Left Behind | By : TMFUSYWER Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 19319 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: I do not own J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
It was mind-numbing.
Luna and Hermione could barely think straight after being stuck in their predicament for several hours.
At first, they tried to pull away, but it was impossible. Their lips burned every time each of them moved even an inch. Then they tried to be as still as possible but even that was impossible, especially after a few hours. Their nipples hurt so bad they basically couldn't feel them anymore. Their panicking eventually ceased as they knew they only caused more pain to themselves. It was hard to breathe but not impossible so they weren't in any immediate danger.
They didn't know how many more hours passed but they had trouble staying conscious. Especially Hermione. Luna was used to being awake all the time. Luna had to keep nudging her and keep making noises to keep her awake. While she would gladly let Hermione sleep, she was worried that if she fell over, it would have very painful consequences.
"Aberto!" The door flung open and smashed against the wall.
Luna couldn't turn her head but she could see Bellatrix entering in her peripheral vision. She could see her skipping and humming happily.
Both of the girls' whimpers grew louder as Bellatrix danced her way around the bed.
"Just what are you two up to??" Bellatrix sang in a high-pitched tone.
Luna and Hermione could only respond with frightened, muffled sobs.
Bellatrix looked at them with a wide grin for a while, enjoying their suffering.
"Oh, well... I guess you've had enough, so I'll get you out now..." Bellatrix giggled as she took her sweet time. "I think you're best friends again, am I not right??"
The girls eagerly nodded in agreement.
"Good! I'll have a very, very special task for you! Well, mostly you, mudblood!" She smiled devilishly as she was undoing the nipple clamps.
"Owwww!!!" Both girls squeaked simultaneously first when she removed the clamps and then again as Bellatrix pinched their nipples harshly.
Bellatrix cackled as she twisted the nipples between her fingers and their yelps were growing louder.
"Oh, come on girls! It's just a little bit of fun! I like pulling on stuff!" Bellatrix kissed Luna on the cheek as she started untying Hermione's wrists that wrapped around Luna's hips.
Once Hermione's arms were loose, she immediately pulled them to her chest and started stroking her breasts with a painful expression.
Bellatrix did the same thing on the side, untying Luna's hands and Luna parroted Herimone's actions, covering her breasts and gently stroking them, though she had a lot calmer expression on her face and her movement wasn't as sharp and urgent.
"Now, let's do something about that nasty spell, okay??" Bellatrix waved her wand wordlessly and without any struggle, Luna's and Hermione's lips separated. Hermione pulled away immediately and landed back first on the mattress, rubbing and moistening her lips.
Luna remained sitting but also started carefully tending to her burning, cracked lips. She grimaced with pain every time she slightly touched them.
"I'll give you a few minutes... Until our special guest arrives!" Bellatrix laughed as Bellatrix and Luna widened their eyes in unison. Hermione looked straight at Bellatrix but Luna kept her look straight.
Bellatrix didn't say more, and so Luna's and Hermione's minds were running wild.
Luna was especially lost in her thoughts because Bellatrix never brought a 'special guest' in here. Well, except Hermione but that was because they caught her.
Did they catch another girl? Will it be a Death Eater? Or you-know-who himself?" Gears were turning in Luna's head.
Hermione's thoughts were similar to Luna's but not exactly the same. Among other things, she was especially worried that they might've caught Harry or Ron and they might be bringing one of them here to mock her, or worse... Kill them in front of her. She wouldn't be able to handle that. She hated even thinking about it.
Bellatrix was leaning against a wooden column that creaked every time she moved slightly and continued humming an annoyingly cheerful tune that felt out of place considering the situation.
Hermione couldn't help but give Bellatrix a few annoyed stares, luckily Bellatrix wasn't looking at her, instead, she was fixated on the door that was still open from when she first entered.
Distant thuds could be heard. They were steps. And they were getting more and more distinct. Hermione could tell that there was definitely more than one person coming.
Even Luna now turned her head to the door, holding her breath with anticipation of who'd come.
Hermione gasped loudly and immediately covered herself. Luna opened her mouth subtly but didn't make a sound.
