Draco's Camera | By : bettysilks Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Draco/Hermione Views: 37761 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 9 |
Disclaimer: I don't own HP nor am I profiting from it in any way. |
When Hermione found Draco he had his wand trained on Madame Pomfrey. All of the air in her lungs whooshed out in one long rush. She had an irrational moment of fear, imagining them back in the days before the war, when she had to worry when he'd make his move and go on the attack. His entire stance didn't do anything to stave off her worry either. Easily, he towered over the woman and he was using his height to his advantage. His wand was pointed down, right into her face. Very threatening. His gray eyes, piercing normally were completely terrifying at the moment his lips parted and he began to speak.
Hermione inhaled deeply, but only because she needed it not because her body had suddenly remembered that it actually was a body and could function like one. His eyes flashed towards her briefly, but he focused back quickly on his real interest, his prey. He muttered a spell and traced his wand around her temple.She looked deluded and her eyes rolled upwards. Draco used that time to stow his wand in his back pocket and give Hermione a glare that would have split the hairs on anyone else's head.
Blinking, Hermione slowly came to the realization that Draco had done what she had expected, what she had hoped. He hadn't hurt the healer- obliviated but hadn't really caused any damage to her person. Outside circumstances aside, he wasn't a killer or even too much of a predator. It was ok that she hadn't jumped in to do her part and... and help Pomfrey or whatever she should have done. It was ok because he was safe.. safe for Hermione.
And they were not in the bloody war any longer. She didn't have to constantly be on her guard. That time was over.
Hermione cleared most of the murky fog from her head and took a step back. What had been going through her head, just letting Draco do what he had? It wasn't proper, regardless of if he had actually hurt anyone or not. He was not supposed to circumvent consequences just because he could, because he could raise his wand and make the proper people forget. She sighed, putting her back against the wall outside of the hospital wing.
What was wrong with her? Malfoy was seriously taking his toll on her. She was acting so out of character, and not just lately. Ever since they'd begun she'd been less... herself. She'd been taking things lying down instead of up and fighting like before. She wasn't wound as tightly and it was all his fault. Look at the way she had just handled Harry and Ron. She'd been on her back with her legs wide- in a metaphorical sense, of course- when she'd told them exactly what they wanted to hear instead of the truth. They would not have spared her the same courtesy, just to avoid an argument. She owed them honesty. Malfoy was seriously warping her values, her whole thought process.
"You." she snarled, watching as he sauntered out of the double doors at her side.
"Yes, it is I, Granger. Now, I believe we have unfinished business."
He'd purred at her and then his voice had changed dramatically to match the accusing tone in hers. Their unfinished business was about the drugs. Fine, they could talk about that as soon as she finished chewing into him about the latest outrage. She paid no mind to his hand as he clasped it around her upper arm and started to drag her along.
"What did you just do?" she bit out, struggling to keep her eyes on his face while he made her lead.
He replied almost conversationally.
"I saved my arse. What did you think?"
"Oh, Malfoy. You prat! You obliviated a member of the Hogwarts staff!"
"Out of necessity, Granger. Though I'm feeling completely at odds with myself justifying that to you. Please, refrain from speaking again until we are... somewhere private."
Somewhere private was their room. The one that smelled slightly of sex and mold with the cheap, gritty sheets on the bed.
"Don't take me there."
She begged.
His eyebrows furrowed but the expression was brief.
"Very well. Where do you propose I take you? Make it somewhere acceptable and do not imagine you can avoid me. We will speak about this matter between us and I have already said I am past the point of caring whom we happen to do it in front of."
She jerked out of his hold. She hated when he was unnecessarily heavy-handed. Then again, when wasn't it necessary, considering the history of them?
"Let's go to the library." she told him, and they were silent all the way there.
Her table was exactly as she had left it, minus Harry and Ron. The books she had picked out were still spread open on its surface. The beginnings of her notes were still there and he was interested. Hermione snatched the paper from his hands, stuffed it between the pages of a book and shut the whole thing. She piled all of the books up in a corner of the table and sat down. Draco followed suit and proceeded to stare daggers at his hands in his lap.
"Good Gods, Granger. I should have assumed you'd overreact-"
"Me? Overreact? You do know you just assaulted-"
"Oh, now it's assault."
"Shut your trap, Malfoy. Listen!" she barked.
Hermione studied him, waiting until his jaw clenched and he slumped slightly in his seat. The signals he sent out were completely opposite, but she knew he was finally ready to listen.
"You do know your... little problem is exactly what caused that episode in the hospital wing. If you weren't doing the drug you wouldn't have to hide anything. If you weren't doing the drug you wouldn't have had the desire to obliviate her."
"If you hadn't asked me to bloody do the things I did to you I wouldn't be taking the drug." he spat, folding his arms over his chest and not meeting her eyes.
Hermione sighed, her eyes immediately watering. She was hurt, not outraged, which made her think again of just how much Malfoy was changing her.
"So, this is my fault?" she wondered, her voice breaking at the end.
"Bloody hell, Granger." he swore, making to get up out of his seat and come to her.
