There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58493 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
See first chapter for disclaimers/warnings/summaries.
NOTE: This chapter features Quinn and some of his family, the Kalziks. The Kalzik circle is HUGE, Quinn is the youngest Kalzik son by blood, (24 years old). Below is a quick table of some of the characters appearing, it is NOT necessary to remember all of them. Please remember that Bharin is quite large and as such, Quinn is very "small" to him.
Quinn's mind speak is in Italtics.
Bharin's mind speak is in Bold Italics
Quinn's mother, Surajini - SUB
Quinn's father, Hiram - ALPHA
Quinn's sire, Patrick - BETA
Circle fighter Bharin - GHEYO (fighter)
Quinn's older brother (meaning bro #4) Alejandro (Alpha)
Alejandro's Father - Arturo (Deceased)
Quinn's older sister, (sister #3) Dyshoka (Beta)
Quinn's twin younger sisters, Karnati (Beta) and Farnati, (Sub)
Bharin and Quinn share something of a mentor/student kind of bond, much like Ilsa and Theo. There is nothing romantic between them. Bharin is just very physical (as he is a fighter and Quinn does not speak, so he tends to be more aware of things and cues like hugs, tones in voice, etc.)
RECAP: Harry threw Voldemort and Niko out of his head and was then cared for by Theo and Charlie, who excused themselves from the Snape's quarters to leave early for the healers. Theo decided to get breakfast on the way in and it ended with a chat between Harry/Charlie/Theo with not quite as much talking as there could have been. Harry's circle is now heading towards the health clinic and Quinn has wakened from his healing sleep to find Bharin waiting for him, keeping watch.
Bharin carried Quinn indoors and away from the runed and shaped healing gardens. He hummed softly to himself along the journey, taking note of Quinn's light weight and faintly twitching hands and feet.
The healing had been good and necessary, but Quinn was one of those selfless hearts that too often disremembered to look after their own selves and souls. His grip on one pale thigh, tightened just enough to be sure that his charge would not fall off of his shoulder.
Quinn's faintly trembling fingers took up their usual habit of playing with his neatly tied dreadlocks. The fingers twined and twisted between them, before attempting to count through the myriad of miniature braids and strands.
Bharin chuckled. "Counting them again?"
Quinn lightly thumped his chest with one well-placed ankle.
The dark man only laughed a little louder. "You could ask your mother you know, as my hairdresser, I should think she keeps count."
Quinn gave a snort in answer.
"You do realize that she will not be any happier than your father and your sire?" Bharin tilted his head to the side, looking for the answer. A moment later, the young man gave a faint shrug. "You should worry, I think. It would serve you right." He murmured. "The last time your father saw you, it was to your good health and in celebration of your new position at the clinic. The last time your sire saw you, it was from exhaustion from overworking yourself at said clinic. I seem to recall your promise that it would not happen again?"
That is not fair, Bharin. Quinn chided. I did not have a choice!
"We always have a choice, brat."
I truly did not this time.
"You cannot save everyone!"
But that does not mean that I cannot try!
"Ah, so you admit that you willingly went through with this latest stunt of yours."
Quinn's pale cheeks colored rapidly and he looked away, even though the action would not hide his blush.
"I thought so." Bharin sighed. "You do realize how dangerous that was?"
I wasn't too far gone. Quinn retorted. How else do you think you arrived on time?
"I felt you." Bharin snapped. "That alone should say how far gone you were!"
Quinn made a strangled half-whistle sound.
Bharin stopped walking.
For a long moment, teal eyes stared down at dark brown ones. Neither said a word.
"Be mindful of your next words, Quinten." Bharin's voice was firm. "Or I just may be so inclined to let you walk to the bathhouse while I drag you by the ear."
Bharin did not follow through on his threat and Quinn was thankful for that. He didn't feel as if he could spare the energy for something as natural and mundane as walking. That, and Bharin was tall enough that riding on his shoulders often brought a smile to a face already showing the signs of early age.
Quinn sat contentedly in the hot bath as Bharin had occasionally dunked him in the steaming liquid and generously lathered him with fragrant soaps and oils.
Did you excuse me from the morning shift?
"That monster of a woman should know better than to expect you after last night's events." Bharin shot back. He gave Quinn the moment of privacy to slide on his underthings while he fetched a towel to dry the blond locks.
"But I did send word this morning by way of air courier."
Thank you. Quinn reached for the stack of clothes near the stool and nearly wobbled over as his balance shifted.
Bharin caught him with a quick, thick hand, hefting him upright and guiding him to sit on the stool. "You should know better than rush things." He scolded, lightly. "This isn't the first time you've done this."
