The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
A long time coming
The first day of the Christmas holidays had seen Severus and Hermione helping the Grangers move into the safe house with the aid of Wristy and Robert Hopkins, the groundsman and 'Jack of all trades' at Snape Manor as well as the long suffering husband of the housekeeper, Mrs Hopkins.
Severus had employed as much subterfuge and provided as much protection as he could without the involvement of the Ministry to ensure that the location of Hermione's family remained a secret, but he could not deny that he feared it was not enough. That said, in this case a lack of knowledge was a thing to be prized and as no one but Severus and Arthur Weasley, the man he'd chosen to be secret keeper, knew the location of the safe house, he hoped that this would at least buy them some time.
Once the couple had seen her parents settled, the next few days saw them visiting various friends for lunch, dinner and drinks, but each evening they returned to their chambers and took full and noisy advantage of once again being alone. And Christmas Eve had proved to be no different.
Severus may have bought Hermione's Christmas presents on various surreptitious trips to Diagon Alley and Muggle London, but it was only when he'd spied the pile of neatly wrapped presents under the Christmas tree that he'd remembered that they remained unwrapped. For an hour, the Headmaster's Office was the scene of much swearing, which in itself was not unusual, but it was never because he was struggling with wrapping paper and ribbon. The big boxes were no problem whatsoever, but the small ones were more troublesome and the foul language was aimed more at himself for eschewing the offers of various shop assistants to gift wrap his purchases because, stupidly, he wanted to do it personally.
Secretly proud of his efforts, Severus was endeavouring to deposit the parcels under the tree, which he still considered to be utterly ridiculous, when Hermione caught him in the act.
"Why Santa, black suits you. Are those all for me?"
Ignoring her question, and whilst not appreciating the comparison to a jolly fat man with a penchant for red and fur, Severus tried to distract his witch with his customary grumpiness. "Does that mean I have to eat half a mince pie and drink some god awful sherry?"
"No. In our house, Santa got a glass of milk. It's good for the teeth, you know."
Severus went to speak but thought better of voicing the rather acerbic comment that was on the tip of his tongue.
Hermione looked at him suspiciously. "What?"
"I was not aware that I said anything."
"No, but your thoughts are rather loud sometimes, Sev."
"Indeed," he smirked before pulling Hermione into his arms. "Now, whilst I have no desire to discover the contents of what appears to be the result of you spending far too much money on me, knowing you as I do, I believe it would be prudent to provide a distraction before you attempt to ascertain the contents of those boxes which I have just wrapped at great personal expense."
Feeling her boyfriend's hand slide down her back and into her jeans, Hermione squeaked, "Oh really?"
"Really," Severus confirmed. "The only unwrapping that is going to occur tonight is about to take place in here," he told his witch as he manoeuvred her into their bedroom.
The blizzard which had deposited another deep layer of snow around the grounds at Hogwarts was subsiding by the time the first living inhabitants at the castle were awakening upon Christmas morning.
"Come on, Grumpy."
Severus groaned and mumbled, "For fuck's sake, if you insist on boucing around, please do so on my cock."
"But it's Christmas," Hermione whined, allowing her inner four year old to shine through.
"And? What time is it?"
"About six."
Severus grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to him, trapping her arms by her side. "Go back to sleep," he told her, each word carefully measured in the hope that Hermione would get the message.
"But it's Christmas."
"So you keep saying," her wizard growled, "but that is not good enough reason to get me out of bed at six o'clock on the first Christmas that I have ever been able to relax on."
A gasp accented the end of Severus' pronouncement. "Oh God, I am so sorry. I'm so selfish," she blustered, trying to wriggle out of his arms.
Slightly confused by this sudden change of mood, Severus countered, "You are anything but..."
However, as Hermione began to sob, the surly wizard realised that there was something more to this comment than met the eye. His hold on her changed from being restraining to comforting, and burying his face in her mass of curls, he calmly asked, "What's brought this on?"
"I think I'm overcompensating," came the muffled reply from next to his chest.
"What on earth for?"
"Last year...last year was when..."
"Nagini," Severus finished her sentence for her.
"You knew?"
"Unfortunately, yes. Phineus told me and then I was summoned to attend Voldemort's rather macabre festivities. Nagini was telling him all about it. We'd suspected for a while that he was beginning to lose it, but I must admit, it was then that those of us who either more than two brain cells or who were not completely insane, had our suspicions confirmed.
"I know it was a terrible event, sweetheart, but if you can imagine the scene: he's sat by the fire, Lucius was in the middle of being humiliated again and in pops the infernal pet. She slithers over and Voldemort greets her like a cute little puppy and asks her to 'tell daddy all about it.' Honestly, we didn't know where to look. Even Lucius looked like he was about to crack up and he'd just been tortured."
Hermione gave him a wry smile. "I suppose when you put it like that, it's quite amusing."
"In isolation, it was. But I am in no way trying to diminish what you and Harry experienced. And I'm glad you found the necessary vials in your first aid kit."
"You sent them? I thought I was going batty. I couldn't remember packing them, but how?"
Severus shrugged. "House-elf."
A hard kiss was delivered to her wizard's lips.
"You're welcome," he told her, pulling her on top of him. "Now, there was mention of bouncing on my cock."
"You mentioned it," Hermione pointed out.
Severus tried not to smirk. "Indeed, and the last time I checked, bouncing on your boyfriend's cock on Christmas morning, even at this infernal hour, is quite traditional."
Hermione deliberately rolled her hips over him as she felt him grow hard beneath her. "Is that so? Is it a long standing tradition?"
"Well, something is long, and if you want it can be done standing, but from now on, it's certainly going to be a tradition," Severus told her, pulling her down for a kiss.
"I thought you were one to fly in the face of tradition, Headmaster," Hermione teased just before pressing her lips to his.
