Shades of Grey | By : SpeedyTomato Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 104035 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 21 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter nor do I make any money off this dance in the realm of strangeness and smut |
Chapter 57
Beta'd by the amazing Tenchi. You're the best, woman, and thank you!
With help from Lynn who works with me when it comes to flow, continuity and other issues.
Just a reminder of what's on my profile: reviews complaining or whinging about the lack 'o sex in stories will get deleted. If you want a smut-filled romp, you need to find another story to read.
While waiting for Lucius to shut the door to his study, Sirius was uptight. No, not about talking alone with Lucius and Severus, but what would come after they were done. He had agreed to perform the bonding spell as it would make it legal because of his role in Harry's life, but it didn't get rid of the nerves.
It was a week after the meeting with Amelia. Since then, the Ministry had quietly shifted gears to prepare for not only the Hogsmeade visit, but to take the fight to Voldemort with an assault on him if he didn't turn up for the visit by the students. She wanted it to end. While it was damned good she was doing what she could, it also meant it was time to do what they could to protect Lucius and Severus from what could happen after the war ended.Since they were preparing, Lucius had been in contact with his Solicitor to find out what steps they could take to protect themselves. And there wasn't anything the man knew of. The bonding was it. And the only reason it would work was because Harry couldn't be forced to talk. Since there was nothing else and Harry admitted to wanting this, Sirius would perform the bonding. He just wanted some bits and bobs out there before he did.When the two took a seat, he sat down opposite them then launched in. “First, I want to make damned sure you know what this means and are willing. I've talked to Harry. He knows since I made him lay it all out for me then told him what it means. After the talk, I'm sure he knows and there is no undoing it, no matter what. You're together for the rest of your lives. Are you sure it's worth it?”Though Severus wanted to snarl about Black acting like they didn't understand, he didn't. Mostly it was from nerves at this point as he was well aware what this step meant. And he understood why Black was asking. His assumption on the matter was this was Black's way of assuring himself he was doing the right thing by all of them. Harry was involved and this was a huge step for the youngest of them. So, he pushed the snarky comment on the tip of his tongue aside and nodded. “Quite sure. We've all worried the topic to death by now and the reasons are sound ones. It's also well known what this means.”“I think I can speak for all of us when we say we understand.” Lucius agreed, feeling nervous himself over the life-changing step they were taking soon. “And we are doing it for more than just saving Severus and myself from what's coming. It's the right reasons.”“I wanted to make sure, for plenty of reasons,” Sirius told them with a nod. He, too, was nervous as he knew just what this meant for Harry. There was no going back from this step. In fact, if Harry hadn't insisted, talking about what he felt for Severus and Lucius, how happy they made him and all other areas, he wouldn't even consider it. “Is it all set up with your Solicitor and he knows what's coming?” He then asked Lucius, wanting it out there. While the bond would trigger some paperwork, it wouldn't end up public knowledge the way a marriage license would.“He knows it's coming,” Lucius assured him. “Once we finish, I'll owl him so he knows the deed is done and can take whatever he needs to from there. He has the proper paperwork which will have to be filed, automated spells involved, so he'll handle it.”“Good,” Sirius nodded. “I want you both to look over the spell. We found several to do a standard bonding. This is the one we picked. I have the others for you to look over, too.”“We will, though just a standard one should work. Nothing fancy is needed,” Severus said, pleased since he wanted to know the exact spell and what to expect.Since he had covered the easy parts, Sirius now wanted to delve into the trickier ones. “Right—the whole relationship bit—you are going to take it slow with Harry? I understand he wants to press on, as he's made it quite clear, but he's—well, you know, when it comes to experience.”Now onto ground they could handle as they could easily understand why Black brought it up, Lucius gave a firm nod. “We do, not to worry. While he might want to jump in with both feet, we won't allow it. Just because we're bonded doesn't mean intimate relations have to come right away. We plan to stay to the pace we are now and let it come naturally.”“This is an area we've brought up and discussed, so Harry does know the plan,” Severus assured him. As Harry had no parents or true guardians who essentially cared for him, Black was just taking up the slack, something he could fully and completely understand.With a chuckle, Sirius then added, looking between the two with a serious expression on his face, “And I want it clear that if you hurt him, you deal with me. I know you aren't playing him, but I want it out there.”“Understood,” Lucius said with a smirk, trying not to chuckle. He and Severus expected this at some point before the bonding, so it wasn't blindsiding.“Completely,” Severus agreed with a nod, smirking himself. “As this is a bond, it won't happen. You hurt one, you hurt all in it, at least in some way. Neither of us have any desire to end up miserable by fighting all the time.”“I assumed, but wanted it out there,” Sirius nodded. Then, with a ragged sigh, he said, “Let's do this. I want to talk to Harry alone first, so you can stay with Remus and look over the spells. Once I'm done talking to Harry, we'll get on it.”When the two nodded, looking uptight, he stood. He wanted to make damned sure his godson was fine with it, though Harry had already decided.
