There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58493 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
See first chapter for disclaimers/warnings/summaries.
RECAP: Septimus calls in Regulus Black-a botched Torvak hybird and his Dragel wife, Jun. JUN gives Bill a wolfish inheritance, then Percy a Torvak one. George has met with Jun and chose Dragel, Fred chose Torvak. Aiden's friend, Niko, snuck into the Snape quarters and possessed Harry, drawn to him through a mental connection to Voldemort.
"And body binder." Theo threw in. He seemed to struggle to keep his temper in check. "I can't cast it right now. I might bring the building down. Stop him from doing that!" His hand flashed out to stop Charlie. "They mean your elemental magic hasn't settled, casting something on Harry in this state may affect-"
Charlie frowned. He'd already cast spells on Harry since his transformation. This was just another bump in the path to understanding these strange creatures. He opened his mouth to protest, but Theo's hand on his arm seemed extraordinarily weighted.
"He'll be fine." Terius interrupted, smoothly. His blue-grey eyes flashed and then Harry doubled over, clutching at his throat rather than his face. "Now, Severus!"
Severus drew his wand in a single fluid movement. His lips moved, casting a silent spell that Harry could not avoid.
The spell hit its mark.
The reactions were two-fold.
A horrible screech filled the air. The invisible being howled in fury and displeasure as a black mist began to dissipate from the scar on Harry's forehead. The brunet gritted his teeth and turned inward on himself. He'd had enough at last. This was the final straw. Severus casting whatever spell he had—and Harry knew it had been the Potions Master—had given him the edge he'd needed. It was just a moment of peace amongst the chaos, one single moment to gather himself together.
At first, it hadn't been anything serious. Just a strange little girl traipsing through his head and telling funny, odd stories. It'd been fun. He'd sort of liked her. It'd been a game. He'd thought he was dreaming. It'd seemed like a dream and she was small and funny, reminding him of Luna, almost. He'd needed a break from the muddled mess of his life and it had seemed like such a nice one.
It hadn't felt like possession, it hadn't sounded like possession and it certainly hadn't hurt like when Voldemort had forced his way through him.
But then, she'd taken control. He'd been unable to fight her as she'd waltzed straight to that mental barrier he'd constructed—with the limited knowledge gleaned from Snape—and viciously tore it down.
He almost hadn't believed it. But she had. She'd then stood there and taunted the entity that connected him to the one and only Dark Lord. She'd dared him to come into Harry's mind and have a chat.
When Voldemort had responded—she had laughed in his face and taken off running through the corridors of Harry's mind.
He hadn't been able to resist.
Neither had Voldemort.
There was no earthly way Harry could have. Not in his current state.
Think, Harry, think you idiot! You need to focus. You have one shot here, don't waste it. You can't afford to waste it…argh! Wand, wand, wand…where's my wand? I had it, didn't I? His mind roiled and sloshed as he gathered the sputtering flames of his magic and demanded that it do his bidding. He could feel the weak flames struggling as they strengthened and fed off each other. His magic had returned—but was rusty from disuse.
Harry scowled. He would have to remedy that and there was no time for careful preparations! A familiar hilt materialized in his hand and Harry didn't need to look to know that it was his wand. He almost smiled. It would seem that he had summoned it into being through sheer determination.
His body shook, jerked and flinched in alternations. A fine mist rose up from the pale sheen of his skin. A foul stench peppered the air as the mist turned to vapors and wisped away.
It took no form nor shape.
Seconds later, former emerald eyes began to burn bright in their original green hue. They flashed with fire, conviction and determination. Harry raised his wand to his head and poked at the painful scar on his forehead. He felt the words scrambling over each other in his head and his powers multiplying swiftly to provide him with the necessary energy to cast the spell he knew nothing of.
He hadn't thought he had the energy nor the magic for this, but it appeared that his body had other ideas. He wasn't about to argue with it. He needed this far too much. This was enough!
"I said out!" Harry hissed and then, of course, he snapped. In a beautifully relevant and decidedly powerful way. Emerald eyes meshed with golden hue and magic wavered tangibly in the air as Harry spoke.
"Solveran terran namius phaldah." The words were strange and foreign even as they fell from his lips in a steady stream with an almost musical lilt. They sounded magical to his own ears.
He had really and truly had enough of this.
He didn't understand the words. He didn't understand the powers. But he did understand the fleeting touch of hope and madness bundled into one. It was intoxicating and very, very welcome.
Merlin's grey hairs, for the sake of…!
The surge of magic was raw, unchecked and satisfying in every way possible. Harry was vaguely aware of glass shattering, temperatures rising and the floor shifting somewhere beneath his feet.
He didn't bloody care.
It was dark.
It was light.
It was beautiful.
