The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Severus wasn't sure, but the fact that he now had a witch in his arms and attached to his lips probably meant that he was now an engaged man. A simple 'yes' would have settled the matter, but he wasn't going to complain about Hermione's methods of accepting him. However, whilst he should have been relaxing into this kiss, something struck him like a brick to the head.
Pulling back, he groaned as realisation washed over him.
"What now?" Hermione huffed.
"I should have got down on one knee."
"Idiot! You asked, and I said, 'yes.' Do you think it matters to me if you were on one knee, standing on your head or flat on your back when you asked me?"
"I suppose not, but technically you have yet to say 'yes'."
"Oh, I'm sorry," Hermione laughed, kissing him again before shouting, "Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes..."
"Oh alright, smart arse," Severus growled, kissing her hard before another brick struck him. "For fuck''s sake," he muttered. "I spent so long planning this and..."
Hermione just rolled her eyes as her head flopped back in exasperation. "And?"
"And," Severus repeated, "do you want your ring or not?"
Hermione's eyes immediately lit up. In all the excitement, and even though she already knew what it looked like, she'd forgotten that along with the proposal came a ring. But Severus still had one surprise up his sleeve...or at least in his pocket.
This time, Severus dropped onto one knee before her and produced two small boxes. Hermione saw that one of them was in the traditional velvet that contained most of the Prince family jewels, but the other looked brand new.
"So, I'll try again," he told her with a sigh. "Hermione, I don't deserve you, but as you've decided that you don't want to do the sensible thing and run in the other direction, will you marry me?"
And this time, Hermione's mouth curled into a smile and taking Severus' face in her hands, she whispered, "Yes," just before pressing a soft, lingering kiss to his lips.
"Well, that's a relief," Severus deadpanned, pulling Hermione to him and deepening the kiss before remembering he still had two boxes in his hand. Reluctantly pulling away, he opened the more familiar looking box before presenting it to his witch.
Hermione gasped as she saw the beautiful ascher cut ruby, surrounded by diamonds. She'd only seen it in Lady Eleanor's portraits, and it looked stunning enough there, but the portraits in no way did it justice.
She went to reach for the ring when Severus interrupted her. "You know as well as I that you do not have to accept grandmother's ring," he continued, "so I took the liberty of commissioning another ring for you." He then opened the newer looking box and showed her what sat inside.
Again, Hermione gave an excited gasp as she looked at the glittering rock before her. She was vaguely aware of Severus saying something about it taking a while to find the right stone, and had been on the verge of giving up when one phrase made her tear her gaze away from the beautiful jewel.
"...until his royal blondness summoned me to his family jewellers to show me this."
Hermione' found her curiosity piqued.
"He was looking for a Christmas present for Fleur," Severus informed her, knowing the thoughts that were racing through her head, and, if he wanted her full attention, he knew he had to answer the unspoken question promptly. "I'd mentioned a while ago that I had been considering commissioning a piece of jewellery for you. I neglected to inform him of the purpose of the piece, and if you hadn't been too busy gawking, I did mention that despite a number of jewellers sourcing all manner of stones, none of them seemed quite fitting. Anyway, Lucius called me a few weeks ago to say that he had seen something that deserved my attention and had requested that his jeweller set it aside for me. Seemingly, this stone is an incredibly rare phenomenon."
"It's amazing," Hermione whispered, taking the new ring from the box. "What is it?"
Severus' lip curled at his witch's transfixed expression. "It's a black diamond with a red diamond inclusion, which somehow seemed very appropriate. Of course, both rings are yours, but you just have to choose which you would prefer as your engagement ring."
Hermione considered both jewels carefully before placing the newer of the two pieces back in its box. "I love them both, but after everything you've been through, I think it's important to recognise your family and where you come from. So, if it's alright with you, I'll wear your grandmother's ring."
"It's more than alright" Severus told, taking the ruby and diamond ring from the box and slipping the heirloom onto Hermione's finger. Standing up, he pulled his fiancée close and whispered in her ear, "Now, Mrs Snape, do you trust me?"
Hermione eyed him suspiciously. "Why?"
