Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47211 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
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Harry opened his eyes and jumped up, pumping a fist in the air. “I got it!” He shouted to Rowena, who looked up from the book she’d been reading. “I FINALLY got it! But… Why is it a butterfly?” He asked, confused. Rowena smiled. “The butterfly is an Animagus form most Shiloe’s hosts possess, actually. It symbolizes rebirth, transformation, and, interestingly, it’s very common in those that have had a challenging or traumatic childhood. I daresay, you’re in good company with that Animagus form. Would you like to start learning to brew the base of the Animagus Reveale potion now, or would you rather work with Lo on using Shiloe’s abilities? He’s gotten good at controlling them, so you can finally start learning how to tap into them as well, and Lo DID say she’d be out today, if you wanted.” Harry’s eyes widened. “Really? Yeah, I want to learn. Thanks!” He said before rushing out into the common room. Lo was sitting on the couch. “So, you found an Animagus form already, did you? I’m impressed. That bodes well for the things I’ll be teaching you, since they take quite a bit of concentration. Come, Harry, child, let’s go to the forest.” She said, standing and leading Harry through her rooms. “Hello, Shiloe.” Lucius said calmly as they passed. “Lucius.” Lo responded. “Harry is going to begin learning how to access and control Shiloe’s abilities. Please be prepared in case Shiloe needs to Feed afterward. You and Sirius are the only options he’ll have at the present time, and you’re closest, so if things get out of hand, I’ll be requesting your presence.” She finished, ushering Harry into the forest clearing. Harry stood in the middle of the clearing. “So, what do I do?” Lo smiled. “First, listen to yourself very closely. When I create a weather change, you’ll need to identify the area in your magical core that senses the change and responds. FEEL each difference, and try to remember how they feel. It will become easier with practice. For now, just try to figure out where your core is responding from.” Harry closed his eyes and felt a slight drizzle start up. “Your magical core is situated right around the heart area, so focus your attention there foremost.” It began to snow. “I don’t feel anything.” Harry said, confused. “Hush. Don’t speak until you’ve felt the change internally. Concentrate.” Harry relaxed and fell into a meditative state, concentrating on his heart and trying to decide where the feeling would be coming from. The snow changed back to rain, then to sun, then the temperature dropped and Harry’s eyes flew open in shock. “I felt that!” He exclaimed, squinting through the fog. Lo smiled. “Very good, child. Now, feel that area as I continue to run though different weather patterns and try to feel the differences between each one. Don’t be discouraged if they seem similar, this part takes much practice.” *****Shiloe groaned, opening his eyes and looking up at the trees. He raised his hand to his face and spoke into the ring. “Voco Sirius.” His voice was weak. Lo slapped her forehead. “Oh, right, Lucius is breeding! Silly me.” Shiloe glared at her as Sirius answered. “Shiloe?! I thought Harry was out today?” “Lo is a slave-driver. I need to Feed. Can you come through Luc’s room to the forest?” He asked softly. “Of course.” Sirius answered before cutting off the connection. “Well, on a positive note, Harry nearly had it raining before his core got too depleted. He’s a regular prodigy at this.” Lo told Shiloe happily. Sirius arrived and knelt next to Shiloe. “What do you need?” Shiloe grabbed his arm. “Blood. Can I..?”“Sure, go ahead.” Sirius replied. Shiloe called his feeding fangs and bit into Sirius’ wrist, drinking greedily. Sirius moaned, eyes closing as his body was flooded with pleasure. Shiloe took just enough to sustain him for an hour or two, then licked the wounds gently and stood. “I need to talk to Charlie. It’s been too long, and the bond is straining. We can’t wait any longer.” Sirius nodded, helping Shiloe back inside as Lo sighed. “I’ll just stay out here for now and get rid of this mud.” She told Shiloe’s back. “Thanks.” Shiloe replied quietly. *****“…And with the bond as strained as it is, I’m weakening. I need to Feed from you now. Blood or sex, either will work.” Shiloe told Charlie. Charlie grinned and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Ah, well, I see. I have three more days off until we take the dragons back home, so I suppose I can stay here, if you have a free room, and see to your, uh, NEEDS. I get one week vacation every two months, but other than that, I need to stay on the Dragon Reserve.” He explained.Shiloe nodded. “I can live with that arrangement, provided you stop by at least once every three months and let me Feed from you. It’ll have to be sex, though, if you’re going to be away for that long.” “I can handle