A World Not Fit To Live In | By : snowblind12 & Lissa Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 78552 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 6 |
Disclaimer: These characters and the Harry Potter world belong to J K Rowling and her publishers. I make nothing from this story and I own none of it. It is based off the work of JK Rowling. |
Once again, we own none of this.
This chapter starts to bring more of the plot into play. This story is about more than just abuse and this chapter begins to reflect that. We hope you like it.
LissaDream and I are co-writing this as well as Master Mine. Please check it out if you haven't already done so!
Thanks to all who reviewed so far! I wish we could pm a response, but AFF isn't set up for that.
Please review! Your thoughts help guide our approach. :)
Hermione tuned out the wizards conversing and stared at her red-haired friend in complete shock. Severus' pet is Ginny?! She had been so sure no one else survived. Judging by Ginny's tear-filled eyes, she must have thought the same. Their brown eyes stayed glued to each other and spoke volumes while their mouths stayed silent. Hermione's eyes welled. This time, they were welcome tears. Tears of joy. Thank God, you're alive! She wiped her eyes nonchalantly and quickly, hoping Draco hadn't noticed for fear of another scathing remark. Please don't let him humiliate me in front of Ginny!
Hermione noticed a tear slide down Ginny's cheek. Only, her expression looked concerned, her forehead crinkling as her gaze was on Hermione's bruised cheek and then the gash over her eye. Of course, she's concerned. Merlin, I'm a sight. Hermione scanned Ginny up and down, looking for bruises and injuries. She was pleasantly shocked to find Ginny looked...radiant. Her pale skin didn't have a mark or a bruise. Her eyes were bright and she looked healthy. Clearly Snape was taking good care of her, or was healing her. The latter was probably more likely. Why was she kneeling on the floor, though? She was to the left of Snape's feet, but facing the settee area and therefore facing the others in the room.
Hermione's gaze shot from Ginny up into the dark eyes of Snape, shocked to find him staring right at her. His expression was flat, his posture straight and rigid, his attire was his usual black robes. As usual, the man was a closed book. Hermione looked away quickly, not wanting him probing her mind, seeing the humiliation and the abuse she had suffered. He would probably enjoy it and she refused to give him the satisfaction.
She was pulled from her thoughts when Tinny appeared with a tray of drinks. The house elf served Hermione a glass of something red before serving Ginny the same and then whiskey for the wizards. Hermione sniffed the glass, stunned to find it was cranberry juice. Her eyes went to Tinny, who met hers with a knowing look before disappearing with a pop. Hermione sipped the juice and felt a surge of warmth for the little elf. That was three times today Tinny had done something nice for her. Hermione remembered Madam Pomfrey had make her drink cranberry juice when she had her UTI all those years ago. Cranberries are very good for the kidneys, or so Madam Pomfrey had insisted.
Hermione wanted to speak to Ginny, but there was nothing she wanted to say in front of the wizards in the room. It seemed Ginny either felt the same way or had been instructed not to speak. The young women chanced frequent glances at each other as the conversation about Voldemort's reign occupied the wizard's conversation. Hermione found herself curious and listened. She had been so out of touch since the battle. She really knew nothing more than the Order had lost and everyone she cared about was dead. Her eyes looked at Ginny once again. Not everyone is dead. Ginny's alive. She closed her eyes and gave a silent prayer of thanks to whatever God there was. She may be bonded to monsters, but her friend was alive. Tinny seemed to not be so horrible, either. Things were bad. Actually, things were horrendous. Suddenly, though, there was hope.
Draco's slow, drawling, arrogant tone made Hermione's skin crawl. "Father, I forgot to tell you. Aunt Bella owled. It seems she was given her very own pet as well." Hermione felt his eyes slowly move to her as he spoke. She refused to look at him in return. "This morning. Neville Longbottom." Draco chuckled with amusement. Hermione resisted the gasp that threatened to escape and looked at Ginny. Ginny met Hermione's gaze, both their eyes conveying their surprise. Ginny, Neville...who else is alive? After a moment's thought Hermione shuddered. Poor Neville. Bellatrix was likely torturing him, maybe even literally to death.
Draco continued. "Severus, you were lucky to be gifted a pure blood witch, even if she is a blood traitor." He stared at Ginny as he took a slow breath. "Then again, the Dark Lord gave you the pick of the litter the evening after the battle, so of course you chose her over the other...options."
Severus nodded. "Yes, the Dark Lord wanted the bonding potion tested promptly. I chose Miss Weasley for the simple reason she was the least irritating of my options." He spoke with that same voice and tone Hermione had endured for six years. It had once been a lovely voice, at least when it wasn't spewing insults and incendiary comments. It was a voice she had trusted, despite Harry and Ron's warnings. You were a fool, Hermione.
She reflected more on what she had just heard. Ginny had been with Snape since that first night? Hermione looked at Ginny once again. If only I could talk to her!