It was absolute, undeniable power.
So perfect.
So wonderful.
So comforting.
It felt so good.
A dull roaring sound filled his ears as Harry sank to the swaying, pitching floor, his head still clutched between both hands, his wand pointing behind him. He shuddered, violently. The euphoria dimming enough for his consciousness to process his surroundings and the edge he still grasped over his invisible, mental opponents.
His hands scrabbled weakly at his throat for a moment, before he remembered his wand. He pointed it at himself, as the words seemed still forthcoming. He certainly wasn't going to argue, as it seemed the last spell had worked just fine. "Vengatius oram." He rasped.
The pain shuttling through his body came to a sudden, abrupt, shuddering halt.
Harry blinked.
He gaped.
His wand-hand, wand-in-hand, fell back to his side and he stared at it in a mixture of disbelief and shock.
Pain-free existence was an entirely new experience.
A very, very welcome experience.
The floor stopped moving and the temperature cooled to a tolerable level. Harry shivered. That was too cold. Something hot, nearly scalding wrapped around him from behind.
His adrenaline fueled body reacted with a set of muggle defense moves he'd once seen on the telly when Dudley hadn't known he'd been watching. It worked—somewhat. He was freed of the scalding hold and suddenly frozen again. He rubbed at his eyes—they'd blurred for some strange reason—and then at his forehead.
Oh ow!
He stopped rubbing. That had hurt! He really shouldn't have done that. He touched a hand to the sticky mess and stared, blankly at the bloodied fingers. He blinked, urging his sight to rework itself as he knew it would, until a blotch in front of him cleared out to be familiar, expressive golden eyes.
Gold eyes.
Harry's emerald orbs narrowed, faintly. He was running high on adrenaline and the very vivid mindscape he'd been functioning in just moments before. It took longer to orient himself than he'd expected. He pulled on his dragel nature, taking a careful whiff.
His nose told him what his mind was still figuring out.
Dominant scent.
Familiar scent. Chocolate and steel.
His eyes took part in the figuring and Harry stared into the golden gaze.
Gold eyes meant Theo.
Theo meant Alpha.
Alpha meant help.
That was as far as his muddled brain cared to puzzle through. Harry continued to stare. That was one puzzle solved. Weariness washed over him again and mutely, he held out his bloodied hand and waited.
He didn't know what to say or do, but his mind could think of a single word.
Theo took his hand, gently and touched his own wand to the bloodied fingers. A cleaning spell and a healing spell were cast in quick succession. He then raised the hand and kissed it gently. "Harry, my treasure?" His voice was soft, caring.
It nearly undid Harry just to hear it.
Harry felt his mind stutter for a moment and then continue to whirl. He licked his lips and stared at his newly cleaned—and kissed—hand. What had he done? He'd felt—no, he wasn't sure that he had—and suddenly, Theo's bright golden eyes seemed a tad too bright for his pale face. Harry frowned. He let himself be helped to his feet as he registered the fact that his present surroundings were currently quite demolished.
His memories suddenly slotted back into the fuzzy gap where they'd been and a tendril of fear snuck along his spine, stealing over him with slow promise. That was bad. He swallowed hard, unsure if he ought to ask, but knowing that he should.
"D-did I do that?"
"Yes." Theo said, simply. He stroked the hand still within his grasp, silently worried. "Harry?"
Harry did not answer.
Theo frowned. "Harry," he tried again. The verbal attempt did not bring his mate back to the present. The Slytherin let their hands drop to the side, squeezing gently to provide some inkling of a physical grounding. He could see the confusion in Harry's face and understood to some degree that it had been a burst of accidental magic. He walked them over to the sofa and urged Harry to sit.
Only when Theo weighted his request with the touch of his earthen element, did Harry reluctantly perch on the edge of the settee. His weary gaze darted to every corner of the room and then to each occupant in turn. He'd all but blown the room up. He swallowed hard, trying not to visibly curl in on himself.
That couldn't have been good.
And Theo and Terius weren't even close 'friends' to be able to excuse something like this. He'd definitely done it this time. Sure, he'd had a good excuse, but excuses had never worked before. Not for something like this and certainly, it would not work. It never had.
Old memories and faded injuries rushed to the surface of his troubled mind, reminding him of things that he'd long wanted to forget. Things that ought to have remained forgotten. Things that made him squirm and twist inside.
Harry cringed, inwardly, as a scowling Severus Snape waved his wand in short, jerky movements, directing paintings, decorative items and pillows back to their original places and then restoring each item to their original state. Harry didn't have to be an art expert to know that magic couldn't fix them all—and it certainly would never restore them to their true perfection.
