She's Only Potter's Sister | By : queenofthediamonddogs Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Het - Male/Female Views: 4024 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, it belongs to JK Rowling, I am making no profits as well. |
Chapter 6: Truth and Belief
May pretended as if nothing happened between her and Sirius. She carried on as if they had never kissed and had never admitted to each other their feelings. She knew she had to. She did not wish to live with the lie.
Sirius was different. Every time he was alone with her, he tried to speak to her but she shook him off like rain. It hurt him as she acted this way but he knew it was his fault for her reaction. Keeping a secret from James was a bad idea, especially if the secret involved his sister.
The two of them spent weeks apart. May spent more time with her friends rather than with her brother. Though she did prefer being with her brother than her annoying room mates. The separation between the pair of them seemed to do them both good. Two months went by since their Christmas Eve break up and Sirius was already with another girl. May just shrugged off the slight jealousy and continued on.
Remus was the only person to notice the tension between the two of them. He would have asked them both but he felt it wasn't his place and thought they had just had a falling out like normal. He knew May and Sirius had a relationship just like May and James did. A brother and sister. Though there were times he was suspicious of their behaviour. The occasional sneaky glances from across the Common Room raised his suspicions even more.
One night Remus and Sirius were alone in the Common Room as James and Peter went to the kitchen for some snacks. “Tell me.”
“Tell you what?” Sirius spoke in confusion, his eyebrows furrowed.
“What's going on between you and May?” Remus asked straightforwardly.
“What?” Sirius faked confusion. “What are you talking about?”
“I've been watching the pair of you since I got back from the Christmas holidays and neither of you are very good at being conspicuous. Constantly looking at each other. I am surprised that James hasn't noticed.” Raising an eyebrow at him. Sirius remained silent and did not look at Remus. “You going to tell me then or shall I just go and ask May?”
“No!” He said in a panic. “Don't.” Looking at his friend and shaking his head. “Just don't, Moony. She's hurt.”
“Did you hurt her?” He spoke threateningly, a slight flash of amber in his eyes.
“No! Merlin no! I could never hurt her! Moony, calm down!” Putting his hands up in protection, knowing that a full moon was close and Remus' temper was short. “I have not hurt her physically. Just emotionally.” He closed his eyes as he thought about what had occurred between him and May over the Christmas holidays. “I told her I liked her more than a friend and a brother.” Opening his eyes and looking at Remus. “We kissed but on Christmas Eve, we talked. She wanted to tell James but I wanted to keep it secret for a while.” Looking down at the carpet. “It was stupid thing to say.”
“She's too loyal to James.” Remus nodded as he spoke. “I understand. But I can tell she is still upset. I think she does like you still Pads but as always James comes first.”
Sirius nodded. “Which is the reason for both our excuses.” He rolled his eyes a little. “I will try and forget about her that way.” Shrugging his shoulders. Remus only nodded and watched as his friend obviously brooded over the fact of losing a relationship with May. “She's different to other girls Moony. I don't know how to describe her but she is. May is May.” He laughed pathetically as he spoke. “I am just going to leave it now. Nothing I can do.”
“Probably the best thing to do.” Remus nodded as he looked at the portrait hole, which had just opened. “I won't tell James. I promise.”
“Thanks Moony.” Looking over as James and Peter walked in and over to them. “So what did you bring this time?”
- - - - - - – - - - - -
Sirius and Remus hid the fact of a small relationship between Sirius and May from James but May had told no one and had no intention to. Though May was struggling to keep the secret from James. She avoided him as best as she could and immersed herself in work to avoid him at all costs. To her surprise, Joshua apologised to her and wanted to try again. She reluctantly agreed but on her conditions, that he would not pressure her into anything and that they were to take it slow, get used to each other's company.
It was the day before the second Quidditch game of the season when May's third year class when she discovered something quite disturbing about one of her friends. In her Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson, they were studying Werewolves and May made a link between the condition and one of her brother's best friends. “Bloody hell.” She whispered as she looked over the dates and all the times Remus was 'ill' or had family visits.
When she returned to the Common Room after her day of lessons, she avoided the Marauders straight away as she did not want to talk to Remus, afraid of him, and she also did not want to start a conversation with Sirius. Their very brief relationship was still clear in her mind despite putting on a face where she made Sirius think that she was completely over him. In truth she was not but she was better at hiding the thought from him.