The headmaster's fingers found their way into Hermione's hair and pulling her head back slightly to prevent the kiss from progressing any further, he purred, "Not on this occasion. Now, ride me."
Severus had a difficult decision to make. No student, apart from the oldest ones and even then only those of a more personal acquaintance, had ever seen him out of his frock coat, but as today was Christmas and there would only be one student in attendance, he was unsure what to wear.
"Just wear a jumper and a pair of black trousers if you don't want to wear your jeans," or at least that is what he thought he heard Hermione say as her muffled voice rang out from the bathroom as she cleaned her teeth.
Severus grunted and pulled a pair of black trousers and a pair of black jeans out of his wardrobe. He was considering them carefully when a pair of arms wrapped around him from behind.
"What would you be most comfortable in?" Hermione asked, the point of her chin pressing into his back.
"I'm not sure. If Mr Ashbourne wasn't coming then my jeans but―"
"He'll be there tomorrow. What were you going to wear tomorrow?"
"Shirt and jeans, but we will be at..."
"There's your answer then," his witch interjected as if it was a fait accompli before musing, "I wonder what Lucius will wear tomorrow?"
"Not jeans, I can assure you," Severus drawled. "I fear that whatever he wears, it will be terribly over the top."
Still keeping her arms in contact with his body, Hermione moved around to face him, "What makes you say that?"
"Because," the headmaster began, whilst wrapping his own arms around his witch, "Believe it or not, he's nervous about meeting your parents."
"Pardon?" Hermione asked unable to contain her amusement. "Why?"
"I'm surprised you don't remember. The last time your parents saw him, I believe he and Arthur Weasley were scrapping like little girls in Flourish and Blotts."
"Oh God, yes" Hermione exclaimed gleefully. "Oh, but this is too precious though. I have to wind him up about it."
"Do what you must, but only if I can observe."
"Of course. Please, Headmaster, here is your front row seat," Hermione said gesturing to an imaginary chair. "Popcorn?"
Severus' lips smirked and he grabbed Hermione's wrist and pulled her to him. "You always manage to make me smile, don't you?"
"I hope so."
"Seems a shame to waste the fact that I am without trousers." Severus told her as pressed himself up against her.
"Again?" Hermione huffed with feigned disinterest.
"Oh yes," was the simple but forthright reply.
Seconds later, Hermione also found herself to be without trousers or knickers and bent over the bed. She had to admit that if the school holidays were going to mean near constant sex, she'd need a week's holiday afterwards to recover.
The Grangers arrived courtesy of Wristy at eleven and an excited Hermione immediately set about distributing gifts to her parents. Helen was equally unrestrained and Severus should have felt incredibly uncomfortable at the attention he was receiving had he not been distracted by the delight in his witch's face at having her family all together. And, for the first time in his life, he actually felt like he was part of a family as he and Michael rolled their eyes at their respective partner's effusive behaviour.
Harry arrived shortly after midday, laden with gifts. Whilst Hermione gushed over the carefully selected books that he'd given her and her parents thanked him for the rather large box of chocolates, Severus was slightly taken aback by the gift that he was now staring at.
"I showed Hermione all the photos of you and Mum, and...well the album was her idea really, but I hope you like it. I'm sure Mum would have approved."
"Perhaps, although I don't think she would have appreciated the inclusion of this one," Severus quipped, turning the photo album round to show a moving image of Lily captured first thing in the morning in pink pyjamas and incredibly bad bed hair, that had been taken on the morning of their trip to King's Cross at the beginning of their fourth year. "It was revenge for the one she took of me the year before. Please tell me you didn't find that one."
Harry laughed. "No, and somehow I don't think I should bother looking for it."
"You're learning," Severus smirked.
Missy, Winky and Wristy had outdone themselves. The large round dining table that now sat in the middle of the headmaster's living room was adorned with festive, but tasteful, floral and candle decorations, glassware and golden crockery. Even the cutlery was gold. Winky had been looking at the pictures in one of Narcissa's interior design magazines.
As Missy announced that the most anticipated dinner of the year was ready to be served, everyone took their place at the table. Helen and Michael could barely contain their gasp as huge platters piled high with turkey and all the trimmings, roasted vegetables and potatoes appeared from nowhere and their glasses were filled with the wine that Severus had chosen specifically from his cellar. Emile, unfortunately, had to make do with pumpkin juice.
The young wizard had been terribly excited as well as nervous about today's lunch. He was, after all, eleven years old but to be surrounded by professors and dentists was rather daunting. However, he soon found that being seated next to Mrs Granger was not as bad as he first feared. Helen managed to put him at ease by asking him about how he found being Muggleborn and shared with him many of Hermione's experiences. In fact, the pair sat and talked for most of the lunch, only occasionally interrupted by Hermione trying to ensure that some of her more embarrassing teenage secrets remained a secret.
However, she needn't have worried as everyone seemed to have found their own groups to converse with and only dipped into other conversations when they seemed to be slightly more interesting than their own. So whilst she spent most of the lunch talking to Harry, Severus and Minerva, Michael was happily regaling stories of the Muggle world to Filius and Pomona. Although, as Minerva would note later, given how Pomona giggled like an irritating schoolgirl every time Michael said something vaguely funny, she surmised that the Herbology professor was not at all interested in what he was saying, but in Michael himself.
Boxing Day arrived far too soon for Severus. For the first time for as long as he could remember, Christmas Day had been thoroughly enjoyable. He went to bed tipsy rather than roaring drunk and fell into a restful night's sleep with his witch in his arms. He couldn't ever remember feeling so content with the world. It was just a shame that he knew his current state of peace wouldn't last. But for as long as it did, he was going to make the most of it.
However, what had disturbed him most now was Missy giving him an early wake up call to remind him to leave for Snape Manor so that he could ensure all security measures were in place for the arrival of Hermione and her parents.