"Because I have something that I wish to show you, but this isn't the best place to see it."
"Oh really?" Hermione asked coquettishly.
Severus glared at her playfully. "Behave, Madam," he warned before repeating his question. "Do you trust me?"
"Not now I don't," Hermione giggled. "I mean, if, someone keeps asking you if you trust them it usually means that they're up to something, and..."
"Hermione," Severus interrupted firmly, his tone making her stop mid sentence before pulling her to him and kissing her soundly. "Do shut up! And for fuck's sake, don't scream."
"Why would I...?"
Hermione's scream penetrated the still, cold night air as she found herself flying in Severus' arms towards the highest turret of the castle. She wasn't sure if it was the shock of no longer finding solid ground beneath her feet or the fact she wasn't dressed in the warmest of clothes for this impromptu trip that had made her scream like a little girl, but surprisingly it wasn't because she was flying. She knew that her fiancé...she smiled at the thought...would never let her fall and, in a way, she was slightly disappointed that they were not in the air for that long.
The headmaster smirked as he gently landed on the small platform that he had placed there earlier for this planned least something had gone to plan. The ledge was just about big enough for both of them,which was fine by Severus because it meant that he got to hold his witch close as they looked out over the grounds and area surrounding Hogwarts.
It was a clear night, and the stars and moon were bright against the dark velvety blue of the sky. It had snowed again earlier and the wintry blanket seemed to sparkle as moonlight bounced off each and every ice crystal. The moon also found itself glistening across the dark, deep waters of the Black Lake and the trees of the Forbidden Forest cast tall shadows. The snowcapped roofs of Hogsmeade were in plain view and the other nearby villages also caught the eye as ribbons of chimney smoke spiralled into the air.
"So, what did you want to show me?" Hermione asked, amazed at the beauty of the view before her and nestling into Severus to give her as much room as possible on the platform.
"I just wanted to show you what you are going to help me look after. All of this...the castle, the grounds, even the surrounding villages, will be affected by what I do here. But I can't do all of this on my own. There was a time when I may have believed that I could have accomplished everything that was needed just by relying on myself as I have done for so long. And yet since you have been in my life or at least since you have shown me what it truly is to love someone and be loved in return, I have found myself on the receiving end of an invaluable lesson: I am better with you at my side."
"You're not the only one," Hermione admitted, her small fingers touching his cheek gently. "I hope you know that I love you."
"You may have mentioned it once or twice," Severus told her dryly before pulling her in tighter. "I still think you're mad."
Hermione chuckled softly."Someone's got to be."
"And I am so glad that it's you," he told her, tilting her her chin up and gently pressing his lips to hers.
After a moment, Severus began trailing kisses down over Hermione's jaw and throat. "Now, the appropriate thing to do," he told her in between each soft touch of his lips against her skin, "would be to go back down to the Great Hall as we are being rather neglectful of our guests. But..."
"...But?" Hermione repeated knowingly.
"I am feeling wholly inappropriate," Severus growled in her ear, before Apparating them both to his man cave at the far side of the Black Lake. He could have flown, but he wasn't sure if his ears would have survived a repetition of Hermione's piercing scream again as well as the amount of screaming that she was going to be doing for an entirely different reason once they reached their destination.
Whilst Severus and Hermione were busy consummating their engagement, back in the Great Hall, the politically-laced frivolity continued apace, with representatives of all three schools and the Ministry ensuring that they were spreading themselves around fairly. However, as Pius had just been cornered by some jobsworth from the Department of Magical Transportation, politics was the last thing on Narcissa's mind. Picking up two goblets of elf-made wine from the serving table, she walked calmly towards to a young man whom she'd had her eye on all night.
"How's your head?" Narcissa asked, offering a bleary-eyed Draco one of glasses.
Dutifully, he accepted it, but seemed to recoil at the thought of another alcoholic drink.
"It's elf-made, darling. Do you think I would be drinking anything other in my condition?"
Relieved at his mother's thoughtfulness, his face relaxed before he remembered that she was one of those that had pissed him off by concealing his father's relationship with Fleur Weasley from him.
"Much better now that Severus slipped me a Hangover potion," he replied curtly.
