There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58493 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
See first chapter for disclaimers/warnings/summaries.
RECAP: Septimus calls in Regulus Black-a botched Torvak hybird and his Dragel wife, Jun. JUN gives Bill a wolfish inheritance, then Percy a Torvak one. George has met with Jun and chose Dragel, Fred chose Torvak. Aiden's friend, Niko, snuck into the Snape quarters and possessed Harry, drawn to him through a mental connection to Voldemort. Harry threw Voldemort and Niko out of his head and was then cared for by Theo and Charlie, who excused themselves from the Snape's quarters to leave early for the healers. Theo has decided to get breakfast on the way in.
Breakfast—or rather—brunch, was a quick affair that Theo seemed well-versed in. He 'ported them into a quiet section on the edge of the city square and procured several packed dishes for their enjoyment. He paid by the way of a golden charm bearing a crested sigil that dangled from one pale, thin wrist.
Charlie couldn't remember ever seeing the Nott heir with it before. He made no comment, merely filed it away for later use. He did tightened his grip on Harry though, as Theo led him away from the street vendors and towards a speck of visible greenery.
They walked for some time, the only communication being a moment where Theo paused to quirk an eyebrow in silent question.
Charlie shook his head.
The shorter Alpha gave a single nod and continued on. The edge of the city was far quieter than Charlie had originally expected. Having seen the town square and other central portions of it in fleeting passing thanks to Theo's very quick and very short tour, he was surprised when they finally stepped into a meadow.
For all intents and purposes, it really couldn't be anything else.
The technology and order seemed to end abruptly and the vast expanse before them was a wide carpet of green, dotted with a few large, branched trees and scatterings of flowers here and there. Charlie blinked and stared, before he made out the idea that it was some sort of mutual picnic area, if the various dragel circles present were any indication.
Everyone kept a respectful distance away from everyone else, yet Charlie could see that it was not just for manner's sake, but privacy as well. There were circles of varying size, with children present and a few babes somewhere, evidenced only by their thin, crying wails. A low hum of chatter and a pleasant tingle of magical energy was enough for Charlie to understand that they were in no danger by seeking out an unclaimed spot for their own.
One part of him was vaguely happy that he could see his fellow 'creatures' in action, natural interactions beyond the few glimpses that he'd had and that Theo was thoughtful enough not to take Harry straight to the healers. From what he knew of Harry, the younger man spent too much time in the hospital wing and often alone, if Ron's tales were ever to be believed. His youngest brother had once mentioned how strange it was that none of Harry's adoring fans or enemies ever came to visit him while under Madam Pomfrey's care.
For Charlie, quite frankly he wouldn't be pleased to find himself transported directly into a hospital ward after a magical outburst like that. He'd much rather remain under his mother's care and oh—that thought hurt.
Theo's hand was on his arm and Charlie turned to find himself reflected in somber golden eyes. "Here is nice, yes?" Theo tipped his head towards a gnarled, flowering tree, thick with greenery. The ground was dry and soft, the shade adequate.
Charlie eased himself downward into a sitting position, then arranged Harry comfortably half-on and off of him. He sat with his back braced against the tree's smooth bark and with Harry's upper half cradled against his stomach, legs bracketing the smaller male.
Theo settled into his right, the bag of steaming food parcels balanced on his lap. Blue eyes met gold and nothing was said for a long moment. Then Theo broke the stare and began to focus on the neat parcels and packages before him.
He selected a carton of spicy-scented goodness and then fashioned the plastic fork into a pair of lacquered chopsticks. Chowmein with meat and vegetables, drenched in a thick, hot sauce. He stirred the contents expertly, then clicked the sticks together, selecting a sizeable mouthful before he held it up to Charlie's surprised face.
The redhead opened his mouth to protest, but the action was rethought when Theo's hand darted forward—quickly—and deposited the delightful mouthful where it needed to be.
"Jedeki is an excellent cook." Theo murmured. The golden eyes seemed to read things on Charlie's face that Charlie didn't say out loud. "I have always been fond of this dish. The herbs inside are similar to a Pepper-up Potion, it provides you with energy and chases away anything that could cause a cold or a stomachache." His smile was soft and gentle.
