Pansy's Volcano | By : Bluemidget57 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Draco/Hermione Views: 206858 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I know I have been AWOL for over two months now. I don’t want to bore you with lame excuses; if you care to know what has taken so long, lame excuses are at the bottom. Otherwise feel free to abuse me as you wish!! Sorry again.
Not mine; never will be.
Hermione had never been so glad to be a witch as she was on December 31st that year when she could finally Apparate away from her parents house and into a designated area at the bottom of the garden of 12 Grimmauld Place.
Needless to say, the remaining five days of her holiday had been somewhat uncomfortable, given the incident her mother had witnessed on Christmas night. Although technically, it had been nothing more than a (very) intense snogging session, to hear Mrs Granger tell it, you would think that she and Draco had literally stripped naked and copulated in the middle of the living room floor in front of all the guests.
Margaret Granger was blessed with a memory to rival her daughter’s, and it hadn’t taken her long to associate the shared Head Boy and Girl living quarters with extended opportunities to play around during school time. It had taken all of Hermione’s skill and tact to talk her parents out of lodging a complaint with Professor Dumbledore, and demanding her return to the Gryffindor girls dormitories. For the first time since learning that she was a witch, Hermione had been tempted to cast a spell on her own parents. A small Obliviate would have solved all her problems, along with the worry that Mr and Mrs Granger might reconsider their decision to contact the Headmaster after she had returned to school, and was unavailable to deter them.
The week had been filled with comments along the lines of, ‘We’re hurt that you didn’t tell us you were in a serious relationship,’ and ‘Surely you can trust your own parents not to spread gossip,’ (in response to Hermione’s stated fear of Ron and Harry finding out via the senior Weasleys). ‘How could this have happened with him of all people,’ followed by, ‘are you sure he’s really changed, that he really cares about you?’ and of course the inevitable, ‘have you been taking proper precautions to avoid disease and unwanted pregnancy?’
Richard and Margaret Granger had never before treated their shocked daughter as they did for the remainder of her holiday, and she was chastened by the experience. However, when she complained to Julia, her friend simply rolled her eyes and welcomed her to the Twentieth Century, where the average teenager lived in a constant state of conflict with their parents over some life choice or another - whilst at the same time chastising her for being so foolish as to get caught. ‘Honestly, you would think with all the sneaking around you’ve been doing to avoid Ron and Harry finding out, that you would have learnt to be a bit more careful!’ Julia had said unsympathetically but truthfully.
Hermione supposed that boarding school life had cushioned her from the rules and regulations which most of her Muggle contemporaries were expected to conform to. Even Julia, as a weekly boarder, was more in touch with the average teenager’s lifestyle. It had just been such a shock for her for her parents to ignore the particular circumstances which set her apart from everyone else they knew, and treat her like a normal teenager, when they had always taken such pains to celebrate her uniqueness before. Apparently some things were not exempt - catching your daughter pinned up against a shed wall by a boy she professed to hate, with his tongue down her throat and his hand up her skirt - being one of them.
It would be untrue to say that Hermione was unaccustomed to the implementation of rules and regulations in any way at all. Indeed, to keep control in a castle full of hormonal teenagers with the capacity to perform magic, was a nightmare of logistics in its basest form; but in her three year service as a prefect, Hermione had become rather more accustomed to enforcing the rules herself than having them imposed upon her.
Consequently, even the prospect of spending the next forty eight hours in an enclosed space with Ron and his family didn’t seem as daunting as it had done at the beginning of the break.
Tonks was waiting for Hermione at the agreed time; due to heightened security measures, a three minute window had been arranged to allow Hermione to Apparate on to the premises. As soon as she materialized in front of Tonks, the older girl commenced the incantations to restore the wards which had been lowered. Tonks was really quite skilled and efficient with foolish wand waving - it was only when she was required to move that her unfortunate problem with co-ordination became apparent.
Hermione stood aside as Tonks finished her work and then the two girls started down the garden path towards the back door of no. 12. The building looked oddly insubstantial shimmering as it did between no. 11 and no. 13 on either side. Hermione was nonetheless inexplicably relieved to see its incandescent bulk. It meant that Hogwarts itself was only hours away.
