There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58487 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
See first chapter for disclaimers/warnings/summaries.
RECAP: Arthur, Percy, Ron, Fred, George, Bill and Fleur are in the unplottable Weasley manor, under Arthur's father, Septimus' protection, who has offered to help them with removing the seals on the Weasley children. Septimus calls in Regulus Black-a botched Torvak hybird and his Dragel wife, Jun. JUN handles Bill's inheritance first and grants him a wolf's true abilities as he is too old to inherit any of his parents creature sides. When Theo seeks out Severus to ask him about Umbridge, Harry wakes up to discover his dominant is missing...
Theo was halfway out of the kitchen when Charlie came down the hallway with an armful of Harry. Terius hissed something from in the kitchen to which Severus replied with a muttered mumble.
"Harry!" Theo backed into the kitchen, allowing Charlie in before he extended his arms to take Harry, himself. "What's wrong, what's-?" He immediately bent his head to nuzzle the bared marks on Harry's shoulder.
A tiny sigh of relief left the brunet's lips as he breathed easier for a moment, his eyes still squeezed shut. "Theo?"
"Shh. What happened?" Theo looked to Charlie. He cuddled Harry close, relieved when the calming he'd sent through the bond, rendered Harry perfectly limp. He then shifted his smaller mate into a more comfortable position. "I felt a surge and—ow." Theo winced. He hadn't been expecting the bite. He tipped his neck sideways, just enough to allow better access. "A little more warning next time, my little treasure." He began to rub Harry's back, stopping in mid-rub with a frown.
Harry was practically shivering.
"Harry?" The young Alpha looked from Harry's nightclothes to his own self, clad in a thick, rich dressing gown.
"He woke up and said he wanted you." Charlie sighed. He handed over the missing dressing robe he'd snatched on the way out. With a flick of his wand, it went from his hand to properly secured around Harry. "The bandages were hot a moment ago too, you don't suppose there's something that he forgot to mention, do you? He was tired, but I don't think that he would've forgotten-"
"Bandages?" Terius stood at the opposite end of the table, his hands on Severus' shoulders being the only obvious reason the Potions Master was still in the room. "For what?"
"His magic is returning." Theo explained. "I don't think he forgot to mention anything, at least, not that I can remember." A touch of relief tingled through him when he heard Harry make a soft cooing sound. It brought a smile to his tired face. "That's nice, Harry." He murmured. A second later, Theo stifled a yawn. It had been a long day and it had been draining in more ways than one, simply because his rank and position afforded him a few more perks than his mates, did not mean he had to abuse them.
Charlie perked a brow.
"He says he feels the magic coming back. It's like an old friend."
Charlie grinned. He could certainly understand that and he could not wait for their bond to reach the level where it was with Theo. He wished he could understand the sounds and hums that Harry seemed to subconsciously indulge in. "The pain?" He questioned. "I didn't see what happened. I fell asleep and then I heard him—squeak." The word was said with a grimace. It had been a sound very unlike that which the redhead had ever heard come out of Harry and that had partially fueled him beyond instinct to rush to Harry's side.
"Pain?" Theo's golden eyes snapped upward. His frown returned. "I can't feel any backlash of pain anywhere beyond that bloody headache that wouldn't go away until the-" he frowned, understanding dawning. "Harry, are you blocking me?"
A hummed murmur was the answer.
"Harry, love…treasure. Please think about it, are you blocking me? Are you still in pain? I can't feel you."
Harry shifted uneasily in Theo's lap and after a moment, gave a muted hum in answer. He did not disengage from the neck and his currently very satisfying blood source.
"Can you feel him, Charlie?" Theo turned inquisitive golden eyes towards his Beta. That would be even odder.
Charlie shrugged. "I'm not sure. Everything's really jumbled at the moment."
"Concentrate?" Theo suggested. He worked to phrase it as a suggestion and not a command. He was really far more tired than he'd realized.
After a moment, his Beta shook his head. "I can't." He said. Regret colored his tone and his brow creased with worry. "I just feel—confusion."
"Ah." Theo acknowledged. That was probably as accurate as it could be. He certainly felt confused and if Harry was actively paying attention, then it was doubtless that he felt the same as well. "Never mind then. I suppose we'll have to ask Quinn again." He shifted Harry in his lap. His sub was still too thin and small for his own liking.
Harry lifted his head, disengaging his fangs long enough to thunk his head against Theo's cheek. Then he licked the puncture wounds carefully, before selecting another spot and biting down again—harder than before.
Theo winced. "You are a biter." He mumbled. One hand traveled upwards to nest in Harry's dark hair. "Drink slowly." He reprimanded. "And bite after you lick."
Harry hummed again, his body growing decidedly slack.
