back at him. He wasn't looking at me. His eyes were fixated on the youngest Greengrass sister like always. SO much for my imagination. In my dreams, He kissed me like I was the last girl on the planet. And in real life, all I get is you filthy little mud blood. I was going to kill whoever did this to me.
But, I can't help wonder, why they brought out my dormant sexual urges. I agree. I had been kissed only thrice. Viktor, McLaggen (though that was more of groping and tongue action anyway) and Ron. My dream kiss was hands down the best kiss ever. It was wrong. In all ways. But, I was craving it more than I craved for air. Our pasts are colourful enough to make me run away and I LOATHE him. Though every sane thought goes out of the window when his lips are on mine.
It was the day after the dream. I spent the entire day with raging hormones like it was puberty all over again. I felt disgusted with myself and stayed away from him and everyone thinking about how DEPRIVED am I to dream about kissing the bane of my existence right after he vowed to kill me. I almost wrote to Harry about it. I know he won't flip out. He was now Zen Harry Potter. He hardly even shouted at people, except when I and Ron argue. But, I backed off at the last moment and wrote to both of them reciting the events and leaving out what I should be leaving out. I don't want them worried about me. They deserved peaceful lives. For once.
I was proof reading my History of the Magic essay when I started to drift asleep. When I finally realised it and jerked awake and scanned the room. I was distorted for an entire minute before I carefully put the essay away and lay down on the bed. I actually felt sleepy. I didn't do my nightly ritual. For the first time since months, I felt safe. It was unusual. The months after the war was a blurry haze. I kept my distance from everyone. I just remember being in my house, reading, cooking and reading more. I attempted to live at the Grimmauld place for a week. It was a disaster and Ron found out about me moaning Draco's name. I wasn't shagging him. I don't even remember in the first place when I started moaning his name in the first place. It was somewhere in August when I realised it. I woke up screaming for him. I was so bloody confused and everything went even more downhill after that.
Before I knew, I had fallen asleep. I dreamt about various scenarios. Me wiping out my mom and dad's memories, Dumbledore's death, Harry Ron and I on the run, Ron splinching, Ron leaving, Every single time we almost got ourselves killed, the battle, everyone one of my friends who had died. I saw their faces. I saw them demanding me why I let them die. Why I lived on when I couldn't save others, What gave me the right to live? I wanted to get away from the dream. Leave and never return. They said I should be punished. Punished because I wasn't worthy. Then the scene shifted and I felt the air leave my lungs. I was there again. In Malfoy Manor under Bellatrix who was just about to start another round of torture on me. She was about to carve that loathsome scar on me. I screamed. I found him lurking in the darkness. I begged him. I cried desperately for help as Bellatrix roared with laughter. She crucioed me and I felt the pain lacerate my very being. I looked at him desperately .. anything .. something. Save me. I pleaded.
But then, A miracle happened. He nodded.
It never happened before. He never nods. He should be standing there witnessing the torture. The dream was changing; I realised with alarm and the scene shifted again.
I was in the 7th-floor corridor again with him running his thumb across my lip and swooping in to kiss me. I couldn't hold back. Not after making up scenarios of me jumping him all day long. I bolted right at him knocking him off his feet. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him roughly. He stilled for a moment before kissing me with equal passion. His grip tightened on my waist effectively pinning me against the wall with his body pressing against me deliciously. I moaned out at the feel. I didn't know dreams felt this good. But when his tongue slipped into my mouth, I didn't care about anything. Only the feel. The feel of my blood set on fire, His touch electrifying my skin and sending shivers of pleasure down my spine. I was aware of the dampness of my knickers. I was aware I wanted to rip those offending garments off his body.
When we finally pulled back for air, I didn't let him go from my arms. He didn't let go of me either. I met his gaze and found his silvery depths almost blackened. I was panting. So was he. I ran my fingers down his face placing my palm against his cheek. He surprisingly leaned into my touch and closed his eyes revelling in the feel it. He had a slight stubble. I was floored at the intimacy of this gesture. His finally opened his eyes and looked at me and smiled. Like actually smiled and it was like Christmas came early.
"You have no idea How long I had been dreaming of this" He whispered kissing my palm. It broke the spell for me.
This can't be happening.
Draco Malfoy won't say this. He would die rather than kiss and admit he had been fantasising about a mud blood.
"This is just a dream" I whispered when the reality hit me and I stepped away from his embrace. He looked actually hurt. I could see the pain in his eyes.
"Hermione .." He called out.
And I woke up.
And believe me, The next few nights were just pure and sheer torture. Bellatrix's torture was always stopped at him nodding at me and repeat of the dream the other day. Us, kissing each other senseless and I waking up before we ripped each other's clothes, Waking up to find another pair of knickers drenched and I extremely aroused to a point when cold showers were no more working.
I spent the entire weekend trying to find something in the library and trying harder to get myself off. It just made me hornier. I tried every stupid cure for every spell, curse, jinx that seemed to match my condition. Nothing seemed to work. I vowed to search the restricted section. And not to mention the accidental flares of my magic everywhere. My magic started to explode at unexpected times like a time bomb and I accidentally set Pansy on fire after she drooled openly at Draco one day in the corridor. I was just extremely lucky that no one knew it was me.
Then the voices screaming at me if I refused to let go and sleep for the night. They had my pulling my own hair out until I feel asleep. He made everything better and worse again tenfold.
7th September 1998, Monday, 9:15 A.M, Headmistress Office, Hogwarts.
Yesterday I had an unfortunate run down with him. Professor McGonagall was going to visit Austin at St. Mungo's and wanted to talk to me. Our Transfiguration class was cancelled and I was summoned to the Headmistress's office. I knew she wanted to discuss the incident. I decided to come out clean. Trusting Draco had brought this to nowhere. I was thinking about the situation when I heard voices from her office. She was in a heated discussion with someone. I was standing on the gargoyle's steps stunned as I heard the next voice.
"Minerva. He deserves to know"
No. I can't be it. Wasn't that Professor Snape's voice?
"Yes. I agree, Severus but when you were alive you made me promise I won't tell him anything" She argued.
"SO you won't! I'm not asking you! I'm asking my god father who threw me into this hell hole and proceeded to die on me" A voice bellowed angrily and I almost lost my footing. What the hell was Draco doing here?
