In Need of a Little Comfort | By : Monddame Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Draco/Hermione Views: 45139 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own any part of the Harry Potter franchinse; I never have and I never will. Furthermore, I am not making any money whatsoever from this submission...even though it would be nice...but that's illegal...but still... |
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Also, today is my birthday; so in celebration I’m posting another HP:DM/HG fic that is a sort of competition. Look for it for more info! Onward!
EDIT: Apparently, issuing a 'reader challenge' classifies it as an 'unfic' and it was deleted. I've since started an lj for such writings that can't/won't be posted on AFF. Check it out!
P.S. Sorry, I don't know how to make that a hyperlink. Cheers!*
Draco slept fitfully that night. Between pulsing red eyes and declarations of disappointment surrounding him in his father’s voice, he hardly slept more than a few hours before he woke up. It was too late to take a Dreamless Sleep potion if he wanted to be at all functional the next day, but he was a bit afraid to go back to sleep. He wished he could crawl into bed with Granger. It seemed she kept the nightmares at bay better than anything else. His lips curled into a little smile at the thought of her and he gently slid back into sleep.
Unfortunately, his pleasant dreams of Granger didn’t last and soon he was violently awoken again, beginning a maddening cycle. Finally, just before dawn, he gave up on sleeping, despite being incredibly tired, and rolled out of bed to take a shower.
After a long debate with himself, he gently eased open the door to her room for a brief glimpse at the sleeping girl inside. She was lying on her side, her wild hair strewn across her pillow, her soft breathing cyclically rustling a curl draped across her cheek looking hauntingly beautiful. Softly closing the door again, he cast a silencing charm and let out a long sigh. Frankly, he was a bit surprised she hadn’t placed any wards on the door. Surprised, but also pleased that at least subconsciously, she didn’t think they were necessary, that she trusted him on an instinctual level not to hurt her.
After showering and dressing, Draco found himself in the common room waiting until it was late enough that he could go down to breakfast in the Great Hall. Absently, he picked up the book that Granger had left on the table in front of the couch. It was a muggle book. With nothing better to do at the moment, he opened it and began reading.
He was just getting to the bit about a house that looked like a ship, or was a ship – these muggles were intolerably confusing – when a door creaked open, and he looked up to see Granger framed by the morning light pouring in behind her from the window in her bedroom making her hair glow a soft golden brown. Just seeing her made him feel a little better and he couldn’t help but smile at her.
When she stepped into the room, closing the door behind her, and her face was no longer silhouetted in the light, he could see that she looked as tired as he felt. His smile faltered and he opened his mouth to ask her what was wrong, but she just shook her head, a sad little smile gracing her features.
“Are you a fan of Dickens?”
“What?” He could feel the confused expression on his face. It was still a bit novel to wear his emotions like that, but he couldn’t seem to help himself with her.
“Charles Dickens, the muggle author of that book you’re holding.” She motioned to the volume in his hands, her smile a bit more genuine. “David Copperfield is one of my favorites.”
“Oh. No, I just picked it up.” He grinned a little sheepishly at her. “I don’t think I’ve ever read a muggle book.”
“You should finish it. You never know; you might like it.”
He shrugged noncommittally, not quite sure what to say. When she moved toward the portrait opening, he snapped out of his distracted inner argument on the pros and cons of reading Granger’s muggle book.
“Are you going down to breakfast?” He stood when she nodded, placing the book back on the table and making a shy gesture toward the door. “Mind if I walk with you?”
She hesitated, a debate playing out across her expressive face as she bit her lower lip. His heart leapt into his throat at the thought that she might reject such a simple gesture as walking to a mutual destination together, especially after he’d been inside her, for Merlin’s sake. Annoyed by her reluctance and more than a little hurt, he couldn’t help but sneer a little at her.
“We’re both going there anyway Granger. What? Afraid of being seen with me?” He hated himself for how sharp his words came out, but watching the demure witch in front of him deliberate with herself over merely walking the halls with him made him feel insecure and inadequate.