Charlie frowned. "Isn't there any way to tell if he's-"
"If he is in pain, I would wager he isn't anymore." Theo interrupted.
"He might not know it." Terius suggested. "When we were in the infirmary that time with Madam Pomfrey, he still had a magical signature—very dimmed, but there—and he was blocking. Subconsciously, I believe, because nothing prompted him otherwise." He released one grip on Severus' shoulder and patted the dark wizard's head. "I'll find some sugar in the kitchen."
"Sugar?" Charlie grimaced. "Perhaps some tea?" He rose from the chair.
"The sugar helps like blood." Theo explained, quietly. "Like the pudding, remember?"
Charlie blushed. He remembered far more than just pudding…
Theo gave him a half-smile. "I would take a spot of tea with my sugar."
The redhead disappeared into the kitchen, his ears as red as his hair.
Severus glowered at the pair of brunets across the table.
Theo met his gaze, steadily.
The Potions Master really did not want to deal with this now. It was headache enough that Theo had somehow figured out that he was not always the fearsome dark angel that his Slytherins thought him to be. It did not sit well with him, however, to see the disappointment in those golden eyes. Especially not at this precise moment.
The sound of pattering feet came through the hallway and a very sleepy, disheveled Draco shuffled into the lit kitchen. "Sev'rus." He mumbled, scrubbing his face with one sleeve of his silken dressing gown. His pouty lips were drawn into more of a pucker than usual, the grey eyes glittering with half-way there tears. "You weren't there" and without further preamble, Draco crawled into his alpha's lap and pillowed his head on one available shoulder.
Theo barely managed to hide his smirk. He'd seen very little interaction between the Potions Master and his Sub, most of what he had seen between them was through Terius. The DADA Professor was far more generous in showing his affection and his worry—in equal amounts—regardless of audience, though barely tempered at times.
The Potions Master had been an entirely different story altogether. Theo knew him as Severus—the stern Head of House for Slytherin—and also the man who had brought him hot chocolate spiked with a calming draught when he'd been too wound up and distraught to handle the thought of returning to an abusive home over the holiday breaks. The same man who had put his name down on the Christmas sign-up sheet and allowed Theo to spend his holiday reading and playing with the other 'leftover' Slytherins under his watchful eye—and made a few helpful corrections on his holiday homework.
It was a memory of the wizard he admired that would never fade. Tarnish, perhaps, but never fade. Theo clung to it now, searching for some sort of justification. He remembered the shock when he had discovered his inheritance and then when he'd arrived at Hogwarts and scented the Potions Master as being Dragel-kind. Until Terius had arrived, Severus had never acknowledged it.
And yet, Theo could see that it had cost him.
In Terius' care and with Draco's presence, the solemn man was less likely to snap and growl, while the thin, angular lines in his face evened out. The lines would certainly never fade, but perhaps they would not carry the same harshness that strangers associated with them.
A man of many shades, yet with the same solidity as his solemn black robes.
Theo frowned. There was so much in there that he could sense he would never understand. Perhaps it was best that way.
Severus looked rather put out at the fact that he had an audience, but his thin arms came up anyway to protectively cradle Draco and hold him close. It was a typical position of comfort for an Alpha and Sub and the ease in which Draco situated himself, spoke volumes to the fact that he had done this many times before. Enough times to know that it was alright. Dark eyes glittered in warning, as if silently daring Theo student to comment on their silent communications.
Draco yawned into the hollow beneath Severus' chin. He fisted his pale hands in his Alpha's dressing gown and snuggled close, comfortable and relaxed enough to begin drifting towards dreamland again. A rather nasty nightmare had woken him and he'd wakened to find that the bed was empty, save for a peacefully slumbering Calida, wrapped around a thick, fat pillow. The small blond nuzzled his head a little harder against the firm chest bracing him.
Severus rumbled softly in answer.
Draco repeated the movements, a faint whine of distress becoming audible.
Harry stirred, twitching in Theo's arms. His fangs no longer ached, but he had only just begun to enjoy the taste of blood slipping down his throat when he'd become aware of Draco's presence. A fellow Submissive's sound of distress was equally distressing to him and he did not like it. His fangs began to recede and that made him mildly irritated. He squirmed on the comfortable lap, testing the arms that held him, a silent, instinctive protest that he could not vocalize
Theo did not speak. He merely tightened his grip on Harry. The hand curved up along Harry's upper back, now snaked to rest on the back of Harry's neck, squeezing gently in reassurance. Harry sniffled in answer, resuming his drinking. Theo made a mental note to swallow some sugar and perhaps another Blood Replenisher sometime before breakfast. His golden eyed gaze flickered up to Severus.
For all that Theo had known of the former Malfoy heir, he had not ever expected this.
