No one Comes When You cry | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10479 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Sky, the houses in the wall and the plot. Oh, and the wand is mine too. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
No One Comes When You Cry
Erm. I think my muse is back, though it’s hard to say after DH. That book has totally thrown me. I’m really sorry for the reeeeeaaaaallly long break in this story, but Both Sides would not let me be and it took over from this. I refuse to start anything else now until I’ve seen this one through to completion. Any ideas or suggestions as to where this story should go would be much appreciated. Pleeeez.
By the way, all mistakes are mine. ccino
Chapter 52
“Well my wand thinks you don’t, I can’t help that Sir, I’m sorry.” She told the Minister. Sky was wondering if she was going to get into trouble for this. “Can I put it away now?”
“You may leave it on my desk for the moment.” He told her, watching as she laid the wand down and stepped back to stand next to Severus again.
Immediately she did, the wand left the desk and moved directly into her hand.
He looked surprised for a moment and sat down. “Please sit down all of you, clearly the wand is not the issue here. As I was saying, you claim to be the last living Morrigan descendant, is that correct?”
“Yes Sir, I think so.”
“You think so? You mean you are not sure?”
She looked to Severus, unsure how to answer.
He took her hand and turned to Fudge. “She is indeed the last surviving Morrigan. When her mother and grandparents were murdered, Sky was abducted by persons as yet unknown and placed in a location also unknown. She had no knowledge of her origins until recently, now she wishes it to be known that she lives and would like to be recognised as such. Once we have proven without a doubt that my wife is who she claims to be, she will also expect immediate access to her inheritance.”
“Ah, so that is what this is all about. You hope to claim a sizable inheritance from this.” The Minister said, scowling at Sky.
“Wrong again Cornelius.” Albus told him sternly. “Mrs Snape has irrefutable proof of her lineage, no one but a Morrigan would be wearing this.” He pointed to the softly glowing stone at Sky’s throat, which until now had not been noticeable. “There is also the fact that she carries the ’Wand of Bloods.’ Now I know for a fact that you know of it Cornelius, your own great grandfather donated a drop of his own blood to its core.”
The Headmaster turned to Sky. “Would you mind Sky, a simple spell to prove to our Minister that the wand and stone work together?”
Sky nodded, stood and waved her wand.
The walls, floor and ceiling disappeared, the floor became a lawn, instead of a ceiling, the sky was visible, and all around them were hills. Birds few by, chirping as they went and a breeze blew across the Ministers desk, scattering his papers.
She waved it again and the office was back to normal, apart from most of the Ministers paperwork being scattered on the floor.
However, the Minister was more taken with the fact that the wands tip and Sky’s tone glowed simultaneously when she had performed the spell.
Albus spoke again. “I believe a certain tome you have been keeping in your Department of Mysteries will elucidate what you have seen Cornelius. It should be on its way up here as we speak.
“Don’t be ridiculous, we have no such tome in our possession. Besides, how would you know what is hidden in the Department of Mysteries.”
“I still have many friends and associates in the ministry Cornelius, you know that. It was only a matter of a word in the right ear and the tome was soon discovered.”
They heard voices in the reception area and Mrs Weydon appeared, carrying a rather heavy book.
“Excuse me Minister; this was left at my desk with a memo to say it was important you receive it straight away.”
The young woman placed the book heavily on the desk and left the room, throwing a wink in Sky’s direction on her way out.
“Wonderful.” Albus said, standing and taking charge of the book.
“On whose authority was this tome released? I did not give my permission for it to be available.”
“No you did not Cornelius, but I am certain that you would have done so, had you realised its importance in this matter. You clearly stated you had no knowledge of its existence, so I took the liberty of procuring its release myself. As Head of the Wizengamet, I am perfectly at liberty to do so. Here we are, paragraph seven.” He stated, opening the book at an already marked page and standing back so that Sky and Severus could see along with the minister.
Only a true Morrigan female can inherit the eyes,
as only a female Morrigan can carry the
’Wand of Bloods.’ The wand will only appear to
the chosen female Morrigan when the time
comes to defeat those who would seek to destroy
our world. A Morrigan female by marriage is not
able to wear the eye or carry the wand. Only one
born of a Morrigan may do so.
