Both Sides | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10447 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Lou and the plot. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
Both Sides.
CH 50 Happy Christmas?
When everyone sat down to eat that evening Lou was quiet. Hermione and a reluctant Ginny insisted that Lou take a break while they cleared up.
Ron was immediately at her side. He took her hand and led her outside and round the back of the broom shed.
“Lou, what’s wrong? You’ve been quiet all through dinner and I know something’s up.”
“It’s nothing Ron, I just got a bit of a fright when your brother came in the house and made a fool of myself. That’s all it is.”
“Maybe I can take your mind off it.” He told her, brushing his lips on hers.
Lou smiled and leaned into him so Ron deepened the kiss. When they returned to the house a half hour later, both were flushed and Lou seemed much more relaxed.
They went as far as Lou would allow, this time she’d even touched his cock, stroking it as it grew hard.
Ron opened his trousers and showed her how to stroke him to climax. He wanted to do the same for Lou but she shook her head.
She was willing to do things to Ron, but wasn’t yet ready for him to do anything to her.
“I’m sorry Ron, I just can’t.”
“Hey, it’s okay.” he soothed. “You don’t hear me complaining do you?”
“No, I suppose not.” She said.
“Lou there’s no suppose about it, I love what you did and I’m hoping you’ll do it again.”
“What, now?”
“No, next time.” Ron kissed her again, long and slow before taking her hand and leading her back to the house.
Albus arrived after lunch on Thursday, Lou was sat in the kitchen with Ron and Charlie, waiting for him. She made tea for him while he sat and caught up with Charlie for a while and they left.
At the ministry the same man was at the desk waiting to register the wands and Lou scowled at him, he’d laughed at her last time and she didn’t like him. This time however he said nothing and she and Albus were soon on their way down a long corridor.
They entered a large waiting room and Lou was told to sit and wait while the headmaster finished his meeting. Lou didn’t know who with and settled down with a book, therefore she was surprised to see Tonks emerge from the room Albus was about to enter.
“Wocha Lou, what you doing here?”
“Tonks.” she cried, please to see her friend again. “I’m waiting for the headmaster to have a meeting then we’re going to Diagon Alley. Is this where you work?”
“Sure is, but I’m finished for the day.” Tonks turned to Albus. “You gonna be a long time Headmaster?”
“I’m afraid so, Louhi will have several long hours ahead of her.”
“Can she come with me then, I haven’t done all my Christmas shopping yet and I want to get it out of the way.”
So it was arrange for Lou to head to Diagon Alley with Tonks, who would later take her back to the Burrow, thus saving Albus a job.
The headed to Gringott’s first, and Lou was glad that Tonks was as nutty as her when it came to riding the carts.
“We’ll have to go to one of those muggle theme parks one day, we’ll make a great team on the rides.” Tonks suggested.
“I’m up for that, it’ll be great.
“Vault 464.” The goblin said as they climbed from the cart.
The goblin ran a clawed finger over the door and it melted away.
“Blimey Lou, is this all yours?”
“Yeah, there’s more like this one. It’s daft really, I don’t need all this.”
“Lou no one needs this much money, but think of all the fun you could have spending it. Circe.” She exclaimed.
Lou was looking for a book she’d seen on her first visit. She only saw it briefly and didn’t take a lot of notice at the time, now she thought it would make the ideal Christmas present for Severus.
“Tonks, can you help me find a book? It’s a really old black one and it’s got …”
Lou turned and saw exactly what she was looking for. It was set on a table with what she assumed was a silver cauldron and a wooden chest. When she looked inside the chest, she found it was full of crystal phials, stirrers, almost everything a potions Master could need. Lou decided to take that too, along with the silver cauldron. She took them to the cart and the goblin told her the cauldron was platinum, not silver.
Back in the vault, Tonks was staring at the gemstones like she was in a trance.
“Take some if you want, there’s loads.” Lou told her.
“No way, I couldn’t.”
