State of the Union | By : lbrado Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Draco/Hermione Views: 50826 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
The one night just didn’t
do it for me. There seemed to be more wanting to take
Obligatory No Ownership Clause: I obviously don’t own a single character
portrayed here, but the situations and wording are completely mine.
6 for you.
Vanilla. He smelled vanilla. With a touch
of lavender. Draco’s eyes slid open, slowly, to take in the still
darkness that flooded the bedroom with pre-dawn silence. Another deep breath
brought the same soft scent to his nose and he realized that, at some point
during the night, Hermione had turned; he was now arched along the curve of her
back, his face buried in the long curls at her nape. Breathing
in, once more, he moved, slightly, tightening his arms about her, and realized
just exactly how close he was nestled against his sleeping wife. Said
wife shifted, a little, and slept on, oblivious to her husband’s hissing as she
wriggled against him. Draco gently gathered the tail of hair, moving it to the
side and nuzzled the back of her neck while his hand began wandering over her
breast. Hermione made a small noise in her throat and squirmed when Draco slid
one of his legs between hers to nestle there, but still slept.
By the time she began to
filter up through the layers of sleep, Draco’s lips were locked against the
juncture of her throat and jaw, drawing there, as his fingers splayed down over
her belly to tangle in the curls between her legs. Her whimper was one of both
surprise and pleasure when she realized what he was doing and, at first, she
tried to pull away. Draco caught her fast against him and whispered, softly, “Shhh… be still…” Remembering her vows, she obediently fell
slack against him and he stroked her a few times more before slipping a finger
inside her, gently, causing her breath to catch in her throat and a trembling
hand to rest on his arm, lightly. He stilled, instantly. “Sore?” Hermione took
a long, unsteady breath before answering, softly.
“M-maybe a little…” He’d
taken her, twice, already, tonight and the second time hadn’t been at all
tender. He couldn’t be rough, this time… this would have to be gentle, and he’d
have to make sure she was very ready for him, if he didn’t want her hurt.
Continuing his ministrations, he began to whisper, softly, in her ear between
kisses and nibbles, as he alternated caressing her breasts and between her
legs. He reminded her, in low sensual tones, how lovely she’d looked earlier in
the evening, as a bride in her formal white robes, but how she’d looked so much
more beautiful, even sexy, in the black nightgown she’d met him in, here in
their room. After several moments, and good number of gasps, he tested her
readiness, again. Satisfied that she was as prepared as she could be, he was
already well in position with his leg firmly between hers, and all he had to do
was push his hips forward to bury himself within her, completely.
Hermione couldn’t help the
whimper that escaped her lips as she felt him thrust into her, firmly, and she
caught the pillow tightly in her fist, her other hand gripping the bedclothes,
partially to steady herself. She shook her head, quickly, in answer to his
whispered inquiry about whether he was hurting her and gasped, softly, when he
began rocking his hips against her.
Draco deliberately kept
the pace slow; if he moved any faster, not only would it be over, quickly, but
he wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep from hurting her. He continued to rock with
her, carefully, teasing a tight nipple with just the barest brush of his
fingertips and was rewarded by soft, throaty moan. It was only minutes later
when he felt her body go rigid before he felt her muscles flutter around him
and she arched back against him, unconsciously. He smirked at her throat,
thrusting hard, twice, to let the ripples of her orgasm bring about his own,
and he moaned, low, as it hit him, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of
her hip.
Hermione felt the warmth
of his seed inside her; felt him clutch her against him and couldn’t help but
wonder in the hazy afterglow if this was how it was always going to be with
Draco or if he would, at some point, turn violent with her. This would make the
third time, tonight, and each time he’d been careful of her untried state and
considerate of her pleasure. Part of her was unsure she’d be able to keep up
with him, if tonight was any preview for the rest of their lives…
Draco nuzzled the back of
her neck, once more, as he had just before waking her for this romp and
gathered her close, still intimately connected with her, closing his eyes,
sleepily. He felt Hermione shift and then heard her yawn, exhaustedly.
“Go back to sleep,
Hermione,” he whispered against her ear, “They won’t expect us down for several
more hours.” He felt her nod, slowly, and then snuggle back down into the
bedclothes. He drew the covers up around them, tucking them in, warmly, and
settled to go back to sleep, himself.
Hermione stretched,
languidly, and turned over to bury her herself, once more, before she realized
that one of the houseelves had been trying to rouse her. She turned over
and sat up, rubbing her eyes, rather like a young child. Draco, who had been up
for nearly an hour and was just finished dressing for the day, decided that she
looked adorably rumpled as he approached the bed, sending the elf about its
“Your bath has been drawn;
it’s waiting for you in the other room,” he told her, as he smoothed the
creases of his shirt and began to tuck it into his trousers. “There’re clothes
laid out for you and the elves will help you with your hair. Many of our guests
stayed the night, here at the manor, and they’ll be expecting us at breakfast,
so don’t take too long.” Hermione nodded and swung her legs to the edge of the
bed, sliding over to rest her feet on the carpet. Before she wrapped up in the
robe that had been left for her, Draco saw light bruises on her thighs and hips
from the night before. He watched her, carefully, as she stood and made her way
into the bathroom, noting that she didn’t seem to be in any kind of discomfort,
this morning. Once he was sure she was up and about, he joined the first of his
guests at the breakfast table. He nodded to the others, noting that her bridal
attendants were still present and that Ron and Harry had stayed, of course, to
make sure that Hermione hadn’t been brutalized the night before.