that.” Charlie replied easily. Shiloe stood. “I need a shower first. I’m still mostly muddy from the fall when Harry passed out and I had to take over, as you can see.” He said, cleaning the couch with a flick of his wand and heading for Salazar’s room. “Care to join me?” He asked Charlie with a smirk.Charlie chuckled and got up, following him. Shiloe turned on the water and quickly stripped, getting under the spray. He washed all the mud off as Charlie stripped and joined him. “So, what’s working with dragons like, anyway?” Shiloe asked, shampooing his hair. Charlie shrugged, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, letting the water roll down his body. “It can be dangerous, but if you have a passion for them, it’s rewarding. We get to see what they’re like in everyday life, and they really are beautiful creatures. But burns tend to happen a LOT, so you have to be ready for a little bit of pain to be part of the job description.” He finished with a laugh. “Sounds exciting.” Shiloe mused. “It can be boring at times, too. Some of the tamer ones can nearly put you to sleep on an observation shift. There are a few breeds that only seem to eat and sleep except for mating season. Watching them during an off-season is dull work most of the time.” Charlie rolled his eyes. Shiloe turned off the water and headed into Salazar’s bedroom, drying their bodies with a quick spell. “Now, enough talk. We’re naked, and I’m still in need of sustenance.” Shiloe declared, eyeing Charlie. “And you look good enough to eat.” Charlie chuckled and pushed Shiloe onto the bed. The teen landed on the mattress with a soft “oof,” and grinned up at him. “Ah, I see that you’re a bit more dominant than I had expected, perhaps?” Charlie growled and climbed atop Shiloe, pinning him to the bed. “Just be quiet and let me have you. I’ve been between relationships for five months now, and I’m afraid this first time is going to be rough and probably more intense than you’re used to.” Shiloe smirked. “Oh, by all means, HAVE me, please!” He cried out in pleasure as Charlie’s mouth closed over a nipple, biting it gently before he soothed the pain with sweeps of his tongue. Shiloe moaned, wrapping his legs around the dragon tamer’s thighs, rutting against him. Charlie pulled away to look down at Shiloe’s member, then back up to his face. “Can’t wait for me?” He asked with a grin. Shiloe groaned. “I’m so hard already.” He pouted. “You and me both.” Charlie agreed, moving his attentions to the neglected nipple and reaching a hand between them to stroke Shiloe. “Ah, yes!” Shiloe threw his head back and moaned, dimly realizing that Charlie’s mouth had moved away from his nipple and was heading toward his navel with single-minded purpose. Charlie moaned as his tongue dipped in and out of Shiloe’s belly button, causing Shiloe to arch into the touch and whine needfully. “Come on, fuck me already!” Shiloe begged. “I NEED it!” “Patience, Shiloe. Do you have any lube?” Shiloe opened the drawer on his bedside table and grabbed the vial, handing it to Charlie. Charlie lubed his fingers and slid one into Shiloe. Shiloe pushed back against the finger, trying to force it deeper. “More?” He breathed, looking pleadingly up at Charlie. Charlie chuckled and added another finger, twisting them and rubbing against Shiloe’s prostate with unerring accuracy. “Oh, Merlin, do that again!” Shiloe breathed, his eyes rolling back in his head. “What, this?” Charlie asked, repeating the motion. “Gah! Fuck me!” Shiloe demanded, riding the fingers inside him wantonly. Charlie snorted and added a third finger, stretching Shiloe carefully. “Have some patience. I don’t want to hurt you.” Shiloe growled. “I find it very hard to believe you’re big enough to damage me.” He declared, pressing back against the fingers once again. Charlie raised an eyebrow. “You’d be surprised how much damage I can do if you’re not properly prepared.” He told Shiloe. “I don’t care! You’d have to be something extremely special to hurt me.” Shiloe replied. “All right.” Charlie pulled the fingers out and slid into Shiloe, carefully. Shiloe wrapped his legs around Charlie’s waist, pulling him in deeper and moaning. “Yes, please.” He breathed, arching. Charlie growled and began thrusting hard, shaking the bed with his forcefulness. Shiloe clung to him, crying out every time his prostate was hit anew. He was on fire, needing the energies they were producing more than he needed air, greedily clinging to Charlie’s muscled body. Charlie reached down and began stroking Shiloe in time with his thrusts, face strained. “Oh, Merlin, yes!” Shiloe cried out, his climax hitting him and pulling him into sweet blackness. *****“Mm, how long was I out?” Shiloe asked groggily, coming to. Charlie chuckled, flicking Shiloe’s nipple. “Long enough for me to finish and clean us, but only a minute or so.” He answered. “Oh.” Shiloe grinned. “Do your lovers often pass out?” “I have to admit,” Charlie chuckled again, “That was a first. And a huge