Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47211 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
‘You were almost no help at all!’ Harry thought to Shiloe in frustration.
Shiloe sighed, which Harry heard loud and clear. ‘I’m sorry. I tried, but it would seem I don’t speak Mermish or anything else useful underwater. Your Parseltongue helped, though.’ He pointed out.“That’s beside the point!” Harry burst out.Hermione looked up from her essay. “What’s beside the point, Harry?”Luna smiled, glancing up from the braid she was putting in her own hair. “He’s talking to Shiloe. Tell him I say ‘hi.’” She requested.‘Tell her I hate it when she does that.’ Shiloe replied in a long-suffering tone.“He says ‘hi, back.’” Harry lied.Luna beamed at him. “You’re so sweet, Harry.” She told him happily, patting him on the cheek before she went back to her braiding.Harry groaned. “He was supposed to help me, he promised, but once we got down there he was pretty much useless.” He explained to Hermione, who nodded.“I can see how you’d feel let down. Did he have any abilities that could have helped that he didn’t use for any reason?” She asked.Harry shrugged. “No. He found out during the task that he couldn’t speak Mermish, which we had hoped he’d be able to. But he didn’t hold anything back.”Hermione raised an eyebrow. “Then it sounds like he didn’t do anything wrong. Maybe you should forgive him for not knowing his limits. It’s excusable, after all. He’s only human. Well, kind of.” She frowned as she pondered the truth of her statement. “I think.” She finished.Harry sighed. “I guess you’re right.”*****“I’m never going to get it.” Harry decided, laying his head down on the parchment in front of him.Rowena sighed. “Flip it over, read through it, and try again.” She demanded.Harry groaned. “No.”“No?” Rowena’s voice was icy.“Perhaps he needs some help with the basics. I can teach him some of the theory of the ingredients he’ll be using.” Helga offered, stepping through the door.Harry raised his head, staring at her. “You really think THAT’LL help? I doubt it.”Helga shrugged. “Perhaps, perhaps not. But you’ve been trying to learn this for… How long?”“Too long. I’m starting to think perhaps he’s right, and he’ll just have to live with never being an Animagus.” Rowena replied dryly.Helga smiled. “Then let me try. Give us a week, and we will see if he is any closer to being able to remember all the steps.”“Fine.” Rowena waved a negligent hand. “Have fun with him, then. He’s got no head for potions thus far. Good luck. Good luck to you, too, Harry.”Harry sighed, getting up. “Right. I’ll try to learn something.”*****Harry looked up from his essay on protective runes and their possible applications in making protective amulets at the imperious knock on his door. “Um, Salazar?” He asked, looking to the man’s portrait. He disappeared and reappeared a moment later.“Dumbledore, an Auror, and two house-elves are at the door.” He answered Harry’s silent question.Harry nodded and got up to open the door.“Hello.” He said to Kingsley, who shook his hand.“Potter, I brought Vernon and Petunia.” He said. “Their memories have been removed, and I would have had them here sooner, but after they were transformed, THIS one,” he kicked Vernon, making him squeak, “had to be put on a strict diet before he was ready for service. They’ve got the same magic all house-elves have. And I have to say, I’m sorry for what you went through.” He shook his head. “They’re all yours now. Do with them as you will. The female can still bear young for a few years, if you want to breed them for more elves.” He finished.Harry blushed. “Er, okay. What happened to Dudley?” He asked.Kingsley sighed. “He was still underage, so we wiped his memories and put him with a much nicer family that will teach him better ways. Here are your memories back.” He held out a vial of silvery liquid.Harry took it.“I’ll leave you now to get used to your new servants.” Kingsley said with a vicious smile.Harry nodded. “Sure. Bye.” He shut the door and looked down at the diminutive creatures.“You is Master Harry?” Petunia asked.“Er, yes. Can I change your names, or is that not allowed?” He asked.