She heard her name being called as she walked through the Common Room. Turning to the person and saw her brother calling her over to him and the other Marauders. Cautiously she walked over to them, not looking at Sirius at all and only glancing at Remus. “What do you want James?”
“You ok?” He frowned at her. “You look slightly pale.”
“Just tired.” She lied. “Been a long day. Just finished Defence Against the Dark Arts.” Grimacing slightly as she mentioned the subject.
“That bad?” Remus chuckled softly. “What are you studying at the moment? Dark creatures isn't it?”
“Um... Yes. Just had a lesson on werewolves.” Avoiding Remus' gaze. “Nothing special. Went to the library to get a few books from the library for the homework.” Holding up a book and shaking it slightly with a roll of her eyes. “So dear brother I must leave you and get on with my work.” Walking quietly away and disappeared up to the girls' dormitories.
“She knows.” Remus whispered softly as he stared into the Common Room fire.
“How do you know that?” James asked in slight amusement.
“She avoided my gaze and barely spoke to me.” He sighed heavily.
“She hardly spoke to any of us. Something is wrong.” James frowned slightly. “Probably boy trouble.” He chuckled.
“I heard a rumour that she is seeing Joshua Latimer again.” Peter spoke up.
“What?!” James stood up angrily and glared at Peter as if it was his fault.
“That is what I heard some Slytherins say.” Peter leaned back into his chair, wishing it would swallow him up so he wouldn't have to face James' anger.
“How would the Slytherins know?” He stood in front of the fire and faced Peter.
“Well... Well...” He said nervously. “They were caught kissing in one of Filch's broom cupboard. I don't know if it is true but that was what I overheard them saying. It might not be true.”
“Peter might be right. They could just be spreading rumours about her to get at you.” Sirius spoke slowly as he watched James carefully. “She might not be back with Joshua.” I hope not. He thought to himself.
“I don't know.” James shook his head and returned to his seat. “She's been really quiet since the Christmas holidays.”
Remus and Sirius glanced at each other. “When is Malfoy's trial?” Remus asked curiously.
“I don't know. Soon I hope. Put that snake in Azkaban for what he did to her.” James sneered in anger.
Sirius watched James for a moment. “We have to be careful.” James looked at him, frowning. “The Malfoy's are a very powerful and wealthy family. They might pay for Lucius to stay out of Azkaban.”
“Never thought about that.” James bit his lip. “He won't frighten May.” Laughing softly.
Remus chuckled too. “She'll just laugh it off and kick him in the nether regions.” Laughing more.
“You can say balls Remus.” Sirius laughed and rolled his eyes. “Plus May would do that.”
“What would I do?” She spoke as she approached them. They all turned to look at her, she was dressed for bed in a pair of pyjamas and a long dressing gown, her long hair tied in a plait, that rested over her shoulder. In her hand there was a letter.
“Kick Malfoy in the balls.” Peter said with a laugh.
“I did.” She grinned at the smallest Marauder. “Jamie...” She handed him the letter. “It's time.”
James took the letter from May and quickly read it. “Right. Two weeks Saturday.” He spoke to the others as May sat next to him. “Are you ready?”
May nodded slowly and nervously. “I think so.”
Immediately James wrapped an arm around May and pulled her against him. “It will be all right. I'll be there and so will mother and father.”
May gave him a smile. “Thanks Jamie. I know it will be all right. I'm just nervous.” Giving a long sigh as she leaned into James' embrace. “I'm not frightened of Malfoy. I'm frightened that he might do it to someone else and succeed.”
“He won't May. He will be sent to Azkaban. Definitely.” Remus spoke with confidence and a smile for May.
May gave him a small and shy smile. “Thanks Remus.” Avoiding his gaze, still unsure what to say now that she discovered his secret.
“When are you going home to get ready for the trial?” Sirius asked curiously.
“I don't know. Father said he would write to me and Dumbledore telling us when I should come home.”
“We will come home.” James said sternly, emphasising the we of his sentence. “I am coming with you. Remember?”
May laughed softly. “Of course I do. How can I ever forget about you?” Nudging him gently. “Plus I need you there.”
“Always.” James whispered to her and held her tightly.
The five of them talked for the rest of the evening about Malfoy's upcoming trial and what May had to do. Both Sirius and Remus watched her but for different reasons. Sirius couldn't take his eyes off her and Remus was afraid she might expose his secret if she truly did know it.
