Forbidden Rapture | By : Marionne25 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 50039 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and am not making money from this story. |
Author's Notes:
Kain - Greetings darling. Thank you for dropping by and leaving a comment. I do feel you about the situation. Many things could have been avoided and if I was Hermione at the moment, I'd neither choose Snape or Harry. But there are those feelings that would just tug her heartstrings back at them no matter how painful the situations had been.
Sandlapper - You're so mean! KIDDING. Okay. I love you too a lot. I don't make promises that Harry will be or not be beaten. But I tell you that the characters will probably get what I think they deserve. Or rather what they're fated to deserve after everything.
Sit back and relax.
Ines - Hello there. Sending this out to you in an ungodly hour because my usual writing and posting time has been interrupted earlier with chores and my very demented sleeping pattern. Sending you an email soon.
Hope you like this chapter. Don't forget your Kleenex with you. I don't have to warn you on anything as I'm quite sure you've realized you do have to jump on each and every chapter.
I hope you do love the memory posted in here as it's quite unexpected for most of you.
Hello dear readers.
So here's a chapter for all of you.
But ofcourse, I'd like to thank everyone taking their time to open their laptop or mobiles to check every now and then if I've updated. So much love from all of you. It makes me feel really happy that people out there are reading what I'm writing on an almost daily basis.
Which leads me, that after this chapter, I may be away for a few days. Some adulting101 needs and taks are calling for my attention and so I might be away. But don't worry, when I get back there will surely be great chapters ahead. As remember, we're nearly there at the very end!
I'd like to know as I was writing/editing this chapter, I was listening to basically two songs - one was the song in DH where Harry and Hermione were dancing at the night that Ron abandoned them.
There's just something in that song that keeps me moving foward into writing this especially the parts where there are Harry and Hermione scenes and memories.
I'm also fond of listening to 'One More Cup of Coffee' version of Steve Earle and Lucia Micarelli. Please, if you love music, by all means - listen to that one.
I always find music lines or just the sound and move of it to be inspiring enough to help me make a chapter or even plot a whole fanfic. Seriously.
Anyway enough of this talk as I know you're dying for this chapter.
Please do leave some love and reviews.
Lots of love.
No, I couldn't really find a chapter title so fit for this except what's already written above. And I think you'll make a good guess why.
Chapter Forty Nine
The Snake and the Gryffin
Old Burgin and Burkes had indeed been burned down several years ago at the time from which Harry had become Head Auror in the Ministry of Magic.
The establishment had been left dilapidated to the point of collapse and had been vacant ever since. Most of the shops at Knockturn Alley that sold dark artifacts or anything illegal had been closed down and burned and the owners paid in thousands of galleons and had been exiled from the city or sent straight to Azkaban if they go beyond the list that could pay the government for their illegal dealings.
Harry had made sure though that each shop that was transacted with by the Malfoys were burned down to the ground.
“Hermione?” Draco’s voice called out as he lit his wand and entered the empty establishment.
The place was empty and littered with what were left of the burnt place.
He felt slightly bothered by being there.
And wherever Hermione was, she was taking a long time.
They only had fifteen minutes and by far, she was already five minutes late from their deal.
He hated the place.
Not for its appearance but because of the memory of his last visit of the place many years ago.
“Draco?” asked a voice.
Draco quickly turned and found Hermione come out from a darkened corner.
She had a wand held in her hand that was also lit at the end.
“Thank god.” Draco muttered. “I’ve been here for minutes – “
“Don’t come near me-“ Hermione said raising her hand with the wand.
Draco’s eyes narrowed at the sight of her as he took a few steps forward.
“Hermione, it’s me-“ Draco said raising his wands to show her that he wasn’t going to attack her.
Hermione emitted a spark from her wand and Draco stopped making steps.
His eyes widened at her.
“Are you kidding me, Hermione?” he asked eyes wide. “We’ve only got a few minutes – we can’t waste it-“
“Give me proof you’re Draco.” Hermione demanded of him breathing hard. “I want proof.”
“Proof of what?” Draco asked back.
“That you’re really Draco-“ Hermione answered unwilling to lower her wand.
“Bloody hell.” Draco muttered making another step forward her.
Hermione sent another warning shot at him.
“Bloody hell, Hermione!” Draco yelled at her. “It’s me! You asked me to be here and now I’m here –“
“I wrote the letter but we’re not sure if it was intercepted.” Hermione breathlessly said. “I need proof-“
“Well bloody hell what proof do you need of me-“
“Say it.” Hermione quietly said. “Say it Draco –
“Say what?” Draco asked in bewilderment.
“That word.” Hermione quietly said observing his every move very closely. “That word that you say.”
“What word?” Draco asked her deciding to take his wand out for defense in a just incase moment.
Hermione looked slightly concerned the moment he raised his wand out.
Her features relaxed a little however when she saw that he handled it in a form of defense and not of attack.
