There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58487 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
See first chapter for disclaimers/warnings/summaries.
RECAP: An Emergency at the clinic in the form of young Meg, being transformed into a dragon at a too young age. Quinn and Charlie come to the rescue of Meg, who was formerly possessed by Niko, the little Immortal girl. Theo's horrible headache prompted Harry to unknowingly cast a spell on him as he watched the emergency at the Clinic, waiting for Quinn to finish for their appointment. Harry's circle is spotted by Quinn at the last moment, where he realizes what is happening with Harry, Theo and Charlie. In the examination room, Quinn spells them to sleep while urging Kyle to prepare for what lies ahead.
The Potions were spelled into the necessary stomachs, by way of Quinn's careful magic. Kyle helped him to maneuver the three bodies into three separate beds, a few feet apart, so that the Healer and Medic could walk freely between them.
"Make sure they can be moved together quickly." Quinn cautioned. He rubbed his throat, discreetly, a gesture practiced to alert him to the current time remaining on the speech spell.
Kyle snorted from the floor where he finished the transfigurations. "You can nudge them together however you like." He straightened and wiped his forehead. "And I've warded the door, we shouldn't be interrupted."
"My schedule?"
Kyle snorted. "I already shifted it this morning when Bharin called in."
"Thank you."
"They haven't bonded yet, have they?" Kyle moved between the beds. He held two fingers to Theo's wrist, checking his pulse manually. "I can feel it. Can't think of a good reason why though, I mean, they're perfectly healthy, hot-blooded, young-men without-"
"Kyle!" Quinn choked out the name. "Not the time for it!"
"What?" The Medic ducked his head, anyway. "I am merely observing. Leaving a first mated triad open is just asking for trouble. Just my observation, I mean from a medical standpoint, apart from the little things—and there are a bunch of little things, but—really there isn't anything that could prevent them from sealing the bond. If they'd sealed it sooner, perhaps they wouldn't suffer so."
"You and me both." Quinn sighed. "It's tearing them apart, isn't it?"
"Indeed. And what for? You'd think they could spare a single night for each other."
"Or a few hours." Quinn grumbled. "Surely it does not take that much time. But I honestly do not think they have been in Nevarah for very long." Quinn frowned. "The papers I reviewed showed that these two," and here, he gestured to Harry and Charlie. "Were only registered recently."
"Recently? Exactly how new are we talking here?"
"Didn't I—oh, I didn't," Quinn mumbled. He stretched out a hand. "Here."
Kyle twisted and leaned over to touch his hand to the proffered one. The spark of energy leapt between them and the transfer was complete. It took a moment to register and then the head of forest-green hair, bowed, hiding those soft brown eyes from view. "Thirteen seals? Thirteen? On a new Submissive? That's inhuman and people say we're monsters."
"I am not so sure that we are not." Quinn murmured. He chewed on his lower lip, gleaming white fangs peeking over the edge of his lip.
"Please do not start freaking out on me." Kyle deadpanned. "No talk of freaky immortals or whatever, until we are home and I know whether I'll be hanging around here solo for the rest of the week."
"Solo?" Quinn blinked. "Why?"
"Do you really think you'll be able to talk your way out of this one?" Kyle countered. "They called Patrick back. Your Father."
"Wha-oh. Right." Quinn flushed a light shade of pink at the mention of his sire. There was definitely a silent message in there somewhere and he did not feel up to figuring it out just yet. There were more important things to deal with at the moment.
"Yes. Oh." Kyle mimicked. He moved away from Theo and waved his wand absently, for the information to add itself to the parchment Quinn was scanning. "Need any help with the summoning?"
"NmmMm." Quinn moved to the cleared spot in the corner. The sofa had been transfigured into one of the bed and now, there was a nice, empty area for him to cast the magic he intended to. "She is an earth type, I may have converted my element, but I never renounced it." He smirked.
"Should I hold my breath?" Kyle joked. He took Harry's pulse and waved his wand for a scan of his vitals. He checked along the same vein as Quinn had, frowning when he could see the evidence of the seals for himself. A dark look flickered over his face. He threw up the necessary shield over the three still forms as Quinn sent the message out to one, Ilsa Gorgens.
