Vulpes | By : Relevant_Peach Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male Views: 8855 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters described here. I make no money from this work. |
Time is a relative construct. A week spent on a sunny beach with a loved one can pass in the blink of an eye, while a Gryffindor/Slytherin fourth-year double Potions class could feel endless. Severus found it strange that three weeks of fox-sitting had seemed unbearable at its inception, but when the Mandrakes had finally reached adolescence, he couldn’t remember what it had been like before his four-legged companion had joined him.
The students of Hogwarts had adopted Harry as a beloved pet. Severus’ class had never been so popular. One day, when taking attendance in his first year Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw class, he’d been confused to find an extra student. After some hasty recounting, he realized that a third year had snuck into the class, just to spend some extra time stroking Harry’s soft ears. He’d angrily kicked the student out, but even Severus found himself idly stroking the little fox, who often lazed on his desk while he marked papers.
The Gryffindors in particular, adored the little fox, and could be found throwing balls for him for hours. They’d christened the creature ‘Flash’, as his speed was truly impressive. After Harry had knocked over a stand of potions he’d been cooling for Madame Pomphrey one day, Severus had threatened the students with certain death if he caught them throwing anything further in his lab. Even Harry had seemed to know he’d done wrong. He slunk low to the ground, ears back. He crawled up to Severus quietly, once Severus had set the class to work. As Severus glared down at him, he rolled onto his back, displaying a soft little belly in subservience. “If only you were this docile all the time” he whispered down to the fox, scooping him up and placing him onto his desk. “Try to behave yourself for the rest of the day, will you?” Harry gave him a little chirp and nuzzled Severus’ hand with his snout. “Fine.” He said with a weary sigh. “You’re forgiven. This time. Honestly, I’m going soft.”
Finally, the Mandrake roots had finally dried sufficiently, and Severus immersed himself in brewing the potion. Harry was ensconced in Minerva’s office; Severus couldn’t risk him in the lab while he was brewing. As he added the lacewing flies and stirred a dozen times anti-clockwise, he realized he was holding his breath. Despite having grown tolerant of the little fox who was his constant companion, this had to work. He had to restore Harry to his human form. Severus set a timer and reduced the flame.
In the past, a slightly more cynical Severus would have said that this was important because of Harry’s importance to the war efforts. Or, that he was doing his duty because Albus had willed it of him. Now, he realized that he was doing it out of a simple desire to help Harry. He was a heartless bastard, most of the time, he admitted, but he could see that he’d been unfair to Harry in the past. He owed it to Lily, owed it Harry himself, to try to make amends. He was certain that, once restored to human form, Harry would continue hating him just as much as he had previously. Regardless, Severus vowed to be different.
When the potion was ready, Severus sent a Patronus to find Minerva. He didn’t know what to expect of Harry when he regained his human form, but he figured, at worst, he’d have someone experienced to help him calm Harry down, and at best, having Harry’s Head of House present to read him the riot act would prevent him from transforming on his own again. Irritatingly, Minerva and Harry arrived with Albus in tow, but he knew better than to think that Albus would ignore the situation, considering it involved his Chosen One. His weapon, Severus’ mind supplied helpfully. Banishing the thought to pursue later, he bade Minerva and Albus entry, and became thoughtful. “Minerva” he said. “Any idea how to get a potion into a fox?”
“What do you mean? You spoke with Poppy about a potions regimen for him when he was injured. How have you been getting him to take those?”
“It has been” he pondered his words carefully “not without challenge”. He didn’t want to explain that potion-time involved chasing a nearly frantic Harry around his quarters, immobilizing the wriggling fox by wrapping a blanket around him, and most of the contents of the vial ending up in Harry’s fur, or on Severus’ robes. “It appears that Mister Potter dislikes the taste of potions. This one is stronger than most”
Albus was positively vibrating with amusement, and Severus was wondered if he’d cast some type of subtle Legimens on him and witnessed his previous antics. “I’m sure you’ll do just fine, Severus”
“That’s all well and good” Severus snapped, “but we can’t afford to waste even an ounce of the potion. If he’s given a partial dose, it might not be effective. I can’t imagine what a partial transformation would entail”
“Minerva, do you think it would be helpful to be there to comfort Harry in your own form?”
