Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47211 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
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Harry woke up in his bed in Helga’s room and groaned. “Why did I have to take part in this Tournament again?” He asked himself.
“Because the Goblet constitutes a binding magical contract. You’re forced to compete if your name comes out.” A feminine voice answered.Harry turned over and nearly swallowed his tongue. “Oh, hi, Rowena. How are you?”“I’m fine. Have you been working on meditation each night?” She asked pointedly.Harry smiled sheepishly. “A little bit. But I’m not making much progress.”Rowena sighed. “I thought as much. You need to put some real effort into it. We’re getting nowhere with it, and Shiloe is already an Animagus.”Harry’s jaw dropped. “What?! Already?!” He spluttered.Rowena smiled smugly. “Well, with me as his teacher, what did you expect?”“If he’s an Animagus, shouldn’t I be able to do it, too?” Harry asked.“No.” Rowena answered simply.“Why not?”“Because you have different mindsets and abilities, and therefore different forms. He can access his, but you still won’t be able to access yours until you’ve completed the requisite work to do so.” Rowena explained patiently. “You need to work on your concentration until you can figure out at least one form, or you won’t be able to cast the spell at all.”Harry sighed. “Yes, Professor Ravenclaw.” He said morosely.Rowena smiled at him. “On another note, your young woman is coming to see you. Helga told us a few moments ago. She should be here any second.”Harry cursed and rolled out of bed, throwing on his clothes as fast as he could. He had his trousers around his thighs when the knock came. “Damn! Hang on!” He shouted, hopping out the bedroom door as he pulled them up the rest of the way.He opened the door to see Luna, smiling, with Neville’s hand in hers. “Here he is.” She announced, pulling Neville into the room. “And he’ll be able to save me.” She told Neville.Neville frowned. “Er, right. Hi, Harry. I have no idea why she brought me here, sorry.” He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.Harry turned to look at Luna. “Why are you here, Luna? And what do you mean, I’ll be able to save you? From what?”Luna blinked once and smiled. “From the Mermaids, of course. You need to talk to Neville. He’ll know what you need.” She explained.“Mermaids?” Harry paled. “They’re taking PEOPLE?!” He shouted.“Yes. The people you care most about. For most of you, it’ll be who you took to the Ball.” Luna added.Harry looked at Neville. “What do you mean, he’ll know what I need?” He asked Luna.Luna sighed. “Plants, silly. To breathe in the water. You’ll be down there quite a while.” She said, as though the answer had been obvious.“There’s plants to breathe underwater?” Harry echoed.Neville’s eyes widened. “Oh, yeah! Gillyweed!” He smiled. “Rowena has some in her pond, even.”Harry looked at Rowena. “Can I-““Take it. And harvest some more mossroot, while you’re at it. I’ll need more of it soon.” She added.Harry looked at Neville. “Do you know what that is?”Neville nodded. “I’ll get some. It grows near Gillyweed.”“Alright.”“We need to get to classes.” Luna calmly reminded Harry.Harry cast Tempus and cursed. “You’re right! Helga, can you-“ Two doors popped into existence and Harry smiled. “Thanks.”Luna picked one and waved cheerily. “Bye, Harry, Neville.”Harry and Neville waved and headed to Potions.*****Harry winced as his potion belched green mist and slowly bubbled over.“Potter, WHAT have you done THIS time?! Detention tonight.” Severus snapped.Neville’s potion began hissing, then promptly exploded.“And Longbottom, you’ll join him.” Severus added without missing a beat. “Eight o’ clock.”*****Harry collapsed into an armchair in the Gryffindor common room with a loud groan. “I never want to look at another potion as long as I live.” He declared.Hermione’s lips twitched. “Well, since you’re in potions class, that may be easier said than done. Did it go that bad?” She asked.Neville sighed. “We had to start the potion over three times before Shi stepped in and walked Harry through it while I prepared the ingredients. It was awful.” He finished softly.“I don’t think I want to be an Auror anymore. I think I’ll look into careers that don’t require a NEWT in potions, thanks.” Harry decided. “What about a Defense teacher? I could do that.”Ron snorted. “Or professional Quidditch player.” He pitched in.