He shook his head as he walked past the huge Christmas tree which would rival any at Hogwarts that stood proudly in the entrance hall of his family home.
"Does his Lordship not approve?" Mrs Hopkins asked, observing the pained look on her master's face.
"Whether I do or not is irrelevant, Hermione is obviously pleased. I presume she had something to do with it?" He asked, waving a hand vaguely at the silver and blue decorated tree.
"Her Ladyship did indeed―"
"Mrs Hopkins, you know calling her that makes her feel uncomfortable."
"My Lord, she is the Lady of the Manor. You know it's magic has recognised her, and you know perfectly well that consummating your relationship here has made her that."
"To be honest, I didn't until Grandmother told me gleefully after the event."
"That could have proved awkward, my Lord," Mrs Hopkins deadpanned.
Severus looked affronted. "I wouldn't have just brought anyone here for a quick..."
"I know, sir, but I do hope that we have news of your engagement soon."
Giving nothing away, Severus leaned over and whispered in his housekeeper's ear, "Fear not."
The Grangers appeared to be in shock for the second time in two days. They were sat in the small dining room at Snape Manor having been served a hearty Boxing Day brunch of bubble and squeak, ham and eggs and were now drinking coffee as Mrs Hopkins efficiently cleared the plates.
"Do you require anything else, my lord?" Mrs Hopkins asked, placing another pot of coffee on the oval mahogany table.
"No, that will be all and thank you. We weren't expecting you to prepare this for us, especially given everything else that you will be doing today."
"Oh, it was nothing, my lord," the housekeeper grumbled bashfully.
With a deferential nod, Mrs Hopkins took her leave so that she and the House-elves could prepare a traditional buffet tea which instead of including leftovers saw her roasting turkeys, sides of beef and gammon.
"So who's coming today?" Helen enquired, smiling at the affectionate yet polite way that Severus spoke to his housekeeper.
Placing his coffee cup delicately on its saucer―even though he was a wizard, he didn't want to be the one to perform Repairo on his grandmother's finest bone china―Severus' response was not quite what Hermione had expected.
"Narcissa and Pius, Draco and Miss Lovegood, Mr Potter, and the majority of the Weasley clan, with the exception of Bill and Percy..."
"Ron's coming?" Hermione interrupted.
"He is," came Severus' quick reply before continuing. "George Weasley's partner, Angelina..."
Yet again, Hermione cut in. "Charlie's coming?"
Severus exhaled forcefully. "I apologise for not finalising the guest list with you. It was most remiss of me."
"No, it's not that. It's just that I'm surprised Charlie's staying away from his dragons for more than a day," she grumbled, still wondering why Severus was allowing Ron to visit the Manor. "And what about Neville?"
"Augusta has informed him that he and Adrian are staying until Tuesday. I believe she is rather taken with Adrian."
"Well, he is a lovely guy," Helen mused. "Beautiful eyes."
Hermione and Michael rolled their eyes as Severus told them that Minerva, Filius and Pomona would be arriving with Mr Ashbourne at around three o'clock. He had to admit that he was quite looking forward to playing host again and had to chastise himself for almost becoming sociable.
"Lord Black and Miss Luna Lovegood," Mrs Hopkins announced as Draco and Luna walked into the large drawing room bearing a bag full of gifts.
Narcissa and Pius had already arrived and were chatting away to Helen and Michael about the pregnant witch's latest craving for sage and onion stuffing sandwiches with cranberry sauce.
Holding out a bag, Draco greeted his godfather. "Merry Christmas, Uncle."
Before Severus could respond, Luna added cheerily, "Happy St Stephen's Day, Severus."
Severus glanced at Draco who was trying to hide his amusement.
Realising that Severus was once again questioning her sanity, the blonde witch added some clarification. "I had a very interesting chat with Helen the other day about Muggle saints. I thought the idea was fascinating so I did some research and today is St Stephen's day."
"Being half-blood, Miss...Luna...I am well aware of what saint's day this is."
"Get him drunk enough and he'll start singing about it," Hermione chimed in, earning her a glare from the dark-haired wizard.
"Please ignore my girlfriend," he said playfully before asking Luna what she found to be so fascinating about the concept.
"Well, you see, in order to become a saint there are a few criteria, but one is the performing of miracles. And I started thinking, what if these saints were actually magical."
Severus looked at her quizzically. "I very much doubt it," he scoffed. "Most of the miraculous events are tenuous in the extreme and based on hearsay."
Undeterred, Luna then informed him of several miracles that were indeed worthy of mention in The Quibbler and that there were in fact a St. Severus and a St. Lucius.
"How fascinating. I wonder what miracles they performed to be bestowed that honour," Severus grumbled.
It was then that everyone vaguely heard Mrs Hopkins announce the arrival of the next guest, but the all too familiar voice of said guest was the only one everyone heard clearly.
"Well I don't know about my namesake, but I have given many miraculous performances in the bedroom. Does that mean I am in line for a sainthood?"
The statement was greeted by a peel of laughter from the newly arrived guest's ex wife. "I very much doubt it as I believe conceit and lying are frowned upon in most religious circles, my dear."
Lucius glared at the former Lady Malfoy and was about to retort when Mrs Hopkins announced the arrival of one Mr Ronald Weasley.
Hermione froze. She was surprised that Ron had arrived without the rest of the Weasley clan and by the way that he walked over to her nervously and said, "So, 'Mione, I mean, I was wondering. Could we...well, could we talk? I'd like us talk about..."
"Ronald, I've got guests, and..."
"I think if Mr Weasley would like to talk, that you should indulge him," Severus interrupted, placing his hand between Hermione's shoulders and gently pushing her towards the door.
"But..." Hermione turned her head to give her partner a confused, annoyed look.