Hermione shook her head, glancing around the half-full library. There were only a few preoccupied fifth years and some overzealous firsties. No one to really care about two supposed enemies from seventh year embracing. She wouldn't risk it though, wouldn't risk Harry and Ron. Not yet. Hermione inhaled sharply at the thoughts in her head. What, would she risk it in the future?
God, what was Malfoy doing to her?
"Draco, I understand." she whispered.
His eyes narrowed, yet he looked afraid. Was this where she got suddenly and scarily mature and demanded that they not interact anymore because they couldn't handle it? He hoped not.
"I understand why you said that, but I wish you would make me understand the real problem here. Dragon-Droga? Ugh, don't you know what that does to people? Haven't you ever seen them in Knockturn Alley? They go completely mad, can't differentiate between whats real and what the drug is making them feel."
She could tell he was making an effort not to go on the defensive. She applauded that. This was the first time they'd had a genuine, truthful conversation between the two of them without the option to say a word and jump back into the turmoil of guilt, lust, unspoken desires, everything.
"Yeah, I've seen them, Granger. I just... I suppose I can't see myself like that. I still have some pride, you know?"
"Nothing on earth could ever take that from you, Malfoy."
"One would think... this thing... between us after everything in the war would."
Inwardly, she cringed. She hated talking about the war. It was one thing to torture herself with remembrances in the privacy of her mind and another to talk. And with him. There had to be some law about that somewhere. How could she talk to him about it, especially after she'd taken his parents? It was impossible.
Draco watched her close up in that way she had. Straighten out her back. Stiffen. Jut her chin out. Clench her teeth. Put even more space between herself and her adversary. Except, he did not want to be that to her. They weren't about to fight if he had any say in the matter, and he had plenty say.
"Hermione, I should hate you. I do not. Does that mean anything to you? Does that maybe say that there is some strength and conviction behind...this. We will not go on as we have been. Now, let's decide about the future. Shall we... agree to talk to one another. We don't have to consider it a friendship, but there are things you need to say. I know I can help you. I want to."
She lashed out.
"I don't want your help."
His upper lip twitched, as if he'd sneer. He turned his head at the last minute, maybe so she wouldn't see. Hermione felt bad. He was trying really hard and she just wasn't.
"I'm sorry, Draco. I... I'm not ready to forgive myself."
"I can see that. I know you... don't like yourself."
Her eyes started to prickle again, like they had earlier in the Quidditch locker rooms and with Ron and Harry. She really hated the stupid female hormones that made her cry everytime someone guessed right about her, everytime they told her the truth she wouldn't admit out loud. And lately, he'd been the only one reading her correctly. That in itself was unnerving.
He fished a handkerchief out of his pants pocket and handed it to her. It felt like him. She knew her mind was addled when she thought that one up, but the scent of it was all him and the fabric was as soft as the tips of his fingers.
"Hermione, stop that. Wipe those tears off your face."
She laughed. Only Malfoy would believe he could order her not to cry. That was all he could do though, short of coming to her side of the table and embarrassing them both. Hermione dabbed at her eyes and refolded his handkerchief in her lap. She held it between her fingers, staring at where his initials were etched into it. And everything inside her wanted to get out. All of the guilt and hate and... whatever that other thing was that made her stomach drop to her knees and her heart beat a mile a minute. All of these things wanted out and she wanted to jump over the table and situate herself in his strong arms to wait for the end.
"Draco, I have to go. I need... I need to get some things done. We'll talk later."
He stood up when she did, planted his feet in her path.
"Granger, I know what you're doing. See that? See how I know what you're doing yet I'm allowing you to proceed. I'm letting you help me with my problem and sooner or later you're going to let me help you with yours."
Hermione couldn't meet his eyes. His new conviction to help her was making her doubt herself and she didn't like that. He made her feel like she was stupid to punish herself for killing people in the war, though she knew all along that it was right to seek penance for sinful acts. Malfoy was making her sway in a way no one else had. She couldn't allow that.
"What if I decide not to help you? What if I let you rot and never speak to you again?"
He snorted, putting his body as close to hers as he could without actually touching her. His fingers tangled in a few curls near her shoulder and her heart started up with that mad, quick pulsing again.
"You wouldn't. Remember, I'm still master and commander. It only takes one word."
"I thought you said that was done with."
"Perhaps I was too quick in my decision. Perhaps we both need to relapse before we get on to bigger and better things."
His fingers tugged at her hair and she tilted her head to the side, watching his eyes travel down from her chin to the neckline of her white shirt. She tried to think of his parents, as they had been after she'd finished with them. She found those flashes of pale, cold blue and gray eyes didn't affect her like they usually did. She couldn't sink her teeth into the image and recall the pain she'd felt after realizing what she'd taken. Her mind kept jumping back to the Malfoy above her, looking at her like he wanted in, into her soul and everything she had to offer.
"Ahem, is there a problem here? Hermione, you alright?"
She blinked slowly, trying to get her thoughts back in order. Malfoy refused to step back, to take his hand from her person. She had to bring her arm up and push him back. He stumbled, but he picked himself up quickly and strolled out of the library like he was on leisurely walk through the park.