Charlie did not complain.
"The nuggets are familiar." Charlie chewed carefully, brow furrowed as he puzzled through the tastes that lingered on his tongue. "I've had them before, somewhere."
"Probably during the welcome feast. Sometimes they have all kinds of dishes there."
"Probably." Charlie allowed. He noted that Theo had carefully sectioned off each dish in portions of three, yet he'd made no attempt to wake Harry.
"He needs to sleep as long as he can." Theo said, quietly—as he'd done nearly everything so far. With little fanfare and little noise.
"He hasn't so much as twitched." Charlie retorted.
"True, but then he must be sleeping very deeply, wouldn't you think?"
"He's hardly breathing."
"He will be fine, Charlie."
"…not what I'm worried about."
"You will be fine too."
"…you don't know that."
"Everything always works out in the end."
"and if it doesn't then the story isn't over?" Charlie quipped.
"Then we rewrite the ending." Theo smoothed a hand down Harry's cheek.
"What about the middle?" Charlie sighed. "and why do you keep doing that with your face?"
Theo's expression immediately smoothed over. "Pardon?"
Blue eyes gave a spectacular roll. "Don't give me that." He warned. "I've lived with five brothers and two of them were experts at pulling faces. You don't have a thing on them and that's saying something."
"It is just a headache."
"The same way for Harry, it's just a bunch of seals?"
Theo scowled, darkly. "I will mention it when we visit the healers. It is nothing serious."
"Right." Charlie frowned. "Nothing serious as in nothing I should worry about when you're obviously-"
"I am fine." Theo snapped. He grimaced past the throbbing ache in his head and threw out a tendril of energy. It snaked around Harry's face and then slithered down his neck, disappearing. "Harry? Hey, wake up, hmm?"
The brunet stirred, faintly, in Charlie's arms.
Green eyes fluttered open and locked onto worried gazes of blue and gold.
Harry smiled. Sleep still clung from him, his features softened as wakefulness struggled to return. "Hey."
Harry relaxed against Charlie's broad chest, content to let Theo feed him the noodles, kept warm by a simple heating charm. He had opened his eyes only to close them quickly at the brightness of the morning light and the pain that immediately followed.
"Headache?" Theo inquired.
Charlie feathered a hand through the unruly mop of hair. He murmured a few words that a Romanian witch had taught him about healing powers. "This will help for a moment. It's probably too bright, huh?"
Harry relaxed as Charlie's hand covered his eyes, the fingers lightly splayed to let some light through but not enough to blind him. He felt a lovely, blessed coolness sink into the sides of his temples providing instant relief from the drum majors rampaging through his newly sectioned head.
"Better?" Charlie rumbled.
Harry nodded as best as he could with the hand still over his eyes. That was more than better.
"How are you feeling now?" Theo inquired. He clicked together the chopsticks, manipulating them with elegant fingers as he selected a suitable mouthful. "Chew. Swallow, then answer."
Green eyes sparkled as Harry chewed with deliberate slowness, then swallowed as directed. "Usually I wake up in the hospital wing." He waited while Theo twirled the noodles around the black chopsticks—again. "How long was I out?"
"A couple of hours." Theo hummed. He held up the mouthful and perked a brow.
Harry chewed thoughtfully. "Felt like five minutes." He admitted. He was relieved to find that he wasn't anywhere near Terius and the others—specifically the room he'd wrecked. A flicker of doubt danced over his face and he nibbled on his lower lip.
"Healer's appointment is two hours from now." Theo crumpled the empty carton and selected another one. He popped open the folded flaps and stirred the contents with the chopsticks. "You can rest as soon as you finish these."
Green eyes opened comically wide as Harry took in the array of takeout containers and Theo's determined expression. "Wha-I-I-can't!" He sputtered.
Theo simply stuck a chunk of roasted vegetable into his mouth.
"Whatever you thinking about, stop this very second." Theo scolded. "It isn't good." He poked the edge of Harry's near pout after the mouthful had been accepted.
