The Rise of the Drackens: The Scaled Bits | By : StarLightMassacre Category: Harry Potter AU/AR > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 169799 -:- Recommendations : 8 -:- Currently Reading : 21 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. All rights of Harry Potter belong to J. K. Rowling. I am making absolutely no money from this piece of fictional writing. |
Nasta – 58 years
Max – 51 years
Blaise – 38 years
Draco – 38 years
Harry – 38 years
Braiden – 21 years
Quints – 20 years
Eva and Ave – 19 years
Taren - 18 years
Lai – 17 years
Xabie – 16 years
Mace and Evie – 15 years
Mollie – 15 years
Quads – 14 years
Ser and Sen – 12 years
Lian – 10 years
Phoebe/Neave/Luce – 10 years
Loren – 8 years
Cyneric and Kallan – 7 years
Sully – 5 years
Rosalia/Nia/Vanora – 5 years
Sextuplets – 4 years
Harry is pregnant with Lyran – Born December 2018
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X
Busiest Month
Max was in a tentative good mood this morning. He was done with work for the week, barring any emergencies, but those were thankfully few and far between, and Harry was in a good mood, which automatically put the rest of them in good moods. All of them except Nasta that was, but he was still grieving the loss of his favourite dragon, Caronwyn. She had died three months ago, in June, and their top dominant had not been the same since.
Of course Harry had been in a very good mood since he had fallen pregnant again after their surprise sextuplets. He was very thankfully carrying just the one child, but after a period of four years thinking that the sextuplets had ruined his fertility and that he’d never have a heat period again, finding out that he was pregnant for the eighteenth time had boosted Harry’s mood insurmountably.
Max turned and dropped to his knees at the call and he embraced the tiny four year old sextuplet who came running towards him.
“Hello, Ellette. How are you sweetheart?”
“Dada, I drawed pic’ure. Come see.”
Max followed Ellette into the family room, to the little plastic table that she’d been sat at, covered in pencils and crayons, and he looked at her picture.
“Oh, Ellette, this is wonderful, darling. Well done.” He praised unendingly.
Ellette gave him an adorable, endearing grin and clapped her tiny hands together. “Thanky, Dada.”
Max dropped a kiss to Ellette’s head, before doing the same to her sextuplet brother, his son, Emerus. They were still worried about Em’s health, but the Healers kept fobbing them off with the general excuse of waiting to see as he got older. He had just turned four now, but he still said very little, he didn’t walk very well, and showed little understanding of colours, shapes or general objects.
“Emerus.” He called out. “Emerus.” He repeated louder.
“Emmy, Dada call you.” Ellette told her brother, and it was only then that Emerus tipped his head back to look at him.
Harry had voiced concerns that he thought that Emerus might be partially deaf, more specifically that he could only hear higher frequencies, and their deeper toned voices went unheard, but the Healers had found nothing of concern when they’d made an appointment to test his hearing. It was so fucking frustrating, as it seemed that the only ones that Emerus listened to were his sextuplet brothers and sisters, no one else.
“Hey, baby. What are you drawing?” He asked.
Emerus didn’t answer him verbally, but he turned back and picked up his paper and held it up to him. Max didn’t recognise anything, it was all just swirls of colour, with no discernible shapes or objects.
“This is wonderful work, Emerus. Well done.” He said with a smile.
Emerus smiled back, but he didn’t open his mouth as he turned back around and went back to colouring. Max smoothed his hand through Em’s hair and took a deep breath as he went back out to the kitchen and then down the hall. He could only hope that Emerus was fine, like the Healers kept insisting, but looking after him at home, they knew that something wasn’t quite right, but whether it was medical, or linked to him being a sextuplet as the Healers insisted, they didn’t know.
Max blinked and smiled automatically upon hearing Blaise’s voice. He was moving before he thought about it as he reached out to wrap his arm around Blaise to pull him into a hug and a kiss.
“My beautiful mate, how was work?” He asked with a smile, looking into those beautiful indigo eyes.
Blaise snorted. “Did you get daytime sex again?”
Max just grinned. He hadn’t, they’d all been too bloody busy, especially with Nasta not pulling his weight and spending all day locked up in his attic office, which was the story of his life these days, but Blaise didn’t have to know that just yet.
“You’re terrible.” Blaise chuckled, before bending forward and kissing him, just right, to get Max’s blood pumping.
“Hey! Me too!”
The two of them broke apart to reach out to Harry, each of them wrapping one arm around him to make a three way hug. They each kissed him lovingly.
“Did you have a good nap, love?” Max asked him.
Harry nodded, his messy hair twice as bad as usual. “Yes, there’s nothing better than a nap when I’m this heavily pregnant, because the fuck can I sleep at night.” He grinned. “Did you have a good day at work, Blaise? Do you want a coffee?”
