Weapon | By : uqui Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Voldemort Views: 105520 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 26 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Thank you to SuryaPrakash for beta-ing.
Unneeded and SpiritofBeyond if you leave some way of contacting you I will reply. You rate a fic by voting for it at the bottom near the review section.
I was going to leave this until Saturday but I had big news! Possession is now being translated into French! :)
Weapon LIII - Diversion
Voldemort was surrounded by a core of his most ardent followers who were performing defence while he was attacking. Harry could see that the Serpent Lord was relaxed and he resisted the urge to speak to his beloved. There was something else going on here obviously for the Dark Lord to be so relaxed and for this attack to be so tepid.
It was as if the dark forces were showing off. As if they just wanted to be seen, but didn't particularly care about any damage they may be causing or not causing as the case was. Harry could think of no other reason his beloved would be playing.
That was the only way he could describe what he was seeing.
Voldemort was trading blows with Draco Malfoy and while the blond appeared terrified he was also doing surprisingly well, pulling off charms that Harry didn't think the young wizard was capable of. Obviously he'd put in some serious training over the summer, much like a certain Gryffindor.
Harry was thankful the others couldn't see or there would be some questions, maybe not about the dark forces but certainly about Draco and right at the moment he didn't want anything interfering with the Slytherin. He would have his own questions for the Dark Lord as soon as he was able.
With a lazy flick of his wand, Voldemort shrugged off the Slytherin, stunning the blond but not moving in for the kill. Red serpent eyes swept over the battle field and for an instant green and red gaze's met but both were aware of the approaching members of the Order of the Phoenix, and the Vampires and Aurors.
The Dark Lord apparated in a swirl of red robes without saying a word and the Death Eaters followed, leaving the battle field eerily silent.
Harry let out an explosive breath, letting his shield fall as he turned his focus back towards healing charms. His friends quickly came into the carriage, but were discrete enough to stand back as they saw him working. Soon the medics called from St Mungos were Apparating in, but by that time Harry had healed the wounds of the First Year who was sitting, shaking his head a bit groggily but was otherwise fine. The rest of the First Years looked at him with something akin to awe and Harry just smiled slightly, wiping bloody hands on his robes as he stood.
With a few quick steps, Harry moved over to the most senior member of the Order he could see.
"Good work, Harry," Kingsley said, looking around at the damage.
It was rather impressive actually. There were several carriages almost completely disassembled and from the wreckage there were students climbing out from behind cover. Apparently those who had not been able to run had been able to do the sensible thing and hide. That would explain why so many Death Eaters had still been gathered at the front of the train. Obviously they were trying to get those who were under cover, though to Harry something with the attack wasn't right. He didn't say anything; the Order and the Ministry would just have to work it out themselves.
The engine of the Hogwarts Express was unhitched from the rest of the carriages and was lying on its side, about 80 metres to the side of the tracks. They wouldn't be travelling that way though to the school, not unless they were prepared to compromise the scene to clean up the wreckage and someone, probably Dumbledore, levitated the locomotive back to the tracks. Other arrangements would have to be made to get the students to Hogwarts this year.
Harry shook his head. He was glad this wasn't going to be his problem, nor would he have to talk to the media. They were going to have a field day with this and as Harry thought that, he understood his beloved's purpose with this attack. It was not about anything except showing his presence, and what better way to do that than to show that no one was safe. That's why no one had died. Voldemort didn't want that, not this time. This time it was about presence.
After being dismissed by the blood traitor, Draco had stalked to the front of the Hogwarts Express, suppressing his rage. He'd learnt spells and charms over the summer but the Gryffindork and his ilk could still control the situation and that infuriated him. He still had much to learn it would seem. But those things were quickly forgotten as he was thrown to the ground and from around him there came the unmistakeable sounds of many apparition points.