Her eyes widened, searching his own, for what he wasn’t sure, and her cheeks were tinged with a delicate pink. Whether she found what she was looking for or not, he couldn’t determine before her gaze fell to the plush carpet between them.
“I’m sorry.” She looked back up at him, her eyes only making it up to his chin. “Of course you can walk with me.”
Her sincerely contrite tone immediately doused the anger and disappointment that threatened to overwhelm him leaving in their wake only a vague sense of uneasiness coiled coldly in his gut.
With a curt nod all the response he could muster, he strolled past her to the portrait, holding it open for her. When she passed him into the hallway, a dazzling smile lit up her tired face for a moment before she schooled her features into a slight grin. They made their way down to the Great Hall in general silence. Draco was torn between the longing to take hold of her soft little hand as they walked side by side and the almost overwhelming urge to shake her until she told him exactly why she hesitated, even if he wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer.
Holding open the door to the Great Hall for her, for the first time in his life, Draco wished that the Gryffindor and Slytherin tables weren’t on opposite sides of the hall. Barely restraining himself from bowing to her or brushing her arm with his fingers or gathering her up against him and snogging her until she nearly passed out in front of the entire gathered assembly, he resigned himself to another slight nod followed by a gravelly ‘Granger’ before heading toward his seat.
Granted, had he kissed her, their audience would not have been all that impressive, given the early hour of the day and the day of the week; Sunday was the day even many of the teachers had a bit of a lie in. Still, the Hogwarts’ gossip mill was an efficient machine, and even their simultaneous arrival did not go completely unnoticed. Crabbe and Goyle both goggled at him a little before returning to their favorite pastime of stuffing their faces.
He hardly heard a word said to him during breakfast as he was too busy casting furtive glances across the slowly filling hall at the somewhat unusually reserved brunette. The seventh year boys of Gryffindor arrived en masse and proceeded to settle themselves around the petite witch almost like an honor guard. He bristled at how close Finnegan decided to sit to her. Maybe the buffoon was more of a git than he thought. They were talking and laughing, hardly paying attention to the gem in their midst when suddenly, every one of them, to a man, seemed to still ever so slightly as Longbottom leaned in a little and spoke to her. The pretty girl flushed and was visibly flustered as she responded.
Whatever she said to the witless wonder caused a quite an uproar; all five boys seeming to speak at once various mixtures of ire and incredulity on their faces, or at least on those faces he could see. When it began to look like the poor agitated girl might cry, he simply could not stand it any longer. And without a word of parting to his housemates, Draco jumped up and strode across the hall to the Gryffindor table stopping behind her.
“Granger, we need to finalize a few things for the Halloween Dance and deal with covering Smith’s patrol schedule since he’s injured and I’d like to get it done as soon as possible. Are you available now?”
He was receiving stony glares from all the Gryffs save Potter, who just looked confused. But all he had eyes for was the almost wild relief on Granger’s pretty face as she nodded and clambered over the bench to stand by his side. Gritting his teeth as he remembered his resolve to be civil to her friends – friends who had so obviously just upset her – Draco nodded at them addressing himself to the only one who didn’t look ready to hex him.
“Potter. Boys.”
With that, he swept her from the Great Hall, the silence that accompanied them back to their common room twice as tense as the one that had followed them down. Draco’s jaw clenched as he marched them back to their rooms. It was definitely time he got some answers.
She couldn’t quite believe it. He thought she was afraid to be seen with him? Sure it would cause a bit of a Hogwarts’ scandal, but she’d been the object of enough of those not to really care what those sniping harpies thought anymore. No, she wasn’t afraid to be seen with him; she was afraid for him to be seen with her. It amazed her to no end that he wasn’t thinking the same. Did he not realize what sort of danger he could be putting himself in? Apparently not.