Draco and his mother, Narcissa entered the room.
Bellatrix started giggling uncontrollably, grasping her belly, while Narcissa tried to keep a straight face but her fists were clenched and her anger was seeping through. Draco looked visibly distressed, he was grimacing and his face was red, he seemed just as shocked as Hermione.
Hermione couldn't see any of it as she turned her face and body away from them almost immediately, though she remained on the best. Luna meanwhile, didn't cover herself nor did she stop looking at Draco and his mother.
"Come on, let's not waste time!" Bellatrix whispered to Narcissa, though she was still quite loud and Luna could hear her.
"Why did you even tell him about them?!" Narcissa snapped at her sister.
"I'm not gonna keep secrets from the Dark Lord, I'm not crazy!" Everyone in the room doubted that statement but nobody was going to question it.
There was a moment of silence, despair was lingering in Narcissa's eyes.
"...Why us? Hasn't he punished my husband and our family enough?" Narcissa lamented.
"That's up to the Dark Lord to decide!" Bellatrix hissed.
Draco was tense and tried to look anywhere but at Luna and Hermione. Narcissa glanced at them several times but looked away quickly each time.
"Come on, Cissy! Make Draco do it and it'll be all over soon!" This time Bellatrix whispered it to Narcissa's ear so that no one else in the room could hear it.
Luna looked on in anticipation.
"Hermione!" She whispered very quietly. "Hermione! Look at Draco!" She subtly nudged Hermione's hand.
"Look! I'm not sure what's going to happen yet but Draco doesn't seem happy about it!"
That's when Hermione finally turned, though not fully. She turned just enough so that she could see Draco in the corner of her eye, through her messy hair. Draco looked terrible. He looked as if he was going through hell.
Draco looked at the girls for the first time and Hermione looked away again.
"Come on, Draco... you know what the Dark Lord commanded you to do." Narcissa was curt, not hiding her disgust.
"I can't do it!" He cried.
"Sweetie! You have to do it! Man up!" Bellatrix's voice was strangely sweet and soft when talking to Draco, it unsettled him. Especially when she called him 'sweetie'.
Bellatrix grabbed Draco's hand and dragged him toward the bed. He resisted briefly but after looking at his mother, he let Bellatrix take him to the girls.
"Girls!" Bellatrix exclaimed excitedly. "Turn around and look at me!"
Luna was already looking at Draco and Bellatrix so her eyes didn't shift. Hermione very slowly and hesitantly turned around but she met only with Bellatrix's intense gaze. She tried her hardest not to lay her eyes on Draco.
"You know what the Dark Lord ordered you to do! You will take the mudblood!" She whispered into Draco's ear just loud enough that the girls could still hear it.
The shade of red across Hermione's face turned even redder as her heart sank at the words she was hearing.
Luna felt terrible for Hermione but her thoughts were also lost as to where did she fit into this torment.
Draco looked at Hermione spasmodically. He slowly reached for her hand and she pulled away immediately.
"Draco! You can't let that filthy mudblood think she can do whatever she wants! You have to take her! By force! That's the only thing that works on whores like her!" She smirked at Hermione but kept a mostly straight face.
Draco's eyes darted from Bellatrix to Hermione.
Bellatrix suddenly glanced at Luna and gasped with surprise as if she just noticed her now.
"Oh! You are here too! I almost forgot!" She giggled. "Sorry, Loony, we won't be needing you today, The Dark Lord doesn't find your traitorous filth useful enough!"
She cackled. "Levicorpus!" The wand aimed at Luna's chest.
"Aaaaah!!!" Luna yelped sharply. She was blasted backward, hitting the wooden wall and as soon as she hit the wall, she turned upside down, suspended by her ankles in the air, her hands hanging just a few inches above the floor. Bellatrix laughed and Draco flinched as Luna flew away rapidly.
Bellatrix slowly made her way toward Luna, she moved her legs in an exaggerated, comical way as she slowly reached into her pocket. She teased Luna, pretending to pull it out and then putting it back again.