"I did it for your own good" Snape said in a grave tone.
"Says a portrait who had been doing nothing but hanging around all day! WHY did you even suggest bringing me back to Hogwarts to my mother and McGonagall? Didn't you realise what I'm going to face every day? Do you think I will still be myself after seeing her every day and not being able to do anything BUT STARE? And the entire situation with my mother who is adamant to help me find some company! WHY WON'T YOU GUYS STOP INTERFERING IN MY LIFE? My life already feels like hell. Stop driving me crazy and grant me the permission to go away right now!" He yelled angrily.
Her? Who is he even talking about? Staring at someone? Then the image of Astoria Greengrass appeared before me. Oh. Professor McGonagall went away angrily not listening to their conversation throwing her hands up in exasperation. Apparently, this has been going on for hours. I hadn't seen him at breakfast that day.
"Why are you so adamant on leaving? I thought you wanted to complete your education?" Snape asked snidely.
"Because I can't even put some effort into it. My entire 6th and 7th years are fucked up because of, you know what. I can't do this." He cried out. What was he even going on about? He was always the best after me in academics.
"All you need is some help. Nothing more. You are staying Draco. Trust me, things will turn out well with her" Snape replied in a non-Snape like tone. This was a bizarre conversation.
"Help? What help?" He asked startled.
"Help from other students. Like Miss Granger who has been listening to our conversation just beyond that door" Snape said monotonously and the door swung open. I blushed.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude.." I started.
"I WON'T ACCEPT IT" Draco cried in indignation.
"She is your best shot Draco. Focus. If you really want to build up another image of yourself and crawl away from the shadows of your past, YOU NEED TO WORK. You need to qualify the N.E.W.T s with good grades. Miss Granger will help you. Miss Know it all does her work perfectly." Snape said.
"She is insufferable, arrogant and crazy. We both will kill each other before this year ends!" He protested.
"I know who she is Draco. I have put up with her for years" Snape replied. I cleared my throat.
"I'm standing right here you know. Professor Snape, before persuading Malfoy to accept me as a tutor, Won't it help if you persuade me first to tutor him." I said angrily and glowered at both of them.
"See. It won't work" Draco snapped. "Now let me GO!" He added angrily.
"Miss Granger, Why won't you accept?" Snape asked. I gave him a look that said Isn't it obvious? We were still keen on ripping each other's necks. I was also interested in ripping his clothes off. It won't help the matter.
"Very well. What would you like in return?" He asked.
"You have nothing I want" I replied. Except for your Godson.
"Not even access to the restricted section of the library?" He questioned and I winced. I had this conversation with Professor McGonagall who had shut down the restricted section from everyone. She asked me the reason for my visit and I couldn't tell it. Well, I can't tell her about my sudden lust towards Draco. And unfortunately, this meddlesome portrait was listening to our conversation.
Snape was smirking in victory as he saw my expression.
"Professor McGonagall said it was against the rules... " I started.
"You say yes Miss Granger. I will talk to Minerva" Snape said.
"Why do you want this so desperately? Why not let him go where ever he wants to go ?" I asked nodding towards an angry Draco whose anger was again turning me on.
"EXACTLY MY POINT," Draco said and huffed.
"You know the reason Draco. Now be silent. One more word and you won't hear the rest of it. Now, Miss Granger will you accept?" Snape asked. I looked at Draco who was glaring at Snape's portrait. He looked sexy even in his robes and my thoughts again went to the situation where I fantasised him without them. Ughghh
I contemplated the offer. I was sure I could find some cure to this horrible dream disease. At the same time, bearing this git every day was a torture in itself. But .. I .. I wanted to get rid of these dreams first and stop weaving fantasies about him.
"How long do you propose I keep this up?" I asked wearily and saw Draco's attention whip to me and a wave of pleasure assault me. It took me all I had not to turn into jelly under his scrutiny. All the more reason why I had to break this goddamn spell.
"Until he can improve his grade. You can decide when to meet, what to do, yourselves. Do you accept Miss Granger?" He asked. I stared at both of them for a moment and then nodded.
"I won't!" Draco screeched like an owl. Snape scowled.
"What is wrong with you? Your mother is worried about you! She is digging her grave early, seeing you sulk about in the manor. Sulk here all you want. I'm just holding up my promise to your Father. He wanted you to graduate from Hogwarts." Snape retorted angrily. Draco was stunned to silence at the mention of his father. He nodded and left without a word. What is going on?
The entire incident made me forget everything about train accident and I left McGonagall's office after talking for a while about everything that happened and I again didn't tell her about what happened to us in the Prefect's compartment. I remembered it when she had already left.
I was heading down and turned around a corner when an arm came from nowhere and grabbed me into a darkened alcove. Before I could whip out my wand a hand clamped down on my mouth muffling my protests.
"Hush Granger" He chastised and I felt heat blossoming in me. Yet again. I managed to glare at him. He chuckled. It was doing wonders to my body.
"Now, now. If I remove my hand, Will you promise not to shout?" He asked. I nodded. I can't shout anyway when I actually wanted to pounce on him. He slowly removed his hand and placed his palms flat against the wall beside my head effectively trapping me. What is with him, walls and with me in between? Then the image of him taking me against the wall flitted in my mind and I almost whimpered. This fucking spell was killing me.
"Why did you grab me?" I asked sounding frustrated.
"Why did you agree to Snape's proposal?" He countered.
"Don't answer a question with another!" I said shoving him away. I couldn't help but marvel at his rock hard abs flexing beneath my palm but I managed to give him a hard shove. He didn't even budge. I sighed.
"What?" I asked blushing when I found him staring at me.
"What is wrong with you?" He asked quietly and I stilled.
"Why do you ask?" I asked my mind battling to fight down the arousal and also the dread.
"I haven't seen you the entire weekend. Something is wrong with you. You haven't been eating. You come early, leave early. Haven't been paying attention to your classes. And you have been avoiding me at all costs. Not that I mind. Not in the slightest. But, now you want access to the restricted section of the library" He mused. I started to panic.
"Oh really? Why do you care suddenly? Why are you watching a mud blood like me so closely?" I asked angrily. If only anger could mask the havoc he was creating in me.
"Because my dear friend Nott can't stop talking about you for one single fucking second" He whispered. My heart was hammering in my chest and I was clenching my hands into a fist to stop myself. Heck, I endured his aunt's torture. I can do this.
