Through the Fire | By : Giovanna Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 25878 -:- Recommendations : 4 -:- Currently Reading : 12 |
Disclaimer: I do not own HP & Co. I do not profit from this in any way. |
I have no claim on Harry Potter & Co. J.K. Rowling as the rights.
Kings crossing was always busy with students going back to Hogwarts. Harry and Neville arrived early to beat the rush of everyone trying to get their trunks on the train. While on their vacation they discussed what Harry had learned from his parents, and, the personal changes they have gone through themselves.
Their first step is to make sure that no one knew about them being the heir to the founders until the right moment. They found a spell that would hide their rings signifying them as dukes. It will only be visible to those they wish to see it. They decided to the best way to find out more about his so called friends were up to, was to spy on them. It still hurt to think that the people that were his first friends have been stealing from him. Pretending to be his friend including him into their family. Making him feel accepted.
He was not going to cry anymore. Crying would not ease the pain.
“Hey Harry how are you going to talk to Snape?” Neville asked bringing him back to the present.
“I’m not sure. I got an “O” on my OWLS, so I will be in his potions class. I'm pretty sure he will find some way to give me detention. Whether or not he’s dating Remus.”
“Do you think if he knew he was your magical guardian that he would have treated you different?”
“Maybe, with Snape you can never tell.”
“That’s true. Have you thought about who your mate might be? I know I have. I'm not really picky about what sex they would be, I just hope that they are someone who can accept me for who I am.”
That was one of the things that Harry could not stop thinking about. He now knew that his mate would be a man. Oh Merlin, he really hope it’s some he will like.
“I've thought about it Nev. I just hope it’s not someone I hate. Now we just have to be careful of who touches us.”
The train started to full up. They looked at each other thinking the same thing. Hoping that Ron, Hermione and Ginny did not find them. They wanted to at least have a few more hours to themselves without being bombarded with questions.
The compartment door opened praying that it was not his friends if he could call them that, in walked Luna. She closed the door, and then bows got down on one knee.
“I Luna Rayen Lovegood, pledge myself, my gift and knowledge as seer to the heirs of Hogwarts. Duke Gryffindor and Duke Slytherin. I pledge to aid them in the defeat of both Dark Lords. So mote it be!”
There was a glow and a shiver that passed between the three of them to show that the pledge was accepted.
She got up sat on the opposite side in front of them. They were both speechless. Harry was the first to speak up.
“Luna, why…how…?” he could not form the correct words to make a sentence or ask the proper questions.
“Don't worry Harry, all will be revealed in time. You will find that not all of your friends have turned their backs on you. Did you too have fun on your vacation?”
Seeing that Luna was not going to elaborate further, the subject was changed. They each talked about their summer.
Draco was anxious. And, he could not figure why. After, his birthday and inheritance his summer went fine. Sure, he thought about who his mate would be. Other than that he still hung out with his friends, Blaise, Pansy and Theo. Went shopping for clothes and school.
Sitting in the compartment listening to Theo and Blaise argue over their favorite Quidditch team. Theo thinks that his team the Falcons will cream the Chudley Cannons this year.
“What do you think Dray? Whom are you rooting for?”
Draco gave his famous Malfoy smirk. “Neither. The Falcon has it in the bank. Wood is a good beater but without Krum as their seeker they don't have a chance.”
Both boys scowled at him for that comment. They were getting ready to debate his claim when Daphne spoke up.
“So Draco, have you thought anymore about who could be your mate?”
Shrugging his shoulder, “I have thought about it. It’s just going to be very hard to figure out who it could be.”
“Getting any visions?” She asked.
“Here and there, nothing to make out a face.”
Changing the topic “did anyone hear any juicy gossip about Potter this summer? They have been very quiet about him in the prophet.” Theo asked.
“The last I heard from Tracy was that she had seen him at Gringotts with Longbottom. His birthday was over the summer. Do you think he changed or at least got some clothes that fit?” asked Daphne.
“One can only wonder, he does his family a disservice with the way he dress and carries himself.” Replied Pansy.
After that statement the subject was changed to something more important. As to how they thought this school year would be.