And though she knew she should refuse, should save him from himself, with the return of that biting tone she crumbled and let him walk her down to breakfast. She didn’t want to be the recipient of that tone anymore if she could help it.
And then, even though he was upset with her, Malfoy held the door open for her. Twice. It caught her so off guard she couldn’t fully contain the stupid giggly-girl feelings and accompanying smile that it produced. Though she knew it was probably mostly an automatic reaction, evidence of his upbringing, and despite the fact that as a modern woman she didn’t need it, it felt so good to be treated like a lady; especially by such a charming fellow as Malfoy. Yes, now that she was on the receiving end she could see how his courtly manners were endearing and not simply upper class snobbery.
She loved them like brothers, but Malfoy’s actions engendered some unflattering comparisons of her boys’ manners on the way down to breakfast. Ron never would have held a door open for her if he was angry, or ever really. For Circe’s sake, Harry hadn’t even grown up with proper parents and his manners were better than Ron’s.
She hardly had the presence of mind to eat more than a small portion of scrambled eggs and a piece of toast before her Gryffindor lads showed up, Seamus sitting a little closer than strictly necessary, as per usual. They were laughing and joking, surprisingly alert for a Sunday morning. It made her happy and a bit melancholy at the same time to see them enjoy each other’s company so much.
She growled at herself in her head. Sometimes she hated being a girl: always overanalyzing things. Why couldn’t she just let things be and allow herself a little happiness for once? Oh, that’s right because she was falling for a Death Eater whose mates’ whole purpose was to eradicate her kind from the face of the earth and he didn’t seem to realize what trouble he’d be in if they found out what he was doing with her. No. Had done. Not doing. Ugh! She was so sick of living in her own head and having to hear her own thoughts over and over.
She was pulled out of her continued mental self-flagellation when Neville leaned toward her, his voice low and halting.
“H-hey, Hermione? I…I was just wondering if you…if you wanted…if you would go to the d-dance…with me?”
Her blood felt like it had turned to ice, her stomach and intestines cramping painfully as distress and guilt flooded her system. She really liked Neville. He was sweet and so dear and surprisingly intelligent when he got over his nerves; and the last thing she wanted to do was be the cause of his pain or humiliation. But she absolutely did not want to go to the dance with him. They would have a horrible time together. He was far too intimidated by her, she knew, and she really didn’t want to endure an entire evening of stuttered conversation and sweaty palms. They were really much better as friends. In a panic she said the first thing that came to mind – her mind which usually served her so well – and instantly regretted it.
“I’m sorry Neville, but I’ve actually already agreed to go with someone.” This, of course, perked the ears of Ron and Harry right up.
“What? Who? Who’s asked you ‘Mione?” Leave it to Ron to make a difficult situation impossible. Her mind sputtered and the only thing that bubbled up and, unfortunately, through her lips was the truth.
Eruptions. You’d think she’d told them that Quidditch had been cancelled for forever with the reaction she got to that little tidbit.
“The ferret?!
“You actually said you’d go with that git?”
“What the hell?! Are you bloody insane?!”
“Well, we’re the Head Boy and Girl. It’s…it’s tradition, um, for the Head students to go together.” Liar. “And…and we’ll have to supervise and…and so forth. So, it’s better, you know, that we go together, so that, um…we don’t neglect our dates. You see?” It sounded so much more plausible when Malfoy had said it.
No, they certainly didn’t see. In fact, they hardly listened to her explanation at all. Neville and Dean looked upset at the whole situation while Seamus looked ready to throttle someone (quite why he was so angry, she wasn’t sure). But she could only really focus on the reactions of the boys across from her. Ron looked like she’d betrayed him, but she expected something like that from him. His hatred for Malfoy was legendary and practically instinctual. If she acted contrite for awhile and then cowed him with a very loud, logical argument later he’d probably be content to sulk quietly.