Green eyes avoided both golden and blue while Harry fiddled with a spot on his trousers. He was glad to see that his pyjamas had been transfigured into decent daywear, a detail that had escaped him earlier.
His mates were good to him, his dragel purred. Very good.
Too good. His wizard side complained. It can't last.
Usually he would wake up in the hospital wing. Usually it would not be to kind faces and warm food. Usually.
"…did" Harry swallowed hard. "Did Terius throw us out?"
Theo blinked. "Pardon?"
"What?" Charlie coughed.
"We're not—you—we moved?" Harry tried to form the words together, but his mind was working faster than his tongue. It didn't sound right at all. Worry tangled up within him and Harry worked on mentally squashing and locking it away.
"…Harry, Harry, Harry!" Theo snapped his fingers directly in front of the pensive face. Emerald eyes grew wide and round with surprise.
Theo sighed. "There is nothing to worry about and we are all fine. I simply thought it best that we were to give the…others, a touch of privacy. Severus is a very private person and while Terius means well, he is not our Pareya."
Harry scowled. Terius had been nice—sort of and kind of—that didn't mean that Theo had to hold things against him that the poor man couldn't help—Harry frowned. From what he knew of his own dragel side so far, there were some instinctual things that even he could not explain away. "Theo-"
Thin lips pressed tightly together. "You may think of it as my own selfishness, if it allows you to come to terms with things. We were not thrown out nor will we be. We are guests and will conduct ourselves accordingly." He sighed. "I will send a letter to Oretta about the guest house, if you like. She will send mention when it is habitable."
"Selfishness?" Harry murmured, softly. "Is that what this is?"
"Harry, stop it." The arms holding him gave a light squeeze. Charlie rested his chin atop the dark head. "You're doing that thinking in circles thing where you believe it's your entire fault."
"Hermione mentioned it once." Charlie said, delicately. He did not mention that the distraught, bushy-haired witch had all but had a minor breakdown after one of Harry's 'self-sacrificing' bouts of selflessness and had raged and ranted at him, Ron and the twins for a good half-hour. He hadn't known she'd had it in her.
Eyebrows knotted themselves together and Harry scowled.
"Harry?" Charlie nudged him.
The brunet sighed. "I should've had control." His thin hands clenched into fists. "I should've been able to-"
"You were possessed, I think that does excuse your behavior and-"
"Excuse?" Harry hissed. "Sure. Yeah. It does. It's okay. I can bring Hogwarts to the ground. I can wreck the Ministry of Magic, I can do anything stupid and—and it's fine. 'cause I was possessed. It's the best excuse of the century!" Anger flashed in those bright green eyes. "You don't understand. I always do this. I always hurt the things I-" his voice cracked and Harry lurched forward, no longer able to enjoy Charlie's warmth curling around him.
"Harry!" Charlie's hands caught his shoulders, tempered with their strength, but holding him nonetheless. "Hey, hey, calm down. Harry." He shared a look with Theo.
Theo immediately stabbed the chopsticks through the carton and lurched forward in a moment that was all grace fluid elegance. He blocked Harry's near escape by settling easily over the young men, straddling them both, legs on the outsides of Charlie's broad thighs. One hand caught Harry's chin and the other braced against his heaving chest, taking in the pale sheen of sweat, the wild eyes and the pain that seemed to silently scream at him.
"Enough, Harry." The word was weighted with the very essence of earth, demanding that Harry hear and listen. "You are not broken, you are not ruined, you are not a failure."
Harry jerked his face away from the insistent hand.
Theo let him.
Charlie didn't. He wrapped one arm around Harry's quivering shoulders and yanked him to rest back to chest once more. The redhead's free hand snaked upwards to grasp his chin and hold his face level with Theo's golden gaze.
Blue eyes held silent conversation over the messy head.
Theo's lips twitched, faintly. The spark of gold vanished almost as quickly as it had come, but it had been for Charlie and Charlie alone.