“You can change our names, Master!” Petunia answered eagerly.Harry smiled. “Alright, then. You’ll be Tuney, and you’ll be Dursley.” He said to Vernon, getting a slight thrill at the fact that Vernon would be getting the same last-name treatment Harry had always given him in his head from everyone he met now. “Tuney, you’ll be serving me from now on, and you can start by cleaning my room and making yourself known to all the people in the rooms off these ones. You’ll be serving all of them, as well.” He turned to Dursley. “You come with me.” He walked into the Saferoom. “Lucius?”Lucius looked up from the letter he was writing. “Yes, Harry?”Harry gestured to Dursley. “This house-elf used to be my uncle, one of the ones that helped create Shiloe.”Lucius’ eyes glittered ominously, sending a thrill of fear down Harry’s spine. “Really?” He drawled, standing up and surveying the creature.Harry cleared his throat. “I know you’re not exactly the nicest person to house-elves, and honestly, Dursley here kind of deserves that kind of treatment. Do you want him?”Lucius smirked at the house-elf. “Yes, I WOULD like to teach him a thing or two about how to treat a magical person. Thank you.” He answered.Harry shrugged. “No problem. If you need something he can’t help you with, just send him to me or punish him yourself, I don’t care which.”“I will.” Lucius said silkily. “Ellie!” Another house-elf popped into the room.“Yes, Master?” She asked.Lucius smirked. “I need you to take Dursley and tune him to the wards of my properties, please. Then bring him back here to me.”Harry smiled and left.*****“Why add bicorn horn, though?” Harry asked, tapping his quill against his lips. “You didn’t explain that one.”Helga smiled. “Well, no one alive remembers the reason.” She answered.“You’re not alive, per se.” Harry retorted.“And I DO know why.” Helga confirmed. “It’s in case someone HAS more than one form. Like you. There are always the exceptions to the rule. Though they are rare, in this case. But it has happened in the past, and it still holds true for Shiloe and their Hosts, as well as most Magi, and a few others, which I can’t recall right now. Special cases, all.” She pointed out.Harry nodded, looking thoughtful. “So, you’d stir clockwise after that, to activate it.”Helga nodded. “Yes. What’s next?”Harry checked the paper of instructions. “Flobberworm Mucus comes up again, then Dragon’s Blood.”“That’s a tricky one.”Harry looked up in confusion. “It says after that, you stir anti-clockwise. Why?”Helga nodded. “You do. It’s added to heal any wounds caused by the transformation.”“Then why anti-clockwise?”“Because you don’t want to heal so well that you’re trapped in that form, just enough that you don’t do yourself any damage. Stirring anti-clockwise allows the Dragon’s Blood to settle, which allows it to heal minor injuries, but not well enough to set the heal in place as it does in healing potions. Usually, Dragon’s Blood is reserved for healing potions. If it’s in a non-healing potion, it’s almost always stirred anti-clockwise. Of course, there ARE exceptions, but not this time.” She finished.“Ohh.” Harry said, thoughtfully.“Next ingredient?”*****“How are you faring with Aquila?” Shiloe asked, twining his legs around Lucius’ left leg, his upper half draped over the man in contented satiation.Lucius chuckled, his arm wrapping tighter around Shiloe’s waist. “Well, my pet. She is doing fine, as am I. Why do you ask?”Shiloe raised himself onto an elbow, tracing idle patterns on Lucius’ chest. “I just wondered. You know, one day I hope to be in your position. I only hope Harry will not mind.”“I don’t know how he will feel, but I can tell you that being pregnant is not the worst experience in my life. In fact, I am quite enjoying myself.”There was the sound of a throat clearing from the doorway. Shiloe turned his head and smiled at the new arrival. “Master! What brings you here?” He asked.Severus stepped in and held up a potions vial. “I was just coming to bring Lucius his potion.”Lucius sat up. “Come in, Severus. You may join us, if you like. Shiloe looks rather fetching in your collar, doesn’t he?” He asked with a grin.Severus let his eyes trail over Shiloe’s naked form, lingering on the collar he wore. “He does.” He walked over and handed the potion to Lucius. “However, I have little time to spare. What were you doing, besides the obvious?”Shiloe smirked. “Talking about Aquila. And about my future plans to become pregnant myself someday. Provided Harry can live with it.”Lucius downed the potion, then grimaced. “I do believe it tastes fouler than usual, Severus. You’ve outdone yourself.”Severus smirked. “Your delicate condition requires that I adjust the recipe accordingly.” He replied.Lucius sighed, handing the vial back.