Draco's eyes moved to Ginny. He licked his lips. "So, Severus. How about a little witch on witch fun? Or perhaps you'd let me have a go with Red? I'd offer you Granger in return, but father thinks the Dark Lord might be serious about making her a Malfoy. He doesn't want to share her until we're certain." Draco's tone clearly conveyed that he disagreed with his father.
Hermione looked at the quiet Elder Malfoy, who said nothing, but had a contemplative expression before smirking and then finally speaking. His speech was slow, like Draco's, yet for some reason monumentally less irritating. "Really, Draco. The Dark Lord can get you more play things, I'm sure. Surely, you don't want other wizards to have fucked your bride should that ever come to pass?" Lucius glanced at Severus. Hermione looked at Severus as well, finding his expression unchanged.
Severus slowly moved his gaze from Lucius to Draco. "While a little witch on witch fun – as you call it – might be something your adolescent cravings desire, I have no need or inclinations towards such activities." He took a sip of his whiskey, face remaining impassive. "I…do…not…share."
Draco shrugged and laughed. "Ok, Sev. Clearly you old men have forgotten how to have a good time." His eyes moved from Hermione to Ginny. "I, on the other hand, have quite an imagination and can picture these two perfectly." Hermione could sense a very slight tension in Severus as Draco's eyes continued lasciviously scan up and down Ginny as he slowly sipped his drink. Snape's reaction was subtle. If Hermione hadn't been sitting on the same sofa as Severus, she probably wouldn't have noticed.
Ginny and Hermione once again looked at each other, relieved, as the conversation continued.
Lucius changed the subject. "Severus, tell me, has the Dark Lord discussed the move into Ireland with you?"
Draco scoffed. "He's got much bigger aspirations than just Ireland. He was discussing Germany with Bella."
Lucius and Severus exchanged glances. Hermione wondered if perhaps Draco knew more than the two older wizards. As the men continued discussing Voldemort's plan of European domination, Hermione began to feel tired. The pepper up potion was clearly starting to fade.
The little male elf from breakfast appeared with a pop. "Dinner is served, Master Lucius." The elf was bowing, his nose almost touching the floor.
Hermione was grateful when Lucius stepped forward quickly to assist Hermione to her feet. He then offered his arm to lead her into the dining room. His earlier order from breakfast took matters out of her hands, forcing her to - what was it he had said? "You will allow us to carry out the expected behaviors a gentleman bestows upon a lady in a dining room."
Hermione was simply glad it was Lucius leading her, and not Draco. They walked through a door she had not noticed, which led straight into the dining room from breakfast. Looking around the room, Hermione found the dining room did, in fact, look very different at night. It was formal, elaborate, and imposing. Without the light coming through the windows, and only darkness displayed in those giant spaces, the room had lost the warmth from earlier. It was grandiose, but it wasn't what she would call comfortable or inviting.
Lucius pulled her same chair out and she sat, allowing him to scoot her chair in as the compulsion once again gave her no choice. This time Draco sat to her left and Ginny was seated directly across from her, where Draco had sat for breakfast. Snape was to Ginny's right, directly across from Draco. Lucius, once again, sat at the head of the table to Hermione's right.
As at breakfast, covered plates were levitated in front of them. This time it was Tinny and the male elf working together. Hermione's head was beginning to become fuzzy with exhaustion. She knew she should be starving, but all she wanted was to sleep and for the discomfort from the UTI to go away. Her lower back was really starting to throb and her arms and shoulders were tender. Not to mention she had a raging headache.
The covers were lifted off the plates revealing Beef Wellington, scalloped potatoes, and assorted roasted vegetables. It smelled delicious. Hermione slowly began to eat as the wizards at the table continued talking about Voldemort.
Severus swallowed and wiped his mouth with the gray, linen napkin. A napkin which matched the stunning china. The coloring of the china was whites, stormy greys, and blues. The scene depicted all white magical creatures: unicorns, white peacocks and few Hermione wasn't familiar with. The animals moved on the plate. It wasn't something Hermione had ever seen before.
Hermione's thoughts were pulled from the dishes as she heard Severus discussing Voldemort's latest consideration about venturing into the private sector. Apparently, the megalomaniac was contemplating opening whore houses as well as some other businesses. The wizards all seemed to find this to be an exceptional idea and spoke of the despot as though he were a genius.
A vision came into Hermione's mind and before she could stop herself she let out a bark of laughter, which led into a genuine belly laugh. Tears pooled in her eyes and her belly ached from laughing so hard. She had no control over herself and could not stop laughing. The wizards at the table all looked at her in stunned silence. Ginny's eyes were large, a touch of fear in them. Clearly, Ginny thought Hermione had gone mad. Perhaps she had, but it was just so darn funny.
Lucius spoke first. "What in Circe's name has you laughing so hard, Miss Granger?!"