But, she wasn’t quite sure what to do with Harry’s expression. He looked perplexed, but his eyes were curiously blank which frightened her. It frightened her a lot. She was fairly certain that Ron’s loyalty was strong enough that he’d forgive her, but Harry…Harry preferred to see life in stark blacks and whites much of the time and had the potential to hold life-long grudges. And she didn’t want to lose him to something as stupid as going to a dance with Malfoy who was very clearly ‘black’ in Harry’s view. She couldn’t stand the way he was looking at her, as if he’d never seen her before, but she couldn’t think of a way to excuse herself without looking like she was running away.
And then he was there. Her savior. With unprecedented mercy from the fates, Malfoy arrived at her side with some nonsense about the dance and prefect rounds and led her away. She was practically ready to throw herself into his arms she was so relieved.
Damn it! Why had she said that? She had certainly had no intention of going with Malfoy to the dance and now she’d just forcibly thrust herself into doing so. Brightest witch of her age, her fat aunt Beatrice! Sure she was great with books, but put her in a real life situation and she practically combusted with her own idiocy. Merlin’s bushy eyebrows, she was a moron!
When they reached the corridor of their common room, Malfoy grabbed her hand and dragged her through the portrait hole and pulled her over to the fireplace.
“Sit.” He commanded, imperiously pointing at the couch.
Without a thought, she complied, morosely dropping into a seat as he brought the luminous wooden box down from the mantel. Shuffling around in the box, he sat next to her. Ignoring the impulse to rest her head on his shoulder and cuddle up to him for comfort, she drew her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. After a few moments of silent searching he pulled out the most curious chocolate yet. At first it didn’t appear as if anything was in his hand, but as his palm tipped slightly, the wrapping around the shield-shaped chocolate flashed a golden amber color.
“I think it’s time you and I talked.” Talked? So far chocolate occasions hadn’t been for talking.
“What’s that for then?” She pointed to the confection in his hand, eyeing it warily. As if merely looking at it hard enough could make it divulge its secrets.
“Valor Veritas: it works a little like Veritaserum in a shot of firewhiskey. It lowers your inhibitions a bit and ensures that everything you say is the truth. It doesn’t compel you to answer every question, though. This way we can both be sure of the trustworthiness of the other’s answers without being forced to discuss anything with which we’re uncomfortable.”
“But why do we need it? Can’t we just promise to be honest?” He gave her that rapidly becoming familiar look of incredulity.
“And would you believe everything I told you because I promised to be honest?” She couldn’t answer, a blush of embarrassment rushing up her cheeks, knowing she probably wouldn’t. “Right. Here we are then.”
He cracked the chocolate in half, the amber-colored covering dissipating like smoke as he did so. Handing her half of the sweet his eyes never left her face as she tentatively raised it to her lips while he did likewise. With a sigh, she slipped it into her mouth and waited as it melted on her tongue; its silky flavor spreading across her palate like warm sunshine. Her cheeks felt a little hot, but she couldn’t tell if that was the effects of the chocolate or the blush lingering on her face. She also felt less inclined to ignore certain strong impulses, like closing the distance between their bodies as she cuddled up to his side. It did nothing to remove her melancholy, however.
“What happened in the Great Hall just now?” She sighed, but didn’t even need to be compelled for that one, knowing she needed to tell him anyway.
“Neville asked me to the dance.” He stiffened next to her, and she slid her palm into his in response. “I didn’t want to go with him, but I panicked and told him I was going with someone else. Of course, Harry and Ron would never just let that go. And so I said…I said that I was going with…with you.”
She chanced a look at his face and nearly forgot to breathe at the look he was giving her. It was soft and yet full of something like triumph. He brought up his free hand and brushed his thumb against her lips, his voice low.
“You did?” She couldn’t remember how to speak – his touch was overloading her nerves – so she nodded instead. “So you’ll go with me?”
Rolling her eyes, she couldn’t help but smile at how excited he was.