“That idea has some merit.” Harry decided.Hermione laughed. “Come on, you’ve always wanted to be an Auror, Harry. Don’t let Snape chase you out of a career choice. Besides, he won’t be judging your potions for O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s. You’ll probably pass them if you study enough.”Neville grinned. “Or just have Shiloe take them.” He added in an undertone.Harry grinned. “That might just work.” He mused.‘No way in hell. I hate tests.’ Shiloe answered quickly.Harry groaned. “Or not. I just got denied.”“That’s rough, mate. Sorry.” Ron commiserated.‘Time to head back to the rooms. Remember, you still need Gillyweed. Neville has to harvest some in the dark. Or did you forget?’ Shiloe reminded Harry.“Um, Neville, you remember the gillyweed you agreed to harvest?” Harry asked.Neville leapt from his seat. “Right. Are you two coming to the Founders’ rooms with us?” He asked.Hermione bit her lip. “Oh, we really shouldn’t, it’s almost curfew, and while YOU have a good excuse to be there, WE don’t. Ron, what do you think?” She asked.Ron raised an eyebrow and shrugged. “I’m up for it. Let’s go.”“Boys.” Hermione muttered, following the other three to the portrait hole.*****Harry watched nervously as Neville dove underwater again, coming up with another handful of slimy things that looked like grayish-green rat tails and placing them in one of the bowls they had brought out.He dove down again and came up with another handful of green fuzz with white tendrils attached that he placed in the other bowl.He wasn’t sure which one he most hoped was the gillyweed.After a few more dives, Neville came up and hauled himself out of the pond, then shivered.Harry quickly cast drying and warming charms and they walked back inside, where Hermione and Ron were talking with Salazar about all the different uses for Basilisk parts.Hermione was astounded at the depth of his knowledge about the creatures and Ron was surprised that such a deadly creature could be so very USEFUL.“Ah, dear, sweet child, thank you.” Rowena cooed, coming out of her frame to take the bowl of green fuzz from Neville. “This will prove most useful to me. Harry, the gillyweed is yours, use it as you wish.” She told him, taking the mossroot to her rooms.Neville grabbed his shirt and pulled it back on, leaving the bowl of gillyweed on the table.Harry started at the knock on his door. He opened it to find Luna there, a light pink nightie and a school uniform in her hand.“Luna? What are you doing here?” Harry asked, letting her in.“I came to sleep with you tonight.” She said simply.Harry blinked twice before he found his voice again. “What? But… Why?”Luna looked at him calmly. “We’re dating, right? Why not?”Neville grinned. “She’s got you there. You’ve got no excuse.”“Fine. But we’re only sleeping. Nothing else.” Harry told Luna.“Of course.” Luna said, then walked into Helga’s room. “I’m going to change and get into bed. I’ll see you soon, Harry.” She called over her shoulder.Ron was looking at the bedroom door as it closed. “That’s some girlfriend you’ve got there, Harry.”Neville grinned. “She doesn’t really give you much reason to refuse her, does she?” He asked in pure amusement.“Boys, this is against SO MANY rules! Don’t encourage it! Harry, she shouldn’t be staying here. Much less in your bed.” She said, hands on her hips.Helga rolled her eyes. “They won’t do anything yet. It’s not time for that.” She declared. “Luna knows this.”“Then why is she here?!” Hermione demanded.Helga smiled. “To reaffirm her Pack bond with Shiloe tonight. You don’t need to know more than that.”Harry rubbed the back of his neck. “Anyway, I think it’s time for bed. Helga, can you-“A door appeared. “No one is in the common room now. You can get to your dormitories without being spotted.” Helga said evenly.Neville opened the door and turned to wave at Harry. “Night, then, Harry.”Hermione and Ron followed him.Harry got into Helga’s room and smiled. Luna was lying in bed, waiting for him. “Erm, hi.” He said weakly. “Could you turn over so I can change?”Luna smiled. “Why? I’ll see you naked eventually, so what should it matter when that is?”“Well, cause it’s embarrassing.” Harry said, flushing.