I know… A near pout flickered on the young healer's face and he held up one twitching hand to examine it and his present healing energies.
Bharin smacked him lightly with the end of the towel. "Do not push yourself before you are reading. You know as well as I do that your gifts are as fickle as the weather."
Are not! Quinn's protest was half-hearted at best. He did know. He knew all too well. He hunched his shoulders up as Bharin draped the thick, warmed towel over his head. His eyelids fluttered with contentment. A lazy smile stole across his face as Bharin's big hands took their care in working the fluffy towel through his damp hair. Feels good. Thank you.
Bharin smiled. "You're quite welcome." He let the dampened towel slide down to rest around Quinn's shoulders. He released it as the blond drew it around him like a cape. He snapped his fingers at a row of bottles along the vanity's edge. A clear container of sea-green gel leapt to his palm.
Unscrewing the cover, dark fingers dipped into the bright contents. Quinn grinned as he felt those familiar fingers shaping his unruly locks into the hairstyle he often coaxed it into.
"Are you ready for the exchange?" Bharin's words are gentle and measuring.
Quinn hesitated.
"There is no rush," The experienced Gheyo smiled. "there is time." he sent the container back to the sink and selected another one.
Quinn held up his outstretched arms. He gave a smile as the deodorized spray tickled him. A warm drying spell tingled over him and then Bharin was applying bruise balm and healing salves to his upper half.
A moment later, another drying spell settled the healing ointments well beneath his skin. "Oil or cream?" Bharin asked, while his hands hovered over the line of bottles on the vanity's edge.
Quinn's lips gave a faint quirk and he cocked his head to the side in question.
"The oil is herbed the cream is metholated. Both will have a warming, then cooling effect." Bharin does not say more. Quinn is quite a talented healer and he knows what Bharin means. The silent language between them is beautiful in its simplicity. "Oil?" Bharin prompted.
The wavy blond locks bobbed once.
Bharin poured the oil in his large hands and with a flicker of magic, heated it to a tolerable warmth. Quinn held out his left arm and waited. The large hands smoothed the warmed oil over the limb with precise, expert strokes. The fingers massaged and worked at the stiff muscles, prompting a small smile from a relaxing Quinn.
As a Gheyo, Bharin's knowledge of a Dragel body would show itself quite prominently. He would know every muscle group and the best natural remedies for any situation. Quinn's lips quirked into a deeper smile. The history between them meant that Bharin also knew just what he needed and just how deep to dig those talented fingers or how hard to pull those sore arms and legs.
In quiet efficiency, Bharin slathered on the oils and rubbed them into Quinn's pale, creamy skin until it glistened. Quinn's formerly tense figure went boneless as Bharin moved to stand behind the sitting figure on the stool. The embrace was loose and warm as Bharin grasped each slender wrist and began to manipulate the limbs in a series of stretches and reaches.
Quinn winced a few times, but did not protest. The exercises felt good and the discomfort was only temporary. He made a mental note to remember to check his pain thresholds again when he reached the clinic. It actually hurt more than he'd expected it would.
"Arms up and over." Bharin rumbled. "Let me support your weight." The last stretch was complicated, but worth it.
Quinn huffed out a happy sigh when Bharin finally released his wrists and nudged him off the stool. He slid off and braced himself on the aching, slightly pinked limbs, as Bharin moved to work on his aching back.
When his back was finished, Quinn was allowed to sit again. This time, he balanced carefully as Bharin began the tedious task of stretching out the knots and kinks in his legs.
A sharp rap on one knee immediately drew teal eyes to the serious face kneeling beside him.
"No repeats, Quinten."
Quinn swallowed. Yes sir.
Yes, Bharin. It won't happen again.
"How did it actually happen this time?"
"I figured. The call was very loud."
Quinn winced. Sorry.
"It is pointless to apologize for something that is out of your control." Bharin countered. "Foot. Up. Rotate." He began to work his large fingers around the tendons and joints, feeding warm pulses of magic into Quinn's foot propped up on his knee. "Kyle was there, surely you could have wheedled his assistance out of him?"
"Don't give me that." The older man said, mildly. "I know fully well how perfectly behaved your little pet is."
Bharin! Quinn jerked his foot in emphasis.
Bharin's hand immediately tightened around his ankle the other pinching the sole of his foot, lightly. "You scared him half to death!" He snapped. "That is not how one treats a brother, that is more the actions of an owner and their pet, as if it is a creature deaf and dumb to the goings on of all around it."
Quinn's mouth opened in protest, but no sound came out. After a moment, he shut it and his head bowed. He sat in a broody silence as Bharin finished up with the massage oils and unofficial physical therapy.