“You know!” Hermione impatiently called back at him. “That word Draco-“
“What freaking word-“ Draco said. “Hermione, this is stupid – it’s bloody hell me – you asked-“
“I said not a step towards me!” Hermoine screamed and another jet of spark came out of her wand.
It hit what looked like an old wood and it quickly lit and started burning.
Draco’s eyes widened at her action.
He lowered his wand form her and pointed it directly to the burning woods.
“Aguamenti!” he yelled panicking at the sight of fire before him. “Bloody hell ‘Mione – It’s me, what proof-“
“Just say the word, Draco!” Hermione yelled at him with her wand hand shaking. “Just say it – we’re running out of time I need to hear it from you-“
“What bloody word are you talking about-“
“Draco, you know that word that you say-“
“Bloody hell!” Draco angrily said clearing the fire and the mess it made around them.
He looked up at her frightened expression with her hand shaking with a wand.
It looked though like she has forgotten how to use or rather control a wand and was at the verge of attacking him with an unplanned spell that would make her actions more dangerous.
“Say it!”
“What the hell Hermione-“ he angrily spat at her. “Why do you want me to say –“
“Say it!” Hermione screamed at him. “JUST SAY IT!”
“Why you filthy little Mudblood!” Draco angrily screamed at her pointing his wand directly at her.
They stared at one another for a whole moment with wands directed at one another but without emitting any spell.
Draco stared, breathing nervously as he stood there in defense incase she suddenly attack him.
Hermione’s features then softened and then she burst out into tears and lowered her hand.
“I’m sorry!” Hermione ran into his arms and clung very tightly around him.
Draco was both perplexed and surprised at her action that he barely realized that he had lowered his wand and had automatically placed both his arms around her and had kissed her over the head.
“It’s alright, it’s me.” Draco said whispering over her dark tresses. “It’s me – bloody hell, ‘Mione-“
“I’m sorry.” Hermione cried at his arms. “I’m sorry – I had to hear you say it Draco – it was my only way to know –“
“How would that verify-“
“I’m never going to forget if you say it.” Hermione said. “I never forget how you said it to me.”
She looked up at him and Draco was just staring at her with a sudden apologetic look over his face.
“I’m sorry I said that to you before.” Draco said quietly thanking himself for remembering what exactly she might want to hear in order for her to trust him.
It took him a long time to realize what she was actually asking of him.
“Forget it- I just needed to make sure it was you-“
“I never meant to say it to you before.” Draco whispered drying her tears in her face with his fingers. “I’m sorry if I ever embedded that feeling in you-“
“It doesn’t matter.” Hermione said. “I just needed to verify that it was you.”
Hermione moved herself from him and pulled his arm.
“Where are we going?” he asked as she moved back towards the end of the burnt shop and made way at the dilapidated back door.
He truly hated the place.
The alleyway was narrower at every corner they turned.
“I thought you said we only had a few minutes-“
“Half an hour.” Hermione said. “Professor Lupin will pick me up.”
“Pick you up where?” Draco asked as she pulled him in front of what looked like a very old shop.
“Here.” Hermione said entering what looked like a very old café at the end of Knockturn Alley and first corner of Diagon Alley.
It was the shop at the very corner of the two streets that divided them.
Draco stared at the old café as they entered.
It was a nice looking place or perhaps it was many years ago.
There were few people and it was dark and almost very quiet.
The place gave him chills.
There were a few witches and wizards hunched on different tables drinking coffee or brewed teas and alcohol behind their books or talking to one another in whispered.
He really didn’t like the place.
“This is an old café – “ Hermione said as an old witch motioned towards them for their order.
“Yeah, I can tell.” Draco mindlessly said looking around.
“It’s one of the oldest here in London - -“ Hermione motioned at the counter for two cappuccinos for them to be served at the very back of the café.
“Right.” Draco said following her lead.
He was too preoccupied with observing the place and stashing his wand with his other hand inside his robes that he didn’t notice that they were still holding hands as they entered the coffee shop and settled over a table.
He only realized it when they were about to seat at the very corner of the shop and Hermione was tugging her hand back from him.
“Sorry.” Draco said letting her hand go and consciously looking away.
He didn’t know why but he quickly looked away from her the moment he let her go.
He wasn’t sure if it was just him or was the very corner or back of the café where they sat was a very hot spot to stay in.
Draco’s eyes roamed around the place as he tried to look for a good ventilation.
Hermione drew back his attention by placing her hands over his.
He looked down reluctantly at her and cleared his throat.
“It’s Ginny’s wand.” Hermione explained pointing at the wand before them. “They’re just at the other end of the alleyway.”
A wizard came over and served their cappuccinos and Draco quickly took his because for some reason he couldn’t look her in the eye and he needed a reason to not have physical contact with her.
He was very conscious of her today for some reason.
