Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47196 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
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Harry’s wand began beeping, and he waved it to shut it up. “And that’s the end of this game; Curfew in ten minutes.”Four doors appeared on the wall, each leading to the corridors outside a common room so that no one would be late getting back.Luna blinked at Harry. “Can I stay here tonight?” She asked.Harry flushed. “Well, Shiloe already told me he wants to come Out tomorrow morning to be there for Lucius’ check-up with Poppy. I don’t know how he’d feel about sharing the bed with you.” He explained.“So ASK, silly!” Luna said, rolling her eyes.“Right.” Harry was about to ask, when he heard Shiloe respond with a sigh.‘She can stay, but she’s not to intrude on the exam. That’s only between me, Luc and Poppy.’Harry nodded. “You can stay, but he wants to go to the check-up alone.”Luna hummed. “Don’t worry, I can leave in the morning.” She answered brightly.“Alright. Tuney!” He called.Tuney popped into the room. “Master called?”“Just tell her what clothes you want from your room and she’ll go get them for you. I’m going to go get in my pajamas and put my wand away. We’ll be sleeping in Salazar’s room tonight, so I’ll be back out in a minute or two.” He told Luna, kissing her cheek before heading into Helga’s room to change.Lucius’ door was ajar, and the man opened it when he heard Harry in the room.Harry flushed, having been caught unawares as he’d been removing his shirt. “Did you want something?” He asked.Lucius’ eyes flickered down to his chest for a moment, and the man inclined his head. “If you don’t mind, I simply wanted to make sure there are no hard feelings between us after tonight’s entertainment. Are you okay?”“Um, yeah.” Harry was sure he was blushing brightly now. “I’m fine. I didn’t mind kissing you, really. I’m just… Not all that into blokes, is all.” He explained, pulling out his pajamas and setting them on the bed.Lucius nodded, satisfied. “Very well. I must say, you are, for your age, a rather good kisser. Miss Lovegood is a lucky girl to have your interest. I will leave you to get ready for bed, now. Good night, Mr. Potter.”Harry blinked as Lucius shut the door behind him. “Right.” He muttered, pulling his trousers and pants off and slipping into his pajamas quickly, then heading back out, leaving his wand on the bedside table, since he wouldn’t be awake in the morning to need it.He walked back out where Luna was waiting with a small bundle of clothing. “I have my pajamas and tomorrow’s clothes. Shall we?” She asked, indicating Salazar’s rooms.Harry nodded and walked in, getting into the bed. “You already know where the bathroom is—“ He stopped as she began undressing and putting her pajamas on right in front of him. “Or not.” He decided, grinning slightly at the straight-forward, so very LUNA, way she handled her nudity. No shame, no coyness, just comfort in her own body.“Silly,” She chided him. “I don’t need to change in the bathroom. We’ve showered together, remember?”Harry chuckled and nodded. “Right. How could I forget?” He asked.Luna got into bed and cuddled up to him, her soft curves molding to his chest as she coaxed him into spooning position, then sighed happily and relaxed into sleep.Harry listened to her soft breaths for several moments before falling asleep as well, a small smile on his face.*****Shiloe’s eyes popped open as he realized that the movements at his front came from a very FEMININE body stretching languidly against him. He eased backwards from his Host’s girlfriend and sighed. “Really, Miss Lovegood, MUST you do that?” He asked in resignation, glaring down at his hard cock. “Morning is not a good time to be rubbing yourself against a male.” He informed her.Luna simply rolled over and grinned sleepily at him. “Good morning!” She chirped, and kissed his cheek enthusiastically.“Right. Morning.” Shiloe muttered, flushing dully.Luna sat up, her hair mussed and eyes blinking a bit, then she yawned. “Okay, we need to shower.” She decided.Shiloe stared at her in shock. “WE?!” He asked in horror.Luna shrugged. “Yes. It’ll save on time, and we DO both need one, after all. I’ve showered with Harry already, and I know you’re not interested in me, so it’s fine.”Shiloe glanced down at his prick again, then sighed, trying to will it soft. “Right. We. Shower. Fuck.” He groaned.Luna laughed. “I know how guys are in the mornings, silly! It won’t bother me.”