"Stop listening" I replied tardily. "Now let me go. I'm not giving up the offer Snape gave me. If you don't want to do it, Tell Snape about it. I am hardly concerned about you. All I want is my work done and I'm outta here" I snapped at him angrily.
"He won't let me go." He said gritting his teeth. "Tell me, Granger? Who had the balls to curse you and get away from it?" He said laughing outright at me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him.
"If I knew it, do you really think their balls would be intact?" I asked and bit my tongue at the momentary lapse of judgement as he smirked slowly like a predator cornering its prey.
"So .. you admit being cursed," He said throwing that very sexy smirk at me. I took a deep breath to calm myself.
"It doesn't concern you. LET ME GO" I punctuated each word with a shove to his chest and his eyes blazed.
"What curse?" He demanded, pinning my hands above my head. If I was in my right mind I would have cursed him by now. All I could think about was how hot it was suddenly and How badly I wanted to rip our clothes off.
"Let me go" I finally pleaded not able to take this anymore as his breath fanned my face. He smelled like sandalwood, cologne and freshly .. I took another deep breath... mown grass. Oh no.
"Granger," He said. My head was reeling. I was gritting my teeth in frustration. I wanted to kiss him.
"I can't please let me go," I said my voice taking the husky note and he leaned in.
"They hit you with a lust spell?" He asked seeming surprised. I nodded meekly closing my eyes revelling in his voice. Why did he choose this time to be smart?
"Shit Granger" He murmured. "No wonder you want to read every bloody book out there" He mused. I hummed contented.
"Who are you lusting after?" He asked and my eyes shot open. He didn't realize? I was sure my eyes looked as if there were going to pop out.
"I rather not tell" I whispered. He had the nerve to smirk at me.
"It is a Slytherin, isn't it? That's why you are running from me." He said. Fool. It's you
"My last answer still stands" I replied relishing as his fingers gripping my wrists. His eyes searched my face narrowing down to slits when they suddenly opened wide. Judging by the look on his face, this isn't going to be good.
"It's Theo. He won't shut up about you. I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE IT! That's why you are running from me! Because Theo usually hangs out with me! " He said in a hushed whisper and I was about to melt into a puddle listening to him curse and talk profanities for several minutes. Do I like dirty talk? This is getting out of my hands.
"Malfoy. Let me go, At least now" I asked my voice reaching new peaks of huskiness. He noticed and met my gaze. I didn't understand what in Merlin's name was he thinking when he suddenly pressed his body against mine pushing me back against the wall. I bit back a moan. I was panting and my chest was heaving with the effort. No no. Not again.
He leaned in and ran his nose alongside my jaw burying it in the crook of my neck. I couldn't hold back any longer and whimpered. I felt his lips curve into a smile against my burning skin.
"Still thinking about Theo when you are finally up against me?" He asked his voice dropping many octaves. I was fighting against everything my body was screaming at me to do. I didn't answer his question. I felt his lips graze my pulse point and I knew I was gone. He could take me right here and I won't protest.
"Dream on.. See you around Granger" He whispered in my ear and left me. Like the last time, I slumped back on the ground unable to form one coherent thought. Cradling my head in my hands, I vowed to find a cure for this damn thing. And kill Malfoy. Definitely, kill him.
I spent the entire day away from him, not able to wrap my mind around what he did. I know he just did it to get a reaction out of me, but why was he suddenly touching me and not cringing. It was just a few days ago he shouted at Blaise insulting me in every way he could. He is just so mercurial I couldn't even understand what he was thinking about. I tried to get me off and almost broke down when nothing worked. It was going out of hands. I didn't know how long I will put this off before cornering him and having my way with him.
Last night, it was the same dream. Same nightmare. But when he came, My heart was picking up some irregular pace in anticipation as to what was coming. His thumb traced my lip and he smirked.
"Let's go," He said.
"Where?" I asked alarmed.
"It's boring me to kiss you here every day," He said pacing before me.
"The room of requirement is unstable" I replied. I had tried opening it several times. It didn't work. He growled when it didn't work. And I couldn't stand another minute without kissing him. I shoved him away and started pacing. My magic was volatile, yet powerful. I decided to help the room of requirement a bit. The door opened with a thud and I grinned like a loon.
"What are you waiting for?" I asked and he smirked before pulling me in. The door closed behind us and he just stood there watching the room in surprise.
The room had a four poster with softest sheets and pillows, a plush rug, fire place and arm chairs to name a few.
"What on earth did you ask for?" He asked. I give him a smirk of mine. I will never admit that loud, He just didn't see what I had planned for him. Yet.
He pushed me back until I fell flat on the bed and attacked me. He kissed me until I could only see spots dance in front of my eyes and the everything in me burnt up like fireworks. He just knew how to kiss me. It made me lose my mind and burn for him more. He broke the kiss and I whimpered at the loss, but he shushed me with a chuckle. It was all wrong, but it felt so right. This wasn't even supposed to happen. But with him, I felt wonderful. I wanted to do things I shouldn't be even thinking about.
He pushed off his robes from his shoulders and they landed on the ground along with mine. He looked devilishly handsome looming over me peppering kisses all over my face. He stared at me with those eyes that looked like molten silver and everything south to me clenched in anticipation.
"It took me all I had not to kiss you today" He murmured working up a path from my ear to my neck kissing, sucking and nipping all at once. I moaned. There go my sane thoughts out of the window.
"I won't protest if you kiss me now" I mumbled arching back as he sucked on my pulse point making me go crazy with need.
"Of course you won't. This is a dream. In real life, you won't even look at me." His words were muffled against my neck.
"Last time I checked, You were calling me a mud blood and about to kill me" I replied with a gasp as his hands found their way into my shirt and were now roaming my back. I was set on fire.
"Don't say that word?" He said sharply and then the sense came back to me.
"Mudblood. There I said it. You didn't complain when I said it today morning" I said cautiously. He stopped his ministrations.
"Just because you said it and I didn't complain, doesn't mean I have to put up with you saying in my dream as well. My dreams are in my control." He said pulling away to sit with his back against the head board. His dream?
"Why are you implying?" I asked sitting up and straightening my shirt.