“Professor Lupin told Harry that Fleur and I are off to buy things to buy me time.”
“He believed it?” Draco asked sipping carefully at the hot cappuccino.
“Yes.” Hermione said. “He told Harry that Fleur was about to teach me to buy some wedding night lingerie-“
Draco suddenly coughed and sputtered cappuccino all over his clothes.
Some people looked at their direction and Hermione quickly handed over a napkin towards his and cleared the rest with a spell using Ginny’s wand
“Are you alright?” she asked concernedly.
“I’m fine.” Draco said trying to put the image off his head. “I’m fine – I’m fine – It’s alright-“
Hermione stared as he wiped his robes with the napkin from the table and moved the cup of cappuccino aside.
“So what’s the plan?” Hermione asked him in a hushed tone.
“Uh – plan – right, yes.” Draco began staring as she pulled out what looked like an organizer or notebook from the bag she had around her body that he only just noticed.
“Sorry, it’s Harry’s.” Hermione said flipping over the pages and trying to find a blank page she could rip from.
Draco stared at the writings on the notebook and noticed that it had some designs and markings and parchments and every other thing that made it look more than a normal notebook.
“What the fuck is that?” he asked in a disgusted tone reaching for it.
Hermione found a blank page and quickly tore it from the journal.
“It’s Harry’s wedding plans book.” Hermione muttered as she started scribbling something over the page she tore.
Draco took the notebook as Hermione muttered and wrote her time away.
He almost laughed at the things that Harry had written over it until he noticed the small necklace inserted at the midst of it.
It was a Golden Snitch with an embedded carving of words.
“Forever yours.” Draco muttered staring closely at it and touching the shape of it.
Draco smirked at it but Hermione just ignored him.
“What’s funny?” she asked after a while.
“Potter gave it to you?” he slowly asked her.
Hermione didn’t answer.
He was silent as he observed her expression.
“Or you gave it to Potter?” he asked moving his face closer to see her reaction.
“I gave it to him.” Hermione muttered without looking up at him.
“Right.” Draco only said withdrawing himself a little farther from her. “I see.”
He opened his mouth to ask something else when Hermione suddenly snatched it out of his hand and shoved the journal before him.
“What did I –“
“Let’s plan this.” Hermione said pointing over what looked like a drawn up timeline. “We’ve got roughly ten days, Draco.”
“Got that.” Draco sighed staring over the timeline and trying to put his head back into what they were supposed to do in the first place.
“Right.” Hermione said kicking him under the table.
“What?” Draco asked perplexed.
“Draco, your head in this please.” Hermione snottily said.
“My head’s in it.” Draco answered with another smirk.
He was trying hard not to laugh and for some reason, Hermione seemed to be doing the same thing.
He smiled despite their situation.
Something about her at the moment was making him feel both excited and happy at the same time.
“Right, so what do we have?” he asked again trying to be serious.
“About ten days.” Hermione said pointing over the timeline. “I’ve got to be in these places-“ she pointed at various of things and errands that Harry had planned for them.
“So at most, you’d be with him or with Fleur and Ginny?”
“And with professor Lupin.” Hermione pointed out. “But I’m not sure that Harry trusts him that much. I don’t think he’s written this just recently. Reading through it last night makes me think that he has written it quite some time ago.”
“Alright.” Draco said trying to put his brain into good use of planning as he read through the journal and pages.
There were dates and time and places to buy things and go for fitting or anything they had to reserve.
Harry had things planned thoroughly as he could see in the page entries.
“That means that I get to work less with you.” Hermione said. “You’ve got to do the working at the outside Draco. The best I could do is stay closely with him and make sure that his attention is with me – not with Severus or the case but mainly with me-“
“I can do that.” Draco said taking the parchment Hermione tore apart from the journal and writing some details on it herself. “Keep him occupied and I’ll deal with the rest.”
“Draco, have you found out anything about what the key opens?” Hermione asked suddenly looking up at him.
He looked uncomfortable to answer that.
“No.” Draco admitted.
He had tried so hard but he didn’t want Hermione to know that he had not yet found anything abot it in fear that he might look like he was not working hard enough.
Hermione looked slightly concerned.
“I’m sorry. I’ve tried looking at the manor and even at Gringotts – nothing even in aunt Bella’s accounts gave me any information on what it could possibly open-“
Hermione bit her lip as she tried to think and think hard on what it could possibly open.
“Do you have it?” she asked. “Do you have it right now?”
“Yeah.” Draco said rippling through his robes. “I’ve placed it with my pocket watch so it’s with me at all times.”
“Let me see it again.” Hermione said placing her palm up across the table.
Hermione patiently waited as he shuffled through his robes and pulled it out after a moment.
The key was chained directly at the pocket watch and he handed it to her.
Hermione took a closer look at it.
“Are you sure you’ve never seen it?” he asked her for the nth time.