"Are you still annoyed with me?" she enquired remorsefully, brushing a stray strand of hair from his temple.
Draco reared back at his mother's unwanted maternal fussing and snorted. "I just don't understand why none of you could tell me straight out. I can keep secrets, you know. And now, of course, I'll never get rid of bloody Gabrielle."
"Don't be like that," his mother chided softly. "The girl idolises you and she will be family so perhaps you should acting more like her big brother. You always wanted a little sister."
Draco drained his glass in one go. "So you're not having a girl then?" he asked, pointing to Narcissa's now visible baby bump.
Smiling, Narcissa took her son's hand in hers. "I don't know. You might end up with two little sisters or more if we have more children."
"But that would involve you having sex with Pius more than once, Mother, and I don't want to think about that."
"I do," Narcissa smirked before entwining arms with her son.
Grimacing slightly, Draco admitted, "I suppose it could be worse, At least he looks happy," he said, nodding in the direction of his father who was manoeuvring Fleur elegantly but carefully around the dance floor.
"I believe that he is...finally."
Draco turned to his mother and asked quietly. "Were you ever happy?"
Narcissa smiled ruefully. "For a while. Perhaps if we'd met in another time we would still be, but, in truth, the odds were always firmly stacked against us. But one good thing came from our marriage."
"Don't get soppy, Mother, it doesn't suit you."
"True enough, but your father would agree with me. And another thing he would agree with is that you need to make up with Luna because she certainly makes you happy."
Sighing deeply, Draco hung his head. "I know. I've been an arse to her."
"I'm glad you said that," the blonde witch chuckled. "The more I get to know Luna, the more I've begun to realise that she sees things that none of us can, and like so many with her array of talents, she won't tell if it isn't for you to know. She wasn't keeping it from you."
"Like I said, I've been an arse, but I haven't seen her tonight. Have you?"
Narcissa gave Draco a puzzled look, imploring him to elucidate.
"She was supposed to be coming to the castle straight from her father's, but when I went to call on her, she wasn't in her room and no one seems to have seen her. I just hope I haven't pushed her away completely."
"You haven't, my darling. She loves you and I believe it would take a lot more than just a row to push her away. And she is a law unto herself. She will more than likely arrive when she deems the time to be right. Now, be a gentleman and ask your dearest mother for a dance. Pius has two left feet and if there was one thing I got right when bringing you up, it was that I taught you how to dance properly.
Draco gave his mother a wry smile and nodded dolefully. He hoped she was right about Luna.
Minerva McGonagal loved a ball. It reminded her of her younger days when she would sneak out to local Ceilidhs, much to her father's disapproval, and revel in the free and easy atmosphere. In Severus' temporary absence...the reason for which had his deputy squealing with delight when he informed her earlier...she was in charge of proceedings.
She looked out across the dance floor at the couples gliding across the room with varying degrees of proficiency and smirked as Filius Flitwick chattered away nervously about whether the transition he had planned from the more traditional dancing to glorified school disco would go smoothly.
"My dear, you are always meticulous in your preparations, and I see no reason for this occasion to be any different," she told him with as much comfort as she could muster. For the smirk had not been reserved for a panicking Charms professor, but rather for a puppy eyed Herbology Professor who looked like the proverbial cat that had got the cream as she danced with a very uncomfortable looking Michael Granger. And whilst that should have been enough to pique her interest, another couple caught her whom she never thought would ever be seen together.
"Do you think he's asked her yet?" Helen asked her blond-haired partner who was, she had to admit, a very fine mover.
Lucius smiled. "I should imagine that he has, but whether it went to plan is another issue altogether."
Hermione's mother looked at him quizzically. "It's not as if she's likely to have said no."
"You misunderstand me, Madam Granger," Lord Malfoy informed her with a slight smirk. "I have no doubt that you will be suffering with Severus as your son-in-law for all eternity. No, I was merely alluding to the fact that knowing him as I do, he has had the manner with which he will ask for your daughter's hand planned for weeks. And, equally, he will have been sweating over the finer details for the past few days."