"I don't like that word. I stopped liking it long back" He said looking away. I was startled. What is going on with him?
"THEN WHY DO YOU KEEP CALLING ME THAT" I screeched launching myself at him until I found myself straddling him. I glared at him when we were nose to nose.
"You either shout at me or continue to give me another raging hard on. Pick one. Because I can't remember the last time I wanked this hard every single fucking day." He said as seriously as he could. I forgot all about why I was shouting and started laughing as hard as I could.
"What?" He snapped angrily. He looked like an angry chicken with his lips all swollen and his hair sticking out in all directions.
"It's not every day that I get to straddle Draco Malfoy and have him admit he wanks to my dreams while looking this bad," I said attempting to tame his hair a little. He huffed.
"My hair is perfect. Not like the bird's nest, you call your hair" He said crossing his arms indignantly. I chuckled. How on earth was I found this endearing? I couldn't even remember the last time I actually laughed this hard. Why him? Why is it so comfortable?
"We might have to fix that up" I replied.
"How?" He asked curiously raising an eyebrow.
"Like this," I said scooting closer to him and started kissing his neck and unbuttoning his shirt. I heard his contented sigh and the unease between my legs just increased.
When the buttons finally popped open, I was positively drooling at the sight of his chest. He had abs that one could kill for, with a slight dusting of hair near his navel disappearing into the waist band of his trousers. I ran my hands over his chest marvelling at the feel. I was a virgin. I have read my share of erotica purely out of curiosity. Nothing ever seemed this hot. Nothing can compare to what I was feeling right now.
I leaned and kissed his nipple. He hissed. I quite liked it. I kissed it and sucked on it. His hiss turned into pants and then into full blown moans as I kissed every inch of his skin I could find. I didn't know guys were this receptive. I pulled his nipple between my teeth and he jerked against me, his cock rubbing deliciously against my core. It was just adding fuel to my own arousal as I was involuntarily rubbing myself against him. This was going too far. I knew it. But I couldn't help.
He growled as I avoided kissing his lips on purpose. I sucked his pulse point, raining kisses on his jaw, breathing heavily as my core throbbed with need. His hands went to my waist, gripping me tightly and arching back to give me better access. I clamped my teeth over the spot I was teasing and he pulled me back harshly grabbing me by my hair. His eyes were blazing as he pulled my lips to his, kissing me ferociously, roughly and thoroughly. I rocked against him desperate for some relief.
My nipples hardened straining against my cotton bra as I was pressed against his bare chest, tingling with every movement I made. I moaned out. It was like I was high. Nothing could stop me. Nothing could drive away the haze. Nothing mattered but him.
His hands were all tangled in my hair as we rocked against each other kissing passionately. His tongue left no part of my mouth un touched and I before I knew, my shirt was off. This was escalating quickly but the need for him to touch my skin was intense. He broke the kiss and looked at me pulling back. I was panting resting my palms against his chest as he scrutinised me. I couldn't say I was comfortable with it, though I can admit it was as sexy as hell. I bit my lip as his gaze lingered on my breasts and I blushed furiously. His eyes followed my blush until he met my eyes. My breasts were modest, I was no model. I looked fairly good. I was average looking lacking the hour glass shape. But my body looked good enough. Though I could use some curves, I had lost all my appetite. There was one thing I could admit with no shame. Being on run made me too fit. My calves, thighs and tummy were all flat and toned. It's a blessing really.
He breathed out slowly as he took in my appearance. I knew my hair would be sticking out in all directions with his assault. He sighed and leaned his fore head against mine.
"Granger," He said huskily.
"Yes?" I whispered back.
"Remind me never to insult your hair again. You have no idea how hard I'm right now" He mumbled.
"I actually do" I reminded him scooting closer. We both moaned in unison as pleasure assaulted us.
"Fuck. Granger, You are killing me" He groaned. I laughed in a voice I didn't think was mine. He growled and in one fluid moment had me pinned under him with my hands above my head. I was suddenly breathless to find him looming over me shirtless, pressing his raging hard erection against me. It felt so good. I sighed arching back, as his hands tightened on my thigh, hiking up my skirt. His lips were buried in my neck sucking hard. I was sure I would have hickeys by tomorrow. I moaned out when he found a particularly erogenous spot and sucked on it while reaching out to unclasp my bra. Shivers went down my spine and my skin felt like it was burning. It felt real. Too real to be true.
This was a dream.
And I woke up yet again finding myself torn whether to shout in relief or scream in frustration. Today morning when I greeted my mirror, only then I realised... The dream was actually real. I had not one but several hickeys decorating my neck line. I promptly sank to my knees when I realised I had actually kissed Malfoy. The only question was.. whether he was experiencing it as well?
8th September 1998, Tuesday, 11:05 A.M, New Castle, Hogwarts.
Ginny was glaring at me.
Hands on her hips... You can't get away from me type glaring which Molly does.
I sighed. After half an hour of pacing I still can't calm down and I dodged all her questions.
"What is going on with you?" She demanded.
"Wish I knew" I replied laying back on my bed. I didn't tell her about the lust spell. She would beat me out until I told her who I was after. And hell will break loose.
"You seem frustrated all the time." She mused.
"I am frustrated Ginny right now," I said wishing she would go away and I can get myself off in peace.
"You eat less. Stare blankly at everything and blush all of a sudden. You zone out and sit too stiff. And I remember the fiasco you caused in the great hall when we bumped into the Slytherins! You shouted at everyone until they casted cooling charms all over us! Do you want to know what I think about it?" She asked. I nodded bleakly remembering that I bumped into him and made myself come several times after that.
"You need a good shag, Mione. You have been sexually deprived for too long." She said.
"Thanks for the reminder. Don't you think I know?" I said groaning.
"Then what are you waiting for? Find a bloke who is willing! I'm sure there are many who have an eye on you but are just staying away because they think you are with Ron" She suggested.
"I doubt that Ginny. And I don't want to shag anyone." I told her. Except one.
"Mione .." She said laying down on the bed with me. "You really need to let loose you know. You are just 19. You need to go out and experience more. Just because Ron is an idiot it doesn't mean everyone is. It was you who suggested me to date others until Harry came around. Maybe you can try that for yourself until the right one comes along" She said slowly.
"It's been a week Ginny since my last relationship ended" I reminded her and she rolled her eyes.
