There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58493 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
See first chapter for disclaimers/warnings/summaries.
RECAP: Septimus calls in Regulus Black-a botched Torvak hybird and his Dragel wife, Jun. JUN gives Bill a wolfish inheritance, then Percy a Torvak one. Theo and Severus find themselves dealing with some very out of character submissives when Harry's mental connection to Voldemort begins acting up again. Now it is George's turn to meet with JUN...
The Weasley twins exchanged a glance between each other and then gave simultaneous sighs of boredom. This was taking longer than either of them had anticipated and from the current fuss over Percy's new form, Fred found himself gagging. George rolled his eyes in answer, but elbowed his twin for the expression on his face.
"Think she'll let us go together?" George eyed the yellow flames with no small amount of distaste.
"Can't see why not." Fred shrugged. "Looks like she has enough to spare." He wiggled his fingers with a nod towards the magical barrier. From the whispers he'd heard from his grandparents and a few of the nobles still lingering out in the hallway, Jun's magic was special and rare. They didn't know exactly what it was, but it simply was.
The expression on Arthur's face when Percy had stepped out was near blinding.
Fred could see in a heartbeat that his older brother now had a legitimate excuse for his haughty behavior. It rather made him sick to his stomach. He scowled.
"Quit it." George elbowed him again. "What's with you today?"
"Me?" Fred held his hands up in mock surrender. "What would make you think that I am the one with-"
"I don't like her." George swallowed hard. "I really hope we can do this together."
This time, his twin eyed him seriously. "Gred?" Fred's voice was very light and very soft.
"M'fine." George leaned away from the serious look. "I just don't want to have to do this—alone."
Fred returned the shaky smile, but his heart wasn't in it.
"Fred, you're up next." Arthur looked to his twin sons. He had a general idea of which son was which, but at his wife's general treatment of both of them as a single entity, there were some things he'd allowed them to indulge in. He now wished he knew what secret it was she'd never shared in telling the two apart.
One broke away from the other and started forward.
Arthur hoped it was Fred.
Jun watched the father shuffle to greet his new Torvak son. She studied the expressions of all the others present. There were differing reactions to all and most of them were pleased with Percy's turnout. She studied there remaining Weasley children, she could already see how this would turn out for all of them.
It coaxed her headache into full bloom.
With a grimace, she turned away and rubbed her arms to put some warmth back into them. It seemed the twins were next, but she could feel a disturbance in their matched auras.
That was not good.
That was actually rather dreadful.
The runes on the ground hummed to life with the shift in her emotions and she paused to glower down at them. "Quiet you." She began to walk on the marks, smearing them out with her bare feet. She would have to write new ones for each child. The light and magic within each symbol faded away as she willed her magic to return to her.
Someone approached the barrier and Jun raised her head, turning to look over her shoulder. She frowned, reaching out with a flicker of her magic. The response made her recoil and edge further away from the fellow who stood at the yellow barrier of flame. It burned higher, brighter and hotter in understanding of her reaction.
It took several minutes before she could wrestle her emotions and reactions under suitable control. When it did, her fickle temper surfaced as well. Jun scowled and stomped to the front where she was nearly nose to nose with the redhead. "Not you, the other one." She snapped and turned away.
Fred leaned back as the flames suddenly came to life, burning hot enough to scorch and bright enough to blind. He stumbled back a few steps, holding up his hands against the change. That had been unexpected. He frowned when they finally faded somewhat and he edged closer again, attempting to look through the pale flames to see the runed pathway his siblings had taken before.
He was surprised to see the shadowy figure within, now drawing near.
It stopped a few feet away, but somehow those feet felt like inches.
"Not you, the other one!" The feminine voice hissed.
Fred found himself taking another step backward. He stared at the fading figure in a mixture of disbelief, frustration and indignation. But before he could protest, he heard his father speaking from behind.
"What's wrong?"
"She said she wanted George." Fred turned to look at his twin. George was significantly paler now than he had been a few minutes ago. "George?"
"No!" Arthur protested. "Don't give in to her." He turned his frown towards the wall of yellow flame and drew close to it. He waited until the woman circled around in her movements and spoke. "Fred is next."
There was a scoff from the other side of the flame. "You are not in a position to make demands. I want the other one. Now! Or I shall sit here all day and wait for night to come."
"Jun!" Regulus started forward only to be caught by Septimus' warning hand. He cast a look of worry to his wife, safely ensconced behind the fiery barricade. It did not escape him that her words were not an idle threat. If she did not wish to leave, then he knew there was no way that the featherbrains could make her. He almost smiled. It was that kind of stubbornness that had endeared the prickly woman to him in the first place.