As Draco took his seat,
Ron stood, nearby, and hissed at him.
“Where is she?” he
“I believe she’s bathing,
right now. She’ll be along, shortly,” Draco answered, calmly, filling his plate
from the larger dishes of food set out before him. Ron sat down with a scowl,
but it was Harry that leaned toward Draco and spoke, quietly, only for him.
“I know. About Hermione’s…
ah… lack of male companionship, so to speak…” Draco glanced at him with an
arched eyebrow. So, Harry knew that Hermione had been a virgin… that was
interesting. He nodded towards Ron and then looked back at Harry,
questioningly, who barely shook his head in the negative, and whispered, “I
doubt he knows. Never came up.” Harry swiped at his lips with the napkin and
spoke more quietly, to be sure Ron wouldn’t hear, “I’m not asking for details…
but, is she... alright?”
“She’s fine, Potter.
Contrary to popular belief, I don’t like my women unwilling.” Harry accepted
that, for the moment and nearly a half hour was passed with their end of the
table in silence before Hermione joined them. She wore the fairly simple forest
green day dress that the elves had laid out for her, choosing not to question
where it had come from, since it wasn’t something that she’d brought with her.
The skirt hung widely to her ankles and the short sleeves of the dress left
much of her arms bare. Her hair had been pinned up, loosely, but elegantly and
she looked perfectly healthy, much to the relief of her friends. Draco waved
her to the seat next to him, which she took and immediately began filling her
plate as Draco had done. There was an uncomfortable silence, although several
occupants of the table stole glances at Hermione as she ate; glances that she
noticed, but chose not to comment on, for now.
The meal concluded without
her having said a word, but she noted that Harry, Ron and Ginny had not left
the table, even upon completing their own meals. She set her utensils down and
sighed, audibly.
“So, when is one of you
going to ask?” She said, finally.
“Ask what?” Ginny wanted
to know.
“Well, aren’t the three of
you waiting around to find out whether Draco’s beaten me, raped me, or whatever
other depravities you’ve invented up that he might have done to me?” Draco
nearly choked on his coffee and turned a raised brow at her, incredulously.
“ ‘Mione!” This from Harry.
“Well, it’s what you’re
all thinking, isn’t it?” Hermione was still as calm as ever, sipping her tea as
she rested back in her chair.
“It’s… well, it’s that…
uh… well, it’s just that he’s... ah…” Ron stumbled, unsure of how to say
exactly what he wanted to say without overstepping his bounds.
“Regardless of what you
may think of Draco,” Hermione cut in, her voice dangerously low, “he is my
husband. Even if he had beaten me within an inch of my life, he would have been
well within his rights by the marriage contract to do so.” She took a long,
measured drink of her tea, before adding, “However, so that none of you are
under the impression that I need ‘saving’ I can assure you that I’m perfectly
alright.” Her friends said nothing in return for several minutes after this
announcement until Ginny finally broke the silence, standing with her arm
resting on her older brother’s shoulder.
“Well… Draco, we all
appreciate your hospitality, but we really should be going… it is your
honeymoon, after all, and you probably want to be... ah... alone…” Part of her
desperately wanted to talk to Hermione, alone, but another part of her recognized
that a cloud of despair still hung over her. She still wasn’t quite herself.
Ginny pulled herself from her observation in time to hear Draco stating
something about the honeymoon…
“— postpone it, probably
for a few months, at least,” he was saying. “Hermione’s in the middle of some
projects at the Ministry and I have a couple of investigations I need to tie up
before either of us will be free for a vacation.” Obviously this was news to
Hermione, as well, for she was looking at him with the same confusion as the
“But… I thought I —” she started to say, however Draco cut her off,
“We’ll discuss it later,”
he said with a touch of finality. Hermione nodded, slowly, in acquiescence.
Ginny and Ron made hasty exits after that, Ginny kissing Hermione’s cheek,
lightly, and telling her to be sure to keep in touch, but Harry stood, folding
his napkin by his plate and facing the couple.
“Hermione, I’d like to
speak with you, alone… that is, if it’s alright with your husband, of course.”
The last bit had been added one as pure sarcasm, and it riled him to see
Hermione glance at Draco, as if she were asking permission to speak with her
best friend. Draco nodded his assent and she stood, setting her own napkin
along side her plate, but before she moved away, Draco caught her wrist and
pulled her down to whisper something into her ear. Harry couldn’t hear it, but
whatever he’d said made her pinken, slightly, as his thumb gently rubbed along
her wrist before he released her and unfolded yesterday’s copy of the Daily
Prophet to catch up.