“Yes, and double yes.” Blaise said. “I’d kill for a coffee.”
Harry kissed Blaise again, and Max wasn’t having that, so as Harry turned to walk away, Max swept Harry up and snogged him.
Harry broke away breathless, laughing.
“Don’t like being left out, do you?” Harry teased.
“Nope.” Max grinned. “You go into the room, I’ll get Blaise his coffee and you a nice cuppa.”
“Where’s Em?” Harry asked immediately.
“In the big room, colouring with Ellette.” Max said.
Harry nodded and went right to the larger family room, Blaise following. Max sighed, Harry’s Dracken was kicking him hard over Emerus, but there was nothing they could do, and now that he was pregnant again, they just wanted Harry to take things easy. Max was again thankful that Harry was only having a singleton.
Max looked up from sorting out three cups to his five year old daughter, the beautiful Rosalia, with her long blonde hair and big blue eyes.
“What is it, Rosa?” He asked, turning and hunching down, worried by his little girl’s quietness. Rosalia was one of their better behaved children, but she was never normally so insecure.
Rosalia came to stand in front of him, and Max was considering that she had been injured, when the five year old held out her hand, to show a cut on her index finger that was bleeding sluggishly, the skin scraped away in a long strip that was still attached.
Max made an immediate fuss, pulling his little girl into a hug and a kiss and he picked her up, sitting her on the kitchen table before turning to get his first aid kit.
“It’s alright, Rosa. It looks worse than it is. How did you do this, sweetheart?”
“Loren has a toy fire truck.” Rosalia told him. “I…I was walking with it and fell and my…my finger got squashed in the ladder, Daddy.”
“It’s okay, sweetie. It’ll be better soon, I’ll make it all better.”
Rosalia nodded, her blonde hair swinging, as Max came back to her and carefully, very gently, manipulated the strip of skin back into place, holding his daughter’s wrist so she didn’t jerk away. Once that was done he unscrewed the cap of a glass jar and smeared the paste onto the cut and rubbed it in with single strokes, so the skin didn’t come away again. It smelt heavily of lemons and it had always reassured Max that it was the smell of healing. He knew all his handmade potions by scent.
“There we go, honey. It’ll be healed by tomorrow, but let’s keep this plaster on here, just in case. Do you want to pick one out?”
Max got the several boxes of kids’ plasters from the first aid kit, from the magical moving pictures of dragons and snitches, to the stationary Muggle ones of Princesses and Peppa Pig. He was not surprised in the least that Rosalia pointed to the stationary plasters with cars and trucks on them, the girl was car mad.
Max wrapped her finger up gently, laid a kiss to the plaster, then to Rosa’s mouth and he swept her from the table.
“There you go, honey. All better.”
“Thank you, Daddy.”
“Be careful now.”
“I will!” She said and hurried off, probably back to the playroom, where Draco was being swarmed by kids.
Max finished making the tea, and coffee, and he carried the three mugs into the family room. Harry was lying down, his head in Blaise’s lap.
“You doing okay?” He asked worriedly.
“Had a wave of nausea.” Harry complained. “I swear this baby is Draco’s.”
“How can you tell?” Max asked.
“Because Draco always makes Harry nauseous.” Blaise quipped.
Harry slapped Blaise’s thigh lightly, but chuckled too. “No, it’s not that. It’s just his babies always cause a fuss, remember our Lai?”
Max winced and tried not to allow his Dracken to raise his head. Blaise let out a quiet growl, and Max’s hand went to his hair, stroking to calm his mate down as Ellette looked over at them curiously, her shoulders automatically hunching. Emerus paid no mind and carried on scribbling with a pink crayon.
“Daddy okay?” Ellette asked softly.
“I’m alright, sweetie.” Blaise said, breathing deeper to calm himself and push back his feral side. “Go back to colouring.”
“We all felt the pain through your cries.” Max said, moving his hand to Harry’s head.
“There have only been a handful of mishaps with my labours, but Lai’s was among the worst.” Harry said, before shivering. “I think that Xabie’s was the absolute worst though.”
It was Max who shivered this time, as he remembered the blood covering their kitchen floor. Xabie’s entrance into this world would always haunt him, all of them.
“Are we all set for Sully’s birthday?” Harry asked, rolling slowly over to his back, his head still in Blaise’s lap.
“Yeah, hopefully the little monster doesn’t find his presents in Nasta’s office. I can’t believe he went looking through our wardrobe for them.”
“Just imagine the things he could have found in there.” Blaise said, his grin was wide and unashamed.