“I don’t really have a choice now, do I?” He frowned a little, and even though she knew she shouldn’t, that reassuring him constantly was like giving passive permission to continue, she couldn’t help herself from maneuvering his hand so she could kiss his palm. “Yes, I’ll go with you.”
His eyes lit up and she giggled softly, sighing as his lips crashed against hers. And while she was being honest with him, it seemed she could also be honest with herself. It was too late: too late to end this thing without getting hurt. Much too late. And…she really didn’t want to end it. When they weren’t bickering they were so good for each other. He brought out something in her, a passion that she’d never experienced before. But still, she couldn’t start lying to herself again and pretend that their situation wasn’t precarious and dangerous.
“Malfoy…” She could hardly speak he was so insistent on kissing her. “Malfoy…shouldn’t we talk…while the chocolate…is…working?”
With extreme reluctance, he pulled away, smiling goofily at her. She hated to bring him down when he was so happy, but there were a few things she had to know.
“Why do you really want me?” He thought for a moment, but his expression was untroubled.
“Because you’re phenomenal. You’re so brilliant, and caring. You’re passionate and beautiful. You inspire everyone around you to be better. You inspire me to be better, to do better. Even when I didn’t like you very much, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. You get under my skin like no one else in this world can. You always see through my bullshit. And you’re fantastic in the sack.”
He wiggled his eyebrows at her making her laugh. She’d never had anyone say such wonderful things to her. It gave her courage for her next question, even if she couldn’t precisely look him in the eye as she asked it.
“And…it’s not just…sex? I’m not just a convenient shag to you?” With his index finger he tipped up her chin and looked her in the eye.
“Gods, no, Hermione.” He kissed her again and her heart flip flopped in her chest. He had to be honest! “I really like you. Though…I suppose I might have reconsidered if you’d been a particularly bad lay.”
He grinned and she smacked him on the shoulder. Her indignant scowl not completely covering the answering smile on her own face. It was more than sex! He actually liked her. She felt like doing a happy dance, but managed to restrain herself with a great deal of effort.
“And what about you? Do you l…is it just sex for you?”
His expression was guarded once more and he eyed her warily. It was another one of those pivotal moments, and although lying wasn’t an option this time, she still felt like maybe she should redirect instead of answering. But she couldn’t hurt him, not when he’d put himself on the line like that; her feelings for him wouldn’t allow it. And neither would the insistence of the enchanted chocolate running through her system. So, with a deep breath, in a soft voice, she told him so.
“No, it isn’t. I like you a lot…Draco.”
If his face had been happy and excited before, it was nothing to how he looked at her now. It was as if he could perish from joy. His fingers were trembling as he brushed them against her cheek and his lips pressed against hers in the tenderest kiss she had ever received. It very nearly brought tears to her eyes it was so steeped in emotion. She forgot about the chocolate, the rest of her questions, indeed the rest of the world. It was like she lived inside that kiss; that there was nothing important beyond the press of his lips against hers. So she was dazed when he suddenly pulled away, doubt clouding his beautiful features.
“What was this morning about then? Why didn’t you want me to walk with you?”
“I told you the truth then, Draco. I’m not afraid to be seen with you.” She cupped his face in her palms, willing her fears to permeate his skin, to make him understand. “But shouldn’t you be afraid to be seen with me?”
“What? Why should I-”
Gently, she slid her hands down to his left arm, pushing his sleeve back to reveal his Mark. It was the first time that she’d actually looked at it, and with her eyes already primed for tears, she couldn’t stop a few crystalline drops from sliding down her cheeks. It was the physical embodiment of all the reasons their burgeoning relationship was fated for failure before it ever truly began. The black stain marring his pale skin filled her with bone-deep weariness and despair at the atrocities of war, when the prejudices of the old lay waste to the potential of the young. When she looked up at him, Draco’s lips were pressed in a firm line, stubborn denial shining in his quicksilver eyes.
“Think about who I am Draco.”