- - - - - - - - – - - -
The two weeks flew by and the trial against Lucius Malfoy was drawing closer and closer. May grew more and more nervous about having to face him once again. A letter had arrived from her father the Wednesday before the trial, telling her that she and James were to travel home the next day by Floo Powder.
May felt very unsafe walking around Hogwarts. Many of the Slytherins taunted her and tried to get her alone to intimidate her but her brother and his friends would not let May walk around on her own even if she was with her friends. May knew James meant well but it was rather annoying to have her brother and his friends babysit her all the time.
The next day came quickly and James and May were packed ready to return home. Her heart was thudding in fear as the pair of them walked to the Headmaster's office. “It will be all right May. He will be convicted. I know it.”
“I hope so.” She whispered as they reached the gargoyle that guarded Dumbledore's office. “Liquorice Wands.” Speaking the password as the gargoyle sprang to life to let the two Potters walk past and make their way up the moving staircase to Dumbledore's office. “I'm scared James.” She whispered as they reached the oak door.
“It will be fine.” Shifting his bag onto his other shoulder and held his sister's hand. “I promise.”
“Thank you.” She whispered as James raised his fist and knocked on the door.
“Come in.” The muffled voice of their Professor spoke from behind the oak door. James pushed open the door and walked inside, May close behind him. “Ah Mr Potter, Miss Potter. I see you two are ready.”
“Yes Professor.” James nodded and turned to look at his sister, who had turned a little paler than usual. “May?”
“Yes. I'm ready.” Her voice quivered as she spoke. “I think I am.” She reached out for James' hand and held it gently.
“It will be well Miss Potter.” Dumbledore spoke softly as he moved around his desk towards the siblings. “I am going to be there as will be Madam Pomfrey, who will be talking about the extent of your injuries and all of your family will be there. There is no need to be afraid.”
“Thank you Professor.” She gave him a small smile and nods. “I am afraid of him and his family.”
“You are very safe.” Dumbledore stood in front of her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “You have family and friends who would protect you during the holidays and here you are in the most protected place in the whole of the world.” He gave a small chuckle as his knobbly hand gave her shoulder a slight squeeze.
“Thank you Professor.” Giving him a weak smile. “Shall we go?” She gritted her teeth to stop herself from crying in her fear.
“Yes of course.” Dumbledore nodded and took his hand from May's shoulder. He walked over to his fireplace and took a pot from the shelf, held it out to them. “Your parents are waiting for you.”
May stepped forward, shifting her bag onto her back completely. “Thank you Professor.” May smiled softly as she reached into the pot and took out a handful of the green powder, stood in the fireplace. Taking a deep breath, “Potter Mansion.” She said clearly and threw the Floo Powder into the fireplace.
May hated travelling by Floo Powder but at all times she kept her elbows in and her eyes shut. She felt the wind rush past her as she travelled faster through the networks until her feet hit the carpet of her family home. When both James and May finally got home, their parents greeted them and let them become settled into their rooms.
The reality of the impending trial began to sink in with May and it frightened her. She sat on the edge of her large bed and stared at the wall opposite as she thought of scenarios of what could happen in the courtroom. In her mind and heart she knew Lucius would not be convicted as she was the only witness and could be counted as unreliable as her fall was an accident as she was not pushed but had fallen. Lying back on her bed, she then stared up at the voile canopy that was attached to the wooden posts of her bed and hung across the top of her bed.
“Stop thinking, I can hear you from the bottom of the house.” James spoke as he walked into her room. May stayed lying down as James moved to her bed and lay next to her, also staring up at the voile canopy. “You all right?”
“Yeah. Nervous more than anything.” She sighed heavily. “I feel like that I will come out of this trial worse than Malfoy.”
“You won't May. He will get sent away for a long time for what he did to you.”
“That's just it Jamie. He didn't do anything.” Turning her head to look at him. “He attacked me but he wasn't the one who caused my fall.”
“He did May!” Sitting up and glaring at her slightly. “He attacked you and you tried to get away from him and that caused him to chase after you and make you fall down the Astronomy Tower stairs.”
May gave a small chuckle. “Trust you to think of the truth when I've forgotten it.” Laughing again as she slowly sat up and looked at her brother. “I'm scared James. I don't feel safe.”
“I'm with you. Dad is and mum is too. You will never be in danger when we are around.” Chuckling softly. “Come on. Time for dinner.” Tapping her arm. “The parents sent me up here for you.”