“Why not? They’re only gonna gather dust if you don’t.” Lou picked up a bag and passed it to Tonks. “Go on, put in what you want, if you don’t, I’ll do it for you. Please Tonks, let me share some of this, I feel awful having so much.” Lou grabbed a handful of red stones and with a grin, shoved them into Tonks’ bag. Then she took a fistful of green ones and did the same. Then blue, and last, the diamonds. Then Lou had an idea.
She told Tonks, who thought it was brilliant. Quickly filling another bag and adding several handfuls of golden Galleons, they left.
Lou asked the goblin if they would arrange for the wooden box, cauldron and book to be delivered to Professor S. Snape on Christmas morning, and they said it would be arranged.
Then they went into muggle London and shopped till they dropped. Lou wanted clothes with lower necklines now she was no longer scared.
After that, they had supper in the Leaky Cauldron before Tonks apparated them both back to the Burrow.
Tonks didn’t stay long, saying she had things to do at home. Lou slipped her the extra bag of gemstones and said goodnight to her.
The next days were a blur of activity as presents were wrapped and placed under the tree, Molly and Lou busied themselves in the kitchen in preparation for the big day and the kitchen and parlour was decorated. Arthur brought in a Christmas tree and Lou got to help with putting the decorations on it.
On Christmas eve Lou snuck downstairs and added a few of her own decorations to tree with some of the gemstones she’d kept in her pocket, then snuck back to bed without making a sound. She decided that magic was a wonderful thing.
Bill and Fleur arrived the day before Christmas eve. It was Molly’s turn in the kitchen so when Bill greeted his mum in the same way Charlie did Lou, there wasn’t such a commotion.
Lou loved how close everyone was with each other. They teased and argued, but the love was there all the time. To Lou, it was a visible thing and she envied the Weasley children their childhood.
Fleur took Lou by surprise when the older girl fawned all over her. Lou didn’t understand why she was behaving as though Lou was royalty or something.
“You are bound, eet iz rare these days iz it not? Only in royal famileez doez zis still appen.”
“Bound? I’m not bound, what are you on about?” Lou asked in frustration.
“Ze collar, it iz the sign you are bound for marriage, yet you are so young. But zis too is not uncommon.”
“Right.” Lou said, not knowing what on earth Fleur was talking about.
By the following day Lou forgot all about the conversation with Fleur as she and Molly made final preparations ready for tomorrow.
Lou was at one side of the kitchen preparing the stuffing while Molly was busy at the table mixing the Christmas pudding. She had a small pile of Knutts on the table ready to add to the mix just before she put it on to steam.
Lou asked Molly if she had any more onions and Molly went to the pantry to look.
As soon as the woman was out of sight, Lou pocketed the Knutts and exchanged them for an identical pile, except the Knutts Lou replaced them with were actually golden Galleons, charmed to look like Knutts until the pudding was ready to be served up tomorrow. She was busy making breadcrumbs by the time an unsuspecting Molly retuned with the onions.
Another young man turned up who turned out to be Percy Weasley. When he discovered Lou’s full name, he too started fawning over her and Lou hated it.
After lunch on Christmas eve, Lou managed to get Hermione on her own and told her what was happening with Fleur and Percy. “I don’t like it Hermione, and what’s this about a binding, I’m not bound to anyone.” She made Hermione promise not to tell, then told her what the collar was really for.
“How do I get them to leave me alone Hermione?”
Hermione said she would speak to Mrs Weasley for her. “She always knows how to handle these kinds of situations. Best leave it to her.”
Hermione and Molly must have worked quickly, because by tea time, Fleur was treating her the same as she treat everyone else, and Percy was only fawning a little bit. Lou decided it should be easy enough to avoid him.
The girls talked for hours when they went to bed that night, giggling and having pillow fights until Molly knocked on their door and told them to get to sleep.
Christmas morning was something Lou thought she would remember for the rest of her life. The tree was surrounded with parcels of every size, shape and colour and Lou stood in the doorway drinking in the sight. Watching as everyone sat round the tree, grabbing parcels and passing them out to whosever’s name was on it.
