Can You Keep a Secret? | By : KusanoSaku Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 28246 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 6 |
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter francise does not belong to me. I own only the plot and I make no money off of this. |
Title: Can you keep a Secret?
Authors: kusanobabe05 [kusanosakura] and socia0307
Pairings: DracoxHarry, ArthurxMolly, VoldemortxSeverus, Theo NottxGeorge, ViktorxCharlie, and more
Fandom: HP
Notes: Compatible up to the bathroom scene between Draco and Harry in Half-blood Prince- minus the Ginny interest. After that is completely AU…
Warning: drarry gets rather aggressive so be warned.
A/N: Sorry for the lateness of the update but It took a bit longer to wrap up the baby shower chapter than I hoped. Plus, I have gone to Urgent Care just about once a month lately for sprained wristed and various infection. I think things are getting better...
Chapter 46
Hermione had made the arrangements and sent the invitations with only Draco and Molly let in on the ‘surprise’.
Hermione had the Blessing Shower planned for Harry’s birthday, knowing her friend and his modesty, he would far prefer to have presents for Iris than himself.
Luna who seemed to ‘know everything’ sent her a guest list and she was surprised to find Padma Patil of Ravenclaw from the DA. Luna had included a note beside the name- henna artist…
This was apparently a new tradition that bearers in Britain had become fond of and Hermione had considered it but until that note, was going to skip it.
Colin was on the list as photographer but it was the name Matilda Prewett that struck Hermione as odd.
She had heard of the Slytherin witch of course, Prewett was second to Luna in marks and in the same year with her, Ginny and Colin but Hermione had never met her.
Neville was also on the list as was Dean, Lavender had a note about her being loyal to Harry but if her presence would be difficult for Hermione then she could be excluded. Pansy was not on the list but Millie Bulstrode, Giselle Goyle and Daphne Greengrass were. Professor ‘Snape’ was on the list as Lord Prince as was his consort, wait her potions professor was married? At any rate, supportive guests were allowed to bring a plus one but people like Ron were obviously excluded.
Trusting Luna, Hermione sent out the appropriate invitations that were charmed as time activated portkeys by Remus since Hermione was still under a magic ban. Narcissa had seen to the menu with Dippy and Winky’s assistance using sketches and even cookbooks that Andromeda had fetched for the more muggle dishes.
Everything was coming together…
Severus and Alaric were surprised to receive a joint invitation to Harry’s Blessing Shower. Having never attended one, they had to question Andromeda when she arrived for Severus’ check-up.
After learning it was a conception celebration and that gifts for the baby were expected, Alaric felt both unable and unwilling to leave Severus at the time but sent the Head Prince Elf with some monies to purchase suitable gifts. He might have sent others but he was willing the give the elf a chance to redeem herself after panicking following Severus’ collapse.
Severus was ‘allowed’ to attend the shower if he remained seated and did not use magic but only if Alaric accompanied him.
Severus tried to resist attending but given Alaric’s agreement with Harry’s ‘faction’ as well as his own stasis as godfather, Alaric had insisted they at least make an appearance.
To keep Harry and Draco’s current residence a ‘secret’, Narcissa had offered a known Malfoy property in France called La Miellerie or ‘The Honey House’.
The Malfoys were originally French and came over with William the Conqueror, but had a chateau on the border of the Berry and Poitou regions. Over the years the family had renovated the outbuildings and turned them into residences for the widows of the family. Lucius’ grandmother Muriel had claimed the La Petite Maison about the time that his grandfather Atticus passed through the Veil.
La Miellerie was used for nights away or even the occasional small party if hosting at the Manor seemed unseemly.
Given that her marriage to Lucius hadn’t been a love match and Lucius had no interest in a romantic honeymoon they had spent a few days there. After she conceived, Lucius had moved into his father’s former apartments at the manor following redecoration.
Narcissa had thrown herself into Draco’s care, choosing not to leave him to house elves and only making the minimum of social appearances for Lucius. She was quite good at keeping up appearances despite her disagreement with Lucius and her family’s support of the Dark Lord.
Granted, the Dark Lord was no longer the insane man he had been when Draco was an infant. He also apparently never gave Bella permission to torture her either…
Never mind that…
All that mattered was making this blessing shower a success and revealing Harry’s relationship with her dragon as consensual and a soulmate bond…
July 31, 1997
The day of the blessing shower arrived…
Draco had been told that Harry’s birthday party was well in hand and to keep his ‘pointy nose out’ by a snickering Hermione. Mrs Weasley had offered to make the cake and biscuits when she learned of the party, since she hadn’t been involved in the planning, Hermione had agreed since Harry was quite fond of her sweets.
Harry’s birthdays in recent years had been late or only attended by the Weasleys…
It was Harry’s second birthday without Sirius, despite the man’s immature and mentally scarred mindset from Azkaban, his cousin had clearly cared about Harry…
The party was at one o’clock and was expected to last a few hours at most.