“Thanks. I'll be there now. Just need a cardigan.” Walking to her wardrobe and taking out a pale blue cardigan and putting it on as she left the room with James.
- - - - –
Throughout dinner, May remained quiet and barely ate. Her parents and James noticed but did not say anything to her. She stared at her food and nibbled on small pieces as her thoughts were preoccupied with a million and one things. The trial, the thought of Malfoy being set free and being able to either terrorise her or some other girl and to top it off she could not stop thinking about Sirius. Why was she thinking about him now? She had decided to stop thinking about him and their very brief relationship but she found that he was constantly in his thoughts. He was already in a relationship and had forgotten about May completely. She didn't mind but she felt a little hurt at how quickly he could slip into a relationship from another one.
“Miss May?” The squeaky voice of the family's house elf came from her left. “Are you okay? You haven't touched your dinner, Miss.”
“Oh I'm sorry Lookie. A lot on my mind at the moment.” Pushing her plate away from her and looking at the table to find her family was not present. “Where is everyone?”
“Mr Potter is in his study, Mrs Potter has gone to bed and Master James is in his bedroom.” Lookie smiled as she clicked her fingers and all the plates disappeared. “Would Miss like Lookie to bring some food to you?”
“No thank you Lookie. I'll call you if I need some snacks.” May stood up and slowly wandered out of the dining room and towards the main staircase.
“Mayflower.” Her father called out her nickname as she pasted his study. “Come in here darling.”
Giving a small nervous sigh, May turned into her father's study. “Yes father?” Looking up at her father, who was sitting at his desk.
“Are you all right sweetheart?” He spoke as he stood up and walked around the desk to her.
“Scared.” She whispered. “I pretend that I'm not but I am.” A small tear fell down her cheek. “What do I do Daddy?”
Her father pulled her into a tight hug. “I know that the truth will be on your side and Lucius will be made to pay the price for his actions.”
“What happens if he isn't convicted and he tries again with me or with someone else?” The tears falling down her cheeks as she held onto her father tightly. “You know his family is dangerous and powerful. They have the money and power to stop him from being convicted.”
“He does Mayflower but he won't get away with what happened to you.” His hands rubbing her back in gentle circles. “I promise.” Kissing the top of her head. “Go and get some sleep. You look exhausted.” He moved her to stand at his side. “Come on. I'll walk you up.”
May leaned into her father's embrace as he walked her up the main staircase and towards her room. “Thank you Dad.” She whispered as he walked her to her bedroom door. “I think I can take it from here.”
“Sleep well Mayflower. See you in the morning.” Kissing her cheek.
“Goodnight Daddy.” Opening her bedroom door and walking inside.
- - - - - - - - – - - - - - - - - - - - -
Every night leading up to the trial, May slept very uneasily. Nightmares plagued her. Constant nightmares of the night from when Malfoy attacked her and every morning she would wake up in the arms of one of her family members, the majority of the time it would be James.
The night before the trial, James insisted on staying with her. “I want to stay with you May.”
“James, please I'll be fine!” She complained as she walked into her bathroom to get ready for bed. “I don't need my big brother watching over me all the time. I can look after myself.”
“I know you can but every night since we have been home, you have been screaming in your sleep.” James sat on the bed as he spoke louder so she was able to hear him.
“I know James. I am just afraid of the outcome of this trial. I have that feeling.” Returning from the bathroom. “Fine.” She sighed in defeat. “Stay. In truth I do need you.”
“I am always here for you May. Forever. You are my little sister, no way I can get rid of you.” Laughing as she sat next to him. “Trust me, I've tried to.”
May laughed with him. “Thanks. I think(!)” She said sarcastically. “I need to sleep. Mother said I had to get an early night.”
“All right.” James laughed softly as he watched her move up her bed and climb under the covers. “I'll just go get ready for bed. I'll be in as soon as I have finished.” Climbing off her large bed and walking out the room, only to glance back and see his younger sister already falling asleep. He sighed heavily as he walked to his room, that was 4 rooms away from May's. This trial was taking the toll on May. She was exhausted, she had not been doing her school work, that she had been set for while she was away and she was not eating properly. Their parents tried everything to help her but May's mind was clearly on the trial.