‘Let me help you with these,’ Tonks trilled gaily, reaching out for one of Hermione’s bags which she had enlarged whilst Tonks did her security work. Hermione reluctantly relinquished a small case loaded with text books to the pink-haired girl as she tried to tug it from Hermione’s grip, but the unexpected weight of it sent Tonks toppling backwards as she had put far too much energy in trying to take it from Hermione and now found herself overbalancing from her momentum. ‘Whoa, Hermione, what have you got in here? Bricks or something?’ Tonks asked as she righted herself.
‘No, it’s my fault, Tonks,’ Hermione said. ‘I shouldn’t have enlarged them until we were inside.’ Normally she wouldn’t have been as inconsiderate; obviously stress was manifesting itself in a disturbing lack of forethought.
The inside of no.12 was still decorated for Christmas; even the portrait of Sirius’ mother had a garland of red and green tinsel draped around the frame, which looped right across the middle of the painting and was festooned bang in the centre with a large sprig of mistletoe. When Hermione expressed her astonishment that Mrs Black was not currently screaming the place down in protest, Tonks sniggered and informed her that the old matriarch had spent the first days complaining and trying to see around the obstruction, but bad knees and pureblood dignity had prohibited her from squatting on the ground to see underneath the garland, and there was nothing in her picture which she could use to stand upon and see above the tinsel.
Tonks gleefully went on to inform Hermione that in a stroke of pure genius, Ron had hung the mistletoe in the middle of the loop and informed the screeching Mrs Black that it was infested with Nargles which were particularly fond of feeding on linseed oil. Mrs Black had suddenly beaten a strategic retreat to a smaller portrait of herself in one of the third floor rooms, which luckily remained unused at the current time.
Molly did not give Hermione her usual effusive welcome, but she had expected no less, given her break-off of the relationship with Ron. However, Mrs Weasley was not actually as cold as Hermione had expected, and when they were finally alone some hours later, getting ready for the New Year’s Eve party, Ginny confided that Luna and her father had spent a couple of days at headquarters as Mr Lovegood had recently been inducted into the Order. Apparently, Luna had made it known to Molly that she was intending to take full advantage of Hermione’s foolishness in letting go of Ron,
Ginny wasn’t sure that her mother had given up entirely on Hermione as a daughter in law; she had overheard some alarming muttering to the effect of her possibly being a steadying influence on Fred or George, if Luna was quite determined not to give Ron back.
This news was understandably quite alarming to Hermione, who found herself actually at a loss for words at the very idea. She was finally drawn out of her shock by Ginny’s inquiring in a whisper whether she had seen him over the holiday, and Hermione’s alarm at the prospect of being thrown in Molly’s not-so-subtle manner at either of the twins, was replaced by the very real fear that her parents would contact the school regarding their ‘unbecoming conduct’.
She hurriedly recounted the sorry tale to her friend, hoping for an unbiased opinion on whether shit was about to hit the fan.
Ginny had no earth shattering insight to offer, however. She asked if Draco knew they had been caught, and Hermione shook her head gloomily. ‘No - we still had a houseful of guests, and they didn‘t tackle me about it until the next day - he was leaving first thing in the morning to spend the rest of the week in Greece with his Mum,’ she said. ‘I wouldn’t dare try and contact him there - even if I had known where there was. It’s my own fault - I should have known she’d still be watching. Mum’s always had this thing about Apparating, you know - she’s a child of the Star Trek generation.’
‘A who - what?’ Ginny asked, baffled, but Hermione just shook her head and sighed.
‘I even met Tony Goldstein for coffee again,’ she confided unhappily. ‘I thought it might make her ease up a bit if she thought I was casually dating other people, too. Of course, it only made it worse because then they accused me of letting Draco go too far when we weren’t even committed to each other. God knows what they’d say if they knew we hadn’t slept one night apart since we first - you know - up until the holiday started.’
Apparently this was news to Ginny also, for she gasped and promptly choked on a mouthful of chocolate cashews she had been chewing as she listened to Hermione’s tale.
‘Mione! Isn’t that a bit reckless?’ she muttered. ‘There’s a whole bunch of portraits in the Head’s common rooms. Percy was always sending them off to make his pompous reports to Dumbledore. Don’t you think they went running off with that juicy bit of gossip the minute it happened?’