The look Severus gave his partner in return, brooked no argument.
With a heavy sigh, Hermione reluctantly walked towards the drawing room door, huffing as she jerked her head at Ron to follow her towards one of the small parlour rooms which overlooked the garden. She really did not want to speak to Ron and if she told herself that she didn't miss her friend enough times, she might, one day, believe it.
Unsure what to do with herself, Hermione sat bolt upright on the edge of one of the dark blue, velvet-covered armchairs. She folded her hands in her lap, whilst Ron sat opposite her, leaning forward, his arms resting on his legs. An awkward silence fell around the room which the ginger haired wizard decided to break.
"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I know I've been a wanker, but well, I was hurt that you didn't want to get married and I was jealous of him. I saw how you talked about him, and all I got was 'not now, Ronald,' or 'Oh honestly, Ron.' I was pissed off. Look, I'll be honest, I don't like him―I never have―and I know he's changed...or at least, he's showing a side of him that we've never seen before, but I wasn't in the right place to see all the good and the sacrifice. All I saw was Snape The Bastard and I was down and yeah, I was shagging around. I'm kind of ashamed to admit it, but you know I'm not that strong when it comes to the girls, especially when they're throwing themselves at me. But then when you called it off something flipped inside me. I just felt betrayed by everyone and I was so pissed off that suddenly Snape was getting all your attention after what he did as a Death Eater and...yeah, I know he was a spy but come know, no smoke without fire..."
Hermione's glare caused Ron to backtrack immediately. "Well, I mean, I know he didn't do everything willingly..."
The arched eyebrow fired another warning at the young wizard. "My point is, I couldn't get my head around what was happening after the war. Fred was gone, my family were in pieces, and yeah we were getting loads of press attention but the only attention I really wanted was from you and...I know why now, but at the time, I was so angry and yeah...I was an idiot and I got dragged in by Yaxley and...I only wanted to discredit Sna...Severus. I didn't want...I'm sorry, 'Mione. So, so sorry for everything. And I've tried to apologise, but you've been really cold towards me recently, and when Severus called me in a few days ago, he asked me over so that, as he put it, "You two can be locked in a room and you can sort this infantile behaviour out between you."
Shock flashed across Hermione's face. "What dare he suggest that I've been infantile," she blustered, "and what do you mean you're only kind of ashamed that you cheated on me?"
Ron snorted softly. "You always did pick up on the obscure stuff."
"There's nothing obscure about that...that's..."
The boyish smirk on Ron's face, the smirk that had always reminded Hermione of the friendship that she and the boys held, swept aside her burgeoning anger and instead she found herself shaking her head and laughing but she wasn't quite sure what was so funny.
"...I suppose if you were having fun..."
"S'pose, but from what I've been told, you seem to be getting plenty of fun yourself," Ron teased as he stood and approached his former girlfriend.
"Oh come on, don't tell me you're complaining. Moaning, maybe, but..."
"What an immature..."
"That's my girl. Now come here and give me a hug, you daft bint," he said grabbing Hermione's hand and pulling her up into his arms. "Am I forgiven?"
"It'll take more than an apology and a hug," she mumbled against the redhead's chest.
Ron smiled to himself. "How about if I throw in a packet of sugar mice?"
"I'll consider it, but God help you if you pull anything like that again."
"I won't. Unless you're a total wrong un you don't spend time in Azkaban and come out wanting to continue being a prat."
"Was it...?"
"I don't want to talk about it. Ask me something else."
Ron's interruption worried his former girlfriend. Unsure what to ask, she found herself saying, "How's the spying?"
"Not much better, but...well, it's not exactly exciting. Not been summoned for weeks, although I did get a message yesterday telling me to be prepared...whatever that means."
"That you need to be prepared?"
"S'pose, but for what?"
"I dunno, but I doubt it's going to be fun."
Ron shook his head ruefully before completely changing the subject. "Merlin's saggies...have you heard about Bill and Fleur?"
Arthur Weasley's tone was hushed but angry. "I cannot tell you how disappointed I am with Bill. Of all my children, he's always been the upstanding one, and to behave like this when his wife is pregnant."
Knowing that Bill's wife was not exactly in line for a sainthood, Severus tried to look suitably shocked by news of Bill Weasley's infidelity.
"But that's not all," Weasley senior sighed. "Not only is the witch in question married herself, but she's pregnant to boot..."
The headmaster was not sure where the two and two came from but the resulting four was quite shocking. "Diana Williams?"
"How did...?"
"She all but told me. I presume the child is your son's?"
Arthur nodded.
"And has she left her husband?" Severus asked, his eyes flicking towards Lucius who was looking incredulously at Luna as she tried to explain how mistletoe was the one of the favourite breeding grounds of nargles and that all nargle babies were born in February around Valentine's Day.
Feeling eyes upon him, the blond looked up, quirking an eyebrow at his friend, but his expression soon turned to disbelief once again at Luna's strange ramblings.
"Yes, and Bill has informed Fleur that whilst he will be there for the baby, he no longer wants to be married to her," Arthur told the dark-haired wizard dejectedly.
Severus' brow furrowed and without giving away his concern too much, he enquired, "And where is your daughter-in-law now?"
"At Shell Cottage," the older wizard mumbled into his beer before taking a sip. "She refused to go back to France with her family or spend Christmas with us. Then again, she is not feeling at her best. Her pregnancy is taking it's toll and..."
Sensing that Hermione was unsettled, Severus' gaze fell upon the door just before it opened to reveal his witch who was desperately seeking him out. "I'm sure it is about to get much worse," the headmaster mused whilst using his connection with Hermione to ascertain what was wrong.
Seeing Arthur with him, Hermione hesitated slightly in her approach, and asked Severus if he knew about Bill and Fleur. With the knowledge that he did, she steeled herself and greeted Arthur cordially with a hug.