“No.” Hermione said. “I think I would remember something as beautiful as this one.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty.” Draco sarcastically said staring at it as well. “And it’s prettily giving us a headache too.”
“It’s small but not too small for a door.” Hermione observed as she touched it at every side of it and stared at it.
“And it does not look anything ancient.” Draco pointed out. “I mean, let’s admit it – my family owns artifacts of sorts and it could open one of those things but looking at it- “
“It has a touch of modern abstract over here.” Hermione pointed at the edge of it. “It does look like something modern to me and yet there’s intricacy in it-“
“Like it opens something special or intricate like its design.”
They stared at the key for a longer moment but Hermione really couldn’t remember seeing anything as such at the cottage.
And Draco himself couldn’t remember seeing something or anything at the Malfoy Manor that could possibly be opened by the key in their hands.
But what they were both sure at that very moment was that it was the key in saving Snape’s fate away from Harry’s wrath and the only way that they could save him without Hermione having to sacrifice herself as the unwilling bride to marry the Chosen One.
“Have you heard about their Chosen One?” Bellatrix asked in a lazy tone. “What has become of him after the ambush?”
Narcissa was greeted by her sister’s crazy laughter as she burst in entrance into the manor’s vast dining hall.
A Death Eater’s meeting was to commence soon at the said room the moment the Dark Lord arrives with the rest of the Death Eaters.
“What did you do, Bella?” Narcissa asked in a strange and constricted tone. “What did you do to him?!” she angrily demanded.
“What did I do?” Bellatrix replied in an innocent tone as she put back on the table a silver knife from the pieces of silverware that were being prepared by the elves for the dinner that will be before the meeting.
Narcissa walked to her sister with such anger in her eyes like she had not seen before.
She opened her mouth to answer when the doors opened and Draco entered wearing mournful look over his face.
“They’re here, mother.” Draco simply said staring at the two women in the room. “Father asked if it’s prepared for-“
“Tell your father that I shall call him when the hall is prepared.” Narcissa spat not leaving Bellatrix’s gaze. “I’m talking to your aunt Bella, Draco. Please leave us for a moment.”
Draco stared at the two women and he could sense the tension between them.
Something was amiss for sure because it was the first time that Narcissa seemed beyond angry at her very own sister.
Draco gave Bellatrix a look before leaving the room as if begging her to tell him what’s happening.
The moment Draco was gone Bellatrix yelled for the house-elves to leave the two of them in the room.
The elves quickly disappeared by their magic seeing the rage in Bellatrix’s eyes and the tension in Narcissa’s face.
Something was about to happen that was for sure.
“What did you do?” Narcissa repeated with her hands shaking at her sides.
“I don’t understand what you’re talking about Cissy-“
“What did you do to him!” Narcissa angrily yelled taking a step forward Bellatrix.
She stared at her for a moment as if reading her thoughts and the smile she gave him was beyond insulting that Narcissa charged forward her own sister.
She only halted when Bellatrix had raised her own wand and pointed it at her in defense.
“I said,” Bellatrix whispered in a silky tone. “I do not understand what you are talking-“
“What did you do to Severus!” Narcissa demanded again taking another step forward her own sister.
“Cissy is going to yell at her own sister because of that-“
“I asked you!” Narcissa yelled yet again. “What did you bloody do to him!”
“I didn’t do anything to him!” Bellatrix yelled back at her.
There was pure loathing in Bellatrix’s eyes that angered Narcissa even more.
“I am not like them. I am not an idiot, Bella.” Narcissa breathed out taking her wand out as well. “Tell me what you did to him-“
“Tell you what-“ Bellatrix repeated with a smirk. “Tell you what exactly-“
“You know what exactly I am talking about!” Narcissa angrily said and a jet of spark came out of her wand.
Bellatrix’s eyes widened in surprise.
And then her expression changed into anger at her own sister’s attitude.
“I’m not daft, Bella!” Narcissa said. “Do not underestimate me – I am not like the rest of them – “
“You dare yell at me-“
“I want you to tell me right at this instant what you did to him!” Narcissa’s voice was getting more violent by the moment she spoke and advanced towards Bellatrix.
“You dare defy me and talk to me like I do not matter-“
“I want to know what you did – after everything he has done for this family – after all the-“
“He has done nothing good to this family!” Bellatrix yelled angrily back at her. “He has done-“
“You walk freely into my home because you are in the Dark Lord’s good graces because of him!”
“The Dark Lord has forgiven me because I deserved to be forgiven-“
“I do not care what the Dark Lord has bestowed upon you – I want you to tell me what you did to –“
“I gave him what he deserved!” Bellatrix suddenly yelled at her. “I gave him what he deserves after all the betrayal he has done to our cause!”
Narcissa had heard enough of what she had wanted to hear.
She whipped her wand in a quick motion and before Bellatrix could defend herself she flew right backward and almost hit the wall.