When he returned to May's room, dressed and ready for bed, he found May sleeping peacefully but her features gave away her true thoughts. Her frown was present as she slept. James grabbed her blanket from her rocking chair and lay on the bed with the blanket on top of him. He watched May sleep for a moment before he too felt the effects of sleep take over him.
- - - - - – - - - - - - - - - -
May was the first to wake up. She glanced at the clock on her bedside table and smiled at the time. 7:30am. Perfect time to annoy James. Slowly and carefully she shifted towards her older brother with a pillow in her hands ready.
“I know you are awake.” James mumbled as he turned to face her but was met with her pillow. “Ow!” He grumbled and pushed the pillow away.
“Now now you two. Time for breakfast.” Their mother spoke as she looked into her room. “No fighting.” Chuckling as May rushed off her bed and into her bathroom.
James chuckled too. “I'll get you later May.” Leaving her room to go to his own and get ready for breakfast.
In the Potter household there was a rule where no one was to go to breakfast in the pyjamas except on Christmas Day where they were allowed the luxury to lounge in their pyjamas until an hour before the Christmas dinner.
Nervously, May walked to the breakfast room. Her thoughts ran through her head. The trial was running through her head. Sirius was running through her head. Joshua was vaguely running through her head. “Oh Merlin!” May groaned as she sat on the bottom stair of the staircase, her head in her hands as she sobbed.
“Oh darling.” Her mother spoke as she rushed to her daughter and sat next to her, wrapping her arm around her. “It will be all right. I promise. Your father and I would never let anything happen to you. I promise.”
“It's not just that mum. I'm so confused about something else.” Leaning against her mother's side, enjoying the comfort.
“Boys?” Elizabeth Potter chuckled softly and felt May nod her head next to her. “They are always complicated and confusing. It's how they are.” Rubbing her daughter's arm gently. “Breakfast first, then this trial and then I promise we will talk about it.” Kissing the top of her raven hair. “Come on. Breakfast.” Tapping her daughter's arm and then standing up, May followed her into the breakfast room.
Her father tried to advise her on what to say during her brief interview but May wasn't listening. She was now afraid. The time was drawing closer and closer.
- - - - – - - - - - - - - - – - - - - - - - - – -
The four Potters arrived at the Ministry of Magic at 9 o'clock on the dot. All of them dressed in their best clothing. May stood close to her father the entire time they walked to the courtroom, where the trial was going to be held. They waited in a private waiting room until May was called to give her evidence against Malfoy.
May sat in the seat nearest the window, her hands clasped in her lap, twisting in nervousness until a slightly larger hand covered her hands. Looking up at the owner of the hand, her brother gave her a comforting smile followed by a comforting squeeze from his hand.
“You'll do brilliantly.” He whispered as he kept his hand covering her own as the representative entered the waiting room. “Knock them dead.” James whispered again as May pulled her hand away and stood up.
“Ready Mayflower?” Her father spoke as he stood up to accompany May into the courtroom.
“As I will ever be.” Speaking quietly as she hugged her mother. “Love you.”
“Good luck.” Her mother whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek before May left the room with the representative and her father.
The three walked the short distance in silence to the courtroom. When they walked inside, May noticed that the majority of people there were Slytherins. Immediately this frightened her. She walked to the witness stand and stood before the Judge. Glancing to her right, she could see Lucius Malfoy looking smug from the defence chair.
“Hello Miss Potter.” The judge smiled at her. “It will only be a few questions as to what happened on the night of the incident and you will be free to leave.” May gave a silent nod as she looked to her left and saw the familiar faces of Professor Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey. “Right, to begin with. May I ask as to why you were out of your common room after curfew?”
“I was studying in the library.” She spoke slowly and confidently. “I fell asleep and by the time I woke up it was past curfew.”
“What did you do?” The judge asked softly.
“I packed my things away and quickly made my way back to my Common Room before I was caught by a teacher or a prefect.” Keeping eye contact with the judge like her father had told her to.
“I see.” He spoke as he looked down at his papers. “But you were found by the Astronomy tower. You are a Gryffindor and yet you were nowhere near your common room. The library is closer to the Gryffindor Common Room than to the Astronomy Tower.”
May took a deep breath and began. “I was making my way to the Common Room when I heard someone nearby and I panicked thinking it was a teacher and decided to go the long way to the seventh floor.” Taking in another deep breath. “That is how I reached the Astronomy Tower.”
“Okay.” He nodded slowly. “What happened when you took the long route towards the seventh floor?”