“Lou, come on. What are you standing over there for?” Ron asked.
“I just wanted to watch for a bit.” She told him, making her way over and sitting next to him.
He was sat on the floor with his back to the wall. When Lou sat down, he opened his legs and hauled her over so she was sitting between his legs with her back to him. Then he wrapped his arms round her waist, resting his chin on her shoulders.
“Happy Christmas Lou.” he said, handing her a small package.
Lou’s face brightened considerably when she opened it and found it was a silver chain with a small ’L’ hanging from it. “Ron it’s beautiful. My initial. Put it on for me.” She said, holding up her hair.
“Can’t you take this thing off first?” He said, pointing at the collar.
“Lou went pink. “I can’t, I’m sorry Ron.
He fastened the necklace on anyway and she turned so he could see it. Lou was wearing on of her new tops and the neckline dipped just below the swell of her breasts. The ‘L’ hung at the beginning of her cleavage and Ron’s eyes nearly popped out of his head when he noticed.
After a few polite coughs, the couple turned beet red and turned their attention back to the presents.
Ron said nothing, but Lou knew he kept hoping to open one from Lou. When all the presents were opened and he still hadn’t found one from her he started to look a bit sulky.
“Ron, come with me.” She whispered. Grabbing his hand she hauled him to his feet, led him into the garden and to the broom shed. “Open it.” She said.
“Why?” He asked her suspiciously.
“Because that’s where I hid your present and I can’t stand to see you sulk any longer.” Lou said and gave him a kiss.
Ron wanted to continue the kiss, let the present wait a bit longer.
“Ron, we’re in full view of the window, your mum might be watching.”
Ron grinned and opened the shed door, still looking at Lou, later then?” He asked hopefully.
“Maybe, you might not want to later if you like your present enough. You might be too busy.”
“Shit! Lou Is this from you?”
“If it’s a broom, yeah. Don’t you like it?”
“Of course I bloody don’t, I love it. Is this the same one you ha …it is.” Then his face dropped. “Lou, I can’t afford to buy you things like this, I can’t accept it. I’m sorry.”
Lou was upset. “Why can’t you accept it? Ron, you got me the most perfect present in the world. Isn’t it more important what you feel when you give something, then how much it costs? I got you the broom because I knew how much you wanted it, not because of how much it cost. It might only have cost a Sickle, but it would have been a Sickle with feelings Ron.” She giggled at his frown. “Yeah, I know that sounded really corny, but it makes no difference. Anyway, it’s yours now whether you use it or not.”
When his frown didn’t go Lou frowned back. “If you don’t want it, give the damned thing away.” She snapped, storming off towards the pig sty.
“I’ve messed up again pigs.” She told them. “Why do I always muck things up?”
“You haven’t messed up Lou, I have. I’m sorry.” Ron told her, slipping his arms round her waist. “I should never have reacted like that. Thank you, I love the broom.” He said softly as he turned her to face him. He wiped the tears from her cheeks and renewed the kiss they’d shared earlier.
His hands moved everywhere and it was Harry who came to find them.
“Aw c’mon you two, give it a rest will ya.”
“Your only jealous Harry because you miss Stacy.” Ron told him grinning.
They headed for the broom shed so Ron could show off his broom while Lou went back inside to help Molly in the kitchen.
Back at Hogwarts, Severus was stunned to say the least, when none other than a Gringott’s goblin arrived with three packages for him on Christmas morning.
He was having breakfast in the Great Hall with Albus, Flitwick and several students who decided for one reason or another, to stay for the holiday period.
“It has been requested these be delivered personally to Professor S. Snape, Potions Master at Hogwarts. Merry Christmas Sir.” The goblin said before leaving immediately.
Never one to draw attention to himself, Severus was at first rather put out at the manner of delivery, but Albus insisted that Severus opened his gifts there and then. Everyone watched eagerly as he opened first a square shaped parcel.