It was halted by another spell casted by Narcissa.
Bellatrix floated a few feet from the ground under Narcissa’s dark spell.
She only laughed at her sister as she struggled against the invisible bond that was around her and was slowly choking her.
The spell was getting stronger as Narcissa’s anger raised.
Bellatrix Lestrange is the Dark Lord’s greatest lieutenant not just for her skills in feistiness or skill sat duel and dark magic but because she was quite agile in combats.
But Bellatrix Lestrange had been long in Azkaban and without practice and a sister who was just as good as she was as match in duels and was extremely angered at the moment, she stood without a chance.
“How dare you do this to me-“ Narcissa whispered. “I have taken you back – I have taken you back from whence it is-“
“My little sister is getting really mad at me because I’ve played my cards right and gave her favourite puppet what he deserves-“
“Tell me what you did to him or you will sorely regret it, Bella.”
Bellatrix only laughed at her.
Her cruel laughter still echoed despite the magic bonds that was choking her.
Narcissa’s fists clenched and it was as if she was literally choking her around the neck as the invisible rope around her neck tightened by the moment.
Air started to constrict and fade from Bellatrix’s throat and she struggled to speak and to keep her eyes wide open.
“Little Cissy is getting mad because I gave her favorite puppet a little something to enjoy!” she laughed out loud, her voice echoing all across the vast dining hall.
Narcissa was shaking in anger and she half thought that she really wanted to kill her own sister at that very moment.
“Take it back, Bella.” Narcissa quietly said. “Take it back or –“
“Or what?” Bellatrix asked her. “Or what, Cissy?”
Her voice changed.
The laughter was gone and it was dark and deep now.
Her eyes also flickered in a way that there was more than hatred in them.
She pointed her wand from her awkward position straight down at Narcissa.
“You’re going to kill me, to defy our family – to defile the name of Black and Malfoy for that filthy Half-Blood-“
“He’s helped us more than you know, Bella. He’s done more than what he is expected of this family-“
“He’s a traitor.” Bellatrix pointed her wand at her sister’s face. “He’s a traitor and he should get what he deserves.”
“Take back whatever you did to him.” Narcissa commanded.
“You think I don’t know?” she cackled at her. “You think I don’t know his little secret – I have no evidence but I know that he is still in their side!” she screamed crazily.
“I know he has her!” Bellatrix screamed at the top of her lungs. “I’ve not seen it with my own eyes but I know – I could tell that he has her and I swear that he’s going to suffer with her!”
“Take it back, Bella-“
“No, Cissy.” Bellatrix softy said. “He will suffer it but I assure you that he will thoroughly enjoy every bit of it-“
“Severus has done nothing to you.” Narcissa quietly said her spell getting stronger because Bellatrix’s eyes were widening and closing back in pain as she struggled to speak to her sister.
“No – on the contrary, he has taken everything from me!” Bellatrix yelled at her. “The highest position that he has – what my husband should have had-“
“Your husband messed up big time that’s why he has not been-“
“And yours?” Bellatrix smiled angrily at her. “Yours has just done the same at the Ministry of Magic, isn’t that right? No Cissy – Severus is the reason why your family has lost its status at the Dark Lord’s graces-“
“Severus has saved our lives many more times than you’ve ever been a sister to me.” Narcissa whispered.
Whatever she might have said was more than enough to truly anger Bellatrix.
She screamed at Narcissa and had tried to avenge herself with a dark spell but nothing happened because whatever Narcissa was doing to her was way stronger than her own magic.
Bellatrix breathed deeply, her eyes focused on her sister and then she suddenly laughed.
Narcissa wasn’t taken aback.
It seemed that she was used to her sister’s sudden changes of mood in a blink of an eye.
“You dare Cissy to care for him when anytime he could betray you just like what he’s done to-“
“He will never betray me.” Narcissa said taking a step forward her sister and ensuring that her spell got stronger by the moment. “I assure you, Bella, that Severus will never betray me.”
Bellatrix gave what sounded like half a growl of anger and laughter at the same time.
“You are willing to hurt, to betray and kill your own sister for the filthy Half-Blood?!”
“I am willing to do whatever it takes to protect my family.”
“He isn’t your family.” Bellatrix spat at her. “He isn’t your family.”
“He has been a family to me more than you and Lucius put together-“
“I assure you that once this war is over, I will have your little puppet’s head delivered on a golden platter-“
“I assure you that before this war is over you will not live to see the end of it- “
“Why you little ungrateful- “
“Give me what I want, Bella.” Narcissa quietly said gripping her neck harder by the moment with her spell. “Give me what I want-“
“What I had done Cissy is irreversible.” Bella quietly said her black eyes glinting in mock.
Fear suddenly passed Narcissa’s face but it had vanished as soon as it had passed.
“What did you do to him?” she quietly asked her.