Before the train arrived at Hogsmeade, all of the students on the train changed into their robes. Realizing that he needed to use the loo, Harry excused him-self from Luna and Neville. Making his way to the bathroom, seeing Ron and Hermione making their rounds. He slipped into the bathroom before either one of them noticed him. As they passed by he heard a little of their conversation.
“Did you see Harry on the train?” Ron asked.
Stopping in front of the bathroom door, they looked around to make sure that no one could hear their conversation.
“No and I looked for the stupid prat. How stupid can you be to not notice that we can’t stand you? I’m telling you Ron, I will not put myself in anymore danger on his behalf no matter what the Headmaster promise.”
“I feel you Herm. He has no regards for himself or anyone else. Every bloody year we have to listen to him bitch and moan about his relatives. Blah, blah, blah… Merlin, I don't know how much longer we can pretend to be his friend.”
“We just have to stick it out until he gets rid of the Dark Lord and marry Ginny. After that we can get rid of him.” She replied.
“I hope it’s not too long. Do you think the Headmaster will let Ginny slip him anymore of the potions?”
“I don't think so, maybe he has something different this year. Since the imperious spell doesn't work on him, he will have to find something stronger.”
“Hopefully he hasn't figured out the ones that are already on him.”
“This is Harry we are talking about Ron, the idiot couldn't figure out a question even if the answer was given to him. Come on lets finish our rounds.”
They walked away from the bathroom, no the wiser that Harry had heard the whole conversation. He stayed in the bathroom a little longer getting his thoughts together. He got over being hurt that the people he thought that he could trust were nothing but backstabbing gits. He was pissed more now than ever. He had to find a way to know what spells were put on him. He knew of one person he could go to, the only thing that bothered him was. How do I do it without Dumbledore finding out?
Peeking out the bathroom door to make sure it was clear. He made his way back to his compartment. In silence he got his robes on in preparation for Hogwarts. His ropes were much more styles than the previous years. He had Madame Malkin’s design and make his school robes more form fitting. It looked like a long over coat with slits in the sides and back. His black leather pants were made of dragonhide that fit him like a glove. His boots were also dragonhide. He had on a button up shirt. It was white, and pristine. It fitted his lithe muscular body perfectly. He decided to leave it un-tuck. His Gryffindor ties loosely tied. He glamour his hair, shoulder length, pulling the top half in a green hair tie, few strands on each side of his face. Over his vacation he and Neville got their ear pierced. Harry had dragons in both his ear, one with red ruby eyes the other with emerald green. To complete his look he used black eyeliner and rimmed his eyelids. When his was complete he looked like an avenging angel. He smiled he was ready for this year.
Walking into the great hall Harry could hear the whispers. He ignored them as he made his way over to the Gryffindor table. As he sat down he heard a voice whisper in his ear. “Welcome home my Lord and Heir” he looked at Neville to see if he heard it too. By the look on his face he did. Hogwarts was happy to see them. He took a glance at the head table and noticed that the Headmaster was staring at him. He glared back at him for a second. He refused to waste his energy on the old coot. He moved his gaze over to the potion’s master, for the first time he noticed that he was not looking at him with hate, but more concern. Nodding his head to the professor Harry turned to look at the rest of the student body.
Some were looking at him blushing, and giggling behind their hands. Other’s outright stared. Whispering to Neville “you would think they have never seen me before?”
Chuckling at his friend “I told you the new look would turn heads.”
“It will pass soon they will want to crucify me again.”
“Maybe, but enjoy this while you can.”
Before they could continue with their silent conversation. They heard someone call out his name. “Harry mate, is that you?” Looking up they saw Ron, Hermione and Ginny making their way over to where he and Neville sat.
Raising a pierced eyebrow “who else would he be?” perfecting a Malfoy drawl.
“Wow! Harry you look so hot.” Said Ginny a blush staining her cheeks. She also had a gleam in her eyes that Harry did not like.
He told her thank you, then turned back to Neville letting them know he had nothing else to say.