Given that Harry was still under the Fidelius for his own Safety, Hermione had also agreed to allow Luna to host because The Burrow was under a host of dangerously protective charms and Draco had informed her that both Malfoy Manor as well as Grimmauld Place were locked to blood. While Narcissa had offered a Malfoy property, they had decided that having it at a ‘neutral’ location was actually better since it allowed Luna to be the ‘official hostess’ and was a strong sign of support for the Malfoy-Potter relationship.
Hermione had allowed Luna to turn each invitation into a timed portkey.
While they could have requested Hogwarts, it was not safe enough given her own and Harry’s experiences for such an event.
Harry was surprised to be flooed to Luna’s home Rook’s Folly on his birthday.
While he had realised that his friends were unlikely to be invited to Ivy Hall, he hadn’t really expected a birthday party at all.
Between his living under the Fidelius and his pregnancy, Harry had just been grateful to have a Dursley free Summer for once in his life.
Luna and Neville met Draco, Hermione and himself at the floo.
Luna took Harry’s arm and skipped outside to the front lawn of her home.
Once they were outside she beamed at him, “Happy Birthday.”
There was a chorus of ‘surprise!’…behind Luna were members of the DA, the Weasleys [minus Ron and Ginny], Remus, the Tonks’, Narcissa and members of the Order such as Severus who was conspicuously sitting but accompanied by a strangely familiar wizard and a few people he recognized by sight but didn’t know well.
Harry was led to a surprisingly comfortable white wicker loveseat with Draco joining him.
Hermione beamed at the guests, “Thank you for coming. I suspected this being Harry’s birthday that most of you would come. As you were informed in the invitation, Harry is pregnant, Draco and he are soulmates who put their former animosity behind them. This is a Blessing Shower; a fusion of Wizarding traditions from the Blessing and Muggle traditions from a Baby shower. This is because both prospective parents have ties to the Wizarding and Muggle worlds. Everyone here is supportive of your relationship and wish to show you with gifts for your little one.”
Harry noticed a large posterboard set up with baby pictures, “What is that?”
Hermione giggled, “I suppose we could play that first, it is for ‘guess the baby’. Dean created it for us.”
“Oh?” Draco asked with a raised eyebrow.
“We all replied with baby pictures as rsvps.” Narcissa smiled delicately behind her hand.
“Who has to guess?” Dean smirked.
“Not you,” Hermione scoffed, “you probably know the answers but you can decide the winner. We have a few prizes…”
It was a picnic and all of the guests claimed a piece of an impossibly large blanket.
With a few exceptions, most were wizarding pictures.
Draco was among the few who correctly identified which mocha-skinned boys were Dean, Blaise and Lee Jordan.
He recognized Blaise of course having known his friend since he was three, Dean’s was a Muggle picture and thus stationary, while Lee Jordon was the obvious last choice.
Tonks’ baby picture was obvious, she was the only one with purple hair after all.
Hermione and a Slytherin soon-to-be Sixth Year named Mal Prewett were harder to tell apart being both Muggle pictures but when Mal correctly identified Hermione’s, it became clear which one was Mal’s.
Luna and Draco were so similar in coloring with Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour as well as Giselle Goyle that most had a difficult time identifying them but Narcissa could.
In the end, Draco ended up identifying the most pictures correctly and earned a large box of miscellaneous Honeydukes chocolates. He offered the box to Harry immediately earning a kiss.
“Presents!” Hermione announced clapping her hands.
All were wrapped in bright colors such as pink, purple, yellow and white with many having big bows in complimentary colors.
From Neville came baby safe plants that he claimed were edible and had soothing scents, Luna gave Harry a blanket made from spun unicorn hair, Colin gave Harry a baby book to fill with photographs which made since given that he had never been seen without his camera, Hermione gave Harry a collection of Beatrix Potter books to read to Iris and something she called a cosy toes as well as blankets, Severus obviously gave him a box full of prenatal potions for himself and for the first few years of Iris’ life. His consort who felt familiar but was clearly wearing a glamour had magical monitoring devices that was obviously expensive, they were considered more accurate than a charm, they also allowed a guardian to be anywhere in a home and still be aware. Another benefit was that they could be easily passed from adult to adult without requiring a recasting.
Narcissa prepaid for Iris’ dragon pox vaccinations; after all, her father-in-law had died from the disease. Andromeda had crocheted a blanket for Iris and Tonks had chosen singing blocks, while Molly had gifted Harry more ginger biscuits and knitted things such as sweaters. The Delacour sisters had a Veela protection charm woven from their hair, a powerful gift that Draco recognized and was grateful for. Greg and Giselle Goyle had a gift certification to Charlene’s a store in Paris that had fine baby items. Blaise had a stuffed Pegasus with real hair for the mane and tail. The Greengrass sisters: Daphne, Maia and Asteria had chosen a gift certificate from the Rocking Bear, a baby story in Diagon.
Oliver, ever the Quidditch fiend, had gifted Harry with a baby quidditch romper that bore his own name. Angelina and her fellow chasers Alicia and Katie had chosen a rose and crystal chandlier that was meant for Iris’ room.