“So you won’t even give me a chance? Because of some stupid mistakes that I’ve made? Because you’re too good for me?” She shook her head at his refusal to understand.
“No, that’s not what I meant at all. I’m a muggle-born, Draco, probably one of the more infamous muggle-borns in Britain. And like it or not, you are a Death Eater. What do you think Voldemort would do to you if he found out what we’ve done?” She shook her head again, tears falling steadily as she pulled away from him. “I won’t put you in danger like that any more than I have already. I can’t. I don’t think I could bear it if something happened to you because of me.”
With a firm, but gentle grip on her wrist he halted her retreat and pulled her forward to settle her on his lap shushing her and wiping at her tears which threatened to escalate into raucous sobbing.
“P-please, Draco, I c-can’t…let them h-h-hurt you! Not for me. I’m not w-worth it.”
“You’re wrong, Hermione. You’re wrong.”
He held her to his chest, gently rocking her and stroking her back until her tears quieted before he began whispering to her.
“I don’t care if he does find out. I don’t care if he punishes me. I’d rather be punished than not have my chance with you. You make me feel things, think about things that I’ve never thought about before.”
She was terrified; the things he was saying were true. He truly did not care if Voldemort found them out and he got punished for it. His declaration was genuinely awe inspiring and unspeakable in its magnitude. She found herself wanting to throw up roadblocks to obstruct his determined self-destruction.
“But…but what about your parents? What would they say?”
“Hermione, my father is in Azkaban. I hardly think his opinion counts any longer. As for my mother, she probably won’t like it, it’s true. But she’s always been indulgent when it comes to things that make me happy.”
“But what about when your father gets out of Azkaban? What then?”
“His approval is not something I value very highly any longer, kitten, whether he is in prison or not.” Clearly tired of that line of questioning, he narrowed his eyes and turned it back on her. “What about your parents? What will they think?”
Her gaze fell to where her hands were wringing themselves in her lap. She wanted to tell him; she was fairly sure she could trust him. But if anyone used Legilimency on him and discovered where her parents were all her precautions would be for naught. But, if she was careful, she could answer his question without giving anything away.
“My parents,” If I ever get them back. “will be confused that the boy who has tortured me for six years has suddenly decided he fancies me. But, I’m sure once they get over the shock they’ll be just as charmed by you as I am.”
Hugging her tightly, he buried his face in her hair. He mumbled incoherently for a moment before pulling back, one arm wrapped firmly about her waist, the other hand brushing her hair from her face as he fixed his eyes on hers.
“I’m so sorry about that. I was such a git! But, it’s not sudden, Hermione. It’s anything but sudden.” He slumped back against the couch, running a hand through his silky hair. “I just…I never thought you could ever be interested in me. And if you found out that I liked you…if Potter and Weasley found out. I couldn’t let that happen, but I couldn’t seem to just ignore you either. So apparently my solution was to get your attention by being a prat.” He threw his hands over his face, his voice a low growl. “Merlin, I’m such a fucking bastard!”
She couldn’t help but smile at his antics, and in a weird, twisted way, his apology sort of made sense. Pulling his hands away from his face, she wrapped them around her waist and leaned into his chest, kissing him lightly.
“It’s alright. I forgive you for being a git, a prat, and a fucking bastard. Though, you forgot twitchy ferret.”
She squealed as he pushed her back onto the couch and proceeded to tickle her mercilessly until she breathlessly giggled ‘sorry, sorry’ a few times. Hovering over her, contentment painted his features as he smiled down at her. But her breath caught in her throat when his eyes suddenly took on a predatory gleam.
“There is one question I’m dying to ask before the chocolate wears off. You weren’t a virgin our first time.” Her eyes widened and she bit her lip nervously. She hadn’t imagined he’d want to talk about that.
“That’s not a question.”
“How many have there been, before me?” She could feel the impulse from the chocolate just to tell him, but she wasn’t sure if she really wanted to.