Hermione had to pant to control her breathing and give herself a chance to get the words out. She recited what was rolling around in her head like a game show host. "Voldemart! For all your less than ethical needs. Veritaserum? We got it. Lust potion? It's on special! Need a quick shag? We rent witches by the minute for your convenience. Shop Voldemart today!" She took a breath and then laughed again as she continued. "World domination, one convenience store at a time!" She barely got the last word out as she began to guffaw with laughter once again. She could see Ginny's jaw hanging open and Lucius and Draco looking at her...Draco with irritation, Lucius with concern. Hermione realized that she was absolutely punch drunk with her fatigue. With three of the four other magical folk at the table being pure blooded, it was very likely they all thought her mad.
Snape however…Snape was watching her with a twinkle in his eyes. She could see the corners of his lips twitching. He was clearly trying to maintain control. Being the only one at the table besides Hermione who had any idea what a convenience store was, he was most likely the only one who realized how clever the joke had been. Is he really trying not to laugh? That is would be so out of character for him.
"Stop laughing!" Draco snapped.
Hermione let out a hiccough as her mouth clamped shut and her laughter stopped abruptly. She dabbed her eyes with her napkin as she felt herself slowly regain control.
Draco continued. "You're ridiculous, Mudblood. A pathetic excuse for a witch. You sit here all evening and say nothing at all. When you do decide to deign us with your input, you start laughing like a mad woman and talk absolute gibberish." Everyone was quiet as he added another jab. "Intelligent? There's nothing intelligent about you. You only received good grades because you could spew back out what you read. It was never because you had an original thought." He sneered at her as he continued "But you never fooled me and you never fooled Severus." He looked across the table. "Did she, Godfather?"
Snape's gaze moved from Draco to Hermione, his eyes somehow slightly softer, but his words were as expected. "Yes, Draco. Miss Granger has a skill of being able to recite verbatim what she reads."
He looked back at Draco. "While irritating, it's not the worst of abilities. She still far exceeds the abilities of those buffoons, Crabbe and Goyle."
Hermione couldn't help the slight disappointment she felt when Snape called her irritating. Saying she had more ability that Crabbe and Goyle was hardly a compliment. She moved the food around her plate. For some reason, despite it all, his opinion mattered to her. She was a fool to care. Any appetite which had returned moments before was now gone. She couldn't help it as a yawn escaped. She covered her mouth, but Draco noticed and was quick to comment.
"Really, you have no manners. You're pathetic." Draco had opened his mouth to continue insulting her but the voice of Lucius interrupted the string of insults.
"I believe that's enough for now, Draco. Let Hermione eat her dinner in peace."
Draco huffed. "Whatever. I'll teach you manners, Granger. You'll learn."
The table remained quiet as Draco began eating again. Hermione looked at Lucius. He was watching her. While his expression was not friendly, it wasn't threatening, either. She realized then and there that, between the two, Lucius was the least dangerous. Perhaps there was something in him that was human. Perhaps... Who are you kidding, Hermione! He's Lucius Malfoy. The same Lucius who stole your virginity less than twenty-four hours ago. Stop trying to find a silver lining. There isn't one.
Hermione glanced across the table at Ginny. Concern and worry was evident on her friend's face. She offered Ginny a small, reassuring smile. The redhead's eyes welled with tears at her friend's bravery and Hermione looked away. She was done crying. It accomplished nothing.
"Eat your dinner, Hermione." Lucius ordered. Hermione picked up her fork and began taking the unwelcome bites into her mouth.
"Yes, Ginny, you as well. You've barely touched your food." Hermione could see Ginny pick up her fork as well and follow Snape's instruction.
Fifteen minutes later everyone was finished eating as Hermione struggled to put the last bite in her mouth. She was so full, but Lucius' order gave her no choice but to eat everything on her plate. Snape had allowed Ginny to stop when he felt she had eaten enough. Unfortunately, Lucius and Draco didn't have the same consideration for her as Snape obviously did for Ginny. Hermione determined she would speak to Tinny and request smaller servings if possible.
After she swallowed her last bite, Draco spoke. "Finally!" he exclaimed. "I don't think you could have eaten much slower."
Lucius started to stand. "Let's retreat back to my study. I have instructed Bilby to lay out coffee, brandy, and petit fours."
Hermione made note of the elf's name. Bilby. She attempted to stand, but her legs and back ached so much, she couldn't get out of the chair. Another attempt had her slowly move to her feet, wobbling and grimacing in pain. She felt Draco's eyes on her and internally flinched for the insult she knew was coming. Only, he didn't speak. Instead he grabbed her arm roughly and jerked her to follow behind him. She stumbled and almost fell, but Lucius was right behind her. His strong hands gripped her waist, righting her as Draco looked back with a scowl. She took a tentative step forward, still shaking when her knee suddenly made a creaking sound and a sharp pain overtook her. She let out a gasp.
Draco sighed and stopped walking. He rolled his eyes, looking at his father, his right hand still gripping her left arm. "I think we've broken our new toy already, Father. She was supposed to be so strong, but look at her." He directed his next comment at Hermione. "You are pathetically weak. Such a fucking let down."