“Is that not proof enough for you minister?” Albus asked.
The Minister turned a peculiar colour and made an odd noise in his throat, Sky wondered if he was choking. Eventually he let out a small, strangled croak before sitting down heavily.
“It would seem that you are correct in your assumption Albus, however, there should also be certain documents available to further prove her claim, as well as an explanation as to where she has been for the last sixteen years. An extensive search was made at the time of Miss Morrigans disappearance and nothing showed up.”
“Actually, Cornelius, only a cursory search was made, and as to her whereabouts during that time, I suggest you discuss it with Voldemort and Lucius Malfoy. They will give you the answers you require. Now, about Mrs Snape’s inheritance …”
“Just a minute.” Fudge interrupted. “I have still not seen any documented evidence of her birth, and as for this sham of a marriage, it is still unproven as to its legality. You know full well that the girl was being propositioned for by Lord Malfoy for his son Draco.”
“I have everything here Cornelius. Birth certificate, marriage certificate, and deeds to the holdings the Ministry seized and of course, a full inventory of all belongings and coinage that Mrs Snape should have inherited on her mother’s demise. Also, the hand fasting that took place in my presence and was presided over by me, and endorsed by elf magic might I add, is unbreakable. All of these documents have been scrutinised by the Wizengamet prior to this meeting and have been given their stamp of approval. Gringott’s also have been most helpful. They keep meticulous records, as you know Cornelius. Therefore, if you would be so kind as to give Mrs Snape the keys to her vaults, as well as your own seal on said documents, we shall be on our way. Oh, and as for Lord Malfoy‘s proposition for his son, it is invalid, seeing as how she is now legally married to Severus.”
Sky’s head moved back and forth from one man to the other as they spoke, hardly taking in what she was hearing.
“Severus? What does all this mean?”
“It means, that you are who you say you are, also that the Minister is now quite happy to hand over everything of yours that the Ministry sequestered, seven years after your disappearance.”
“Is that not right Minister?” Severus said to the Minister, his voice not at all pleasant.
In fact, Sky thought he looked and sounded dangerous and she looked at him warily. When he gave her hand a gentle squeeze, she relaxed, realising that he was only intent on intimidating the Minister.
“It will take time to find the keys and other things Albus. I am hardly likely to be carrying them about my person.”
“You knew we were coming and why Cornelius, after all, you were the one who demanded this meeting. However, knowing what a busy life you lead I once again took the liberty of assisting you, and have arranged for the keys and documents to be brought from the Ministry treasuries. I have also arranged for an agent from Gringotts to meet with us here with a full and current inventory of Mrs Snape’s vaults. Though I am sure there will be no discrepancies between those and the original inventory, I was certain you would prefer it was verified before we leave.” Albus told the now shocked and almost apoplectic Minister.
There was a knock on the door and Mrs Weydon entered again. “Minister, there is a Gringott’s goblin in reception who says he is expected, Also Mr Weydon from treasuries has arrived with Mrs Snape’s vault keys, along with an inventory of items taken from the Morrigan estates when they were seized. Shall I show them in Sir?”
Fudge did not answer. His skin was grey; he was sweating profusely and wiping his brow with a bright pink handkerchief.
Severus had difficulty keeping a sneer from his face and Sky was totally at odds with what was going on. All she could wonder was if Mrs Weydon was Mr Weydon’s wife. Judging by the looks that passed between the couple as he entered, he was.
Instead, Albus asked her to show them in and greeted the two guests himself.
“Mr Weydon, how kind of you to take the trouble to assist us on your day off. And Mr Spinneck, Gringotts managing director no less. We are grateful for your assistance.”
An hour later, Aurors were called to arrest Cornelius Fudge, ex-Minister for magic.
He was charged with fraudulent use of Ministry funds, grand theft of the Ministry Treasury and Morrigan vaults, accepting bribes from non-Ministry officials along with several other transgressions.
There would be ongoing investigations to discover any other infractions of the law he may have committed, and his personal accounts were frozen until such time as all monies were repaid, his homes and property seized and searched, until Fudge himself was tried and sentenced.
Sky was overawed by what just happened and couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable about it. “Severus, what just happened?”