"This is Healer Quinten Auwren Kalzik from the… Health Clinic, division…. seeking one Ilsa Gorgens for… in relation to patient, Theodore Gorgens Nott… Please respond. Coordinates are contained within this message, kindly 'port to the immediate vicinity…Thank you. Message repeat. This is Healer Quinten Auwren Kalzik…"
Ilsa moaned from somewhere under the thick pile of fluffy blankets. A tuft of short, spiky hair appeared near the top of the covers. Her next moan turned into a groan as she stretched carefully. "It is far too early for this." The short Gheyo sat up, clutching the blankets around her bared form. She squinted at the message for a moment, then flopped back into the pillows.
"Ilsa?" A softer, huskier voice broke the silence of the small room. "What's the matter, babe?"
"…some…message." Ilsa yawned. She rolled over and snuggled into her lover's warmth.
"Message 'bout what, Mmm?" Slender, tanned arms stretched above the covers, then slid downwards to caress soft skin. Greta smiled, turning to press a kiss to one bared shoulder. She had missed Ilsa—had missed this.
There was a snort, followed by a snicker. "Oh, hon, you're not really awake yet, are you?" Another kiss. "Need a wake-up call?" Those tanned arms pulled the sleepy figure closer. "Room, temperature control, raise by six degrees." Greta spoke clearly. She waited for a moment, then the air vents began to hum.
"Hmprhfg?" Ilsa mumbled.
The snicker turned into a quiet laugh. Dry lips pressed a kiss to a sleep-warmed forehead. "On second thought, I don't think you're awake enough to appreciate it." Her calloused fingers began to rub exhausted limbs. "You just said there's a message in the room about Theo, somehow I think that's going to be important. Come on, wake up, love. Theo. Theodore. Your precious little princeling of-"
Ilsa froze.
A second later, she scrambled out from the tangle of sheets and duvet, panic written on every feature of her waking face. "Oh, Arielle—Theodore, I hope for your sake that you are alive and nowhere near death, or so help me I shall-"
"Hey, hey, hey!" Greta sat up, drawing the blankets around her. "It's alright. It is alright, Ilsa, please, calm down. I'm sure he's fine."
"You don't know that!" A faint quiver ran through the shorter Gheyo. Ilsa raked a hand through her spiky hair. "I should have, I ought to-"
"If he wasn't fine, you would've felt something and I doubt we would've had such a delightful afternoon to celebrate your return." Greta said, firmly. "Now, please. Calm down. You'll only work yourself up into a state and that would ruin everything when you 'port in, now wouldn't it? I am sure that Theo needs you clear headed right now."
Ilsa closed her eyes as that familiar hand settled around her neck. It squeezed gently and then rubbed in that way that she loved so much. She pressed her lips together. Greta was right on that count, of course. But the tension remained. Theo was hers and the fact that something might have happened to him without her knowledge, burned inside.
"Center." Greta purred, softly. "Gather your energies."
There was a wellspring of warm summer energies that rippled through the entire room and then a crackle of magic. Ilsa felt herself relax as her magic swirled around her in its own, familiar way. It calmed her considerably and whisked away her borrowed nightshirt to replace it with day clothes and her preferred Gheyo armor.
"Nice." Greta complimented. "I almost forgot how lovely you look in plated silver."
Ilsa rolled her shoulders back as two short swords materialized on her left hip. The armor was a simple chest bustier with a plated skirt, her boots, knee-high with hidden joints in all the right places, allowing freedom of movement and seamless appearance. The armor's weight settled over her, easily and seemed to ease her newly frazzled nerves.
"I'll see you…when I see you." Greta kissed her cheek.
Ilsa smirked. "Temptrificus Ergen. Theodore Gorgens Nott. Immediate vicinity."
The bright, blue-green glow of magic died down with a final rush of wind. Quinn stepped away from the carved marks on the floor. They were permanent etchings to allow for quick summonings within an examination room. He smoothed a hand over his blond locks, now sticking up every which way, Bharin's earlier work already undone.
"Is she coming?" Kyle screwed in a potion's vial into the silver contraption in his hand. A moment later, he sprayed the dose in a concentrated, fine mist over Theo's face. "Don't bother, you're making it worse."
"I sent the message. She should be on here way." Quinn paused before a small mirror hung on the wall. He tilted his head to the side and checked the flickering band around his neck, signifying the binding of the spell and depicting the current time remaining as he prompted it. "It's can't possibly become any worse than it already is. How's the Alpha?"
"Ever met her?" Kyle inquired. "I've heard of her." He set the sprayer aside and reached out with gloved hands to check Theo's eyes. "He's out, thankfully."
