There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58493 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
See first chapter for disclaimers/warnings/summaries.
RECAP: Septimus calls in Regulus Black-a botched Torvak hybird and his Dragel wife, Jun. JUN gives Bill a wolfish inheritance, then Percy a Torvak one. Theo and Severus find themselves dealing with some very out of character submissives when Harry's mental connection to Voldemort begins acting up again. George has met with Jun and chose Dragel, Fred chose Torvak.
In the empty corridor before the front door of the Snapes' flat, a soft pop announced the arrival of a young girl, clad in a tatty grey t-shirt that fell past her knees. Looking to be roughly about nine-years-old, the girl stood tall, smoothing oversized trousers over her skinny legs. She walked with a shuffling step and tugged on the ends of her short crop of hair.
The call repeated itself.
Niko yawned as she waited for the rest of her physical body to materialize fully on the doorstep of the Snape's quarters. She came into form in very much the same way as she'd left the bedroom in the safehouse. Well, the only visible difference was the amount of hair. She scowled and reached up to tug on the short strands once more. It would grow back within a few minutes, but she always hated having to wait for it.
With a sigh, she shuffled in a quick circle, checking to be sure the transportation had gone exactly as she'd wished. The safehouse where Tavit had left her was one of the rare ancient relics among the unknown, it was meant to keep someone like her safe and protected from the outside world. Safe. She snorted. As if 'safe' and 'Tavit' can belong in the same sentence. She wrinkled her nose at the thought of her current keeper, but he was off handling business and he hadn't said that she was confined to quarters, so—the little imp shrugged.
Free reign to terrorize. She thought, smugly. It's not like he'll know anyway, the big lump…
She looked up and down the long, empty hallway and noted the distinct lack of visible security. That was unusual, even for Dragels. There was almost always some form of security or protective measures, even if only evidenced by a sleeping Gheyo or Pareya by the threshold. Yet, she could not sense anything beyond the door or in the hallway.
Nothing of importance, anyway.
Niko pursed her little sorbet lips and thought long and hard about the mental puzzle. She hated dealing with new puzzles, they always brought her a headache. She fiddled with the hem of the oversized t-shirt and then waited a few minutes longer, while the short crop of hair began to lengthen and grow of its own accord.
She forced herself to remain calm and checked her hair again. It was up to her knees this time. That was good. She wiggled her toes, pulling up the baggy trousers to inspect her bare feet. They were cold. She should have remembered to pester Tavit for socks. Fluffy socks. Pink fluffy socks—no, wait—purple. Yes. Niko stifled a yawn and checked her hair's length once more.
It would be enough to gain entry into the protected apartments and from there, she could wander about until Aiden arrived. At the very least, it should be warmer in there anyway. She wanted to have a good look at this new consort. Grabbing handfuls of the thick, black, silky tresses, Niko gathered up the ends and held them up to the door.
"Will you let me through?" She inquired, polite. "I know these rooms are protected, I merely do not know how…"
The answer registered when she lightly wafted a hint of her powers towards the unguarded door. The wards had sprung to life and trapped the little wisp of dark essence within their raw energy confines.
Hmmm, interesting…very, very interesting…how did you manage to lose your consort, Aiden? She mused to herself. Better yet, since when did you acquire a consort without my express blessing? With a rather unladylike snort, the little girl cracked her knuckles and grinned widely up at the locked front door.
"There hasn't been a door nor a mind in centuries that can keep me out." She told it. The grin on her face began to twist into a sinister grimace. "In centuries," she hissed, softly. "I have always been the only one."
Standing inside the dark, gloomy interior, Niko was pleased to note that her bare feet made no sound upon the tiled and carpeted sections of floor. She glided through the entire flat, poking about in the kitchen, nosing through the coat closet and inspecting the linens.
The sitting rooms and the bedrooms were saved for last, for that was where she expected a certain unconscious young woman to be.
A dark glower settled over her face.
She'd best be a she! Niko thought, fiercely. As far as she knew though, Aiden certainly didn't swing the other way and it was practically guaranteed that any of his consorts would be female. It would also explain why he'd called her specifically.
Then again, he's always hated Tavit. Niko peered around the corner of the first sitting room and her thin eyebrows arched clear up into her hairline. "My, my, my!" she murmured. "A pretty little thing like you?"
Entering the sitting room, Niko threaded her way around the stuffed armchairs and matching settee. Her goal was to circle around the still, pale form of a certain young witch, lying motionless on a raised futon.
"But you're human, nothing special about you unless—ooh, now that's a lovely gift. Silvertongue? There hasn't been a holder of Silvertongue for decades. What a lucky little witch you are." Niko hummed. She could tease Aiden endlessly with this knowledge now.