Luna was still a bit disoriented as everything happened so fast, she just whimpered confusedly.
Finally, Bellatrix bent down to meet Luna's face and pulled the cursed, terrible golden snitch out of her pocket.
Luna moaned silently, knowing what was about to come. She clenched her lips and closed her eyes.
Bellatrix laughed at Luna's reaction as she whispered something inaudible to the golden snitch and it suddenly flew out rapidly out of her palm and landed gently right on Luna's clitoris. The golden snitch started vibrating so rapidly that it was barely visible and it didn't take long for Luna to start moaning.
Once Luna was taken care of, Bellatrix turned her back to her and returned to Draco who was still standing by the back, absolutely frozen.
Hermione was so distressed that she barely glanced at Luna to see what was happening to her.
"Come on, Draco! Pin her down and take her!" This time Bellatrix was louder as she was growing impatient. Hermione instinctively pushed herself away from them as far as the mattress allowed her to.
Bellatrix was angered by Hermione's reluctance and rushed over to her, grabbing Hermione's hair.
"Listen, stupid mudblood! Just because our Draco here is a little shy, doesn't mean that I'll let you suddenly act like you own the place! Don't you dare run away from him or me! You'll serve him just as me, understood?!"
Hermione nodded as little as possible.
"I want you to hear you say it!!" She pulled on Hermione's hair even harder, making her scream out.
"Y-yes... Madam Lestrange..." Hermione whispered.
"Now, Draco... I want you to get on the bed and make her yours! You will grab her by the neck and pin her down, she won't listen to you otherwise!" Bellatrix walked back to Draco.
Narcissa was watching everything from the background, trying her best to keep her neutral expression. Deep inside she was very angry.
Draco looked over to his mother who only subtly nodded. That's when he sighed deeply and reluctantly got on the bed.
On his knees, he slowly timidly crawled toward Hermione who was still curled up at the very edge of the bed.
At last, Draco was close enough to her, he looked at her with desperation but she avoided his gaze. He tried to grab her at the back of her neck but he was too soft and she pushed his hand away rapidly.
"No! Leave me alone!" Hermione yelled out, her eyes filling with tears.
Draco looked over at Bellatrix, his eyes were asking what to do now.
Bellatrix crossed her arms and angrily walked over to Hermione once again and gave her a harsh slap.
"Listen! You will obey him just as you would obey me, or punishment will come your way, mudblood!" She hissed in her ear.
Hermione didn't answer but when Bellatrix nudged Draco to try something again, this time she didn't push Draco's hand away as it grabbed her neck. He still didn't know what to do next.
Bellatrix rolled her eyes. "Come on! You need to force her on her stomach so that she presents her ass to you! Smash her face into the mattress! Draco, as a Death Eater you cannot act like this!"
Draco tried to do as instructed but once Draco grabbed Hermione's next more firmly, she squirmed out of his grasp and tried to push him away.
"No! Get away, get away from me!"
Draco let himself be pushed away as he looked over at his mother again and then at Bellatrix.
"I can't... I can't do it!" He sobbed.
"Listen, Draco! If you don't do as the Dark Lord commands, he will kill your father! Is that what you want?! Do you value this mudblood over your own father?!" Bellatrix was getting more aggressive.
"N-no..." His voice trembled.
"Then do it! You won't let a frail, weak, small girl beat you, right?!"
Draco remembered the time when she punched him in the nose. He liked to berate Hermione because deep down, he knew she was better than him in almost every single way. Often times he wished nothing but ill upon her but this was too far. Everything went too far. But he wouldn't let Voldemort kill his father.
Draco reached for Hermione again and as she started to push him away again, he fought her this time.
"Don't touch me! Don't touch me you stupid creep!"
This angered Draco a little. He was hurt by Hermione's words because he didn't want to do any of this, he was forced into it. And he thought Hermione would have some understatement for him
Hermione had little empathy for Draco at this point. She didn't care under what circumstances he was doing this. In her mind, everyone had a choice. Everyone had a choice not to become a monster. And Draco chose what he would become. If he goes through with it, she will never forgive him. In fact, she will do everything in her power to get him to Azkaban. If she survives the war, that is.