"Then I have heard the same. I am sure she is perfectly reasonable. And he had best be out, still." Quinn retorted. "What kind of spell did you think I cast?"
"Don't know. Never heard it before." Slender shoulders hunched upwards. Kyle stifled the urge to roll his eyes. "Quinn."
"Not now, Kyle. Busy."
"That wasn't a jab at you. I just meant that I never heard you use it before."
Quinn paused. "Usually it requires three or more, before I can cast it."
"Three or—oh. Nice." Kyle approved. "See, that wasn't so bad. You're skimming pretty close to the surface, aren't you?" The Medic sighed. "Fine. I'll be careful. Now, how do you want to do this? There's three of them and two of us."
"Is he up yet?"
"Not quite. I can time him, if you like." Kyle took up one pale wrist, timing for a pulse. A ripple of his white-gold magic washed over Theo's sleeping form. "Are you ready for him? The spray usually works very quickly."
"Yes." Quinn donned a pair of gloves and snatched a handful of potions vials.
"Specifics?" Kyle prompted. He adjusted the examination table, tilting it upwards, raising the head and shoulders at an angle.
"None. I have a hunch."
Kyle watched as Quinn suspended the vials in the air, with a whisper of his newly regenerated magic. This was one of the things that made Quinn such a joy to work with. He knew how to use magic for the instinctive and useful things—and how to keep an uncluttered workspace. Soft brown eyes flickered to the opened collar of Quinn's shirt. He frowned. "How long?"
"You know what I mean, Quinn. The spell, how long?"
"Long enough for him, I hope." Quinn sighed. "Keep your head empty for me."
"My mind is always open for you."
"I know. Too much rattles around in there." Quinn half-smiled.
"Hey!" Kyle protested.
"I speak only the truth." Quinn drew near the waking Alpha. "Watch the other two, will you?"
"Don't need my help?"
"I always need your help." Quinn countered. "And you already called Bharin, didn't you?"
This time, Kyle smirked.
Blinding light.
Incessant throbbing pain.
In head.
Theo's chocolate-gold eyes flickered up to a white ceiling. He shut them immediately. His forehead wrinkled, fingers twitched, lips pursed into something resembling a pout. That had taken far too much effort and the result gained was virtually useless.
"Too bright?" Quinn's mellow voice cut through Theo's muddled thoughts. "Welcome to the land of the living. You may remember me, Healer Quinn?"
Something leathery unfolded with a loud whoosh and Theo was immediately grateful as the light dimmed considerably. A pleasant musk—sandalwood probably—seemed to envelope him and the temperature warmed comfortably. He sifted through the confusion in his head. Yes, he did remember Quinn, remembered quite a lot of things, actually.
"Open your eyes when you can." Quinn murmured. "How are you feeling? I expect you are probably in some degree of pain, but until I know exactly how you are doing, I will not be dispensing any painkillers. Please bear with it." He moved in careful, measured strides around the examination table, his wings canted forward to block the light from Theo's raised form. "You are inside the examination room from yesterday, I spelled you asleep shortly after you were escorted in—with your permission, of course. Do you remember that? If you cannot open your eyes or speak, try any sort of movement, alright?"
Theo focused for a moment. His left hand twitched. He worked on trying to open his eyes again.
"Hand movement. Alright. Well done. That is good." Quinn congratulated. "We'll work on the other things later. The spell I used to send you to dreamland is a little complicated and it might take you a little bit to fully wake and I think there might be a touch of confusion. Please do not fight it or stress yourself, everything will return to normal, given enough time. Now, I have something that might speed that up a little and I need you to take it."
Something hard and cold was gently pressed against his lips. Theo flinched.
"It's a glass dropper, and there's some blood replenisher inside and I have some very, very sweet tea for you afterwards to wash it down. I am sure you understand the significance of sugar?" Quinn's gloved fingers gently brushed against Theo's hand, then finger-walked up the alpha's side and shoulder, before moving up to his face. Here, the hands guided the glass dropper fully into Theo's mouth. The movements were carefully calculated to the temporarily 'blind' Alpha could track his whereabouts without worrying himself. "Small mouthfuls." Quinn cautioned. "If you cannot swallow, I will help you."
A trickle of coldness filled Theo's mouth, a shallow sip. He focused on making his throat work, the familiar motions of swallowing. He trembled, faintly, when he felt one of the gloved hands on his cheek, move down to his throat and coax his body to respond as it should.