"Tonight." Bharin rapped him smartly on the knee—again. "I had best see you before you take yourself off to bed."
Quinn snorted and looked away. As if Mother will let me out of her sight once she sinks her claws into me.
The Gheyo stifled a chuckle. "Indeed, but you deserve that." He smiled and reached for the pair of slim-fitting breeches on the bathroom countertop. "You worried us all with that stunt." His hand hovered over Quinn's heart, feeding it a pulse of magic.
Worried teal eyes flickered up to him, at last, remorse, pain and frustration showing plainly in their expressive depths.
It was necessary. I had to…save him. Please understand, Bharin, I didn't do this on purpose, I just couldn't let him stay like that. He was so-
Bharin snatched off the socks from the pile of clothes and deftly slipped them on the twitching feet. Quinn's magical energy was slowly recuperating and from the signs, he'd be a nervous wreck in very short order. One of his inherited quirks from his Sire was the uncanny knack his magic held for exponentially recovering itself. Starting with smaller increments and working up to larger installments, Quinn would be fine by midday—as long as he ate and was careful.
Especially if he planned to return to work for the afternoon.
"I respect that you must try to save everyone." Bharin murmured, he shook out the breeches and held them up. "But I will repeat this to your deaf ears yet again, if you exhaust yourself helping them—then you are of no help. Do you truly believe any one of your patients could live with the knowledge that your death saves them?"
Quinn nibbled on his lower lip, brow furrowed. That's a trick question, Bharin. He answered, at last. I don't want to answer it.
"I am not asking you to. Up. One foot at a time." Bharin held still as Quinn held his shoulders for balance as he stepped into the breeches. Quinn held his hands up as a simple vest came next, this tucked into the breeches and cinched with a belt. "But I am asking you to consider me." Bharin turned him gently, so they were back to chest as he slipped the final, longer overtunic over the slender figure. It bore the crest of the health clinic and Quinn's own badge, showing his rank as a revered healer.
Quinn fingered the embroidered patches with a faint, fond smile. He signed thank you. Then nibbled on his lower lip again.
Bharin thwacked him lightly on the head and did up the laces along the front of the shirt. "Quinn," his voice was gentle. "Think next time, remember that you are not alone in everything that you do. I was free. I would have been happy to help. Even long-distance. I would not have complained."
…I was fine, Bharin. I just didn't expect to-
Quinn was jerked around to see a faint shimmer in those so very dark brown eyes. It vanished almost as quickly as it had come. The young healer was frozen in place as Bharin's hand caught his chin and held their gazes together.
"You bear my death seal, because you are selfless and selfish in equal parts, Quinten." The dark eyes narrowed. "I pulled you back last night." The gaze hardened. "How am I to explain that to your mother? She will never be ready to handle anything that you throw at her in this haphazard way of yours."
Teal eyes shimmered.
"She is not ready to bury her youngest son."
Quinn squeezed his eyes shut.
"You knew and I count that as punishment enough." Bharin sighed. He released his grip on the slender chin. His strong arms wrapped tightly around the quivering form. "I have not mentioned this to your mother, but I will not hold my silence if she asks."
Quinn drew in a shaky breath. His hands made fists in the bunched fabric of Bharin's sleeves. He allowed himself the rush of fear and panic that had come when he'd realized just how deep Harry's Blood Seal had run. It had nearly killed him to rip it out as he'd done, it had been a very long day after all and he'd used nearly every last ounce of his magic before Harry had entered. By the time he'd come to realize and notice what was off about the young submissive and then of the seals he'd borne, Quinn's restless soul hadn't been able to tolerate the thought of sending Harry back home without trying something.
A slightly shadowed curtain fell over his face and Quinn smiled. Bharin's dreadlocks were familiar and soothing in the privacy that they offered. He snuggled into the hug, craving the acceptance, reassurance and freedom that came with it.
The Gheyo hummed softly in answer.
Watch. Quinn commanded. He opened his mental channels, probing the connection between them and then pushed over the entire replay of Harry's visit and the circumstances that had led to his present condition.
Bharin's arms tightened around him, rubbing up and down his arms and back in gentle motions as he continued to feed tendrils of magic to him. His vow of loyalty to Quinn would be more than sufficient for the healer-patient confidentiality oaths between Quinn and Harry.
I'm sorry, Bharin. I didn't do it on purpose, but I felt so strongly that—forgive me. I do not mean to make excuses. What I did, that was inexcusable.
"We are all young and foolish once." Bharin rumbled. He accepted the hug that accompanied the apology.