Lucius placed his hand over Draco's tight grip on her arm. "She's not broken, Draco. Nor is she weak. She's merely exhausted after having cleaned the floors in the drawing room a half of dozen times today." There was a note of scolding in the older man's voice that caused Hermione to look at him in interest. Was he defending her?
Draco released Hermione's arm. "Whatever. I wonder if we can trade her in."
Lucius stood beside Hermione as Draco walked ahead. Hermione noticed that Ginny was walking behind Severus and a few paces to his left. It seemed to be by design, because she maintained that exact distance and position behind him when his pace changed and when he moved through the door.
Her thoughts were pulled from Ginny when Lucius spoke quietly, his tone formal. "If you would like, Miss Granger, you are welcome to retire for the evening." He wasn't looking at her with kindness; he was merely presenting her with an option.
Hermione looked up into his pale grey eyes, emotion clogging her throat. Sleep was needed desperately. "Yes, thank you. I'm just so tired."
Lucius nodded, a flash of what looked like understanding come over his face. He handed her a small jar which he pulled out of his pocket. "Take this, it's bruise paste." His eyes went to her cheek and his hand started to reach up. Hermione flinched. He dropped his fingers and stood taller. His expressionless mask once again present.
Realizing he was actually being kind, Hermione spoke again. "Thank you, Mr. Malfoy." She offered him a small smile, but her tone and words were as formal as his had been. She thought she noticed him flinch when she called him Mr. Malfoy.
"I will instruct Draco to let you rest tonight," Lucius told her soundly. Then he spoke out more loudly. "Tinny!"
The house elf appeared instantly. "Take Miss Granger to her room. She is to retire for the evening."
Tinny apparated the exhausted witch to her suite and helped to undress her. Hermione yawned and looked down at the elf who was working quickly to unfasten the bindings of the dress. Hermione spoke sweetly. "Thank you, Tinny. Thank you for helping me. For the pillows under my knees and for the cranberry juice."
The elf kept working but glanced up at Hermione in shock. Hermione wondered if the elf had ever been properly thanked.
Tinny slid the dress down Hermione's form as she spoke. "Tinny tended to the Lady Malfoy's of the past one hundred years. Tinny will tend to young miss as well, until Tinny is tolds not to."
Hermione sighed, her eyes fluttering, struggling to stay open as she talked with the elf. "Well, whatever your reason, I'm grateful. I'm relieved to have at least someone in this place who seems to care about my well-being."
Hermione made her way to the loo. Emptying her bladder, she was once again disheartened that the uncomfortable burning sensation was still present. She managed to stand and make it to the sink by leaning against the wall and gripping the edge of the large vanity as she walked. As she washed her hands, she looked at her grotesque reflection. Her bruise was a deep purple and her left eye looked swollen. The gash above her brow looked deep and the edges seemed to be bright pink. She wondered if it would become infected. She was too tired to use the bruise paste and placed the small jar on the vanity beside the sink. She would tend to her bruises in the morning.
Hermione thought of Ginny as she made her way back into her room. Her friend had looked radiant, and that was good news. She hoped Neville was okay. She gingerly slipped into her inviting bed. Taking a moment to look at her bedside clock, she found it was eight-thirty. It felt like midnight. She thought she noticed a flicker of movement in the portrait that was hanging over her fireplace, but when she looked again, she saw nothing except a vast blue sky and a field of poppies. Her thoughts moved to Neville as sleep overtook her instantly.
"Granger!" a voice yelled in the distance. "Mudblood, wake up!"
Hermione's eyes opened slightly. "No, I'm so tired," she whispered in her half-conscious state.
"Wake up! Jeez, you're a hard sleeper." Hermione wanted to close her eyes, but the command kept her eyes open as her brain slowly came to consciousness. A strong hand was tapping her face and grabbing her arm, shaking her roughly. "Wake up, I'm not done with you. Father shouldn't have let you go yet."
Hermione glanced at the clock. It was only eight fifty-five. She'd only been in bed for twenty-five minutes.
She couldn't help the plea that fell from her lips. "Please, Draco. I can't. Please let me sleep."
"No. Pull your night dress off and scoot over," he demanded impatiently.
Hermione wanted to scream in frustration as she tried to move over in the bed. The muscles in her shoulders, back, and legs screamed in protest as she slowly moved towards the other side of the bed. Her arms ached as she grabbed the hem of her gown and pulled it over her head. Draco was naked and climbed in the bed beside her, laying on his back in the spot she had just occupied. He began stroking himself, his cock swelled quickly. "Climb on top and ride me."
Hermione's brain cried its disgust as her body obeyed his command. She felt like crying, but resisted. Her muscles throbbed and her legs trembled with the exertion. She managed to get onto her knees and move next to him.
"That's it. Now swing your leg over me and slide that cunt of yours down on my cock." A thought clearly came to him. "Wait, suck me first. Get my cock good and wet."
Hermione leaned down, her stomach muscles now adding their protest to her movements, as she lowered her mouth over him. He grabbed the back of her head and thrust his hips forward, once again ramming into the back of her throat, causing her to gag.