‘No - Draco’s put binding charms on all the pictures in the whole suite. I think he did it the first day we got back in September. I was still trying to come to terms with the thought of spending the whole year living next door to the Ferret, but he was roaming around the rooms muttering something under his breath, so I really think they’ve been out of commission all term. If Dumbledore had objected I’m sure he’d have said something that first week, instead of letting it go.’
Ginny seemed reluctant to believe that, but on reflection she didn’t remember Bill mentioning that he had been caught out when he had entertained various lady friends in his rooms, and Bill had certainly been the witches’ favourite when he had been Head Boy at Hogwarts! She chose to pursue another avenue of inquiry. ‘You said you had coffee with Tony again? When did you ever have coffee with him the first time?’
Hermione shook her head and put her face into her hands. ‘He’s owled me nearly every other day this holiday,’ she muttered. ‘I ran into him in Diagon Alley when I went to owl Draco’s present to him, and he practically dragged me into Brenda’s Bakery for tea and scones. Then I thought it might be a plan to meet him again, because he was there, you know - on the platform at Kings Cross, and introduced himself to my Mum and Dad, and it seemed like a good idea at the time to throw my folks off the scent, so I replied to one of his owls and we went ice skating and had drinks again.’
‘But of course, it was a really bad idea,’ Ginny sighed knowingly. ’Because now he thinks he’s in with a chance, and you just know that he’s going to bring it up right in front of Malfoy the minute we get back -’
‘What?’ Hermione yelped in alarm. She had been too busy chastising herself for appearing even more wanton in front of her parents. The fact that Anthony might take it as more than a hot beverage between acquaintances had barely crossed her mind; and given the fact that Draco was already sufficiently paranoid about the Ravenclaw boy, it probably should have occurred without Ginny having to bring the idea up. ’Oh my God,’ she moaned, throwing herself onto the bed face first. ‘Could this get any worse?’
‘Without doubt!’ Ginny replied repressively. ‘It’s a well known fact that often things can’t get any better - but they can always get worse. So pick up and let’s make the best of tonight. It is a party after all - we can strategise tomorrow. At least Luna will be here so you won’t have Ron to worry about. Could you have imagined last summer that by the New Year you would be in the middle of a love square?’
‘Oh, don’t,’ Hermione moaned sickly.
Draco sat at a round iron table set right beside the whitewashed walls of the terrace of Rosario’s villa, pots of pink, red and white geraniums decorated the corners of the patio, and behind him, an ancient gnarled olive tree grew up through a crack in the ground. It wasn’t the correct season for most of these plants, but Rosario, a keen gardener, had charmed the area to a constant 73 degrees, and they continued to flourish.
Draco nursed a glass of ouzo in one hand and stared unappreciatively at the spectacular view down over the ancient Port of Piraeus. The villa had been in Rosario’s family for centuries, and had it not been under some particularly cunning and ancient distraction charms, no doubt the Muggle property developers would have been flocking to the doors for decades past, trying to purchase the land for some new and ugly resort development. As it was, most tourists were struck by an overwhelming need to visit one or other of the famous parks and museums in the surrounding area whenever they came too close to the high white walls surrounding the villa and its gardens. Narcissa had often told Draco that this place was as near to Heaven as you could get and not be dead.
Draco didn’t agree. It was New Year’s Eve, and he had spent the last week in just such a manner as this; bored, restless and under pursuit.
In the sparkling Mediterranean below him, he could see the sails of the Muggle yachts bobbing in the gentle afternoon breeze, the ocean waters reflecting the brilliant azure blue of the cloudless sky overhead, yet the scenery held no appeal for him. He was sitting literally in the middle of a picture postcard, and he hated it.
He had spent most of the week hiding out here, with his school text books spread across the cramped table top, trying to ignore the Henstridge girls and pretending to Narcissa that he was behind in some classes because of the pressure of his Head duties, and absolutely had to take this time to catch up. Narcissa had not protested his anti-social behavior too strenuously, because after all, he was here, even if he wasn’t being the best company for the girls.
Narcissa was aware that her son had changed dramatically since his father had been incarcerated, but it had not been until this week - seeing him clearly for the first time, away from the comfort of familiar surroundings and companions, that she finally began to realise just how different this thoughtful young man was from the somewhat shallow, spiteful little boy she had sent away to school seven years ago. She stood in the gateway, watching him stare out to sea and smiled with the contentment of a choice well made. If she had not stood up against Lucius when he wanted to send their son away to Durmstrang, she doubted that she would be in this position today, admiring the man that the boy had grown into. Despite all her husband’s protestations against Dumbledore’s policies, methods and staffing practices, she knew that only a school such as Hogwarts under the leadership of a wizard such as Albus Dumbledore, could have saved her son from repeating his father’s mistakes.