I have already had my time. Quinn's long fingers skittered over the messy scars around his neck and the ones that continued further down his torso. He sucked in a breath and blew it out harshly. It was very foolish and I was not that young. He looked up, earnestly. I do mean it, Bharin. I am sorry. I never meant to force you to activate the seal, you saw, I just-!
"Shh." Bharin soothed. "Enough. I forgive you." He nudged their mental connection, allowing Quinn to see the sincerity of his admission. "You are forgiven."
…thank you.
"There are no thanks necessary. You know this." Bharin rested his chin on the soft, blond head. "Brat." He added, quietly.
Ride? Quinn prompted, impishly.
Bharin rolled his eyes as they strolled through the inner corridors, heading for the main room. "I'm quite sure you can walk now if you like, brat."
Teal eyes sparked merrily at him, mischief hovering in their depths. But it's so much fun being so high up.
"Are you calling me a giant again?" Bharin growled.
Oh no. no, no, no, I would never do such a thing. Quinn's lips parted in silent laughter as he darted down the hallway just far enough out of reach. Please, Bharin?
"What are you, five?" The Gheyo snorted. "Walk!"
But I'm tired and my feet hurt-! Quinn drew the words out in the closest imitation of a whine as he could in their mental connection.
Bharin perked a brow.
…brute. Quinn turned on his heel and ran. He threw a glance over one shoulder to see the happy mash-up of emotions that flickered over his guardian's face before it settled into a knowing smirk.
Brat. Bharin returned. He gave chase.
Bharin nearly caught him as Quinn skidded around a corner. He slammed face-first into a soft bosom and a tangle of jewelry, scarves and perfume. He winced.
A string of unflattering words sputtered out of the young woman before she heaved herself up to her feet and then, green eyes grew wide. "Quinn!" She exclaimed, horrified. "Oh, Quinn! Why did you have to show up now? Why now?" She scrambled to tug her skirts and jewelry to rights as she threw a few frowning faces in his direction. "I'm going to be late and Mama is going to yell." She fussed. "I hate it when she yells. It took forever, because Farnati wouldn't lend me her hairpiece and I couldn't-" Karnati continued to babble.
He blinked at her in confusion and carefully held his hands up to show his younger sister that he didn't know what she spoke of. Not all of his siblings held a mental connection with him nor did they appreciate it when he projected his voice into their head, so he often refrained from doing so unless it was absolutely life-and-death necessary.
"What?" Karnati tugged her cropped top downwards, scowling at the golden chain linked around her bared midriff.
Quinn tracked her movements and his mind whirled and clicked into place, allowing him to draw his own conclusion. From her formal dancing attire, there was a family function likely about to take place, as well as the present time of year—Hunting Season—suggested that his younger sibling might be dressed up for one of the meeting dances.
"Oh never mind, we really don't have time for this!" She bent down to gather up the armful of flower necklaces she'd been carrying and hastily threaded her arm through it.
Quinn perked a brow and folded his arms.
She immediately reached over and tugged them out to hang at his sides. "No, no, no. Don't do that." She held his hands in hers, squeezed them lightly, then stood on tip-toe to press a kiss to each cheek before bobbing in a curtsy. She reached up into her ornamented hair and undid one of the colorful, gilt-edged scraps and tugged it free.
Understanding dawned as Quinn dutifully held up his left wrist and waited as she knotted it quickly and held still while he returned the favor with a kiss to her forehead and a single galleon from his purse. He hid a smile, remembering his forgotten thought to it—but Bharin'd always had a good memory. He would have remembered the family holiday for sisters and brothers and made sure that Quinn was prepared in case he ran into any of his siblings—a very likely occurrence.
"Health and long life to you, brother." His little sister murmured. Her green eyes searched his face rapidly. "And you wish the same for me?"
Quinn nodded, quickly.
Karnati smiled. "Thank you." The golden galleon was tucked into the front of her blouse and she gathered up her skirts, preparing to sprint again. She was halfway down the hallway before she remembered to call a warning over her shoulder to her sisters.
It was a warning that came too late, along with a collective groan.
Quinn blinked, turning his hands palms upward in a silent question.
Several pairs of elegantly dressed twins jostled and argued with each other. Bharin's presence quieted them as he rounded the corner at a more sedate pace than Quinn's earlier whirlwind and he moved to stand behind the blond.
"Don't even think of it." He warned, his eye on the girls, but his hand on Quinn's shoulder. "You'll let them off easy and they don't deserve it." His lips twitched. "And might I remind you that you owe some of them from last year?" He motioned towards the girls. "And you lot, be nice!" He warned.