“Don’t. If we hadn’t found him when we had.” Harry groaned. “He was so close to that box of toys.”
“The box is warded, love.” Max soothed him. “He’d have never found it. Or the sex album.” He added with a whisper. Harry shivered visibly.
“The thought of any of our children seeing that and being mentally scarred for life.” Harry groaned.
Blaise chuckled. “We’ll be shelling out thousands of Galleons for therapy. Or maybe an Obliviator.”
That made Max laugh and even Harry managed a smile.
“Where are our twins?” Harry asked after a moment of silence.
No one asked him which twins he meant, despite the fact that they had four sets of them now, both he and Blaise knew that he was talking about their seven year old Faeries, Cyneric and Kallan.
They had been a huge surprise too. They had known that they were having twins, they had known that they were small for their dates from Harry’s scans, but none of them had ever believed they’d have another Faerie baby after the fluke that was Leolin. They shouldn’t have even had Leolin, strictly speaking. Not between two people who both had active Dracken genes, but they had gotten Leolin in a clutch of five, so they had reasoned that he’d sort of slipped through the net. Thirteen years later and their twin boys were born amid a flurry of screams and distress calls from Harry, who had seen the babies, scented that they were odd, and had panicked. A rushed trip to the hospital, and both Mother and Faerie twins were declared healthy and well enough to go home.
Max still remembered the look on the faces of their Faeries friends and family when Harry had introduced the newborn twins to them. Kailen had actually cried as he held tiny, fragile Kallan in his arms, the babe who had been named for him.
“They’re upstairs, love. With Draco.” Max answered, brushing a stray hair from Harry’s face before bending and kissing him.
Harry hummed happily and gave him a goofy smile. Max loved Harry’s smile and he couldn’t help bending down and kissing him again.
“Where is Nasta?” Harry asked curiously, a flicker of something sad flashing through his green eyes. Max hated that Harry’s smile of moments before was now wiped away.
“He’s still up in his office.” Max said softly.
“Has he…has he eaten today?”
Max sighed. “No, love.”
“He didn’t eat yesterday either.” Harry fretted.
“Harry, love, he’s a grown man.” Max tried. “He knows where the kitchen is and he can help himself. He’s going to be fine, he just needs to grieve.”
“He’s worrying me.”
“You have enough to worry about already.” Blaise said, laying a hand over Harry’s pregnant belly. “Don’t worry about Nasta too.”
Harry nodded and pushed himself up with his elbow.
“Are you alright?” Max asked him, helping to settle Harry upright carefully.
“Yeah. I feel better now. I want my tea.” Harry answered.
Max turned to get it, but when he turned back around, Harry and Blaise were kissing. He laughed and shook his head.
Blaise pulled away from Harry, looking very pleased and satisfied that he’d distracted Harry from his thoughts on Nasta and Max handed a visibly happy Harry his tea. He then turned and pulled Blaise into the most passionate kiss he could muster.
“I love going to work just so I get this treatment when I come home.” Blaise grinned. “The kids are the best at fussing too. But where’s Draco?”
“Up in the playroom, probably tearing out his blond hair as he wrangles seventeen kids by himself.” Max answered. “I bet he wishes he’d gone to work today.”
Harry chuckled. “I’ll go up and give him a hand now. Where is our almost birthday boy and how riled up is he?”
“Oh god, don’t get me started on him.” Max groaned. “All I’ve had all day is ‘that’s not my name! Call me by my real name!’ You’d think he was five going on fifty.”
Harry giggled and it lightened all of their moods. Blaise moved first and kissed Harry’s cheek, seeing as his mouth was now taken up by his tea cup.
“How have those two been?” Blaise asked quietly, nodding to Ellette and Emerus, but everyone knew he was talking mostly about Emerus.
“Ellette has been fine.” Max said. “Em…Em has been, alright I suppose.”
“I’m worried that he didn’t respond when Blaise let a growl slip.” Harry said softly. “Ellette acted like she was supposed to. Emmy just carried on colouring, it was like he didn’t hear the growl at all.”
“I’ll log it in his book for the Healers.” Max assured Harry, sending their youngest child a worried look. “They need to see that he’s at least partially deaf.”
“They think it’s just selective hearing.” Harry whispered. “Because he hears and listens to his sac-siblings.”
“It’s more than that. For him not to react to a growl from his parents, like the other kids, it’s more than selective hearing, those instincts are on the primal level. If he had heard it, he wouldn’t have had the chance to think about reacting or not, it would have been instinctual.” Blaise said. “The Healers need to listen to us.”
“This is why I’m so worried.” Harry said quietly.