He'd been momentarily stunned when he'd hit the ground and it took him a moment to realise that the train had been stopped and that he could hear the pops of apparition only because the noise of the Express was no longer present. Father never warned me there would be an attack, he thought dumbly, before the memory and realisation that his father was no more in a position of power re-established itself in his mind again and he shuddered with cold fear. He had to carve his own future and while being the son of the Dark Lord Lucius would have been enough for him there was a certain satisfaction from knowing that his eventual position would be because of his own work and talents. Never would the future be able to say that he had just inherited power, wealth and position. The future would know he had fought and had won it over the bodies of his enemies. They would know that he, Draco Malfoy, was a wizard of supreme ability and foresight, descended from a line that was known for those traits, true, but he would be known as the epitome of them.
He was consumed by the fantasy for only an instant but was brought shockingly back to the present at the sound of tearing, and there came the flash of a cold breeze against his skin. He realised then that the carriage was being torn apart and the words of his mother came to the fore. "Be aware and be prepared for anything at any time. The Serpent Lord may no longer be the true heir of the dark but never doubt he is formidable and never doubt that he can plan. You will win in time, Draco, my son, but remember always he has the history and the planning that must be over come first."
This then was merely an example of the Serpent Lord's ability. Most in the wizarding community didn't doubt that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had returned, but the level of fear that had accompanied his last rise was not yet present. Why? Because everyone was relying on that darned Potter to defeat him again! Draco knew, he could feel that it was a false hope; one that the light would pay dearly for, but one his followers would be prepared to accept and would know in their hearts. They would not be caught by surprise. Screams from around him indicated that many had been caught unaware by the Serpent Lord's attack and Draco rolled himself behind cover as he sent his astral self to assess the situation.
This attack by the Serpent Lord would go a long way towards re-establishing the fear in the community. If the children were not safe, if Dumbledore could fail here, then nowhere was safe. The tactician in Draco admired the cunning, but while the Serpent Lord's plan was even now complete, it provided him with an opportunity. He had followers yes, those already willing to follow the name Malfoy, but for him to be successful he needed more. He needed to recruit those who were still considering following the Serpent Lord or maintaining their neutrality. He had to show everyone that he was a viable force, not just a child's voice. And the Serpent Lord's attack was his best opportunity. If he could defeat a couple of Death Eaters, then the entire school would know his name, as would the rest of the wizarding community in time. His mother could use that. While he recruited the future, she would use the opportunity to recruit the seniors to his cause.
Draco smiled, picking out his targets before drawing his astral body back to himself, simultaneously drawing his secondary wand. It was time to show Hogwarts what he'd learnt this summer.
Voldemort sat in his throne room both pleased and irritated by the results of the midday battle. "Tell me again why I didn't kill the junior Malfoy?" he snarled at the shadows after checking that Kisha was well away. By mutual agreement the elder vampire had not and would not participate in any battle until the impact would be the best. The element of surprise and the complete stripping of the allegiance between the Vampires and the Order made it worth Voldemort's time to agree to the lack of assistance from Xeoaph's sire.
The shadows chuckled at his vehemence. :Because, you agreed to give him to our Master,: they replied almost happily.
"And now he grows arrogant," the Dark Lord replied, "thinking he can match me."
:Let him think what he wants,: the shadows advised. :In the end, those who follow him will be brought low.:
"Yet those who follow him, should be following me."
:You want the intelligent ones, those who can see where true power lies, not those who follow the flash and promise of illusion.:
"I do," Voldemort conceded, "But I still need the children. I do not need them blinded by their fellows' supposed ability. I do not need them following Malfoy and thinking of all the things that might please that young upstart, where such things bring risk to my mate."
The shadows seemed to nod, granting the Dark Lord a point in that line of reasoning. :Even should the younglings follow Draco, we will see to it that our Master is unharmed. Those who raise their hand against our Master will suffer. We need our Master happy with us, even more than you do, Serpent Lord,: they added, their choral voice dark with inflection before they lightened. :Leave Draco with his illusions, it makes his fall sweeter and gives the Vampires hope that their price may yet be paid.:
Voldemort chuckled. "They don't honestly expect a Malfoy to honour whatever pact they had?"