Unfortunately, Hermione's words had an effect on Draco that didn't help her at all. As anger brew in him, he became more aggressive and more eager to overpower Hermione. And at the end of the day, he was still physically stronger, even more so after she had been so weakened by her stay here already.
Slowly her was overpowering her. He managed to get fully behind her and grabbed her neck, forcing her to bend over. He wrapped his other arm around Hermione's belly, keeping her as still as he could. Although she was nowhere near still. She was squirming, and kicking as much as she could.
"No, no, no! Don't you dare!" She protested. She tried to be resolute but her voice was cracking as she couldn't hold back her cries anymore. She used her forearms to push herself away from the mattress, but Draco's grip on her was stronger and stronger and her arms grew ever weaker.
It didn't take much longer until Hermione had no strength left in her arms and she collapsed face-first into the mattress. Draco now pressed her against the filthy foam surface.
She still tried to kick him, she cried and screamed, but he positioned himself in such a way that when he knelt, his shins crossed over Hermione's kneepits, heavily restricting her leg movement. She could only lift her legs slightly from the knee down but she couldn't reach anywhere to kick him.
Hermione couldn't see it but Draco was still full of doubt, he felt disgusted with himself. But he knew he needed to do it.
"Please... don't. I beg you... It's me... Hermione, Draco..." Knowing Draco overpowered her, she pleaded instead of insulting Draco. She also knew that they were never friends but she hoped that by reminding him of their humanity, he wouldn't be able to go through with it.
And it almost worked. He was so close to letting go of her. To giving up.
"Come on, Draco! You know what you NEED to do! Otherwise, you know what will happen!" Bellatrix lustfully whispered to Draco, getting horny by seeing Hermione in such a humiliating position.
"Do it in her ass! You don't want to breed with that filthy mudblood! HA!" Bellatrix cackled evilly.
Hermione felt incredibly degraded, she closed her eyes and stopped trying. She knew what was coming and she knew there was nothing she could do about it. Even if she managed to fight off Draco somehow, Bellatrix would probably just hold her down with a spell and it would happen anyway, and it would just be even more unpleasant.
Draco, who was still fully clothed in a black suit, pulled out his cock from the tight trousers. He began stroking it as he wasn't fully erect yet. He was surprised with himself that he was able to get hard at all.
Hermione cried out silently when she could feel the tip of Draco's penis brush against her asscheeks.
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." Draco whispered it so silently that nobody except him could hear it.
Draco wanted to be gentle, but soon he realized that by being gentle, he wasn't going to penetrate Hermione's tight hole.
"I'm sorry..." He repeated to himself.
With one of his hands, he helped to force his cock inside of Hermione's ass. She screamed out sharply and tensed up but barely moved.
Once he knew it was firmly in, he grabbed Hermione around the waist again and then put his full weight onto Hermione pushing her further down and allowing himself to hold Hermione's neck more comfortably. His cock was swallowed almost balls deep by Hermione's tight butt and she screamed again, even more intensely.
This time, his head was nearer to Hermione's. "I'm sorry..." He whispered to her. She heard it but didn't care.
"Screw you..." She cried silently, only Draco could hear it. He understood. He had tears coming down his face but especially now he felt like there was no coming back. He was already a monster so might as well help his father.
His hips started moving as he began thrusting. He wasn't the most endowed man but his cock was still big enough for it to hurt immensely even though he tried to go slow at first.
Narcissa, who was keeping an eye on Draco the whole time, looked away now, she couldn't watch this. She didn't approve of Bellatrix's practices with the girls in the first place, but this was depraved beyond her worst nightmares.
Bellatrix on the other hand, stared attentively, reaching down under her skirt as she grew hornier, biting her lower lips. Occasionally she would look over at Luna whose moans were sometimes so loud that her screams drowned out those of Hermione's but every time the golden snitch flew away, her orgasm was denied and she grew quieter again and more frustrated.