“What I did to him is what he deserves.” Bellatrix only repeated.
“You take back what you did to him.”
“If he truly serves the Dark Lord he will remain unharmed but if his loyalty lies somewhere as I’ve always expected-“ her smile turned more evil and scary than ever before. “- then it is a punishment he will thoroughly enjoy.”
Bellatrix proudly smiled at her.
Narcissa’s eyes flashed in danger.
She whipped her wand and the spell broke and spell choking her sister vanished.
Bellatrix gasped for a moment in relief but it was just momentary as soon enough, it was Narcissa’s bare hands that clung tightly around her neck.
“Cissy-“ she gasped eyes wide at her sister’s action.
She still hung a few feet from the ground due to the spell but it was already Narcissa’s clawed fingers around her neck that kept her raised in a painful angle.
“Cissy – you’re choking-“ Bellatrix beg eyes wide in fear and pain.
“If something happens to Severus-“
“If something happens to your little Sevvy, what are you doing to do?” she gasped angrily. “Choke me to death, Cissy? You’re going to forget I am your sister-“
“I am willing to forget anyone who gets in my way in protecting my family-“
“He isn’t your family!” Bellatrix angrily screamed at her.
“You’re just as bad as any murderer in this place-“
“I am your sister! You dare to harm your own sister for that foolish-“
“You are the only fool around here-“
““He isn’t your family! My little sister dare hurt her own blood for some filthy Half- “
“Careful, Bella. Remember that your dear Dark Lord does not differ-“
“How dare your mouth say such vile things to the merciful-“
“I will not be merciful Bella if you hurt any of the ones I care about-“
“I am your sister!” Bellatrix yelled wildly at her trying to kick her through the spell but she was just as helpless as when the spell had her by the neck. “I am your family!”
Narcissa’s fingers were deepening around Bellatrix for a full moment that the colour over her face was draining already.
“Severus is family to me!” Narcissa breathed back to her with her eyes glinting at each moment that passed. “I am not going to let anyone harm-“
“I am your family!” Bellatrix wailed at her. “I am your only family Cissy! That man is going to betray you the moment he realizes that he has no use of you any longer!”
“He will never betray me-“
“If we lose in this war he is going to abandon you!” Bellatrix screamed at her struggling against her grip.
“Severus will never abandon me nor Draco-“
“He is a fool! You are a fool, Cissy! I have done you a great favor –“
“You know nothing of a man’s loyalty Bella-“
“He will abandon you!” Bellatrix screamed at her face with her whole body shaking in anger now. “You hear me?! You hear me Cissy – he is going to abandon you the moment that he finds no use of you-“
“Severus is not just any man!” Narcissa deepened her fingers around her neck. “He is like a brother to me and if something happens to him –“
“I am not about to lose another sister because of some stupid man!” Bellatrix fiercely yelled at her as she tried to struggle with her hands to free herself from Narcissa’s lethal claws.
Narcissa was unmoving.
She stood there with her eyes transfixed at her own sister that was slowly choking to death as she held her tightly by the neck.
“I am not about to lose the only man who ever truly cared about me and Draco-“
“And I am not about to lose you the way I lost Andromeda!”
For a moment, Narcissa’s eyes softened at the mention of the sister they had a lost a very long time ago.
A momentary expression of pain passed through her features as she recalled the sister they’ve lost – the sister she missed so much.
Her fingers dug deeper around Bellatrix’s neck.
“I rather you lose me forever Bella than if I ever lose Severus.” Narcissa softly whispered and in Bellatrix’s blurring visions, she could almost swear that she saw a flicker of tear passed through Narcissa’s beautiful eyes.
There came movements and voices and then Narcissa’s spell that hung her above the ground had broken.
Bellatrix dropped on fours on the carpeted dining hall gasping and choking for air.
There was silence as Narcissa stood before her sister with her hand still half raised up in the air.
The double doors opened and she knew that the Dark Lord was to arrive.
She chose to stand straight and remain quiet until she felt Lucius’ arms behind her.
They both stared at Bellatrix who was on the floor gasping like some fish who has been taken out of the waters.
Draco entered the scene and Bellatrix quickly raised her arms for his help.
Draco moved forward and bent down to help Bellatrix but stopped at the last minute.
“Draco.” Narcissa’s very soft voice came.
His name was softly spoken and yet there was that tone in it that made Draco stop in mid-action of helping his aunt.
He looked up at his mother’s face.
She was unmoving and her eyes were unblinking as she stared at her own sister on the floor.
She didn’t say anything else nor did she show any expression towards her own son, but Draco slowly retreated from Bellatrix and walked back behind Narcissa and Lucius.
There was a slow commotion as chairs moved and the rest of the Death Eaters soon arrived and took their places as the Dark Lord Voldemort’s presence was to arrive.
Narcissa and Bellatrix’s eyes met for the last time.