“Harry, why couldn't we find you on the train? You know we were looking for you” that was from Hermione, she had that tone he hated. The one that always seemed like she was talking down to him. Usually he would ignore it. From what he heard, and, knew not this time.
“You could not have looked hard enough, considering that I was sitting Neville and Luna. You are not my mother Hermione. I do not answer to you or anyone else.”
“Harry why are you talking like this?” she asked.
“Yeah, mate what with you? That was from Ron.
Not wanting to play his hand too early in the year. He shot back. “No why don't you tell me? At the end of last year neither one of you wanted to talk to me. You all ignored me like I had the plague or something. So why the sudden change now?” When neither of them spoke he turned his back completely ignoring them this time. Not having anything else to say the three walked off in a huff and sat at the far end of the table. The feast started soon after.
Across the hall two Slytherin was watching the interaction between the golden trios. They looked at each other; something was different between Potter and Longbottom. Potter has always had that arrogant attitude, but today he exudes sexuality. Longbottom seemed to be showing more confidence and a sort of danger than his previous years. They couldn't wait to see what will happen the rest of the year.
At the head table the Headmaster watched the interaction between Harry and his friends. He might have a smile on his face, but on the inside he was seething. How dare that impertinent brat disappear the rest of the summer? Showing up here like nothing happened. Looking like that. I am going to have to get him back under control.
Across from the Headmaster Severus Snape was worried. He and Remus had gotten the letters from the goblins. He could not believe they had not known that Harry was theirs. All the time he spent hating him for Lily’s death when she trusted him with her child. Knowing what he now knew his hatred for the Headmaster deepened. He and Remus discussed the situation they would try and talk to Harry. He wondered if Harry will ever forgive him for the way he had treated him over the years. Looking at Headmaster he saw him looking at Harry. And, that made him worry more. It was not often Severus Snape; spy extraordinaire would worry about things. But, from the way the Headmaster was looking at his mate’s godson he was.
“Yes, my Lord”
“Tell your son that I want weekly reports on Potter, since his birthday I have not been able to see into his mind. Do not fail me!”
“Yes, my Lord. I will inform Draco of your order.”
They were a month into the semester when it happened. Since being back Harrys sleep have been restless. Not because of visions from Voldemort, he has not had one since his birthday. It was because something or someone was missing. Getting out of bed he made his way to his trunk reaching for his invisible cloak. Putting it on he made his way to the astronomy tower. He pulled his cloak off, feeling safe he also dropped his glamour. His hair length to its rightful length, his wings sprang from his back. Taking a deep breath He felt free for the first time in a month. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn’t hear when someone else walked into the tower.
Draco could not sleep. His dreams were plagued visions of his mate. All he could see were what he could tell were their wings. They were silver, green and black. Avoiding Mrs. Norris he decided to go up to the astronomy tower. As soon as he made it through the door he saw them. The wings from his dream, they were beautiful up close. He reached out to touch them, but stop short. He had to see who his mate was, but another need took over. Grabbing their shoulder he turned them around without looking at their face he kissed them. Their mouth touched and in an instant Draco was hooked to the taste of his mate.
Harry was being kissed within an inch of his life. Whoever, was kissing knew what they were doing. Harry’s brain was short-circuiting. He realized as arms were circling around his waist that whoever it is that his kissing him felt right. Circling his arms around their neck pulling their head down to deepen the kiss. He moaned when his lips was licked for further entry. Giving them access they took it eagerly.
The kiss seemed to go on forever, Draco didn't mind. He was kissing his mate. Holding his mate. Pulling his mate closer he could tell that his mate was male. Their body fit perfectly in his arms. They ended the kiss, Draco pulled back to finally see who his mate was. Trying to clear the clouds from his eyes, he was pulled down into another smoky kiss. Those sensuous lips drew him in before he could enjoy the kiss again those lips were gone. Opening his eyes he realize he was alone, his mate was gone. He never got a chance to see who they were only their wings. Licking his lips he moaned, he could still taste his mate. He smiled and walked back to his dorm room not even caring if Mrs. Norris caught him.
Harry was freaking out. Draco Malfoy kissed him. Draco Malfoy was his MATE!!...Oh Merlin!!!.
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