“I heard someone following me. I then fell over when someone pinned me to the ground.”
“Lucius Malfoy.” May said slowly.
“How did you know that it was the accused?”
“I recognised his voice.” She said with confidence.
“And what happened afterwards?”
“He tried to rape me but I started shouting for help. Malfoy pulled me up the Astronomy Tower because someone had heard us.” She felt the tears building up which caused her voice to slowly start to break. The memories were hurting and causing her to begin to cry. She looked behind her to her father, who gave her a nod of comfort. Turning back to the judge, she continued. “He continued trying to rape me but I was able to hit him in the groin.” A few people let out small giggles as she said this and it gave her a small boast of confidence. “When I managed to get away, I ran down the stairs but I tripped again and that is all I remember.”
“Very well Miss Potter. Thank you for telling us your evidence.” The judge nodded. “If you wish to, you could wait in the back of the courtroom for the verdict.” May gave a small nod and stepped away from the witness stand and walked to the back of the courtroom and sat next to her father, who held her hand as soon as she was sitting down.
They watched the rest of the trial which included statements from Madam Pomfrey, who talked about May's condition when she was found and a statement from the Head Boy at the time, who had heard the disturbance. May's heart pounded in fear as the judge disappeared to his chambers to make his decision with his 4 advisers. “I'm scared daddy.” May spoke as she stared at the front of the room.
“It will be fine darling.” Giving May's hand a light squeeze as they watched as the judge and advisers return after 10 minutes of being away. “Here we go.” Thomas Potter whispered as May gripped his hand tightly.
“We have reached a verdict. Could the defendant please stand?” The judge spoke clearly and loudly. May watched as Malfoy stood up with a smug look on his face. “Lucius Malfoy, you have been found guilty on the accounts of the attempted sexual assault on Miss Potter.” Malfoy hung his head slightly before straightening up once again. “You have been found not guilty on attempted murder on Miss Potter.” Malfoy's smug grin reappeared. “You will either pay 20, 000 Galleons to Miss Potter as compensation with an additional 5, 000 Galleons to the court or spend 5 years in Azkaban, if unable to pay the said amount of money.”
“I will pay the money.” Lucius' father, Abraxas, stood up in defence of his son.
“Agreed. Thank you everyone. Court is adjourned.” He stood up and left the court immediately.
May and her father remained in their seats for a moment. “Can we go, dad?” She whispered and stood up. “I want to go home.”
“Sure darling.” Kissing the top of her head and guided her to the exit of the courtroom.
“Potter.” A stern voice spoke from behind them. They turned around to see Abraxas striding up to May and her father.
“Malfoy.” May's father greeted him curtly.
“Your daughter shall receive a transfer into her account within the next day or two.” He sneered as he looked between May and Thomas.
“Gladly.” Her father spoke and led her out of the courtroom. May looked behind them and caught a glimpse of Lucius looking at her as if she were a piece of meat. “Come on May. Let's find your mother and James.”
- - - - - - - - - – - - - - - - - - - – - - - - - - -
When they returned home May went straight to her room and wrote a lengthy letter to Hannah, giving her the exact details of what had happened at court that day. She had just sent off her letter when her mother knocked on the door and walked in. “Hi Mum.” Giving her mother a genuine smile.
“Now there it is. I haven't seen that smile since the summer.” Sitting on her daughter's bed next to her. “How are you? You barely spoke on the way home.”
“Relieved. Relieved that it is over.”
“I am glad it is over Mum.” May stood up from her desk and sat on the bed next to her. “I just... I am so confused.”
“We talking about a boy now?” Her mother spoke in an amused tone. Surprised that her 14 year old daughter was thinking about boys.
“Yes.” May nodded and blushed slightly. “Where is James?”
“Good. I don't want him to hear this.” May bit her lip as she pulled her legs up onto the bed and crossed them. “Umm.... I'm back with my last boyfriend, Joshua Latimer.” Blushing again.
“That's good, May. I am guessing you don't want James to know about it.”
“Not just that.” May chuckled nervously. “I... We... I kissed Sirius. Well he kissed me but I didn't push him away.”
“Right...” Her mother spoke slowly waiting for May to continue.