He tried to explain it to her as simply as he could, but Sky was inconsolable.
“But what about his wife and children? If his money and everything’s frozen or whatever, they won’t be able to buy food and things.”
“His family will be well taken care of my dear, do not worry about them.” Albus told her. “His children are all adults and are quite able to look after themselves and their mother, although their vaults will also be checked to ensure that Fudge has not been filtering funds over to them”
Mr Spinneck requested that they delay their visits to Gringott’s so the goblins would have time to make a thorough investigation and ensure that all funds and properties were secured in the Morrigan vaults. He ensured them it would be a matter of hours, rather than days before everything was in order.
Albus decided it would be a good idea to head for the Leaky Cauldron for a spot of lunch, if Gringotts still hadn’t contacted them by the time they’d finished; they would give Sky a tour of Diagon Alley.
“Do you remember the Leaky Cauldron Sky?” Severus asked her.
“Yes, you took me there when we went to get my wand.” She opened the nearest door and they entered the pub through the door that normally allowed access from muggle London.
The last time she was here she’d not had the opportunity to really see the place, now she held tight to Severus’ arm as she peered round, staring curiously at the customers and the pub itself.
Tom, the barman stepped up to greet them immediately. “Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape, how nice to see you both.” He turned to Sky. “Madam Snape, it is an honour to meet you at last, welcome to the Leaky Cauldron.” He said, holding out his hand.
Sky turned her face to him warily at first, the man was hunched and seemed at first to loom over her. Then she noticed a gentleness in his eyes, and a warmth that could not have been anything but genuine.
“Hello Sir, it’s nice to meet you too.” She replied, taking his hand and giving it a brief shake.
Tom was instantly taken with her and gave her his best smile, which was normally frightening to say the least.
Sky did not back off however, regardless of how he looked, Tom was a gentle person and it came across quite openly with people he liked.
“Are you staying to eat? I can show you to a table, or would you prefer a private room in which to dine?”
“A private room will be required Tom, thank you.” Severus told him before the Headmaster had a chance to say otherwise.
Sky was disappointed, she was curious about the people in here and even the pub itself. She wanted to see everything and look at everyone. Instead, she let Severus lead her as they followed Tom and Albus from the bar room and down a short corridor where he opened a door to a small private dining room.
“This room already has built in silencing spells, but feel free to add your own if you wish. Simply press that button on the wall there, and someone will come to take your order when you are ready.” Tom told them before leaving the room.
There was a table already laid for four and Severus held out a chair for Sky to sit, only then did he and Albus take their own seats.
No one said much as they picked up the menus and decided what they wanted, then Albus pressed the button and a young witch appeared to take their order.
Only when they were served and their own silencing spells placed around the room did Severus and Albus begin to discuss the events of the morning.
Sky kept quiet and listened to the two wizards as they spoke about what would probably happen to the Minister now that he was finally being brought to justice.
When the conversation changed to speculation about what she might have inherited, Sky grew curious.
“Does this mean I get the house I went to when I apparated?”
“Definitely, it is yours by birthright. It is merely a question of waiting to discover what else has been sequestered by the Ministry and stolen by Fudge.” Severus told her.
Once the meal was over, they decided to take Sky into Diagon Alley and show her around. More to the point, Albus decided. Severus disagreed strongly. He did not like the idea of parading his wife around openly when the Dark Lord could have his Death Eaters spying on them, ready to pounce at any moment.
“I believe Sky is more than capable of taking care of herself Severus, just as you and I are, I do not foresee any problems.” The Headmaster said as he made his way to the back yard of the pub and began tapping the stones in the wall.
This time Sky took note of what stones were touched and in what order, committing them to memory for the future.
Severus noticed and leaned down to speak to her. “You will not come here alone at any time Sky, do you understand?”
“Yes.” She answered with a sigh.
She followed them through the archway and walked between them for a while, trying to see around them into all the shop windows.
One shop sold nothing but cauldrons, while another was full of strange instruments, some of which Sky recognised and others she didn’t.
“Oh look, that shop has chocolate in the window.” She squealed excitedly, catching Severus by the arm and dragging him inside. Not that she needed to drag too hard, and persuading him to by several bars of chocolate was not too difficult either.