"He is a bit of a perfectionist," Helen chuckled with an air of relief. "They're well suited. But I can't think why he should have been so worried."
Lucius skilfully manoeuvred her away from a lumbering Ministry official and his even more inept dancing partner. "We both know that to be true, but unfortunately, Severus, despite his often aloof exterior, is not quite as self assured as we often give him credit for."
Helen let out a long sigh. "Hermione has said as much, but I'm sure however it went, they're both very happy." She then raised her an eyebrow and gave her dance partner a mischievous smile. "I suppose it won't be long before you're popping the question, either."
"There are certain formalities to overcome first, but as soon as they are out of the way, I fully intend to pop the question, as you put it, at the earliest opportunity."
"Well, she certainly looks happy," Helen observed, looking over Lucius' shoulder to his soulmate whose carefree laughter as she spoke to Viktor and Harry made the older woman smile.
"I very much hope that she is. I know that I am," Lucius admitted as the music came to end and he respectfully brought Helen's hand up his lips. "I very much enjoyed our dance, my dear. I hope that you can look past my previous behaviour and find in me a true friend to Severus' entire family."
Helen was touched by Lucius' words, knowing how difficult it was for a man like him to admit that he was wrong and as good as apologise for views to which he had been inculcated since birth. Gently placing her hand over his, she smiled softly. "I believe that our family is very lucky to have a friend like you. I know how much you love Severus and Hermione, and I know that feeling is mutual. I am very much looking forward to getting to know you and your expanding family over the coming years."
Whilst it was Lucius' turn to be touched, the music had already started again and new couples swept onto the dancefloor, which gave Minerva another excuse to peruse the hall for interesting partnerships to focus on.
It wasn't long before she spied her pray, but what made this couple interesting was that the headmaster had asked her to look out for them in his absence. And given the recent revelations at the school of late, her unease at seeing an older wizard twirling a young schoolgirl around the room was palpable, but the reasons were entirely different from the ones that you would usually expect.
"You dance very well, Miss Parkinson," Harkinssen enthused cheerily as he and the Senior Headgirl traversed the dancefloor.
Trying to avoid eye contact with Durmstrang's Deputy High Master, Pansy's reply was a simple, but cautious 'thank you.'
"It is just a shame," Harkinssen continued in the same tone, "that you are not as adept at fulfilling your duties as you are at dancing."
Pansy felt as if a bucket of ice had been poured down her spine. "Pardon?"
"You were told that you would be contacted were you not?"
The Slytherin witch's eyes widened in disbelief. "Yes,"
Maintaining his impeccable facade, Harkinessen chuckled. "Don't act so surprised."
"But, is that you?" Pansy asked incredulously. "I mean, if it is you, then I'm so sorry about..."
"Yes and no," the wizard interrupted before continuing in the same nonchalant tone as before. "Now, your failure with Miss Chang was unfortunate, but your reports have become a little lacking of late."
"It's not my fault," Pansy protested. "They've not spent much time at the school and besides, you should never have used my hair for Rockwood. He might have thought that had more to do with Theo's father, at first, but all owls are being monitored after you sent me that parchment. And it's not just the messages, but the species as well."
"It is for you to manage."
Pansy was feeling more and more uncomfortable with every passing second that she was in the arms of this man. "But it's becoming harder. Now he knows that I was the person influencing Cho, I'm being watched, too."
"Again, that is your concern. He will not accept that as an excuse."
"Don't you think I know that?" the young witch spat back. "But knowing how He's become, I don't want to mess things up."
Harkinssen looked down and gave Pansy an almost paternal smile. "Understandable, but for your sake, you must try harder."
If this had been any other night, Severus and Hermione would have stayed in their little hideaway and celebrated their engagement all night, but as the headmaster lamented, they were expected to return to the evening's event, especially as it had been his idea to hold the ball at Hogwarts so that he could propose to Hermione at the same event where he first realised...most reluctantly...that she somehow made him feel that life was possibly worth living after all.
Pulling his fiancée in for one last, lingering kiss, his thumb brushed over the ring which she now wore. "Are you happy?" he almost whispered to her.
"I couldn't be happier," came her assured response as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his.