"They didn't even have a bedroom for you?" Niko clucked her tongue in disapproval. "Then again, I bet they wanted them all for their own selves, didn't they?" She circled the unconscious form of the young witch and drew close enough to use her gifts to verify that this was indeed Aiden's intended.
The thick black hair slithered along the floor, catching up with the young mistress and eagerly awaiting her orders. "Up." Niko murmured, waving a hand carelessly over the sleeping girl. The hair crept up the side of the futon and slipped beneath the tightly tucked sheets.
Several long moments later, the body twitched and jerked, restlessly.
Her guess had been right. The sleeping girl did belong to Aiden, bearing his full mark on her stomach and resting in a healing coma as her body fought against the death magic creeping through it.
"Enough!" Niko's dark blue eyes burned bright. The hair shrank back to puddle around her short legs. "Shh, I know." She crooned. "But you can't play yet." She turned away with a huff. "Well then, that's that and I can't play with you, so I'm terribly bored now." The last line was directed towards the sleeping witch. "I suppose I'll have to amused myself some other way." She yawned with a look in her eyes of age beyond her physical body.
Niko clambered up on the large, makeshift bed and arranged the blankets to compensate for her intrusion. She wriggled carefully into position beside the sleeping young woman. Her pink lips curved into a rather wicked smirk. "Fun, fun, fun!" She sang softly to herself. She snuggled into the warm, unmoving body.
Her hair splayed and strained, restlessly around her. Niko snickered. It meant that her powers had grown restless and she did not blame them.
Tavit could be a real bore at times.
It had been ages since she'd possessed anything.
Much less anyone.
Dark blue eyes fell shut.
The little body went limp.
A moment later, it seemed to grow transparent before it merged into that of the sleeping young witch.
Mere seconds later, a dark cloud of barely visible mist rose from the sleeping form. It settled along the ground and churned in a shapeless swarm, before forming itself into a ghostly image of the sleeping Niko. It flickered and faded until there was nothing visible, before it left the sitting room.
Niko breathed a sigh of relief as her physical self finally succumbed to sleep, safely hidden within the body of Aiden's consort. Now that she was once more in full control of her real self, there was fun to be had. It had been centuries since she'd been wakened with a purpose. Tavit had only appeared in the last century. Everything had been dreadfully boring before then.
Her consciousness divided itself effortlessly and expertly as she threw it out to encompass the entire flat and the Dragel occupants within.
It took her a few seconds to single out that the one who had cast the wards was the owner of the building. The magical signatures matched. He was currently coaxing his Alpha into a more intimate conversation where words would be the least of the things between them.
Niko lingered, faintly. There was a lovely dash of magic here, it was enough to hint at the power of the two wizards, but the sleeping forms of two more nearby, drew her attention. She drank in the sight of a lovely, pale young man and a delightful young woman beside him with hair the same color of pitch black as her own. Careful inspection showed the young woman to be with child and Niko immediately dismissed her. Children and women were hassles. She much more preferred young women and men of any kind.
Something sounded in the room and Niko twisted her wisps around to take a look. She drew near to inspect the interruption, a lovely young man with eyes the color of golden wheat. She admired his pale skin—though not as pale as the pretty boy who rested beside the pregnant woman—and reached a hand towards his curling, brunet locks.
She yanked the hand back almost at once, feeling the angry surge of power around him. Something had disturbed him. She wrinkled her nose, tuning in faintly to hear what was being said. Sometimes it was simply too annoying to listen to mortals speak.
"…specific…Mr. Nott…"
Niko turned with interest at that. Mr. Nott, is it? She hummed to herself and again attempted to approach the young man. He certainly would be a fun one to explore if she could just slip inside of his—ow! Niko recoiled, violently, her powers thrumming angrily.
She could force the issue, but she hadn't been looking for a challenge and her curiosity had faded with the same intensity in which it had roused. She'd simply wanted something to amuse herself, a diversion of sorts that didn't require any effort until Aiden arrived. Then he could be the one to amuse her. This young Mr. Nott would certainly take effort, as it seemed he had his own personal guardians hovering about him.
With a moment's patience, she could see them, two young men and a young woman. She scowled and slunk out of the room to avoid their detection.
Her good spirits were restored when Niko felt a familiar mental hum beckoning to her through the thick walls. She followed the magical pull until she found herself hovering over a strange young man. Another Dragel Submissive, she could tell—for he was safely cocooned in the arms of a larger fellow, who held the proper markings and bearings of a Beta. No pregnant woman nearby though. That was good.