Narcissa had spent quite a lot of the past week surreptitiously watching her son from behind half-open doors, from upstairs windows, simply from the other end of the dining table. She knew he was troubling over something, and at first she had attributed his distant demeanour to the dementor presence at Azkaban. Her boy had always been a sensitive soul, despite all Lucius attempts to toughen him up, and those creatures preyed heavily on his mind. She had been sure he would perk up after a day in the Mediterranean sun, but instead of cheering, each successive day seemed to suck some more joy from her boy, until he only ghosted a smile out of politeness and made no effort to instigate conversation - giving only the barest minimum of a reply to avoid rudeness in response to when someone addressed him.
This morning, less than an hour after breakfast, Narcissa had come silently upon Natalie’s two daughters, Prudence and Clemencia as they huddled together in the hallway of the villa, whispering about Draco. The conversation had certainly opened Narcissa’s eyes to the scandalous behaviour of the current generation of witches, and as the two girls flounced away with the plan of shopping in Muggle Athens, Narcissa had leant back against the wall quivering with shock and outrage.
She had debated with herself for several minutes over whether to march straight off and find Natalie to report what she had learnt, but after allowing her pulse to settle down, she decided that Draco’s response to their advances had been a far more effective chastisement than anything their parents could probably devise, coming as it did from one of their peer group, whose opinion they definitely seemed to have valued prior to the incident that had occurred.
It would be difficult to say what had shocked Narcissa the most about the overheard conversation; that two young witches of seventeen and fifteen should actually proposition her son for a threesome, or the fact that Draco, obviously a healthy and - Narcissa had believed up until that moment - sexually active young man, should turn them down without even a pause for thought. Oh, she would indeed have been horrified if he had accepted such an offer - from the offspring of one of Narcissa’s closest friends - (girls she had honestly believed until this morning, to have been brought up properly in the sheltered, chaste manner she would have employed had she been blessed with a daughter of her own) - whilst a guest under someone else’s roof.
But according to the girls’ irritably whispered complaints, Draco had shown not even a flicker of interest; indeed, as Clemencia complained sulkily, he hadn’t even looked up from whatever text book he had been studying, whilst he informed them flatly that he didn’t want them individually, collectively, naked, covered in chocolate sauce, or in any other way that they could possibly conceive of to offer themselves to him. His dismissal of their charms had prompted the conclusion on both girl’s parts that he must therefore be interested in boys - because after all, what real man could possibly spurn the advances of two such as they?
It was the shock of this eavesdropping that had brought Narcissa to the terrace gate at his particular moment in time. She set absolutely no store by the Henstridge girls conclusion that Draco must be gay; the experience of her greater years drew a totally different conclusion - that instead her son had found someone he preferred to stay faithful to. Some one who he was probably missing a great deal, which would also account for his moping around the villa all week.
Narcissa watched for a few moments as Draco stared moodily out to sea, not the slightest recognition of the vista spread before him reflecting on his features. As she watched him, he let out a heavy sigh and dropped his head to rest in his hands, turning away from the view.
‘Two more nights’ he muttered. ‘Only two.’ In reality, Draco was exhausted; he had spent the week trying to work on the animagus text because it was very complex transfiguration, and he need something challenging to stop himself thinking about Hermione every spare moment. It had only been partially successful, as he kept getting flashes of her as she had looked in his room on Christmas Day, on her knees before him, his cock down her throat. Or later that night after she had Portkeyed back to the Manor, spread out on his bed when she had nervously let him tie her to the bedposts and have his way with her until dawn had come upon them, and she had to return.
Draco found himself getting hard at the most inappropriate moments, just from some stray image which had popped into his head. He rather thought that this might have been what prompted the shocking offer from the Henstridge girls this morning. He had been unsure at the time it happened whether or not they had caught him in a moment of extreme weakness the previous evening when the strains of their song had drifted up from one of the tavernas further down the hill below the villa and Draco, unable to stand the instantaneous and overwhelming arousal, had given in to the need to touch himself as he recalled the moment that evening when he put his Christmas gift on his charmed cd player, and brought himself and Hermione to a shuddering climax with the music playing in the background.