There was a shop that sold broomsticks and this caught her interest straight away.
“Can we look in there?” She asked, making her way across the narrow street to the Quiddich supply shop without waiting for an answer.
Severus scowled and in two strides had caught her up and grabbed hold of her arm. “What do you think you are doing?”
Sky looked up at him. “Brooms, they’ve got brooms in there. I wanted to look.”
“I know what is in there, but you should not have walked away from our protection. If you want to see something, ask first.”
“I did ask.” She told him disgruntled.”
“You did not wait for a reply, you merely asked and walked away, do not do so again.” He told her angrily. “You heard my warnings in the Three Broomsticks; you know I do not speak lightly of danger.”
“Severus, I only took a few steps, nothings going to happen. Please can we look at the brooms now?”
Severus was tempted to say no simply because she had not heeded his warnings, but at the pleading look on her face he found he could not. “Very well, but from now on, if you wish to see something you wait for me to accompany you.”
He led her into the shop while Albus stopped to speak with an old acquaintance he’d spied a little further along the street.
Sky was fascinated with the different brooms available. “I didn’t know there were so many different kinds. These are much nicer than the ones at school. Look at that one.” She told him, pointing to a sleek black broom taking pride of place on a stand near the counter.
“The lady has good taste Sir.” The shopkeeper said to Severus. “That is the new Ebonjet. Each has a magical core similar to that of a wand, every broom is individual and it’s core is determined by the prospective purchaser. Whatever the core in your wand, the core of the broom will match it. It is also very expensive I am afraid, the final cost being determined on the availability of the core itself, however, it is guaranteed to never fail its owner and cannot be used by any other because of its unique properties, hence it is unlikely to ever be stolen as the broom would simply throw off any thief and return to its owner.”
“But that’s dangerous, what if someone was only borrowing it or a young child tried to use it?” Sky said.
“The broom will allow another rider as long as the owner has given express permission for that person to do so; also it would not throw the thief from any great height. Should a very young child attempt to ride the broom, it would simply return itself and the child to the owner of the broom and not release the child until the brooms owner told it to do so. It is I suppose an intelligent broom.”
Sky ran her hand along the shaft, it was smooth and sleek, not a bump or ridge anywhere. The twigs were all uniform, not a single one out of place. “It’s beautiful, much nicer than the Hogwarts brooms.” She whispered to herself.
Severus cleared his throat to get her attention. “Sky, we must be going, I believe the Headmaster is trying to gain our attention.”
“Right.” She said, only giving him half her attention as her eyes strayed back to the broom even as Severus took her arm and led her from the shop.
“There is no point in wishing for one Sky, when I told you no more flying while you are carrying my children, I meant it. Besides, it would be impossible to reproduce the core your wand contains.”
“I know, but its such a lovely broom, I wish I could have some more lessons. Its not fair, Rolanda flew when she was expecting.”
“I do not care what Rolanda did, you will not. She was already and experienced flyer before she became pregnant.” Severus said with such finality that she dared not argue.
“Oh good you’re back. I have just been informed that Gringotts are now ready to receive us and are waiting our arrival.” Albus said when they reached him.
They made their way to the bank and Sky looked round in awe at the place, in particular the piles of gold, silver, and coloured gems on the counters. “What are they?” She asked Severus, pointing to a pile of glittering red stones.
“Rubies, and those are sapphires, diamonds and emeralds.” He told her, pointing respectively at piles of red, blue, white and green stones.
“They’re really pretty, what do they do?”
“They do not do anything on their own. Usually they are set into jewellery or exchanged for gold or goods. They also have certain medicinal properties in some potions. Diamonds you will know as maisonette, rubies and sapphires as corundum, and the emeralds as beryl.”
“Those I know. I like the blue ones best, and the red.” She told him as they followed Albus and the goblin through one of many doors set in the wall.
They walked down a long narrow passageway, dimly lit with torches until the goblin stopped and a cart trundled into view.
“What’s that?” Sky wanted to know.
“That is our ride into the bowels of Gringotts, where you will finally discover what belongs to you.” Severus told her as they climbed in the cart.
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