Hmmm. So curious. She thought, delightedly. But why are you calling to me, little one? I am merely seeking a bit of fun. Just to wander through the walls of your mind for a bit, I'm sure you've something amusing to share unless you've something to hide and that would be oh so much fun! I will be useless to you in anything but—Tom? The familiar presence washed over her with a powerful wave. Niko's spirit form gasped, the grey wisps bearing her image beginning to writhe and struggle, distorting.
It had been years since she'd heard and felt this sort of connection.
It called to her, insistently, as if it had a right to do so.
His magic called to her and Niko abruptly retreated, hovering a safe distance over the young man, with interest glinting in her wispy eyes. There were several available options, but she intended to take one that would bring about the best kind of result.
They were trusting. Too trusting. The entire lot of them. Foolish, foolish men. They did not know she walked among them. They did not know what she could do.
They did not know what she would do.
The teen jerked and twisted within the arms holding him close. Niko sighed. Tom had caught wind of her and while she could run from him, it was never quite as much fun as teasing him back. She smirked. If he wanted to play, then she certainly wasn't about to deny him.
Never mind that the playground just happened to be a young man.
Without a moment's hesitation, the spirit form reared up and threw itself down into the unsuspecting body.
It worked.
The sleeping boy stilled.
Niko hurriedly acquainted herself with the usual motor functions and sifted through the handful of available surface memories. If she was going to play, then she would do so properly...
Hmm. Harold James Potter. What a name for such a young boy…
Severus rubbed his marked wrist, glowering at nothing and no one in particular. The wrist ached, faintly, but it was nowhere near the usual kind of ache or burn that he'd feel when his dark master was unhappy. This change in routine did not sit well with him. He definitely preferred to know what each unique summons meant and whether he had time to scheme before apparating to Voldemort's side.
A frown registered at that, as Severus realized that in Nevarah, he hadn't 'ported in decades, to be sure—he doubted apparition would work within an otherworldly realm—but still, the summons had not come. This could only lead to wretched, horrible things, he thought darkly. Harry's admission in the kitchen had not settled very well for him.
He currently could not feel anything through the mark—at least, not yet—and that could never be a good sign. It made his mind sigh and hum as it whirled to work, figuring whether Voldemort had decided to send the boy another false vision.
He certainly hadn't heard anything of the sort, but then again, he was not as close to the darkened wizard as he once had been. To gain the position he had once held, Severus had pushed for the sake of his spy work. He had done all that he could, following Albus' purported model for "the greater good" and for a while, it had helped. It hadn't hurt.
But then, things had darkened and twisted and Severus only knew that he wanted out—whether by death or his own darkened destruction—he had not been too particular over it. Then Draco had come along and Terius had followed shortly afterward. He'd been alone for too long to be able to truly refuse them and then, well, Severus pinched the bridge of his nose to refocus.
Now was definitely not the time to be reminiscing and worrying. Well, perhaps worrying. Severus frowned. He thought he had imagined it, but he could have sworn that he'd seen a flicker of red in Potter's eyes. While Potter's behavior was admittedly different that he was accustomed to seeing, it was Draco's sudden change in demeanor that had shocked him.
Draco was rarely touchy-feely—at least with him—those clingy pleasures were generally reserved solely for Terius. Not that Severus really minded, 'cuddling' wasn't quite in his usual repertoire of skills. His former godson knew him well enough to understand his personal quirks with things like public displays of affection, the proper arrangement of things in alphabetical order and his irrational evaluations of people in general that were often times eerily accurate.
Before anything had come close to his native instincts, Severus had extracted a singular promise from both his Sub and Pareya. It was the basis for their bonding. There would be no secret keeping among them. Not from him, anyway. That had been the first clue that something was terribly out of place.
Draco's refusal to admit him directly to his mind at first was all wrong. Draco had never refused him that unique intimacy, it was a measure of trust between them. It was the strength of their trust between each other.
Between them all.
Terius had adapted easily enough and while Severus had worked to bring them to a point where they all shared with each other and not just with him, Draco's refusal—however brief—had definitely set his mind on a warpath.
Severus made a mental note to ask Terius about the wards again. He wasn't quite sure how his Pareya had set up the perimeter about their living quarters and it did not sit well with him to leave it alone. Nevarah may have been safer by Dragel standards, but experience had taught him that enemies did not always need a personal grudge to attack. It also sent a trickle of unease over him to know that he was keyed to the wards, but yet hadn't had a hand in crafting them.