Of course, the girls’ giggling from the other side of the patio had brought him back to his senses before he actually got any further than fisting himself through the fabric of his robes, but the thrust of his erection had been unmistakable as he strode off the patio and back to his rooms, and their lewd offer just now left him in no doubt that they had caught the whole show.
It didn’t help either when as he lay in his darkened room at night, relieving the ache as best he could by himself, that he kept wondering whether Hermione was touching herself too, now that they had overcome that particular inhibition together. He found the thought of Hermione inexpertly experimenting with her own body and how to touch it, was the one image that would send him into an earth shattering climax time and time again. Merlin, he could barely wait for this interminable week to be over so that he could get back to school and have his witch beside him again.
He thought lustfully that the very first thing he would do the minute they stepped into their study was vanish all her clothes and make her masturbate for him while he jerked off all over her fingers and her swollen pink pussy. That was, of course, if he could last the length of the train journey without taking her up against the wall in the prefects compartment a dozen times before they arrived.
And bugger it all if he wasn’t fucking hard again! He groaned and sank his head into his hands; his cock was getting sore from all the bloody wanking he had done this week. His hand was a poor substitute for the slick inferno of Hermione’s body, but at least it was almost over. One more night here, and back home tomorrow, into his own bed which would still retain the lingering scents of their night together, because he had made sure to tell Dipti to leave the sheets alone the morning before he joined his mother.
Narcissa watched as he son fidgeted on the hard iron patio chair, obviously trying to get comfortable. She resolved to cheer him up for their last remaining day. Rosario had planned to take everyone into the Wizarding Quarter of Athens to see the New Year’s firework display, and she sincerely wanted Draco to take some enjoyment home with him out of this short break from a world on the brink of war.
‘Draco,’ she called from the gateway, and was surprised at how quickly his head jerked up and he straightened himself at the table. If she had been paranoid, she might have thought he looked guilty.
‘Hello, Mother,’ he replied turning to her with a small smile on his face. ‘What do you have panned for today? Are you going shopping with Mrs H again?’
‘No, I don’t think so. Natalie is taking her daughters out to see Muggle Athens, and I have seen quite enough of those young ladies for one week,’ she watched keenly as Draco tried not to twist his face into a grimace, striving instead to look mildly disinterested. Her boy definitely did not like those girls. She reached out and patted the back of his hand. ‘Draco, I certainly wasn’t trying to force you to chose one of Natalie’s girls. I just thought it might be nice to have some other young people around. You can’t help who you are attracted to, and if neither of those girls appeals to you, then that’s just how it is.’
Draco cracked a genuine smile now, ‘Well, that’s a good thing then,’ he muttered, ‘because I really think I blew my chances with them but good last night. I had to be quite - firm - with them. I don’t honestly think they’ll want anything to do with me now!’
‘I just want you to be happy, darling,’ Narcissa said. ‘Your father does, too. But sometimes he forgets that not everyone is as lucky as we were. Our parents wanted our match, but we did too. He doesn’t want to push you towards someone you can’t love, but it doesn’t always occur to him that not everybody can be as happy with their parent’s choices as he and I. Some of my friends at school had their husbands chosen for them, and they -’ Narcissa shuddered, distressed even now to think of what unfortunate circumstances had befallen the girls she spent her child hood with. ‘Well, suffice to say, it all ended very nastily. Your father thinks the Parkinson girl would be a suitable match, and as you know, I disagree strongly. This is not about her mother or any history Imelda and I have had; I just don’t think she’s the kind of girl who would make you happy - but your father has mentioned many times in support of his choice, that he thinks you have a partiality for Pansy already, and that you could easily come to love her. He only started planning this after you took her to the Yule Ball in 4th year -’
‘But Mum, there’s been a dozen other dances at school since then, and I’ve never gone with her to single one!’ Draco protested, horrified.
‘I know dear, but that one was so public - you know, with all the other schools in attendance, officials from the Ministry at Hogwarts, and that Skeeter woman all over the place writing her invective about Potter. Everything else has just been internal - in his defense, he does think you genuinely care for the girl -’
Draco growled. ‘I despise her,’ he muttered viciously. ‘She’s manipulative, jealous, obsessive, psychotic and dangerous! Not to mention nosey and insane, and on top of that she’s as about as intelligent as a mountain troll and has the personality of a constipated Doxy. What on earth could make father think I might have taken a fancy to her?’