:Not yet, but in due course, they are hoping to extract at least partial payment. Xeoaph invested heavily in Lucius, he has to try to recoup something,: the shadows said playfully.
The Serpent Lord was silent for a long moment, considering what he knew, what he thought the shadows were planning, and what he was planning. In the end, if a few followed Draco it would make no difference, so long as no harm came to his beloved, and in that he knew that the shadows would be fierce guardians. The younger Malfoy was of no consequence in the larger scheme and the only regret in his destruction would be the mourning of another pure line vanishing. With a hiss, he let the argument go, turning his attention to the battle tonight.
As anyone with an ounce of sense would have worked out the attack on the Express was diversionary and illustrative, but he hadn't intended to inflict real harm in that strike. His goals with that attack had been met, and already his Ministry spies were reporting that most of the Ministry were now set the task of reassuring distraught parents and of attempting to work with the Order to come up with better security plans. Once they realised he could do what he wanted, when he wanted, and started actually planning on fighting then they would have more success, Voldemort thought to himself, but that was hardly advice he would be providing them. If they were too dense to realise that on their own, they needed his leadership more than he thought, and much more than they realised.
Tonight though, that would be the real test for him. The actual logistics of the strike were easy, but the reactions of his followers and their ability to believe and to adapt, that would be what was truly tested. If they failed, if they did not meet his expectations, then his plans would be put back. The Hogwarts Express had been a taste of fear for the Wizarding Community. Tonight would be the main course.
"How many will I lose?" he speculated a loud.
:Some, but not many,: the shadows replied. :Most of those you see tonight follow you without question and on the few times they've been forced to think, they have followed your logic. There is after all, a reason some of them are of your upper echelons.:
Voldemort smiled, almost ironically. "That is true, they will follow my lead for these are my forces that may have failed me, but have not betrayed me and while I prefer neither failure nor betrayal, those who fail can succeed in other ways; those who betray me, are dead to me forever."
:And that is how it should be,: the shadows whispered.
Harry blew out his breath, losing patience. He and most of the other students were still just milling around while the Order, the Ministry, and any other interested party tried to decide what to do. You would have thought that their key priority would be to move the students to Hogwarts; then they could have examined the wreckage at their leisure and held as many interviews as they wanted. But no... Apparently everyone was too in shock to take the logical path and he was fast losing his patience. Only the causalities had been apparated out, some to St Mungos but most to Madame Promfrey. None of the injuries were really that bad, but it had been deemed best to ease the strain on the Hogwarts Infirmary as much as possible. The students would be apparated to Hogwarts in another day or so, after they were cleared by the Medi-wizards.
As yet another Ministry official eyed him off in that way that said they were working up their courage to talk to him, he finally lost his patience. "Gather your things," he said to his friends, looking around at each of them. "We at least are going to make it to Hogwarts."
Harry strode purposefully over to Mad Eye. To be fair, the elder Auror looked as disgusted as he did at the situation and had been trying to make arrangements to clear out the non-combatants, but each time he seemed to have the situation under control, another ministry official would do or say something and the situation would deteriorate again. "I'm leaving," Harry said firmly. "There is nothing more I can do here and it would be better to clear out as many as possible."
"Tell that to them," Mad Eye growled, flicking his hand through an encompassing gesture.
"Just override them," Harry suggested. "What are they going to do? Complain?" he added in an impish tone.
Mad Eye froze before he laughed, a short bark of noise that seemed to attract attention. "I'll see you later," he said, giving his approval for Harry to leave before he turned back to the Ministry Officials and began shouting, exerting authority as an Auror he technically didn't have but that his reputation and presence would grant him for the moment.
Harry grinned and then walked back to his friends, seeing that they had gathered everything they needed together, including his bags. "Okay, link hands," he instructed, "I'm going to apparate us."
Hermione's eyes went wide. "Harry, are you sure?" she asked, a touch of doubt shading her tone. At least she hadn't given the rout "You can't apparate into Hogwarts" speech.