He is too muddled to make sense of it.
But Quinn's movements are slow and careful, his voice is low and soothing. The lights never become too bright and eventually, Theo can hear the Healer keeping up a constant stream of chatter as his own memories return.
The sleeping spell was powerful. Theo can silently admit that he has never felt such raw power in something as mundane as a mere sleeping spell. He cannot help but admire the teal-eyed, blond-haired Healer. There was something different about him and Theo was glad for it.
"Earth has always been your element?" Quinn holds up the cross pendant with the gently lit orb to Theo's eyes. "How do you feel now?"
"Head hurts." Theo blinks once, twice and then thrice, by prompt. "Is it—is it my-" and the words are caught in his throat. He found that he could not voice the awful truth that rattled around in his head. He'd known this would happen-sort of. He hadn't actually expected it to, when there hadn't been any symptoms straightaway. It had seemed too good to be true and now it appeared, that had been the truth.
"Headaches are generally one of the first symptoms in this case." Quinn dropped the pendant back to his chest and the tips of his gloved fingers glowed a soft, baby blue. "This will be cold." He warned.
Theo still flinched when the cold fingers settled at the corners of his temple and began to rub in sure, smooth circles. It felt good. It felt horrible. He didn't deserve such assistance. It felt—like failure. His eyes squeezed shut.
"Were you aware?" Quinn prompted.
Ah. So he did know, Theo mused. Then again, the blond did seem to be a different sort of Healer. It would only make sense that he would know of things like caspered guardians and deep elemental energies. "Does it matter?"
"…Yes." Quinn's hands gentle even more.
The kindness is more of a torture than Theo expected. "I did."
"And you thought you could handle it on your own?"
"It's never happened before!"
"There is always a first time for everything." Quinn sighed. But there is no disapproval in it. "If you had waited longer, this would be far more difficult." The coolness faded from his fingers, replaced. "Tilt your head back and gather your energies. How is your movement?"
Theo tested his limbs, carefully, cataloguing all possible movement in comparison from what he can remember. "Fine." He reluctantly tipped his head back. It is caught by Medic Kyle's capable hands. The forest-green fae-born flashed a cheery smile, but his face is carefully masked.
Quinn passed by, a moment later, Kyle wore the same white mask over his face as the Healer did. "You felt the energy of my spell?" The Healer inquired.
Theo nodded, not trusting his voice to speak for him yet.
"Then you understand that for the necessary use of it in some of the more delicate—areas, I require a grounder. Kyle cannot always ground me, so I use the services of one of my family's Gheyos. Bharin, the tall dark one, he was present yesterday? He carried me home?"
Theo nodded again.
"With your permission, he will enter the examination room. I also share a mental connection with him as well, in the event that Kyle is otherwise occupied and this particular spell ends, I shall be using him as my voice. Is that acceptable? Verbal answer, please, if you can manage it."
"That is—fine." Theo is surprised to find that speaking aloud doesn't quite require as much effort as he was expecting it to. It also answers one unspoken question for him. He distinctly remembers the Healer's lack of voice from the previous day, but now that the fragments of memory in his mind make sense, he can see the blond casting the spell that is now twined around his neck, granting him the ability to speak once more.
"Thank you. Now then, shall we begin?"
Not like I have a choice…
"Is your Submissive aware of the depth of your password?" Quinn's hands are quick and deft in their movements.
Theo finds himself shirtless atop the examination table, his head still held in Medic Kyle's hands, his eyes staring up at the rippling illusions of a sky that serve as a distraction. Illusions that came to life when Kyle's gaze caught his own and Theo couldn't be sure of the Medic smiled behind the mask, but he did appreciate the gesture.
It was easier to focus on answering Quinn's questions, when the colorful images danced overhead. It reminded him that there were other things than strange hands wandering over his body.
It stopped him from touching the guilt.
"I gave it to him." Theo answered, at last.
"Did you explain it to him?"
"I tried."
Quinn sighed. "Did you explain it in simple terms for your submissive to understand?"
The fact that the Healer is using generic terms over Harry's name, bothers Theo in a way he didn't think it would. Quinn's words hit harder in a place that Theo has tried not to think of. He doesn't want to think of it—not now. "…no." His voice is too quiet, but somehow it seemed loud in the room.
"I assume your password is to allow full access to your element?"
"You may assume." Theo said, darkly.