Wordlessly, she led Harry
to the gardens just outside the French doors of the conservatory. This part of
the garden was secluded behind high walls of ivy draped over nearly everything
and the small bench near the north end had been one of Hermione’s favorite
places to sit and think while Ginny and the others argued over wedding
arrangements. She sat, rather primly, on the bench, now and waited for Harry to
speak. He stood over her, quietly, for several moments, arms crossed over his
chest as he regarded her. Finally, he pushed the horn-rimmed glasses further up
on his nose and ran a hand through his ever-tousled hair.
“I know you look healthy
and you said that you were fine… but, ‘Mione, there
are some wounds that don’t necessarily show on the outside…” She started to
sigh, loudly, and he interrupted her, “Now, I know that sounded overly
dramatic, but you know what I mean…” He sat beside her, gingerly. “I just want
to know… if… you know... if he was… rough… with you…” His gaze became
penetrating as he watched her for a reaction. “I want to know if you’re going
to be afraid to go to his bed, every night…”
Hermione was silent. She
and Harry had discussed many things in their years as friends; things that she
had never told their other friends. Ron was a dear friend, but he had a playful
side; often too playful, it was a side of him that made her hesitate to tell
him things that she deemed seriously personal because she was never sure if
he’d make fun of her, or pull it out as a weapon, later, as he had done,
before, when he was angry. She had also never imparted much of her personal
life to Ginny, but for different reasons. Ginny was a busybody; a gossip. If
you ever wanted the whole of the wizarding world to know something, all you had
to do was tell Ginny and, doubt it not, the world would know. It wasn’t to be
unkind, but Ginny simply loved to talk. And she often let things go that
shouldn’t have been public knowledge.
Her gaze slid to Harry. He
was an only child, like herself. Neither of them had ever had siblings to
confide in, and they were both painfully aware of Ron’s limitations as a
conversationalist. Somehow, in their later years at Hogwarts, they’d ended up
having many a private conversation that had remained private, on both sides.
This had deepened their friendship to the level that, instead of calling a
girlfriend to talk, when Hermione needed someone, she called Harry. No matter
the subject; Harry had been the one she’d always turned to. And Harry had
always seen Hermione the same way; he could talk to her about anything. Anything at all.
The subject of sex had
come up in several of their conversations and she had honestly admitted, early
in her 6th year, that she was still a virgin and planned to remain that way
until she’d found someone she could truly love and trust. Between the issues
that had arisen from the final battles, scrambling to finish several degrees in
half the time it normally took and her meteoric rise to the top of her
department at the ministry, she had never delved deeply enough into a
relationship with anyone to feel comfortable enough to have sex with them.
Harry knew this, as well, and had never imparted it to anyone. Hermione felt
ostracized enough by her muggle heritage and her unusual success at her job;
she didn’t need people thinking she was some kind of prudish freak because she
hadn’t already jumped into bed with someone. Since she rarely associated with
anyone at her job outside of the workplace, many of the people there didn’t
know her well enough to ask about dates she’d been on, let alone to assume that
any of them had resulted in sexual relations. And her friends saw her
infrequently enough that they wouldn’t have been aware of any of her
relationships, either. The situation had suited her fine. She’d always felt
that when she was ready, she’d find someone.
But Draco had found her.
After a long silence in which Harry simply waited, she said, finally,
“He was… patient. And very gentle. It was more than I could have expected from
him. From anyone, actually.” Her voice was soft,
although whether that was from embarrassment or just that she was still in her
moody haze was anyone’s guess.
“He didn’t hurt you,
then?” Harry pressed, worriedly. The slight pink over her cheeks returned.
little, at first. But I
expected that and it was over soon enough.” Harry nodded, slowly.
“Alright… I won’t ask you
any more about it, but you have to promise me something.”
“And that is?” Harry took
her small, cool hand in his, squeezing it, gently.
“Promise me that if he
does start to hurt you, you’ll leave,” he answered, solemnly. Immediately,
Hermione was shaking her head.
“I can’t promise that,
Harry. I’ve already promised, by the marriage contract, that I can’t leave him
regardless of what he does,” she told him, quietly. Harry sighed, furrowing his
“Fine… then at least
promise that you’ll tell me if he does,” Harry practically begged, weakly.
“Only if you promise that
you won’t try to do anything about it, if I do tell you.” By Merlin, she was
serious. She truly meant to continue on with this if Draco suddenly began
hurting her. Well, he’d cross that bridge when he came to it.
“Alright, I promise,” he
agreed, slightly miffed.
“Then so do I,” she
returned, “I’ll tell you if anything happens.” Harry nodded and pecked her
cheek, lightly, with his lips before drawing her into a light hug. He pulled
back and stood, admitting that he did need to get back to work. He was at the
gate to the small garden when he turned back to her.
“Hermione?” She glanced at him in reply. “What did he tell you
just before we came out here? That made you blush?” Hermione felt as though
she’d never blushed so much in her life as in these last two days. But she
couldn’t lie to him; Harry would know if she did.
“He told me that, as
lovely as I was in this dress, I looked better without it.” Although she was
slightly pink, Harry thought he detected the faintest hint of a smile at the
corners of her mouth.
“I’m sure he’s probably
right.” Harry missed the look of surprise that remark got him as he apparated
This ends the chapters
that are pre-written, so reviews will inspire me to continue.
~§~ Duchess ~§~
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