“What was that, anyway, Sir?” Shiloe asked Lucius.“That was a restorative potion, to help keep my bone degeneration from progressing as quickly. Severus has been brewing one for me every month ever since I discovered that the damage was beginning to show. It slows the progression, but it cannot stop it.” Lucius said softly.Shiloe bit his lip in thought. “Sir, would… Might Ron Weasley be able to reverse the curse?” He asked tentatively.Lucius smiled. “I would that he could, my pet. Sadly, he can only reverse it for Draco. He is not of my generation. Only Arthur Weasley can reverse the damage upon my person, and I do not believe he will do so.”“If you hadn’t tried to get him fired so many times, he’d most likely be more willing.” Shiloe pointed out.Lucius smirked. “We all have our ways of dealing with adversity.”“Clearly, yours could use some work.” Severus drawled.Shiloe sighed. “If I could get Arthur Weasley to agree to lift the curse, do you think you could be civil with him long enough for him to do so?”Lucius regarded Shiloe for a long moment, then nodded. “I can promise that. If you can, try to ask for this before I have Aquila, so that any male children she has can be spared the curse, as well. I’m fairly certain Molly Weasley doesn’t plan to have any more children, so this may be her only hope, unless one of the elder boys procreates soon.”“I’ll see what I can do.” Shiloe promised.*****Harry sat back, staring at his completed potion in satisfied relief. “I did it!” He breathed.Rowena snorted. “Took you long enough. Good work. Now you have to drink it. Is there anyone you want around to see your forms? It will show you three of them, then you only have to wait until you have enough magical strength at your disposal to cast the spell.”“Enough magical strength? But Shiloe already did it.” He pointed out. “Doesn’t that mean I should be able to, too?”Rowena shook her head. “No. Shiloe has access to the full potential of your magic, which you still do not have access to yet. Usually, only seventh-years can use enough of their magic to cast the spell successfully. You may still have to work on getting more of your magic unblocked. Some of the blocks won’t fall until your seventeenth birthday, though, so you may have to wait that long to attempt the transformation.”Harry frowned. “How will we know when I have enough magic?” He asked.Rowena shrugged. “We can try the spell several times until it takes, of course. Though that could lead to semi-transformed states, which could be potentially embarrassing. You’d be stuck in the state you end with for a few hours before you would be forced back into your own body, and the snap-back from a semi-transformed state is rather painful. But it is one possibility.”“Or?” Harry asked, grimacing.“Or, we could simply wait a few years.” Rowena shrugged.Harry sighed. “Well, let’s see what my forms are. Maybe I could survive a half-transformation.” He said, pouring a dose of his potion into a cup and vanishing the rest.“Keep in mind,” Rowena warned, “That you will not be able to determine what animal your first transformation is. You can to an EXTENT, but it doesn’t always turn out the way you want it to. Your body may resonate more closely with a different form at the time than the one you choose.”Harry nodded and drank the potion. He began to glow, watching in shocked awe as the glow drew itself out of his body and moved into the open space between Rowena and Harry.It shifted into a bright green butterfly with black lightning-bolt marks on each wing, and Harry groaned. “My scar even shows up in that form. Great.”Rowena chuckled. “That’s rather distinctive. I’d suggest getting that form registered, if you decide to go that route.”The form shifted into a wolf, and Harry grinned. “Awesome.” He said happily.Rowena nodded. “You’re a natural-born leader, it suits you.”The form shifted one more time, and Harry frowned. “A monkey?” He asked, sounding slightly put-out.