“Why do you want to know that?
“Curiosity, jealousy. Jealousy mostly: it’s not in my nature to share things.” He smirked at her, but in his eyes she could see he was serious.
“Just one…or…maybe two, I’m not sure.” His face screwed up into the most disturbed look of confusion, it would have been comical if she wasn’t so worried about his reaction.
“How can you not be sure? Were you drunk? Who was it?”
“No, I wasn’t drunk. It’s just…” She pushed lightly on his chest so she could sit up; curling her arms around her legs once more, she spoke to her knees instead of his face. “It was the summer before last and I spent most of it at the Burrow.”
“The Burrow?”
“Yes, Ron’s house.”
“You didn’t sleep with Weasley, did you?” His face was a wash of horror and anger, and honestly, it pissed her off more than a little.
“Will you shut up and just let me speak?” He nodded hesitantly, and she returned her gaze to her knees. “Anyway, I spent most of the summer at the Burrow helping Mrs. Weasley around the house and hanging out with Ron and Ginny. But, we, the three of us, also spent a good deal of time, when we could, helping George and Fred get things ready for the opening of their store. Well, they wouldn’t let Ron and Ginny help much with the more complex and dangerous things, probably because they didn’t want Mrs. Weasley to find out about some of the stuff they were doing, with good reason, too.” She couldn’t help but shake her head at the memory of some of the products the twins had tested that summer. “So, they decided to ‘divide and conquer’ so to speak. Fred worked with Ron and Ginny with some of the more innocuous stuff; and George and I…we did the trickier stuff.
“I hadn’t really ever spent much time with the twins before, thinking we didn’t have much in common, and I suppose we don’t. But, all that time sort of locked away together…it just kind of…happened. One minute we were discussing the best way to avoid persistent ringing in the ears as a side effect of setting off a Skipping Siren and the next minute he was kissing me. And, well…I hadn’t really kissed many boys before, I suppose I still haven’t, and…and he was my friend, is my friend, and I trust him…and I was…curious. And Ron was, is really completely clueless. And…it just sort of happened.” She finished lamely.
She snuck a look at his face, but she couldn’t tell exactly what the weird, twisted sort of expression he was wearing meant. So she decided to err on the side of full disclosure and hope he wasn’t too put off by it.
“Anyway, we…did it a few times over the summer. It was hard to find a time when we wouldn’t get caught since I was sharing a room with Ginny and he obviously had a twin sharing his. And, I think, I’m not sure, but I mean he must have told Fred about it…and, I think one time it was Fred pretending to be George, but they really are very good at playing each other, so I can’t be sure. And…that’s it.” He stared at her for a full thirty seconds while she practically chewed her lip off in nervous anticipation before he spoke.
“So you did it with a Weasley, or Weasleys maybe, but not the Weasley.” She nodded hoping that fact helped somehow. “Well…that’s a relief I suppose. I don’t have any of your former lovers to keep an eye on here. But it just proves my point that Weasleys are inferior because he was stupid enough to let you go.”
“Draco!” She couldn’t quite keep the relieved laughter out of her admonishment. “And just how many former lovers do you have? And which ones do I need to watch out for?”
“Seven, and none, because none of them hold a candle to you, kitten.” He kissed the tip of her nose, looking very satisfied with himself.
“Kitten? Are you really going to call me that? And you know that’s not what I meant. I named names; the least you can do is reciprocate.”
“Do you mind kitten? I think it suits you, but I won’t use it if it bothers you.”
“No, it doesn’t bother me, but quit trying to evade the subject at hand, lover boy.” His response to her epithet was another smirk that sent tingles down her spine with its potency.