Draco had quieted—apparently sensing Harry's reaction—but he hadn't stopped his fidgeting.
"You are fine, Dragon." Severus's silken whisper carried everything it needed to. "You are safe here."
Draco's face flamed a delicious shade of red and pink, both at the acknowledgement and the use of his private nickname. "Couldna 'eep." The words were muffled and mumbled together. He gave a half-hearted tug on Severus' robes. "All bad." He squirmed, uneasily. "Bad, bad, bad." The words seemed almost more like a chant than an admission and quite child-like compared to the usually articulate mutterings that Draco favored.
Severus' attention immediately riveted on his distressed Sub, this time a touch more forcefully. "Draco!"
"No like." The lapse in grammar was punctuated by shimmering, glistening grey eyes. "No like it!"
Severus ignored the worried look the golden eyes cast his way. There was something more than just a mere nightmare at work here. And He really didn't like any of the answers his brilliant mind currently supplied. "Look at me."
The blond head shook, shoulders tensing.
Severus frowned. But he did not force the issue. Instead, he chose a different approach. Elegant fingers smoothed up and down Draco's spine, rubbing along his shoulders and skimming over his sides. The stiff body relaxed gradually, content within the arms holding him close and Severus' gentle ministrations. For a moment, the blond seemed too fragile and too small, sitting in the lap of the man clad in black. Then a soft, barely audible purr began to fill the room. Draco bent his head to rest against the black robes and available shoulder.
The silver-grey eyes began to close, sleep calling until Severus caught Draco's chin and twisted him to just the right position for a slow, deep kiss. Draco's entire body grew rigid, eyes opened wide in shock and surprise, all thoughts of sleep chased far away. He stared up at Severus in something akin to awe.
Severus' dark-eyed gaze locked onto the trusting gaze and silently he requested permission. It was granted by a single, deliberate blink. Severus didn't hesitate to dive into the young mind, held open, tentatively—for him. He sifted quickly through the recent memories, searching for the ones that distressed Draco. He flinched—physically and mentally—withdrawing several moments later.
Draco trembled, faintly in his arms. Severus tightened his grip, cradling the smaller body as close to him as possible. The images he'd seen were distressing and disturbing. Draco dreamt of his parents.
Lord and Lady Malfoy in moments where it was virtually impossible for Draco to have witnessed any of it. Yet a startling clarity hovered around the images, something that hinted that they were more than dreams. Someone was sending Draco dreams. Severus didn't like that. He definitely did not like that at all. He retreated from the young mind with the need to verify that Draco was physically fine and indeed sitting on his lap.
The tense silence hung in the air, broken only by the occasional sound of something clanging in the nearby kitchen.
Dark eyes locked onto Theo's golden orbs.
Theo inclined his head.
Severus scowled.
Neither spoke another word.
"Draco's up?" Terius appeared around the corner with Charlie bringing up the rear with the tea service. "Oh dear. I don't suppose Calida will sleep for much longer then, will she?" He waved Charlie towards Theo. "Give him the cup with the green around the top." He approached Severus, a cup of sweetened, black coffee in hand. "Is he well? Does he have a fever? What is wrong? I was sure that the nightmares had stopped and they only started when you weren't on hand those few days in between of-"
Severus freed one hand to push the proffered cup upwards to Terius' own face. "Drink." He snapped, a twinge of annoyance in his voice.
Terius opened his mouth and then shut it, staring down blankly for a long moment.
Severus sighed. "It is late. You are tired." He articulated, slowly and deliberately. "More so than I am. Drink first."
The faintest hint of pink may have danced across Terius' sleepy features. He gratefully gulped down the hot cup, quickly and expertly. A second later, he refilled it, following the same preparations he had in the first place. This time, when he offered it to Severus, his Alpha took it with a barely audible sound of approval.
Charlie did nearly the same thing, having already taken a cup for himself, he now held up the second for Theo to take a sip as the brunet's arms were currently Harry-filled. Harry was still happily drinking away. "Is he…?" Charlie prompted.
"It's fine." Theo gulped down the hot, sweet tea. Uncaring whether it scalded his tongue or throat, feeling some of his weary self perking up at the sugary taste. "Another one, fixed just like that, if you don't mind?"
"Mm." Charlie set about filling and mixing once more.
"I believe he is fine. He certainly is no longer in pain, though I cannot think what it was to trigger something like that. I still can't feel anything." Theo frowned. "I don't understand, I should be able to—I can feel you." He nodded towards Charlie. "But Harry's rather…muted, as if there's something between us. I don't like it."
"Quinn?" Charlie suggested. He stirred the hot liquid, tapping the silver spoon lightly against the cup's lip. "A pain reliever potion?"