“I just want to make sure you’re certain, Harry,” Sirius told his godson softly. Harry was nervous, you could easily tell from the look on his face and how he was pacing in the small parlor they were in. “Unlike most bits, there is no undoing this, no matter what.”
“I'm sure,” Harry assured him with a nod. He then stopped and looked at his godfather and said, “I can think of plenty of bits a lot worse than spending the rest of my life with Severus and Lucius. We get along well and like the relationship.” Then, with a shrug, he added, “I want this, Sirius. You know how I feel about them because I've told you. The bonding is just an extension of it. The relationship is wonderful, something I doubt I'll ever get anywhere else. And it just keeps growing better all the time. They are perfect for me, in plenty of ways.”“Understood,” Sirius told him with a nod and smile. “I just wanted to make damned sure, Harry. Sometimes people get cold feet as the time grows closer. Nothing more.”“Case of nerves?” He asked, watching as Harry resumed pacing, smiling just a tad.“Oh yes,” Harry admitted with a nervous chuckle, making another trek across the room. “Rather a big step, so I’m uptight, despite wanting it.”“Understandable there,” Sirius told him, smiling more. “Just remember; if you need advice or want to talk, you get in touch. I'll do all I can.”“Will probably take you up on that,” Harry admitted with a snort, grinning just a tad. “This is—well, you know. Not done it before, any of it, including the relationship, so I'm rather inexperienced with all of it.”“More understandable,” Sirius admitted. “And it's a bit I can't give advice on since I've not done it before. You'll manage. The three of you tend to work out whatever when there are issues or disagreements. Just keep doing it. Take time to walk off and cool down for a bit, then try again. All I can tell you. And go slow. Just because you can do whatever now, doesn't mean you should jump in with both feet, especially since the hormones are voting for you to go for it. Ease into the whole thing.”“It's not that easy, but we're going to try,” Harry told him making another lap around the room. “We have a plan for this, but it doesn't make it any easier.”“True,” Sirius agreed. “You'll all do fine. The base is there and you're going slowly, so I don't see a problem. You're all together more than most couples anyway. As you're doing fine with it, I think it'll continue.”“We're doing all we can to make this easy,” Harry told him, stopping to look out the window. Though it wasn't snowing anymore, the ground was covered with it, sparkling the way snow did in the bright light. It was plenty cold out still, something he could feel radiating from the glass. “While most won't change with what's going on, it's just the shift it means. Well, and what will come when this nightmare ends. Worried about that part, honestly. Probably more than the current bit.”“Don't,” Sirius advised with a shake of his head. “Focus on the now. We're handling what will come the best we can and putting as much in place as we can manage. You worry about the three of you, nothing more.”“I'm trying, but it's not that easy,” Harry chuckled, eyes going shut.Sirius stood then walked over to Harry and slipped an arm around him. After pulling him close and giving him a kiss on the temple, he told his godson, “It's not, but let me and Remus worry about the future. You focus on your two bondmates, school and all the other bits you're worrying about. We'll handle the rest of the world. If there's something you need to worry about, we'll let you know. As it is, you have enough of your plate. Until the war forces you to face it, you let us do the worrying for you. We'll get enough of a foreshadowing if it's coming to give you warning. It's time for you to start building your new life and let everyone else worry about the war.”Harry leaned against Sirius and shut his eyes, smiling. “I'll try,” he told his godfather. Then, to make himself feel better and lighten the mood, he asked, “You didn't threaten Severus and Lucius too much, did you?”“Nope,” Sirius chuckled, giving Harry a squeeze. “Just the standard of they don't want to tangle with me if you end up hurt. Nothing more.”“Something they expected,” Harry laughed, shaking his head. “They even mentioned it last night.”“Hey, someone has to play the parental role here,” Sirius grinned. “It's standard from fathers. I might not be your dad, but I'm the closest thing you have, so it was up to me.”