Forbidden Rapture | By : Marionne25 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 50039 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and am not making money from this story. |
Author's Notes:
Apologies for the hiatus again. Life once more got in the way but I’m alright. There were just some pending responsibilities I needed to tend to and some broken heart that needed mending.
Okay, maybe jokes are half meant.
How are things with everyone?
The weather in my country right now is terrible. A few storm’s up and about and it’s always cold and the bedweather is always there so you can second guess why there are days nothing is ever done or fully accomplished.
I’m at my second fave café right now though trying to get things done or rather trying to rewire my brain and heart altogether to get and actually get as much things done as possible.
How are things at your end?
About the story.
I've concluded it's going to be only until Chapter 70 unless an epilogue would be necesarry.
In this chapter, you guys will get to see and understand how in-depth Narcissa's character really is. LIke how from what seemed like a back character at first did was she able to discreetly slither her way through and manipulate everything around her even without having to show her face to the world.
Other than, please do review and let me know what you think.
Hope all is well at your end.
Lots of love
Chapter Fifty Eight
Beneath the Surface
Even before Draco could recover to the familiar pull and forceful landing of their Apparition back to the grounds, he wasn’t very prepared to be Disarmed by Harry.
He had pulled him to Disapparate which he didn’t really account for.
Since he didn’t want to be splintered, he merely closed his eyes and tried to relax and calm himself to wherever Harry was taking the both of them.
The twirl and the stomach surging pull of the spell made him want to vomit.
But no, not now.
He landed on hard ground.
An empty sidewalk perhaps.
The moment they’ve landed, Harry quickly used the Disarming Spell upon him.
He lost his wand and thudded painfully face-first on the ground.
He heard another heavy thud and a groan.
Harry must have landed near him as well and since he prioritized taking his wand than landing himself properly, he too obviously landed painfully over the hard cement.
He felt blood drip at the side of his face as a small cut made its way at the side of his jawline.
There were barely any sounds from what he could only second-guess as streets down.
They were at an empty street corner.
Harry could kill him in a split instant and nobody would ever know about it.
He doesn’t even know where he was.
Again, before he could fully comprehend and focus on what to do next, he heard a sound and a movement and someone had pulled him by the neck.
The next thing he knew, he saw stars as an extremely pain jaw-splitting sensation came upon him.
Harry punched him.
And then another.
Another came next that knocked him back down since it was made right towards his stomach.
Another force and he was pulled off the ground.
But this time around, he managed something at the least.
He blindly wailed his hands around and managed to take hold of Harry’s arm.
He grasped it as hard and as painful as he could then scratched himself away from him.
It might have been a less manly move but it certainly help him to be away from Harry.
Before Harry could attempt another attack Draco was prepared.
He blinked away his unfocused visions from the pain and when he saw that he was nearing him again, he kicked as hard as he could.
He hit him hard over his rib area and before he knew it, he heard him groan and fall back over the ground.
Draco scrambled over the ground and dived forward where he heard the sound of Harry’s fall.
He dived forward and grabbed him by the collar of his clothes and as hard as he could he punched once, twice and thrice.
He heard Harry cough out so he let him go.
He wanted to hurt him but there was definitely no intention of killing him.
However at the moment that he slackened his grip over him, Harry kicked forward and punched him again over the ribs.
Draco doubled and he fell backward.
Harry spit out the blood from his mouth and cursed.
He cursed as well.
He looked up at Harry and despite his injuries, he looked very determined to take another leap and attack him.
The look over his face were nothing but pure anger and loathing like he could barely imagine.
Harry was all prepared to do this without wands.
Fist to fist brawl had always been a satisfying way to duel with another than the usual wizard’s duel.
Harry launched forward with his fist first but Draco managed to pull himself back at the last minute.
Harry missed once and twice.
Draco took the shot and then punched him right back up again over his left cheek.
Harry managed a kick then left him flattened back over the ground.
Soon, they were both on the ground strangling one another as they tried to punch, claw and basically just kill each other off.
Draco was the only one trying to stop him.
He attacked but in a more defensive sort of way.
He called his name once and twice but he didn’t heed.
He was determined to finish him off that day.
“Why the hell did you finish him off like that?” Snape angrily said. “Why did you fucking do that?”
“I didn’t finish him off.” Narcissa corrected him as she ungloved her hands and sat calmly over the couch. “I did some damage control.”
“Damage control?” Snape angrily asked her. “You fucking Obliviated him! He was the only one who could help me bring her back to them!”
Narcissa looked up at Snape.
He was beyond furious.
But she wasn’t having any of that.
She wasn’t going to let emotions rule her or him out.
She was going to take control of everything seeing that Snape could barely contain his emotions and himself.
“If you don’t goddamn calm yourself down I’m going to hex you as well.” Narcissa quietly threatened him.
Snape sharply looked up at her.
He didn’t say anything for he knew what she could really possibly do to him.
He slowly lowered his hand down and decided to rest over the opposite couch.
It has been two days since Lupin caught them and Narcissa was forced to make him forget everything he’s seen.
“Where is he now?” Narcissa asked him. “Where did you bring him?”
“I had to dump him somewhere he wouldn’t be suspicious of thanks to you.” Snape said.
He stared at the darkened and old looking room Narcissa rented for them at the small inn.
It was one of those nights again.
“And how is she?” Narcissa asked.
“How is she?” Snape repeated incredulously. “Not very good thanks to your sister and especially thanks to you.”
“To me?” Narcissa said with a hint of sarcasm. “I saved her life. Just as I had saved yours.”
“I should be thankful?” Snape shot back. “I should be grateful? You destroyed the only living being on this godforsaken place that could possibly help me bring her back.”