Draco's cradled form suddenly slumped—and a moment later, hazy grey eyes popped open. Severus' frown deepened as he watched his Sub reorient himself with his current surroundings. It would seem that his guess had been right after all. Confusion, uncertainty and apprehension flickered through those eyes in rapid succession before Draco chose his favored mask of indifference.
"Draco." Severus murmured, quietly.
The blond's hands fisted tightly in Severus' dark dressing robe. "Severus…" he licked his lips. "What just happened?"
Severus shifted, a discreet pinch to a slender, well-positioned thigh, a silent signal for Draco to hold his tongue.
The slender hands fisted in the black robes—tightened.
"Severus? I brought a Blood Replenisher too, I figured the both of you could use one" Terius reappeared, several vials of the trade-mark Pepper-up Potion in hand. "Who needs it?" He extended one to Severus and looked to the young men.
It did not escape Theo's notice that there were two Blood Replenishers. He quickly banished the thought behind the reason for its necessity. There were some things he really did not wish to consider.
Terius seemed oblivious to that as he handed over a Pepper-up for Charlie and uncorked both the Pepper-up and the Blood Replenisher for him. "Water?" He gave a wave to the kitchen and a second later, a tray with glasses and a clear pitcher glided into the room. Terius served glasses of water quickly, fussing over everyone in equal turn before Severus finally spoke up.
"Stop that and come sit down!"
"Now." The weight in the words again, brought another flickering look between Alpha and Pareya before Terius did as requested. He relaxed significantly when Severus shifted so their knees and arms touched—just barely. Draco seemed to be fast asleep again—still in Severus' lap, now that the Potions Master had seated himself on one of the plush sofas in the second sitting room.
"Harry, Pepper-up's here?" Theo gently roused him. "Something tells me that perhaps you should skip it." Theo mused. The brunet half in his lap, gave a sleepy yawn and eyed the Potion with a mild scowl as his faculties caught up to his present state. Theo chuckled. "You don't have to take it right away, if you don't want to." He soothed. "You can nap right up to the last hour before we have to leave. Can take it then, if you like. You're exhausted."
"So'er you." Harry yawned. "Don't need a nap." But he didn't protest when Theo's arms tightened around him. His recently red-tinged eyes cleared, slowly as if a mental fog had begun to lift. He stiffened, suddenly. "Theo?"
"Rest then." Theo rephrased. "What?"
"It's morning already?" Harry blinked, slowly. His senses took their time in catching up to him. He could still taste the sweetness of the blood in the back of his mouth. That had been a lovely treat. A very unexpected one too, though he couldn't quite remember what he'd done to garner such a delightful reward. Harry blushed as those thoughts caught up to him and quickly pushed those thoughts away, even though the mental gymnastics seemed to take longer than usual. An ugly feeling lingered in the back of his mind and he strove to identify it.
A new shade of paleness stole over his features as he began to fit the pieces together to complete the mental puzzle. This had happened before—a little while ago—but it had still happened. He'd never forgotten this. The sudden fogginess, the feelings of helplessness and the horror of discovering his body was not entirely his own. Emerald eyes narrowed in points.
Oh. NO. No way! This is not happening again!
He was not going to give into this. Not again. This was his body, his magic and his life—no one had any right to puppeteer him from the shadows, the only person who held any rationality of authority was him. The new spike of anger sent a rush of warm, fiery energy spiraling through him. Harry felt the possessive thread beginning to slide off him as if he were shedding one layer of skin for another. "Theo, lemme up." He pushed against the arms holding him. "Now." He tugged again, too agitated to recall the usual nonverbal prompts that would free him without protest. "What just happened? What'd I? What'd they make me do?" Panic began to show in those bright emerald eyes.
Theo looked to Charlie. The older mates exchanged a glance.
"Harry?" Theo released his grip on the agitated teen. "I don't quite follow you, I mean—well." He frowned. "That would explain it, wouldn't it?" He muttered to himself.
"My head." Harry stumbled to his feet, safely off of Theo's lap as his green eyes tinged to a murky brown hue. "Stop it, stop it, stop it!"
"Harry!" Theo was off the sofa in a heartbeat. "Harry, what's going on? What's wrong?"
"Harry?" Charlie was beside Theo, reaching towards the distraught teen. "What do you need?"
"N-no, wait!" Harry mumbled, clutching his head with both hands. "Don't let them—no, I didn't. I didn't do that. That wasn't me. I had nothing to do with that! I didn't know. I didn't know that it would—I did the best that I could! I didn't know any better!" He fairly screamed. "Enough! I don't care what you think. I don't care who you are or who you think you are. I'm sick and tired of people using me! Out! Out of my head! I want you both out of my head and out of my body—both of you!"