"We'll ask tomorrow." Theo said, decisively. "If he's fine, then no potions right now. If Quinn is taking off more seals tomorrow, I don't doubt that he'll have to take quite a few potions and I don't want to overload him with any unnecessary ones. Terius, I don't suppose you know? Severus?"
Both older men shook their head. Terius hesitated, "if his magic is returning, it could simply be that the lack of magic during all the transformations for his Dragel inheritance is causing some rather unwanted side effects."
Theo found himself shaking his head to that. "It doesn't make sense." He admitted. "The magic returning yes, but I doubt-" he grimaced. "Harry, that's enough."
There was a whimper in answer.
Golden eyes gave a rather spectacular roll. "That was not a request, Harry." A touch of firmness entered his tone. "You have taken quite enough for now." He sighed, one hand reaching up to rub his forehead. He should've known allowing a comfort feed would not end quite as smoothly as he'd hoped after the day of emotional-ups-and-downs they'd all experienced.
Harry's arms traveled upwards to lock around Theo's neck, with a decisive purr. He would not give this up—not now!
Theo's long fingers slid easily into the tangle of black-brown hair. He rubbed Harry's head, firmly in warning. "Harry." He was finally feeling the drain of allowing two—no three—feedings with no rest and nothing in between of it. He would definitely need that Blood Replenisher sometime soon. He did not feel up to pushing his Alpha limits. Not now, anyway, he couldn't afford such a luxury.
There was a slight shake of his head, in which Harry actually growled in disagreement.
Theo winced at the shake, Harry's sharp fangs unintentionally carving a little bit more of a chunk out of him than he'd consented to. With a muted sigh, Theo tightened his grip on Harry's hair and began to pull, keeping the pressure even and deliberate.
Charlie's blue eyes shimmered with sympathy. He reached for Harry, hoping to ease the transition.
A protesting whine came from the smaller brunet as Harry was forced to disengage his fangs and summarily lifted and set on his feet. The punishing hand in his hair vanished almost at once as Theo held a hand to his bloodied neck. Charlie watched with interest as the young Alpha merely traced several runic signs with the dribbling blood on the patch of unmarked skin beside the wound. A moment later, a pulse of soft, gold magic flared around the injury and it faded away into smooth, unblemished skin. He could not keep the admiration from the sound that bubbled out of his throat.
Theo half-smiled at him. "I'll teach you it some time." He promised. "It is handy to have. Is he coming around?"
Emerald eyes held a tinge of red, his gaze hazy as Harry allowed Charlie to steady and balance him. He licked bloody lips and teased his fangs with his tongue until they melded back into his gums. Awareness registered several long, silent minutes later and then Harry fought against Charlie's embrace to reach Theo. He didn't verbalize his protests.
"Harry? Charlie, let him-" Theo was on his feet, accepting the frantic Harry back into his arms. "What's the matter? Harry? Talk to me." For a moment, he worried that the brunet would remain silent. But then he spoke, in a voice barely above a whisper and so, so very small that Theo could barely keep himself together.
"You were worried." Harry's arms tightened painfully around him. He fairly trembled.
"Harry?" There was a touch more worry in this repetition. "I am here. I am fine." Theo kissed the top of that messy head. "Shh, treasure. Everything is fine. I'm here. Charlie's here." He inclined his head, waiting as his Beta glided forward and they sandwiched Harry in a mutual embrace.
"He's angry." Harry whispered. "He let them come to The Burrow." His breath hitched. "He wanted—he's angry. So angry."
Severus was out of his chair, handing Draco over to Terius, with a warning glance to his bewildered Pareya. "Pot—Harry-" the name was said with some reluctance. "You dreamt—your dreams, the-" he swallowed. "He is unhappy?" Severus' sharp gaze analyzed Harry's weary nod. "What attack on The Burrow?"
Theo winced. Ah. They had more catching up to do than he'd realized. "That is a bit of a long story." He spoke, running his hands soothingly up and down Harry's sides. He had felt a few drops of wetness on his neck and shoulder, realizing, belatedly that tears of exhaustion and frustration would doubtless come raining down now, if he did not proceed with caution.
"We have the time," Terius spoke. He adjusted his armful of sleeping Draco and moved to stand closer to Severus. "Shall I bring some Pepper-up?"
"That would be best, yes." Severus turned, accepting Draco back. "It would be in my cloak, you know the one."
"Mm." Terius murmured, noncommittally. "Calida?"
"If she is awake."
"And if she is not?"
"Let the woman rest."
Theo exchanged a look with Charlie. They both sighed in unison.
"Perhaps we should move to the sitting room." Severus suggested, in a tone that really was not much of a suggestion at all. "There is another one down the hall, that way we need not disrupt Miss Granger's healing rest."