“You weren’t going to bring her back.” Narcissa slowly said as if it were a fact. “It wasn’t in your plan. I could see it in your eyes.”
“See in my eyes?” Snape retaliated at her. “I would like to get rid of her and everything and everyone else so I could fucking live in peace.”
“You know you couldn’t do that.” Narcissa gently reminded him. “Nobody could tend to her and give her needs more than you. You know she has to stay and be kept here until this is over.”
“Until this is over?” Snape mocked back. “Until when is that??”
His black eyes glared down at her.
She was unblinking, determined to show him that she was not afraid.
“Nothing we do is according to plans anymore.” Snape slowly said.
“Nothing we do will ever be according to plans because of the things that are coming right up at us.” Narcissa answered back at him.
Another silence.
He was contemplating how things were going to be seeing that his chance to help Hermione had just gone out of the window thanks to Narcissa Malfoy.
“Things are not according to what we want anymore.” Snape quietly said.
He looked like he was at the verge of desperate tears.
Narcissa sighed heavily.
“That’s why you calm your arse down because I’m doing all the damage control needed-“
“Damage control?” Snape said standing up. “Damage control? You call all that damage control?”
“What do you think I would have to-“
“You cannot just erase all their memories once they discover us!” Snape angrily yelled at her. “You keep on doing it – you think the answer to everything is erasing all their recollection of this secret they would come to discover-“
“We have no other choice. There is no option-“
“So who are you going to Obliviate next?” he angrily demanded her. “Who are you going to Obliviate next Cissy the moment that someone gets on the way of your plans?”
His black eyes challenged her.
He was struggling so hard not to get his wand out of his black robes.
Narcissa was as calm as shit from where he could see it.
She seemed unfazed and completely unaffected of everything that she was doing.
Was she that heartless?
Was she that cold?
Or was she completely oblivious to all the realities around her for as long as she could possibly save her own skin and son?
It were really all for Draco.
“This isn’t just for me.” Narcissa quietly said after a while. “I hope you understand that this is not just for me.”
“For Draco?” Snape asked back. “For Draco again isn’t it?”
Narcissa only shot him a glare.
“You keep using that boy as an excuse but I’m seeing everything differently here at this very moment.”
“You’re the only one gaining on all these Cissy.” Snape said emphasizing his term of endearment over her.
A glint flashed across her eyes.
For the first time, she looked affected and angered by his words.
She stood up and pulled out her wand.
“How dare you.” Narcissa quietly said. “How dare you. After everything – after all that I’ve done-“
“You only want to keep her to keep Draco safe. You removed memories from Lupin so that he wouldn’t be able to tell anyone how you’re bloody involved-“
“I already am involved here!” Narcissa angrily said. “I already am involved whether I like it or not because it’s my sister that has damaged that pretty little Mudblood of yours-“
“Do not call her that!” he angrily yelled taking his wand out too. “Do not use that name!”
They stood against one another, wands pointed at each other’s faces.
They both looked exhausted and murderous at the same time.
Emotions were high and they both looked ready to retire for the whole night.
Neither meant what was taking place but there were just too much over their plates at the moment.
“We are not enemies.” Narcissa slowly said. “You know we are not enemies, Severus.”
Snape stared back at her, wand pointed out.
His wand hand was slightly shaking and his expression looked completely conflicted.
“I have no way out of this.” Snape slowly said.
His voice was low and desperate and for some reason, it touched Narcissa’s heart enough for emotion such as pity to pass her eyes.
“I am here.” Narcissa slowly answered him. “That’s why I am here for you. I am not going to let you endure this alone.”
Snape stared at her, all emotions rising over him.
There were fear and anger all over his face.
Narcissa could almost feel that heavy burden already growing inside of him knowing what he was dealing with and what he would have to come to deal with in the future years to come.
She could almost want to take his place instead.
If she could only kill her own sister.
“Severus..” Narcissa softly whispered her eyes unblinking at him.
She could read the burden and suffering weighing
“I cannot do this alone.” Snape said in frustration. “I can’t.”
“I am here.” Narcissa softly whispered. “I will never abandon you.”
They stared at one another.
And then suddenly, they both lowered their wands and gave away to their emotions.
They caught one another in each other’s arms.
Beneath the surface of his cold emotions something has broken down.
Narcissa tightly wrapped her arms around Snape in assurance as for the first time in a very long time, a hoarse sound came from his throat and he cried deeply, relentlessly in the arms of his dearest friend without having to hold back any of his emotions.
Back far and far back and miles and miles away from where Harry and Draco were taking their little joust by bare hands, far from where Hermione was terrified looking for help from anyone she could in order to find the other two, away from Lupin who was conflicted into finding a way to fix whatever is there left to fix not only to save Hermione but Snape’s life, distances apart from where Snape was quietly jailed in his prison cell in Azkaban and everyone else in between – miles, distanced by waters and a few islands apart lay the little secret that could undo everything that will destroy not just the life of one person.
At the depths of the broken pieces of woods, of the fallen dust and debris of the almost dilapidated and abandoned cottage at Beltane lay the secret and the answer that Narcissa Black Malfoy has left many, many years ago before her death.
Many years ago, at the time where it was unknowing and Snape was unsuspecting, she left something behind.
Something to be found and she hoped to be found at the right time before it destroys the lives of those she has left behind.
Beneath the surface it could be found.
At the depths of the cottage of Beltane it is to be found - the smallest and only piece of evidence that could not just save Hermione out of a wedding she was doomed for but the fate of Severus Snape at Azkaban at the hands of the Dementors.
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