And then Narcissa turned away from her without a word and with eyes straight towards her chair at the dining table.
No words were spoken, but Draco soon followed her mother with Lucius at his wake without turning to help Bellatrix seething and breathless on the floor.
“Come, Draco.” Hermione said as she handed Draco the piece of paper for which she has written the places and time she would be that coming week for the wedding errands that Harry had planned for them.
“I’m going to help you out of this.” Draco said placing his hand over hers.
Hermione’s eyes settled on his hand over hers and she only nodded.
“Come.” Hermione only said. “Professor Lupin will arrive any moment.”
Draco withdrew his hand back from her and watched as she packed her things back.
She couldn’t help but remember the Hermione Granger he knew back from Hogwarts days.
If only he wasn’t such a prick he had realized that she wasn’t bad at all.
She was beautiful and intelligent and far more than caring than anyone else he has ever met.
And she was a Muggle-Born.
If only he wasn’t such a bastard back then.
He would have liked her perhaps more than the fondness he felt towards her right now.
She was still beautiful and brilliant.
What more back then when she was untainted by dreadful circumstances that has forever changed her memory and whole life?
He momentarily wondered what life would have been like if they had been friends way back in their Hogwarts days.
“Are you alright?” she asked him as she took the journal from across the table and started putting the pages back together.
“I’m fine.” Draco said unconsciously reaching out for the Golden Snitch necklace across the table and untangling its lace from his pocket watch and chain of the key.
“I gave this to Harry so he would always have me.” Hermione said with a small smile over her face. “And that felt a very long time ago.”
Draco’s brows creased as he tugged slightly harder to disentangle that laces that latched around one another.
“I know he’s not the boy you fell in love with right now.” Draco slowly said. “But I believe that he may still be reprieved.”
“He can’t be helped if he doesn’t want it.” Hermione said almost more to herself.
Draco looked up at her as she reached forward to help him removed the chains he had been struggling to untangle around one another.
“You mean like when I helped you and you finally wanted to be helped?”
Hermione didn’t say anything but her eyes were so focused and brows narrowing as she struggled too with the chains.
“This is stupid.” Hermione muttered taking Ginny’s wand across the table and pointing over the chains.
“Careful.” Draco said letting go of all the chains and letting her handle the situation. “You don’t want to destroy the good memories that these things gave.”
Hermione rolled her eyes as she pointed the wand over it and muttered something.
“Don’t be ridiculous Draco.” Hermione said shaking her head. “The memories are not almost as gone as Harry is.”
Draco didn’t say anything as they both watched the glow from the wand slowly disengaged the chains of the key, the pocket watch and Hermione’s necklace.
“They’re still memories, ‘Mione.” Draco said as he finally was able to pull his pocket watch first from the object over the table. “Whether you like it or not, they were still existing memories that has happened and which you cannot deny.”
“Yeah, whatever you may mean.” Hermione muttered taking the necklace back from the table and stashing it back inside the journal.
“So when do I see you again?” Draco asked reaching for the key across the table.
“Oh my god.” Hermione said placing her hand tightly over his hand across the table.
Draco stared up at her across the table.
Her other hand was mid-way stashing the necklace inside the journal and her other was over his that was holding the key in mid-action of taking it back from the table.
“What’s wrong?” Draco asked her in alarm.
Her facial features told Draco that her brain was working very hard and fast right at that very moment.
“It’s brilliant.” Hermione said. “Why have we not thought about it?” she asked him.
“What?” Draco asked as Hermione quickly pulled the key from under his hand.
“Memories. That’s it. Draco, it’s brilliant.” Hermione muttered breathlessly. “You’re brilliant.”
“Wait, what’s going on?” Draco asked as she pulled the necklace out from the journal again and moved it across the table.
“Draco.” Hermione breathlessly said her eyes widening. “That’s it. That’s what it could open?”
“Could what?” Draco asked still perplexed.
She moved the key and the necklace over the table with the journal.
It took a moment for Draco to realized what she was trying to say as she was also too excited and to voice out her thoughts in one sentence.
“Fuck.” Draco loudly said eyes widening.
They both moved closer the table, hunched together in the thoughts and possibilities.
“That’s it, isn’t it?” Hermione asked as her and Draco’s hearts raced.
“It couldn’t – but it makes sense-“ Draco muttered.
“It’s too small to open any door.” Hermione said as they both held the key over the table.
“And it doesn’t open any vault at Gringotts.” Draco muttered as his eyes travelled across the chain and design of the key.
“Because it doesn’t open any door nor any vault Draco-“
“It opens something else-“ Draco said his brain working very hard. “It opens something that what the design tells us – something intricate and yet modern-“
“And small.” Hermione added as she raised the key a little over their faces so Draco could clearly see its size.
He held it closely in his hand and it was as if some lightning bolt had struck the two of them.
They looked at one another with their eyes meeting in an understanding.