“Ooo, it’s a silver cauldron.” Said one of the younger students. He quickly shut up when the Professor glared at him.
“My goodness, that’s not silver, it’s platinum Severus. Who on earth sent it to you?” Flitwick wanted to know.
“I have no idea.” Severus replied, looking for a label or gift tag that would reveal the senders name.
The second parcel revealed a large wooden box that when opened, contained a collection of pure crystal phials, tubes, stirrers, jars and various other crystal wear for potions use.
“That looks to be extremely old and valuable Severus. Whoever your benefactor is, they must think very highly of you.”
“Indeed Headmaster.” Severus told him with a puzzled frown. He’d seen this box somewhere before, but where?
The last parcel was the smallest, and most valuable of them all. Severus’ eyes almost popped from his head when he unwrapped it.
“This is the first edition Potion Masters handbook, handwritten no less. I did not even realise this still existed.” He told Albus in a hushed voice. “Albus this book is priceless, who on earth would ...” He suddenly remembered where he’d seen the wooden box before.
“I take it you have realised who may have sent you these.” The Headmaster said.
“Possibly. Excuse me Headmaster, I shall take these to my quarters.”
“Certainly, you know, I would love to have a read of that book sometime, I too believed it was long since gone.”
“Perhaps at a later date Headmaster.” He told him. Severus had no intention of letting the Headmaster get his hands on this particular book.
Between them, Molly and Lou made a feast fit for kings and no one cleared the kitchen that evening. Everyone was either too full or too drunk to care.
The twins snuck a bottle of firewhiskey upstairs and they, Ron, Lou, Hermione, Harry, and Ginny all shared in it. It wasn’t long before Lou and Ginny were out of there heads and acting silly. The older ones being more used to it and having the sense to pace themselves.
Ron couldn’t help but wonder if Lou would be willing to take their relationship a few steps further in this condition and after a while, he took her out of the twins room and down to the one he shared with Harry.
Lou was giggly and had hiccups so Ron was constantly telling her to shh.
As soon as the bedroom door was closed he started to kiss her, gently at first, but it grew more urgent as Lou started pawing at him and he led her to his bed, laying her down on it and climbing on beside her.
After a very short time, Lou was down to her underwear and Ron was in his boxers. Her hand was inside them and she was stroking him as she usually did.
“Lou, will you do something for me?” He asked her.
“Will you suck it, I’d really like it if you sucked it.”
“Eeww. What for?”
“Because it will give me pleasure.”
He pressed gently against her head, pushing her towards his cock while freeing himself from the restriction of his pants. “Just taste it Lou, I promise it’ll taste good. Please.” He gasped.
Lou didn’t see how it would taste nice at all, but she was drunk, and with the effect of the calming cuff added to her drunken state, she thought; ‘What the hell.’
“Oh Merlin yes.” Ron hissed as she stuck her tongue out and licked the head.
Liking his reaction, she did it again.
“Oh Gods Lou, are you sure you’ve nev..”
He didn’t finish, Lou wrapped her lips around him and sucked.
He taught her how to move her head up and down over his length, laving the head and sucking hard as she moved up.
Lou listened and did what he said with gusto. When he came in her mouth she looked shocked and pulled away, licking her lips and swallowing what hadn’t dribbled from her mouth.
“Did I do it right Ron?” She wanted to know, still attempting to lick and wipe the sticky come from her face.
“You did it right.” He told her panting.
Rolling onto his side, he laid her down next to him and wiped her face, then he kissed her as his hand roamed over her breasts, stomach and lower belly. “Lou, I want to touch you, down there. Please say yes.” He pleaded, letting a finger stray to the area he knew her clit would be and stroking it through her knickers.
Lou bucked her hips and pushed against his hand. This was much better than when she touched herself and she opened her legs to give him more access.