The flames flickered and then roared back to life, twice as strong.
Arthur suppressed a flinch as he stood back. "George!" He said, stiffly. "Fred?" Perhaps it had been the wrong twin after all, but he certainly could not tell.
Fred stepped back.
George wearily approached. A moment later, the flames parted, allowing him entrance unlike the others. George's last visual was Fred's stricken expression as the wall of flame flared to life between them and a sudden, sharp emptiness stabbed through him.
"That required more drama than necessary." Jun frowned. She studied this newest redhead with a hint of worry. The decision to freeze the twinbond between them had not been an easy one. But when she'd caught a good whiff of the conflictions within each twin, she made up her mind.
They were individuals after all. With their own particular likes and dislikes, no matter how similar they were in physical appearance or magical ability.
She now made a series of calculations in her head as she approached the newest Weasley admission and held her hands out in supplication, showing that she meant no harm.
"Your face is saying so much, I daresay you would not have to say a thing." Jun commented, lightly. She rolled her shoulders back, holding the left one a tad higher than the right. "Do excuse me a moment." Her black wings burst forth from her shoulder blades and stretched—though not to full span—and shuddered. The black scales glistened in the light of the flickering flames as she drew near and the wings shifted to cocoon around them, hiding the interaction from prying eyes, even as the flames burned bright.
George felt something akin to mild panic settle over him as Jun drew near and her large, leathery wings unfurled with an audible snap. He had no delusions that she wasn't aware of her actions or her power. Everything about the woman reeked of power, authority and a painful darkness. He did not answer her statement, there really was nothing to say to that and if he didn't have to speak, then he wasn't about to complain either.
He didn't know what to say. Didn't quite trust his mouth to speak either. That was what Fred was for. Fred always knew what to say, how to say it and when to say it.
George suppressed a shudder as the wings arched forward and curved around him, coaxing him to inch forward, lest he be caressed by their warmed touches. He stumbled straight into her arms that curved around his back and neck, holding tight.
He trembled.
She made no comment.
They stood like that for a long time.
When George finally gathered himself together to pull away, the embrace tightened. He froze for a moment, checking his current status and the present situation.
It was dark, warm and comfortable in the makeshift privacy bubble.
Jun's arms were soft and strong, a lovely contradiction, but George didn't quite care. She held him with one arm curved around his neck, holding his head over her heart, so he could hear the steady, thrumming beat. She was tall enough that his height was nothing to her, not in this moment, anyhow.
It was a bit of a stretch. He could always remember the moment he became taller than his mother. It had made moments like this naught but a memory in his jumbled mind.
"A-aren't you supposed to change me or something?" He heard himself say.
She chuckled—softly. "In a hurry, are we?"
"Just a little."
The arm around his waist shifted so that the hand began to rub up and down his spine in soothing, slow motions. "There is no rush. Decisions like these take time."
"Right." George exhaled. "Time." He shifted, uneasily.
The arms slowly fell away and Jun stepped back, tipping up his chin with one hand. Her emerald eyes pierced through his soft brown ones. "You are fighting yourself." She murmured and then the wings rose and shifted to hang in the air behind her. She turned with ease and started forward to the center of the fire-sectioned space. "That is what was wrong."
"For once in your life, choose for yourself." Jun studied him for a moment. "Choose the right thing. It is neither a crime nor a shame to do something for yourself. We are all individual beings, no matter how many things may bring us together, bind us together or tear us apart, we will always remain that which we are."
George didn't answer, but he followed her to the center of the chalk scripted circle on the floor. He didn't know how to answer that.
"Come around front, please." She requested. "I do need to see you in order for this to work." She seated herself, gracefully. Long lean legs folding effortlessly beneath her, hands rested on her thighs, head held high, wings stretched out beautifully behind her.
George did circle around and the next thing he knew, he found himself kneeling before her, his hands in hers as she seemed eager to take them. He swallowed hard. "What are you going to turn me into?"
"You are well over the age of ten." Jun said, mildly. "That is the age of consent among my kind. You may bond at ten, leave home at ten and bear your own responsibilities at ten." She sighed. "Ideally, sixteen would be the best coming of age, but when you have reached your first decade-" she released one hand to trace a line from the center of his forehead, down his nose and over his lips, to end at the point of his chin. "Then you are old enough to speak for yourself."
He looked down.
She took his hand in hers once more. "The choice is yours," she said, softly. "Though I daresay you already know the answer."