“Well, we, sort of, became a couple during the Christmas holidays. Without telling anyone.” Speaking slowly. “But I broke it off because I wanted James to know but he didn't. Now I am confused as who to like because I like Joshua a lot but I cannot seem to stop thinking about Sirius.” Hiding her head in her hands and sighing heavily. “I have never been so confused in my entire life.” Lifting her head up and looking at her mother, placing her hands in her lap. “What do I do mother? I love James more than anybody in this whole world and I can never keep a secret from him.”
“There is your problem. You are too loyal to your brother.” Placing her hand over May's small one. “I think you shouldn't hide your relationship with Joshua from him but with Sirius, I think you should enjoy being with Joshua for now and if your feelings are still the same for him, you should tell him. It might just be a phase darling.” Leaning closer to May and kissing her cheek. “Go out and play quidditch with James. You're going back to school tomorrow and you should enjoy the freedom while you can.”
May gave a small laugh and stood up. “Thanks mum.” Walking to her wardrobe and fetching her old broom since she had left her other one in school.
James and May had a competitive game of quidditch ready for the next match which was in 2 weeks. May was nervous but she wasn't as nervous as her first game. Truth be told she could not wait until she was up in the air playing alongside her friends.
In the air May felt free and now with the weight of the trial completely lifted, she felt as light as a feather in the air as she raced her brother around the grounds of her family home. James was the better flyer but May was smaller build than him and could go faster than him.
“Feel better?” James asked her as they hovered over the lake nearby their home.
“So much better.” Grinning at him. “Can't wait to get back to school tomorrow.”
“To see Joshua?” James asked innocently. “I know you are seeing him again.”
May looked at him in shock. “How did you know?”
“Peter said some Slytherins caught you kissing him in one of Filch's broom cupboards.” Raising an eyebrow at her. “Quite the gentleman(!)” Speaking sarcastically. “Why him May?”
“I like him Jamie. Okay? Why can't you just let me like someone for once?” Frowning at him as she turned her broom around. “Do you know what? I don't care what you think any more.” Leaning forward and racing back to the house, ignoring James as he called her name.
“May! Hey wait!” He ran after her and when he caught up with her, he moved in front of her to stop her from walking away. “What was that suppose to mean?”
“Do you want to know why I broke up with Joshua?” She knew she would have to lie to him but it was really about Sirius she was talking about. “Because of you! Everyone is afraid of you James. If they come within 10 feet of me, they are likely to be hexed. I want you to stop! Let me grow up without you constantly holding my hand. I love you James. I do! But please give me some space.” Her eyes boring into his.
“Fine.” He grumbled. “But if he hurts you or makes you do anything you don't want to, I will hex him into next week.”
“Deal.” May smiled softly and stepped around him. “Now, I've got to pack.” Laughing softly as she walked to the house.
James watched his sister with a smile and knew that she was right but it did not mean he couldn't protect her. He would only protect her from a distance without her knowing at all. As soon as he was in his room, he would write to Sirius, Remus and Peter and tell them about May's new revelation.
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When May and James returned to school, May was bombarded with questions from her entire house as the trial had been publicised in the Daily Prophet. May just shrugged them off and only told her friends about what had happened. She then told them about being back with Joshua which they were glad about. “I'm also glad James is going to step back and leave me alone but I don't know. He's got his big brother syndrome to think about.”
Hannah laughed. “Sounds like James. Don't worry about it. He'll probably end up getting bored and start chasing Lily.”
“I feel so sorry for that poor girl.” May laughed softly as the two best friends were sitting on May's bed. “I haven't spoken to her much but she is really nice.”
“She is really nice but I think we see her anger more than anything when your brother annoys her.” Hannah laughed softly and shook her head and her short blonde hair shook slightly.
“Hey! I just noticed! You've had a haircut!” Pointing at her friend's hair. “When did that happen?”
“While you were away.” Hannah laughed. “Had it done in Hogsmeade.”
“Oh yeah! It was a Hogsmeade weekend. Aw! I can't believe I missed it.” May pouted with a laugh. “So any news since I've been away?” Folding her legs as she faced her friend completely.
“Nothing exciting. Oh yes! Sirius is with Maria Jenkins in Hufflepuff.” Hannah rolled her eyes. “No change there. A different girl every week.”
May laughed softly and felt the jealously in her build up a little. “Sounds like him.” Laughing softly again.
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“Sirius...” Maria sighed as Sirius pressed feather light kisses on her neck. “Not here. It's a classroom, someone could walk in on us.”
“They won't.” Sirius whispered against her neck as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her body against his. “Live a little.” Continuing to caress her neck with kisses.