“It signifies intelligence and potential. Potential that you are currently on your way to living up to. It’s a good form.” Rowena said.The glow faded. Harry sighed. “And that’s all I can do, for now?”Rowena patted his shoulder. “It’s enough. You’re still young. There’s no reason to push for more just yet. Wait a while, study the first form you want to try, or whichever one comes easiest to you in meditation, and give it some time. With all the training we plan to give you, some of your blocks should be removed sooner rather than later.” She told him. “You did very well.”*****‘You should get Draco to help you.’Harry blinked down at his Charms essay, then shook his head. “Why would I want MALFOY’S help?” He muttered, continuing to write.‘You’re a creative learner, so is he.’ Shiloe reasoned. ‘Maybe he’d be more helpful to you than I have been so far. You don’t respond well to the way I learn. Maybe he has a way that would work better.’“You’re mental.” Harry decided, setting his quill down harshly. “I’m NOT going to ask HIM for help!”‘If you don’t finish your essay in the next two hours, I’m taking the decision out of your hands.’ Shiloe warned.Harry picked the quill back up and began writing again.*****“And so, here we are.” Harry finished. “He says we’re to either learn to work together or just talk, but I’m stuck with you for a least an hour.”Draco nodded. “Well, I already finished all my work, so why don’t we just talk?” He asked. “What would you like to talk about?”Harry shrugged. “I don’t know. Got any suggestions?”“Well…” Draco fidgeted.“What?” Harry asked curiously.Draco sighed. “I hate to admit it, but it feels a bit unfair to me that I know some of what you’ve been through, having a Shiloe, and all, and I never shared any of my childhood with you OR Shiloe. I could tell you a bit about my life before Hogwarts. Would that satisfy Shiloe?”Harry got an affirmative answer and nodded. “He says ‘yes.’”Draco nodded and cleared his throat. “So, Father has always been closer to me than Mother was, I suppose it’s because I’m his heir and all, and to be honest, I don’t mind that, really. I used to follow Mother around a lot when I was younger, but she’d always be too busy fussing over her clothes and hair and make-up to spare much time for me. Father was always willing to talk to me. I remember when I was little, after Mother told me to leave her alone, I’d command the house-elves to take me to Father and we’d sit in his study while he worked. He’d explain exactly what he was doing to me, as if I was an adult, but in terms I could understand. I felt SO important!” Draco laughed, and Harry had to smile. “Anyway, he always had time for me, so I grew closer to him. When I was six, he got me my first broom, though I had to promise not to ride on it without him around. He’d fly around under me, ready to catch me if I fell. Mother watched us flying one time when I actually DID fall. Father caught me, but, Merlin, was she ever FURIOUS!”Harry was engrossed in the story. “What did she do?” He asked.Draco smirked. “She told Father: ‘If he dies, you’ll only have yourself to blame, and I’ll not have another child any time soon.’ Father just told her to get lost and let us have our fun, we weren’t hurting her, after all. She got so red in the face and stormed out. I think that was the first time she actually spent a week in France without me and Father. When she came back, she had a bunch of new clothes. Father didn’t care, he and I had rather enjoyed the time without her. He taught me to play Quidditch that week, and also spent some time teaching me to brew some basic potions bases.”Harry gaped at Draco. “At SIX?! Is your Father MAD?! What if you made a mistake?”“Oh, it was nothing dangerous.” Draco explained, waving a negligent hand. “And besides, he supervised me. He’d sit nearby, watching me work with the ingredients he had prepared and measured, then laid out in order. He’d tell me exactly what to do; All I had to do was follow his directions. I think that’s why I’m so good at potions, you know: I got started early.”“Oh.” Harry settled back down. “Did your Mother approve of that?”Draco smiled secretively. “Well, to be honest, I don’t exactly KNOW, as we never TOLD her.” He answered silkily.
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