"No offence, That break up was overdue since July. You weren't into Ron since then. I knew." She said not unkindly.
"I don't want to jump into another one so soon when the last one drained me," I said sighing.
"Then don't start out in a relationship. Fool around. Don't invest your emotions into it. Try having fun once in a while. By fun I mean going out and SHAGGING someone, Not reading Hogwarts a History with hot chocolate" She said and I cracked a smile.
"That is not my idea of fun" I protested.
"It is," She said shoving me.
"Okay! OKAY. It is. But I don't think I am ready for shagging just yet. You know I haven't been with.. any others. I just want to .. wait?" I said.
"But shagging is fun, Mione! You have no idea. It does wonders to my mood. It's a miracle people even leave beds. With Harry, I can stay in bed all lifelong and not regret it! Things Harry does make me lose control ... Last time.." She started off dreamily.
"WAIT .. Do I really want to hear that?" I said cautiously. She shrugged.
"No maybe. Maybe Yes. It's nothing." She waved it off. "It was the last time we had sex ... It was mind blowing. Harry is never too rough, but this time he just took control all by himself and had me coming within minutes. I was tied up to the bed and he was licking this whipped cream off me.." She started narrating and I wrinkled my nose in disgust.
"I really don't want to hear the details as to how my best friends shag. But I can't believe this? Zen Harry tied you up?" I asked. She nodded eagerly.
"We try such things often. Role playing, BDSM of sorts. We are adventurous in sex. At least I am. Harry does it more for me than for him. He is happy with missionary and even more happy with doggy" She said winking.
"Okay. You must STOP now." I said laughing. "I want to face my best friend without imagining you both having some heated sex in a closet or something," I said nonchalantly. My jaw dropped as I saw her surprised expression.
"How did you know we had sex in the closet? I thought you were sleeping. It was 2 am. We made sure to cast silencing charms" She said thoughtfully.
"YOU! You made out in the closet with ME SLEEPING IN THE ROOM? Merlin's saggy pants! Haven't you both got any sense?" I shouted throwing my pillow at her.
"Well, you were sleeping peacefully and Mom will kill me if she finds out we had been sneaking around shagging in my house. I found no other place" She said apologetically.
"Why didn't you do it in Ron's room?" I asked clearly remembering that day. I stayed at burrow on Molly insistence as it was late to go home. I was eternally grateful to take the sleeping draught while it still worked on me. I wasn't able to figure out why the latch on Ginny's closet was broken or why Ginny had a nasty bruise on her arm. And why Ginny showered at midnight. It was never a shower. I groaned.
"I would rather have you as an audience than Ron." She said disgustedly.
"If that's supposed to make me feel better, It isn't comforting" I retorted.
"It doesn't matter now. What does is we find you a shagging partner" I groaned.
"Ginny" I muttered frustrated.
"Don't Ginny me. We are finding you a guy. And I don't care about what you think because I want to set you right." She said sounding determined.
"I don't want this" I protested wrinkling my face.
"Mione," She said placing her hands on my shoulders. "Trust me. I just want to see you a little happy. The war has taken a toll on you. I hardly see you laughing anymore. You are strong and as stubborn as shit. I know you are independent, but sometimes we really do need to have some to rely on you know? I want my best friend back. The girl who laughed as much as she wanted and the girl who hexed everyone off if they laughed at her. We all do love you. It is making us sad to see you like this." She said softly. I stared at her and found only concern in her eyes. I know everyone noticed my little slip-ups no matter how much I hid it.
"Just give it a shot. You are always telling everyone to start a new day with a hope to do something else. It's time you tried something new. Believe me, you won't regret it" She said in her most convincing tone. I sighed. I couldn't disappoint her even if I didn't want to do it. I agreed to give it a shot after I resolved my little problem.
"Okay, what do I have to do?" I asked.
"We can start with a hair treatment," She said looking excited at dressing me up. I slumped my shoulders and cradled my head in my hands. Goody. I was going to be tortured for the rest of the day playing dress up. Shit.
"But ... it's just a little concealer" She said stating another of the hundred things she claims are makeup. I don't do makeup. There is nothing I have against it. It's just too time-consuming. It is the only thing apart from Quidditch I'm not interested in. I was groping to understand the items she was telling about. I hated being ignorant. But, It was okay in this case. I never felt the urge to dress up except when Viktor took me to Yule Ball. I wanted to look pretty, just for once. After that, I decided it was too much effort and quit it all together.
"Ginny," I said sighing. "I know you just want to help me... But I want someone to accept me how ever I look. I don't want guys approaching me just because I dressed up like a doll one fine day. If they want to approach me they will. I don't want to put up a fake profile just to attract attention" I said. I can't fake emotions any more than this. I was hardly doing any good with my condition and the damn curse. Merlin, help me if I Ginny decides to subject me to another round of dress up. I stood up.
"Mione. You are pretty. But not everyone can see it. Okay I won't put the makeup on you, But you really have to go and wear this dress for me" She handed me out a dress from my closet. This was a long forgotten my father bought for me. He had impeccable taste in dressing. Even better than mom. I loved him so much. He will never forgive me if he learns what I did to them. They will throw me in an asylum if they learn about my condition. The voices returned again and I swayed. Ginny noticed and looked concerned.
"Are you okay Hermione? You look unsteady ..." She said moving towards me. I stopped her with a wave of my hand and caught the chair I had been sitting on for support.
"I .. I haven't been eating well. Maybe reading is taking a toll on me" I said hastily grabbing the dress to try on. Ginny looked unconvinced but still nodded. I was doing this for her. Everyone one wanted to see me happy. If I can't really be happy anymore I can at least pretend. One day maybe the pretence might turn real.
I didn't dare to look at myself in the mirror. It was nothing really. Ginny did all sorts of experiments with my hair cursing every deity I knew. Harry might be a good influence on her. He won't let her swear this often. Though I didn't mind much. I cursed as frequently as much she did. I did everything I could do to hide the love bites and even my cuts. I knew I didn't let Ginny do the makeover for me. I was done living the life of someone whom I wasn't. I wanted to change things. This might be the beginning.
When I stepped out Ginny seemed reading one of my many books sitting cross legged on my bed.