"Did she wake at all today?" Charlie inquired. "I mean, afterwards."
Severus gave a short shake of his head. "She is resting with the sleep of the Dead, Mister Weasley. She is best left alone until the magic has worked its course. To wake her now in the present state—or to allow her to wake in the present state—would be cruel punishment."
Harry snorted. Charlie simply bent and scooped him up, silencing any possible protests with a deliberate kiss to the cheek. Harry winced. Charlie frowned. "Theo?"
"The scar?" Theo leaned over to see. The jagged strip of lightening-shaped scar was red and inflamed, though thankfully, not weeping nor bleeding. "Harry? Are you in any pain?"
Harry was silent for a moment. He wriggled faintly, wanting Charlie to hold him tighter, so he would not have to worry of falling. He was silently grateful when the redhead complied automatically. It took him a moment to think of an answer and he was glad for Theo's everpresent patience. He had promised to never lie—at least, not to Theo anyway—and there really was no reason to hide this. Not like he usually had to. Snape knew of his nightmares. He would understand. Theo didn't. Snape would make him. It was a somewhat satisfying equation. Harry sighed. "Not here." He made a gesture with one hand and pressed it to his chest. "Here."
Theo captured that hand and brought it to his lips. "We'll see what we can do." He murmured. "Thank you." His golden eyes shimmered, understanding and approval shining bright in them. He understood and acknowledged Harry's silent figuring.
"That's fine." Charlie hummed. "It's fine."
Percy waited for his father's nod of approval before approaching the neon yellow flames. He was not afraid. He was not! Sure, Bill had gone in a perfectly sane wizard and emerged believing that the scourge of a werewolf's curse was no hardship, but that was Bill. The Curse-breaker had always been a bit off in Percy's opinion, especially when he'd taken a Veela as his fiancée.
A Veela for Merlin's sake!
The third-eldest Weasley child gave his head a quick shake before he squared his shoulders and started forward. He barely caught his grandfather's nod of approval and an encouraging—though shaky—smile from his grandmother. That was good. He was somewhat glad he would not be around to hear his father's lecture to Bill. Not that it was likely to happen in their present company, especially seeing that Fleur seemed quite insistent on showing her gratitude for Bill's new self through some rather er-demonstrative methods.
Percy shook his head again, a tad more forcefully this time, as he approached the flames and searched for the blanked areas where Bill had gone in. He could see through the haze—somewhat—and it seemed like the pathway between the runes was oddly narrow. The flames hissed as he stretched one hand towards it and he forced himself to continue walking, even as he felt the heat envelope him before suddenly, he stood inside the protective ring.
He continued forward towards the center of the circle, uncertain.
Jun stood at the far end of it, her back to him. She stretched her arms up to the ceiling and then rolled them back. She didn't even turn to acknowledge him.
He frowned, but waited, politely a moment more.
She was probably preparing herself for the necessary ritual in some way or another. He hadn't quite been able to see what she'd done with Bill. Actually, no one had, the flames had turned so bright that no one had really been able to look and see what she'd done. Not that he'd really wanted to see. Percy scowled. He couldn't blame his grandfather for being suspicious of her or Dragels in general.
A sulky sort of sullen feeling settled over him and Percy scowled as he waited to be noticed. Surely she hadn't made Bill wait this long…
The minutes ticked on and finally Jun snorted, her back still to him. "We are going to trade places, because I am not going to turn to look at you and you will not be standing so close to that wall, lest you truly wish to catch on fire."
Percy blinked. He bit his tongue to keep the automatic answer from leaping out of his lips. "Why?"
"Because I said so." Jun drawled. "Now be a dear and move, being on fire is really quite unpleasant and I am not fond of water spells. I have no affinity with them."
That was nowhere near a good enough answer for Percy, but before he could question that, he realized that Jun was taking slow, measured steps backwards. He inched forward, passing her with a haughty look.
When he stood where she'd been just moments before, he turned to face her fully. There was something off about her appearance that bugged him in a way that he couldn't quite place. He resisted the urge to shake his head to clear it. It was a habit he was dearly trying to rid himself of. Perhaps it was her green eyes, they were too bright, too clear and reminded him of someone he couldn't quite recall.
A brain itch.
As if he needed more puzzles to slave over.
Percy huffed.
Jun sighed. Loudly. She did not look at him, but rather, focused on her fingernails, preening them with great interest.
The third-eldest Weasley could no longer hold his silence. "What is it you need me to do?"
"Oh lovely. It speaks." Jun snorted. "I don't need you to do anything, but it would help if you would calm down."
Percy blinked. "What?"