"If you are broken," Theo's hummed, voice as smooth and trapping as the delicious stickiness of sugaring honey. "Then we will fix you. We will put every piece of you back together and we will hold them and weld them together no matter how many pieces break, chip or shatter." He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Harry.
The brunet gave a choked gasp when those fiery golden eyes broke that damning gaze. He fairly trembled as Theo eased forward, sinewy, strong arms sliding around him with promise in every squeeze. The weight of Theo's head was heavy compared to the feather-light touch of soft lips against Harry's ear.
"Always." Charlie whispered into the other ear. He pushed away from the tree trunk and released his grip on Harry's chin. He wrapped the newly freed arm around Harry's torso, tangling with Theo's dress robes as he heard the sound of ripping fabric from behind. His wings blew out with desperate force, flinging drops of blood and scraps of fabric everywhere. They arched forward, immediately forming a private cocoon for the trio.
"If you are ruined, then we must be too." Theo breathed. "Because goodness would surely never suffer itself to the ruins of-"
"No. No, no, no, no-!" Harry protested, frantically. That wasn't true. Theo wasn't ruined. Charlie wasn't. They were fine. They were good. Perfect, even. It was just him. Just the little freak that couldn't even fight off something as simple as possession.
"Yes, yes and yes." Theo returned. "Your darkness will only swallow you as long as you let it." He kissed the edge of Harry's ear.
Charlie bit the other. "And it can't keep you, unless you let it."
"No-!" The protest was weak. "You're not-"
"Shhh." Theo caught the tender lobe in his mouth and worried it lightly with his teeth. "If you are, then we are, because surely, this-" a warm, loud hum of white energy flared to life between them, centered in Harry, spilling over from him into the other two. "Is one soul shared between three and if you are blamed, then surely we have our own ghosts to join the haunt."
"Mmm." Charlie focused his attention on a sensitive patch of skin along Harry's neck. He nipped, kissed and sucked with soft, tender motions. His hands splayed along Harry's chest and stomach, rubbed and stroked in teasing motions.
"And lastly-" Theo's warm breath ghosted over the newly wet ear. "You are most certainly not a failure." There was a hint of laughter in his voice. "Surely you do not think my Slytherin vanity has left? Would I settle for anything other than the absolute best? Do you think I would not have known what I have taken responsibility of? Persist in your delusion, if you must." Theo nipped him, sharply. "If you must. But know that you are mine." His hands tightened deliberately around the slender form. "No matter what you are, failure, success, brilliance or darkness, you are mine." Theo stretched his jaw, hearing it pop as his fangs surged through his gums. He wasted no time in fastening them deliberately over the mating mark on Harry's neck.
Harry gave a choked cry.
Charlie merely shifted to bring their faces together, swallowing the sound with his lips firmly over Harry's parted ones. He swallowed every protest and every cry, offering what comfort and reassurance he could with lips, teeth and tongue.
Warm tears spilled over Harry's cheeks. The emerald eyes squeezed shut.
Charlie broke the kiss, gently and nuzzled one flushed cheek. He kissed away the tears and hummed softly. "And you are mine as well." He breathed. "No matter what you are, what you think you are, what you really are or what you believe." He butted Harry's head lightly with his own.
One emerald eye popped open to look at him. The fragile trust visible, glistened with heartbreaking reality. A silent, tentative plea.
"Mine." He whispered. "And if I believe that you are more than this, more than everything, more than all the things that have happened to you, then believe me." He kissed the closed eye and smiled when it opened almost immediately afterward. "You are."
"H-hey!" Harry tried to protest, but the words died in his throat as Charlie effectively silenced him with a searing, possessive kiss. His large, warm hands tangled easily in the brunet's outer robes, slipping within the folds to the hem of his jumper and then onwards, to lovely, warm, skin. Harry shivered, even as the radiant heat settled into him.
He would always know Charlie for his warmth.
A surprised squeak escaped when Harry realized that Charlie had distracted him from Theo's ministrations. Gentle, seductive touches from his Alpha that had quickly become more intimate. A low whine in his throat was the only token protest, but quite frankly, Harry wasn't really sure that he did want it to stop. His dragel side certainly didn't mind.