"Is it acceptable or I need to change? I'm telling you I'm not wearing heels, I don't want to trip over my own feet. Ugggh why is this dress so uncomfortable? Is this why I never wore it?" I cursed.
"Mione.." She breathed out standing up.
"I was right when I thought this was going to be a disaster when you applied that yucky syrup on my head. You are so gone, Ginny!" I screeched rushing back to the bathroom when Ginny grabbed my arm.
"Mione Look!" She said throwing me in front of the mirror. I gasped. Ginny did exceptional work with my hair. It was no longer the rat's nest Malfoy called it. It was soft and shiny just like I remember it from 4th year. It cascaded down my back in long waves. It now matched my chocolate orbs and I was overwhelmed. It didn't look unnatural. I looked like myself. Just more sophisticated. I wore a beige coloured chiffon summer dress with polka dots and short sleeves. It had a leather belt and navy blue skirt that just fluttered above my knees. A black bow adorned the back line. My dad really has good taste as to what dress suits me. Oh, how I missed him and his riddles.
"What spell did you use on my hair? I really need to check that book out" I said turning to her and narrowing my eyes. She rolled her eyes in exasperation.
"You look bloody gorgeous and all you care about is the fucking spell." She huffed and ran her hand down my hair.
"You were right. You don't need any makeup. You are beautiful the way you are. People like you for your intellect Mione and for who you are. Never lose that" She said hugging me. I smiled.
"Never" I agreed. "Thank you, Ginny." I murmured.
"Thank me when you get a date. As for the spell, I will tell that to you on one condition" She said smirking.
"What?" I asked alarmed.
"Wear this dress to Hogsmeade this weekend because I just got a letter from Harry. They are coming to Hogsmeade this Saturday" She said positively glowing.
"Is Ron coming too?" I asked and Ginny's face fell.
"He is. He wants to see you" She said.
"No, it's okay. I wanted to see him as well. He might be a prat, He is still my best friend. We have been fighting for a better part of 7 years. He will come around as soon as he realises I'm not coming back to him. He might have the emotional range of a teaspoon but he is not daft. He will understand." I said laughing.
"You forgive too easily Mione," She said shaking her head.
"The war is over Ginny. We are building new lives for ourselves. This is the time we forgive people and move on. I don't want to live in the guilt that I never let some things go. Everybody deserves a second chance. Everyone deserves a better life. War had made all us suffer." I told her and she turned to me and stared at me for a moment.
"Is that what you are doing with Malfoy?" She asked and I had no answer. It was one of the few times I was stunned to silence. And I honestly didn't know what to say.
But I knew he deserved a second chance.
8th September 1998, Tuesday, 5:15 P.M, Great Hall, Hogwarts.
The moment the stepped into Transfiguration class everyone was stunned. I was back into my Hogwarts robes. Ginny threatened to hex me if I tried to cover my hair. I held my head high and went and sat down in the first row waiting for Professor McGonagall. Things didn't get any better as the day went on. I got more stares and whisperers. I had casted Langlock on a Slytherin 4th year who dared to comment on my new hairstyle. I almost flipped out another and casted a Bat Bogey Hex on them glaring over them like Hades himself. They scattered and no one dared to incur my wrath again.
Ginny and I were sitting at the Gryffindor table later that day. I managed to shove things into my mouth to save myself this once. Ginny said I was finally picking up Ron's habits. I sent many items off my plate flying at her. She grumbled something along the lines of ungrateful.
"Hey, Hermione!" I heard a shout and someone came barrelling towards us. It was Parvati Patil and I scowled dropping my spoon in my pudding.
"Have .. Have you .. seen the .. Prophet?" She asked panting.
"What?" I asked wiping my mouth and squirming uncomfortably as the entire hall stared at me.
"This," She said shoving that day's Evening Prophet into my hands. I blanched glancing at the headlines.
Yes. What you see is absolutely true. The celebrated romance of our heroes Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley sadly comes to an end. Reports from a reliable source confirm the rumours that have been flying around since last July. From Miss Granger's isolation from wizarding world to Mr Weasley's escapades, Everything has been a sign of the end of this short lived relationship. Mr Weasley who now works with his best friend and the saviour of our world, Mr Harry Potter, in the Auror's Department, has been having trouble adjusting to a life with his girlfriend Miss Granger. The romance that started off some point during the war gave us hopes that they would end up together just like Mr Potter's and Miss Ginevra Weasley's. But apparently, due to irreconcilable differences, the couple have parted ways. But there are speculations that Miss Granger's return to Hogwarts to complete her final year and her closeness to one of the most wanted Bachelors of our nation, Mr Longbottom is a reason for this split. They have been seen several times kissing on cheeks and hugging. Though many brushed it off as brother sister affection, We can see the sparks fly between them two as clear as the day.
I choked on my own saliva.
The most shocking thing, however, isn't this. The reports of Hogwarts express having technical difficulties was given in last week's edition of Daily Prophet. We have already mentioned Miss Granger's amazing contribution to handling this situation very well. But what sources claim is that she wasn't alone when one of the compartments of Hogwarts express had been damaged ( read the previous edition "WHAT CAUSED HOGWARTS EXPRESS BREAK DOWN: DESTRUCTION OF A COMPARTMENT" ) She was with Mr Draco Malfoy, son of Lucius Malfoy, one of the death eaters of You-Know-Who's inner circle and a death eater himself. Mr Lucius Malfoy is serving an Azkaban sentence while Mrs Malfoy is under house arrest. Mr Draco Malfoy who had previously spent 3 months in Azkaban has been sent to Hogwarts under strict watch to complete education. The Malfoy's have played an active part in the destruction caused by You-Know-who and have garnered a lot of hatred for it. The question is why a renowned war heroine is spending time with the youngest Death Eater. There are speculations that the two of them have been spending time in remote parts of London, none of which were proved yet. Is it a beginning of a new amour? As neither of the parties was available for comment, we leave this to Reader's imagination.
Henrietta Samson,
Evening Prophet.
The cherry on the top was a photo of me slapping Ron outside my house. The paper fell from my hands and I started hyperventilating. That photo...... My God. It can't be...
"HERMIONE? What " Ginny started and swooped down to pick up the paper. She turned ghostly pale as she scanned through the article. My heart thumped in fear. I saw people staring at me and recovered pretty quickly. Stay calm. Focus. Think about that photo later. Ask Ron. Think about it later.