“Don’t be worried.” Max said immediately, as both him and Blaise moved to comfort their mate. “If anything, he’s just partially deaf and he can’t hear lower pitched voices. If we could get that diagnosed, he could go to a specialised Healer and get his hearing fixed.”
“Why won’t they diagnose him now?”
“Because if that isn’t what it is then it could cause more damage.” Max sighed. “They don’t want to misdiagnose him, so while he’s so young, they won’t.”
“We’ll sort it out, Bello, don’t fret.” Blaise promised, stroking Harry’s hair gently. “I think in the next few weeks we should force them to listen to us and our concerns. It’s not merely selective hearing and if he is partially deaf, it needs to be sorted now, while he’s still only four. If we wait until he’s five or even six, it’ll be too late. He’s going to nursery now in just a week, his teachers are going to struggle to teach him anything and he’ll fall behind, this needs to be sorted once and for all.”
Harry nodded and sighed heavily, trying to ignore the urge to smother his youngest child. Max kissed him and stood.
“I’m going to go check on Draco and the kids. Can one of you make him a cup of tea? He’s going to need it.”
“Sure thing.” Blaise agreed easily enough, also kissing Harry before standing. Max just knew he was going to grab himself another coffee, especially with Nasta locked up in his office and not caring about any of them or what they were doing.
Max left Blaise in the kitchen and he made the trek up the stairs and to the back of the house, where the play room was located.
He opened the door to screaming, screeching, laughing and playing. He smiled automatically at the sight of his happy children. At least until they noticed him and came flying towards him with screams of ‘Daddy!’
He laughed and held as many bodies as he could fit his arms around and even then others still touched him or pressed against him.
“Alright, alright. I’ve missed you all too. Let me stand up.” He chuckled.
Of course three young boys stayed by his legs, half of the sextuplets, and he scooped all three of them up into his arms and kissed each of them in turn.
“Draco, there’s tea waiting for you downstairs, love.” He said with a smile at the relieved looking Draco.
“Thank Merlin.” The blond said under his breath. “Since Harry went and took a nap I’ve been over run. Not that I wouldn’t have wanted him to take a nap, of course, but still.”
“We’re all home now, you can have the evening off.” Max said with a grin. “Or as off as any of us ever get.” He laughed.
Draco grinned back and chuckled. “Maybe enough time to read a page of my book then.”
“Only if you have three kids on your lap.” Max teased back.
“As long as they’re all asleep, it doesn’t matter.” Draco smiled, standing up.
Max snorted and took an overview of which child was where and what they were doing. He saw the five year old triplets playing in a group, of course Rosalia had a car in each hand. Their Faerie twins were both seven, and they were in the soft play area. They weren’t doing much of anything, then they really, really enjoyed the brightly coloured balls in the ball pit. They kept showing each other the different coloured balls. That made him smile.
The older triplet girls, Phoebe, Neave and little Lucine were gathered around the play kitchen and seemed to be forcing their younger brother, Loren, to play with them. Max made a mental note to keep an eye on them, and make sure that he wasn’t getting upset.
The ten year old Lian, their only child to look like a carbon copy of Harry, was playing with Draco’s ten year old twins, Seren and Senan.
The missing sextuplet, Eris, was in the wet area of the play room, and she seemed to be making a flower garden out of play-doh.
Max already knew that the other missing teenagers were either in their rooms or in the teen lounge. He calmed his Dracken side, he didn’t need to go and check on them, they would be fine. He couldn’t leave their younger children to check on the teens, and with Nasta taken off their duty rota because the miserable bastard was sulking, they were even more short-handed than normal.
He carried the three sextuplet boys over to their sister and set them down. They didn’t stay, however, they ran off as soon as they had their feet and Max rolled his eyes, clocked where they settled, which was around a wooden train set that they had likely been playing with before he’d come in, and he sat down by Eris.
“Daddy, look at my garden.”
“It’s beautiful, Eris.” He complimented, as he watched her use a flower cutter to add another flower to the garden.
“I like flowers.” She told him.
“When the summer comes, do you want to help plant real flowers outside?”
Eris stopped what she was doing and looked up with wide blue eyes. “Really, Daddy? I can?”
“Of course. You can come out into the garden and you can help plant flowers. You’re old enough now.”
Eris clapped her hands and giggled. Max couldn’t help it as he bent forward and kissed her little cheek.
He did a scan of the room again, automatically clocking which kids had moved and to where and he made sure the Faerie babies were still in the ball pit. He was doing a Harry again, calling the twins babies when they were actually seven years old. At least their Leolin had been risen to adulthood with only minimal bumps along the way. He was twenty years old now, twenty-one in four months’ time, and the pressure of losing him before he was eighteen was gone, to be placed upon his twin brothers instead. Their fear had tripled when they’d had a thirteen year old Leolin and newborn twin Faeries. The very real fear that a simple cold could wipe out all three of them had given all five of them sleepless nights when a bug or virus had been going through their family.