“Pansy Parkinson, fourth year a few times and a few times last year, yuck.” She couldn’t suppress the giggles at his summary of what Hermione had imagined her biggest competition. “A girl from Beauxbatons several times the summer following fourth year when I was visiting relatives in France with my mother, boring. Daphne Greengrass, a few times during fifth and sixth year, sweet but more of a friends with benefits sort of thing than anything else. Lisa Turpin, Padma Patil, and Cho Chang, a few times each for Lisa and Patil, once with Cho, all in fifth year, overzealous, not exciting, and overly emotional, respectively. And one of my father’s…friends last summer, once, terrifying.
“Like I said, kitten, nothing to worry about. I’m all yours…as long as you’ll have me.” His expression became grave, and it tugged at her heart that the usually haughty blond was so insecure about himself with her.
“In that case, I should tell you, George is nothing compared to you.” He grinned, his eyes locked on her lips as he leaned toward her.
“And Fred?” She laughed softly.
“Fred who?”
It was his turn to laugh as he slid her underneath him once more snogging her soundly before trailing his lips across her jaw and down her neck to lave his tongue against her collar bone. She was quickly losing her senses, drowning in the heady sensation of his lips and tongue against her skin.
“Draco, Draco what about Voldemort?”
“He’s not allowed to fuck you either.” He smirked at her sound of disgust. “He’s my problem to worry about, kitten. I wouldn’t do anything I wasn’t willing to pay for later anyway, no matter how tempting the siren. So just forget about that little issue and let me seduce you already.”
She took exception to his calling probably the most evil wizard of all time a ‘little issue’ but her brain gave up control as he nibbled a particularly sensitive spot below her ear and allowed him to seduce her as he asked.
Glaring icy daggers at him, she watched the patrician blond stride across the Great Hall toward the Gryffindor table. Her eyes narrowed to dangerous slits as he all but dragged the Head Girl out of the Hall, his hand pressed to her lower back. She wasn’t worried about the bushy-haired swot, he hated her. But she did resent the inevitable extended proximity to the sexy boy that the position afforded the obnoxious know-it-all. How she loathed that Mudblood bitch!
And that made the selection of her target all the more sweet. She knew that not only did the Head Boy absolutely despise the redheaded menace, probably more than even the famed ‘boy-who-lived-to-be-a-tosser’, but it was also widely known that the Head Girl had a particular soft spot for the great oaf. Two birds, one stone, as they say.
A/N: So, it should be probably more obvious who the third narrator is now. If not, just keep reading and it will all become clear in time! Thanks so much to those of you who continue to review. I really appreciate your feedback and input! Best wishes to LadyMalfoy, angeles, Dreamweaver, katiekrm, kazfeist, Crittenz, starlight-x-A-x, and amcskimming. You all are beautiful!
VoraciousReader: I’m so…mortified? Yes, that probably fits. I can’t believe I made such a glaring, asinine mistake. Thank you so much for pointing it out to me. I believe I’ve fixed all the little details that elude to him. I hope that didn’t completely put you off.
margaritama: Sorry that you’re confused! Maybe this chapter helped? Or not. The timeline, as I’ve sort of conceived it (though, it is sort of giving a bit of the future away to tell you) is that this seventh year is sort of wedged in between the sixth and seventh books (with many obvious changes then happening to the events of the seventh book). So, the war hasn’t truly broken out yet, but Voldy is still kicking around somewhere. Does that make sense? I know this leaves some major plot holes. Let me know if you notice any glaring ones that bother you and I’ll try to fix them. Somehow.
kazfeist: You did make your suspicions known previously. In fact, you nailed it on your first guess, which this chapter should evidence. You are too clever for your own good. ;p
kay_dalle: So glad you caught that! I just might have some plans regarding a certain blond and a boy-hero. You’ll just have to wait and see! Hope you liked the inclusion of the twins in this chapter (I already had this planned before I read your last review, and it just made me laugh!), I like them quite a lot too! Sorry for the confusion: Her Dark Paramour is an original story that I’ve already been posting to on AFF (my first one, actually), not another HP story. But I’ve got another HG/DM in the works that I’ll start posting once this one is closer to being finished. Ta for now love!
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