"I will not ask the words of you." Quinn said, mildly. "This is merely procedure. Most earth element use an absolute word to grant the holder the entirety of their magic, all reserves included. Some choose a substitution ritual by trading a familiar, some prefer a blood oath and others take the sacrificial route. I am merely attempting to determine which one you have chosen. Do make it easier?"
Theo licked his lips. The hint of authority was barely there, but it was there and he resolutely shut his eyes. "Sacrificial."
"Your power or your life?"
"And your Submissive is unaware of this?"
"…most likely." Theo sucked in a careful breath. It sounded so shallow when spelled out this way. Guilt curled softly in his belly.
"I would advise you to inform him of the gravity of the responsibility that you have entrusted to him." Quinn said, briskly. "It will be best for all of you. This is not something to keep as a secret between mates." He frowned. "Your Submissive knows of this, how fares your Beta?"
Theo seemed to shrink inward on himself.
"Does he know?" Quinn prompted.
"You have not had the chance to share it yet or you did not intend to?"
"Pardon?" A flicker of anger slipped through Theo's self-loathing mask.
"Some Alphas use a secondary phrase for their Betas." Quinn's voice was even and matter-of-fact. "I was merely attempting to discern if you did the same."
"Speaking plainly instead of in riddles would travel a long way in-!"
Kyle fisted hands shifted beside Theo's heads, turned enough for hard knuckles to press meaningfully against the sides of the pureblood's head. "Quinn is trying to help," Kyle spoke very softly, a near whisper. "And it is costing him to help you right now. He will not call Wikhn, because Wik is not used to the way we work, so consider me a temporary stand in for Dahlia right now. We do not insult Healers when they are trying to help us."
"Leave him be, Kyle." Quinn ordered. "He has a right to speak his mind, if he cannot do so here, then where can he?" To Theo, Quinn directed his next words. "Please excuse my assistant, he is sometimes overprotective." The Healer sighed. "Check on the other two, please. And you may open your eyes, Mr. Nott."
Theo winced. The weight of the Nott title had finally settled for him, but it was still a reminder of something that he had come into a little too young. A flicker of magic passed over him and golden eyes snapped open, battle-ready.
"Easy." Quinn cautioned, holding up his hands. "It was a privacy ward. Sometimes Kyle cannot help his big mouth."
Somehow, Theo cannot help but feel that this is not very reassuring.
"This is a tad tricky, but be assured it is nothing too risky or dangerous." Quinn said, calmly.
"How can something labeled as 'Soul Casting' be anything but dangerous?" Theo shot back. The uneasy feeling still remained. He shied away from the gloved hands that approached with a new, pink cream globbed on the fingertips.
"Casting." Quinn repeated. "Kind of like craftwork, to create a cast of something. You know, a mock up of sorts? I could do it the other way, but this one tends to be more accurate and use less energy." He gave a jerk of his head over one shoulder. "And I intend to conserve my energy today, so that I can tend to you all properly, so you will simply have to bear with this."
"And you are doing this because?"
"Because something inside of you is trying to kill you and another is trying to save you." Quinn said, bluntly. "Now then," he rubbed the cream between his gloved fingers to warm it. "I will need to place you in a temporary trace, so please alter your breathing cycle on my count. One—in—two, three—out, one—in—two, three—out…"
"He's very young," Kyle murmured.
"You're not that old." Quinn threw back.
Kyle snorted. "Neither are you." He stood beside Quinn, watching as the Healer manipulated the colorful pulses of light showing the readings of the magic within his patient. "And that's a lot of power in one like him."
"Mm." Quinn's teal eyes remained locked on something at the very center of the mish-mash of color. The Soul Casting was essentially a magical reading taken while the individual was caught between a stake of awareness and waking, it read the magical pulses within the body and compared them to the life force. The results were then displayed accordingly, in a selection of colors. Sometimes, they simply hung over the body, as if a handful of colored ribbons were suspended in space, at other times, they were twists, knots and braids, or perhaps bent in an odd shape.
Theo's reading as a tightly twined ball bearing all the rainbow colors. Quinn poked at it, cautiously, then frowned.
"His mentor arrived?"
"Wearing a path at the end of the room over there." Kyle gave a half-jerk of his head. "I don't think I can keep her from charging over here much sooner."
"She can charge and pace all she likes." Quinn frowned. "But I foresee several uncomfortable conversations in her future."
Kyle winced. "Are you really-?"
"He needs to speak to her."
"Maybe he's worried about something. He has his rights."