"You are anything but calm, you do not believe I am capable of helping you. For some reason, it appears you blame me for your brother's present state—never mind that it was his choice—and you are standing before me, determined to make me out to be a monster. You are not calm." The lady stressed the last word, her emerald eyes snapping with fire. She lifted her gaze to meet his at last. "And until you are, I cannot do what I need to."
"I am calm!" Percy snapped. "I simply do not have all day to wait on-"
"If I say it will take all day, then it will." Jun interrupted, evenly. "And you will not speak to me like that. I am affording you some degree of respect and I expect the same."
It took all of his willpower to keep from growling out the words on the tip of his tongue. Percy clenched and unclenched his hands several times. He breathed in and out and in and out and in and out until he was sure he could speak in the usual tone he chose to employ when speaking with adults. He really had no desire to speak nor interact with this woman, but that did not mean he would embarrass himself with a display of immaturity.
He did not know how much time passed until finally, he ventured to speak again, careful to keep one hand curled into a fist, but partially hidden in his robes. The half-clenched hand would let his fingernails dig into the palms of his hand, producing a spike of pain to keep him grounded enough to continue the expected charade.
"I am calm." He said, clearly.
Jun had returned to inspecting her fingernails and now, she looked up at him. The expression on her face was rather blank and empty, showing nothing and hinting at nothing. Thin lips pursed into a frown. "By your own admission." She murmured at last. "Your magic says otherwise."
That, Percy could not protest, but he had never been able to control his magic when it reacted to his emotions. It was always a losing battle and he had learned early on that it was easier to simply keep his temper if he agreed with everything everyone wanted. It saved him the headache of fighting himself. Of fighting a losing battle against a darker side that always seemed to win.
He made himself smile as charmingly as he could stomach. "I am sorry. I do not know how else to-"
"Kneel." Jun's voice rang out, sharply. "We have plenty of time, so I shall speak and you shall listen."
Percy hesitated for the barest of seconds, before he knelt as directed. He watched her approach and forced his body to remain calm and still. She circled him once, twice and then a third time.
Then she backed away from him, holding his gaze with her still bright eyes.
He stared in a mixture of horror and fascination as lines, dots and circles began to form symbols along the bare stretches of skin visible through her unusual attire. Within seconds, her body was covered with the symbols he could now recognize as runes and they glowed an eerie shade of green.
He sucked in a breath and tamped down at the fear that threatened to raise its ugly head.
Her hand fisted in his hair, harsh and unyielding, while her magic wrapped around him, warm and soft in contrast. She pulled, until his head was tilted back at an unnatural angle and took no notice of his discomfort. She stood behind him, her soft stomach brushing against his head as her free hand stroked one cheek in contemplation.
"Did you know your mother was a Dragel?" She began.
He tried to shake his head, but couldn't. He didn't want to answer. This was strange, odd and confusing.
He really didn't want to answer.
Her hand on his cheek, morphed into claws, black-curled, wicked-looking claws that scraped lightly along the length of his face and his neck. "Did you know?" She whispered. "Did you?"
Relief coursed through him as Percy thankfully sat back on his heels, working to gain his breath back under control. His neck ached, his head throbbed and adrenaline sang sweetly as it rushed through his veins. He gasped softly, rocking forward to brace on his hands. His legs felt like pudding beneath him, soft and pliable with no strength left within.
"Breathe through your nose, child." Jun's hand fell carelessly against his head, fingers now, no longer claws. "You will not die from holding still for a few moments."
Percy did not deign to dignify that with an answer. He tried not to acknowledge that her hand carding through his hair was so very welcome and so very familiar. It paused a few times to briefly rub at the ache in his neck, before firmly stroking and soothing away the horrible headache that pounded in his head. His mind was beautifully twisted and tangled.
He didn't know what to think.
He didn't know why it mattered.
He didn't know if it should have.
This must be what delirium feels like. Percy thought, sluggishly. He was only aware that it felt like his body was shutting down on him. He ended up sprawled out on the ground, on his back, with his head in Jun's lap.
She had a sad smile on her face as she stared down at him and her fingers—those lovely wonderful hands—continued to comb through his hair in sure, deliberate strokes.
He opened his mouth to speak—several times, actually—but could not articulate a single word. Finally, he stared up at her, putting every ounce of energy into a wordless plea.
Her emerald eyes met his own soft brown ones.
She sighed, softly. "You cannot be one of my kind." She said, at last. "I would pity those that would make your existence necessary." Her hands paused. He shifted in her lap, subconsciously pushing upwards to urge her hands to resume their work once more. "To make you a Torvak means you would not be my headache." She gave a particularly nice scratch to that spot in the back of his head.
Percy let his eyes close in bliss. He shouldn't be enjoying this. He shouldn't be allowing it.