"Uhhh! Uhhh!!! Ow!!!! Owww!!!" Hermione cried and grunted as Draco was losing control over himself and began thrusting faster and faster. He himself was groaning and moaning, he grabbed Hermione tight so that she couldn't move an inch away from him.
"Ohh, ohhhh... ohhhh... ohhhh!! ohhh!!" The tightness around his cock made him so aroused. He hated himself but at the same time thought that he wasn't able to stop even if he wanted to.
"Owww!!! Owwww!!! It hurts!!!" Hermione wailed.
"Shut it! Don't you see that he's enjoying himself, selfish whore?!" Bellatrix snapped at Hermione.
Draco mostly ignored both of them, he kept a steady but fast pace. He knew he wouldn't last very long. He took off his black jacket and shirt but kept his trousers on.
"Ohhhh!!! Ohhh!!!! This feels so good!!!" He tried saying it as silently as possible, he was embarrassed by himself and he didn't want Hermione to hear how much pleasure he was getting but she still heard him.
He kept fucking her, his pale body was covered in sweat, and his grunts were louder and louder. As were Hermione's grunts of pain.
She never felt so violated. Somehow this was magnitudes worse than whenever Bellatrix did things to her. Bellatrix was just a villain to her, a monster, she was always a monster. But Draco was her schoolmate, they had known each other since they were children, despite their hatred. And while she would have to think hard to present any positive qualities about Draco, she also never considered him a heartless, emotionless villain, she never considered him a pure monster like the Death Eaters. She felt like this was changing everything.
Bellatrix moaned quietly. She didn't want attention drawn to herself, especially not Narcissa's attention. But underneath her dress, she was rubbing her pussy. Narcissa would definitely notice her if she wasn't standing with her back turned completely. This way there was no one to notice her as everyone was too occupied. She once again leaned against a wooden column for support, this time closer to the bed, and enjoyed herself deeply. It was Hermione's pain and humiliation more than anything that made her so horny.
"Owww!!!! Owwwww!!! Uhhhh!!! Oww! Uhhh! P-please... J-just d-do it already!!! I can't do this anymore!" Hermione begged. She wasn't in a position to care about what Draco would do with her anymore or if he'd orgasm inside her. She just wanted him to be done.
Draco didn't say anything, he kept fucking her hole relentlessly. He felt like the guilt was preventing him from orgasming but at the same time, that was prolonging Hermione's suffering. He hoped that if he fucked her faster, without showing care, he would finally reach climax.
Draco was panting and glistening with sweat and he picked up his pace. Even his pants were drenched with sweat.
"Hold on... just a little longer... I'm... I'm sorry..." He whispered, exhausted.
She didn't respond.
Bellatrix's moans grew louder, though still not loud enough for anyone to notice her. She was hoping that Hermione's torment would last just a little longer, she was close enough herself.
Hermione felt like her butt was on fire. She felt numb down there.
"Ohhh!!! Ohhhhh!!!! Ohhhh!!! Finally, it's coming..:!" He whispered to himself, though not very subtly.
He grabbed Hermione's body even tighter, digging his nails into her, though that kind of pain barely inconvenienced her compared to everything her.
Bellatrix lost control over herself for a brief few seconds after finally orgasming, putting her hand over her mouth to make sure nobody would hear her, especially Narcissa. Her legs trembled for a few seconds, but she soon pulled down her skirt and pretended nothing ever happened. She licked the juices off her fingers and then she grinned widely at Luna who was probably the only one who had a chance of witnessing her, though Luna kept her eyes closed most of the time, so she couldn't be sure.
"Oh god!! Oh god!!! Feels so great! So amazing!! I'm cumming!!! Oh god!!! Oh wow!!! Oh... oh... oh.." Draco pumped all of his semen deep inside Hermione's butt. Soon after he collapsed on her back. Panting heavily. He was sweating more than her and probably even panting more than her. Hermione cried loudly.
"Sorry... I'm... so sorry... Hermione... It'll be okay..." He panted into her ear. He tried stroking her hair to calm her down but as soon as he touched her, she squirmed and twitched her head trying to get away from him. She couldn't... But she still tried.