"And I have mine." Quinn shot back. "Take a look here and tell me what you see!"
Kyle frowned. "A ball of colorful yarn." He shrugged. "You know I cannot read-"
"Not that!" Quinn gestured to the not quite awake nor asleep figure. "Him. Tell me what you see?"
"I see…" Kyle's voice trailed off and his shoulders slumped. "Oh."
"Yes. Oh." Quinn snapped. "I see a young Alpha with too much on his shoulders, believing that he must do this on his own and fighting himself at every turn. He would be doing mostly alright, except for he has pushing himself too hard and too fast in too short a time, resulting in a burnout. Which, is not uncommon for new, young Alphas, but he is older than sixteen, meaning that he should have had time to come to terms with his rank and his purpose. Besides that, he is mated to a Beta, who seems to have recently been released from an inheritance seal, meaning that the mate meant to support him in this, is not one he can immediately rely on, not to mention that he has not fully completed the bond between them. His Submissive is under the influence of more seals than is legal, hasn't completed the bond between the three of them, is having his entire life catch up to him in his inheritance year and to top it all off, they're fairly impressive magic users! What part of that combination is good?"
"Er, none of it?"
"How come no one has noticed this?" Quinn pretended not to notice when Kyle reinforced the privacy bubble cast about them.
"You're one of a kind you know." He soothed.
"I ought to wring their skinny little necks!" Quinn snapped.
"He should have asked his mentor for help!" Quinn bristled. "He should have asked and if he could not ask, then he should have spoken to his guardians. He shouldn't have given out a password he could not modify and if he was unprepared to take a Submissive, then he should have restrained himself!"
"Ah. Right." Kyle sighed. "You need to continue on?"
"Of course I need to-!" Quinn broke off abruptly. He crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. "This is not-!"
"I'd offer my neck for the wringing bit," Kyle half-smiled. "But I don't think you'd take any satisfaction from it." He shook his head. "and I haven't seen you this worked up in quite some time. Can you really handle this?"
Teal eyes blazed at him. "I shall." The words were clipped, cool and precise. "Do not presume to think otherwise."
"Just checking." Kyle held up his hands in surrender. "What about the other two?"
"The Beta is a mess, inside and out and-"
"And Harry? You can use their names you know, saying the titles doesn't really put that much distance between them."
A pained expression flickered across the Healer's face. "It isn't that simple, Kyle."
The Medic looked away. "I know. It's affecting you, isn't it?"
"As if you're immune." Quinn shot back. "As dragel-kind, we are always intimately aware of the pain of our fellow dragels, especially in close quarters. One of them is an empath and it's not a primary gift either."
"No, he's Earth, the Beta's Fire, which means it's Harry, which means that empathy is an inherited trait, meaning that his inherited gift is-"
"Not an element, but a Nameless." Kyle breathed. "By Arielle's fangs. I wouldn't have even considered that without—how did you know?"
"Theo." Quinn said, simply "I am working on him, because Harry, I would wager, is entirely unaware of his Nameless status especially as to what kind of Nameless he holds. There is a spell on Theo, one keeping him moderately calm and restraining the warring forces inside of him, as if someone simply put them on hold for a time. It bears Harry's signature, but I cannot confirm it, because I have never seen him cast anything."
"I haven't either." Kyle frowned. "He shouldn't have cast anything though. You did tell him this, yes?"
"Oh I told him alright," Quinn's lips curved into a smile that did not reach his eyes. "And we are will have a discussion about that. I shudder to think of the result."
"The result—oh, heavens!" Kyle groaned, as if suddenly remembering something. "His magic was missing. Completely missing like-"
"Yes, like that." Quinn sighed. "I would wager he did not know that and it didn't occur to his Alpha as well and the Beta wouldn't have known anything either and well, that leaves them all in the dark, especially if Theo was not communicating regularly with his mentor and his Beta does not have one in addition to Harry not having one either," the Healer threw up his hands. "It's a perfectly wretched mess!"
"Are they dead?" Kyle wanted to know.
"Harry's mentor?"
"Ha. So it's Harry, but Alpha and Beta for the others?"
"Shut up, Kyle." Quinn glowered at him. "Fine. Harry. His mentor should still be alive and if they have died, then it is only recently, because as of yesterday, the seals placed on him, still pulsed actively."
"Can't you trace the signature?"