“True,” Harry snickered, shaking his head.“Gonna forgo the normal birds and bees bit, though. I don't think you need the stress there. Not to mention I'm the bird type and you're doing blokes. I'd be more lost than you,” Sirius joked, pleased Harry seemed as though he was relaxing.“I'd prefer you didn't. There's enough stress here that I don't need such bits added,” Harry admitted. “Though it could be a right riot hearing you explain bits you know nothing about.”“I don't fancy doing so, Harry. I'll leave it be for that reason,” Sirius admitted with a laugh. Then, softly, he said, “If you do need advice on that bit, talk to me. I'll try all I can though it's not my area. Between the two of us, we'll figure it out.”“Thanks,” Harry told him with a smile. He didn't anticipate it happening, though.“Other areas I'm better with, like spells for when they piss you off,” Sirius added, grinning again. “Those I can help plenty with!” Hearing Harry laugh, Sirius pressed on, trying to relax him before they joined the rest to do the spell.
After Sirius and Remus left, Harry was seated on the settee with Severus, leaning against him while Lucius finished composing then sending off what was required to his Solicitor. Sleeve pulled up, he was examining the bondmark on his wrist the spell left. With a smile, he fingered the simple tattoo-like braid in silver and gold. The deed was done; they were bonded. The mere thought made him smile bigger. While there were plenty of nerves going in, he felt better now, much better. There was now nothing anyone could do to get what really happened out of him. Perfect. Even better? He was now officially considered an adult. Even better was Severus and Lucius would be considered guardians if he couldn't make decisions. Nothing Dumbledore would do could get around them. At the moment, no one even knew about the shift. Oh, it was coming at some point, but keeping everyone in the dark was for the best. It would make them fumble.
Arm slipping around Harry, pulling him close, Severus smirked a bit at what he was looking at. “It's rather pleasing and not too gaudy,” he said softly, reaching out to also finger Harry's bondmark. “Easily hidden as well so it doesn't draw attention.”“True,” Harry agreed with a nod, smiling as he did. “Once our sleeves are down, no one will see it.”“I'm sure everyone will know at some point then it'll be moot, but it's good for at first,” Severus said, looking up as Lucius stood to send off the paperwork.After tossing everything in the box so it was mailed out, Lucius came over and sat down by Harry, lifting the younger wizard's legs then propping Harry's feet on his thigh. “It's off and we're now as protected as we can get.”“Good,” Severus nodded. As he held Harry close, he added, “And we're now starting a new life together, one we'll enjoy.”“That as well,” Lucius agreed, smirking himself. “It's something to celebrate.”“It is,” Harry agreed with a grin and nod. He was happy with this, very happy. They had shared some champagne and cake after the bonding with Sirius and Remus, but he wanted to do something alone with his now bondmates. Trying to think, he finally said, “How about we just stay here for a while and share some cocoa. Just to relax.”“Easily done,” Lucius agreed then sent an elf off. He also made sure to have them bring some water for Nagini and Kaliya. The snakes were just slithering back in after checking around the house, on the inside of course, since it was too cold for them to go outside even with the coats and warming charms.“Lucius and I were thinking,” Severus started, taking a beaker from an elf who popped in, “that starting tomorrow we move into a room that we’ll share.”“We don't mean fully, as we all need to have time to ourselves, but to sleep at night,” Lucius continued. “For now, nothing more than sleep until we take that step. It's a way to grow accustomed to each other.”“I'd like that,” Harry admitted, smiling a tad as he took a sip of the hot drink. “Just not used to anyone but the snakes.”“We do have to work around that issue,” Lucius admitted with an amused smirk. “Nagini sleeps with me and Kaliya with you. Severus isn't accustomed to having a serpent in bed with him.”“I'll adjust,” Severus snorted, amused himself. “They may need to since it'll be more crowded than normal.”“We'll manage,” Kaliya told him, slithering up onto the back of the couch with Nagini and resting there.