Ron saw this as an invitation and slipped his hand inside her knickers, carefully parting her folds, he rubbed gently at her nub, giving her pleasure before sliding a finger into her. A minute later he added another and pushed inside, then he stopped and his eyes grew hard as he looked down at her.
Lou opened her own eyes, wondering why he’d stopped. “Ron, don’t stop please.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? I thought you was a virgin, you acted like a virgin. You lied to me Lou. You said you wasn’t ready to do anything too heavy and your not even bloody pure.” He said. His voice full of anger and disappointment.
“Ron, it’s not what you think, I wasn’t ready, I’m still not. I never lied to you Ron, I …”
“Shut up Lou. I trusted you, I wanted to be your first. I would have been gentle with you, I would have waited a lifetime if it took that long. How many others have you been with?”
“What?” She asked, suddenly sobering up. “Ron, you can’t ask me that, it’s not fair. Please it’s complicated and I can’t tell you about it. Please don’t be angry Ron.”
Ron however was angry. “Just put your clothes on and get out Lou, I don’t want to look at you.” He told her viciously.
“Please Ron, let me explain, I …I’ll tell you what happened and you’ll understand.”
“I told you, I’m not interested. Now get your things and get out.” He threw her clothes at her and rolled over, turning his back on her.
Lou looked at him sadly, she felt like her heart was broken in two. ‘He wouldn’t even listen to her. She didn’t understand why he wouldn’t listen?’ So she put her clothes on and quietly left the room.
“Slut.” He muttered before she closed the door.
When Hermione and Ginny came to bed, Lou pretended to be asleep, she stifled her sobs in the bedcovers and held them in until she heard the steady breathing that signalled they were asleep. Then she allowed her tears to flow freely.
Hermione wasn’t asleep though, she’d heard the faint sobs coming from Lou’s side of the room and was waiting for Ginny to fall asleep.
Getting out of bed she moved over to Lou’s bed and stroked the girls hair. “Lou, what’s wrong? Did Ron do something to hurt you?” She asked quietly.
“He said I’m a slut, Hermione I don’t want to be a slut. He said I lied to him, that I let him think he was the first. I tried to tell him what happened, but he wouldn’t listen to me. He hates me Hermione and it’s their fault. I hate Malfoy and I hate Zabini.” She cried, sobbing into the older girls arms. She told her everything that happened between her and Ron that night, and all the times since Halloween.
Once more Hermione hugged her and cried with her, telling her it would be okay, while all the time she wanted nothing more than to wrap her hands around Ron’s throat and squeeze tight.
Once Lou cried herself to sleep, Hermione climbed from the bed, slipped on her dressing gown and padded down to Ron and Harry’s room. She walked in without knocking and walked straight up to Ron’s bed.
Without a word, she grabbed him by the hair and yanked him from the bed.
“OOWW” What the hell do you think your doing Hermione?” He yelled after hitting the floor.
Harry woke and reached for his glasses. “What’s going on?”
“Go back to sleep Harry or leave the room.” She snapped at him.
Harry dived under the covers. No way was he getting involved with an angry Hermione.
“Ron Weasley. You are by far, the cruellest, meanest, most cold hearted bastard it has ever been my displeasure to know.” She fisted him hard across the face.
“Hermione, this is nothing to do with you, keep out of it. You don’t know what she did.” He warned her.
“I know a hell of a lot more that you Ron Weasley, and if you’d let her explain, you would have known the reason she was too frightened to let you have sex with her. She was raped Ron, raped. Three times, not long before the Halloween ball. I told you then to be careful with her, treat her gently, that something bad happened to her. And did you listen tonight when she tried to tell you? No. Well listen to this, if you dare to go near her again, I will personally turn you into a eunuch. You know I’ll can do it Ron, and believe me, I will.”
She stormed from the room. Hermione hadn’t even thought about the oath she’d taken in front of the Potions Master to never reveal what happened to Lou, but because Lou had eventually been will to tell Ron anyway, the oath did not react to Hermione’s words.
“Ron’s a prat. I’ve decided.
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