Arthur smiled warmly as he held his surrogate daughter close. "Merry Christmas, love," he said giving her a final squeeze before releasing her to the protective arms of her wizard. "I trust my son was appropriately apologetic."
"He was," she chuckled, looking over to see Harry and Ginny, Ron and Charlie already discussing the keeper's upcoming matches.
Arthur sighed wearily. "It's just as well our Ginny loves it as much as the boys."
I hope he means Quidditch, Severus purred in Hermione's head.
Stiffling a giggle, Hermione managed to glare at her partner just long enough for him to ask, What?
With the perfect response composed in her head, the curly haired witch was devastated when a pair of arms were wrapped around her waist from behind.
"Do I get a Christmas kiss?"
"George Weasley, leave the poor girl alone," his father chastised warm-heartedly.
"See, they are always trying to spoil my fun," George grumbled as Angelina, who had been talking to Molly, joined them. "Anyway, I hear you were making little brother crawl over broken glass."
Hermione narrowed her eyes playfully. "I'm not that cruel."
George recoiled with feigned shock, "No? Oh sorry, I thought you were talking to Hermione Granger.
As Hermione poked her tongue out at her mischievous friend, Severus stepped in before the teasing deteriorated further. "How are you finding your new facilities in Oxfordshire, Mr Weasley?"
"Brilliant," Angelina answered for him. "I can finally sleep at night without fear of being blown up."
Lucius had managed to extricate himself from the wonderfully weird world of Luna Lovegood, and was walking towards the group when Angelina's next statement stopped him in his tracks.
"I just wish Fleur was sleeping better. She looked terrible a few days ago."
"And why is she not sleeping?" he enquired nonchalantly.
Severus and Hermione looked at each other cautiously, an act which Lucius did not fail to notice.
"And where are she and William?"
"She's at home...alone," Hermione informed him before adding to the room in general, "I thought it might be nice to try and persuade her to come over."
"Are you talking about Fleur?" Molly called from the other side of the room.
Molly sighed. "I wouldn't bother, dear. We asked her, but she insisted on staying at home."
Lucius looked at Hermione. "Perhaps we should try to persuade her again."
"I cannot see how she can be persuaded when she ignores her family," Molly blustered, annoyed by the wizard's tone.
"Then perhaps her friends will have more success," Lucius bit back before Hermione stepped in to diffuse the growing tension.
"We can only try. Look, why don't I go and see her. Even if she doesn't want to come back here, she'll have had some company for half an hour," she offered with a weak smile.
Severus put his arm around her. "I think it is an excellent idea, but given the current situation I cannot allow you to go alone. Lucius, would you mind?"
Lucius' eyes thanked his oldest friend for allowing him the opportunity to grab a few precious moments alone with Fleur as he agreed to accompany Hermione on her quest to get his soulmate to join them for the festivities. A few minutes later the pair Disapparated away from Snape Manor to a remote beach many miles away.
Had Shell Cottage been a Muggle building, there may not have been much of it left given the severity of the raging storm that battered against it as two windswept cloaked visitors knocked upon the door.
Patience was not one of Lucius Malfoy's greatest virtues―if you could say that he had any virtues at all―and never had that been truer.
"What the devil is keeping her?"
"I expect with this storm she doesn't want to open the door."
"Or can't."
"Lucius, don't be so melodramatic," Hermione chided. At first, Lucius simply thought that Fleur was alone because her husband had not managed to escape his curse-breaking duties in Albania, but once his curly-haired companion had informed of the true nature of events, his anger and anxiety could not be contained.
"My witch is in there and..."
"And what?" Fleur's tired voice interrupted.
"And I just wanted to ensure that you are well, my darling," Lucius told her, his voice softening with relief as the door swung opened to reveal his soulmate. However, his expression filled with concern as he took in the sight of the usually flawless witch before him. Instead she looked weary, more than would have been expected considering she was six months pregnant.
Lucius quickly pulled Fleur into his arms and whispered against her hair, "The time for hiding our relationship is over, my love. If your husband is incapable of treating his witch with the honour and deference that she deserves, then allow me to take his place―my soul's rightful place―at your side."
Fleur looked shocked at her lover's suggestion. "But there is too much to lose. The Weasley's will not want to know me or the baby, and..."
Hermione was quick to dispel Fleur's fears. "I think if you both explain the situation to Molly and Arthur carefully, I'm sure they will understand. They are soulmates themselves and they certainly won't abandon their grandchild.
"And Ron said that they are all appalled by Bill's behaviour. I'm not saying it won't be hard for them, but if they do take the news badly, Lucius loves you and will take care of you and the baby. And you'll have us, as well."
Placing his hand over Fleur's ever growing bump, Lucius smiled as he felt the baby move at his touch. "Hermione is correct, and as her family, they will all be afforded access to their grandchild and niece," he said reassuringly. "Now, let us pack up your belongings. You move to Malfoy Manor tonight."
Still unsure that this was the best course of action, Fleur's protesting expression began to melt as her eyes met Lucius'. She knew he would accept no argument and given the sense of calm that washed over her, she realised that nothing in the world would be able to keep her from her soulmate now.
As she acquiesced, Hermione drew her wand and Summoned a large carpet bag that she knew to have once belonged to Molly from the corner of the room before placing an undetectable extension charm upon it. Without hesitation, Lucius assisted his witch in removing her belongings before they Flooed first to Malfoy and then to Snape Manor.
Severus stared anxiously at the large carriage clock that adorned the ornately carved wooden fireplace in the largest drawing room.
Filius and Pomona were about to arrive with Emile, and yet Hermione and Lucius were yet to return. Hermione had forewarned him of what had transpired at Shell Cottage and he knew that a scene was likely to occur at any moment. Not wishing his young student to witness to these events, the headmaster called Harry and Draco to him.