“The elves will put the standard spells on the bed so we have enough room, no matter how much we move around,” Severus added, stroking Kaliya's head as the snake was close. “It will take some adjustment.” Then, to Harry, he added, “I've not shared a bed with anyone either, honestly, at least for a full night. It's something we'll adjust to together.”“You haven't?” Harry asked, looking at him, brow furrowed. “I just assumed you had.”“No,” Severus admitted with a shake of his head. This wasn't a topic he had discussed with anyone in the past, so it was somewhat hard on him. As the two were now in his life forever, he felt it was a tad easier. “Mostly it had to do with the fact that I wasn't interested in others. The opportunity never presented itself and I wasn't looking for someone long term.” He then gave Harry a squeeze and added, “Which means we grow accustomed together.” To add levity to the situation, he added, “And hope none of us snore too loudly.”“True,” Lucius agreed with an amused snort. “I don't think it's an issue. Narcissa never complained I did. From what we know of Harry, he doesn't. Not sure about you, Severus. We'll adjust, not to worry. It'll just take time.”“I wouldn't know if I snore,” Severus admitted with an amused snort. However, he was looking forward to sharing a bed with the two. It was far different from the one night stands he had in the past. While he was sure there were a few sleepless nights looming since it was a new experience, he planned to enjoy it.“Now, about your schooling,” Lucius started, looking at Harry. “You're done with the work for the year, so we need to take some time off so Severus and I can devise the final test of the year. Then we'll decide what we're doing for what would be the rest of the year.”“Tests,” Harry moaned, head going back. “I hate tests.”“It won't end up excruciating like the ones in school,” Severus assured him with an amused snort. “Similar to the ones we've given you before, just more encompassing.”“And we're only doing one a day,” Lucius told him. “Our plan was to do the exam and practical on the same day. With you being the only student, we don't anticipate a problem. You should finish quickly as well.”“It's just the idea,” Harry said with a chuckle and shake of his head. “I hate tests.”“Yet you do very well on them,” Severus told him, lifting his arm to ruffle the messy hair on Harry's head. “At least since you've been here. Nothing to worry about. We take into account plenty.”“You're not having issues with any of the classes you're taking. The work you put out is generally graded at an O, so I don't see a problem, Harry.”“It's just the idea,” Harry groused, head going back. Without opening his eyes, he asked, “What's coming after this? Have you decided?”“When the tests are over, you're on winter break, just like you would be at school,” Lucius told him, patting his leg. “And it's more to give me and Severus time to come up with what we're doing for the next semester,” he added with a soft snort. “We didn't anticipate you being done so early, so we're not prepared.”“Break is good,” Harry agreed with a grin. “I like breaks.”“We all do,” Severus told him with a chuckle. “We need to take a gander at what the requirements are for the careers you want so we can formulate how to set up the classes.”“Understood,” Harry nodded. Then he asked, “What about OWLS?”“Those—we have to wait until this mess ends to tend to those,” Severus admitted with a groan. “The standard for homeschooling is to take them at Hogwarts with the rest of the students. Let's see where this goes before we worry too much about them.”“As you're done early, we might manage to have you take them at the Ministry,” Lucius added. “Let's see what happens.”“With as well as you've done, it won't be an issue if you have to wait until the end of the school year,” Severus told him. “You retain the information well enough, you'll do fine. Not to mention what we're pressing on with builds on what you are doing.”“True,” Harry told him. “Just wondering. Not going to worry too much there.”As the wind blew outside and the snow on the ground starting to drift more, the three inside sat in the library, warm, talking easily. Though it was like most nights in Avalon Manor, it was the start of a new stage in their lives. From this point forward, they would always be together, never alone. While it wasn't the ideal way to find their life partner, they had managed, and all were determined to enjoy it to the fullest.
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