But now Leolin was an adult, and his immune system was stronger than most of his siblings, only paling to his Dracken siblings, who had the strongest immune systems due to their genetics. It was just Cyneric and Kallan who were at risk now. Or rather most at risk, as each and every child could catch something that could end their lives, but a cold would not harm any other child, it would make them sick and miserable, but it would not kill them.
Max swept the room yet again, his Dracken side now anxious because of his thoughts. He pushed them away and took a breath. He was doing a Nasta too, scanning the room several times even though he already knew everything was safe. It was a top dominant thing, and ever since Nasta had lost Caronwyn, he had had to step up and become the top dominant of their family. He didn’t like it, despite what he’d once thought when he was younger, and unmated, that he would absolutely be the top dominant of his family and not cave in to anyone else, that he would be like his own Father, Myron, and take care of everything and everyone, he knew now that he wasn’t cut out to be a top dominant. He needed Nasta back, but three months after the death of Caronwyn and Nasta was not showing any signs of his depressive grief ending. In fact he was only getting worse. He was trying to hold it together for the sake of Harry, who was pregnant, but he was slipping away more and more to be on his own, because he’d become distant and snappish with them all. He was even sleeping in their bed less and less, slipping out in the middle of the night and going back up to his attic, or out into the garden, and it needed to stop.
Max sighed and calmed himself, in just a few days eleven of their children would be starting a new year at Hogwarts and the house would quieten down a little, not by much though, they’d still have seventeen kids who were too young for Hogwarts, and they had a handful who were graduated, but still living with them. Three days after that, on the fourth, all but their remaining older children, and the Faerie twins, would be back in school. Even their four year old sextuplets would be going to nursery for the first time, even if it was only for an hour a day, and the house would be nearly silent during the day, which was always unnerving.
They were grandfathers too, of course. Max shook his head wryly as he thought of his children who were already mated and with children of their own. Braiden was of course their oldest, and he already had a daughter, Briallen, who was two years old and his mateship were expecting a boy now in mid-September, in just three weeks. Then of course there were their twin girls, who had both given birth last year. Their Eva, emulating her Mother, had fallen pregnant almost immediately afterwards, and had had a second daughter, Julienne, earlier this year.
The door opened and Max looked to see Harry coming in, smiling.
“Max, I made dinner and it’ll be on the table in ten minutes, so can you all go and wash your hands please and go to the kitchen.” He said, cutting off the excitement of the kids.
Harry came to him and Max held him tight and bent to kiss him, his hands automatically falling to the baby bump between them.
“You shouldn’t have made dinner, Harry. You’re heavily pregnant.” Max sighed, hating that he couldn’t have supported Harry down with dinner because he was needed up here to watch the kids. Nasta really needed to pull his head from his arse.
“It was fine, love. I’m feeling alright at the moment.” Harry told him softly.
“Mummy, look at my garden.” Eris interrupted.
“Oh, honey, it looks wonderful.” Harry praised, moving away from him and fawning over the play-doh garden.
Max stood and he escorted his kids out and of course there was squabbling over the bathroom, as he knew there would be. He supervised that and got the kids into some semblance of a line and got them moving, directing two kids to wash their hands at any one time.
Harry walked past and took control of the four sextuplets and the Faerie twins. Sully was also around his legs.
“Call in on those teenagers please, Max? I was going to do it now, but…” He gestured helplessly to the horde of younger kids he had and Max nodded his understanding. “Go and…I’ve made Nasta a plate, just in case, will you see if he wants it?”
“Sure thing, love. Be safe on the stairs.”
Harry just rolled his eyes and walked off. Max didn’t let it bother him, not now. He knew Harry’s feelings, and he knew that his mate wold be safe on the stairs, it was just habit now, especially as Harry hadn’t been pregnant in four years. They’d all thought that their surprise sextuplets would be their last. Of course Harry lived to prove them all wrong at every turn.
He oversaw the rest of the kids washing their hands and he walked the last couple to the stairs before he broke off and went to the teen lounge. He knocked on the door out of respect for their privacy, before opening the door and sticking his head around. The games console had been paused and several faces were staring at him curiously.
“Dinner’s up, kids.” He told them.
Mace was up and gone before Max had finished speaking and he laughed, moving out of his way. Mace was their biggest child to date, and he looked set to not only overtake him, but the grandfather that he was named for, Myron, as well. He was taller than both of them at the same age and he was only growing taller. His Dracken inheritance was a little over a month away, on the sixteenth of November, and their ravenous boy was always eating, particularly rarer meats. His twin, Evie, was right behind him, also coming into a Dracken inheritance, this was again not a surprise, and Max was sure Mace had only beaten Evie to the door because he’d been closer to it to start with.