George and Theo were there and they had chosen a practical gift of baby nappies and white rompers. Likely because they had some experience looking after babies…
Remus’ gift of a stuffed black Irish Wolfhound, a wolf, a stag and a doe weren’t all that surprising. Harry hugged him in gratitude.
“I thought that Lily should be commemorated this time…” Remus whispered. “You had similar stuffed toys, we all gave you one.”
Harry felt that the doe for his mother was a much better choice than a rat for Wormtail…
The gifts continued…
There was a beautiful golden picture frame in the shape of an elephant from Pavarti and Padma.
The Brown sisters had also brought gifts but there was a beautiful iris that Lavender had labelled from herself and Ron.
“Sage’s is Mystic Muse, but mine and Ron's is called Champange Elegance…”
Ron’s absence was noted, Harry was still hurt by Ron’s refusal to speak to him or accept his relationship with Draco. Last time he had spoken to Ron, his ‘friend’ was still contemplating how to break up their relationship and get Draco in trouble.
From Fred was a specially ordered romper- ‘Study like Hermione, Laugh like Fred and Live like papa’; Bill had clearly retrieved a Malfoy claiming bracelet from Narcissa and cast a number of protection spells to keep Iris safe while Charlie had chosen a diaper bag made from a Romanian Longhorn.
There were gifts from Harry and Draco’s former professors; Sprout sent lemon balm and lavender while McGonagall sent a wall hanging of a plaid with the Potter family crest, it was, however, curious that it was silver-grey with black and red stripes. Flitwick sent a crib mobile of winged keys, likely a tribute to Harry having beaten Flitwick’s winged key chamber. From Trelawney, there was another amulet for protection that looked like a silver acorn with a Celtic knot inside it.
There were more gifts but Harry was overwhelmed…
Draco was grateful that Hermione seemed to be taking note of each gift as well as the giver, it would make sending thank you notes easier.
Harry seemed close to tears by the time he reached the last gift: Disney classics Hardbacks, what looked to be the complete set.
Dudley had been given a few of these by schoolmates before they, or at least their parents, learned toys were better received. He even remembered there being a few in his primary school library as well but he was never allowed to read them. The teachers and librarian had it in their head that he would sooner destroy a book than read it. The distrust that muggles had always shown him thanks to his supposed family’s mistreatment and claims, still hurt.
The thoughtful presents even from Draco’s housemates, made Harry realize just how different his life was now. He loved his new life, he was grateful that all these people were accepting of his relationship with Draco and their baby. Even Ron's fiancee and her sister were there with gifts and good wishes...
The gifts ended but Harry's tears of happiness had not, there were so many beautiful and thoughtful gifts...
They would make the nursery that Harry had been working on with Draco to make ‘perfect’.
The gift certificates would help expand Iris' wardrobe, with Draco as a father, she would likely need a large assortment of clothes for all weather and occasions.
Harry couldn't wait to hold Iris in his arms...
Hermione had been surprised when that Slytherin soon-to-be Sixth Year was the only one to properly identify her baby picture.
Hermione had never noticed her before today, she was obviously in Luna and Colin's year but in a different House. There had been no reason for their paths to cross, despite Luna sending Hermione a list of ‘safe' guests.
Mal Prewett had spent much of the Blessing Shower watching Hermione but not in a way that made her feel unsafe but rather shy instead.
Was this Mal the person that Luna was referring to when she said that she would meet her soulmate this summer?
Hermione had never considered that she might like girls...
Sure, her parents employed a lesbian dental hygienist who was in a long term relationship with another woman and the two attended the office holiday parties together, but Hermione hadn't considered what her type was before.
She had been dosed into artificial love with Ron using the Amortentia potion so when he began seeing Lavender, Hermione found herself jealous and hurt when there had been no relationship besides friendship between them. The idea that she and Ron had engaged in any type of sexual activity was abhorrent to her.
Hermione had intended to save herself for marriage or at least until she was engaged, the concept that she had waited until neither, infuriated her.
If Dumbledore wasn't dead... she might have been tempted to take a bit of revenge. Not for herself perhaps, but definitely for Harry. She was more furious about her goddaughter nearly being aborted against Harry’s wishes…
But oh, so grateful that Iris was alive and thriving… it had been a shock that wizards could have children naturally but really, it was becaue of magic, so she really shouldn’t have had been surprised.
She was looking forward to being a godmother, she was worried about how
Harry would handle his education. She would have to return to Hogwarts in September of course, provided of course that Andromeda cleared her to take her Sixth Year exams. She was hopeful of being named Head Girl, she had had the top marks not only out of the girls but also her entire year with Draco as her closest competition. If he was named Head Boy, then he needed to return to Hogwarts when she did, even if Harry hadn’t had their daughter yet.
Their lives were changing, her Blessing Shower had been a success and Hermione had been satisfied that Narcissa and Mrs Weasley were definitely supportive. Her guests had all turned up with gifts and treated Harry kindly. None of them seemed jealous or disapproval, with Luna writing the guest list, should she have been surprised.
What do you think? Outstanding? Exceeds Expectations? Acceptable? Poor? Dreadful? Troll?
Angel- Thank you!
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