Farnati was the one to push to the front of the gaggle of twins as she handed over her armful of garlands and trinkets to one of her fellow sisters, before untying a ribbon from her hair. "Health and long life, brother." She murmured, tying it around Quinn's proffered wrist. "We're in a bit of a hurry." She pouted. "They're going to start up the dances. Father's returning and we wanted to practice. The portkey is any time now." She huffed. "And you're in the way." She ducked as she said this, catching Bharin's disapproving eye. "Sorry. But, 'Nati, you could have warned us!" She stepped up to kiss both cheeks and give her brother the expected hug.
Her dark brown eyes grew wide, pink lips forming an O when Quinn handed her a galleon and silently mouthed the blessing back to her. She smiled again and threw her arms around his waist for a second hug. He kissed the top of her head and squeezed back.
She tucked the coin into the top of her jeweled headband with a proud smile. Her first token for the day. From the rows in her hand-stitched headband, Quinn could tell that she intended to hunt down every one of her older brothers for her 'dues'.
He laughed silently and watched her skip off as the remainder of his younger sisters hurriedly arranged themselves into a line. The little ritual repeated itself with a few variations, in pairs of twins, as the famed house of Kalzik was known for birthing daughters in pairs of two or more. A single daughter was rare.
When they had all run off, he patted his waist pouch. Methinks me be somewhat poorer.
"In coin, not in heart and soul." Bharin said calmly. He cracked his knuckles. "I seem to remember you shouting out something and running off."
Teal eyes opened wide, innocently. Me? Quinn huffed in silent laughter as Bharin caught him before he could run again. He was gently slung over one great shoulder and carried easily down the maze of hallways that made up the North wing of the great Kalzik mansion. Am I to be ransomed?
"A scrawny little scrap like you?" Bharin sniffed. "I think not. You insult my intelligence."
Quinn shook with mirth and gave a little wriggle, just for the sake of it. He'd scared Bharin and now he wanted to make it up to the man. Although he'd shown the reason for his actions and he'd apologized, it hadn't eased the ache in his chest.
It still hurt.
Bharin paused and Quinn's silent laughter petered off. A moment later, the blond was gently placed on his feet as he turned to face the fierce glare on the face of his fourth oldest brother.
"Alejandro." Bharin greeted. His dark eyes drilled into the young man. He spoke in Quinn's stead, knowing that this particular sibling did not allow mindspeak and did not understand whistlespeak or signing.
"I was not speaking to you." Alejandro wrinkled his nose. "I was speaking to you." His own dark-eyed gaze settled on Quinn. "I would have words with you, troublesome little brother of mine." The words were weighted and stiff, saying more than perhaps, the smaller hulk-like figure gave away.
Quinn stiffened. One of Bharin's great hands came up to rest in reassurance on one thin shoulder. The blond reached up to lightly brush his fingers over the hand. He cocked his head to the side, the best approximation he can offer to ask what the matter was.
"I would explain, but it might send your guard dog into a bit of a fit." The dark eyes sparked dangerously. "Personally, I have no intention of being shredded and hung."
Bharin bristled, visibly.
Quinn shifted to place himself directly at the center between the two. It never failed to annoy him at how two idiots with the same general intent could be so incredibly dense—and hurtful. Bharin opened his mouth to speak when Quinn drew hard on his own dragel attributes and forced them out of him.
His clothing shifted around him with the aid of his recovering threads of magic as his wings burst from his back in a flurry of scales, shudders and something that may have been a hiss. The newly extended wings did as he wished, providing a suitable barrier between Bharin's revealed claws and Alejandro's vicious magic.
The soft, blue-gold, yellow-green merged with the teal scales a beautiful mishmash of green-hued color that speckled across his spines and the somewhat hardened scales. There were a few Alpha ridges along his upper shoulders, proof that he had not been borne into the Healer's title that he now held.
But now, his wings said what he could not and it served to calm both his older brother and Bharin. He rarely did bring them out after all, a habit he had taken up after his accident. He'd even worked hard to make it so that the transformation would not ruin his clothes—or his scarred skin—every time it happened.
A tense moment hung between the trio and then Quinn folded his arms across his chest. He waited.
Alejandro sighed. "I wasn't trying to pick a fight." He scowled.
"You were not attempting to avoid one either." Bharin growled. "It would be wise for you to remember that-" One of Quinn's wings flipped back, lightly smacking the Gheyo's shoulder. "Quinn!" Bharin's bit back the words threatening to spill out.
And you are both trying my patience! Really, Bharin, you are older. How you always manage to let him ruffle you like this? The mental reprimand was accompanied by a patented look from Quinn.
Alejandro snickered.