Hermione turned to the fifth year and managed a shaky smile. She could see the damage was done though. Her eyebrows were quirked up in confusion and there were faint hints of disgust in her look. Hermione's smile became genuine. Not so perfect now, was she? Not the know-it-all swot anymore?
Or not.
"I'm alright. Thank you, Colleen."
The girl nodded and spun away quickly. Hermione gathered up all of her books and...
Her bag?
Her chest started to heave with every breath she took. Dropping the books, she looked frantically around the library. She was about to have an axiety attack. She was generally too disciplined a person for those, but she wasn't in her usual state at the moment. Malfoy had addled her and she wasn't recovered yet. And Malfoy's fucking camera was in the bag.
"Oh God." she sighed, racking her brain for the last time she'd seen it.
God, she'd left it with Harry and Ron. That settled it. They'd taken it for her. She just had to wait and see if they'd watched. Absurd, they wouldn't have been able to figure out the spell to make it work. Hermione took a deep breath as she allowed her logical brain to put her worries to rest. She gathered the books again and headed for the common room.
She wished she hadn't let her brain lull her into a state of calm. Because of the damned thing she was totally and completely unprepared for the sight that greeted her in the common room. Ginny was sitting in a chair before the fire, holding her camera. Draco's camera, the one he'd filched off some muggle-born, the one that showed her... and him...
Oh God.
God couldn't do a thing for her now, unless he was prepared to send down a personalized miracle just for her meager social problems. Hermione doubted that. She was on her own. Taking a deep breath, she crossed over to the chair and stood over Ginny. The younger girl looked up, eyebrows quirked in confusion, sadness, disgust.
"S'pose that's my camera." she muttered, putting her hand out to receive it.
Ginny couldn't or wouldn't unwrap her pale fingers from the thing. In fact, she pulled it closer to her body, almost into her stomach. Hermione's eyes were watering by now. She just wanted it back. They'd go from that point. First, she just needed the thing back.
"Give it to me, Ginevra."
"Hermione, what is this?"
Sighing, Hermione brought her fingers up to her temples. Ginny had sounded disbelieving, but Hermione didn't dare to think the girl hadn't watch it. She had.
"It's just..."
What was it? How could she explain this? The truth would sound so wrong. It sounded wrong even to her own ears. If she wasn't sure that it was what she wanted, what she needed she wouldn't have let him do it. But, she had needed it, regardless of how fucked up and weird it was. How could she tell her friends that? They, the people who knew her best, thought she was normal. Lord only knows why they thought that, but they wouldn't ever get her obscene abnormality with Draco Malfoy.
"He did this?" Ginny asked, looking up at her without a trace of the usual calculation and dislike.
Hermione couldn't think of a thing to say. She felt like the walls were closing in around her. Couldn't breathe. Typical boring symptoms of a bloody panic attack. Oh, she wanted to die. She forced herself to take in more air and count backwards from 100.
"He's been doing this to you, Hermione?"
No reaction.
"He's been forcing you though? To do all of these things? Say... what you said to him?"
"Give it to me." Hermione breathed, thrusting her hands out again, palms open.
All she had to do was set it down. But, Ginny tensed up and moved the camera further up on her lap. No intentions of giving it up.
"Hermione, I know we're not like mates anymore. You went and flipped a bloody handstand during the war. One minute you were the most unsupportive harpy I'd ever seen. Next, you're blasting Death Eaters like flies on the wall. Excuse me if I didn't think your sudden change of heart was genuine. Someone like you doesn't turn color that quickly. That's just what I thought, Hermione, and now I'm sorry. I'm still Ginny, like your sister, yeah? Just tell me about Malfoy."
She could not let this happen. The situation had to stay under control, under her control. Malfoy was already botching things up with his ridiculous drug habit. Her idiocy in leaving the camera lying carelessly around only served to compound the royal mess she was in. She had to get control back.
"Do Harry and Ron know?" Hermione asked, one of her hands trailing down the side of her arm, moving towards her
back pocket.
"Gods, no." Ginny whispered, glancing over her shoulder.
That was all the opening Hermione needed. She whipped her wand out of her back pocket and pressed it to the side of Ginny's turned head. Looking up to make sure no one was watching them, she whispered the one word spell she had seen Draco use so adeptly hours before. Hermione felt the barest shudder course through the other girls body. Bending her back, she plucked the camera from Ginny's white hands and folded one arm behind her back.
"W-what?" Ginny asked, putting a hand up to her temple.
Hermione winced. Perhaps she had been rougher than necessary. She felt a brief pang of fear, wondering if she had done irreparable damage to the girls brain.
"Why are you standing there?"
"You said you felt light-headed." she muttered, shooting Ginny a look that reeked of the annoyance the nosy wench didn't even bother to hide.
"Well, I'm fine. Where's Harry?"
"I don't know." Hermione bit out, turning her back on Ginny.
She walked slowly up the stairs to her room, her heart pounding the entire time. She did not want to get caught. She did not want to turn into Malfoy. Mere moments ago, she had been dead set against the use of the Obliviation spell for personal gain. Then, she'd just gone and used it to "save her arse" as Malfoy might say.
"Argh." she groaned, her body hitting the bed roughly. "What is wrong with me?"
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