It should not be feeling so good, but he couldn't help the sounds building up in his throat or the way his breath quickened as her hands began to work again. Gently stroking, working through the curls and tangles, smoothing it all down.
"I really do not need another headache." She murmured. "And it would suit you better." She hummed. "Yes, it would suit you so much better. You're very much like your father."
Percy froze. The memory was buried deep, but it flew to the forefront in a heartbeat, so that he could relive it in his mind's eye.
"Ah, Percy. You're just like your father." His mother laughed. The lines around her eyes crinkled in that way that showed just how happy and pleased she was at the same time.
He held himself, stiffly as she swished her wand to clear the kitchen and drew near to him, a bundle of home-baked goods neatly wrapped for lunch. "Lunch?" He asked, as he always did.
"With dessert this time." She winked. "Something to sweeten you up a touch? Make all the pretty witches take notice?"
He blushed to the roots of his hairs and hastily stuffed the bundle in the dragonhide briefcase his ministry sponsor had gifted him. "I don't have time for that sort of thing, Mum. I have work to do!"
"Of course, of course." She soothed. She kissed his forehead, tugging him down by his tie to meet her height. "So much like your father…"
With a gasp, Percy sat up. He pulled away from the gentle hands, his mind whirling, his face flaming. He remembered that day. He had been late to work, but the dessert had helped to improve his mood. And while he'd been eating, he'd happened to see Penelope Clearwater who visited the ministry with her father to have certain papers signed. She'd looked over at him and he'd just taken a mouthful of treacle tart.
His reaction had prompted her gorgeous smile and somehow, he'd worked up the nerve to ask her out.
For some strange reason, she'd said yes.
Jun shifted to her feet and stood tall. "Definitely a Torvak." She murmured. "Sorry love, but this will hurt."
Hurt? Percy didn't have the time nor the strength of mind to process that. He stared up at her dumbly, from where he sat on the floor.
"I'm afraid I cannot give you the choice that you ought to have had upon your birth, but then again, childhood shows the man as morning shows the day." Jun pricked her thumb on one fang and traced the rune for Torvak in the palm of her other hand. She held it downward, facing him, so Percy could see it. It flared and glowed to life, the red burning black and the black burning into a rich, bright green. "You are not familiar with runes, are you?"
He blinked in answer, dazed.
She nodded, once. "I will call out the Dragel in you," the sorrow was heavy in her voice "and destroy it. The Torvak is all that will remain. You will never know the other side—your Mother's side. Do you understand?"
Percy struggled to hold her gaze. There was so much sadness in there and he could not understand it. Mum…
Why couldn't he have a choice? Did Bill have a choice? This wasn't fair!"
"I do not expect you to understand." Jun continued. "But you will answer me on this. "Do you trust me?"
NO! His mind screamed. "…yes" his mouth answered.
Her sad smile wavered. "Grantea ineekea solum-" within the confines of the neon fire, the circular rings began to glow an eerie green. "Shakshi. Torqash!"
Percy screamed.
The fire burned and raged wildly around him.
Percy dropped to the ground, his body growing slack. He writhed, spasmed and screamed, but there was no relief, no respite from the burning, searing pain that rippled through him.
He was on fire.
He was dying.
And it bloody hurt!
Hurt couldn't even begin to cover the depth of feeling slamming through him.
He whimpered.
Stop. Please stop! Make it stop…I'll do anything…
The fire raged on.
Jun stood over the shivering young man, the weight in her eyes reflecting the weight in her soul as she reached towards Percy with the runed hand. His body turned to face her, head falling back as she willed it to. She had spent all that time with him, after all, to attune her runes to his magic, his body, his spirit.
The Dragel within her stirred and roared.
She ignored it.
Clear mine, clear magic, clear results.
That was what she'd always been taught.
Her runed hand hovered over his mouth, open in a soundless scream.
"Shakshi." She murmured. "Elomath Dragel."
A horrible hissing, gurgling sound came from the prone body before blood bubbled up from his throat and spilled out until the ground. Jun did not acknowledge it as she held her hand just above his gasping lips and continued to murmur the words.
The blood spilled over, seeping into the ground, filling the carvings she'd cast when Percy hadn't been watching. They filled with the rich, red blood and suddenly, turned black, hissing as it melted away and returned the floor to its original state.
Blood traitors. Jun thought, idly. That could not bode well for any of the children. Bill was lucky. Very lucky.
Percy hiccupped and coughed out one final mouthful.
She straightened from her crouch over him and wandlessly cast a flicker of magic to clean him up and freshen his mouth. She would probably have to remove the memory of the changing. From the blank look in his eyes and the limp line of his body, it was not something that he was interested in recovering from. She touched a hand to her finger and then pressed it to his forehead.