Quinn whirled on him next with a glower reminiscent of his mother, the fire burning with unnatural light in his teal-hued eyes.
His older brother hunched forward, his own shoulders bunching to keep his wings back and at bay. His Alpha status was far too easily challenged and it never did him any good when it came to the pair of Bharin and Quinn. The blond would always defend the man who had essentially become a second father to him.
Over Quinn's shoulder and the stretch of one pretty wing, Bharin half-smiled.
Alejandro's jaw clenched tight, but he looked away for a moment, his hands morphing to claws that dug tightly into the toughened skin of his palms. Then he straightened and the claws melted back into the normal, pale digits. He ignored the scowl on the face of the older Gheyo and spoke to Quinn once more. "Come." He extended one tattooed arm.
Bharin gave a low growl, reaching forward again.
Quinn made a sound that could've been a sigh. It is fine, Bharin. Let me go. He twisted a bit for emphasis and began to fold his wings back inside of himself, using the sluggish threads of magic to ease the roughness of scales against tender skin. He really had overdone it this time, as evidenced by Bharin's hovering, as the man still did not move away.
Alejandro's piercing gaze swept over his younger brother from head to toe as if searching for something that was not immediately visible. He frowned and wiggled his fingers. The tattoos on his arm, danced eagerly. "You are injured?"
Quinn shrugged. Superficial injuries. Nothing serious. You know that. You have been with me since I wakened.
What does he speak of?
Alejandro has always been smarter than anyone credits him for. Quinn smiled, thinly. He knew this particular brother, perhaps, much better than his other siblings. He will not hurt me, Bharin. Does mother expect me promptly?
I do not think she will mind, as long as you arrive in one piece.
Ah, so she can tear me into little pieces? Quinn shuddered. I shall be eaten alive.
I am sure you would make a very tasty snack. Bharin returned, his face was solemn, though a flicker of amusement showed at the corner of his eyes. Will you be alright? I do not think your brother appreciates my presence.
He rarely appreciates anyone's presence. Quinn retorted. Be glad that you can walk away this time—and that my wings are fine.
Sneaky. Bharin compliments. And it is a compliment, because it is the one thing he had not had the time to double check of his charge. Not after coaxing them back into the pale body during the night.
Quinn smoothed the front of his tunic and reached towards the hand. He did not wince when Alejandro roughly jerked him the few feet over, away from Bharin. Most of the time it was simply easier to let them trade him between them.
Their fights were always too real, too fierce and far too bloody. It always half-killed him to have to heal them both afterwards. But he'd never been able to stand their suffering in the aftermath, not when he knew that he could ease it in some small way.
"I shall take him to mother." Alejandro gave a dismissive wave, as if he were a prince speaking to servant. "You're welcome to amuse yourself elsewhere."
Bharin's frown deepened and his shoulders rippled.
Quinn rolled his eyes and jabbed one pointed elbow into his brother's firm stomach. There was more force behind the movement than visible to the eye, because Alejandro gave a grunt and Bharin's eyebrows soared upwards to his dreadlocks, the crisis momentarily averted. Quinn made to step forward, but Alejandro's thick arms shot out and twined about his shoulders, holding him close. Quinn frowned, but held up his hands as best as he could and signed with them. Using mindspeak now would only aggravate his brother.
Alejandro shifted uncomfortably behind him, but did not interrupt as light fingers formed signs and dark fingers returned the favor.
After a long moment, Bharin continued to sign back a few motions and then reluctantly tipped his head in a bow. He did not leave until Alejandro gave a stiff bow of his own—prompted by Quinn's not-so-subtle stomp on his foot.
"I am not your punching bag." Alejandro growled. He stalked down the hallway, pulling Quinn after him. He paused, when his younger sibling stumbled. Dark eyes narrowed as he took in the smaller figure's form. He dropped his vise-like grip on the slender wrist and yanked it out in front of him, expert eyes checking for any potential bruising.
There wasn't any.
He snorted. "I thought mother was joking when she said that you pulled out that brute's death seal." The glower in his eyes turned fierce. "What were you thinking?"
Quinn looked away. There is no way he can answer that and he understands that there are ghosts in his brother's past that prompt this question of almost-concern. He knows that the blood tattoos on the exposed arms are Death seals as well—all for the sake of honor—that Alejandro cast with every ounce of his will.
It is a sordid and dark history that lingers behind those equally dark eyes. For one terrible moment, Quinn isn't sure that he can look his brother in the eye. Uncertainty reminds him that he is not as untainted as he may appear.
Alejandro gave his arm another, gentler yank. A wordless attempt to recapture his silent brother's attention.