Charlie's wings afforded them a decent measure of privacy and all he had to do was to be quiet and-oh.
Harry squirmed.
Theo's expert fingers had slipped past the button and zipper of his trousers and parted the pleats of his pants to play with the stiffening flesh below. Theo smiled into the kiss as Harry moaned. His wicked, wicked fingers curled, stroked and teased in the way that made Harry literally melt. He writhed, sandwiched between Charlie's broad chest at his back and Theo's lithe form in front.
The kisses grew more heated and Harry realized that Charlie had taken over from Theo and he hadn't even noticed. It was a lovely, pleasurable haze.
It was precisely what he needed right then.
A sharp pain stabbed through his chest.
He whimpered.
Two answering growls soothed him.
Charlie's kiss demanded more and Theo's elegant fingers pulled.
"If it hasn't set in yet, I am more than happy to remind you." There was a teasing hint in Charlie's sultry voice as he splayed his hands across bare skin, lucky to have made it under Harry's shirt when the brunet hadn't been paying attention.
Theo had been luckier. His hands had found their way beneath Harry's robes and into Harry's pants.
Very lucky. Charlie smirked. "Round two, Harry?" He prompted, nuzzling the pale column of neck and nibbling on the marked skin.
"NmmMmmhm!" was the answer from around Theo's elegant fingers shallowly thrusting and exploring the warm, wet mouth currently cleaning them from the salty offering moments before.
Harry's flushed face said more to that than perhaps, his mouth would have. His lips were plump and pinked, evidence of the 'lesson' that had ended on a very pleasurable note. Theo's wicked fingers finally withdrew and wiped themselves on the inside sleeve of Harry's robe.
Harry opened his mouth only to have his gasp swallowed by Theo's insistent follow-up kiss. The slender body trembled and shuddered pleasantly in the dual embrace. Those fingers on his over sensitized skin nearly undid him again. He squirmed as Theo's expert hands tucked him back into his pants and did up the fly on his trousers.
Charlie murmured a gentle cleaning spell against his cheek, leaning forward to steal a kiss from Theo when the Alpha finally drew back from Harry. Theo smirked into the kiss and released one hand from Harry to take hold of Charlie's chin and guide the moment more to his liking.
Harry panted softly. The kiss was far more than it needed to be and he protested with another wriggle, his voice still deserting him. Twin heated gazes turned to fix on him and Harry swallowed what would have otherwise been a rather undignified squeak.
"N-no! We're in the middle of a—a park!" he managed to get out, burying his face in Charlie's available neck to dodge the kisses that were sure to follow, if the expressions on those faces were anything to go by.
"You didn't mind a minute ago." Charlie nibbled along one pinked ear.
Harry squirmed again. "T-that was—ah—different." He gasped out.
"Good different?" Theo rasped. He scraped his fangs lightly along the bared patch of skin where neck met shoulder. "Or bad different?"
Harry stiffened and froze. He shivered a moment later.
Charlie's hands began to rub gently, firmly and insistently. They reminded him of warmth, acceptance and safety, grounding him in the present.
Theo's elegant hands carded through the messy hair and stroked down the warm, blotchy face in soothing motions. "Different is different, Harry." He said. "Sometimes it is a good different sometimes it is a bad one, but different is different. It does not mean it is the end of things." He pressed a chaste kiss to Harry's wrinkled brow.
Charlie fluttered his wings lightly, drawing in a few drafts of warm, fresh breeze into their shadowed little cocoon. He slid his hands out from beneath Harry's shirt and folded his large hands over Harry's smaller ones.
Emerald eyes stared mournfully up at Theo.
The young Alpha moaned. "How can you still have that look in your eye?" He said, exasperated.
Harry blinked.
"That." Theo waved his hand at Charlie's silent prompt. "What happened this morning was not your fault. Neither was the episode in the Ministry. Being possessed does not make you weak, breaking free from it on your own—like you did this morning—that alone, is a sign of strength. Sharing with us, between us and with us-" he tapped Harry's nose with one long finger. "That is strength as well. It is proof that your past does not control you because you do your best to learn from it and continue on."