"Gentlemen, I would be grateful if, upon Mr Ashbourne's arrival, you would accompany him into the dining room with great expediency. I believe, Draco, that your father has done something very foolhardy even if his intentions were entirely honourable."
"There's a surprise," Draco muttered under his breath whilst wondering what it was that his father had actually done.
He was about to ask his godfather when the Floo roared into life and Hermione stepped out into the room followed by Lucius with a nervous looking Fleur on his arm.
Immediately, Molly, went to greet her daughter-in-law.
"Oh, Merlin, no," Narcissa whispered to Severus as she saw the protective stance that Lucius took over Fleur, but it was too late.
Molly stopped in her tracks as she became engulfed in the same feeling that she had experienced when Severus and Hermione had first visited them at the Burrow. She looked behind her. There was no sign of Hermione, who, upon Severus' request, had slipped out of the room to ask Mrs Hopkins to bring the buffet forward, so the older witch reached the only possible conclusion.
"How long has this been...?"
Lucius raised his hands defensively, "My dear, Molly..."
"Don't you, 'My dear, Molly,' me, Lucius Malfoy. How long have you two been..." Her voice trailed off as her eyes fell upon the swell of Fleur's belly.
Realising what her mother-in-law was thinking, the french witch was quick to assuage that fear. "Oh no, the baby is Bill's. Lucius and I...that is to say..."
Lucius immediately took over to save his witch's blushes.
"We had no idea what this was when it first manifested itself. Fleur met William during my first internment in Azkaban. We saw each other briefly during the final battle, but we did not see each other again until after Fleur had conceived by your son."
"But you are consummated?" Molly growled as Arthur joined her, his hand squeezing her shoulder.
"Allow them to speak," he urged his wife.
"Heavens above," a voice rang out from the portrait of Eleanor Prince. "You do know what has occurred here, don't you? You, of all people, Molly Prewett should know."
Sighing at the confused expressions of those assembled, Lady Eleanor continued. "We are in the company of three soul-mated couples and none of you have heard of this phenomenon. Why I'm shocked your little witch hasn't uncovered this one, Severus," the austere portrait witch scoffed.
"There is much about our situation that is extremely well hidden," the dark haired wizard snapped back, annoyed that his grandmother's interruption didn't appear to be particularly helpful.
"Melior Vir? The better man?" Eleanor offered.
Severus' interest was now piqued and the portrait witch took his arched eyebrow as her cue to continue.
"Molly, my dear, were you or were you not betrothed to Charlus Black from the age of eight?"
An audible gasp was heard from the majority of the room―particularly the Weasley children. The only person who did not seem shocked by this revelation was Arthur.
Molly hung her head. "Yes," she mumbled. "We were due to get married once I'd left Hogwarts, but I found out that he was philandering. He was a total cad. Arthur and I had been friends for a long time and he was just wonderful to me. Turns out, he'd fancied me for a while, but then, it felt completely natural when I was with him. I had to be someone I wasn't because of who I was marrying but with Arthur...I was Mollywobbles and then, of course, we found out that we were soulmates not long after that."
George was duly rewarded for his feigned gasp at his mother's comment, with a slap on the arm.
"And you never considered why Charlus should behave in such a way?" Eleanor asked.
Molly shook her head.
"And you, Ronald Weasley, you gave a good account of yourself, I understand," Eleanor quipped, much to Ron's embarrassment. Severus fought hard to remove the smug expression from his face.
"You see, just as the soul seeks out its mate when they reach the age of consensual maturity, once that connection is made, the soul also repels all fallacious suitors who might stand in the way. Aware that familiarity and emotions may be involved, the soul bond itself casts an ancient, un-biddable curse upon the imposter, causing their behaviour to becomes less than honourable."
"So I was set up? At least I wasn't knowingly being a prick," Ron mused happily.
"You were just open to suggestion. You were still, as you so eloquently put it, a prick," Lady Eleanor told him as kindly as any old battleaxe could.
"So the same has happened to Bill?" Molly mused, before turning to Lucius and Fleur. "I still have questions..."
"Of course you do," Lucius stated calmly, only Narcissa and Severus noticing the relief in his eyes, "and we will be happy to provide answers. But for now, in fairness to our host, I believe we should discuss this further in private."
"I totally agree," Arthur muttered in his wife's ear, willing her not to make a scene and then followed her, Lucius and Fleur out of the room to the study that Severus had just offered them.
Somehow their host knew that they wouldn't be seen for quite a while, but what was more worrying was that his godson had obviously slipped, unseen, out of the room during the altercation. Severus wasn't looking forward to that conversation.
Although the excitement of Boxing Day was far from forgotten, once those returning to Hogwarts had done so, little time could be devoted to the ensuing gossip due to the impending arrival of guests from Beauxbaton and Durmstrang for the Yule Ball.
Severus had to admit that the decorative and logistical arrangements were going far smoother than he had anticipated, but what concerned him was the security of the event. He had Pius arranging all that, but now that it had become apparent that there was a yet undetermined level of infiltration within the Aurory and, from Viktor's reports, Durmstrang, it only added to the headmaster's anxiety.
New Year's Eve dawned and everything went as scheduled. A special train brought the Hogwarts students who were allowed to attend the ball and the foreign guests and dignitaries also arrived without a hitch. Once greeted and fed, there was time to relax before everyone needed to get ready for the ball, but Severus found himself to be far from relaxed.
On top of all his other concerns, he had just handed a glass of single malt to Michael Granger who was finding the formal attire he was wearing rather troublesome.
"I don't understand what is wrong with black tie. I feel like a Georgian fop in all this," he told the younger man, gesturing to the frock coat, waistcoat and cravat. "Somehow this get up suits you lot, but I've always hated stuff like this. I remember when we got married, I told Helen's mother that I was just going to wear an ordinary suit. That went down like a lead balloon and I ended up in a penguin suit feeling like an idiot all day."