"Things are never simple." George said, bitterly. "They are never as easy as they seem."
"Ah, but sometimes the right thing is the simplest and by doing the right thing, you choose the easiest path. Imagine the obstacles you would face, if you tried to live a lie and constantly rewrought yourself to be that which you thought you ought to be? Painful, I'd imagine. Boring as well. Exhausting for sure. It would milk your soul dry."
The laugh was torn from his lips. "Half a soul." George muttered.
"Ah, yes, your twin." Jun sighed. "I asked for you on purpose you know." She wrinkled her nose. "What is your name, anyway?"
"George. Lovely. A strong name." Jun sniffed. "Strong name for a not-so-strong child."
George glared at her.
She met his glare easily. "I asked for you, George. Not your older brother, not your 'other half' as you put it. I asked for you, so that you could have a chance. For once in your life, for goodness knows how it could turn out, you deserve to know that you have a choice. That there are options. You will not always be a carbon copy of each other, surely you know that."
"Of course I do!"
"Then why are you treating this opportunity as if I am raking you through the coals of the underworld?"
"Most people would say 'hell'." George quipped.
"Most people would answer the question." Jun's grip on his hands tightened—painfully. "Dragel or Torvak?"
"What?" He tugged on his hands.
She did not release them. "Did you know your mother was a Dragel?"
George closed his eyes and pressed his lips together. For some reason, that question hurt.
When the story finished, George didn't quite care that his head was in her lap and her hands were smoothing through his hair. He didn't care that he was sprawled on the cold, hard floor and he really didn't care that he might be crying. "I miss her." He said, hoarsely.
Jun wiped away a tear from his eye without comment. "Every child misses their mother." She murmured.
"No, I miss her." George stabbed a hand at his chest. "Here. It hurts. Since we left and especially since we came here and it makes me so—angry."
"But she lied to your father, practically betrayed him." Jun hummed. "That was very bad, was it not?"
"She did what she thought was best!" George made to rise, but her iron hands held him down.
"Shush, child. Do not work yourself up so. Do not think of what she could be, but rather what she is. A mother to cast this kind of magic has the kind of strength to move mountains and shift history." She patted his cheek. "Do you understand what I am asking of you?"
"I understand it, but I don't want it!" George exclaimed, passionately. "Why can't I stay like this? Why do I have to change just because everyone else wants me to?"
She curled her fingers in his hair and tugged, lightly. "You are working yourself up into a fit." She popped him on the cheek with two fingers. "Do not do that. I have no patience for hysterical beings of any kind, regardless of age, size or gender."
George did not deign to answer that.
"I am sorry that choice is no longer yours." She sighed. "Ideally, you should have had the choice, but if you were raised as you ought to be, there would've been nothing to worry of. Nature would have run its course." She smiled. "Surely the alternatives are not as horrible as you would believe? Besides, the choice is rather easy, is it not?"
"No, it isn't." George returned, dully. "It's hard and it's pointless."
"And you are sulking and moping." Jun retorted. "Allow me to spell it out for you then, shall I? That hurt in your heart is not your mother. It is her wish for you to have a happy, fulfilled life for every day that you live and breathe. The one beyond that, the one that aches and burns, that is your soul. It is crying for something that you are denying it." She began to feather her hands through his hair once more. "It is crying for your soulmate."
George blinked.
She smiled down at him, a sad, soft smile that didn't quite touch her vivid emerald eyes. "No one mentioned that you were exposed to a Dragel's Soulcry. That brother, Bill, he didn't have a hint of it, Percy didn't know what it was, so tell me something George, why are you reacting to it and how is it that you are able to resist?"
She still had that sad smile on her face as she stared down at him and those lovely wonderful hands continued to feather through his hair and wipe away the occasional traitor tear that snuck down his cheeks. Her words echoed hollowly in his head and he could not piece it together.
"I don't understand."
"You do not have to." Her hands stilled and one came to rest on his forehead. "You do not always have to understand everything, especially in matters of the heart and soul."
"What does it mean?"
"It means a Dragel Submissive saw you as a worthy mate." Jun said, matter-of-factly. "It also means that you are more attuned to your Dragel side than your inner Torvak."
"Why can't I be both?"
"Because you do not have the personality nor the magical reserves for it and because it would kill you." She thwapped him lightly on the shoulder. "Your blood is activated, meaning you have to choose. Which also worries me, because your mother's seal should have protected you from any kind of activation. Have you noticed anything odd, lately?"
George shuddered.