"If you puke on me, you'll regret it," he cautioned with venom in his voice.
Hermione concentrated hard on not gagging as she licked and sucked up and down his length. He grabbed her hair roughly, pulling her head back. "That's good enough. Now. Fuck me."
He let go of her head as she forced herself up on her knees. She moved one leg over him. "Put your hands on your tits and play with your nipples." Her hands did as instructed as she lowered her tender core over his length. He grabbed her right hip roughly with his left hand as his right hand guided his cock so that it nestled at her entrance. He put his right hand on her left hip and forced her down on him. She nearly screamed in pain. She was dry and his cock felt like a ramming rod being shoved into her. He let out a grunt as his eyes closed. "Now, move up and down and fuck me like the whore you are."
Hermione's legs were so weak she could barely lift herself. "Faster and harder…now!" He commanded. The pain in her legs was almost unbearable, but nothing compared to the tender flesh of her damaged core being assaulted with his prick. He pulled his right hand from her hip and began to rub the spot that she was beginning to resent. This part of her body betrayed her. It caused her to feel pleasure when pleasure was the opposite of what she should be feeling. The more he rubbed the better it felt and the easier it became to slide up and down. The pain of him inside her lessened some.
"That's it. Now moan loudly."
Hermione began to moan. Sex noises, grunts, and whimpers fell from her lips as he rammed his hips up and into her. Her head pounded with each thrust. While the movements became more smooth (because of her natural lubrication), each jolt of his rolling hips aggravated her tenderness.
"Now, say: I'm a Mudblood who loves getting fucked."
Hermione repeated his words without a conscious thought. Words were just words, after all. She was adapting to the humiliation quickly. Soon enough, she would be able to ignore his taunts.
"Take your hands off your tits and put them on my chest. Move faster and harder. I want to see those tits bounce," he instructed, panting in time with his thrusts.
Hermione did as instructed, his eyes glued to her chest as she pumped up and down quickly. "That's it. You're so good at this. You were made for fucking. That's what you'll be spending the rest of your pathetic life doing." He continued mocking her as he drove up into her. Her eyes were closed, trying to shut him out as her mandated pleasure sounds continued without her consent. He smiled maliciously, knowing she was listening. "Malfoy wife or not, it's what I'm going to use you for. As soon as the Dark Lord confirms we won't be stuck having to marry you, I'm going to let my friends have a go with you as well."
He began to rub her harder. "Look how wet you're getting. You're such a slut…you like this don't you? Your body says you do."
Hermione fought the coiling within her. His words were helping to keep her from reaching her peak. His hand was doing the opposite. He stopped talking. After a couple of minutes, she couldn't stop her core from convulsing with her release, milking him as he tensed with his own climax. No longer under the compulsion to ride him, her worn out muscles just wouldn't support her. She couldn't prevent it as she collapsed forward onto him. He stiffened in shock for a moment before roughly shoving her off him as he slid out of the bed.
"Kneel on the floor, " he demanded as he walked away into her bathroom. She cautiously and slowly slid out of the bed and onto her knees. She heard the shower turn on and wondered if he was going to make her bathe him again. Then, she heard the water change as he stepped into it and realized he was going to leave her kneeling for now. His shower seemed to go on forever. Hermione closed her eyes, feeling herself drift off as her head fell forward. Only to be startled awake as her body obeyed his command to remain kneeling when she started to topple over.
It seemed like forever before Draco walked out of the loo. He was naked and toweling his hair as he approached her. "Stand up."
She almost fell over as her stiff knees and aching body complied. He watched her without expression and then pointed toward the corner of the room. "Go stand in the corner. Face it and stay there until I come for you again or your six AM summons arrives."
She winced with dread, her body starting to tremble when she realized he wasn't going to allow her to sleep. "Please, Malfoy. Please, don't do this. I need to sleep. I'm so tired."
He ignored her words, his eyes glinting with malicious glee. She realized then he knew exactly what he was doing to her. "Do it, Mudblood."
Her body forced her to walk to the far corner of the room and stood in front of it.
He grinned, thoroughly enjoying her misery. She was visibly shaking with fatigue and pain. "No, do it right. Nestle yourself in there. I want your nose almost touching the corner," he commanded.
She moved closer, so that her nose was almost touching. She heard him flip pages and wondered what he was doing. What is he reading?
"Snape is training his pet to be a full blown submissive. You know what that is?" He answered her unspoken question.
What? She thought to herself. She had no idea what he was talking about.
He continued. "It's pretty kinky and pretty hot. I'm thinking I might like a submissive." She heard more pages turn. "I mean, technically, you're already my submissive, because you do what I say. But I want a real one. A witch who does it because she likes it. I'm thinking I'll practice on you, though." After a minute, he continued. "Father say's Snape's been into D/s for ages, ever since he first became a Death Eater. Ginny seems to be into it as well."
Hermione was surprised when he used Ginny's given name. Hermione didn't know what a submissive was, but she could guess. She heard of D/s before, but didn't really know what it was. It made her concerned for Ginny. Then again, it couldn't be much worse than what Hermione was enduring, right? At least, she hoped not.