His stomach cramped, painfully. Harry closed his eyes, tucking his hands beneath his thighs, his wand still in hand. He didn't want to know what punishment they'd come up with. His mind argued with him that they would not react like that. That they would not treat him as the Dursleys or a few other unmentionables had. Old memories fought with new ones, reminders that he knew them—at least, he thought he knew them to some degree better than this. Surely they would not hold it against him. Surely they would not.
Harry squeezed his eyes shut. This couldn't end well. He wanted it to, but oh, how it didn't seem likely!
He took a shaky breath and grimaced. Theo's scent mixed with something decidedly distasteful and he couldn't place it. He leaned forward, intent on burying his face in Theo's neck, if only to breathe the scent that had calmed him before.
"Easy, Harry." Theo murmured. He allowed the motion of comfort and gave a quick wave of his wand. Then suddenly the weird smell in the air was whisked away by someone casting spells—Harry couldn't figure who it was nor did he care—but he readily gulped in mouthfuls of cool, tasteless air.
"Harry? Harry, it's fine. Everything is fine now. We're alright. Everyone is alright."
Harry didn't dare trust himself with that knowledge just yet. Instead, he frantically dashed through his mind, searching desperately for the memories of his Occulumency lessons with Snape. The man had been a right bastard then, but there had been a few good tips somewhere in the whole mess—he was sure of it!
His mind methodically sorted through the information he demanded of it and Harry found himself formulating a quick, sturdy mental barrier.
A cage. He thought, hazily. That's what my mind should be a cage. Then everything around it…
He began to visualize a cage of metal, wrought with expertise that would put even the most talented of craftsmen to shame. He imagined it as an impenetrable force and began to close the gaps of the cage with solid, firm blocks. This would do. This would be his prison. This would keep his mind together and everything else out!
The shapes took their respective colors and sizes, meshing into the places that he demanded they fit. It took time, it took effort and perhaps, a little more than he honestly had to give.
Almost there…can't give up…now-!
Harry gritted his teeth and gave another, decisive mental push. The final square slid into the last empty space and the entire mass melded together. A seamless, special cube that would protect him. That was all he needed and it was more than enough for now.
A wave of tiredness washed over him and Harry fought against the blackness that came for him. He'd fought and won. Let ol' Voldy take that. And whoever that strange little girl had been. Harry shuddered. Somehow, she was almost as terrifying as Voldemort. No, wait. She was more, because Voldemort was just a big, bad bully and this little girl—this little girl had almost been like a friend. She'd taken his dignity with the little kitchen act—but she'd also held Voldemort at bay for a few scant seconds.
Enough for him to know that she was no friend of the Dark Lord—and no stranger to him either.
It was with her help that he'd managed to shove Voldemort out—or was it? He couldn't be sure. It was too much to be sure. He couldn't be certain at all.
Gentle hands rested on his head, scrubbing softly through his hair in soothing, relaxing motions. The sudden, scalding heat returned, taking up residence somewhere beside him.
Harry opened his eyes, even though he could tell it was Theo and the heat, he could now identify as Charlie. Both of his mates eyed him with worry and no small amount of concern. Harry didn't have anything to say. He didn't know what to say. He only hoped he could stay awake long enough to hear what they wanted him to do as repayment.
He silently hoped he'd have the energy and magic to spare. Sleep was so close right now…
Theo frowned at the sleeping bundle in his arms. Harry had well and truly exhausted himself this time—both emotionally and magically, it would seem. He could now sense Harry through the mated bond once more, in fact, it had snapped into place the moment he'd felt Harry's body grow slack.
Whatever his little treasure had done, he'd done it well. Theo was beyond relieved to know that, at least for the moment, he was cleared. It was something worth nothing.
"Charlie?" He turned to the Beta who hovered close behind Harry.
One of the dragon tamer's large hands rested on Harry's back, rubbing gently up and down his spine, offering warmth and comfort. His red hair gave off a few odd wisps of smoke, but thankfully, it had not burst into fire.
Theo was mildly grateful for that. It had taken some effort on his own behalf not to react to Severus' close proximity to Harry in his distressed state. He hadn't liked having another Alpha so close.
"Is he alright?"
"He will be." Theo sighed. "Time?"
Charlie cast a quick tempus and muttered the hour. "What's the matter?"
"Perhaps we ought to visit the healers a little sooner than planned?" Theo suggested.
"I don't think Harry minded seeing the healers." Charlie accepted the shuffling of arms and legs, not at all bothered to hold the exhausted Harry. He worried, faintly, for the young man in his arms, the shadows beneath his eyes and the thinner than usual frame.
"I don't believe he minded." Theo frowned. "But from having no magic to enough to do this-" and here he gestured to the still partially destroyed room. "That cannot sit well with anyone, even Harry Potter. I would feel better to know that if something were to happen, we were within calling distance of a trained dragel healer."