"To some degree, but it'd be best to seek the services of a tracking or hunting team." Quinn shrugged. "I have already put through a request, but it is Hunting Season."
"Don't remind me." Kyle shuddered. "Emily wants to attend the Dog Run."
Quinn winced. "My sympathies."
"Oi! I am not attending without-"
"I do not think I should unravel this Soul Cast."
"What? Why not?"
"The spell that was used to freeze it, look closer, Kyle."
"Tell me what I'm supposed to see." The Medic grumbled, but he leaned forward and squinted at the mass of colored strands tangled together into a ball. "Oh, bugger that." He grunted, a moment later.
Quinn smiled, sweetly. "Three guardians, two fighting, one restraining."
"They're killing him!"
"As per their ordered instructions." Quinn sighed. "The problem with young holders of great powers is that they never fully understand the duality of the magic inside of them. My guess is that his mentor has gifted him three guardians to help with his changing magic and did not know of his mating, otherwise, the bonds would not have been Brindus bonds."
Kyle shuddered, visibly.
"You alright?"
"M'fine. Just—you know, remembering."
Quinn took a slow breath. He knew what memory the Medic referred to.
They'd called in a Spellweaver the last time, to slow the death of a young Beta who had given his password the mateship's youngest child. A charming little girl who had been kidnapped and nearly killed. The child had used the password as a last resort. She had been saved. The entire mateship had stormed the compound and killed the Hunters who had taken her. The Beta, had collapsed shortly afterwards.
Quinn had been the acting Healer on that case and he'd requested a Spellweaver in hopes of rewriting the invocation and stopping the inevitable end.
It hadn't worked.
In the end, he had only been able to grant the mateship a handful of days for their goodbyes, before he'd had to explain that drawing out the spell would be inhumane. The Beta had died within an hour of the Spellweaver's interference being retracted.
Quinn hadn't slept for a week.
Neither had Kyle.
"…did you know?" Kyle swallowed hard. "How soon?"
"I didn't. Not until this afternoon. I wasn't looking for it." Quinn forced a smile. "He's borne it silently all this time. He has to know on some level, what is happening to him and why."
"I doubt it." Kyle hesitated. "When I saw him earlier, he looked as if he was in so much pain. I threw a general scan over him and he didn't even react to it. But it didn't show up as-"
"Brindus bonds are personal, private and very rare." Quinn said, quietly. "It wouldn't have shown up. It is not your fault." Teal eyes drilled into soft brown ones. "Focus, Kyle. There wasn't anything you could have done."
"There is now." The Medic frowned. "You have to try."
"You can't leave it like this. I'll call for Riven again, Sephira, someone, but you have to try to unravel that. You can't leave him like this and-"
"I am not leaving him like anything." Quinn coughed. He rubbed his throat, annoyed.
"It's fine." The Healer turned away. He rubbed the scarred column a few more times, then coaxed another tendril of magic into the spell. It needed to hold up just a little more. "I noticed in time. He'll be fine."
Kyle hesitated.
"Kyle." Quinn gently touched his arm. "Trust me."
"I always do."
A/N: Okay, so we got some answers in this chapter, woohoo! We now know that Harry is definitely a "Nameless" (Someone without an assigned element) and that he has his empathic gift (confirmed by Quinn), we know that some of his aches, pains and troubles with his magic is due to his suppressed dragel nature and a partial backlash from using Theo's password. Theo is paying for the use of said password, which is why he is in his current state. Don't worry. He is "not" going to die! :) Thanks for reading!
Heartstar--As far as I can tell, you're still on the list. Not sure why you're not getting the updates. :( Yep, Quinn will be part of Harry's circle, but at least, not until Harry's seals are taken care of, because as patient/healer relationships, it'd be that Quinn is considered "too close" to him for something like this, for now, they are fine, after Quinn's been a healer with their circle for at least a year, then he would be the "preferred" healer allowed to tend Harry, regardless of their mated connection.
Feli--Well, here's a third chapter to keep the drama and excitement going! :) I was on a roll that day. Glad you enjoyed them. Hope this chapter explains some of the stuff going on. The next one will be coming up soon. And, at least, I don't intend to kill any of them off, so they're fine. :)
Unneeded--Meg will be fine. Niko can really be a little witch, you know? Harry and Co. will be alright. Quinn will have help and support (Kyle, Bharin and Ilsa) and they'll be fine, soon. It's time for Harry's seals to get off and stuff. Kind of like a "pay the piper" moment.
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