“Not really” she said flatly. “I don’t speak fox, and I’ve never met a fox who didn’t want to fight me. Severus, you’ll have to hold him still, and I’ll administer the potion”
Severus couldn’t think of a better plan, but internally bemoaned the waste of ingredients that would inevitably befall them. He regarded Harry, who’d been earnestly scratching behind his ear with his hind foot. Noting that he was the subject of scrutiny, he ceased and looked at Severus with interest. “Come, Harry” he said softly. Harry bounded over to him, causing Minerva and Albus to exchange a look that Severus couldn’t decipher. He picked up the fox, and whispered softly to him. “I need you to trust me, little one. I have told you that I won’t hurt you, and this is very, very important. You won’t like the taste, but I need you to trust me, and I need you to drink all that is given to you”
Harry regarded him solemnly, but didn’t struggle. Severus stroked the velvet fur between his ears, and gathered him marginally more firmly. “Now, Minerva” he said quietly. Harry sniffed the eyedropper full of potion suspiciously and sneezed. His eyes strayed to Severus’. “You have to” he said firmly. With a gentle hand, he opened the little jaws and allowed Minerva to place the contents of the dropper onto Harry’s tongue. “One more” Severus said, frankly astounded that Harry was being as docile as he was. Surprisingly, the second dropperful was consumed as easily as the first, although Harry sneezed a half dozen times after swallowing.
The fox’s muscles tensed all at once, and before he knew what was happening, Severus had an armful of teenager. An armful of naked teenager. Blushing furiously, Severus summoned a blanket and covered Harry, but not before all three professors got rather more of an eyeful of the Saviour than they’d expected. Once his modesty was protected, Severus looked down at the boy, who was blinking owlishly around. Realizing that he likely couldn’t see well without his glasses, Severus said gently “Potter, remain calm. You are utterly safe”. The green eyes widened, and his brow furrowed in confusion. He opened his mouth, and emitted a little squeak before registering that he was being held. He squeaked again, and scrambled to the floor, losing his blanket again, and treating the teaching staff to a view of a pert backside as he scrambled into a corner and huddled low to the ground.
“Harry” Albus said. “How are you feeling, my boy?” Albus was, of course, ignored. “Oh dear” he said. “It seems that Harry isn’t feeling like himself”
“Minerva, any ideas?” Severus asked, ignoring the Headmaster, who really hadn’t added anything helpful to the proceedings, so far.
“Not really” she admitted. “While he’s panicking like this, we’ll never get through to him, and having all three of us here is probably making things worse. I think we should leave. Try to get him to calm down, and perhaps he would benefit from some rest.” She tugged on Albus’ arm and headed towards the doors. “And try to get some clothing on him, would you?”
Severus rolled his eyes at her before regarding the frantic figure huddling in the corner. He thought it interesting that Harry had displayed no fear as a timid fox, but was petrified as a powerful Wizard. Harry was whining softly, his terror making him pant softly as he keened. “Harry” Severus said softly. “Don’t be frightened. You’re safe, Harry. There is nothing here that will harm you”. His words seemed to have an effect , as Harry tilted his head and listened. Severus took a tentative step towards him, and Harry tensed, eyes darting around for an exit. Hastily, Severus cast strong wards on the doors. All he needed was a panicked, feral, naked Harry Potter running through the castle. “Don’t be frightened” he repeated. “I will wait until you’ve calmed yourself.” With that, Severus slowly lowered himself to the floor, and accio’ed his lesson plans. It was likely to be a long night, and he figured he might as well get some work done.
Perhaps a half hour passed, Severus tutting under his breath at how his third-year Hufflepuff’s would likely perform in tomorrow’s lesson. He felt a touch on his thigh, and saw that Harry had approached him. He slunk low on his belly, as Severus cringed at the effect the stone floors would have on Harry’s now-human skin. His front hand was extended tentatively, draped on his thigh, just as Harry’s fox’s paw would get his attention previously. Severus tensed. While Harry had been a fox, it hadn’t seemed at all inappropriate to stroke his back, but now in his naked, human form, he was deeply uncomfortable.