"I suppose that would be too broad. Very well then, the Dragel Submissive that called to you, do you know them?"
A soft pink blush registered as George's mind caught up to Jun's question. He winced.
"…Harry." He muttered. "Oh, Merlin, it's Harry, isn't it?"
"Counting the fact that I do not know this Harry of which you speak, I would suppose that we assume you are correct in your figuring." Jun perked a brow. "What makes you say that?"
"It was announced." George tried to shrug. "At the table, the breakfast table—no wait, I think it was lunch." He scowled. "It had everyone shouting. Poor Ginny."
"My sister." George frowned. "My only sister. She's had a crush on Harry for years. Mum never discouraged it, but-" George's soft brown eyes radiated a new measure of pain. "But she asked him if he was happy."
Jun tilted her head to the side.
"She asked if he was happy," George continued. "And then she left it like that. As if, that was enough to know."
"But it wasn't enough for you, was it?" Jun prompted. "Speak up now, while I am listening."
"He was mated to some Slytherin snake." George bit his lip. "I mean, I know a bloke's entitled to happiness and all that, but a Slytherin? A pureblood one at that, not that there are any that really aren't." He shifted uncomfortably on the floor. "A Nott, Theodore Nott. Harry was furious when Dumbledore told. He said he was happily mated and bonded." George scoffed. "Said he was! And when the bloke actually turned up, he didn't protest when Nott dragged him off in private." He huffed. "Then when they came down they had a lovely argument, but Harry took his side anyway."
"They were close then." Jun commented.
"You were jealous?"
"I was not!"
"Which is why you are so mixed up in here." She tapped his head. "You can join them, you know."
"I can't-"
"Dragels are different creatures," Jun hummed. Her emerald eyes flared. "Let me show you."
When George was conscious once more, he found his earlier blush rather pointedly painted on his face. Jun's explanation via mental channels had been welcome, informative and very, very embarrassing to a hormonal young wizard. He swallowed hard, avoiding her mirthful gaze. "So, I have a—chance."
"More than a chance." Jun corrected. "A Soul cry affects all potential soulmates. You can refuse him, if you like, in fact, choosing your Torvak side may actually handle the refusal for you, but you probably will never forget this."
"…and if I want to be—like you?"
"Then when I leave here, I suppose I shall have to take you with me. Regulus shouldn't mind."
"I'm afraid your family isn't very welcoming to our kind, love." She tapped his nose. "Now then, I think that is enough dithering about for the both of us. I already know what I want you to be and what would suit you best, but the choice remains yours. You are of age, after all." She yawned. "Torvak or Dragel?"
George slowly sat up, curling his legs up to his chest. He was silent for a long moment and then he cast a glance upwards at Jun, staring into bright emerald eyes that reminded him so much of Harry. "…Dragel."
She stood, behind him, bending down to kiss his forehead, her wings flaring out behind her. "Good choice, love."
"Will it hurt?" George lay down on the hard floor, surprised to feel some warmth creeping into it. He let her move his body about as she pleased. His arms and legs were quickly spread, his head positioned just so. He discovered, rather quickly, that once she had moved each limb in question, he could no longer move it on his own.
"Everything hurts." She countered.
"That bad?"
"Probably worse."
She smirked. "Pain is not always a horrible thing. It reminds us that we're alive, that there is life and in life there is hope. It is a singularly unique reminder."
George snorted. "Will you count?"
"Will it help?"
"Probably not."
"Wonderful. I'll count."
George almost laughed.
She stood over him, at his feet, her back to the blurred audience. "Hold your breath, I am told that helps." Her wings stretched and fluttered, moving around them to form an imperfect cocoon, so that his focus was solely on her. He welcomed the wisps of warmth that came with it and wished he could touch those beautiful wings.
He wondered, briefly, how his own would look. Would they be the same gorgeous shade of black?
She waited while he sucked in a deep breath.
"One, two, three." Jun counted rapid-fire. She pricked her thumb on one fang and traced the rune for Dragel in the palm of her other hand. She held it downward, facing him, so George could see it. It flared and glowed to life, the red burning black and the black burning into a rich, bright green. "You are familiar with runes?"
George shook his head as best as he could.
"I will call out the Dragel in you and bring it to the surface. You will transform almost at once and in doing so, you will destroy your Torvak side. I can only bring your true nature to the forefront, afterward, you are on your own. Do you understand?"
George swallowed. He released the breath he'd been holding and took another.
"Do you trust me?" She asked, voice soft.