ego boost, to boot.” Shiloe flushed. “Yeah, well, don’t read too much into it. I was nearly drained to death today.” He admitted. “Bloody slave-drivers, the founders are.” He groused. “Shiloe, Lucius wants to see you when you have a moment.” Salazar announced from his portrait. Shiloe sighed. “Right. I’ll be right there.” He said, leaning down to kiss Charlie. “Don’t go too far, I’ll be needing you again tonight, at least once, probably twice.” He said with a smirk. Charlie rolled his eyes. “How will I EVER keep up?” He asked theatrically, laying his arm over his eyes. “I’m sure you’ll think of something.” Shiloe called over his shoulder, heading to Helga’s Saferoom. He peeked his head in. “Sir?” Lucius smiled, laying a hand over his abdomen. “I have news.” He explained. “Poppy checked me over earlier today. She told me the sex of the baby. Do you want to know?” He asked. Shiloe smiled. “Yes, of course.” “We’re having a girl.” Lucius told him. “Are you happy about it?” Shiloe asked. Lucius smiled. “I’m thrilled. I wanted a daughter. Now I have one of each; A son and a daughter.” “What would you want to name the baby?” Lucius hummed. “I’m fond of Aquila, for a girl. Or Lynx.” Shiloe smiled. “Well, we can use both. Aquila Lynx Malfoy, how does that sound?” “You’re okay with me choosing both names?” Lucius asked in surprise.“Why not?” Shiloe asked. “It’s not like I have any options to throw in.” Lucius smiled. “I daresay you’ll have plenty of children to name in your time, after all.” He commented. “Speaking of having children someday, I have an anchor waiting in Salazar’s room. I really have to get back to him. I’ll see you later, Sir.” Shiloe said, heading back to Charlie. *****Harry panted, smiling as water droplets fell on him. “I made it rain.” He declared in wonder. Lo smiled. “You made it DRIZZLE, Child. It’s a start, but nowhere NEAR the control you’ll need. There is still a LOT of work to do.” She told him firmly.Harry’s face fell. “Can I get the rest of the day off for good effort?” He asked. Lo sighed. “I suppose so. Shiloe will likely be out tomorrow to Feed, but since you weren’t as exhausted this time, you should still be able to spend the rest of the day without his interruptions.” “Alright.” Harry said, smiling. He walked back through Lucius’ room, muttering a feeble ‘hi’ as he passed through, and collapsed onto the couch.‘No rest for you! You need to practice swimming now.’ Shiloe’s voice announced in Harry’s mind. Harry groaned. “Don’t want to. I’m TIRED.” He complained. Shiloe chuckled. ‘Doesn’t matter. Get up.’ Harry sighed in defeat and got up.*****Harry collapsed onto Helga’s bed with a loud groan. He ached in places he hadn’t even been aware EXISTED before. But he could swim at least a little bit now, and he could make the weather obey him if he tried REALLY HARD. It was an improvement, however small. He heard knocking at the door, since the bedroom door was open, and he wailed in despair. “Harry-“ Helga began.“Have Sirius let whoever it is in, please. I HURT.” He told the portrait in a truly pitiful tone.He heard Sirius open the door, and the Animagus directed the intruder to Harry’s current location. Hermione and Ron came into Harry’s field of vision and Harry groaned. “Don’t make me move, please. I hurt SO BAD right now.” Hermione raised an eyebrow. “Why do you hurt?” “Two Shiloe and a pair of grueling lessons.” He answered weakly. “I need time to recover.” “TWO Shiloe?” Hermione asked. “There’s another here?”“I can’t answer that without consulting someone else first.” Harry said. “Sorry.” Hermione blinked. “Right. Well, Ron and I just came to see if you were coming to dinner-“ “Can’t. I’ll get something sent here when I can get up.” Harry answered. Ron smiled. “Since we’re here, we can help you get to the table and eat with you.” He offered. Harry smiled. “Okay. I’ll need support, my legs are shaky.” He explained, groaning as he moved to a sitting position.Hermione and Ron helped him stand, an arm over both of their shoulders as they guided him to the common room and eased him into a chair at the table.“So what were you doing that has you in this state?” Hermione asked after their food came.Harry winced. “First I was learning to control the weather, which I’m still not very good at, and then Shiloe was teaching me to swim.” He answered. Hermione nodded. “I see. That makes sense. Learning to swim works a lot of muscles that don’t usually get used. Oh, and did you get to ask Shiloe if he’d be willing to set up the rune circle again and try the ritual to see if we can get a different result? I still want to know.” Harry relayed the question to Shiloe and got an affirmative answer. “He says he’ll do it tomorrow, if you want.” “Brilliant!” Hermione replied, beaming at him. “Wait,” Ron interrupted. “Does this mean you’re going to be spending tomorrow with Shiloe and Malfoy?” Hermione sighed. “Yes it does, Ron.” Ron was silent for a second. “Can I come, too?”
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