And yet. It was clear that, disoriented and terrified, that Harry was desperate for a familiar touch. And allowing him to become more upset would likely result in a hysterical naked student scrambling about his rooms for the rest of the night. With a resigned huff, Severus stroked the unruly hair back from Harry’s eyes. As his hand made contact, Harry visibly relaxed, the tensed muscles letting go, even if his eyes remained wide. Harry nuzzled closer and pressed his forehead into Severus’ hand. “Okay, Harry” Severus whispered, as Harry climbed into his lap. He fell asleep almost instantly. Severus carried him (how was he so light?) into his own quarters. He managed to get a pair of flannel sleep pants on him, heartily thanking the deities for magic the entire time, lest someone find out that he’d been dressing a naked student in his bedchambers. As he tucked the sleeping Wizard under the blankets, he conjured a chair and set himself up for a long night.
When morning dawned, stiff-necked and gritty-eyed, Severus regarded his sleeping charge. He was curled into an impossibly small ball, chin tucked into his chest. His face was a bit flushed, and dark eyelashes lay in a thick curtain across his cheeks. He was utterly relaxed, and Severus realized that, even before this whole animagus affair had begun, he’d rarely seen Harry without a tense, wary look. It explained his cheekiness some…a cornered animal always fought back, and Severus was beginning to suspect just how often Harry felt hunted. As if he were aware of Severus’ scrutiny, Harry’s stretched languidly, and his eyes blinked open, squinting in the gloom at Severus. He regarded him for a full beat, before looking around and taking stock of his surroundings. “Sss..Sss”. He was trying to speak, but seemed unable to muster the words.
“It’s alright, Harry. You have been in your animagus form for quite a long time, and it is to be expected that it will take a while for you to be able to recall your human self. Try to be patient. Professor McGonagal and I will be here to help you”
He wondered whether Harry would be able to comprehend what he was saying, but remained quietly sitting in his uncomfortable chair to let him work it out. As Harry’s breathing slowed, and the terror left his wide eyes, Severus rose. Harry tensed, but Severus said “Don’t be frightened. I am going to go and take a shower. You may remain here, or you may go into the sitting room.” When Harry made no move, Severus simply left the room. He’d been sitting up all night, and felt grubby. When he emerged from under the spray, he heard it, and sighed. Harry was howling.
He opened the door, and Harry tumbled into him, obviously having pressed himself against the wood as tightly as he could. “Harry” he said softly. “Were you frightened?” So great was Harry’s distress, that Severus didn’t stop to consider his response. He gathered the slight man into his arms and held him tightly. Harry’s howls stopped, and he nuzzled the bottom of Severus’ chin with his forehead. “It’s alright.” Severus soothed.
What he wasn’t prepared for was for the doors to his chambers to fly open and his Godson to enter. “Uncle Severus, I-” Draco stopped short as he took in the sight in front of him. “Holy fuck, Severus”
“Wow. Didn’t expect this from you, of all people. Bit of a dark horse, aren’t you? And you, Potter”. Draco’s smile increased in malicious glee at having caught his rival in a compromising position.
“Draco!” Severus snapped, patience evaporating. “Shut up. Listen carefully to me. You will stop whatever wrong conclusion you’ve come to. You will speak to no one of what you’ve seen. When this current…situation has resolved, I will seek you and we will discuss this.”
Draco’s grin widened, which Severus hadn’t thought would be possible. Little prat. “Of course, Severus.” He turned to stroll back out of the door.
As he reached the frame, Severus said very lowly “Draco?”
He turned, eyes dancing “Yes Uncle?”
“I will make you incredibly sorry if you disobey my instructions. You, of all of the students of Hogwarts know what I am capable of. Do not test me.”
He witnessed, with some satisfaction, genuine fear in Draco’s eyes before he gulped, exited, and shut the door firmly.
Severus groaned. Things had just become even more complicated.
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