The boisterous quadruplets, their only set of four, followed behind. At fourteen now they were just in the first flush of puberty, and the four of them had started to eat more too. The three younger quads were Drackens, the oldest, their Ceri, was the only one who wasn’t a Dracken, but looking at him, you would never know it from how boisterous he was. Their Saeth was the quietest of the quads, and he walked past Max with a book clutched in his arms, just watching his three older brothers. Max laid a hand on his back, between his shoulders, and frowned when Saeth jumped.
“You okay?” He asked.
“You startled me, that’s all.” Saeth said, giving him a small smile.
Max nodded. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. Go on.”
Saeth jogged to catch up to his brothers and Max wondered again, not for the first time, if Saeth might not be a submissive male Dracken. He was just two years out from his inheritance, and though he knew it was impossible to tell until the inheritance actually happened, he would put money on Saeth being a submissive unless something changed drastically in the next two years. Max shook his head and pushed it aside, they already had three submissives and four dominants and with Mace and Evie only a month away from their inheritances, they needed to focus their all on them, and on Harry too, who was heavily pregnant.
He went up another floor, to Lai’s room in the corner, and he knocked gently on the door. He poked his head around.
“Do you want something to eat, Lai?” He asked.
Lai looked up from the desk and considered the question.
“You need to eat, honey.”
Lai smiled and nodded. “Okay.”
Max wrapped an arm around the seventeen year old and walked to the stairs, but he left Lai there to go down to the kitchen alone, as he went around to the back of the house, and up to Nasta’s attic office.
Of course most of the boarded attic was storage space, but right at the back was a walled off room, which was Nasta’s office. He steeled himself, not really knowing what to expect, seeing as Nasta could be in any sort of mood, from apathetic, to violent, destructive, cold or even tearful.
He knocked and sighed when he received no response. He opened the door anyway and Nasta was stood at the open window, staring out at the horizon without seeing anything. For a dreadful moment Max thought that maybe Nasta was feeling suicidal, then Nasta actually turned his head to look at him, and he was angry.
“I didn’t give you permission to come in.” Nasta growled.
“This my house too and I’ll go where I want.” Max growled back.
Nasta turned and took a step towards him and Max prepared himself to once again brawl with Nasta. He’d never had to fight with him so often and he didn’t like it.
“Stop!” He ordered, never knowing from day to day if he would be able to use the top dominancy bond to force Nasta to comply. Sometimes it worked, but sometimes it didn’t.
Nasta stopped dead, looking confused, and Max sighed.
“You know I’m acting top dominant while you mope up here. Now Harry has made dinner, he’s made you a plate if you want it. Otherwise you can stay up here.”
“Why was Harry cooking? He’s heavily pregnant!” Nasta snarled. “He shouldn’t be doing that.”
Max felt rage well up inside him and he had to breathe hard to stop his head from pounding.
“Because you’re stuck up here all day, every day and our kids actually need to be supervised, that’s why!” Max snapped. “Blaise was in work all day, which left just me and Draco to handle all the kids and support Harry, who had to go lie down for most of the afternoon. Not that you would know anything about that.” He couldn’t help digging. “Fuck this, you can damn well stay up here, we’ll sort everything out, we’ve gotten used to it over the last few months.”
Max stormed out of the attic and back down the two flight of stairs to the ground floor, he stopped and breathed deeply and plastered on a smile as he entered the kitchen, which was a massive, noisy hive of activity.
“There you are, we thought we’d lost you in the depths of the house!” Harry called out with a huge grin.
“There’s no place in this house that’s safe from you!” Max teased right back. He loved it when Harry got into these sorts of teasing moods. It had been in short supply lately, what with Nasta being in his depressive state. Things had been quiet, suppressed, all laughter was stifled for fear of upsetting Nasta, or setting him off into anger. It shouldn’t be like this.
“So there shouldn’t be!” Harry laughed.
“Calix!” Max called out, surprised to see his son here. “When did you arrive?” He asked, detouring to hug the twenty year old.
Calix laughed. “Get off, Dad! I came for Mum’s cooking, nothing else.”
Max faux gasped and held a hand over his heart. “Why do you not love the rest of us?” He demanded. “For that matter why do you like your Mum’s cooking more than mine? I am the chef of this family. He just cooks when he feels like it. I’m the better cook.”
“Excuse me?” Harry demanded from where he was sat amongst the sextuplets.