She heard the sound of more pages and then a heavy sigh. "I'm too tired to practice tonight, though. I'm going to bed. You stay there."
She heard the closing of the door and felt unwelcome, worthless tears once again prick her eyes. She leaned her head forward and winced in pain when the gash on her forehead met the wall. She quickly pulled back as she felt a tear escape. Bloody, fucking, useless tears. Enough, Hermione! She stood, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, trying to give her back a rest. After a few minutes, she heard a loud pop. There was silence, and then she felt something soft around her neck. It was a pillow. One that wedged between her shoulder and her head. She felt relief as she slightly tilted her head and felt the strain on her neck and shoulders subside. The pillow absorbed the weight of her head. It felt heavenly. She next felt something soft press up against her back and something jetted out where her bottom was, allowing her lean slightly into it. This softness held her as she leaned back into it. She couldn't quite sit completely, but she could sort of half stand, half sit.
"Tinny, what if Draco comes back and finds me like this? He'll kill both of us!"
She heard Tinny's small voice. "Tinny will stay with young Miss all night and will release spell if Master Draco comes."
"Tinny, you should rest! You've been working all day. You must be tired."
"Young Miss must not worries about Tinny. Tinny will takes care of Tinny."
"Oh Tinny, thank you. If you get tired, though, you must release the spell and go to bed. I won't have you being tortured or punished for helping me."
"Dobby was right about young Miss. Dobby said young Miss was a good witch. Dobby was Tinny's brother. Tinny misses Dobby and will take care of Dobby's friend."
Hermione shook with tears for Tinny's kindness and for Dobby's soul. "Dobby was a wonderful elf and a good friend to Harry Potter. He was a good friend to me! He died saving us. I owe him so much."
It was silent for a couple of minutes. "Young Miss must try to rest, Tinny will watch over the good witch."
The night dragged. Hermione was so grateful for Tinny's help and knew that without it she would have been in a dreadful situation. It was bad enough, but so much better than it could be. She felt herself doze for short spurts, but knew it was no more than a few minutes at a time as the bond forced her to maintain her feet on the floor and her nose close to the wall. Tinny could only help her so much.
As the night progressed, Hermione felt more and more terrible. One moment, she was so hot and the next she was freezing. The chills overcame her despite Tinny draping a blanket around her. Her teeth were chattering and she felt nauseous. Her head really hurt, throbbing behind her eyes. Each minute seemed like an hour. Tinny, bless her kind soul, did not seem to mind when Hermione asked her for the time repeatedly.
She felt like she was in a fog of delirium, when her heart began to speed up and pound. She recognized the symptoms of the pull of her bond and somewhere in her subconscious realized six AM must be approaching. She felt weightless as the softness behind her disappeared and her head fell forward as her neck pillow vanished.
"Comes, young Miss. Tinny will takes you."
Tinny took Hermione's hand and the vacuum feel of apparition came over her. Upon landing in Lucius' suite, a horrible wave a nausea overcame her as her head whirled uncontrollably. Black spots exploded in front of her eyes, and her legs couldn't support her weight. She knew she would fall, and Tinny was too tiny to assist. Hermione's knees buckled and she fell forward, crashing into a table. It pitched over, causing a glass lamp to fall and shatter. The sound reverberated through the room as she fought to remain conscious.
Lucius woke with a start. What the…? He sat up in bed, throwing the covers off and scanning the room. He found Hermione near the door, collapsed on the floor at Tinny's feet. She looked so small and… naked? Where is her night gown?
"Tinny, what happened?" He jumped out of bed and dashed to Hermione's side. His tone was abrupt and scolding. Even in the dim light he could see the bruises that littered her abused frame. Oh my Gods, what the bloody fuck?
Hermione came to the defense of her friend, her words coming out slurred with exhaustion. "Not Tin's fault…Draco…he…" Lucius crouched before her, sliding his palms underneath and lifting her into his arms. Merlin, fuck, she's burning up! He watched, feeling slightly sick, as her eyes rolled back into her head, her body went limp for a moment. Even with the dead weight of her in his arms, she was so light. She felt like she weighed less than the first time he had held her like this. Had that really only been less than forty-eight hours ago?
"Tinny, get Healer Jacobs." He demanded, his tone of voice conveying the slight panic he felt. Tinny disappeared with a snap and a loud pop.
He stood, looking at her face as he held her. "Draco what? What did Draco do?" He asked, his words urgent. He wanted answers.
Hermione slowly opened her eyes. He stared into the soft caramel orbs as she watched him. Soft tendrils of hair framed her face, which was still heavily bruised. "He…" she swallowed hard, and he winced at the sound. It seemed painful. "He made me stand in the corner." She swallowed again. "All night." Her words were barely a whisper. Her voice sounded as though someone had taken sand paper to her vocal chords. She seemed so frail and was shivering in his arms.