With talk of weddings, Severus immediately took the opportunity to bring up why he wanted to talk to Michael in the first place.
"It is rather coincidental that you should bring up the subject of your wedding," Severus began. "Whilst I appreciate that we have only known each other for a short period of time, I hope that I have been able to impress upon you..."
"You want my blessing?" Michael interrupted. "I thought as much when you asked me here and Helen dragged Hermione into our rooms to get ready. She said I should prepare myself for this," he added with a sigh.
Severus was rather taken aback. He had prepared a rather fine speech, even if he did say so himself, and Michael had just stolen his thunder. Swallowing hard, he simply nodded.
"Well, it's obvious that you love her," Michael continued. "You can obviously provide for her, but more importantly, she adores you. I couldn't have her marrying anyone who she wasn't completely head over heels with. I suppose I should be worried that she's too young, but after all she's been through, I think she's lived a lifetime already."
Hermione's father looked Severus in the eye. "Promise me that you'll always look after my little girl. I am a firm believer that what goes on between two people in a marriage is entirely up to them and I would never interfere in any decision that you decide to make, but if I so much as get a sniff that she is unhappy, so help me, wizard or not, I will kill you."
Severus drew himself up to his full height. "I would expect nothing less. I have no idea why she insists on being with me. We may be soul mates but it is not requisite that we are together despite any evidence to the contrary. But I love your daughter, Mr Granger, and you have my word that I will look after her and make her as happy as I possibly can."
"And as I understand it, a wizard's word is sacrosanct," Michael smirked before offering the headmaster his hand. "I still struggle with this world of yours, but welcome to the family, Severus."
Severus was breathing a sigh of relief when a sharp knock followed by the door being flung open heralded the arrival of Lucius Malfoy, bedecked in all his aristocratic finery.
"Have I come at an inopportune moment?" the blond wizard drawled, a mischievous smirk upon his lips as he surveyed the scene before him.
"Not at all," Severus grumbled, walking towards the drinks cabinet. "We were just going to have another drink."
"As always my timing is impressive."
"It's about the only thing that is from what I've heard," the dark-haired wizard teased, pouring Lucius a glass of the whisky that he and Michael had been sharing.
Narrowing his eyes at his friend, Lucius accepted the crystal tumbler before composing himself and reverting to his assured demeanour. "So, I presume that as no wands or daggers―as I believe you would say in the Muggle world―have been drawn, my role as best man commences as of this moment."
Taken aback by Lucius' brazen suggestion, Severus found himself blurting out, "Presumptive shit! She hasn't even said yes and anyway, who said I was going to..."
Lucius' arched eyebrow left Severus in no doubt that there was no point in continuing with his protestation.
With a resigned sigh, Severus nodded slowly. "I will require your assistance to ensure that this evening's formalities run according to plan."
"Formalities?" Lucius exclaimed. "Dear Merlin, even I didn't refer to proposing to Narcissa as a formality and trust me that was, by its very definition, a formality. However, leave it to me, my friend."
The Great Hall had been turned into something akin to an ice palace for the Yule Ball. The Christmas trees had exchanged their bold house coloured decorations for shimmering silver and white, and the torches burned with Bluebell flames as snowflakes, which never reached the ground, gently ascended from the enchanted ceiling.
At the far end of the room, all the professors from the three wizarding schools, various Ministry dignitaries, invited guests and unwelcome persons of the press stood, waiting patiently, for the students to be ushered into position on either side of the dance floor.
Once assembled, Headmaster Snape gave the signal for the three former champions from the last Triward Championship to enter the Great Hall with their partners and start the Yule Ball with their first dance. It wasn't, however, an elegant display of ballroom dancing ever seen at Hogwarts. Harry still hadn't mastered the art, but his partner, the Head girl from Beauxbaton was too in awe of him to care. The Head boy from Durmstrang was rigid with fear as he tried not to do anything that would in any way damage a pregnant Fleur and Viktor was too busy trying to fight off the solicitations of Pansy Parkinson to pay any attention to what his feet were doing.
Severus surveyed the room carefully. Surreptitious eyes, courtesy of thoroughly vetted Aurors, were stationed around the Great Hall following every movement of Highmaster Poliakov and his deputy Harkinssen as well as the other Durmstrang staff. But whilst they may not have realised that they were being so closely watched, there were several people who were well aware of the eyes that were upon them.
News of Fleur and Lucius' relationship had started to spread, especially after a very drunk Draco had shot his mouth off in The Leaky Cauldron the day after Boxing Day. Once the majority of guests had left Snape Manor, Draco had reappeared and railed at his parents, his godfather, Hermione and his girlfriend for keeping him in the dark about the identity of his father's new lover. He wasn't stupid. He knew that it couldn't have been a straightforward situation, simply because nothing ever was when it came to Lucius Malfoy. All he wanted was for him to be as happy as Narcissa was with Pius. But the fact that those closest to him had continually fobbed him off whenever he'd asked what was going on, hurt Draco deeply. And as he stormed out of his godfather's house, Luna's summation of the situation proved to be the most accurate: Draco would be alright, but he'd be drunk for a few days and incredibly hungover at the Yule Ball.
As the first dance ended, the champions were joined by the three heads of school and their partners for the second. And Headmaster Snape's partner had to admit that she was feeling incredibly nervous. Because whilst the press were interested in Fleur and Lucius, their interest in Severus and Hermione had not yet waned, and she knew that their first ever dance together was going to be subjected to great public scrutiny.