The blond head swiveled back to him, teal eyes wary in their grudging stare.
"That's not what I asked after you for." The older dragel huffed. His magical visibly flickered to life, an agitated silver strand that pulsed around them both. "I have news that could not quite wait."
Quinn perked a brow.
Alejandro scowled. "It's nothing you have to worry about." The young Alpha turned away and knelt, holding out his arms behind him in a familiar gesture.
Quinn's jaw dropped. He hurried forward to circle around to see Alejandro's face. His older brother merely glowered and him and gave a jerk of his head over his shoulder.
"If you expect me to say please, you are in for a long wait and this is a time-sensitive offer." A flicker of silver danced through the almost-black eyes again. His Dragel was agitated and very close to the surface.
Quinn bobbed his head and circled around where he easily threaded his arms around the wiry neck and allowed his brother's magic to wash over him, the necessary featherlight charm. Alejandro's strong hands reached back, bracing and holding him as he rose and began to walk, with sure steady steps.
"Your magic has been screaming at me since you woke." Alejandro grumbled. "Why is it that you only find pleasure in tormenting me?"
Quinn sniffed in apology. There was precious little he could do to answer that.
Alejandro snorted. "Father will return with Patrick within the hour." He said, referencing Quinn's sire. "I do hope you've decided on a suitable story for them, or at least whatever you've done for Bharin to think it is alright to let you out of his sight. If you do not, I somehow think that heads will roll." He scowled. "I like my head, you idiot. That brute of yours kept vigil the entire time you slept you know. Would it kill you to try to pretend to be careful? Not that I would mourn your loss, but I do not desire the endless headaches that would come with the wailing and bemoaning from those who would weep at your demise."
The threat wasn't really much of a threat at all, for Quinn has long learned to read between the lines of this particular brother. Alejandro is complicated. Quinn knows that he is complicated. Together, they complicate each other and that made a twisted sort of sense that often led to the kinds of situations such as the one they are in now.
"All night." Alejandro ground out. "Are you listening to me?"
And somehow, Quinn does know. He can recall shadowed shapes, sounds and flickers around him as his healing sleep never quite sucks him under into that blessed oblivion. He has never been that lucky as a healer, but it does warm him to know that Bharin kept watch over him, during such a vulnerable time. He smiled.
"You had best not have some stupid expression on your face." Alejandro grumped. "I came to speak to you because I went to visit the Northeast Clan from the Aired side. You were right about that and it will hold up in court, should you choose to pursue it."
Why wouldn't I want to? Quinn asked, silently, but he knew there would be no answer. The question remained in his head alone.
"If." Alejandro said, ominously. "If you do this, know that for sure, that harpy will not allow you to keep working under her roof."
Quinn shrugged as best as he could.
"Do not give me that. Use that pathetic brain of yours and think!" Alejandro snapped. He readjusted his grip on the slender figure. "I thought you said she had the ability to blacklist you and that is not something to think of lightly. It would ruin all the pointless years you've spent doing whatever it is they see fit to call training for you pacifists."
Quinn squeezed the neck a little harder than necessary.
"Do you want me to drop you?"
The choke-hold immediately slackened.
Alejandro growled in response.
The sound of chiming jewelry caught both of their ears and Alejandro paused for a moment, before he continued on again. A moment later, he cleared his throat. "Dyshoka?"
The sister in question popped out from around the corner, dressed in a far more elaborate costume than her younger siblings, a vision of a true Indian beauty. "Ale?" Soft brown eyes grew comically wide as she took in the present situation. "Quinn?" She ventured, cautiously. "Oh my starbred heart, what have you two done now?" One hand slapped her forehead and she sighed. "Never mind, this is going to end badly, isn't it? It always does, why am I even asking?"
Quinn lifted his head from one broad shoulder and flashed a wry smile.
Her hands immediately went to her hips. "Oh stop that. Ale, put him down!" She barked. "Now!"
Alejandro rumbled warningly at her, but after a moment, he did straighten and allow Quinn to slide down to rest on shaky feet. He steadied the younger man with a firm grip on the arm, allowing him to recline against the corridor wall to find his balance.
"What happened to you?" Quinn's second-oldest sister fussed, the only single daughter in the house of the Kalzik. She felt his wrist, his neck and then his forehead. Her lips pursed into a pout, coffee-hued skin rippling with the evidence of her own dragel hovering beneath the surface. "Daddy and Patrick are back. Mother sent me to find you." There was a disapproving tone in her voice.
Quinn tried not to shy away from her well-meaning hands. Instead he toyed with her long, bejeweled braid that hung thick and heavy, over one shoulder, wrapped in fine golden chains, with glittering jewels embedded in the ebony strands. He gave it a playful tug.