Severus smiled before stepping back and checking Hermione over to ensure that no hair nor button was out of place. Returning the favour, his fiancee fiddled with his cravat a little, only so that she could prolong their time alone, before Apparating back to the Astronomy Tower.
From here, Severus sent his deputy a patronus to inform her of their imminent return along with a brief three word message. Of course, the headmaster had only intended to tell Minerva of their impending arrival as a matter of courtesy and of Hermione's acceptance because he was pre-empting her incessant badgering until he told her. What he wasn't expecting was for this news to touch something akin to a maternal bone in the older witch, which made her do something that surprised even herself.
Severus and Hermione entered the Great Hall to hear a commanding Scottish voice ring out across the room.
Barely able to contain her excitement, Minerva called out, "Can I have everyone's attention? I have some wonderful news."
The newly engaged couple stopped in their tracks, knowing exactly what this wonderful news was and tried to fix their expressions so that they didn't look as if they wanted the earth to open up and swallow them.
"Headmaster Snape and Professor Hermione Granger have just become engaged."
Everyone's attention immediately turned the couple and amongst the sudden round of applause, a stream of congratulations and cringe-worthy advice engulfed them as they battled their way to the front of the hall. Everyone's that is except for Draco's, whose eyes were now fixed upon the figure that stood between under the grand entrance to the Great Hall.
Dressed in a flowing pale lilac gown, Luna looked almost ethereal as her gaze fixed in some unknown point. She stood motionless for quite some time, before something seemed to nudge her gently and she began to walk towards Severus and Hermione as if in a daze.
Draco moved to greet her, but Luna almost brushed him aside without even touching him. Although he felt slightly affronted, the Arithmancy professor sensed that something was wrong, but his fears were confirmed when he heard the headmaster ask Luna if there was anything amiss.
A strange, heavy sensation descended upon the room as Luna continued to approach Severus and Hermione and only stopped once she was stood directly in front of them. Somehow, the blonde witch seemed to be look straight through them until her eyes rolled backwards and she let out a piercing scream.
Draco raced to her side before she sank to her knees, her hands covering her ears before she lost consciousness. Cradling her in his arms, Draco tried to comfort her even in her seemingly unconscious state, but nearly dropped his witch as her eyes flew open and she began to speak in a voice that was completely unrecognisable as her own. However, the voice had been heard before: by Hermione.
"When the elements shall be appeased and ancient walls select their champions, the lioness and the snake shall stand side by side. For the power to unite a world lies with the youngest of his kind but only when he is joined with the one, who shall stand as his protector.
And below these two guardians, stand four pillars, the protectors of a world still threatened by those who were most loyal. And yet victory can only come when the light is delivered to overcome the darkness."
The castle began to shake as Luna spoke the final word and slumped back against her wizard. Those who knew that a prophecy had been foretold, were convinced that it had just been spoken. Of course, everyone immediately had their theories about what it meant, but for now, the main concern of those surrounding the prone messenger, was her well being.
Casting a number of diagnostic spells, Poppy was pleased to report that apart from being unconscious, Miss Lovegood was absolutely fine. In fact, it was as she delivered this report that Luna suddenly opened her eyes again and with her voice fully returned, looked up at Severus and Hermione and said, "Congratulations, you two. It's about time," and made to stand up with Draco's assistance.
Slightly taken aback by Luna's immaculate recovery, Hermione asked if she was alright, only to be told that she was fine as she slipped her hand into Draco's and told him that they had to go and find some cake.
Severus bowed his head graciously as Luna and Draco slipped away, and knowing that Lucius was now by his side, he mumbled, "Your grandchildren are fucked, dear."
"I know, but I don't think they're going to be quite as fucked as you by the sounds of it," Lucius' mumbled in reply which earned him a sideways glance that would have had most mere mortals quaking in their boots.
Severus had urged that the Yule Ball continue as if nothing had happened, and was pleased to see that all the dignitaries were once again paired off with either members of his staff or senior students before he swept out of the Great Hall and headed towards his office, Hermione, followed by Minerva and Lucius, in tow.
Of course, Severus was on a mission. He hated prophecies for good reason...they never seemed to end well...and he strode off towards his office apace.