"Neville. We are on the front page. We are making sparks fly with our chemistry." I said and Neville spat out the pumpkin juice he had been drinking.
"Wh..what?" He spluttered and Ginny glared at my antics.
"Is .. is it true?" Parvati asked meekly. I decided that I might have been looking as angry as hell because Neville was staring at me like I was Professor Snape.
"Which one?" I asked and Ginny elbowed me as Parvati's eyes widened. I winced and scowled at Ginny. I sighed.
"Yes. It is true I and Ron broke up. Rest of it is utter nonsensical rubbish. None of it is true and I suggest you believe the same" I said in a perfect imitation on Professor's McGonagall's stern glares.
"I wonder who might have sold us out" I murmured to Ginny after Parvati left.
"Whoever it was...Did you a favour. You needed Ron to get out of your hair. Now he is" She whispered back. I glanced at Neville who was looking uncomfortable with the sudden attention he was getting. I smiled at him apologetically. He shrugged.
"I don't get why they dragged Neville into this," I said angrily.
"He is looking at you," Ginny said.
"Yes. I know. I reassured him nothing is going on. He remained nonchalant like this sudden attention isn't affecting him. He is like my brother. What was the Samson woman thinking?" I said in a hushed whisper. Ginny turned to me remaining silent for a moment. Samson. I heard that name somewhere... I can't place it.
"Who are you talking about?" She asked.
"Who are you talking about?" I asked. She turned abruptly and I followed her line of sight and all my insides squirmed when I met his silver eyes.
"Shit" I murmured as his sudden attention started giving me electric shocks leaving my nerves tingling.
"Double Shit" Ginny murmured back to show me Theo was looking at as well.
"He is going to kill me for this. It was a bloody accident. Nothing is going on" I said agitatedly.
"Harry and Ron are going to kill us for not telling them," Ginny said in a voice devoid of emotion and I groaned.
"There was an article in the Daily Prophet Ginny, That is why they are visiting us this weekend. I haven't been answering the mail you see"
"You must really tell is what the fuck is going on between you and Malfoy" She whispered.
"It is nothing," I said frustrated.
"Mione. You are my friend. I love you. I won't judge you no matter what." She assured me. I finally decided to let go and tell her and nodded. She cast a silencing charm around us.
"I was trapped in the prefect's compartment. I didn't know someone was already there. That, someone, was apparently Malfoy. You know I have been having trouble with darkness" I said and she nodded. When I slept at the burrow I confided her that I can't sleep without lights. "I.. I fainted." I said and she looked surprised.
"You fainted?" She asked.
"Yes. My magic has been unstable lately. It is draining me. Well, when I woke up later, turns out Malfoy actually picked me up and made me sleep on one of the seats. He had the decency to throw a blanket on me" I said slowly. Ginny's blue eyes grew as big as golf balls.
"Holy shit. Draco Malfoy helped you?" She breathed out.
"Yes. He actually did and I .. I thought he had changed. He even asked me if I was okay multiple times. He joked around a bit. Then it turned into an argument. We almost hexed each other. Then the window broke and he saved me by putting himself in front of me. I tried to cast the Patronus to warn you all. I almost collapsed, he helped me again. Before I knew I was asleep and well, woke up thanks to you people. Before you ask, there was only one seat, the other one had been damaged." I said. Ginny didn't speak for a long time.
"Say something. You are scaring me" I said.
"Blimey. You were right Malfoy has changed. I .. I thought that he had done something to you and that's why you were unconscious in his arms... You looked like ... Oh my god. He has been acting nice with you?" She almost shouted. I had to slap my palm over her mouth to stop her.
"Keep it down Ginny. I don't want the entire school to know. But, it doesn't matter anymore" I said dejectedly.
"Why?" She said her voice muffling against my palm and I removed it.
"Why because that night I visited him to say thank you and he cruelly degraded me before Zabini. He called me a mud blood. Yet again" I said and Ginny looked enraged. She was about to jump from her seat when I stopped her.
"Where are you going to?" I asked her.
"I'M GOING TO HEX THAT BASTARD" She cried and I managed to shove her down into her seat.
"Oh calm down Ginny. You still have to hear this out" I said and she glanced at me wearily.
"I was locked down in the room of requirement last week. Someone attacked me" I told her. She looked positively murderous.
"And you are telling me this now?" She asked through gritted teeth. I had been busy with hot and sexy dreams lately.
"Listen to me first. Malfoy saved me again. He warned me to be safe and not everyone likes me. He said he won't save me again. The thing is that it went to a full blown argument that threw us both to the wall and banged our heads. All of a sudden when he had an advantage over me, he just looked at me for a moment and left me there." I said. Ginny screwed up her eyes.
"You are leaving something out" She accused.
"Nothing," I said too quickly.
"Tell me" She demanded.
"He ... He traced my lip with his thumb and left me hanging there trying to decide what the fuck just happened. Ever since I had been avoiding him at all costs" I said. Ginny's jaw dropped open. She stared at me infinitely and looked thoughtful.
"Stay away from him. He is just trouble." She said finally. I was thankful to all the gods that she didn't comment on his actions.
"I can't," I said sighing.
"Why?" She asked watching Pansy shouting at Malfoy, whose eyes were still trained on me, and leaving the hall creating a ruckus.
"Because They have assigned me to assist him with the classes he had missed in 6th and 7th years," I said monotonously and Ginny winced.
"I see another incident coming up. Spill" She said.
"Yes. But there is nothing I can do to avoid this malady" I said. I told Ginny about what happened in Headmistress's office yesterday and she looked as frustrated as I felt.
"Hermione, You are officially screwed" She declared.
"I know." I agreed and closed my eyes in agony.
8th September 1998, Tuesday, 9:35 P.M, Library, Hogwarts.
I was trying to scour the library for more reference about the lust spell setting at my favourite nook at the corner of the library where no one ever came. No one knew this spot except for me. Not even Ginny. Maybe Harry. But not Ron. It was cosy and without any noise and shielded from Madam Pince's view and everyone's view by the shelves. I doubt even Madam Pince knew about this place. I found it first in the 2nd year thanks to Malfoy. I came here running to find out more about Muggle borns when he first called me a mud blood. I cried that day. I cried every time he did something vile and foul to me. He gave me no reason to be good to him. But, I can't help it. I wasn't a spiteful person. I knew he had suffered at the hands of his own family, under that mad man. I could give him a chance. After all, I wanted someone to give me a chance when they came to know about my condition.