Then they both looked down over the journal that was just above the necklace over the table.
“But could it be?” Hermione asked him with worry. “But what is it? A book? A secret place to keep-“
“A secret place to keep memories.” Draco answered her.
Draco’s eyes kept running around the key as if trying his best to recall if he had indeed seen it in his life.
“A diary?” Hermione asked him as she stared closely at the key trying.
Draco’s eyes suddenly lit and it was as if his heart stopped beating for a moment.
“This key was found at the cottage.” Hermione slowly said. “If this key was found there –“
“Then whatever it opens shouldn’t be there. Fuck. Why didn’t I see that!” Draco said quickly standing up from the table and grabbing the key from Hermione.
“What is it?” she asked as she quickly stashed all her other things back inside the bag. “Where is it?”
“Fuck. Fuck. So stupid.” Draco kept repeating as he helped Hermione with her things and out of her chair.
“Draco, wait-“ Hermione said as took her by the hand and pulled her out of the table.
“What’s going on?” she asked as he started dragging her out from the café.
They held one another’s hands as they walked at the other direction to the other door and exit of the café that would lead straight to Diagon Alley instead.
“Do you know where it is?” Hermione asked gasping for breath as they made fast paces. “Do you know what it is-“
“My mother’s diary.” Draco said as his brain tried to work double time trying to envision parts of the manor that he hasn’t double check for the journal.
“Your mother’s diary?” Hermione repeated aghast at what he said. “But why would the key be at the cottage?”
“Because she always had the intent from the beginning for it to be found.” Draco muttered wanting to curse her mother at that very moment.
“Then why isn’t the diary at the cottage?” Hermione asked perplexed. “Why isn’t the diary back there?”
“Because she wants it found at the right time only.” Draco said unable to explain himself to her.
Hermione looked even more bewildered but he didn’t have the time at the moment to explain her mother and her way of thinking.
But he knows her – he knew her beyond anyone else.
Narcissa was truly beyond brilliant.
Always thinking way ahead of the game.
Always a step ahead of everyone else.
“So do you know where it is?” Hermione asked him as they reached the door of the café.
“I hope it is still where I think it is.” Draco said as they walked down an alley.
He turned to her, breathless and almost shaking.
“Draco?” Hermione asked concerned.
Draco placed both his hands on either side of her arm.
“I’ll find it.” Draco promised her. “I’ll find it before you get married. I’ll keep you safe. I promise you that I’ll protect you.”
There was a glimmer in her eyes as if it was the first time that someone has told her those words.
She suddenly placed her arms around him and embraced him tightly.
Draco stood transfixed on the spot.
“Be careful.” Hermione said. “Just be careful, Draco. I know you’re trying very hard to help me and help Severus but I don’t want you hurt-“
“I won’t be hurt. I’ll just find the diary and things will be better-“
“Your mother kept it for a reason, Draco.” Hermione said letting him go and looking up at him. “And it has a key for a reason. Whatever may be inside that journal could be more than what we need-“
“I’ll find it. What’s important is that I help you and Severus out of this-“
“We both know Severus can’t be helped.” Hermione suddenly said. “What we’re doing is more than futile. We’re taking on chances and sometimes chances are not things we can really depend on.”
Draco stared up at her.
It was one of those moments when he felt that he was talking to the Hermione Granger that he has known in their Hogwarts years and not the Hermione Granger that had been abducted.
She was making sense.
And when she made sense, there was life and pain in her eyes that he didn’t want to see.
“I’ll fix this.” Draco said holding her hands closely. “I’ll figure things out. We’ll sort this out together.”
“Together.” Hermione agreed and she embraced him again and very tightly this time.
Draco closed his eyes and reveled at the feeling of her arms around him.
It was as if someone was really scared to lose him.
Someone didn’t want him to go out there and risk his life for something trivial.
Someone truly cared about him that the embrace felt like he neither wanted to let it go.
“Go.” Hermione said breaking their contact. “The half an hour is almost over. Professor Lupin and the others will be here.”
Draco nodded and he looked down at her.
They just stared at one another for a split moment as if wanting to say something else, as if wanting to do something else.
But Draco quickly moved himself a little away from her.
“Don’t let anyone else know about this for now.” Draco said as he took out his wand and ready to Disapparate.
“I won’t.” Hermione nodded at him as he took steps backward from her. “Be careful, Draco.”
“I will.” Draco said with a smirk.
“I don’t want to lose my ferret friend, Malfoy.” Hermione said in an almost tearful smile.
Draco smirked at her.
“You’re such a Know-It-All, Granger.”
And with a whip and whisper of a wind, Draco had Disapparated and vanished right before her eyes with that same glimmer and cocky Slytherin smirk in his face.
Hermione didn’t know why but for a moment his mischievous grin made her think for a moment what life would have been like for them if they had been friends in their Hogwarts days.
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