“It bothers ME.” Shiloe mumbled, getting out of bed and laying out his clothes for the day.Luna laid hers out right beside his and walked into the bathroom, stripping as she went.Shiloe cursed again, pulling off his pajamas and following her, his cock disobeying his orders to soften.Luna had the water on and was under it already as Shiloe walked in, so he just joined her with a sigh. “Yeah, I need to do something real quick, so can you just… Turn around, or something?” He asked, flushing.Luna blinked at him. “Are you going to wank? Can I watch?” She asked interestedly. “I’ve never seen it before.”Shiloe gaped at her. “Please, no. I can’t do that in front of you. Doing it with you in the shower WITH me is bad enough, but needs must. PLEASE turn around and don’t watch?”Luna huffed. “Oh, fine, then.” She turned around and began washing herself.Shiloe quickly took his cock in hand and fisted himself, deciding to focus on Neville, who was in the Gryffindor showers at the moment, doing the same thing. He quickly brought himself off, then sighed as his cock finally softened. “Alright, I’m done.” He told Luna after rinsing the evidence away.Luna turned back around, a flannel in her hand. “Can I wash your back?” She asked.Shiloe sighed in defeat. Luna was the most ABNORMAL girl he’d ever met. “Fine.”Luna washed him, humming as she did so.He jerked when she grabbed his shampoo from in front of him. “Are you going to wash my hair, too?!”“Of course.” She answered calmly. “It’ll feel nice, just relax.” She assured him. “You know,” She began, working the lather into his hair, “It’s strange to feel Harry’s hair and height under my hands, when you look taller and have longer hair.”Shiloe blinked in shock. “You see… ME?!” He asked, almost turning around before he remembered that she currently had her sudsy hands in his hair.“Of course. I know others see Harry, but I don’t. I’m a clairvoyant, but I’m not stupid. I can just see the real you, that’s all.” She said conversationally.“That’s… Interesting to note.” Shiloe told her as she pulled her hands out of his hair.“Okay, rinse.” She told him, slapping his butt.“Hey!” He shouted, whirling around to glare at her.She was smiling brightly at him, lathering up her own shampoo and closing her eyes as she worked it into her hair.Shiloe rinsed off, grumbling a bit.*****Shiloe finished pulling on his shirt as Luna walked out of the bathroom, towel-drying her hair, naked. “Clothes. Put them on. If I were Harry, I’d have killed me by now.” He groaned, covering his face.Luna blinked at him. “Why? We didn’t do anything wrong. And I LIKED showering with you. It was kind of like having an older brother, I imagine.”Shiloe gaped at her, then thought for a second. “In a very sick family, that might actually be true.” He conceded. Luna finished dressing and smiled brightly at Shiloe. “Okay, I’m going to head to my common room now. Good-bye, Shiloe!”“Bye.” Shiloe said, watching in confusion as she skipped over to the door that had appeared in the wall and disappeared through it. “She is such a STRANGE girl.” He muttered, heading to Lucius’ room. He walked in to find the man eating. “Good morning, Sir.” He said, walking over and giving him a kiss.Lucius hummed into the kiss, fisting a hand in Shiloe’s hair and giving it a sharp tug. “Mm, WONDERFUL morning, pet. Sit.” He pointed to the floor next to his chair.Shiloe sat, resting his head on Lucius’ thigh. The man continued to eat with one hand while the other carded through Shiloe’s hair soothingly.When Lucius finished, he called Dursley.“Master?” The elf squeaked, bowing low.Shiloe sat up with a wicked smile. “Sir?” He asked silkily, fingering his wand. “Can I..?” He raised it, pointing it at Dursley. “Just a small Crucio? I never got to see them writhe under me, not even a little.”Lucius waved his hand, carelessly. “A small one. I still need it useable, after all.”Shiloe grinned maliciously. He pointed Ducen at Dursley. “Crucio.” He sneered, watching with glee as the house-elf fell to the ground, squeaking in pain.After a few moments, Shiloe lifted the spell.“Get to your feet, Dursley!” Lucius snapped.The house-elf stood, shaking a bit.“Take these dishes back to the kitchens and stay there until I call for you.” Lucius said calmly.Dursley did so, shooting fearful glances at the now-pacified Shiloe, who was calmly watching him, his head back on Lucius’ thigh.As soon as Dursley disappeared, Shiloe felt Lucius tugging on his hair again. He followed the tugging, standing.