Calix properly belly laughed then. “I do. I do.” He assured. “But I just got back from Egypt and I’ve been awake for twenty-six hours and I just really wanted to eat before I went to bed, and guess what? I also can’t be bothered to cook, so I came begging here, I didn’t care who was cooking, it could have been Dad Nasta’s cooking and I’d have eaten it gratefully.”
“That’s unlikely.” Draco scoffed under his breath to a nodding Blaise.
“You never have to beg for food.” Harry said quickly, a little sharply too.
“I know, Mum.” Calix assured, holding his hands up. “I was joking, not being serious.”
“You know how your Mum gets when pregnant.” Max whispered conspicuously.
Calix nodded and Max went and sat down himself. He loved that his insistence on sit down meals together had become such a habit. These days it was usually just dinner, as breakfast was staggered, because most of their teenagers stayed in bed while their younger ones were up at dawn, lunch was several different times with five of them being in work and older kids who cooked for themselves and the younger kids who needed to be fed. Dinner was usually the only time all of them could sit down and catch up, though of course with thirty-four of them around the same table, it was…well hectic wasn’t the word and noisy wasn’t the word, but it was amazing. It gave Max a feeling in his chest, in his heart, that no other time gave him as he sat at the huge table with near the entire of his family and ate with them.
Of course nothing was ever that simple. Not in this family and not with thirty-four of them sat around the table, six of them being messy four year olds, something always went wrong. Today it was Nasta actually showing his face for dinner.
“Daddy Nas!” Several kids shouted, running up to him and jostling around his legs. Then the kids hadn’t seen him in two days and he was definitely looking worse for wear now. His beard had grown longer and he was wearing the same clothes he’d had on five days ago.
“Kids, let your Dad sit down and eat.” A worried Harry chided.
“It’s alright.” Nasta said, gruffly, just touching the kids and letting them clutch at his legs.
No one asked him how he was. Not even Calix, who looked to be holding his eyes open by sheer will power.
Max got the kids to go back to their dinners, and Nasta sat down and played with his food, which only made Harry fret more. Max couldn’t help but wish that Nasta had stayed upstairs, where Harry couldn’t see him, and he felt awful for thinking such things, but when it came to Harry’s health and happiness, no one else mattered, not even his other mates.
Max settled when Harry did, after Nasta had taken a bite of his food. They all went back to talking and eating, ignoring Nasta as much as they could, but the atmosphere was changed now that he was here. Their older children were quieter, more tense as they ate. Their younger kids weren’t as affected, as the sextuplets carried on making a mess while Harry tended to them, their youngest triplets, Rosalia, Nia and Vanora, were giggling together over something and their five year old Sully, who would be six very soon, was playing with his carrots, obviously pretending that they were people as he made them walk over his plate.
“Sully, eat your carrots.” Blaise chided.
“That’s not my name!” The five year old Sully shouted immediately.
“Do not shout at your Father.” Nasta said sternly, immediately rounding on the five year old.
“None of you use my name!” He shouted out smashing his little fists on the table and kicking out his feet and Max’s heart flipped in fear.
Nasta’s patience was almost non-existent these days, and a child having a tantrum was more likely to send him straight over the edge into absolute fury. It shouldn’t be like this, none of this should be happening and they shouldn’t have to fear their top dominant or his moods, none of them should be frightened that Nasta would hurt one of the kids, and as he saw a heavily pregnant Harry rising cumbersomely from his chair, his claws already coming out to defend his child, Max rushed to interject and take control of the situation before Nasta lost his temper, and Harry attacked him for it.
“Eat your carrots, Gage.” Max said, using their son’s real name to try and get him to do as he was told.
“Don’t want to.” Gage sulked, crossing his arms and slouching back in his chair.
“Gage, you need to sit up and eat your dinner.” Harry said calmly, even though his eyes were glued to Nasta. He was using his most dangerous voice, the one that every single person at the table knew meant they had to comply immediately, no questions asked.
Max was not surprised in the slightest when their son sat up and picked up his fork and started eating again.
“I want you to use my real name.” Gage insisted as he stabbed a carrot with it.
“Fine, we’ll call you Gage Alexander Sullivan Potter-Zabini every single day, how’s that?” Max asked, trying to inflect a bit of humour into the situation to try and ease down both Harry and Nasta. This shouldn’t be what their lives had come to. The rest of their children were silently watching, nervously waiting for what would come next. Max hated it and it couldn’t continue.
“No, you don’t have to say my full name.” Gage insisted stubbornly. “Just my real one. I don’t want to be Sully! I want to be Gage.”
“Alright, Gage. We’ll remember.” Harry said, slowly sitting back down in his chair. “Now eat your carrots.”
Gage nodded and started eating his carrots.