The audacity! To do this to me and then try to calm me down like it was nothing! Hermione thought.
Bellatrix looked over at Luna. By the time Draco was done with Hermione, Luna was already denied her orgasm many times over. The golden snitch was very effective. She knew that expression very well. Luna wasn't all the way there anymore. She simply smirked and made her way closer to the bed.
"Come on now, sweetie! Get off her, we need to get going... You did good, I'm proud of you Draco! You showed that mudblood whore that she's inferior!" She was truly satisfied with Draco's performance despite the rough start. She even thought he would be able to own a mudblood bitch of his own one day. Once the Dark Lord wins the war.
Draco, disgusted with himself more than ever after Bellatrix's words, rapidly pulled himself away from Hermione. Though as quick as he was, Hermione's hate made her act even quicker and as he was pulling away, lifting his weight off her, she started kicking him furiously. Luckily for him, she didn't hit any of his sensitive parts. He quickly got out of her reach and stuck his penis back into the trousers. As he was doing so he also noticed faint bloody marks on his member, indicating what had happened when he was fucking her, making him feel even worse.
Once again, Draco foolishly tried to calm her by grabbing her arm but she acted so rashly that when she tried to pull away from him, she fell off the mattress on the floor.
Bellatrix cackled at the loud thud continued by Hermione's endless crying.
"Exsicco!" Bellatrix was trying to hold her laughter as she waved her wand at Draco, making the sweat from his disappear.
"Now dress yourself, Draco."
When Narcissa heard those words, she turned back to face the room for the first time. She was glad it was over.
Bellatrix walked around the bed to see where Hermione ended up. She was curled up in a ball just beside the bed.
"Pathetic mudblood, hehehe... I'll leave you two to it... We have more important things at hand..." She giggled and was about to turn around...
"Screw you."
"What did I just hear you say???" Bellatrix almost tripped, showing just how much surprised she was. "Tell me that I just misheard, mudblood!"
"Screw you, Bellatrix... And screw you, Draco... you're a monster." Hermione strained to say those words.
Draco simply looked away without a word, he rushed toward his mother.
"Oh, you're gonna regret that!!!" Bellatrix shrieked raspily.
"YOU...!" Bellatrix kicked Hermione in the ribs "ARE...!" Another kick. "REALLY...!" A third one. "GONNA...!" Hermione cried to cover herself with her arms but didn't help much. "REGRET THAT!!!" The last kick was the strongest and Hermione felt like she kicked the wind out of her and she might've even cracked her rib.
Bellatrix brushed her messy hair away from her forehead and looked down at Hermione.
"Sit up!!!" She screamed and pulled at Hermione's hair to force her to obey the command.
Hermione grabbed her rib with a painful grimace as she sat up. Bellatrix crouched in front of her.
"Do you dare say that to me again, stupid mudblood whore?!"
Hermione gathered every ounce of strength she had left in her and spat right into Bellatrix's eye.
Bellatrix flinched and flattered her eyelashes but didn't lose her intense stare, in fact, she seemed even more insane now.
Her response was... surprisingly calm. She stood up, wiped the saliva off her eye, and licked it off her fingers, though without any sort of smirk or grin.
"If that's how you want to play the game... That's how we'll play it! I told you, you would regret it! And I keep my promises, mudblood filth!" Hermione knew how much of a big mistake she just made. But she just didn't care at that moment.
"Let's go, Cissy! We need to report to the Dark Lord that your Draco completed his task successfully! I'll get back to these pathetic sluts later!"
Narcissa didn't say anything. She barely let Bellatrix touch her shoulder as they were leaving the room. She was pressed up against Draco, trying to comfort him.
And the door was shut.
With pain in her side, Hermione moaned and fell back on the floor, and continued crying.
She didn't even pay attention to the loud moans that still lingered in the room. Luna was still upside down getting edged endlessly. But Hermione was too broken to care at the moment. Luna could wait.
Luna felt dizzy and had a bad headache not only because of the endless denial but because she was still upside down...
And blood was rushing to her head.
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