Charlie matched his grim smile with one of his own. "I see your point." He stood. "He's light as a feather."
"I know. The inheritance only healed the visible scars, I suppose."
Charlie's head jerked up. "Visible scars?"
"Later." Theo murmured. "Not now." He turned to Terius. "Do you mind if we simply 'port out early?"
"No breakfast?" The older Pareya straightened with a wrinkle in his forehead. He'd been fussing over a protesting Draco. "You shouldn't skip the morning meal for-"
"I'll pick something up on the way." Theo interrupted. A faint sheen of sweat showed on his pale forehead. "and I am terribly sorry for all of the trouble, may we discuss it later?"
Terius frowned, but he looked from Theo to Severus. "Severus?"
"What's wrong now?" Severus growled. He looked up, feeling the gazes of both men upon him, in mid-repair of some artifact or another to hang on the wall. He moved to stand beside Terius, his dark-eyed gaze sweeping over Harry's cradled form in Charlie's strong arms.
"He's asleep." Theo looked up to the Potions Master who stood beside Terius, both of the men casting spells on Draco's annoyed form. "We were just leaving."
Severus gave a noncommittal grunt, his attention arrested by Terius casting another barrage of diagnostic spells.
"I'm fine, Severus!" Draco protested. "There's nothing left over, no residue and it didn't fight me, it wasn't a-"
"I shall be the judge of that!" Terius snapped, darkly. "You should have said something sooner." This was directed to Severus, who merely perked a brow at the rebuke.
"Really, then I shall do my best to inform you the next time I believe Draco is possessed!"
Terius' blue-grey eyes suddenly sparkled with mischief. "I shall be sure to listen well, then."
Severus frowned. "If you were possessed as well, then I would have given my hand away, yes?" He prompted, turning away. "Check on Calida, Hermione and that flying rat of theirs. I want everything accounted for."
"Of course." Terius murmured. "The wards feel the same to me though. I don't know how it entered."
"It's not a rat, it's a Nytura." Draco said, helpfully. "And I like it, can I have one?"
"Absolutely not." Severus snapped. "Theodore?"
"Asleep." Theo repeated. "I will let him rest. He needs it." He nodded towards Severus. "Could you?"
The Potions Master grumbled to himself, but stepped over in all solemnity and began to cast the same barrage of spells he'd been running over Draco. "Two." He muttered, a moment later.
Charlie frowned. "Two whats? Two spirits?"
"Possibly." Severus frowned. "Terius—wait!" he frowned at Draco. "Go with him and be careful."
"Oh, now I can move?" Draco couldn't keep the sarcasm from his voice. He yelped with Terius gave him a light poke from behind.
"Pairing off already, Severus?" Terius said, amused. "I assure you in this flat, we are fine. The wards are not individually keyed, but my entire family resides within the boundaries and without any ill effects. They are well. They are fine."
"That is precisely what disturbs me." Severus allowed a short, clipped sigh. "Your definition of 'fine' and mine, differ greatly."
Harry woke in the pleasant blackness with a sense of satisfaction.
It was so rare and unexpected that he couldn't help, but bask in it for a few scant moments, before he tried to gather himself together.
A soothing warmth moved around him and a comforting scent enveloped him, temporarily freezing all morbid and worrisome thoughts. It gave him the necessary push to sink into the welcome rest.
With his mind happily clear and for the most part, blissfully blank, Harry allowed himself the briefest of luxuries. He certainly deserved a few minutes of uninterrupted sleep for such a good feat.
He was vaguely aware of strong, familiar arms wrapping tight around him.
The scent of smoke mingled with the hint of citrus.
Harry smiled in his sleep.
Perhaps this one time, he could rest—certainly, he deserved it.
A/N: and Yay! Harry got them both out of his head! Three cheers for Harry! This chapter is shorter than I'd like, but I keep scrapping it and starting over, so I'm just going to run with it as it is. I hope you all enjoy it. Quinn will probably appear in the next chapter-I think. :)
Unneeded--Ah, Niko is an interesting little character, eh? Harry did well to get her out of his head and voldy as well, considering. It is going to be rather messy, because Harry is not a master Occlumens or Legilimens and has no real natural ability with mind magics either and he's fighting a vicious, mental battle. Thankfully, there are folks around to support him. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Jan--Yep, seems like everything always happens to him, huh? Glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Feli--ah, there's a good explanation for her hair, but if it helps, it's an extension of her darker powers. She stores it in a physical and easily disposable way(her hair), to keep the madness from her mind. She's quite mad. :P Harry's got some strengths of his own to kick her out and voldy. No worries. I think Quinn will make it in the next chapter, if not, the one after that. ;) Thanks for reading and reviewing!
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