The emerald eyes shimmered.
"Oh for goodness sake!" Theo threw up his hands. "No one is upset with you nor will they demand that you-"
"You don't know that." Harry interrupted. "You're not Terius and-"
"I will kill him." Theo growled. Harry's dragel instincts were very close to the surface and it had prompted everything from the full emotional assault to the entire gamut of guilt, pain, confusion and despair. Most of it was toward himself and the rest had been toward Terius, Theo wasn't sure whether to shake Harry or hug him. He'd settled for both.
The older Pareya was gruff and somewhat traditionally set in his ways and it led Theo to wonder just how big of an impact he'd had on Harry during his first months as a Dragel. The very obvious guilt and worry from Harry suggested that the man held a position of some importance in his friendship circle and Theo wasn't quite sure what else to do now. They'd tackled more emotional issues in the past hour than he'd been prepared for and it had been exhausting for him as well as Harry. He didn't know how Charlie was handling it so well. "Twice." He added, for good measure.
"No!" Harry glared at him.
"May I have a turn as well?" Charlie asked, lightly. "After you're through of course." He didn't really have an issue with their current host, but he did not like the way that the older dragel currently had Harry so worked up. Whatever the man had done, Charlie would try his best to make sure it didn't repeat itself. Harry had enough ghosts in his past.
"No, Charlie!" Harry twisted to share his glare with the redhead. "No killing any—Theo!" The name was garbled when Theo's hand clapped over Harry's mouth.
The golden-eyed Alpha huffed a sigh and turned away for a moment. His mind changed gears and happily clicked over his current options. "Perhaps a letter of apology?" Theo suggested.
"What?" Harry tried to speak around the hand.
"For Terius." Theo kept his hands firmly over Harry's mouth. "If you persist in this guilt, I shall require more of you to rid you of it."
The pain reflected in those emerald eyes seemed to wan and fade, filled with relief instead. Harry sagged forward.
Theo sighed. Finally. "Yes or no. Nod." He instructed.
Harry gave a weary nod.
Theo kissed the messy head of hair. "Good. Now I believe, you were supposed to be eating breakfast? We do have a healer's appointment within the hour."
"Your magic?"
Harry pursed his lips, shifting to try and find his wand.
"Other pocket." Charlie said, helpfully. "Let me." Warm fingers slid into one pocket and retrieved the wand. He placed it in Harry's slightly shaking hand.
The young wizard closed his eyes in concentrating, working up a simple spell from the exhausted dregs of his wizard magic. He could feel a newer, fresher tint of energy inside him, but this new energy was strange and foreign. He didn't know whether he could trust it yet.
Pale fingers gripped the wand and Harry sat up as he flicked it to Charlie's left, eyes still closed. "Stupify!" He hissed.
A faint flicker left the wand and something in the dirt stopped moving.
Harry sank back into Charlie's welcoming embrace and let his hand fall back to his lap. "It's hardly there." There was a mixture of worry, confusion and pain in his voice. "I can feel it, sort of, but I can't—I can't call it."
"You used up quite a bit this morning." Theo handed over the food carton and chopsticks to Charlie. The redhead took them with ease and settled the container in Harry's lap. "It probably drained your magical core."
Harry let his head thunk back on to Charlie's solid shoulder. "Again?" He gave a sigh of long-suffering.
His bored exclamation was met by twin looks of identical worry and disbelief.
"Again?" Charlie repeated. He poked at the noodles in the carton and settled on skewering a nice chunk of meat. "When exactly was this—again?" He really didn't like the sound of this now.
Harry shrugged.
"Harry." This was from Theo. Golden eyes drilled steadily into him.
Harry resisted the urge to shrug again in answer. Instead, he eyed the browned morsel in mid-hover courtesy of Charlie's hand in mid-motion and obediently opened his mouth. Lifting his own hands required far too much effort, especially now that he'd used what little energy he had to cast a spell to reassure himself that his magic was still there.
And he didn't have to answer. They'd already tackled one issue for the morning. It would do for now. He was just plain tired.