"He came to your room? Last night?" Lucius' tone was much more abrupt than he intended. He had told Draco to leave her alone. Damn the boy! She had so obviously needed to rest.
"Miss Granger." She didn't open her eyes. "Hermione! Did Draco come to your room last night?"
Hermione's eyes flickered again. "Yes, just after dinner." She leaned her head on his shoulder. Her body sinking against his bare chest as if she trusted him.
As Lucius questioned her, he walked out the door and hurried down the hall. He turned into another connecting hallway and then into Hermione's suite. The heat radiating off her made him feel over warm. Her skin was flushed, and she had very dark circles under her eyes. He laid her back onto her bed and then dashed into her bathroom. After quickly running a flannel under cool water, he rushed back to her side where he began to dab her face and her neck. She was naked and her entire body was colored with heat.
"Where is that blasted elf?" He snapped aloud to no one in particular.
"Tinny is an angel." Hermione was barely able to speak, but muttered out the words anyhow. Her lips curved into a soft smile. Lucius was amazed that the girl had anything to even smile about. Draco had been wrong, she was much stronger than either of her abusers gave her credit for. This included himself.
She flinched as he brushed the gash over her eye. It looked worse than this morning – angry, red, and swollen. "How did you hurt your head?"
"I'm so tired," she mumbled, turning her face away from him.
He sighed. "I know, Princess. Just a couple more questions."
"Mm, Princess…that's nice. Makes me feel almost…human. I miss feeling like a person." She opened her lovely, caramel eyes and looked at him with their fathomless depths. "You aren't like Draco. You're…almost…well…" she sighed, trailing off. Her eyes fluttered again, settling closed after a moment. "Thank you for not hitting me."
Oh, dear Merlin! He felt a knot in his throat as he swallowed. To be thanked for not doing more than raping her. For Merlin's-fucking-sake! "How did you hurt your head, Hermione?" Lucius needed to know what had happened.
He smoothed some hair off her forehead and watched as she struggled to open her eyes again. Small slits could be seen as she answered him. "Draco slapped me. Knocked me into his nightstand."
Lucius' hand on her face tensed with that revelation. The movement was answered with Hermione's eyes flying wide as she cringed away from him. He pulled back from her abruptly. "I'm not going to hurt you, Pet." His voice was strangled. "I'm getting you some help. Do you need some water?"
"Please." It was a very quiet rasp. Lucius entered her adjoining bathroom to find a small crystal tumbler at the sink. He filled it and returned to her bedside. Sitting carefully on the edge of the bed, trying not to jostle her too much, he whispered her name. She blinked slowly; he watched as she pulled herself from the foggy clutches of sleep. Slipping one arm under her shoulders, he helped her sit before bringing the cool glass of water to her lips. Hermione leaned heavily into him, the bruised side of her face pressed against his bare shoulder. The heat of her once again made him queasy with concern.
Once she seemed finished with the water, he spoke soothingly. "Get some rest, Hermione. It's going to be all right." Gently, he guided her back to the pillows before smoothing a tumble of curls off her face again.
After a moment of watching long, thick, dark lashes laying shadowed against her cheeks, Lucius turned towards the sound of Apparition. "Over here." The grey-haired healer with glasses looked from Lucius to the naked girl laying on the bed.
Lucius stood and moved out of the way as the healer walked quickly over to Hermione and waved his wand down her body.
"I can tell you right away she has a serious kidney infection. She's also severely sleep deprived," he said, pausing over her abdomen. He accio'd his bag and pulled out another wand, passing it over her body again. A blue glow hovered over her head. "She also has a slight concussion." He moved the wand slowly down the length of her form, stopping to hover over her pelvis. He let out a heavy sigh. "I will need to do a pelvic exam."
Lucius stepped back, another wave of nausea rolling through him. "Just do whatever she needs." He gestured towards her. "Make sure she'll be all right."
Lucius stood watching, his anger escalated as he thought about Draco's defiance and abuse. Unable to just stand there and do nothing, he marched out of Hermione's room and apparated to Draco's – which was on another wing. He barged into the young man's suite. Approaching the bed, he found the soundly sleeping form of his son.
"Draco, wake up!" he snapped. When there was no response, Lucius shook his shoulder. "Draco, wake up."
Draco groaned and slowly opened his eyes. "Wha-at," he drawled out, yawning.
"What did you do to Hermione?" he demanded.
Draco stretched. "Father, I'm tired. Let's talk later." He started to roll away from Lucius.
"Draco Malfoy, you sit up and answer me this instant!" His tone was angry and adamant.
Draco sighed heavily and slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position, his eyes only half open. Lucius noticed the D/s magazines tossed on the other side of the bed and his anger increased. Think about that later.
"Tell me what you did to Miss Granger. Healer Jones is with her right now and based on his demeanor and what he said, it's serious! What did you do to her?"
Draco rolled his eyes. "I fucked her and made her stand in the corner for the night."