A mother's love… His bearer had certainly been a strong and resilient woman. Jun smiled to herself and silently willed her magic to coax the young man to sleep.
Percy woke to an annoying buzz in the back of his head.
He scowled upwards at the shadowed face that hung over him and then glowered when he recognized it as Jun. He ignored the hand she offered him, sitting up himself and taking a quick look around.
He must have fallen asleep waiting on that woman. His scowl deepened. "What did you do to me?"
"Nothing." Jun held out her hands and took a cautious step backwards. "I was speaking to you and you did not answer, so I was worried that-"
"Worried for what?" Percy sneered. "You turned my brother into a werewolf and you were going to do the same to me, weren't you?"
Eyebrows arched upwards, almost mockingly. "Is that what you'd like?" She laughed. "Shall I turn you into a werewolf? It would be oh so much fun."
Percy glowered at her, shifting awkwardly to his feet. Everything ached. He bit his lip to keep from accidently saying something he hadn't rehearsed yet. It took a moment and then he sniffed. "What is it I have to do and how long is this going to take?"
"Dragel or Torvak?" Jun shot back.
"Torvak!" Percy snapped. "How could I possibly want to be a-"
Jun snapped her fingers—directly in front of his face—with a self-satisfied smirk when he flinched, visibly. "Congratulations," She tilted her head. "You're a Torvak. Out."
He stumbled backwards, staring at her in confusion. "What? What did you just do? Why—I don't feel any different!"
"Most idiots don't." Jun wrinkled her nose. "The flames should release you. Go. Now!"
Percy took one look at her face and obeyed. He didn't want to spend another second around her if he could help it.
"Percy!" Arthur surged forward as his third-eldest son stumbled out from the flaring ring of bright yellow fire. He steadied his son with a hand on his shoulder, worried eyes glancing over to see the shadowed figure in the midst of the circle. Percy had taken much longer than Bill, but just as before, he couldn't see nor sense a single thing that had taken place behind the wall of flame.
Regulus had struck up a conversation with Bill and Fleur and Arthur had let them be. There wasn't anything he could do or say and he didn't know what he should do or what he ought to say.
Septimus had frowned in disapproval, but he had not voiced it aloud. Cedrella had stayed close to her husband, occasionally rubbing her arms and casting weary looks at Fleur.
"Father." Percy held himself stiffly, allowing the embrace for necessities sake.
"What happened? Did she-?"
"She's a pathetic excuse of a witch!" Percy snapped. "And all she did was make me wait and then snap her fingers in front of my face."
Arthur blinked. "That's all?" He looked from Percy to the yellow flames and then back again. "That is all?" He repeated, incredulously. He dismissed Percy's initial words, after all, Jun was no witch. She was just a Dragel. A rare Dragel, perhaps, seeing that he couldn't recall runes ever being one of their specialties, but she was a Dragel nonetheless. He didn't bother to correct Percy though. There was no point to it.
Percy merely gave him a long-suffering sigh. He then moved to stand over behind the twins, with a sideways glare to Ron, a silent order for his youngest brother to shape up and at least pretend to act decent.
Arthur watched him move away and after a moment, he pinched his arm. The spike of pain reminded him that he was not dreaming and that yes, some times things happened that really didn't make any kind of sense at all.
A/N: Thank you to the kind response last chapter. I feel a little happier about this one, though I'm sure I completely botched any idea of a cute harry or a cute draco, but yeah. There we go. Now we can get back to Quinn. I had fun exploring Percy and Draco and we'll be kind of "back" to Harry next chapter, and then it'll be the Twins turn with Jun.
POLL in the FORUM, asking about what kind of creatures you'd like to see in Harry's circle. If you don't have an account, you're welcome to vote by review. :) forum(heresadot)fanfiction(heresadot)net/forum/There_Be_Dragons_Harry_Forum/108964/
unneeded--Yes. Ilsa recognized it and that's why she asked Theo if there were more children. She was worried about them. Yes, it would've been too much for Bill, that was why I decided to "remove" him from the chaos, especially since Fleur was such a nice twist. :) Yep, Jun's got a thick skin though, so she won't fuss about it, unless they decide to harp on Regulus and then she'll snap. Jun is related to the Evanson line (Harry's Dragel family in Nevarah), they'll meet up soon. Arthur is more upset for the fact that Bill didn't trust him with the werewolf secret, than the fact that Bill has some wolf in him. Harry had a nightmare moment from Voldysnort--and he was so wound up and stressed after the Blood Seal removal, he totally forgot the idea of having Charlie and Theo calm him down with that special massage oil. He's getting himself together though--that's the last time Voldy will ever reach him long-distance like that. Not too spoiler-ish, I hope. :)
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