“Your power,” Lucius purred as he brought Shiloe’s face close to his, “Is intoxicating. I think I want to see your ire aroused enough for Dark Arts again.” He said, then kissed Shiloe breathless.Shiloe grinned. “By the right circumstances, that can be arranged quite easily. Harry gave me a rule not to torment Tuney, but he forgot that stipulation with Dursley. That, or he doesn’t CARE as much about him.”Lucius chuckled. “My own little Slytherin, constantly looking for loopholes.”There was a knock on the door, and Poppy walked in. “Sirius let me in.” She explained, walking over to where she kept Lucius’ chart and looking at the potions vials sitting beside it. “I see you’ve been taking the prenatal potions, good. And this is..?” She opened a vial and sniffed at it. “Standard nausea potion, safe.” She opened another one and sniffed at it. “What is THIS?” She turned to Lucius, an eyebrow raised.Lucius flinched at the look. “It’s a bone-strengthening potion, modified for pregnancy.” He explained. “Severus made it, and he assures me it is safe.”Poppy narrowed her eyes. “Why are you taking it?”“For all my life, I have been living under the Ossum Tenuis curse. It has recently begun to measurably thin the bones in my ribs and legs. Arthur Weasley is the only living person who can lift the curse from me.” He said softly.Poppy sighed. “You didn’t tell me, Mr. Malfoy. Why is that?” She asked, writing it down in his chart. “I’ll need to talk to Severus about the ingredients and any possible contraindications.” She muttered.Lucius shifted uncomfortably. “It is not a topic I like to bring up, for obvious reasons.”Poppy glared down at him. “I need to know these things, or I will be less than useful when we get to the actual birth! This could cause complications if handled in the wrong manner! Now that I know, of course, we can avoid that, but if you hadn’t been forced to tell me, the results could have been dire! Is there anything ELSE you are keeping from me?”Lucius sighed. “No. I am sorry for not telling you sooner.”“You WILL be.” She snapped, pulling out her wand. “I could have done this earlier and gotten it out of the way. Your child will not like it, and now that she has her own magic, she may make her displeasure known.” She waved her wand, and a burst of lime-green engulfed Lucius, who leaned back into the chair, clutching the armrests tightly, grimacing slightly in pain.Suddenly, a purple bolt of energy erupted from Lucius’ lower abdomen and zapped Poppy’s wand hand.She hissed, dropping her wand. “Well, your child is rather more powerful than I expected at her current stage.” She said matter-of-factly, and Shiloe beamed. “Anyway, you’re not too advanced, so there shouldn’t be any complications. You’re lucky. Would you like to see her and hear her heartbeat again?” She asked with a smile.Lucius inclined his head. “Yes.” He got up and walked over to the bed, laying on it.Poppy waved her wand over his abdomen saying “Lorem Imago,” and a small image of their daughter appeared a foot above Lucius’ abdomen. Poppy cast another quick spell and they heard the quick beats her heart was making. Shiloe held Lucius’ hand tightly, a lump of emotion forming in his throat.His daughter.He leaned down and kissed Lucius deeply, then whispered “I love you, Sir. SO much,” into his ear.Poppy smiled at them. “She’s progressing nicely, very good.” She said, making a few more notations in Lucius’ chart before she ended the two spells. “I’ll leave you two, and I’ll go have a chat with Severus about prescribing potions without consulting me first.” She said sternly, shooting a quick glare at Lucius, who winced at the force of it. “Have a good day, Gentlemen.” She said in a softer tone, before she left.Lucius smiled up at Shiloe. “You probably need to Feed, and as much as I would love to help with that, I’m afraid I cannot at the moment. The prenatal potions upset my stomach, and I’ve already taken one today. Can you have someone else help you with that?” He asked.Shiloe smiled, still holding his hand, and cleared his throat. “Of course, Sir. I love you. I’ll call Viktor.” He said, brushing a kiss against Lucius’ brow. “You should take a nap.”“I think I will.” Lucius said, rolling onto his side and kicking his shoes off.
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