The murky brown eyes glowed eerily.
"Stand back!" Severus barked. He slid Draco off his lap and took up the flanking position that Terius offered him. He didn't bother to care that he'd taken a protective stance in front of the blond either. Draco could hold his own. Severus had definitely made sure of that, but there was no reason for him to do so right now. Severus also knew that a pair of eyes outside the immediate chaos was always a good thing. "There is something happening inside of his head-"
"What's happening?" Charlie reached forward again, shrinking back when Harry whirled to glare at him.
"Possession." Severus said, grimly. "Read the signs. It is painfully obvious. He's fighting it. Stand back and do not interfere! He has to do this on his own!"
"On his own?" Theo snapped. His golden eyes flashed as they shifted to a dark amber. The air in the room seemed to grow thick. "I won't stand idly by-"
"Can you cast anything?" Severus demanded of his Pareya.
"Perhaps." Terius hesitated. "It will be difficult, I hardly know him."
"Use what you know of him." Severus snapped.
Terius frowned. "Fine. Do not let him hurt himself. Whoever and whatever it is probably won't leave without a fight."
"Thank you for that illuminating insight!" Severus snarked. "Make yourself useful any time now!"
"I know a few binders, but I don't know the kind of magic that's in him, can't you feel it?" Terius grimaced. "It's—black."
Theo's golden eyes suddenly burned bright, their trademark lightened hue. "Black magic?"
"Black? I feel dark magic." Charlie scowled. "It feels like dark magic, it doesn't feel any less—what's wrong with it?"
Harry's head snapped up. The bandages on his arms swelled and burst to scraps of useless fabric on the floor beside him. His wild gaze took in the semi-circle of his mates and their current hosts partially surrounding him. His fangs sprouted at once, curling over his lips. "You foolish, foolish mortals!" He screeched. His hands began to tear at his face. They tugged cruelly at the tender flesh, pink and red scratches left in their wake.
"Harry, stop that!" Charlie's worried voice rose several decibels. His wand slid into his hand.
"Not yet!" Severus' voice cut in. "Your magic's unstable, isn't it?"
"What?" Charlie had already begun to cast a protection spell to keep Harry's half-hands from tearing at his face, as they phased into claws.
"Er." Draco's quiet voice cut in. "That was not what I was expecting. I take it the possessor is nearby?"
"Stay back, Draco!" Terius snapped.
"I didn't move!" Draco retorted. "And I have no intention of doing so. Weasley, I suggest you do not finish that spell. Someone do something! Severus? Try a clear mind spell, you know, the one mother used to throw on father to make him remember things?"
"And body binder." Theo threw in. He seemed to struggle to keep his temper in check. "I can't cast it right now. I might bring the building down. Stop him from doing that!" His hand flashed out to stop Charlie. "They mean your elemental magic hasn't settled, casting something on Harry in this state may affect-"
Charlie frowned. He'd already cast spells on Harry since his transformation. This was just another bump in the path to understanding these strange creatures. He opened his mouth to protest, but Theo's hand on his arm seemed extraordinarily weighted.
"He'll be fine." Terius interrupted, smoothly. His blue-grey eyes flashed and then Harry doubled over, clutching at his throat rather than his face. "Now, Severus!"
Severus drew his wand in a single fluid movement. His lips moved, casting a silent spell that Harry could not avoid.
A/N: Introduction to Niko and her wickedly dark powers, an explanation as to what was going on with Draco and Harry and we get to see some of Severus in action. Yay! I should get another chapter out this weekend(as long as the power stays ON...argh. Too many power failures lately, thanks to the thunderstorms in the area.) and more Harry in the next chapter, for sure, Quinn is coming up!
Unneeded--. I think they'll enjoy being their own person, at last. It won't destroy their twin bond, but it will test and teach them. :) LOL yes, that is an accurate listing of the Weasleys at present. Gin and Ron will have to wait until the next break in the Healer Arc as I'm getting back to Harry and then to Quinn. Yes, if left alone, GInny would become a slightly powerful witch, if her seals are returned to their original state. They were stirred up by Dumbles spell, so she'll have to choose. Bill wasn't affected by the spell and he also outgrew his mother's safety check on it.
JDD--Thank you for the lovely, kind review! I'm so glad you're enjoying the read and took the time to leave a review! I hope you enjoy the new chapter. Yes it is possible that Fred's choice was tempered by his bond to George and could've interfered, though Jun is a very powerful rune mistress. The separation is necessary for now, so the twins learn to find their own way--on their own. Thank you again for the kind words and I am trying my hand at my own original piece. :) Enjoy the new chapter!
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