Her glare softened and she reached for the end of the braid to undo one of the many colorful scraps of ribbon.
Quinn grabbed her hand, stilling it at once. It was too pretty to ruin just for the sake of a ribbon for his already beribboned wrist.
Alejandro snorted. His own wrist was bare and he leaned over to pluck Quinn's hands out of reach. "I sincerely hope you did not intend to skip me." He grumbled.
Dyshoka's head snapped up, a cheeky grin on her face. "Feeling jealous brother of mine?" She teased, but when her nimble fingers finished, there were two strands of colorful ribbon her hand. She waited until both wrists were held out, then knotted them around the respective ones. She finished with a kiss to both cheeks and the customary blessing.
"Health and long life to you brother." Dyshoka hugged Alejandro.
He returned the embrace—briefly—and then reached around his neck where he tugged free a golden coin necklace. He dropped it in her hand without ceremony. "The same to you."
Dyshoka stared at the gift and then grinned. "You are impossible." She murmured. "Thank you." She turned to Quinn and repeated the same, keeping ahold of his hands to hear his mental reply.
Health and long life to you, sister of mine. Quinn handed over two galleons at this, for Dyshoka had always been his favorite sister.
She winked in answer and took the coins to tuck them into her already bedecked hair. "You are generous and kind. Now come, before Daddy decides to let Patrick fetch you himself."
Quinn winced. He started forward, only to feel a sudden, harsh tug on his magic and the bond shared between him and Kyle. A hacking cough sputtered out and he tugged his hand free of his sisters to grasp at the burning pains settling in his torso.
"Quinn…Quinn?" Dyshoka's worried voice began to fade in the haze of pain. "Ale, do something!"
"Quinten!" Alejandro's face appeared directly in front of him.
Quinn felt his magic surge up and forcefully reset itself, the slender threads greedily sucking up the right that was theirs. He felt it like a tidal wave released from a leash of sorts, flooding, taking and swallowing whole.
He coughed again, lurching forward.
There was a flash of white and then nothing.
Dyshoka stared at the empty space where her younger brother had stood in silent agony just moments before. Her bejeweled braid was halfway to her mouth, before Alejandro snagged it in his fingers and gave it a tug.
She jerked it back, with a scowl. "How, in Arielle's name, are we to explain this to Mother?"
Her older brother shrugged. "You explain." He said, with a yawn. "I feel as if I am need of a nap."
He didn't yelp when she threw the stinging hex after him.
Theo 'ported them directly into the transportation rooms that Kyle had showed them the day before. He was definitely exhausted in more ways than one, his energies were fluctuating wildly everywhere and of all things, it was practically killing him that Charlie held Harry at this precise moment.
Not that he was in any present state to do anything about it, but they hadn't been able to wheedle anything else out of Harry that morning. Instead, he'd only consented to Charlie feeding him—not Theo—and he'd fallen asleep the moment he'd swallowed the final morsel.
Sleep was the natural cure for regenerating magic, so technically, Theo couldn't fault him, but it didn't soothe his ruffled scales in the least. A tendril of pain skittered through his head and stabbed hard.
He grimaced and mentally reminded himself to keep the expression from lingering on his face. Charlie would most likely call him out on it.
A/N: Hi everyone! I am doing much better now, things are improving enough that I can manage, just enough. Thank you for the kind words and encouragement. This chapter was solely dedicated to Quinn for those wishing to know a little bit more about the Kalzik family. We'll see what happens to Harry and the others when Quinn pops in at the clinic now. It's going to be fun! Thanks for reading!
unneeded--Ouch. I hope you're feel better now! The flu in summertime really sucks. :( I am doing a little better. Getting busy with fall semester preparations now. Oh joys. I started the Prof Loki fic to cope with the craziness and figured it didn't hurt to post it. It won't have a regular update schedule as I don't plan on it being anywhere near as complicated as this fic. :) (though if I can actually write something simple remains to be seen) Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the interlude, Harry needs to realize that there are people he can rely on now and yes, with his mates, they will be one powerful force to reckon with. not a super!harry, but rather together as a whole. This entire chapter was all Quinn and his crazy family. :P
Feli--It is getting better. Tolerable at least, so that I can move on. :) Thank you for your kind words. (and the hug. I seem to need a lot of them lately). Yep. The forum houses review replies for the fic, but most folks have quite a few questions and there's some polls and stuff there too. Aw, glad you liked the fluff. I needed it, so I wrote it and it fit. :) I hope you enjoyed Quinn's crazy family, there will be Terius and Harry in a little bit. :)
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