"I do hate it when he's focused on something," a slightly out of breath Minerva stated as the headmaster's small entourage tried to keep up.
"Well, it keeps you fit, my dear," Lucius teased, which earned him a suppressed giggle from Hermione.
"Haud your wheesht," Minerva grumbled as she stopped to catch her breath at the gargoyle guarding the headmaster's office before gathering her skirts and ascending the staircase with as much poise as she could muster.
Knowing that the portraits in his office would be ready and waiting to offer their two knuts worth the moment he entered the room, Severus flung open the door and delivered his opening statement.
"Right, I don't want any blithe comments or fatuous observations from you lot. You are, or at least were, some of the brightest in our world. Although, having become better acquainted with you over the last year, I have my doubts. However, I...we," he said looking down at Hermione who had appeared at his side, "need an interpretation of this prophecy as quickly as possible."
"Dear boy, there is no need to be so defensive," Dumbledore informed him as he sat down in his portrait.
But Severus was far too wrapped up in his thoughts to even notice that his former mentor had entered the room, so to speak.
"I believe it is obvious that I am the snake," he pressed on. "Hermione is the lioness and The Founders for reasons unknown to anyone but themselves have selected us as their champions. So what does side by side mean? As equals, physically...?"
Dumbledore sighed. "Severus..."
"And the youngest of my kind? Does 'my kind' refer to my being headmaster or a potions master? And I really hate the thought of you lot being 'my kind,' but there we go."
"Severus..." Dumbledore's voice was becoming louder and yet it still was not enough to stop the dark-haired wizard's diatribe.
"I would hate to think that there would be another crowd of idiots that I would be associated with. And what the hell does it mean that I have the power to unite this world but only when I'm joined with the one, who is my protector. I don't need a fucking protector.
"And four pillars? Is that the four houses? And the most loyal, I presume are the remaining Death Eaters. But victory will only come when the light is delivered? What the fuck does that mean?
"SEVERUS!" Dumbledore yelled, his patience finally ended. "Sit down and stopbabbling, my boy. You summoned us all here to assist you with the interpretation of this prophecy so please assume that we are already considering the very same questions that you have just seen fit to spout forth."
"I told you it would be a waste of time, Albus," Headmaster Dippet grumbled. "He always thinks he knows best."
"Oh do shut up, you miserable bastard," Phineas Nigellus Black interrupted. "You're just pissed off that no one thought you were interesting enough to make a prophecy about."
Albus pinched the bridge of his nose and was grateful to hear a voice of reason ring out as Hermione said, "Look, you're here to help. And we're grateful that you are, but please remember that we've been waiting for this prophecy to be spoken and now it has been we're all a bit confused. So can you not bicker, please?"
Severus looked down as he felt Hermione's hand slip into his own and squeeze it reassuringly.
"And you, sit down," his curly-haired witch told him. "This could be a long night."
"Or not," a lilting welsh voice chimed in as the door to the headmaster's office burst open and a very out of breath Mr Filch nearly dropped the portrait of Helga Hufflepuff that he was carrying as he faced four drawn wands.
Collecting himself before he disrespected one the Founders, Severus bowed hishead."You are very welcome, Madam," Severus said as Minerva transfigured a stand for the founder's portrait to rest upon.
"Will we be joined by your esteemed colleagues?" the headmaster then asked.
Helga shrugged. "They think you should work it all out by yourself, but as I said to them, just because we were all a bit drunk when the prophecy came to us, doesn't mean we can't offer you a bit of assistance, even if we can't quite remember all the facts. However, unless any of the others have asked Argus to carry them here, it looks like I'm the only one coming."
Hermione looked confused. "Are you saying you don't know what the prophecy means?"
"Not exactly. But it was created a very long time ago and we've had to wait a very long time for it to be triggered. But together we can all work it all out," the portly witch told her cheerily.
Consternation filled everyone's faces.