Books were spread all over the tables and my hair was again sticking out from every angle. I twisted it into a bun and perched it at the top of my head with my hair pin. This was frustrating. There were many spells that matched my condition. Inexplicable attachment, arousal, sudden need to shag, jealousy, no appetite. But nothing matched the dreams nor my magic flares nor the voices growing louder and louder every second driving me crazy. DAMN. I groaned and leaned against my seat closing my eyes. I wasn't able to sleep well with the dreams keeping me up. I didn't want to wake up and masturbate again and again till it was time to go. I want this over and done with. My thoughts turned again to him and I whimpered.
"You make quite a sight," Said a voice making me jump up and drawing my wand. I scanned around to find Draco leaning against the bookshelves watching me closely with his arms crossed over his chest. He looked positively edible and infuriatingly gorgeous. His hair was all messed up. It was a new style he started sporting nowadays. It reminded me of yesterday. He looked adorable at times. All the more reason why should break the spell. Draco Malfoy cannot be adorable.
"Oh. It's you" I mumbled incoherently as relief filled me and I lowered my wand. He smirked. Oh, how I loved it. I was going out of my mind.
"Tut Tut Granger, Didn't war teach you anything?" He asked me in perfect imitation of my voice. I growled at him. He just laughed settling down before me. My eyes went wide in surprise.
"What are you going on about?" I asked suspiciously squirming in my seat. This was turning me on more.
"You shouldn't be putting that wand away" He whispered leaning in towards me. I raised an eyebrow with effort though I didn't show it.
"And why is that?" I asked him in a similar tone.
"I can curse you any minute. You know who I am, don't you? You shouldn't be trusting me" He replied and sat back and extracted something from his pocket.
"I'm not afraid of you," I said.
"You should be," He said nonchalantly examining the green apple he had produced.
"Is it why you are here? To tell me— " I gulped as he bit down the apple with his pale angular jaws flexing and eyes closing savouring the flavour. I was hazy for a moment. Then shook my head. "To tell me to be afraid of you," I asked trying to keep the tremor from my voice. He seemed to love the flavour as he devoured the apple. His gaze never once wavered from me. There goes another pair of my knickers.
"Not really" He replied in between the bites. I was having trouble breathing. I stared at him barely managing the drool. I was extremely irritated with my behaviour as well as extremely aroused.
"Come on. Search for whatever you are searching for. Don't mind me." He prodded the books with a glance at me. I stared at him trying to contemplate what he actually meant and waiting for him to leave. He didn't. He just sat there eating that GODDAMN apple looking at me. Oh, what my lecherous brain would do to be in the place of that apple. MERLIN'S LEFT TESTICLE. I really need to find a cure for the fucking spell.
I tried to read. I really did. He was in his distract Hermione mode and was extremely successful. I gave up trying to read after half an hour of an attempt, crumpling the news paper. It must be about that Goddamn article.
"What is going on with you? Why are you here? If it is about the article... I really didn't know about it. I didn't have one fucking clue. Don't mind those people. As soon as I find that Samson, I'm going to hex her bullocks off. It's nothing" I said gruffly. He chuckled. I was beyond irritated with his weird behaviour.
"You find this amusing? I'm bloody suffering here and restraining myself from jumping .. FOR THE LOVE OF MERLIN! If you can't help at least go away before I fucking hex you" I snarled getting up and storming away grabbing my daily prophet.
He was faster than I anticipated anyway. Damn long legs.
"Granger... Granger..Granger" He breathed as he pinned me to one of the bookshelves. One day I'm going to question him about his inexplicable need to pin me against every surface. Another of my fantasies creep up and I moaned. It was too much after a session of hot green apple eating.
"You really should stop thinking about Theo. If you ask him he will be more than happy to solve— " He said raking me with his eyes and I blushed. "Your libido problem," He said distastefully.
"Keep it a little low, Will you?" I asked with difficulty. He cast a wand less silencing charm around us.
"Here," He said placing his hands above my head and caging me again. Why is he so bloody tall? Why was he staring at me like he does it in my dreams? Holy shit did I fall asleep?
"Malfoy" I whispered urgently.
"Hm?" He asked not really paying attention.
"Pinch me," I asked and he snapped out of his thoughts to stare at me.
"What?" He asked.
"P.I.N.C.H M.E. Here I spelt it out for you" I snapped.
"Why?" He asked amused.
"Do it" I ordered. He cursed under breath muttering bossy know it all. I rolled my eyes. Out of the blue, he pinched my sides and I yelped knocking my head against his chin.
"Ow," We groaned simultaneously. I rubbed my forehead which was still a little sore. Oh my god. This is real.
"What are you even doing here with me? " I asked when I met his gaze and he was still staring at me.
"I came here to talk" He murmured. I saw his pupils dilate and gulped audibly.
"Well.. about what?" I asked counting up to 10. Fuck. Make that 100. I can't do this if he continues to look at me like that.
"You broke up with Weasel?" He asked carefully. I was thrown off guard for a moment.
"What?" I asked stupidly blinking.
"Weasel, Granger. Already forgotten him?" He said rolling his eyes.
"Uh... Yes.. I mean no. I mean yes we broke up" I fumbled. He was close. Too close. No other thought occupied my head than to grab him. It was like I was under Imperius curse. The sane part of my head was screaming to let go but the other one was saying the opposite.
"And you already hit it off with Longbottom. No wonder you were ready to hex me that day" He mused. I was irritated. Why is everyone hooking me up with Neville of all people? Without even thinking twice, I hit him on the head with the news paper I was holding.
"Neville is like my brother! I'm not hitting it off with anyone!" I screeched glaring at him.
Then I realised what I had done. Oh.
His lips were parted and he was staring at me in shock or surprise I didn't know. I was growing paler by every moment.
"Malfoy .. I .." I started. He effectively cut me off.
He leaned in and kissed me making the rest of the world disappear.
End Notes:
Here we go, people. This is probably the longest chap I ever wrote. Special thanks to my dear dear geek friend who had helped me a lot with this chapter. Love you all. And thank you for the dragon prints and reviews
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