Lucius shook his head. "I told you she needed to rest! I told you she'd be no bloody good to us in the state she was in!" he raged. "What else have you done? How did she get the gash on her head and the bruise on her face?" He wanted to hear his son say it. Wanted to hear the boy tell him why he had done what he had done. There was no reply. "She has a concussion, Draco!"
Draco sighed heavily. "Father, what's the big deal? She was being disrespectful. I taught her a lesson or two."
Lucius sighed, crossing his arms. "Enough is enough. I won't have our witch battered and bruised. It's not attractive or enjoyable having her injured and maltreated and flinching every time we touch her."
"She's just a Mudblood, who cares?" Draco responded, dismissively.
"She's not just a Mudblood, Draco! Get it through your head! You might be married to her one day. I might be married to her one day! She might be your wife or stepmother! Do you want to be married to a woman who despises and fears you?"
"Frankly, Father, I don't really care if she hates me or not. I don't understand why you suddenly care so much." A pale, blond eyebrow rose as Draco studied his father's face.
Lucius shook his head, trying to dispel some of his anger. The last thing he needed was for Draco to think he was trying to protect the girl for anything other than his own pleasure with her appearance. Lucius was terrified the insolent brat, that his son was, would accidently kill the girl. Then they'd really have the Dark Lords wrath come down on them. "I never thought of her as someone we would abuse Draco." He sighed , rubbing his eyes. "There obviously isn't any point in trying to explain it to you. Use your brain, Draco. Think! Leave her alone. Fuck her, but don't harm her."
"Father. News flash. We raped her. Or had you forgotten?" Draco quipped, an evil smirk splitting his face. He obviously had no remorse.
Lucius' jaw tensed. "You know we were being watched that evening. We had no choice."
Draco pointed at the sleeping portrait of Abraxas in the corner of his room. "The portraits are still watching, Father. They are always watching, and the Dark Lord will always know what goes on in this house because of it."
Lucius let out a huff. Draco was right, but he was also so very wrong. "Yes. Clearly, we are under a constant eye, but that doesn't mean you have to beat her!"
Draco stared at his father for a minute, his expression contemplative. Lucius had a flicker of hope that he was actually getting through to the boy before it fizzled and died. "You treat her as you see fit and I'll do the same. We'll see where the bludger lands. The Dark Lord is finally showing me favor. It's taken a very long time, but it's happening because he no longer sees me as weak."
Lucius was taken aback by his son's tone. Draco had never challenged him in such a way. "Beating a wandless witch doesn't make you strong, Draco."
Draco rolled his eyes. "Whatever. You mind leaving so that I can get some more sleep?"
Lucius watched him for a minute. "Fine, but do yourself a favor and back off her. I fear you'll live to regret this behavior if you don't."
Lucius left his son's suite and apparated to his suite to shower and dress before heading back to Hermione. He arrived to find Healer Jacobs still at her bedside. Tinny was next to him, organizing flasks and jars on her bedside table.
"Ah, Mr. Malfoy. So, Miss Granger is quite ill. I shudder to think what would have happened if this had gone untreated much longer. UTI's can be very dangerous when left unattended."
Lucius swallowed heavily, realizing he was as much to blame as Draco. Hermione had told him she had a urinary tract infection, he should have gotten the potions she needed immediately. "She'll get better?"
Healer Jacobs gave a firm nod. "Yes, physically she will heal. Emotionally…mentally?" He paused, seemingly hesitant to say more. "Miss Granger is suffering from severe depression. My psychological evaluation showed she has had suicidal ideations in the last forty-eight hours." He dropped a few items in his bag and turned to face Lucius fully. "Her perineum has been brutalized. I've never seen a witch as torn up as she is." Lucius visibly flinched when the healer couldn't keep the disgust out of his voice.
"She needs to heal before any more sexual activity occurs." Jacobs looked at Tinny and then at Hermione. "I have given Tinny healing balms, bruise paste, a mood lifting potion, and a systemic anti-infection potion. She has been instructed in their use." He paused before adding. "Miss Granger's head gash was infected as well."
Lucius wondered how the healer knew Hermione's name, but quickly dismissed the curiosity as he listened to the healer.
Jacobs placed the last of his items in his bag and closed it. He looked at Lucius. "She needs to heal and rest. A minimum of two days to let the healing potions work."
Lucius looked at the sleeping girl and sighed. "Thank you, Healer Jacobs. We'll be in touch if we need further assistance."
The healer paused before leaving. "I would like to stop by to check on her tomorrow, if that is acceptable?"
Lucius nodded. "Yes, of course. Whatever you think is best."
Healer Jacobs was Apparated by Tinny, leaving Lucius to watch over the now sleeping witch. She looked so incredibly young.
A flicker of movement over the mantle caught his attention. Lucius turned and saw her approach, walking through the field of poppies. He closed his eyes and took a breath, trying to quell the swell of emotion at seeing her beautiful face.
"Luc, something needs to be done about this," her soft voice whispered.
He scanned the room, confirming there were no other "visitors" in any of the other paintings in the suite. He could only talk freely when they were alone. "Yes, love. I fear our Draco has started show the signs."
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