“Why?” Luna repeated.Harry shrugged. “I dunno. It just is.”Luna smiled wider and turned her back to him. “Be quick.” She said lightly.Harry quickly undressed and slipped on his pajama pants, then got into bed on the empty side Luna was currently facing.Luna quickly snuggled up to him, sighing. “There. This is cozy.” She leaned up to press a quick, chaste kiss to Harry’s lips. “Good night, Harry.” She said softly.Harry smiled, wrapping his arms around her. “Good night, Luna.”****Harry opened his eyes to find himself in the same dream he’d experienced before, with one distinct difference: Luna was with him.He blinked in surprise at Shiloe, who was looking at Luna with resignation. “Um, hi.”Luna walked over to Shiloe, raised up onto tiptoe, and pressed a kiss to both his cheeks. “Hello, Shiloe. You’re looking well.”Shiloe sighed. “Yeah, you too.” He replied wearily.He turned to Harry. “So, you’ve got the gillyweed, but you probably have no idea how to use it, do you?”“Not at all.” Harry admitted as Luna walked back to him, linking their arms together.“You have to eat it.” Shiloe said in amusement.“UGH! That’s VILE!”Shiloe smirked. “Quite. Which is why YOU’RE doing it, not ME.” He replied.Luna giggled. “Shiloe, be nice.” She chided him.“For me, this is nice. I’m telling him something he needs to know. I could have waited and given him less time to steel himself for the task, you know. This way, he has time to work up to it.” “It’s still gross. What does it taste like?” Harry asked, looking slightly green.Shiloe snorted. “Oh, like I know that. I’ve never had any reason to try the stuff.”Harry turned to Luna. “Are you sure they’re going to take YOU? Because I can get a new broom if I need to.”Luna rolled her eyes. “Don’t be such a baby, Harry. It’s not that bad, and it’s only this once. You’ll never need to use gillyweed again.” She pursed her lips, then continued. “Well, probably not, at least.”“That’s not very reassuring.” Harry mumbled.“Wait, you don’t even know how to swim, do you?” Shiloe asked.Harry blushed. “Not as such, no.”Shiloe sighed. “I’ll teach you.” He decided. “That’s one thing every Shiloe knows.”“That’s a great idea!” Luna told him. “But, Harry, if we don’t wake up soon, I won’t have time for a shower before class. Sorry, Shiloe, we have to go now.” She walked up and kissed him on both cheeks again.Shiloe sighed. “You’re really lucky your emotions are so subdued. Otherwise, I’d hate having you touch me so often.”“I know.” Luna replied brightly.Harry blinked as the dreamscape began to dim.*****Harry woke to find Luna sitting up, stretching. “That was a productive dream.” She said happily. “Come shower with me?” She offered, standing up.Harry blinked in surprise as she pulled her nearly-sheer pink nightie over her head and walked into the bathroom, naked.“Are you coming?” Luna’s voice asked from the bathroom as the shower started up.Harry grinned and got out of bed, stripping his pajama bottoms off and leaving them in the room. “On my way.” He answered, walking into the bathroom.Luna was standing under the spray of water, her long blonde hair wet and hanging down her back.Harry watched her butt sway as she began dancing under the water, humming to herself. He grinned and got into the shower with her. “So, are you going to help me learn how to swim?” He asked.Luna giggled. “If you need my help, but I think Shiloe can handle that well enough.”“I hope so. Because if I can’t learn, I might not be able to get-“Luna placed a hand over Harry’s mouth. “You’ll save me.” She said seriously. “I have complete and total faith in you. Don’t even think about any other outcome but victory. You’ll do fine.” She finished, then leaned in and pressed her mouth to Harry’s.Harry wrapped his arms around her waist and deepened the kiss slightly, hearing Luna’s breathy moan in response.“Alright, break it up, kids.” Rowena’s voice rang out in the bathroom.Harry broke the kiss and stepped back, staring at her in shock. “Can’t you leave us alone for a moment?”Rowena leveled a glare at Harry. “No, I can’t. You have no time to be getting frisky with your girlfriend, you have classes soon.” She said sternly.“We were just kissing! I wasn’t going to do anything else!” Harry protested.“Well, save the kissing for your free blocks, will you?” Rowena asked. “You have O.W.L.s next year, you should be focusing on your studies. And if you two start making out NOW, you’ll be late for class.”Harry sighed heavily and began washing his hair.
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