With this in mind, the young witch had spent hours agonising over which dress to wear. She wasn't sure whether to go for the black lace gown or the crimson velvet and called upon her mother and Narcissa for assistance. Like the gown she had worn to the Ministry Ball, they were Muggle designed dresses with plunging backs, but the front was a little more modest considering there would be students in attendance. Helen had commented that it was a shame that Hermione couldn't wear both, and thinking this was a wonderful idea, Narcissa made it happen. Black lace covered the sumptuous velvet and a charm placed on the gown to make it less heavy. Hair neatly put up, the Prince family jewels in place, Hermione was most pleased with the result. If the press were going to criticise anything, it wouldn't be how she looked.
What's wrong? Severus asked as the music began.
Nothing. It's just they're all going to be watching us. We didn't get to dance together at the Ministry Ball...
I think we provided them with more than enough gossip on that occasion. And besides, what are they going to say? 'Headmaster dances with his girlfriend at a Ball.' It would have to be a very slow news day if that made the headlines. Although, if you want to make the front page, I'm sure I could come up with something. I could always stick my tongue down your throat.
Oh behave! Hermione groused. You know what I mean.
I know that you are worrying for no reason whatsoever and that you have stood on my toe twice now. Just relax and enjoy yourself. You're finally dancing with me.
What about the other day in the kitchen?
That doesn't count. Although, if I were to take that as an example, I would have to shag you afterwards. Now that really would get us some attention.
The dancing continued apace and whilst Hermione was delighted that she had finally managed to dance with fact, this was their third dance...she began to notice that his nonchalance from earlier was rapidly disappearing. Whilst he maintained his dignified public demeanour, his eyes told a completely different story. He was nervous and she couldn't work out why and despite asking him what was wrong, his lack of valid response was frustrating her. Her curiosity was further piqued when she noticed Severus scanning the room until his eyes fell on Lucius who was immediately cutting in. As Hermione looked round to find Severus, she just saw him being engulfed by the sea of dancers.
"What's going on?"
Gracefully sweeping the Potions Professor into hold, Lucius smiled. "Nothing to worry about."
"Something's wrong, I know it is," Hermione told him, her voice tinged with panic.
"I can assure you that nothing is wrong."
"Are you sure?" Hermione pressed.
"I would tell you, Miss Granger."
The young witch looked confused. "Why did you just call me Miss Granger, Lord Malfoy?"
"I have my reasons," he informed her with a smirk, knowing that it would infuriate her, but he couldn't help but want to create a little more tension so that when she finally realised nothing was wrong the relief would be all the sweeter.
As the dance ended, Lucius took Hermione's hand and bowing low, kissed it gently. "Miss Granger, it has been requested of me that I deliver this to you," he announced, handing over a small envelope, the wax seal of which bore the Prince family crest.
"What's going..."
"Just open it," Lucius huffed with feigned annoyance.
Hermione glared at him for a moment, her eyes narrowing before sighing and
Would you do me the honour of joining me in the Astronomy Tower at your earliest convenience?
"Go to him."
"Do you know what this is about?"
"Of course, I do. Now go. Oh and Miss Granger?"
"Yes, my lord?"
"You know that I love the pair of you. We are about to enter a new year. Please forgive me for all the wrong that I have ever done you, and please promise me that you will look after him."
Hermione smiled, curious to know what had brought this on. "You know you are already forgiven and you know I will."
Pulling his best friend's witch to him, Lucius wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. "Go to your wizard."
Hermione walked towards the astronomy tower nervously. Just before she approached the stairs, she noticed a white rose on the bottom step. There was no note, but she felt it was there for a reason and as she picked it up the stairs were immediately illuminated in candle light.
Nice magic, she hummed to herself ascending carefully whilst holding the hem of her gown to stop herself from tripping up.
As she reached the top, she smiled at the scene before her. The whole room was bathed in the warm glow of floating candles and looking over the Black Lake stood Severus.
"I hope you don't mind me dragging you away from the Ball," Severus asked, his back still to his witch.
Hermione chuckled softly. "No, but what's going on? Did you do this?"
"I admit that I did wish to create a certain ambience. I..." Severus turned round to look at Hermione and all his resolve crumbled. He had planned this moment for weeks, even months and yet now that she was stood there before him, the candlelight glowing around her, words failed him.
"Impressive magic," Hermione told him, sashaying towards her wizard slowly.
"It was nothing," he shrugged, although with less nonchalance than he intended. With uncharacteristic nervousness, the headmaster spoke again. "Hermione, for a long time...well actually not a long time, but I suppose it has been...oh bollocks!"
"What?" Hermione's voice was laced with concern as she stepped towards him.
"Nothing," he sighed, realising that the first version of the speech he had prepared was not going to work. Quickly switching to his back up plan, he began again. "Hermione, I have admired you for longer than I should, but in recent months I have come to realise that my previous admiration for you has paled into...Oh fuck!" he exclaimed, looking up at the ceiling before blowing out a long, exasperated breath. "It seemed so much more sincere when I prepared this in my head," he huffed almost to himself before walking towards his girlfriend and placing both hands upon her upper arms. "I just need you to know that bond or not, you're exactly the kind of woman who I dreamt would look at me twice, but I never dared to hope. I don't deserve you, but yet here we are and I find myself unable to argue with Fate, the Founders or whichever deity that I don't believe in, who saw fit to draw us together. Maybe I had to suffer before I found you. Maybe I will wake up and all this has been a dream, but there is only thing of which I am certain, Hermione. And that is that I love you, and I..."
His words suddenly faltered. Severus Snape and rejection did not mingle in the same circles for good reason.
"And you what?"
"And I...wanted to do this properly and it's all going to go to shit and..."
"Just ask me."
"Ask me before I ask you."
"That would never..."
" I know. So ask me."
Before his usually implacable courage could fail him, the simple question fell from his lips. "Marry me?"
This chapter has not been seen ny my beta yet so all mistakes are my own...and sorry for the delay but life has really screwed things up here and not been able to write as much as I would like.
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