Maria let out another sigh as she gripped onto his shoulders. “Sirius...” Her heart pounded in her chest as she felt his hands run up her sides. “No... Stop..” She pushed him back. “It's too fast.”
“I thought you wanted this.” He frowned as his hands reached forward and rubbed her arms gently. “It's fine.” He smiled gently. “Come on. I'll walk you back to your common room.” Running his hand down her arm and entwining their fingers together. “I'm sorry. I got lost in the moment.”
“It's cool.” Maria smiled. “We're too young at the moment for that kind of thing.”
“I know Mary.”
“Maria. My name's Maria.” She pulled her hand away from his. “I knew you were only into me for the sex.” Pushing him away and walking away. “Dream on.”
“Oh come on Maria!” Rushing after her. “It was a slip of the tongue. Please! I'm sorry.” Grabbing her hand and pulling her back to him. “I really am sorry.”
“Sorry that you called me a different name or the fact that you can't stop staring at May Potter.” Pulling her hand away as she glared at him.
“Excuse me? What are you talking about?” Stepping forward to her.
“Oh for Merlin's sake! Nearly everyone has noticed that you infatuated with her. I didn't want to see it especially when you asked me out but now I do. You love her.” Maria glared at him as she folded her arms. “Just tell her and stop kidding yourself by being with other girls.”
“I am not in love with her!” Glaring at her too. “I am …. Not....” He stuttered as the notion set in.
“There. You are. You can't even say you're not.” Maria stepped forward and put her hands on his shoulders. “Tell her Sirius. She deserves to know.”
“She does know but we couldn't be together because of James. We were going to hide from James but she knew she couldn't keep a secret like that from him.” Sirius sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair.
“Just tell her. Stop lying to yourself and others.” Maria moved her hands away and walked away to her Common room.
For a moment Sirius stood and watched her leave before he turned and began running back to the Gryffindor Tower. He got close to the tower when he heard voices nearby.
“No... Joshua stop it.” A female voice spoke with chuckles. “Not here. Someone will see us.”
“Come on May. Don't be silly. No one is out this time of night.” Joshua's voice spoke with the same chuckle.
“No stop it!” May's voice becoming a panic. “No! Joshua stop it!”
Sirius followed the sound of May's and Joshua's voices and found them in an empty classroom. Joshua was sitting on a desk with May standing in front of him and trying to push him away.
“Come on Joshua. Stop it! It's not funny.” May groaned as he tried to kiss her neck. “I'm still not ready for this.” He continued kissing her neck as his hands slipped under her shirt. “Stop it!”
“Hey!” Sirius shouted as he stormed into the room and pulled May away from him. “She asked you to stop and I guess you should have.”
“Great(!) Black. Serial ladies man.” Joshua sneered as he jumped off the desk. “Come to steal her off me?”
“Keeping her away from you.” Sirius sneered back as he stood in front of May, who was gripping onto the back of Sirius' shirt tightly. “I knew you weren't to be trusted.”
“I got back with you on the promise that we would take it slow but it looks like it was too good to be true.” May shook her head as she spoke. “I don't want anything to do with you any more. Just keep away from me.”
“Oh I will. I only got with you for a bet. To see if I could get you into bed. You're just a prude.” Scoffing as he walked to the door. “Keep her Black. You have a better chance of her getting into bed than I ever did.” Rolling his eyes as he walked out of the room.
“Oh thank Merlin.” May sighed as she rested her forehead against his shoulder. “Thank you Sirius.”
He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. “No problem. You know me, I can't avoid helping a damsel in distress.”
“Thanks.” She whispered wrapping her arms around him and resting her head on his chest. “I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't come.”
“No problem. You're my friend. Got to help my friends.” Rubbing her back softly. “Come on. Let's go back to common room. I'll protect you.” Laughing softly and kissed the top of her head.
May froze slightly as he kissed her head but she soon relaxed and loved being his touch. “Come on. Let's go. Oh Sirius. Don't tell James. As much as I hate Joshua right now, I don't want James to hurt him.”
“Ok. I promise not to tell him.” Hugging her gently. “Come on.” Letting her go and holding his hand out to her. “It's late as it is.”
“Yeah. Sure.” Taking hold of his hand as he led her out of the classroom and back to the Gryffindor Common Room where they immediately let go of hands and parted to their own circle of friends.
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