Quinn woke quietly.
He didn't move at first, because movement was the very last thing on his mind.
He remembered a large expulsion of energy, a great deal of pain and then of course, Bharin.
That thought brought a smile to his face and he relaxed somewhat, when he felt the facial muscles tug and pull to rearrange themselves to show the happy emotion. He took a quick stock of his current physical faculties and it was pleased to note only general stiffness and soreness.
The rest of his wits caught up around him as he blinked open his eyes to take in his current surroundings. He could make out the grey stone wall of the North garden—his mother's favorite—and the damp earth beneath him.
Quinn shifted, testing his current state and attempting to puzzle out how long he'd lain here. He could tell that he'd been placed in a hollow carved out from the rich dirt, a makeshift bed smoothed and brushed for his comfort. The dampness suggested liquids—water or oil—and the fragrance let him know that incense and oils had been spread and burned to hurry his healing.
His limbs splayed and rubbed pleasantly against each other, soft and with the smoothness of slicked oil. Quinn shifted to sit up, relieved to find that he'd been draped with a cut of silken cloth. He grimaced.
By the time he'd managed to stand up, warm, strong hands slid around his bare waist, tangling the silken cloth into a makeshift wrap.
"Quinn." Bharin's voice was rich and soft. He pressed a kiss to the blond's forehead.
Quinn turned with a smile and arms open for a hug. He was content to be held and soothed by the man who had all but raised him.
"How are you feeling?"
Quinn shrugged.
Bharin poked his side.
Slender fingers rose up to splay and curl in the signed language that was shared between them.
Bharin chuckled. "I'll stretch you out, no worries. You need anything before that?"
Quinn shook his head.
The tall, dark man gave a thin smile as he bent enough for Quinn to scramble up and balance, precariously, on one broad shoulder. Bharin held him steady with one strong arm and he stepped out from the earth-hewn mould in the ground.
Quinn pursed his lips and gave a soft, inquisitive whistle.
Bharin chuckled. "Yes, they did light the candles to call for you." He gestured towards the small circular indents on the ground. "Fifteen of them, actually."
There was a whuffling whistle in answer.
Bharin gave another laugh. "No, they didn't light for your age, they did it for the sake of your health and according to your chakras. You know that."
A moment of silence passed.
"Yes, I know there aren't fifteen chakras. There's one for each of the seven, then doubled and one final one for your stupidity."
Quinn elbowed him.
The dreadlocked head leaned away from the half-hearted jab. "You know fully well you deserved that, brat." He said, fondly. "I've warned you before about pushing limits that you don't have."
He sighed. "Yes, Quinn, even you have limits as do I. Do not push them."
Did mother do this The healing for me? Is she angry?
"Aye. Your mother also sent for your Father and your sire." Bharin snuck an upwards glance to the young man. "You will be smothered, I am sure."
A/N: Hi everyone! I'm back. Some very personal and upsetting things in real life have kept me occupied and a bit too stressed for the past few weeks. Thankfully, they are smoothing out enough so I can breathe again and also write just a little bit. My sincere thanks and appreciation to those of you who checked in to make sure I was alright, it helped. Thank you very, very much!
unneeded--Yes, Harry is down one voldi link and Niko has been forcibly removed, her physical self remains next to Hermione for the moment tho. Aiden will be partially ticked off at both of them, I think. He'll be protective of Hermione on the point that she tried to commit suicide and then upset, because Niko is a friend of his and he was expecting her to 'behave'. :) Herm will be his official consort and can become his bonded, if she likes, later on. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Jan--Yep, lady luck sure follows him closely, doesn't she? Yes, there's a glimpse of Quinn in this chapter and there'll be a touch of his family/home life in the next, before he shows up with Harry. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Feli--Aw, thanks! I am doing better now. RL has been hectic and unforgiving. :( Glad the explanation was helpful. in the ff forums, I have all kinds of extra randomness about the story, the characters, etc. Hermione's bit is a little ways off, until I get Harry and Quinn squared away. Thanks for reading and reviewing! Enjoy this chapter. :)
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