…yes. How could I not? His mind hummed, his magic sparked, his soul fluttered. "…yes" his mouth answered.
Her sad smile turned brilliant. It made his heart catch in his throat. "Grantea ineekea solum-" within the confines of the neon fire, the circular rings began to glow an eerie green. "Shakshi. Dragel!"
The fire began to kindle within. George shuddered.
The fire burned and raged wildly around him.
But strangely, it was a comforting warmth. George found that he could not shy from it, yet he felt no need to do so. It was comforting and soothing, as if it were an old friend. It wrapped and swirled around him, dancing about with playful seduction. At first, it had felt as if some strange creature had taken over his body, forcing him to writhe, scream and fight, but then, as quickly as it had burned through him, it stopped.
George had simply lain there as the lovely fire licked at him.
He was on fire.
He was alive.
And it felt so good.
"Mum?" George cautiously edged around the corner of the kitchen. He stole a weary glance around him. Fred was puttering about somewhere, but he hadn't noticed when George had snuck off on his own. The younger twin hadn't wasted any time in making his way to the kitchen, where the heart of The Burrow seemed to truly be. He was searching for one thing and one thing only.
It was merely a matter of how to properly scheme for it, as Fred was always so careful about their twin-like reputation. George wrinkled his nose. It hadn't been hard to silently make his way to the kitchen. The house felt so odd when it was empty like this, everyone else missing. He was surprised that Mum hadn't sent them straight back to Hogwarts after the firework prank on Umbridge.
"Hmm?" Molly turned with a warm smile on her face. "Ah, George." She promptly swallowed him up in a hug, burying her face in his fiery hair and taking a deep breath. "I am so glad you are alright. What's tha matter?"
"You're barmy woman," he managed, even though the words felt stale upon on his tongue. "I'm Fred. Honestly, you call yourself our-"
Her hand caught a hold of his ear and gave it a quick twist.
He yelped and grabbed the offended appendage.
Warm brown eyes met troubled hazel ones.
"Whenever you need a hug, George," she drew him back to her bosom and hugged tight. Her arms were strong, warm and scented of cinnamon. "You just come and ask for it, you hear? It doesn't matter what Fred thinks." She kissed the corner of his temple. "And you needn't pretend to be him, to ask for one."
"Breathe, love." Jun's voice was somewhere overhead. "Slow breaths, come on now."
He did.
And he cried.
Tears of frustration, fear and hope trickled down his cheeks. The emotions swirled and settled in acceptance, freedom and understanding.
He understood.
This was no more a curse than it was a gift.
And he was lucky.
So very lucky.
Jun stood over the silently crying young man, reading the relief in his expressive features. She was curious to know and hopefully meet the lucky Submissive that would gain such a gem as a mate. The sheer complexity of this young dragel would make a mark on every one he came into contact with.
She steeled herself as she reached towards George with the runed hand. This would be easier than Percy's finishing rites. George was willing. He was not fighting her. He truly looked forward to this.
She couldn't help the smirk that stole over her solemn features. She was proud of him.
The Dragel within her stirred and roared. She laughed, aloud.
Her runed hand pressed flat against the sole of his right foot. His body jerked, rigid before his mouth opened in a soundless scream.
"Shakshi." She murmured. "Elomath Torqash."
She withdrew her hand and the rune once visible on it, was now transferred to the sole of his bare foot. It burned black, then red and then it began to weep and bleed. She drew on her runes, watching the lighted stones hum to life around them both as she called the tainted blood to the surface and drew it out in the least painful channel.
The blood spilled over, seeping into the ground, filling the carvings she'd cast when George had been thinking. They filled with the tainted, black-red blood and suddenly, turned pure black, hissing as it melted away and returned the floor to its original state.
Blood traitors. Jun remembered. Just a moment longer, George…
The young man had blacked out at some time during the proceedings.
She did not blame him.
There were very few who could retain consciousness through such a ritual. Ideally, it would be best not to combine the two, but she had the energy to spare and there was no telling who else and where else he could find someone with the ability to perform a blood purification.
It was a long time before Jun straightened from her knees at his feet and wandlessly cast a flicker of magic to heal the rune inscribed on his foot. The healing magic spiraled through him, prompting a groan. She smiled.
George awoke to find himself shirtless and with a tremendous ache between his shoulders.
"George?" Jun's voice came from somewhere behind him. "How are you feeling?"
"Ow?" He suggested.
She laughed—the sound light-hearted and amused. "Ow is accurate." She allowed. "You did very well."
"I did."
"Mmhm." She patted his head.