Ah, Narcissa thought. ‘So who is it then?’ She asked quickly.
‘Who is what?’ Draco demanded, still quite fired up due to his denouncement of Pansy’s faults.
‘The girl you have taken a fancy to,’ his mother replied patiently. ‘It’s quite obvious that there is a girl. To me at least; you’ve been brooding around all week like a love-sick swain, staring off into space and sighing a lot. It’s got to be a girl.’
‘No it doesn’t,’ Draco muttered petulantly, quite concerned that his mother had read him so easily. Any minute now she’d be asking for names, and family trees back seven generations. ‘I might be dreaming about a new broom, for all you know. One that will finally let me beat Potter this year. And I don’t brood,’ he finished forcefully.
‘Of course not, dear,’ his mother said, squeezing his hand. ‘So that means you aren’t going to tell me who it is then? Is that because she’s terribly unsuitable and you know Daddy would have a coronary?’
‘Mother!’ Draco roared, ‘I’m not going to have this conversation with you now. I’m still at school! I have exams in less than six months - don’t you think it’s a bit soon to be planning out the rest of my life? There’s going to be a war, you know, and -’
Whatever else he had been intending to say was halted by the sudden arrival of a tired looking owl which flew in to land on the wrought iron table beside Draco’s transfiguration text book. Mother and son looked at each other in alarm as they simultaneously noticed it bore the purple jesses which denoted it as a Ministry of Magic messenger.
Narcissa reached out and took the scroll which the owl offered, and unrolled it, quickly skimming across the lines of writing. Her pale features flushed with colour and she held the parchment out for Draco to read. It was short and concise;
The Ministry of Magic
For Great Britain and Ireland
Requires your attendance at a full Council of the Wizengamot for the purpose of hearing a Parole request relating to one Lucius Malfoy
January 2nd, 9.00 am sharp
Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic.
Narcissa was wringing her hands together as Draco looked up from the letter; he rather felt like doing the same. He was happy for his mother that it seemed an end was in sight to her separation and loneliness, but couldn’t help thinking this could not have come at a worse time for him. With his father released, how much more dangerous would his relationship with Hermione become?
‘Oh, Draco, you must come with me,’ his mother pleaded. ‘Professor Dumbledore will understand if you miss the beginning of school. In fact, you may be able to return with him after the hearing - he is bound to be there, he still sits on the Council. It might make a good impression on your father’s behalf if you are seen to be on good terms with the Headmaster….’
Draco blocked out his mother’s excited planning. The parchment crumpled up in his hands as his mind struggled to cope with all the negative implications of his father’s release. This was bad…it was very bad indeed.
Well, an explanation? Do I have one? Nothing justifiable really. I posted the last chapter just before taking my girls home to see their Grandma, and after that things just got very busy. I finally joined the multitude of people who read the DaVinci Code whilst I was away. I must admit I had avoided it because I really didn’t think any book could be that good. Well - silly me. It was all that and better!! So then I obviously had to go out and read everything else Dan Brown has ever written. I recall when the original Star Wars movie came out, I did exactly the same thing - avoided going to see it because of all they hype. I was wrong about that, too. That obviously took a large chunk of writing time.
Then after that I decided to redo the kitchen (yes, I’ve done a lot of decorating this year. My kids are sick of it) I am getting Home Depot to install new countertops later this month, but I decided to strip and stain all the cabinets beforehand, and I wanted to take it slowly in case I fucked up, because it would have been really expensive to fix if I make a mess of it, and I think in the end I did OK.
I have been afraid to read reviews for the past month because I am sure they were all dire threats of death and dismemberment. Anyway, I am back in the world of the writing again. Happy New Year to all of you, and thanks for sticking with me!!
The reference to Nargles is in admiration of Pixezombie’s phenomenal Adamo Fidelitas. I am not sure if it is her own creation or whereabouts it is in canon. I couldn’t find it in the HP Lexicon, or during a quick check through of the books. I hope she will update one day soon. I would never have started this story if not for A F.
Finally, I wanted to get this up as quickly as possible after such an appalling wait, so it is not nit-picked as thoroughly as usual. Please forgive any stupid typos.
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