“You’ll be six soon, Gage.” Calix called out. “Are you excited?”
“Yes.” Gage said, turning a grin on his big brother.
“He’s already gone hunting for his presents.” Max told Calix, giving Gage a mock stern look.
“They caught me and I didn’t find them.” Gage pouted.
The older kids all started laughing.
“We’ve all tried, but you should know, Mum and our Dads’, they know all the tricks and they know exactly where to hide the presents. Try looking in the furthest tree house.” Calix said with a wink. “Braiden found the Christmas presents there one year. Of course Dad Nasta found him before he could open them, or tell us about them.”
“Calix!” The five of them groaned together. “Don’t give out our hiding places.” Harry added mock sternly.
“Will they really be in the tree houses?” Gage asked excitedly, looking over his shoulder to the back door.
“No. We put them out there because it was snowing. No normal child would have gone to the back tree house.” Draco said.
“Braiden never was normal.” Max added with a grin.
“Oi!” Harry called out.
“Sorry. I forgot for a moment that none of our kids are normal!” Max declared, and suddenly the noise level at the table rose insurmountably under the protest from the thirty kids around it.
Max winked and blew a kiss at Harry and laughed happily. He’d done it on purpose to move the tension away from the earlier disagreement, at least things seemed to be coming back down to normal now, or as normal as they could be with Nasta sat right there, unwashed, unshaven, dirty and unkempt. At least he was eating today, if picking bits and pieces from his plate now and then could be called eating.
Max shook his head sadly and went back to his dinner, checking on the kids to either side of him as he did so, more out of habit now, as they were all ten years old.
A few more days and half the kids would be gone to Hogwarts, then two days later their Eva’s daughter, Tessa, would have her first birthday on the third. Then the day after that and their house would be virtually empty during the day as their younger kids were all back in school and then four days after that and their Sully…Gage, would be turning six. Their Braiden and his mateship were expecting their second child, a boy, a week or so after that, then it would be his own birthday on the nineteenth and then Ave’s daughter, Jennifer, would be a year old three days after, on the twenty-second. Then just two days later, on the twenty-fourth, their Faerie twins turned eight. September was a hectic month for their family, it was the busiest month out of the entire year, even eclipsing Christmas, but as he looked around the table at everyone here, Max wouldn’t change any of them for the world. He just wished that Nasta would see what was right in front of him and that he would pull his head from his arse already. He was hurting them, all of them, his mates, his children…for fuck’s sake Harry was heavily pregnant and due to give birth in just three months. They needed to be ready, they needed to prepare for that, not make things worse for their submissive, or for their already born children for that matter.
“Daddy, up.”
He turned immediately and picked up Ellette and sat her on his lap as he finished his food. Of course no one could do anything in this house without a baby, or several, in tow, and Max gave a pointed look to Draco, who grinned at him and toasted him with his glass of water. The smug bastard would be getting a lapful of kid later, even if Max had to make sure of it. He grinned back at Draco and as he held Ellette tighter with his one arm, he toasted his blond mate with the fork he held in the other, giving him an evil smirk that made Draco look away quickly. Max chuckled and gave his attention to his four year old daughter. Draco would get his comeuppance, until then, Max was going to relax with his family and make sure that Harry got the rest that he needed. Things would be quieter soon, or at least they would be until Harry gave birth in December, then the newborn routine would start all over again. There was nothing to be done about Nasta. He would floo call Aneirin again and keep him in the loop about his son and his disgusting behaviour, he had to hope that Aneirin could sort Nasta out, though it hadn’t worked the first several times, and Max was rapidly running out of hope. He sighed and prepared to take the mantel of top dominant for a while longer, even if he had to call his own parents, his grandfather, for help or advice. He needed to be the pillar of strength for his family, for Harry, now, because Nasta was refusing to pick up his responsibilities. Max calmed himself, his grief couldn’t last forever, he assured himself, this was just a blip and three months was enough, their Nasta would be back to them soon. Max was counting on it.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X
A/N: A little slice of life to tie in with this month, lovelies. September is a hectic time for our family, and our little Sully, now revealed to be Gage, is six years old today. Happy birthday, Gage!
Of course those who follow me on Facebook know that I had to scrap and re-write the entire chapter at short notice just a few days ago, so I apologise if there are any little mistakes, but I actually forgot that this chapter, at this time in their lives, would tie in perfectly with Dragon Blues, and Nasta losing his Caronwyn. Poor Max, though, wait until he finds out that he’s got another several months of Nasta and his depressive grief, and that it only gets worse after Lyran is born in December and that their own little Caronwyn is a complete surprise! There in for another bumpy ride and it’s a very, very long ride too. Poor things.
StarLight Massacre. X
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