He leaned into the touch.
She obliged, gently scratching her fingers through his sweat-dampened crop of red hair. "Your element is fire." Her free hand squeezed his shoulder, gently. "That is a very powerful element."
"Fire?" George hummed, eyes closed in bliss.
"Mmhm. I would wager it was your bearer's element as well." She smiled. "A variation of it though, black fire. That is a very rare gift. Most elements do not have a secondary function within their bearing. Black fire is one of the rarest kinds. You will have to be very, very careful from now on."
His brow furrowed. Rare? Me?…impossible…!
She rubbed the wrinkles away. "You will have to watch that temper of yours."
He pouted.
She laughed again. "From one redhead to another, temper is the least of our worries, hm?"
He nodded, vigorously.
"Good lad. Now, your wings are next, alright?"
He stiffened.
She pinched him. "None of that. The more relaxed you are, the better this will be. You need to have them out and I need to take a look at them, alright? It would be best if I was present for your first extension."
It hurt.
Far worse than anything else he could possibly recall.
It hurt!
There was blood everywhere.
And everything felt heavy.
And then he felt Jun's hands on them.
Tender, gentle and expert in their handling.
George hummed wearily.
"You said you'll take me with you, right?"
"I did." Jun squeezed the back of his neck, gently. She continued to work out the kinks in his shoulder, rubbing the tattoos until they swirled beneath his skin once more and faded into their necessary places.
"You will, won't you?"
"I do not make inaccurate suggestions nor promises that I cannot keep."
"…so yes?"
"Yes, you silly child."
"I'm not that young."
"I'm at least a century over you."
"What will happen to me?"
"Nothing, really. We'll find that lovely little Harry of yours and you can court him proper."
George snickered.
She thumped him on the head.
"You will court him."
"I don't think he'd appreciate it." George rubbed his nose. "And I don't know anything about courting a bloke, anyhow."
"Then start using that impressive head of yours."
"All done."
George didn't move.
"Up we go."
He let himself be dragged up to his feet. His body obeying even as everything else about him protested.
"…George?" Jun led him to the wall of flame.
He looked to her, inquiringly.
"They won't know what's happened to you until I have my hands on that twin of yours."
"Fred." George supplied.
"Yes, Fred. Him." She patted his shoulder. "You will not be able to influence him in any way, understand?"
George didn't. But he nodded anyway. That was what she wanted to know, anyway.
"Good. Now go."
Go? George turned and grabbed her in a fierce hug. He felt her start and stiffen in his arms. But before he could pull away, she relaxed and hugged him back—hard.
"You'll be fine. Now, out with you!"
He dodged her smack, but not the stinging hex. "Ow!"
He could have sworn she laughed.
A/N: There is no Harry in this chapter, sorry! I could not fit George and Fred in the same chapter, so instead, there will be two short chapters. Sorry for the delay with this one-I am fine-stressed, but fine. This chapter is specially for George and the next for Fred. :) After that, it's back to Harry and Co.
HeartStar--ah, I know. I kind of like the way Percy was going here, until Jun had to snatch his memories out, I had a note to explain that on the FF version, so here it is: Jun's handling of Percy was for two reasons. She saw his character flaw as someone putting on a front to seek approval and love. She treated him kindly for that, but realized that he is too set in his ways and used to playing his 'part' that he would never be able to handle what comes with being a Dragel. For her to activate his Torvak side, her Dragel magic would awake his Dragel side, so she had to remove it. She removed his memory of her kindness to give him a better handle on entering the Torvak world, otherwise, he'd be torn--after all, she handled him with ease and no kid gloves--and in the present audience waiting for him to emerge, they would not take kindly to him.
There could be a recessive or dormant gene, but remember Dumbles cast a spell and that Molly's seals to keep either gene from showing are interfering with nature? Percy would've turned out as a perfectly normal wizard, but with the whole crazy seals business, Percy's agitation of the seal caused some issues for him. I'm getting to that point soon. :) Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Jan--Thanks for reading! hope you enjoy the new chapter. Sorry it's a tad short.
Unneeded--LOL. Well, I have a spoiler thread on FF, but nothing too major-ish there. Spoilers are fun tho. This is a George chapter, the Fred chappy is next. Then back to Harry and Co. Yes, there's a reason why Draco and har were all so OOC. That was on purpose. ;) Yes, when the horocrux is out, he'll be able to handle a lot of things much better than he is at present. Yep. It took me a while to figure out how to write Percy(the pesky little prat, :P) Thanks for reading and reviewing!
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