"Yeah, I'm sure," he replied firmly. "I'll need a good sleep tonight," he added for her benefit. Side along apparition was one thing and was something well known, but no one really ever took more than two people. He was planning on taking five others, with baggage; it was fair that she was worried. "I've had enough of them worrying over a battle that was nothing more than diversion," he added, before with a slight flash and a large pop they vanished, reappearing at the Hogwarts boundary wards.
Hermione looked around as the disorientation faded and Harry caught the slight look of disappointment. He grinned at her, winking "Can't apparate into Hogwarts, now can you, Hermione?"
She smiled back at him, recognising his jest. "No, you can't," she replied, pulling out her wand to cast feather light charms on their trunks as they prepared to walk up to the castle.
About half way there Ron frowned and looked at Harry. "Harry," he said, his voice sort of doubtful. "What did you mean, diversion?"
"At the Express, you said you'd had enough of people who thought the battle was a diversion. What did you mean?"
"I meant what I said Ron. I want you to think about it for a while, it will come to you. But think about this, why was the only major damage to the Express? Why were none of the students killed?"
"Velma was pretty heavily injured," Ginny said.
"But not by spells. She was injured by debris, not by any spell work," Neville said almost immediately. "Why didn't they kill anyone?" he asked with a frown.
"Why indeed?"
"So you think the battle was a diversion?" Ron asked again. "But a diversion for what?"
"It could be anything," Hermione broke in. "It could even be nothing more than a publicity stunt. Ginny, you told me over the summer, the last time he was on the rise, sometimes, just sometimes, he did things that seemed to make no sense, that were really only there just to show that he was there."
"Yes." The red-haired girl replied reluctantly.
"Then could this have been that? How better to show that you are back that by disrupting the Express, something most wizards thought was safe? In one stroke he shows he's back, and that not even the children are safe and he gets to strike at the blind belief that Dumbledore can save everything. I think a lot of wizards are counting on Dumbledore to save them again. By striking in Dumbledore's domain, V... v... voldemort," she said the name with a grimace, "shows that he can and will strike at anything and that as far as he is concerned, his victory is only a matter of time."
Harry nodded, letting the others take the explanation from Hermione before they began walking again to the castle.
Luna sidled up next to him though, and the look she gave him was open and frank. "Not all Phoenix are red," she said.
Harry decided to be direct. "Really, I hadn't seen any that weren't red."
"Fawkes is black," Luna added cryptically. "You are black, but the darkness is not the same."
"Luna. I'm not a Phoenix."
"I know, you aren't even one in your other form. But Fawkes is black and you are black, but not all darkness is evil. And sometimes evil hides in the light."
"Luna..." Harry said uncertainly.
"It's just something you need to know," she said with a soft smile before turning away hurrying a little to catch up with Ginny, leaving Harry rather perplexed.
He shook his head briefly before looking up as they rounded the corner.
The majestic castle of Hogwarts reared up ahead of them and Harry smiled. This was his home. The castle merely grew more beautiful in his eyes as the years went on. It was the first place he felt safe and while he received a similar feeling of comfort and safety in the Dark Lord's arms, the castle was the first place and was perhaps his first love. He wanted to protect it.
It might have been a trick of the light but in the setting sun, Hogwarts seemed to shimmer and Harry nodded towards the ancient building, sending his heart out to it receiving back an almost startled feeling of recognition that smoothed out to confirmation and an odd sort of love. In his mind Harry snickered but not unkindly. In a peculiar way the castle was alive, and it did love him and the other students, most of them anyway, but the love of a building was different to the love of another human. Harry did not discount it though. Fighting in an environment that loved you and wanted to protect you would give at least some advantage, and he sighed imperceptibly and relaxed into the feeling of rightness he got from Hogwarts. For now, that feeling was the closest he could get to what he felt when he was in his beloved's arms and after the activity today, he needed the calming embrace.
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