"Isn't it obvious?" the founder continued. "You two were meant for each other, we all saw it...even Salazar, although it would have nearly killed him to admit it if he wasn't already dead...and, as such, you are our champions. Once you two are married, the vows you take will protect you from danger. As for the rest of the prophecy, well...that's for future consideration. Let's just get you two married first. Have you given any thought to when your nuptials will take place?"
"No," Severus and Hermione said in unison.
"Well, don't dally. No point in putting off the inevitable," Helga told them dismissively.
"We have only just become engaged," Severus told her indignantly. "We have not yet had time to discuss such..."
"I was thinking the last weekend of the summer term," Hermione blurted out.
Severus turned his head slowly to look down at his fiancée.
Oh you did, did you? Severus asked in Hermione's mind.
Hermione couldn't help but giggle. Yeah. Problem?
No. If that is when you wish us to marry then the last weekend of the summer term it...
"No, it has to be sooner," Helga informed them adamantly, ending their little private conversation.
"I beg your pardon, Madam," Severus growled. "I, for one, do not care when we do it, but if that is when Hermione wishes to get married then you will have to explain why you believe this to be unacceptable."
"Because of your vows," Lucius chimed in, reiterating something that Helga has mentioned.
Severus spun round to look at his friend. "What?"
"You're going to need protecting, dear," the blond-haired wizard told him. "From what, I don't fucking know. But until you're married, somehow it looks like you're vulnerable."
"See, he's not just a pretty face," Helga sighed, making Lord Malfoy feel rather uncomfortable, much to the amusement of all those who were assembled.
But whilst Lucius' discomfort was somewhat entertaining to the newly engaged couple, a sense of dread also fell upon them as they felt that, once again, their lives were out of their control.
Of course, it was unfortunate that Luna had been compelled to speak the prophecy at such a well attended event. After all, a prophecy was not something one heard every day, and it would garner interest from even casual observers. At best, they would come up with a completely erroneous interpretation or they would forget a vital piece of information. But should one of those seemingly casual observers actually turn out to be a very interested and unwelcome party, and hit the nail of its interpretation on the head, all hell could be let loose.
And it soon became apparent that a very unwelcome party had already begun to analyse the contents of the prophecy.
Pansy cringed as she heard the voice from behind her say, "Your chance to redeem yourself is at hand, Miss Parkinson."
Perturbed, once again, by Harkinssen's presence, Pansy tried to remain calm as she forced out,"What do you mean?"
Harkinssen smirked at the slight tremble in the dark-haired witch's voice. "Whilst you should probably await more explicit instructions, I should imagine that once He hears the details of this prophecy, you will be expected to accelerate the plan."
Trying to act as calmly as possible, Pansy asked with a touch of innocence, "I don't understand."
Looking slightly unimpressed with Pansy's attempt to play coy, the deputy highmaster, leaned in closer. "I think it's clear to say that when he marries the Mudblood, he will be protected somehow. So, I would assume that you will be required to carry out your task sooner rather than later."
An icy chill caused the young witch's breath to catch before she plucked up enough courage to turn and face the imposing wizard. "Look, I'm sorry, but I don't want to do this anymore. Carrying messages is one thing; setting Potter up was another, but seducing Severus Snape is entirely different matter."
Harkinssen smiled at Pansy and resisted the urge to lift his hand to touch her face. "It is rather sweet that you believe you have a choice in the matter. Your parents are relying on you to perform admirably."
"He wasn't very happy with your failure regarding Miss Chang," the duplicitous wizard elucidated, "so he's taken some out some insurance, shall we say?"
Pansy's eyes filled with panic.
"Come now, Pansy...may I call you Pansy? Don't look so surprised. Our methods have not changed."
"But, you're not one of them," Pansy hissed, trying to keep her emotions in check.
"Aren't I? I suppose you may be forgiven for assuming that," Harkinssen said with a shrug. "Now, I think as Head Girl you should seek out your headmaster and congratulate him on his engagement. There's no time like the present to begin your assignment."
Pansy gulped. "And what if I don't succeed?"
Harkinssen looked at the Slytherin witch, a sly grin forming on his lips. "And there was me thinking you were a clever girl."
Pansy swallowed hard as she watched the man take a step back and swiftly disappear into the throng of students and staff. She really was in the shit this time.
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